Left: Soul

Left: Soul
Right: Soulless

what do you think about reforged? Units look good but buildings are an abomination imo

Attached: war 3 reforged.jpg (1914x1074, 278K)

Other urls found in this thread:


huruudrudrururur soul vs soullessas hsruhsurhusd hujfksdjfdas isd fiii likee it in bitthh holesss asdfashufjdsfdsf

>units look good

I like how you can pre-purchase it and there's no release date.

right might be better

Blizzard announced this a couple of weeks after I re-purchased WC3. I've been wanting this game for a long ass time and am salty as hell.
I like the new aesthetic and I hope they add all the QoL changes that SC2 has.

Working within limitations vs trying to replicate those limitations while arbitrarily adding extraneous details. Right leaves less room for imagination.

Attached: 1553302835074.png (1066x1066, 597K)

If you've spent a couple thousand hours on the OG version then any change is going to be distracting. Mildly looking forward to the release, but not overly hyped until it's confirmed that custom game's are cross compatible

The units look like shit and you probably can't tell them at a glance like you could in WC3, at least the buildings are remotely similar.

right looks like a mobile game

Pathetic cash grab

>buying blizzard games
stupid cuck

Just look at HotS and you know to whom nublizz is pandering to

I heard you can import the maps from classic wc3.
Which means old classics like GoH rpg, Uther Party, etc. get revived. Great.

Attached: 1558690033739.gif (384x206, 2.17M)

You're talking to a generation that can't stand 4:3 aspect ratio.

I'm sick of this meme

I'd say it looks WoWified, but then we're talking about Warcraft 3, so it's already pretty close, just less complex. Ginourmo thick stone bricks in corners is a very WoW thing though.

Doesn't get my goat, unlike when Starcraft 2 ingame and Diablo 3 got raped by the WoWification. Those were criminal.

Yea Forums needs aggressive word filtering. The users have to be protected themselves.

>Soulless vs. Even More Soulless

>glad you could remake it, Uther

Activision/Blizzard won't see a cent of my money.
They used to make good video games.

right side absolutely has more soul, the fuck are you on about

left side is dark, gloomy, boring, and that's it


Attached: 1534111663296.jpg (645x729, 67K)

Warcraft always looked like ass. No soul in warhammer plagiarism. Fuck op and fuck Blizzard

More like European vs Chinese.

Attached: the dog knows.jpg (2048x1302, 154K)

soul vs soulless

Attached: wc.jpg (2966x1078, 1.12M)

I think reforged is doing a lot better with buildings/units than sc remaster did

it has a dark soul dummy

just a dark soul vs. a cute soul, a cartoony soul, a bright soul

they're both soulful just right has MORE SOULS

I unironically remembering thinking this when WC3 came out. I missed the 2D art.

Fuck off

the buildings of warcraft have looked boring as shit since they abandoned sprites. look at the winter building sprites for example

>christmas lights
>even the 'under construction' parts have seasonal touches

they actually got LESS detailed in WC3 despite the move to 3D

Attached: 29543.png (633x659, 282K)

Only thing I missed from WC2 in 3 was no more snow on buildings. Also actual navies.

I want to fuck chained Alexstrasza

Attached: WholeHappygoluckyHalibut-small.gif (520x292, 1.08M)

SC:remaster stayed true to the original art though. When you think of the SC:BW units and buildings through nostalgia, then you'll remember it as the remastered version, not the blurry low quality version from the original. That's how memory works.

From what i can tell, Warcraft 3 remastered seems to go with a different route and has completely changed all the models from the original, something they probably had to do for the 3d graphics and animations. Sadly that means the remastered won't look the same as original wc3.

right looks hundreds of times better user
go back to wow classic and repay for your rerecycled """"""""content""""""""

Fuck highlights.
Fuck overdesigned BULLSHIT

>the soul side is the one with a bland midday blue sky
It's actually the opposite typically.

Attached: U1wiJWZ.jpg (1496x728, 175K)

most of the buildings look like shit in remaster and only a few of the units actually look good. A lot of stuff took more inspiration from sc2 in their new sprite creation

why the fuck doesn't the soul automatically transfer when you remake something, goddamit

Left - state of the art graphics at its time
right - even mobile games look better

Why is it always the sky that they fuck up?

Attached: 5bfb483d4142f.image.png (800x600, 514K)

It's shit

Attached: 51674575412.jpg (1914x1074, 258K)

Because whilst the sky is beautiful it is also something you see every day, as such, you need actual appreciation for beauty to be able to understand how skies enhance a scene, its not something you can learn while churning out industrial amounts of generic art on a little office cube.

These Art-Station sorts don't know nuance, its why the quoin is extended to a comically large size in this remake too, why would you make an asset that is not seen?

So are people being "ironically" retarded when they do this soul/soulless meme?

Damn, they butchered the art style.

some bits look okay but a lot of those things look like plastic

Attached: 7458.jpg (1914x1074, 237K)

It doesn't look as good as fan models

Oh god, those pauldrons are ugly as fuck

>Lost all the lions in his armor
>Le big shoulder memes
Fucking why

Looks like some mobile game shitty art style reminds me of clash of clans or some of the other 100 mobile clones

I mean, Warcraft 3 started the Big Shoulders shit in the WC universe. But this is just fucking nuts.

level 1 crook vs lvl 100 boss

Chain of a Fucking Book.... LMFAO

This has to be a joke.

look at those fucking bricks. they look like a grade schooler glued them together for a school project

Attached: chineseconstruction.jpg (1914x1074, 444K)

Im sick of you.

> power manlat vs slim faggot

The good old days when Metzen was the art guy instead of the raging faggot.

Attached: eyu145135.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

I don't really care about graphics. If it breathes life again into wc3 it's fine by me

Boomers need to be gassed.

