Why aren't you learning to make games, Yea Forums?

Why aren't you learning to make games, Yea Forums?

Attached: johnlemon.png (1121x600, 849K)

I prefer playing them.

I see. You like to consume, but not create. You're basically a leech of life and art. A true NEET, who will take from the economy but not give back to it.

I'm learning how to create art instead

People don't make games just to put them in the bin, retard. Besides, I do other things with my time to give back.

way ahead of you

Attached: NjccMC8.gif (1243x304, 847K)

I'm working on my game right now.

get a job

Everyone likes food, but not everyone needs to be a chef.

nice work op, i just got finished with that tutorial two days ago

Attached: unitymeme.png (1906x1033, 1.01M)

I tried mapping in Hammer for a while but its just too ancient, crashes and shit. Just not worth it
The community is going to make a new version before Volvo does

Attached: AoM Hospital source.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

fucking toreadors, get off my board

most people do that which is fine because if everyone created we would drown in garbage
Hell we already kinda are

I'm shit at art, so my game will never look good, which means I don't want to make it.

Because I don't want to

>who will take from the economy but not give back to it.
Who the fuck cares about contributing, it's all pointless shit. Just live your life like you want to and die.

Doing tutorials for Unity wont make you a game dev. Learn how to build your own engine.

then there's this asshole.

just because you consume doesnt mean you are a neet, nice projection you making there mate

what's Lasaga?

>not becoming God and creating your own universe

Ignoring the obvious reasons (no artistic skill, no programming experience, no knowledge of engines, no time/money to invest in developing those skills), I genuinely don't want to make my own game.

A good example is how, prior to going to college, I fucking loved reading. Went through a book a week even with classes and shit. After I spent so much time reading textbooks to meet assignment deadlines and prep for tests, I now neither enjoy reading for fun nor can I focus very well on it. Making a game, which takes an immense amount of work, could easily lead to me resenting any time spent with games, even for pure recreation. On top of that, I gain more from enjoying media/projects created by others since it's their artistic/creative merits on display. I wouldn't enjoy seeing my own come to fruition because I sit in my own head all day anyway. I want to see what others can create rather than just double down on making my own a reality.

I'm also lazy, so there's that.

Why haven't you made an imageboard, coward?

just make simplistic, abstract games. or ask an artist on /ic/ to help you

Kill yourself and take garfield with you, jon

italian cuisine

I don't have an abstract game in mind but a beautiful one, and I don't want to pay for help. So I'm not doing it.

then just practice art until you are not shit at it. practice practice practice. it's the only way to get better, so get practicing.