Apparently I was one of the few people that was around for the 8ch THQ ama (rather than being a butthurt tranny about it on Discord). Here is an archive of the thread before it got deleted
(8ch) Yea Forumsres/16170837.html
Games to be shown
>Darksiders: Gensis
>Destroy All Humans
>Monster Jam
>Monkey King
I was thinking about pretending to be an "Insider" with this information and making a twitter account to get faggots to follow my bullshit for the fun of messing with them. But I figured letting Journos know that they are 3 months late to the party and that all of this shit was given to 8ch and NOT them would be more fun. Journo seething is fucking hilarious.
Also if it means anything Respawn almost did an AMA on 8ch as well. I was partly in talks with them and they did tell me (as of early 2019, things could have changed) that Titanfall 3 was halfway through development for those who care.
8ch THQ games leak
>nothing about Gothic
That was before THQ started working on it. You would have to wait until next E3 at the earliest I think. I could be wrong though.
im not going to buy a single game from these racist fucks
they had their chance to make an ama on Yea Forums but they choose a nazi site
Isn't Desperados 3 already out?
>They chose a nazi site
Yea Forums?
>Actual game's getting leaked
>No one gives a shit because it's not a console war thread
No one cares because its infini chan.
>Titanfall 3
bullshit, they're busting their asses on Apex
>I-I don't care about videogames because it was on a site that triggers me
Have fun killing yourself tranny.
gas yourself nigger faggot tranny jew
The company has different divisions. Also early 2019 Apex wasn't eating all of their resources.
Man I thought Respawn was just one team like Infinity Ward or something
>Monster Jam
Also hype for new Desperados
Yea Forums is filled with too many underage fags to give a shit about GOOD games.
That's because it's not happening.
No Timesplitters, fucking dropped.
They bought the rights to timesplitters only a few months ago. You think they would already have something to show?
Hype for a new DAH game.
Anyone have the voice actor commentary from the first games where they talk about their experience at E3 and other shit in character?
From Destroy All Humans I mean.
I never played the original but I’ll try a new one
>No Red Faction Evolution
Fake and retarded.
>From the developers own mouth
which one is it?
Both aren't mutually exclusive
>it's fucking nothing
>Not liking Destroy All Humans
Destory All humans 1 had the best setting but 2 had the better gameplay. Hope the comedy stays the same.
This is sufficient.
I will be looking forward to it. Who knows, perhaps there will even be a release date.
ResetEra would have still complained if they did the AMA on Yea Forums. Stop being a hypocrite.
HAHAHAHAHAHA you do know Yea Forums will report your IP to the FBI if you show actual proof that you're a neo-Nazi right? This place is lowkey liberal ass hell
>only a few months ago
10 is not a few.
>That time kamiya went to 8ch
>That time American Mcgee went to 8ch
>That time American Mcgee's sister literally got murdered by anti GG SJW's but the media doesn't want to talk about that
They have like 3 teams. 1 Apex, 1 Star Wars, and another for something else. probably Titanfall 3
Imagine thinking nu4chan is superior when infchan is the one getting AMAs and manifestos and all we have is a nip that neglects this dying site
What time period do you want the New DAH game to take place? I'm hoping for 70s for the IT AIN'T ME vibe.
I think everyone here knows that 4/v/ has gone to complete shit and is filled with casuals. On the other hand they are either too dumb to figure out how to go to a website that isn't listed on google or don't want to go to a Yea Forums that doesn't have a million posts a minute.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that Star Wars thing
>nothing about aquanox
Is THQ the only non jewed publisher?
You got a citation for that dead sister thing?
>70s IT AIN'T ME
>not 70s hippies
Here are a few reports. The developer also talked about it himself on 8ch.
>>Darksiders: Gensis
Is this about strife or all of the 4 horsemen?
It's a mobile title.
I don't see anything about SJWs doing it
Right before it happened he got a personal message saying that he better watch out for his family because of the evil things he supports.