Attached: warcraft-3-reforged-grunt-comparison.png (750x300, 421K)

I dont like his hips

This one looks cool but i wonder why mirror the should pads


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Attached: 14153245.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>Stroke vs strokeless

zoomers out

Literally straight from Warhammer.

I think the new ghoul should have some player-color design element on its back as well.
The only player color indicator are on the wrists, when in a top-down RTS, it should at least be represented somewhere on the model that would be visible in all orientations.


what the fuck are they doing to weapons
they're either becoming comically oversized or toothpicks

imagine defending that gay shit in the OP.
some retards have no taste at all.

Pretty sure there are cards in Hearthstone with shoulder pads over shoulder pads.

wtf are you talking about, OP?

Right looks great. Not only in its own space, but as a recreation of the original.

Please make sure to pre order
Yo might also want to sub to world of Warcraft for a chance at the wow classic beta

holy buckets those are some awful looking models

Attached: 1540973288553.png (447x364, 60K)

I couldnt give a fuck about the game. But from the images alone the remake looks exactly how a remake should.

I bet you fucks also hated resident evil 2 remake.

>shoulder pad on wrong side
>horn not broken
>beard wrong color
Are those retarded fucks even trying?
Fucking hope someone shoots up the place and those people stop ruining old games.

i actually like reforged version of everything

Attached: 1549729908220.jpg (299x275, 11K)

REmake 2 should have been called something else since it wasn't a real remake, but a reboot.

shit taste

I assume the shoulder plate move is to reflect the idea that it's the side that you expose towards the enemy and tank hits with, while you keep your striking arm away from them
Still looks awful though

go back to school timmy

whats taking them so long btw. they announced this shit years ago and the gameplay stuff with grubby was months ago too

I think all the other units look ok EXCEPT for the footmen. They're overdesigned.
Make the pauldrons smaller, make everything but ESPECIALLY the helm, shield and sword less ornate. Interrupt the plate guards with less colours as well.

Did I inject the soul back in, or would the polycount have to go for the soul to come back?

Attached: soulinjection.png (951x1073, 1.39M)

thats literally they way it looked on wc3 cinematic, stop sperging about everything you fucking contrarian faggots

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

good, but also needs some of the rough foundation about it like other human buildings have in wc3

get rid of the dumb lion and you're getting there

that's a first step, but the main problem is the comically exaggerated "curviness" of the building. Makes it look like out of a Tim Burton movie.

I don't like the new ones because the models look too similar to one another. In the old models you can tell that this guy is an axe guy vs. shield guy with armor, etc. while in the new ones they just look like recolors of one another, their differences aren't as exaggerated thus they become more forgettable

are you blind?
>sword size and comparative simplicity
>sizable shield that is flat instead of gaudy
>shoulders comparable to helmet height instead of surpassing them
>larger helmet with stream instead of plume

zoomers btfo

>meme pauldrons in reforged
>weird "elastic man" elongated frame
>looks like it's made of plastic
>Chad pose and sword
>heavy shield offers protection against arrows
>cool cape
>pauldrons a little too ridiculous, but rest of the model is OK
Those two are nothing alike, unless you are autistic, of course.

The biggest sin of the remaster is the god awful UI it better have fucking changed

the art of the cinematics has never resembled the actual in-game art besides. why am i even typing this? am i retarded?

Looks great. He looks like a fucking dwarf in the original.

How can the soulless know what has a soul or not?


>why am i even typing this?
Because we reached a point that you can't really tell if he's fucking retarded or just pretending.

All mobile games with that "look" are modeled after Warcraft III, since they're modeled after League, which was modeled after DotA.

>generic unit
>all have the exact same wounds

Why exactly does it trigger you this hard?

They fucked one of my favorites

well, the good thing is you can still play with the original graphics. just means there will be more zoomies to stomp in ladder

>i have no fucking idea what the word "desing" means
>hurr durr is not 100% the same!!
>le epic chad memeXD
why the fuck you fucking zoomers think you have a valid opinion on WC threads based on your shitty WoW taste-like

Attached: zomercucks.jpg (900x676, 65K)

who would have thought a /RBMK/ poster could be so blatantly retarded

The only reason you need for not buying Reforged.

Attached: today i will remind them.png (777x438, 82K)

I think the new designs look pretty good...

>the art of the cinematics has never resembled the actual in-game art
true, yet it means the design already existed before and isnt just something that just came out blizzard's ass all suddenly


>goofy gammer
>muh shoulders
>the one place where you'd spam the lion motif is gone
>gambeson replaced with scale
>exposed arms instead of plate protection
the scapular would be acceptable if the rest of the set looked good

>what do you think about reforged?
It'll be shit, Blizzard is in charge.
>Units look good

We’ve been asking for Warcraft 4 for decades. This is good enough my friend. I just hope they don’t fuck custom games. Patch 1.30.1 is another disaster

They were ugly then and they're ugly now

>"it's literally the same"
>no it's not, here's why it looks shit
>"i meant design lol"
it's telling that the ones defending it are retarded

They both look like shit. Wc3 always had horrendous design

Old games have soul, because the graphics quality was limited, so the devs had to work around by using different art styles and filters.
Now because zoomers demand that everything has to be 4k 60fps, the remakes look like shit, because the art styles don't work in HD with physics on every piece of cloth or hair.

>Patch 1.30.1 is another disaster

Why does the left side look like Santa's workshop?

