Serious question. Has there been a single significant xbox exclusive game released this entire generation? And i mean significant on the level of some of sonys exclusives (ie GoW). Ig there was Halo 5, but isnt it widely considered the worst halo game? Anything other than that? Has this been the most pathetic generationfor a specific console ever?
Serious question. Has there been a single significant xbox exclusive game released this entire generation...
Exclusive as in only on xbox one?
Nope, there's MCC but that's coming to PC very soon and that's just a compilation of old halo titles
it's not even just a problem in this generation. microsoft's output of real exclusives has been pathetic since the kinect came out. now they've just stopped making exclusives entirely.
I literally can't enjoy a game unless it's only one a system where it will have compromised visuals and performance!
killer instinct exists. so does ori. both are on steam tho so not really exclusive
Yeah. But even if i expand it to games that are "Xbox Exclusive" (also on Windows 10 store) games i cant think of any significant games from Xbox studios in general. I mean I guess the Forza game as well. But a fucking racing game really?
I wonder why that is....
A remake of a fighting game and something that looks indie game dev tier? Still a pretty sad lineup.
Im just confused how a company manages to mess up THIS bad. What were they thinking?
>A remake of a fighting game
Its KI3
Xbox proved you don't need exclusives to win a generation. I've had the best time in my gaming life on Xb1, can't wait for another winning gen
Oh i thought it was a remake. But even still its like that Forza game. A racing game and a fighting game is all you can really bring to the table?
>muh exclusives
>seething this much to make a thread
Seethe more Snoy tranny.
Except xbox didnt win this generation. I mean looking at sales is probably at least one indicator on how you did in a particular gen and the Xbox one didnt do particularly great. Also im glad you enjoyed playing on the XB1. But what specifically about you playing on an XB1 gave you that enjoyment that you couldnt have also gotten playing on a PC, a playstation, or even a nintendo system?
The thing about Xbox games is that they're among the best.
>Gears 4 is the best cover shooter game this gen
>KI3 is among the best fighters of this gen
>Horizon 3 and 4 are the best racers this gen
>Halo 5 is among the best FPSs of this gen
>I wonder why that is....
games cost money
kinect games cost way less money
kinect games going away don't make standard games cost less money
I would say at least half of those things are pretty debatable. Particularly Halo 5 being one of the best FPSs this gen. But even if this is the case you only have 4 games that have been worth anything released during this whole console generation? And its been a pretty long one as well.
Okay. But Kinect flopped a LONG time ago. How have they still not corrected course? I can't see it being a money issue since Msoft has plenty of that
The only games that were console-exclusive at any point that were worthwhile were Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Ori, and Cuphead. All four are currently on Steam (maybe not Ori, but I know the other three are) and Cuphead just hit Switch.
Xbox Hueg on the other hand quietly received a sizable amount of good exclusives that stayed exclusive (at least that generation), and 360 was more of a Halo & Gears Machine with multiplats and XBLA but that was enough to have it be very successful.
It's so weird that Microsoft had this weird falloff in publishing and putting decent stuff out.
The published Mass Effect 1 even. Then they fucking buried every single IP they have access to and assign nuRare to not make real games either.
Like, there's an alternate universe where Microsoft fully utilizes their available first party IPs and they're comparable to Nintendo in terms of variety and quality (Banjo, Fable, Halo, etc.) but for some reason they're doing the EXACT opposite. Crackdown 3 was even delayed for essentially the whole generation and came out unfinished.
Between the disastrous launch of the Xbone and their total dropping of quality 1st party stuff, this is the worst downfall from one generation to the next I've seen since the Dreamcast died.
I have a PC that can play all of those. It's a shame I don't play casual hot garbage.
>a downfall
Kill yourself
>Casual shit
Xbox is best for multiplats and multiplayer
PS is best for exclusives
Switch is best for fun times
It's only poor people who don't understand this and need to pick one console to put their identity behind
Nobody with an ounce of self respect or wealth of any kind would ever say
>{INSERT COSOLE} won this generation
Speaking strictly as a console gamer
has there been a significant ps4 exclusive released this gen?
