You know deep down that's it's true
3D platformers tier list
>Odyssey at the top
stopped reading there, Odyssey 2 could be if Nintendo fixes some of its issues
>A hat in time S
>Odyssey S
>3 Sonic Games In S
>Yooka Laylee B
>Battle for Bikini Bottom Sly Cooper and Mirrors Edge C
It makes no sense for S tier to have the most games. They're all the cream of the crop? You need an unbiased perspective.
>twinsanity that low
for an unfinished game, I thought twinsanity was pretty fun. I'd put it at D
I agree with a lot of this.
>battle for bikini bottom that low
>under sonic adventure and sonic heroes
>PMW3 alongside 1&2
I love that game but PMW 3 is a lifeless empty game.
>Yooka-laylee that high
>Sly, Ape Escape, and Mirror's Edge 1 that low
Utter trash
Also, though it definitely shouldn't be a B or an A, Wrath of Cortex is nowhere near F tier--it has bad loading times I'll grant you and that does impact the game a lot, but it is otherwise a pretty solid title
Croc in B tier? It's got fucking tank controls for a platformer
>Shadow in F when it should be at C
>Mario Oddysey at S and not B
>Super Mario Galaxy 2 at S and not A
>Blinx at F and not C or B
>Sonic Colors "3D" Platformer
>Sonic Forces "3D" Platformer
>Sonic Heroes in S and not D
>Sonic 06 "Muh Bad" in F and not D
>Hat in Time at S and not C
>Rayman 3 not even on the list
>Pac-Man World 2 Not in S
put all sonic in F
> Unironically liking 3D Sonic
t. Zoomer
battle for bikini bottom doesn't deserve this mistreatment
Nice Same Faggotry
>JSR, JSRF, Sly 2, Spongebob battle for bikini bottom, Mirrors Edge 1, and psychonauts that low
>Banjo games higher than conker
>Yooka Laylee that high
>shadow the hedgehonk on the same tier as bubsy
>Sonic heroes and mario odyssey that high
>Mario Odyssey
>Sonic Adventure 2 and even fucking Heroes
I won't say your list is the worst thing I've ever seen, but it needs work.
How the fuck do you not have the Donkey Kong Country games on there?
3D platformers you retarded fuck
Oh shit, I didn't even notice the title. I fucked up even worse than OP's tier list, my bad.
Shit tastes
>le ebin "SONIC BAD" maymay
>Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future both in the same tier
Future is on a whole 'nother level above the first game
>Not a new IP unique to the thread
>Thread didn't get bumped
>Style of that one Falseflagging Shadowposter.
>yo noid 2 that low
fuk u bich
Generations is the only Sonic game that deserves to be that high, and even that's debatable.
>Ape Escape 1 that low.
>Ape Escape 2 and 3 higher than it, and both that fucking low.
>SMG that high and on the same tier than SMG 2
>Sunshine that high
>SM3D Land not in E tier.
>ANY sonic game that fucking high.
Seriously what the fuck.
Also fuck you, Ape Escape deserve to be at the god damn top
>Not a single crash fits the S tier, they are all A at most.
> DK64 really didn't age well and is a B at most.
>Sonic generations really isn't a S
>Hat in time is a subpar sunshine, it ripped off everything put a cutesy character, some dumb story elements and completely lack polish. It can't be above Sunshine no matter how much you hate the few dumb hard mini games in sunshine.
This list is dumb and gay .
OP is Seething
>Spyro 3 in S
>3d platformer tier list
All 3d platformers are tier complete and utter shit. Gameplay and camera is a problem that cannot be fixed and the entire fucking idea was stupid in the first place and never should have been tried. Thread over, discussion over. Let modern gaming die.
Why is DK64 at any place above D tier?
this game is cool
Like what?
>dk64 in s
>any sonic game above b
>prince of persia not on the list
>bge not on the list
Are you braindead do you know what I was talking about?
Yo Noid 2 is a fucking masterpiece you subhuman
absolutely the most based list I've seen in my life
Here is my tier niggers, can i get a judge, jury, and executioner to give an analysis on this shit.
Yeah what the fuck
it was genuinely pretty fun
Conker sucks fat chode compared to BK.