Don't let remastered overshadow the fact that they fixed custom games by merging the servers, removing hosting bots, improving connectivity, adding in lua scripting to the editor by default, letting anyone host without port forwarding, and making it so everyone can continue playing even after host dc. Customs are alive again.

completely unnecessary remake

>meme vs meme XD

I'd be excited to play footman frenzy, but then I remember the meta is totally fucked and everyone just goes for the dwarf shooters and upgrades their attack and range forever. I miss the old days

i really want to strangle whoever first proposed Sylvanas' arc. literally just copied kerrigan without anything that made her an actually cool villian, and devolved her into an OC donut steel.
infact, the whole concept of the forsaken is dumb. they should've just been scrapped and all of lordaeron should've been a neutral high-level zone for players to explore in wow

what about custom games

This is the only pic in the entire thread that actually accurately expresses the soul vs souless meme.

Lets be honest though, Disney never had soul. That's why they rip everyone else's ideas off.

Fun fact: Reforged art was outsourced to a third world studio called Lemonsky

if you think the new models of anything look bad youre a retarded nigger who probably doesnt know how to pay his taxes :)

disagree and youre gay :)

I can’t tell if half the thread is serious or not. If everything stayed the same you faggots would just call them lazy.

Attached: 301CDF4B-962E-4FC3-B54B-6170299420A4.jpg (1024x664, 107K)


I don't care just give me the custom maps

Of course this thread is serious, we despise all things new.

>We want the clash of clans audience

How hard are they going to butcher the Night Elves?
considering Blizzard fucking shits on them on a daily basis these days.

It's as if a remaster was completely unnecessary.

based uther not being a manlet anymore

>hurr burr soulless
Fucking manchild these days.

it's obviously being remastered to get more people back into the game. after all these years it would be nice to fight some new people not the same ~30 people I run into every week. On the other hand, it's kind of nice knowing who i'm facing and what strats I can expect out of them

>looks like wow
every time

Why not just rip the models out of an updated WoW?

The games are supposedly cross compatible

This. It’s different, but why would anyone want the same thing? Warcraft 3 isn’t going to stop existing. Stop crying about aesthetic changes if the core gameplay will remain. They will probably even let you play with the old graphics.

Attached: 1AD60DAF-2D36-4FF8-86E2-DFAC4CBD475A.jpg (2048x1152, 746K)

>but why would anyone want the same thing?
I don't know dude, ask the people who wanted a wc3 remaster in the first place

What? I thought Arthas was a Kerrigan copy.

Yea I don't like the footman. Not only stylistically - the shield needs to be the dominant part of that character model for gameplay purposes... but now it's muddied with all the other noise.

>Stop crying about aesthetic changes if the core gameplay will remain
>he doesn't know

Why do you people always shit yourselves retarded over remasters?

It doesn't, you're just programmed that way

It's pretty good considering what the ghouls became in WoW

I've never played warcraft 3 (or any of them) but always had interest. Does this remastered version have any significant changes or is it worth playing?

Those oversized shingles and corner bricks look god awful. I get that they were trying to break up the shapes so it didn't look like a bunch of cubes stacked together, but the new model looks like it's straight out of a f2p mobile game.

Did you shit yourself in rage every time WC3 got a patch?

>I don't like something therefore it is from a phone game, I call everything I hate what I hate the most to keep my anger fueled

isnt out yet, but reddit is already crying all over because
>brainlesswojak.png to everyone who disagree with me


No, unironically that's what it looks like. I haven't played Warcraft and the only reason I went into this thread is because I thought OP was shitposting using a screenshot from some chinese ripoff mobile game, but then everyone was replying in earnest.

I'm looking at the site right now

>Instant access to classic Warcraft III (Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne)

What does that mean? If I pre-order it I get to play the original right now? And it will work on my modern computer with no hitches?

it means if you buy it you can play the game now, yes. you just gotta wait for the new graphics to come out if you want those, but you can still play the story, and hop on bnet and play too. Anyway, don't know about your computer but I'm on windows 7 and wc3 runs fine

nice attempt at reversal, redditor
their types are the ones still gargling blizzard shit

Because everything that looks detailed is obviously from a phone game

I wonder, did all of you crybabies lose your shit over the StarCraft/Brood War updates as well?

Who cares. It has crossplay, just stick to old WC3. alteast this will pump up the playerbase again.

What's different, have they changed anything core to the gameplay like pathing?

The remaster looks like a crappy unity fan project they scooped up from some russian C&D

You can just say two words to sum up the game
>modern blizzard

Are you dumb?

the units and buildings look fine but the terrain looks like absolute shit, so you have these amazing looking hd grunts and footmen fighting on a fucking Mario 64 level

Why did they make the buildings even more cartoony than the original while making everything else more realistic like the models? Makes no sense. Looks like complete shit.

Old engine was a mistake

Nothing about reforged looks good except for blademaster

I'll take that as a yes.

This is what happens when you are so fucking lazy and outsource half of your models to some chink company.

>something you see every day
haha normies maybe

The buildings never really looked that great, right doesnt look that diff

No its fucking not. In the cinematic everything looked in order the remodels look fucking out of proportion just look at those pauldrons man. You can't be that fucking blind. The Arthas model looks like a tranny head glued to a giants body.


>scary, monster, blood raged orc
They didn't even try.

The Blizzard we knew and grew up would have never sank so low to sell cheap remakes.
Even if they did, it wouldn't be this low quality. The old Blizzard would be disgusted with what has happened to their name.

>lumberjack orc
Ah, I see Blizz still drinking that onions-aid. He'd make a great wood cutter unit.

>OId game I played when I was younger: Soul
>New remastered game I'm playing except I'm older: Soulless

The only one who's soulless is you, Boomer.

Also towers worth a shit

What's the point of this remaster again? WC3 still looks great, the style they choose was just so great. Now it looks fucking jarring, like putting PS4 tier models into PS2 game. This is fucking ridiculous.

They are, WE is getting all the major reforged updates. Beta for the changes is next patch.

I'm pretty sure they want to revive the war3 scene

left looks much more soulless to me

It's just a giant ad for WoW/Hearthstone.

cashgrab, like all remasters.