Nah not yet, no release date even.
Well that's motive, but McGee was working out of Communist China at the time. What could he have said that pissed them off that didn't get him killed by government first?
They bought PB like a week ago and it's not even their next project. What the fuck were you expecting.
I don't think the Chinese government gave a shit about Gamergate
How much do we know about Darksiders: Genesis?
No, but SJW's are communists. What did he say to piss off those Commies that the super-commies didn't care about?
They are but China isn't "real communism" or whatever
We know it does what Nintendon't.
Imagine being such a dogshit ass site that even 8ch is considered over you for dev ama's.
>Darksiders: Gensis
they've already done enough damage to the franchise, why are they allowed to continue
Why, 3 is decent and 2 is perfection
Economically, no, but they certainly are politically. They fuck up their maps and ban Pooh Bear cause someone hurt Glorious Leaders feelings. And my question still hasn't been answered
Any apex news?
>3 is decent
only thing i care about thq has is the expeditions series. expedition vikings is one of the most underrated rpgs i've played
Oh you.
Why are all of these people going to 8ch?
buddy Yea Forums doesnt like other chans period you cant even link to them I got banned for posting a link to bbwchan
Stop shilling your shit company here, retard. Darkstalkers 3 sucked ass.
I have cautious optimism for Biomutant but I can already feel the game going EGS exclusive so I'm trying not to get terribly invested in it.
Well neither does anyone else in China
>nothing about kingdoms of amalur
all of this was before christchurch. cripplechan was pretty poorly-regarded before, but now nobody will ever go near it.
Yes, but it sucked ass PASSIONATELY!
That's what the rest of the industry is missing.
the entire internet is monitored via your ISP using keywords. if you shitpost about j00s on gamefaqs it will trigger the exact same flags as posting it here
that said the whole site probably raises a flag when you use it because the powers that be are fucking terrified of what an anonymous collective of thoughts can do
That's Deep Silver, a different division. The ama was only with the main THQ2 publishing team
What was the last non shit game THQ made, Darkstalkers 1? Hard fucking pass, youre only sucking them off because SJWs got mad about their dumb 8ch shit.
oh thank god I can at least still look forward to an announcement in the next year
Darksiders II was good.
>the entire internet is monitored via your ISP
> anonymous collective of thoughts can do
third post best post
Darkstalkers 2 was fucking worse than Darkstalkers 1, you're out of your gourd.
I'll give you a (you) because I laughed.
When are Hamas gonna start on stormfront?
Wake me up when Battle for Bikini Bottom Remastered gets confirmed.
dude darksiders 2 was a worse game but honestly none of them are grand master pieces 1 was a genuine attempt at making a game 2 was a last ditch chance to save the company and 3 was like the first game they made post revivalI think for what they are they're alright pieces of entertainment
You should go back
Are we talking about the same thing? Because Darkstalkers is by Capcom. Darksiders is by THQ, and Darksiders 2 has way better combat than Darksiders 1. But I have no idea if Darkstalkers 2 is better than Darkstalkers 1, or if there even is a Darkstalkers 2.
>its a surprise e3 release
one can only wish
Sure, if you have low standards 2 and 3 are fine. They're not well made games, though. Poorly planned out with a lot of stupid shit in them. Only a real fanboy would pretend the Darksiders games were good. FFS neither of us even got the name right, its not Darkstalkers. That is how bland and forgettable the games were.
Obviously someone never got the message that ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Nigga, they have like 48 games in the works. You've leaked shit.
Darkstalkers 2 is Vampire Hunter. Darkstalkers 3 is Vampire Savior. Darkstalkers "4" is two different games that are the same except for some of the roster, one being Vampire Savior 2 and the other being Vampire Hunter 2. Darkstalkers are dead.
Darksiders 2 had hella combo game, it was super fucking fun.
He probably just came here right from 8ch to shitpost.
>being this retarded
WTF I love VR now
If you have low standards, sure, it was hella fun bro.
