Marvel's Avengers game will offer four-player co-op and singleplayer, according to this listing

>Up to four players can team up in the Avengers game, and customise their favourite superheroes to their play styles, according to the listing.


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>Coop, 4 players, multiplayer.
What next? local and online?

>Crystal Dynamics
Faith at a minimum

>game based on movie
it's gonna be shit isn't it

>the real marvel game is finally going to be revealed
>4 player co op

welp so its just some marvel alliance shit then feels bad. Its prob not even first person for fucks sake.

so its going to be another Marvel Ultimate Alliance game but rebranded as 'Avengers'?

>FFXV but with MCU shit

Will it have comic accurate costumes

Better than their shitty Original premise of a Marvel themed Destiny rip off.

L m a o

Op pls

When was the last uncontroversially good vidya movie tie-in? The last one that comes to mind is the Riddick games. All others have been utter shit.


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Where does it say it's a movie tie in? Do you really think this takes place in the MCU?


If it isn't couch co-op, it can fuck right off.


Did you got raped in a comic-con?

wolverine or superman

Lotr. That's it.

>Eidos Montreal

Faith at zero

After Mankind Divided/Shadow of the Tomb Raider fiasco

For $9.99 apiece, yes.

I guess Spiderman PS4 is decent but it isn't directly related to the MCU Spiderman

It's not a movie tie in

on your left

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I've lost count of how many times I played through Return of the King with a bro.

Maxing out everyone and taking down the black gates was so satisfying.

>>FFXV but with MCU shit

Please, Tabata is no longer with SE so the combat will be more than Hold O

Please be at least better than SHIT
I need my superhero fix

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It's based on a comic you retard

This alongside Ultimate Alliance why?

Probably because UA3 is switch exclusive

Cap Marvel main right here

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>4 Co-op and Singleplayer
My kind of cinnamon roll

Just you wait. Gonna be Epic Games Store exclusive.