They based all the models from WoW, said so themselves in their Q&A video. The ghoul should've been pale white and skinny with a huge jaw and not that shit from WoW.

The textures still look bad. The bricks look wrong, so does the wood.

Anything story wise past WC3 is pure garbage. Pure fucking garbage.

here's your sylvanas writing, bro

Attached: 1526469826661.png (597x376, 124K)

Warcraft was always ass looking. The abodted child of the good Blizzard, tgat created Diablo and Starcraft. A stepchild made of Tonka and Fisher Price.

improvement is not always a good thing

Attached: 1499553517763.png (1583x1515, 814K)

looks good. i will not be buying it but you should all stop crying and make the purchase.

Fuck this would be perfectly fine without the shoehorned male comment.

Where's the improvement.


both are shit and w3 started and inspired crappy 3d lazy design

Fuck Blizzard. That's what.
And what do I think about their other...
Fuck Blizzard.

Attached: 1553055541767.gif (640x360, 1.72M)

It is simple. They pander to the WoW audience now instead of the core Warcraft 3 fans. They want to bring in the kiddies from WoW and Hearthstone in the RTS genre since there is still cash there to be made. Old folk have long since moved on. It's all WoW zoomer trash now.


Attached: 3245563.jpg (1105x341, 90K)

improvement is always good, as it is unreservedly postitive in its definition. improval literally means "making something better", good and better being gradients of the same concept.
the word you were looking for is "change".

Should've stayed their own little Forsaken faction, with a side of revenge for Arthas. And the Dreadlord staying a lapdog and not turning on her. She wasn't a power lusting bitch like that.

>Christie Golden has come in to help clean up the dialogue
What the fuck does that even mean

cleaning up the bigotry, of course

She'll take a massive dump on the entire story, that's what. With the Sylvanas power fantasy and all that. Just look at WoW the past decade.

It means Jaina and Sylvanas are the heros now.

I think Arthas called Sylvanas a bitch at one point in the undead campaign. They have to clean it up for current year.

My guess is that the shoulderpad would clip into the model if he raise his arm to high while he swing the axe so they mirrored it.


My biggest wish now is that they scrap Reforged, and leave Warcraft RTS to rest in peace. Nu-Blizz can't and will never ever do Warcraft RTS justice.

I've pondered this a while and I think I know what I dislike about modern Blizzard artstyle. Individual building blocks are way too huge and materials are often difficult to identify.

Here, I fixed it. 9000 hours in mspaint.

Attached: steven-rich-alliancefort.jpg (839x907, 150K)

they'll remove the toxic masculinity, of course

Attached: 1547497271677.png (606x1234, 299K)

This, except unironically.

Looks 10 times worse. Isn't that the shitty Fort model from HotS?

the design is worse, but the style is much better

Fuck women ruin everything.

when is it coming out?

>improvement is not always a good thing.

Attached: getaloadofthisguy.jpg (496x496, 134K)

Footman looks way too overdesigned, lacks the simplicity needed to fill the role of a generic infantry dude
Also his sword is tiny


>i unironically remember thinking about this epic new meme like 20 years ago
fuck off

They look exactly the same


aren't you getting tired yet?

Shoot every Blizzard fanboy on-sight. Reforged WILL BE TRASH


Threadly reminder that Grubby is a paid Blizzard shill.

I still have about $70 blizzbucks from selling crap in D3. I don't expect Blizzard to create a new game that's good again so I'll probably use them on this.
Great. That's the main reason I'd want to play again.

Was anyone else a big fan of those "RPG" maps? It was like DotA in a way, but you exclusively killed NPCs together with other people

>raise sweet, sensitive son
>son grows up and realizes sweet and sensitive mean absolutely jack shit, even to women
>son becomes jaded, bitter and cynical
real 200 IQ moves there, champ

Fuck nu-Blizzard and FUCK MMOfags

Attached: 1540886536457.jpg (3649x3544, 520K)

Is that book that Bible?

>that post about a "sweet and sensitive" guy wondering why he was never able to get a girl of any kind
>collectively shat on for thinking he was entitled to a girl in the first place
it's good for laughs if nothing else

it's time to stop posting


>Primitive aggressive race with strength based societies
>No in-lore rape

Attached: reforged gnoll.jpg (1920x1080, 530K)

Warcraft 2: Soul
Warcraft 3: Soulless

both units and buildings look too detailed for the relativeley lifeless looking maps.
Which incidently didnt look that way in the original.
They picked the wrong artstyle desu. I can apreciate that they dont want to go full wow, but they shouldve been stylized in a different way

>take up half of the penultimate campaign, forcing arthas-arc to be rushed to its finale
>just to set up your shitty little outcast race in WoW that should've never been in the Horde to begin with
>they still think Sylvanas needs pushing
even WoWtards hate her now too due to overexposure.

same shit for Jaina, she became the main human figurehead when Arthas was lost, and the Alliance experience in BfA right now is literally "Disney's Proudmoores" so why the fuck does she need more use?

they swept the alexstraza shit under the carpet

same fucking shit desu
did blizzard forget about this or what


it means we'll get shit like this:
"You've been a loyal... Friend, Kel'thuzad"
"You've been a loyal servant, Kel'thuzad."

Wheres the new orcs upper teeth?

the sad thing is if they developed this in-house, it'd obviously have taken aspects of the HotS style and been better off for it. Instead they outsourced to china so now it looks shit and will be written shit with Night Elves in Burkas

Attached: shade.gif (161x196, 20K)

I don't care about this game at all but if you don't think the right looks better you're out of your mind and need to take a break from memespouting buzzwords.

>not lover

Come on son.

This was pretty much me after I got leg lengthing surgery.