Yeah, but they aren't going to show 48 games at the E3.
Fuck off
SJWs are capitalists, or rather capitalist tools.
They try to put the blame on males instead of looking at the inherent problems of the capitalist system.
China cannot be communist, simply because it's successful in a capitalist world.
Economists try to brand them capitalist in order to save face.
Meanwhile it's oppressing its people that much that even communists wouldn't want it to be deemed communist, so they don't disagree with the capitalist position.
my colleague actually filmed this dude live. started fucking a traffic cone too
You're a retard or a fanboy if you think otherwise.
>no saints row reboot
>Being this much of a newfag that you think this is the first mass shooter that posted on a chan
Destroy all humans scared me as a child about extraterrestrials invading the planet
It was. Same as "Waifu", "Anti Racist = Anti white", ect were all posted ironically at first.
no shit its not, but it was the most high-profile one by far. also the livestream worked wonders for publicity.
To where?
>They have games in the works
And many weren't announced.
originally they were aiming for this summer but now it's just 2019.
it wasn't "only a few" and yes, turnaround for a simple remaster should be rather quick
based actual retard
>channers still made AMA wasn't in their /pol/ website
can you guys ever let go?
>desperately trying to bump your shit thread because nobody cares
Maybe you can go back to 8ch and talk about it there.
Not that user but I care. It's not my fault every since 2016, Yea Forums has just been a shitting ground. Some of us still care about vidya.
“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.” - Benjamin Franklin
Hopefully they bring Delta Force and Joint Ops back.
roleplaying aside the u.s. federal government can't even keep tabs on people that make death threats under their real names
all of the spying this retard state does on its citizens only becomes useful if you somehow catch the attention of the machine
>care about vidya
>excited for THQ games
Pick one. Or pick both and identify yourself as someone with really bad taste, since they haven't made a good game in years.
Anyways I was curious and yes there is a THQ thread on 8ch and yes the users are talking about us, hilarious.
dengists are the fash
no one stays on the path of gommunism because socialism is really stupid and unproductive
>True Scotsmen only like what I like!
fuck off election tourist zoomer.
i think you missed the part where half the gaming press and resetera was seething of anger for actually interacting with the posters there.
THQ Nordic is yet to publish a good game. Le based and redpilled marketing doesn't change that. Stop shilling this garbage.
>not knowing half of the Yea Forumsirgins went to 8ch
All these fucking newfags.
I like that THQ apologized for the AMA less than an hour after doing it.
If I was an election tourist I'd be sucking THQ off for being based and redpilled.
Then how come 8/v/ is so fucking dead? That place is a goddamn crypt.
because Yea Forums's jan jans are sois now.
No, SJWs are centre left fairly wealthy kids that want attention and to look good on social media. They are focused on random distractions instead of the actual systemic critique.
Trump's replyguys spamming orange man bad on twitter are not comrades.
It's being made by the same devs as shadow tactics right?
>buying games
they better not pull another Mugen
This is like the joker memes but without the joke
as if joker memes are even remotely funny
The right can't meme.
I thought THQ died a while back.
>If I was an election tourist I'd be sucking THQ off for being based and redpilled.
nobody here is sucking off THQ. nobody is shitting on them either except for you contrarian election tourist twitterzoomers BECAUSE you think they're "le nazis reeee" due to the literal newfaggot 8ch drama from a couple months ago that nobody else cares about except for you brain dead election tourists.
i feel bad for mark hamill because he was dragged into a shit movie that ruined his most iconic role and denied recognition at the dorito pope awards
deserves better tbqh
>nobody here is sucking off THQ.
Several people in the thread are sucking THQ off. Stop being so assblasted, if you want a hivemind you can fuck off back to cripplechan.