RPGs and movie games aren't hardcore user
Except it fucking isnt you nigger. PC is without a doubt better for multiplats. Just because you want to pretend like it doesnt exist doesnt mean it isnt there. If you have a PC, PS, and Switch then literally all those same bases would be covered and honestly better off. Its like Xbox tried to put themselves in this weird "niche" (the best place to play multiplats) despite that "niche" already being filled by something better.
This is my thought process. Im not even trying to fan any console war garbage. Im just genuinely curious as to what the fuck Msoft was thinking and how they dropped the ball this hard in just one console generation
Come the fuck on user. Just off the top of my head games like Bloodborne and GoW are much better than anything Xbox has put out this gen. To pretend like they havent botched this console generation is to be delusional
Xbox for Microsoft exclusives and multiplats
Switch for Nintendo exclusives and Japanese games
And that's it for me, you get a PC if you're a PC gamer and Sony's games are shit so the PlayStation can be skipped.
lol you could say the same thing for most owners of the Wii U and Switch as the two most popular games on the platform were Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros
The point of getting one console over another is exclusives.
Personally I'm surprised the Xbone's sales are so low when it is the cheapest UHD Blu ray player on the market, that's the only reason why I picked up a second hand one desu.
How many games are you counting with "among the best"? Because outside of Forza, none of those is in a top 5 of the gen for their own genre.
Literally who buys an xbox with their own money? I mean if you're some 14 year old I understand. Still stupid, but more understandable. Who over the age of 18 unironically buys an xbox one? Kill yourself today if this applies to you
I'm hoping it gets a good swan song. Give me at least a new Fable like goddamn
>none of those is in a top 5 of the gen for their own genre.
Top FPS of this gen
>Halo 5
>Titanfall 2
>R6 Siege
Top TPS of this gen
>Gears 4
Top Fighting games of this gen
This. It's the only reason I haven't sold it. But it's collecting dust when everything else gets used.
Forgot RDR2
Still a better value than the ponyshitstation
The PS4 doesn't have a great exclusive lineup. Just Bloodborne, HZD, Spider-Man, MLB and some niche JRPGs. But the Xbox One has pretty much nothing you can't play on a PC, PS4 or Switch. It's the only console with a worse line up than the PS3.
I only ever hear about the Xbone from people liking it because it has more skyrim mods than the ps4 version
but what sort of retard is playing a PC game on consoles
>xbox is worthless! just buy 2 consoles and a PC!
low IQ post
Destiny 1 and 2 with the expansions, Wolfenstein: TNO and Overwatch are all better than Halo 5.
Gears was the only one where you could be more or less right because you said cover shooter and there is barely nothing outside of it, but putting HItman there means any TPS counts so Fortnite, Splatoon 1 and 2, Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, both Divisions, Red Dead Redemption 2, pretty much any big TPS this gen was better than Gears. Even Ghost Recon.
Don't play fighting games so i'll give you that one.
Why? If you have a PC, PS4 and Switch you already have all the games.
Sure. But at the end of the day the Switch still has stuff like BotW
Even if you dont like GoW its without a doubt better than pretty much all of the Xbox Ones "exclusives"
Exclusives don't really matter when you get to play multiplats that run much better than its competing console
Most of us Xboners are just old 360fags who didn't want to sell all our games so we installed all the ones that were BC and kept playing multiplats like Titanfall 2. It's actually been pretty nice recently with MS getting all these Japanese games like MonHun and Sekiro
Sure but the Xbox also had some pretty good games like Sunset Overdrive, Ashen and Red Dead Redemption 2. To dismiss the Xbox because it doesn't have enough exclusives yet is a bit naive don't you think? They didn't have any studios to release games and now they do.
If you count games that are on PC, yes.
SDF has the PS1 and 2 mentality where like 6 out 10 games coming out were exclusives for the systems because they pretty much had a monopoly for their respective generations.
With the increase in development costs, joined by the fact that sony no longer held 80% of the market thanks to the Xbox 360, meant that even with the Xbox One underperforming would still get the multiplatforms as it stills sells decently.
Exclusives do make a difference, but not a whole 50 million, even Nintendo which has tremendous attack rate haven't got this feat (unless you're talking about the bundled games like Wii Sports and Mario Bros), most of the Playstation and Xbox owners prioritize the multiplatforms games.