>people who act like reforged is necessary to keep things rolling
>literally climbing ladder and enjoying customs to this day
best part is watching Grubby try to shill this shite, guarantee after the hype wears off he'll be playing the original client.


high-tier autism

And Anub'Arak having a ''grudge'' now againts Arthas.

>they'll still use the shitty wrath of the lich king VA for him despite having steve blum on their pay roll for abathur

It's not just sad that they do this but also that people let shit like this pass. We'll never have a good and comfy Warcraft game ever again.

so are they redoing the unit voices too? no longer will dryads say "im not in season" and anub'arak say "kinky"?

Yeah, they are redoing the voices too.

I'd still buy it for the custom maps it'll have.

I hope there's still a custom map community. I loved playing the MMORPG ones and the Tower Defense maps.

because the soul vs soulless meme is literally "nostalgia vs something i didn't play when i was young"
you probably just played wc3 before playing the older ones if you even did play them, there's really nothing else to it

I´m pretty sure that they are leaving in an option to use the old sounds and voices

...is that it? after twenty years that's all they could improve?

I only bought it for the meat wagon mount in WoW. I’m the problem with gaming today.

Attached: 80DCCF49-BAE0-4DEC-928D-6380D5994B75.jpg (750x783, 356K)

Radical is a nigger

How would that work with new script, scenes, quests etc.?

In the saved R&D section.

Why do those logs taper out like that

>I think Arthas called Sylvanas a bitch at one point
I miss the old blizzard.

Attached: garroshbitch.jpg (901x661, 125K)

is that supposed to be garrosh


>game already has mechagnomes in it
>Blizzard says "LOL you can't be THOSE mechagnomes, you have to be these brand-new amputee gnomes that we call mechagnomes!"
And they remind me of the Dark Legion from the Archie Sonic comics. Ugh.

I honestly like the cyborg mecha-gnomes a bit more than the full robot ones, but it would have been nice to have the option.

Not nearly as bad as what happened with legion nightborne vs Allied race nightborne.

>units look good

Attached: FUCKING PLASTIC.jpg (1600x2800, 1.35M)

they could've made any design and the retards on Yea Forums would've flipped their shit and spammed soul vs soulless. Everything looks solid.

for me, it's the visual interest of line and contrast of color/shade that makes the left more interest to look at.

Attached: file.png (1221x920, 1.17M)

couldn’t have said it better myself

Should've paid the fans for the models and called it a day.

Don't even fucking get me started on the Nightborne. I'm still pissed the fuck off that playable Nightborne don't even use the models they made for them, but just slightly modified the Night Elves' models and couldn't even use the male heads but just left the Nelf male heads and faces the same. All that work for such a cool-looking race and Blizzard shat all over us.

Dios mio..

>son becomes jaded, bitter and cynical

Attached: 1539456090196.jpg (539x400, 133K)

Dios mio indeed. Even La Creatura isn't enough.

Paying some chink in his basement is cheaper.

i want to see the female demon hunter, maiev, sylvanas and my boy kael. got a feeling archimonde is going to look like shit.

Attached: 1541372543837.png (695x513, 428K)

I hate the swapped yellow for green on the bloodelves. Fuck WoW.

>thick stone bricks in corners is a very WoW thing though
you can't possibly be this stupid

big head bad. small head good

Pretty much

I'll play with the original soulful graphics turned on.

lazy is the word. making shit cartoony and exaggerated is just a lazy artstyle.
i mean, wc3 was already a decent amount cartoony, but to go further is simple laziness

Left: your cumspurting butthole
Right: a dripping, giant cock

Reforged is reforged, but OP, can you stop being so openly gay? It's kinda yikes for 2019.

>endless amounts of footmen wars with slightly upgraded graphics


Yeah. And the whole Reforged is in order to make it more compatible with WoW. Fuck this. Still have my original WCIII. They can't take it away from me.

I hate it, therefore it is what I say.

fuck, just realized they will not have kil'jaedens, arthas nor Illidans old voicecs

Attached: justaboutdone.jpg (700x500, 42K)

We all know that retarded feel.

I really, really don't like those awful MoP orc designs. It just makes the game look like some chink shit.

Why did they turn Sylvanas into a grumpy old granny? Even her old VA was better.

Attached: large.jpg (500x663, 66K)

>that tranny Arthas

He looks exactly like he did in the artwork for WC3.

he looks like a complete bitch in reforged

Attached: 2a689d624a88580951590aa04da1fdac.jpg (1239x1200, 207K)

the old one was cooler but I prefer the new one even though she was awful in wrath/cata

Attached: windrunners.png (900x633, 475K)

wow ghouls are awful

Attached: 1522434143994.png (760x1083, 1.09M)

Can’t see anything to his right or left

Yeah that's absolutely a lie, many of the old games already don't work because of the updates they made. Older customs will just crash the game to desktop now or end out of nowhere to the score screen.

every excuse is good for hating the big bad blizzard bogeyman

There is more to how something looks than the pixel count.
The design is better with the left.

Attached: samwise original concept.jpg (692x1060, 192K)

>Why did they turn Sylvanas into a grumpy old granny?
More like why they made her more and more asshole and doing increasingly atrocious things (except Tendrassil because fuck that tree)?

WoW went for far too long.

>many of the old games already don't work because of the updates they made
they crashed because of a bunch of scripts that need to be updated for every single update they roll in, as the callins are different from each version
that means assuming the authors of those custom games are still alive, they can just update their maps to the new warcraft 3 format that has been the custom since 2015, the year they started updating wc3 again thanks to reforged

They couldn't come up with new interesting characters so they had to reuse the same old ones over and over and over again. Blizzard has no talent.

They literally look identical. This has to be trolling and people are taking the bait.

I'm going to start posting the same screenshots but turn the brightness up one one and watch retarded boomers make fools of themselves.

i dont understand why he has no stubble. looks so ugly without it
also fun fact, the render uses Kevin Jordan's stubble.