So its like gamer oppression in general?
it's true the only people that care enough about thq to post about it are 40 year old virgins from that one site and furfags because they have rabbies from fucking wild animals
stop raping dogs bro
8ch has more furry boards than we do, lmao
>ass hell
considering 8gag is reddit with a Yea Forums skin that wouldn't be hard to accomplish
I'm on infichan right now and no one cares about the THQ stuff. Oddly enough some retard decided to post a link to this very thread and it got deleted immediately.
Goes to show the difference between sites.
yeah people use Yea Forums so staff can't micromanage it
Did you check the catalog? The THQ thread has people whining about us 4cucks every few posts. They're obsessed with us. Oh, and their GG generals are proof that we got raided with THQ threads after the AMA.
what was thq thinking lmao
normal people have no idea what 8gag is
someone asks them to come shill their products and they think, "i like money"
Imagine just going to a site without any research. I'm pretty sure the AMA had a gigantic banner at the top advertising the loli and shota board.
So make the thread again and this time post screens.
>So make the thread again and this time post screens.
What the fuck are you talking about? I don't post on cripplechan.
why would they do research for a captive audience of shiteaters
do you have an idea how much trash has been on sites like reddit and facebook, but no one pays attention to obscure shit they just go to a subreddit that is useful to market in
And here you are, doing the exact same shit and this time the mods are busy.
>Yea Forums
You must be new here.
Multiple different people did AMA's on 8ch. This is the first time the journos got so butthurt about it.
no one thinks eva or dennis dyack have a career to ruin
trying to ruin people for not knowing your in-group's gay exclusion zone is like half of what extremely online millennials do
Because the THQ guy or guys were jokingly replying to posts about ceasing all faggotry. It was completely cucked since THQ immediately apologized, too.
>Retards from here shit up the thread there
>Wonder why people complain about it
Based retard.
Thats quite the victim complex you have there.
Of course you don't. You post on the Tranny discord channel.
>Being such a fucking newfag you weren't here when the AMA happened
If I'm a tranny, you're an incel. Thats how these things work.
It's too soon since they recently bought the PB studio which are currently working on Elex 2. Gothic remake/sequel is years away if they ever work on it.
Your info is either wrong or missing some things because it's already confirmed that THQ will show a new Red Faction game as well.
Why don't THQ do a broadcast conference?
Oh right all the posters making 8/v/ look bad were just false flags, bro! Mark was a plant!
For someone who doesn't post on cripplechan you seem to know an awful lot about that one deleted thread.
>I'm an incel
K. You trannies know that if you stopped being so butthurt over 8ch it wouldn't have gotten so much attention right?
>admitting you're a tranny
Have sex. If its even possible at your stage.
Never said that retard. But there were a ton of threads here during the ama linking to it, so obviously the people on 8/v/ told 4/v/ to fuck off.
Because the thread I'm referring to wasnt deleted, its on the catalog. It takes 20 seconds to verify this information, you butthurt cripple.
Yeah you did, dipshit.
>Randomly brings up how much he hates 8ch
>Says anyone else is butthurt
Serious question. Why would anyone who posts here get mad over another chan? Like, that is a level of console faggotry taken too far.
No I didn't. I said people were complaining about 4/v/ because 4/v/ was linked to the thread.
still waiting on that screenshot
spoonfeed me mommy!
How is it random? This thread is 50% about 8ch and thats a lowball estimate. Nobody is talking about DAH.
50% of the thread is (you)
Yeah, because idiots like you have to mention how butthurt 8ch makes you instead of talking about videogames.
retardera is truly everywhere. Already bought spellforce 3 xpac, shit is good too.
considering what they really want to do is exercise power over others, 8gag having more attention is a bonus for them, since it provides them with more people to try to emotionally manipulate into a state of shame and a pretense that the shit they do online matters
And you're assblasted about it, because you're a newfag who cant handle someone with an opinion that isnt yours. Modern THQ and Cripplechan suck ass and you can deal with it, fag.