The best selling PS4 exclusive IIRC was Spiderman with 10-12 million, that means roughly one in eight PS4 owners had the game, even considering that sony has a lot exclusives, how many millions brought without owning one of them or even if they just brought because they wanted but it wasn't the reason to buy the console in the first place? I didn't see people saying that they would buy a PS4 in 2013 because of exclusives, but rather that Microsoft murdered the console day one with the Online Only DRM.
>Destiny 1 and 2 with the expansions, Wolfenstein: TNO and Overwatch are all better than Halo 5.
Just no, Forge alone is better than those, especially Nu-Bungie games and Halo 5 had more content at launch than Overwatch has now
D1 was trash until TTK and D2 with the expansion is still worse than vanilla D1, never finished Wolfenstein, so I have no opinion, but fuck no is OW better than Halo 5. Overwatch is by far the worst FPS I've played on gen.
Gears is really the only good cover shooter out, so might as well compare it to every TPS of the gen. I hate fortnite, never played Splatoon enough to form an opinion on it, UC4 isnt that good, and the Division 1 and 2 are meh
>xboners thinking they have fighting games
The Xbox never had as many games as the current one has. Game pass and backwards compatibility made the 160 euros I paid for mine more than worth it. I'm thinking about selling my Switch because the Xbox is more than enough for my gaming needs
>he thinks those shitty anime fighting games are good
Cool story. You also downloaded MvC I and MvC3 from the game pass on you PS4? Oh wait, you don't have game pass on the PS4. Yikes, imagine paying for each game separately, imagine having to swap discs all the fucking time because the digital versions are expensive as fuck.
>xcucks pay for online while all their games get ported to steam
At least we get more free games than the PScucks
>he doesn't exploit Bing rewards for free xbl/gamepass
Fuck off with this meme. Getting the points is a pain in the ass unless you know of some trick i missed
I just use bing normally.
Every month I end up with like around 5k which gives me a 5$ than I just buy XBL or gamepass when its 1$.
But I dont even have to do that anymore because I gameshare with someone that has live and gamepass.
I have an xbone and I haven't plugged it in in months, even with gamepass. All the games are second-rate, with a few decent ones compared to the massive library of masterpieces exclusive to ps4
RDR2 isnt on PC
It didnt seem like using bing gave shit for points hardly. But yeah $5 isnt enough for live and gamepass consistently. So you using gsmeshare isnt exactly exploiting bing rewards for free xbl and gamepass
who the fuck watches blurays
people just watch netflix and other streaming shit
Azito x Tatsunoko Legends
Forza Motorsport 5
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Halo 5: Guardians
Powerstar Golf
Rare Replay
These are the only Xbox exclusives besides Crimson Dragon, and some downloadable indie garbage.
Id watch blue rays of my cock prolapsing your asshole bitch
The thing is, those games are more then just play it and done, people play them pretty much indefinitely. I have a tons of people on my friends list who STILL play everyone of those games regliously and they are all still booming online wise there not just the flavor of the week you move on from. That in my opinion is worth alot more then list of 12 forgotten exlcusives especially considered I just watched last of us and and didn't feel like I missed much.
A second reason is every one of my normie friends owns Xbox except one, who is unironically a black guy.
This is the first gen where I haven't bought any consoles.
Kind of blows my mind.
Everything this gen is going to be forgotten except Fortnite, just total garbage.
>but isnt it widely considered the worst halo game?
Not the worst Halo overall but it is the worst campaign for sure. MP and Customs are great.
Absolutely. The OG Xbox and 360 had a diverse and interesting library. I was actually an Xbox fan once upon a day but they completely bungled it despite the MS warchest.
Oh look another braindead retarded complaining about not having to buy another console.
>compared to the massive library of masterpieces exclusive to ps4
Enjoy those "masterpieces". I'll be buying Code Vein on my Xbone soon, feels good to have the right console to play this game on.
Don't forget that Xbox One was weaker and more expensive than PS4.
I know everyone wants to sweep Xbox One under the carpet and focus on Xbox X but that's not what really happened.
And Kinect being attached to the console, which people thought it was a spy camera.
They should have sold it seperately. And the motion control hype was clearly over.
>significant on the level of Sony games
>Sony games
>Pump and dump 20 hour "experiences" you can watch on Youtube.
How many virtue shekels are you being paid to sit at your computer?