Such as?
Every single custom map from 2005 works perfectly.

>assuming the authors of those custom games are still alive
That's where you start to run into trouble, there are plenty of games that are updated but very many more have not been

First post best post.

Attached: 1466267464146.png (302x252, 143K)

Night and day difference if you have any set of eyes on ya.

because blizzard is actively trying their best to make everyone dislike her so they can do their mop shit or epic twist

When I was a kid I would go to the blizzard fanart page and jerk off to Sylvanas and the night elves

>I only play DotA
Nobody asked for your opinion

Man its sad watching people get worked up over pixels because they associate a slightly different complexion on the same character/building with a happier time in their life.

Youre all going to learn why this game is shit again when you play ladder and get tower rushed

Well someone is dying for (you)s over here

then others will do it
it's not rare for other mapmakers to take on the works of others

It's hard to find talent when all your staff are literal diversity hires.

And I'm not only talking about race here. They need to fulfill some arbitrary quota of different abominations to inhabit the studio.

Attached: image0.jpg (647x1009, 108K)

Thing is that the above concept looks much better than Reforged model.

>Blizzard has no talent.
And is lazy. Just look what they did with Kael. The moment I saw him was essentially the beginning of Blizzard murdering WCIII characters.

In a non-WoW timeline, Sylvanas would've been an isolationistic asshole living in Lordaeron's ruins and going around hippity-hoppity GET OFF MY LAWN.

>Daelin Proudmoore will be made more racist and wrong during his appearance. Will play up the angle that Jaina is female and doesn't know better
>cursing will be reduced, final Uther and Arthas exchange won't have Uther mocking Arthas
>Sylvanas death scene will be rewritten to match her Warbringer interpretation
>Night Elves won't attack first

Nice projection, faggot.
Still waiting on those custom games not working anymore.

The new one looks completely fine, what's your problem?

the warbringer version isn't even the full version and I highly doubt they're going to reduce cursing

Attached: Maiev.jpg (4000x974, 1.13M)

Shits fucked up on too many levels.

first post best post

Attached: 1534709019275.png (555x644, 553K)

It's probably just a matter of balance on the design.

uther is from lordaeron why would he have stormwindian iconography in his armor

Attached: DemonHunter(Female).jpg (4000x975, 1.06M)

I know i will be called a blizzard drone, given this is what Yea Forums likes to parrot nowadays, but i'm genuinely excited for this.
Of course i'm absolutely not expecting anything in particular save how will they fuck this up as well, given Blizzard is forever lost.
Activision cracks their whips everytime they need money and they demand low effort every single time.
Many people like to shit on Blizzard nowadays, and for good reasons, but i don't think they understand how much Activision plays a role in all of their content and decision making.
Activision taking over Blizzard was one of the worst vidya tragedies of our time, as their corporate greed ended up killing everything we grew up to love.

Attached: 1540493838459.jpg (171x171, 13K)

Attached: delicious.gif (480x270, 781K)

gj falling for the corporate ad thread

Don't you have something better to do then like playing WoW, zoomer?

>the cornerstones are "haphazardly" different sizes

they were the same in warcraft 3, they just weren't that obvious
you fucking faggot

Do it. Can't wait for that onset of epic plebbit spacing zoomer talk.

Warbringers makes her out to be far more heroic and Arthas doing the crime of making her banshee more out sadism than him originally being pissed at her and doing it because he's a magnificent bastard.

Also I'm pretty sure lines like "The urn holds your father's ashes, Arthas! What, were you hoping to piss on them one last time before you left his kingdom to rot?" are going to be messed with because Uther's depiction in WoW is more family friendly then the realistically bitter old man that fought Arthas. I admit I'm reaching with the last bit but I'm absolutely sure they'll play up Slyvanas as more heroic than she was in WC3


Putting similar stones across each is aesthetically fundamental, is simple, and is (thus) way more intelligent.

LMAO Blizzard did this to themselves, Activision only accelerated the process.

>drawn cutscene has more nuance than an ingame rts cutscene

Attached: 1559122117672.png (128x128, 30K)

it looks like shit
only wowzoomers (the people it's being made for) disagree

What are you excited about exactly, like seriously? New models? Redone missions? In what way can they possibly "improve" this game?

>on ya

>Mana breaker has green eyes
>Elves dont go Blood Elf until the Frozen Throne


> Remake Warcraft using World of Warcraft's cartoon aesthetic.

Fucking disgusting.

This. I legitimately don't get it, unless you enjoy both Warcraft 3 and dogshit WoW I don't get it. It looks worse in every way, and they will fuck up the story now more than ever.

As opposed to WC3's cartoony but far more blocky aesthetic?

>this is a fanmade model made back in 2011

Attached: Footman_Poses.jpg (756x756, 81K)

>Mana breaker
Spellbreaker. Also it seems they just showed it for the TFT part.

You wish. It's even worse.

wc2 art was peak

they should have silver eyes

Attached: DiPnd5WWAAEP7Sh.jpg (1200x750, 69K)

So why isn't this person making his own video games that are far superior to anything and everything any actual game company has shat out since video games have existed?

looks too much like WoW, reforged is a fucking joke, specially the hero units. what the fuck were they thinking? all they had to do was re-create the same exact shit in the same style, but they made it look worse than WoW

Did you play WC3?

Slyvanas doesn't defend some fleeing elf mother and does a heroically stupid powerslide at Arthas. She's cornered and killed off to the side after delaying and enraging arthas.

I'm saying the changes in Reforged are probably going to have her going around like a saint, rescuing elven children while shouting out some high minded idealism at Arthas. I don't think modern blizzard is going to show a female character begging for a quick death after being bested by the unstoppable.

what really disturbs me is that they no longer add the texture on the terrain, its just the building without any kind of terrace around it.