>no Volition Saints Row
I can't imagine why'd anyone want a sequel anyway, Gothic 3 ended the story very conclusively. Not much can be done there unless the game is retconned out of existence. Beliar/Innos endings are no go, and we had Xardas Ending Take 1: Let's Return To Status Quo in Götterdämmerung/Arcania, and Xardas Ending Take 2: This Time It's Not A Fake Out in Risen.
So what the fuck else could they try? Follow Xardas and the Nameless Hero to the other world and it's not. Stay in Xardas ending Gothic universe and there is no Xardas, Nameless Hero, gods or magic, so as far as anyone would be concerned it's not Gothic. A sequel is a retarded idea, it's guaranteed to make fans angry.
>Can't handle someone elses opinion
Lol, i'm just calling you a tranny. Go back to discord faggot.
are you just replying to yourself now
i can give you (You)s if you really need that feel
Go back to 8ch, nazi :3
Yea Forums is like 8ch's second fastest board and they get like 10 posts an hour. THQ probably picked them so the thread would stick around for a few days. Of they posted here itd be gone in 30 minutes.
Why wouldn't anyone tell cuckchanners to fuckoff?
You scum are the reddit of imageboards, act accordingly and have the same moderation.
This imageboard has been a haven for edgy redditors and now it's even SFW.
Your memes consist of Pepe and Wojak variants that spreads to the other normalnigger sites like Twatter and Jewtube
At least if the mods are faggots I can just create my own imageboard and migrate there, as a matter of fact Yea Forums has just been replaced by /b2/ because the BO is a cunt
Enjoy your soundless videos, posting a single image at a time and getting banned by negatively speaking against Resetera/Sony I guess.
>Can't even redtext
>One captcha per post
wew, what a pathetic fucking board
We'll be watching you useful retards, cheers
they post here anonymously the way every other business does, because Yea Forums has a reputation outside of rose emoji twitter
Still waiting on that screenshot, I got all day until you stop bumping this shit thread.
And when something does leak on wizardch, 8ch,2ch,420ch, I'll be sure to just dump the info so faggots like you wont go whining about the existence of other imageboards.
>does nothing but whine about Yea Forums
>also does nothing but post here
why are retardchanners like this
just read the archived thread you lazy shit
>10 posts an hour
They have 500. It's hilarious that the site makes you so butthurt you have to lie.
No, it would be gone in 5 minutes because it's impossible to get actual vidya discussion outside of console war shit.
They complain about cuckchan far more than Yea Forums talks about reddit.
list is wrong, they haven't even finished releasing the darksiders 3 dlcs yet
>list from the actual dev that has already been double confirmed by DAH is wrong
>post yfw this entire thread has more posters that the entirety of 8gag
the same reason all ded forums that hate Yea Forums come here to be mad at us
why they think this is a useful tactic here of all place is beyond me
>Instead of talking about the revival of loved vidya let's talk about this website that lives rent free inside my mind
Funny since all I see is trannies from discord coming here getting mad that Yea Forums isn't a safe space yet.
>Haha guise, Yea Forums is so big, isn't that great!
I can smell the newfag off of you.
sure there are tons of trannies that hate post here
they used to organize on irc before discord was a thing
Just have to wait for them to kill themselves.
Fuck trannies
it takes a long time for the autogynophiles since they can exist in a pretty horrendous state and still think they are pretty pretty princesses
>double confirmed by DAH
Devs confirmed it, then confirmed by recent hints which journos are making articles about.
You mean this?
Weren't those journalists posting about the original leak or did they release other hints as well?
If the voice actors change for Crypto and Pox for this new game, I'll be pissed.
>destroy all humans
I've been waiting so long for this, you could call me Shen...
Shen Loooooooooong
did you just try to talk about VIDYA i don't like
im gonna ban your ass!
t.8ch mods
Then why doesn't this Yea Forums have any vidya discussion?
Sure feels like 10 posts per hour. The fact that any minor criticism of the site gets you so butthurt sure is funny tho.
