The Witcher Netflix has finished filming

What do we think about this? Will it be as good as the games? Will it dethrone Game of Thrones, will Witcher be the next big thing?!

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yeah it should

Is it netflix that hires these horrible untalented lefty cunts or is it that they just naturally gravitate towards netflix the most?


Witcher 3 was already SJW to the max so I'd imagine it will feel right at home

So SJW that geralt was visibly disgusted seeing that crossdressing elf

the former

>What do we think about this?
Try to not think about it actually
>Will it be as good as the games?
>Will it dethrone Game of Thrones
GOT turned to shit but no
>will Witcher be the next big thing?!
It already is because of videogames

he was just embarrassed because of the sexual innuendos, you goof

Aren’t the cast full of nonwhites?

you have autism

>video game adaptations
Stop watching these. They'll do nothing but attract secondaries and then they'll ruin games even further, just like what happened with comic books.

Don't even talk about them. Don't support them.

It's not a game adaptation you fucking retard.

hope for netflix has really tanked since bright

has there ever been a good netlix anything?


How much of the cast is black?

>not done by slavs
>no dirty slavic atmosphere
It will be shit. It would be good if the game was directed by the guys that made the games but right now it's absolutely hopeless.

seemingly everyone except geralt and ciri are either black or brown

Oy vey I wonder how she got her position

they made triss black, so trissfags got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT into the next multiverse


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I mean is the show was directed by them.

Jailbirds. Follows around a bunch of nigs and spic women in jail and probably opens people's eyes to how scummy and retarded they are

Yen isn't much lighter skinned than triss senpai

yes, ballad of buster scruggs is REALLY good, but the coen brothers just wanted a streaming service to distribute it on, Netflix had 0% involment in it, the film could have gone up on any streaming service but they chose Netflix

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Yenfag here.
We are off worse actually. Triss actress actually looks cute.

Yen is half hindu. Enjoy your multicultural garbage.

when i first heard about this shit i was under the impression the people behind TW2 intro cinematic would be making it, and that it would be animated. Would've been immensely better.


Everyone outside of Ciri and Geralt

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Netflix went out of their way to hire this piece of shit.

imagine the smell

>jews buy the rights to take a very european story and turn it into a niggerfest
>people still buy into it
why are you fucks such masochists? can you really not live without your daily marxist propaganda shoved up your ass?

>has there ever been a good netlix anything?

Stranger Things Season 1


Haunting of Hill House
Stranger Things
The Punisher and Daredevil

I hope it's good. Apparently they didn't get Percival to work on the sound track, and that isn't promising. Unless they're reusing songs from Witcher 3, it won't have that awesome sound to it.

>tfw no slav wiedźmin

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>leftist spin on polish folklore
>by netflix
>poles are predominantly trad rightwingers who refuse to bend the knee to EU
gee i wonder how shit this is going to be

Norsemen was really funny for like one season.

Aren't there like two black people casted? And one in a role that will barely get any screen time?

The series will probably suck but it won't be because of two black women.

Altered Carbon

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Bojack for a while at least
Watership Down was pretty decent

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Shit's gonna bomb
like at least 90% of people who care about Witcher do it because of the games and this series ignores the games and turns characters into niggers

i agree, it will suck because it's a bunch of commiefornians that flew to poland to shoot a fanflick but got paid a few millions to do it, also dandelion isn't exactly some minor character that won't get no screen time.

Vilgefortz, Triss, Yen, Fringilla Vigo, all black or brown, presumably more, all important characters.

I hope nobody here is going to watch it

The ONLY two cast members who aren't black or Middle Eastern are Geralt and Ciri. Every single other main and side character are non-white.

please be joking is this real?



I tried watching it and saw the ending episode too, rubbish

>Altered Carbon
I thought it was terrible, pretty sure it is


No, but this is.

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I legitimately enjoyed Bojack Horseman. Roast me.

No you mongoloid, the writer is literally in the OP

There is no fucking way this is real right

Looks like the evil soldiers from that terrible Chronicles of Riddick movie lmao

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first episode 1.5 million audience
second episode 200 thousand
third 115 thousa- and cancelled

Bojack was pretty good but I burned out on it halfway through season 4. I watch movies and shit to get away from social justice wank, even if it's done well I don't want to see it in my entertainment.

Devilman: Crybaby was pretty cool.

They write some shitty crunchyroll original series
>falling for false flags

>Chronicles of Riddick
the armor looked pretty cool
it was just the leader guy with the strange huge space balls helmet


not real

nigga triss and yen are being played by brown people

>literal army of humanized black cocks


Do you know how Netflix works? They'll drop S1 all at once.

Most people will drop after second episode though.

If someone told you yes, you would just believe it?
Worse than redditors

fake, but the real one isn't much better

>Only 4 males
>2 old Jews, one younger fat hipster Jew, and one gay half-black guy
>rest are post-wall roasties

Geralt will be played by a black woman in this exciting twist

That is far more men than they actually have on the team. It is almost all women.

uggh it was so haaard
what an experience
we had to write TONS and toiled for two weeks but now arguably the most important part of a televesion show is finished!
congrats ladies

I think he was more confused than disgusted.
He knew his bro Dandelion is a manwhore, but he didn't expect him to step so low.

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Necromongers had actual somewhat functional armor though.

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the reality isnt that different

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Oh goodie

more niggerfied casts

more unemployed whites

more kike propoganda

good thing netflix is dieing

because honestly everything they put out is garbage
its sad seeing all those comments recommending me their worthless crap tv shows thinking it's any good

Haunting of Hill House was complete trash.

>turns out that original polish tv series will be better than high budget American shit
You can't make that shit up!

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It'll be better than SHITNOBYL hahaha

How badly do you think Henry Cavill regrets taking this role instead of sticking around as Superman? He has spoken at length about how he loves the games and read the books after playing them and this is his dream role, but they have very clearly butchered everything about this and I imagine he must be feeling something akin to what Mark Hamill has had to go through with The Last Jedi.