Yea we should remake it in Warcraft 3's cartoon aesthetic that vanilla was based on.

>butthurt over her being shown to help civilians
fucking lol

Those fanmade projects also completely shit the bed and basically made me have to wait for reforge

They are not the rape kind of Primitive aggressive race with strength based societies, they are the "skin you and use your skin to make tents" kind

>blood elf only unit
>this isnt a blood elf
the big think

>drones can only strawman to defend their position
the absolute state of blizzard

It means no more "you will never enter our magical kingdom unless you find the hidden keys in this forest"

It's modern blizzard what do you expect? The SC remaster also looks like shit.

Uther Lightbringer is from Azeroth, he led refugees from Stormwind to Lordaeron after it was sacked. But Apparently nu-blizz retconned that shit again and replaced it with Uther simply doing patrols between Azeroth and Lordaeron for a number of years putting down semi-rebellions and human disputes.

It's very on the nose and generically heroic where originally she was a ranger first and stayed away from the frontline, which is precisely what started triggering arthas.

The tragedy of her is that she dies begging for a quick death after being defeated. It fits the tone of the Undead campaign since Arthas already killed Uther is a similar tragic way.

You know, she can help civilians AND delay and anger Arthas. What we saw in the RTS isnt necessarily the only things that ever happened.

This. Everything old is good, everything new is bad, any changes to anything old is the destruction of childhoods and memories.

same with half-orcs

based on the old lore, they'd be a few of them around after all the shit in Cata and Theramoore happened

I assume all of the comments in this thread complaining about the new assets are being ironic, right? No way a functional human being thinks the low-polygon models look better than the new stuff.

literally cancer

God i can't fucking wait when the most over-fucking-used words "ironic" and "unironic" fall out of popularity.

get some taste pleb

They want to pretend Orcs are muh noble savages, which is a retarded trope to begin with

I assume all of the comments in this thread complimenting the new assets are being ironic, right? No way a functional human being thinks the gaudy plastic models look better than the old stuff.

I'm not sure what else to use to describe people intentionally trying to mislead others by feigning outrage.

>Wakanda fohevah!

muslims were always right about women

No, I love the mobile-tier art and would like every game to look like civ6, clash of clans and fortnite!!!!

I have taste, which is why I think it looks better to make things look like actual things, as opposed to a dated mass of polygons.

The joke is that the post you replied to is most likely ironic. And if it isn't. god help us all.

>Not using the word "faggot"
Where do you think you are?

she was always on the frontlines what the fuck are you talking about? she was just evasive and annoying with her tactics

You have shit taste.

You must be under 20 years old.

As someone that's been reading a lot of expanded material for Warcraft let me tell you that Sylvanas death has never been consistent. Warcraft 3 had her dying on the field, sunwell Manga had her dying inside a scourge building and the ritual was performed inside as well. I believe the Arthas book is also inconsistent

wasnt that anduin lothar?

they are a step below that. none of them will buy or play the game. just Yea Forums parroting, complaining, "imagining", "soulless", etc. this whole board is one big podium and everyone is roleplaying

I'm 35. I played Warcraft 3 when it came out. I still have the original disks. The new graphics look much better, and I'm not sorry to say it.

It looks ''better'', as in it has a more detailed model, but it looks worse from a top down view. Too much detail and it looks out of place.

art > graphics

what the fuck were they even doing here

Attached: OriginalVSReforged.jpg (948x920, 189K)

what game is that on the right?

I'll sell you my original Quake disc if you're into throwing money at games that look old.

Half orcs are still around, there is an entire clan of half orcs in Outland. One is even a big character for the horde in the current expansion

don't bother. read zoomer culture

Original WC3 units looked like shit and I couldn't get used to them after nice clean WC2 sprites for fucking years.

>implying any armor in Warcraft looks like left
proper aesthetics found in gothic plate is lost on Blizzard

new one looks like animeshit

Jokes on you I like both. Reforged units however are an atrocity.

I mean, I'll give you that as a reasonable argument. However, I'd argue that as long as the forms are still identifiable, this isn't really an issue.

>half-orc half-ogres
we're never going to see half-orc rape babies because that would contradict the honourable Horde image

you type like a pompous ass.

Anduin Lothar wasn't apart of the Silver Hand, but was in terms of rank of being the general of the Azerothian armies during Warcraft 2, Uther's commanding superior. Lothar died during the opening battles against the Dark Portals from an ambush, then killed by Orgrim Doomhammer.

It's really annoying how much retconning blizzcucks do the past decade.

Garonna, the half orc half Dranei is a rape baby.

I am a pompous ass. I've been around Yea Forums for a long time, at this point, why wouldn't I assume I'm better than most the people here? The memes aren't even good anymore.

They're fine. People call the colorful cartoony 3D Blizzard does nowadays "WoW style", but it really started with WC3. Original SC remains impeccable, though. And I guess original Diablo, but that's Blizzard North.

*A pompous, delusional ass.

>Dalaran and other iconic places will look more like they do in WoW.

That's really fucking ominous.
WoW's map was good because it was based off of Warcraft 2 & 3. Going back to retroactively base it off of a game that was.. based off... the previous game.. Doesn't make any fucking sense. My point is Warcraft 3 had this 'loose' sense of canon with the geography and places because realistically they knew they could never make it 1 to 1, so they didn't try and just focused on making cool maps with the place in mind.

Someone post that picture comparing Kul'tiras on the WoW map vs Kul'Tiras in the Warcraft 2 Map and how it looks like that Hospital sign wot run outta' space.

