Are Mexicans the most skilled players in the world?

>Best Speedrunner in the world is Mexican, he has won several Guiness récords

>Best Super Smash Bros player in the world is Mexican

>Best Pac-Man player in the world is Mexican

>One of the best KOF players is Mexican just behind the Chinese

>One of the best Gears of War player is Mexican

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Case in point

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This bitch ugly

how ez are mexican girls?
I think I wouldn't make it because I'm a spaniard and they're used to hispanic men already

We honestly don't have anything better to do, arcades were a big thing in Mexico even in the 2000's. I grew up standing to faggots that all they did was to bet money in the arcades, they would make more money in a hour then having a minimum wage job.

Very ez if you are white and look like you have money.

Mexican here, im in CDMX right now, theyre ugly

I mean not pretty but plain. Go for the ones in Guadalajara, but take care because since its known how pretty they can be up north its filled with narcos

Basically dont come here i wanna get off this ride

fuck off

because their shitty country doesn't have anything better to do

> Best Terran player outside of Korea



Fucking found you, pablo... You tried to be sneaky, you burrito fuck. Pay for the wall and then stay on your side of it.

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Your accent while get you rejected with most girls(most think that spaniards are pretentious people who look down on mexicans), unless you go for the dumb and poor Indian mix.

>Speedrunner, Super Smash Bros, Pac-Man, KOF, Gears of War.
Those things don't require skill ULTRAHIPERMEGASUPERFAGGOT

Lobitah > May

>Piotr Kusielczuk
Interesting name for a mexican.

Yeah I can confirm this.


Mix of Portuguese and Mexican Indian names

It's Polish, you imbecile.

Spanirads had one job, now is our turn to end the wetback menace.

Hey I gave it a shoot & missed, better then most.

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>most skilled
Nah. Most of them are casual fags who right now, only play Fortnite and FIFA.
I haven't met a single Mexican dude on Xbox who is actually good. Only tryhards who can't even stand their shit (claim to be better than you), and when you beat them, you get flooded by rage messages taking shit to you in Spanish.

Mexicans ruined Halo and Gears of Wars.
I really don't like Mexicans. Fuck them.

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thank you for being honest

>better then most.
“It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.”

>remain quiet and don't question anything for fear of being wrong
Genuinely fuck off, user.

Nah I would rather be seen as a fool, & learn from my mistake then be another muted background character.

Heres a better quote: Oh please come in my mouth- Your Mom

I want a Mexican gf

No you don't.

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Mexicans import the whitest looking dudes they could find in Latin America for their telenovelas.

I have a few gamer semi hot cousin's if your interested user.

They don't have anything better to do besides leech off US welfare and play vidya

Im too white to ever step into a place called "Guadalajara"


Tweek, literally who?

this girl is 14

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I wish.

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