Really the worst part about 8ch is the huge chip every user seems to have on their shoulder. That and the fact that you can't post in any thread on any of the (very few) moderately active boards without it devolving into a right-wing shit-flinging competition. Every other post on 8ch Yea Forums is bitching about "cucks" or "libtards". It's just annoying. And if you disagree with them at all, banned.
>no Titan Quest 2
get the fuck on it, the few expansions for TQ were good but it's not enough
>Yea Forums pretends to be nazis
>attracts trannies and becomes full of dicksuckers
>8ch pretends to be nazis
>attracts nazis and become school shooters
I feel cheated
They should support REGoth, a project similar to OpenMW with the goal to reimplement the Gothic engine. I neither want a sequel nor do I want a prequel to Gothic. But I want more modding possibilities and a fucking coop for the first two games after all these years. Modding Gothic 1 and 2 is already great because of the development kit they released back then and the support of some cool community guys. But it could get even better. I have hope for Gothic after Piranha Bytes was bought by THQ Nordic. I hope they don't fuck this up.
Austrains are notoriously cheap
They got a new sugar daddy. His name is Lars
I'm sucking them off, but that's because I'm paid to,
You just described our Yea Forums
That’s because the mods are trannies
I saw one post where someone on resetera said they called the fucking police over the ama.
Holy shit imagine calling the police because some company is doing an ama on a sight you don't like. Mentally ill.
>everything I don't like=discord tranny
Is discord tranny the new Jew for /pol/?
Anyone have the comp of all the "Yikes" from Resetera getting butthurt about it?
It's funny to see them come here and continue to be butthurt about it.
>Anything I don't like is /pol/
Being butthurt about an imageboard or an imageboard getting developers actually speaking to their fans is something only a tranny would get butthurt about.
dont have the image, but literally half the thread was yikes. that site is such a joke.
monster jam looks good but they arent showing gamelay and it is releasing in 1 month so they may be hiding something
>All these trannies ITT getting butthurt over 8ch
>The new DAH will let you kill them and the rest of the commies just like the older games did
>>Darksiders: Gensis
The fuck is this shit? Why not just make Darksiders 4?
>Say fuck off /pol/
>One /pol/tard can never fucking help themselves and just immediately outs themselves
The /po/tard is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a /pol/tard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You know, calling everyone you don't like /pol/ will only make more people go to /pol/ in spite of your faggotry. I don't even go to /pol/. Being butthurt about an image board is something only a resetera tranny would get mad over.
Thanks. I was looking for that for like an hour. I didn't know the thread was still up.
Again, thank you for immediately proving my point. You couldn't just ignore it, could you? You just had to respond to an attack on your people and defend their honour. I could have called you anything else and it wouldn't have gotten this visceral of a reaction and you know it.
>Do you know who I really liked *****ing? That girl Natasha
They would never get away with this in 2019.
>Respond to an attack on your people
I guess by that logic if i'm /pol/ then you are a tranny. Good job outing yourself.
>stealing polboogerman memes and trying to pass them as your own
Not the AMA, that part when you're obviously looking at the catalog for that thread that got deleted you cukolding fool.
>Do you think we will get a Destroy All Humans 3?
>Oh most definitely!
Only took 20 years
Are you telling me that the average Yea Forums user is so young that they didn't play DAH? I would expect more hype.
>Are you telling me that the average Yea Forums user is so young that they didn't play DAH?
obviously. the average kid on this board wasnt alive in 2005.
>Someone born the same year as halo is an adult now
>They were 4 when Destroy All Humans came out
>Economically, no, but they certainly are politically.
By that logic, north korea is democratic because they call themselves that.
It's 100% accurate and I'm not surprised /pol/ fails to see the irony. It's hilarious how /pol/ uses Jews as a scapegoat for everything and calls them responsible for all of the world's ills when that's what they actually are for the rest of the site.
>it's nothing
>Not being hyped for a new DAH
GOOD, that series is fucking lame now. I liked it when I was like 11 years old but come on it's just nostalgia at this point
It's pretty good user. I still enjoy it.