Attached: Map_Of_Warcraft.jpg (3259x4630, 3.39M)

Looked great in diablo 2

Attached: ca41lrg.jpg (345x430, 14K)

the discussion doesn't have to be "old vs new". you can have both. be happy we get something new after so long. i can't wait

>WoW's map was good because it was based off of Warcraft 2 & 3
They did? Well they did a horrible job at it then


The new version looks fucking terrible, no sense of cohesive art direction at all.

Blizzard North and Blizzard are two different companies.

>a literal log for the lumber building

Attached: 153094025632.jpg (367x388, 14K)

based stroke poster

What delusion? You think the memes are good? lol

Why are you so hateful Yea Forums? Can't you see how unhealthy it is to only seek out things so you can hate it?

the comfiest log I ever seen, though. Except the bottom end clashes with the rest, but I guess it would because they're planks and not logs covered in bark. I dunno really, not a carpenter.

Right does scale better but sprites are just more comfy.

Warcraft 3 graphics were amazing at the time.
Reforged looks like 2009 graphics mixed with 2002 graphics.
It's awful because they didn't use a current engine.
And like someone mentioned, the art isn't cohesive.


Attached: 1558229342308.jpg (120x136, 16K)

What did they do to his face? He looks like Kurt Russell

looks like the humans got the shit end of the deal.


The curves on the towers piss me off the most. Looks like a phone game

I hope they don't fuck up the female night elves

Left one looks nearly exactly like a Warhammer orc.
Reminder that Warcraft was at its peak when it just copied Warhammer and went to shit when they tried its own thing.

Attached: the-lightbringer.jpg (1476x796, 342K)

>it's hots inspired
no wonder it's garbage

The undead look like circus clowns

I want to do horrible things to the person who thought ghouls facial structure should look like the last fucking dodo from the bugs bunny cartoons

Fuck you whoever you are, you design choice is shit

>Warcraft and blizzard games in general has always been cheap looking chink games
>people complain that their latest game also looks like that

And hots got that design from the Vanilla loading screen

We're upset they arnt staying true to the original style more than anything.

New one looks fine to me.

And how do you do that when you're upgrading the graphics

their mistake was going for vanilla instead of, you know, warcraft 3

Attached: 4634637.jpg (800x600, 108K)


The Spyro remasters are one example where it is valid to use the soul/soulles meme

Attached: Untitled.jpg (363x181, 42K)

Left looks lame and is for grandpas

Right looks off the chain and is for tight lads.


we can't stand for this Yea Forumsros...

drakes had to be made somehow
think about how many orc dicks she had to take to create the army that invaded Lordaeron.

Why did they do the "Clash of Clans/Mobile games" aesthetic in the remake?

How do you go from that to this?

Attached: 23566.png (1200x800, 581K)

They didn't fuck her, just forced other dragons to fuck her.

Hate this shit. Footies were supposed to be striking because they were little tin cans. Now they're just shoulderpads.

>tight lads

they're orcs, of course they fucked her

Start with choosing an art style similar to to original. Avoid drastically changing designs like and the OP pic. Don't leave details from the original out like mentions.

Warcraft 3 is one of the most soulful games ever, I can't see myself ever playing the remake.

But I don't want it to look like that, I want it to look the way it was in the actual game. Because that's what they're remaking, you retard.

good point, but they're shilled constantly as honourable and shit now. I don't know what to think about the green fuckers.

More like


>Cartoony chink shit


>Links to an even gayer board
you played yourself

ITT: blizzdrones defending something that wasn't even made by blizzard

How dare you question our board culture.


It’s literally just bad graphics

>chink shit

looks like clash of clans holy fuck

It's Kurt Russell again, what the fuck

I'm so pissed that wow has anything to do with warcraft 3, I wish those chinks with their shit designs stayed with the abomination that is wow.
At least they can't vagina up the world editor features

Masculine fucking sylvanas with weird meter long eyebrows
>fucking gender variations

I can deal with the redesigns, I don't like having vagina awareness shoved down my throat.


holy fucking shit... based

>At least they can't vagina up the world editor features
Someone didn't dig deep enough on the custom maps scene

The fuck are you screeching about.

Elaborate further!

why did this make me laugh?

have intercourse etc.

But there is no drastic change in OP Pic

Attached: purge.png (1360x1539, 2.77M)

That's not with the same weather

How is a shot without rain and fog going to compete with soul. Be fair OP

Im gay btw if that matters

this but unironically

good for you, aids ridden faggot now fuck off

>on a hill looking down on everyone in the rain
>on level in front of the city gates

What's the bottom one's Grindr? :)

don't post mr. tranny face ever again

Judge the final product instead

Even the roar is worse now. Left sounded animalistic and scary while the new one sounds like a random blizz employe yelling with a filter added

I don't have to, it's not even made in studio and in any case, blizzard haven't made a good game since vanilla wow. It's a pretty good bet that the final product will also be shit.

Jesus what the fuck

You have just as much control over the image with CG as you do will illustration. AND you have an example of one way to do it right, which the original artists din't have. Yet you fuck up everything. You fuck up the silhouette of the rock. You fuck up the foreground/background depth with animals approaching the frame. You fuck up the point of view low to the ground and looking up in reverence. You fuck up the color, nice brown and green there.

Everyone who got screwed into taking art 101 as an elective in college can rip this apart.

>Newest patch broke the game

>blades of grass the same length as roof tiles

Then what are you even doing here, piss off and go do something got for your health instead.

>Judge the final product instead
I suppose there is a small chance of changing it, but from what we know of the game, they're forcing parity with the MMO, which from what I have seen is also out by the city gates

So what you want is a 1:1 absolute remake of the movie in every single detail instead of something old that has new in it as well.

>Everyone who got screwed into taking art 101 as an elective in college can rip this apart
And everyone that went common sense 101 knows to reserve judgment until the final product

Women can't understand Arthas and Kel'Thuzad's friendship

And on the MMO during Jainas nightmare we see him standing on a hill.