>S tier
on point
>A tier
Absolute shit, how the fuck is uncharted a platformer my fellow fruit
so close yet so far
>Sonic Lost World & 2006 anywhere but the lowest tier, let alone above two pretty good Sonic games in Heroes and Black Knight
>3D World that low
>counting inFamous and Uncharted in the first place
>Night of 100 Frights like 4 tiers below where it should be
>Jak and Daxter
>That low
I also love Sonic Heroes, but come on now
what’s up with this
>New mario, so it HAS to be SSS+ tier
meme, I played and finished the game and it was alright, but man does it have some the worst stars (moons) and endgame i’ve ever played
You somehow have the best tastes out of this entire thread, I'll give you that.
Patrician Tier List
> hat in time literal top tier
gameplay is polished to a shine and its aesthetic works, even if it's not the highest budget thing.
> odyssey literal top tier
I'd be surprised you can debate this but then it's Yea Forums, everyone hates good things
> 3 sonic games in S
I have an issue with this as much as you do. I'd accept Generations and maybe adventure 2, but Heroes? Really?
> Yooka Laylee B
It's playable, even if it's not great.
> BBB, Sly, Mirror's Edge C
They could all stand to be bumped up, yeah.
The real crime is that JSR and JSRF are on the same tier.
>Psychonauts - C
>Muh Banjo and Donkey Kong - S
what trash
>Rayman 2 on S tier
excellent taste
> Chibi-Robo
> 3D Platformer
>Odyssey S
opinion instantly discarded
>Chameleon Twist that low
Fuck you bitch
>Super 3D land better than any other 3d Mario
>Better than any platformer at all
Also no mind over mutant?
Where's Jak?
How the hell can SA2 be top tier when only 1/3rd of the levels and the chao garden are fun
>Odyssey in S
>Jak games in B
>No fucking Rayman 3
> Spyro 2 that low
Fuck off
This is a weird list, how can you list Mario 3D World below genuinely clunky game?
nvm I'm blind.
I'm a Sonicfag and no 3D Sonic game belongs anywhere above B tier
>Shadow the hedgehog
You have to be 18 or older to post here
>Odyssey and A Hat in time in S and not B
>Sonic Adventure 2 and Generations I'm S and not in B, Heroes not in F
>Yooka Laylee as high as B and not D
>Yo! Noid 2 in FUCKING F instead of A
>Jet Set Radio and Future not in S
>No Tearaway series, no Gravity Rush series, no Ty the Tasmanian Tiger series
>Mirrors Edge as low as C and not A or S
>Spyro 1 ranked the lowest of the series when it's the best and Year of the Dragon ranked the best when it's easily the worst
Either kill yourself or never give your opinion on 3D platformers ever again, I'll leave the choice to you. These are the worst fucking tastes I've EVER seen
user, Shadow the Hedgehog came out 14 years ago.
Switch Tooie with Kazooie and we're good
>no Psychonauts
Opinion disregarded
Conker is a horrendous platformer, though, the best part of Conker is the writing.
Donkey Kong 64's exploration is pleasant if you aren't rushing through the game.
>gameplay is polished to a shine
It has literal autoplatforming segments like the balloons and the aerial movement is so sloppy they give you a thousand options in the air to compensate. It gets the job done but no, it's not very well made.
>I'd be surprised you can debate this but then it's Yea Forums, everyone hates good things
The actual mechanics of the platforming are great but cappy jumps are the one size fits all solution to every moon and trash moons that are thrown at you devalue the game and make you need to engage less fun stuff. And the level design is just vast nothingness dotted by playground moon dispensers.
>I'd accept Generations and maybe adventure 2
In B or C tier, definitely, none of them belong in S.
>but Heroes? Really?
Agreed, the game is total garbage and should be in F tier, if anything Shadow the Hedgehog was better than Heroes.
>It's playable, even if it's not great.
If "It's playable" is the nicest thing that can be said about it, it should be in D tier.
>The real crime is that JSR and JSRF are on the same tier.
What are you talking about? They're both about equal in quality.
>Dude featureless tunnels lmao
You need jesus
>Yo Noid 2 Bottom Tier
While the rest of the list was dubious, this cemented your taste as shit
What a retarded reply, the guy asked for fucking issues and you sperg out lmao
>Banjo games higher than conker
But that's exactly right?
Conker is fun but the actual platforming mechanics are not why anyone is there.
>Not hopping, rolling and running through maps
>Kazooie and Galaxy 2 in S tier
Don't care about anything else, you're alright.
Did you not use Lanky's handstand to move everywhere once he was free?
>Sonic Heroes
>S tier
yeah, i'm thinking this is bait.
gex was pretty fun
stay there