I just bought a Switch, my birthday's coming up, and I've got about 150 eurodosh left. Recommend me some games

I just bought a Switch, my birthday's coming up, and I've got about 150 eurodosh left. Recommend me some games.

Already got:
>Smash Bros
>Sonic Mania Plus
>Stardew Valley
>Shakedown Hawaii

Considering getting:
>Shovel Knight (when the last campaign finally comes out)
>Super Mario Oddysey and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (aka the BING BING WAHOO package)
>Minecraft or Dragon Quest Builders (I know the sequel is coming out soon, if I get 1 I'll get 2 later this year)

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Just buy a 2nd Switch and hack it for unlimited free games


Ok this meme made me the big kek

That's nice, now head back to facebook you underage faggot.
At least try lurking for a couple weeks before you post, fuckin kids these days i swear.

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If I had the money to buy a second Switch, we wouldn't be having this discussion because I could just buy all the games I want.

Literally the first thing I did when I got my switch.
Minecraft is surprisingly good on Switch. I thought it would run like garbage but it's very well optimised. Pretty comfy taking my dope castle with me everywhere I go. Shame LAN play is garbage and tied to a XBL account though.

That doesn't make sense

All the games you want = lots of money
1 Switch = a set amount of money, and you only need the tablet because you already have the dock, joycons etc

Or you could just hack the Switch you have instead of using online

Pretty sure shovel knight is gonna increase in price after the last campaign comes out, so u prolly wanna buy it now

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>Or you could just hack the Switch you have instead of using online

I know me, and if I do that I'll just pirate all the games, and then never play them because I can't decide which one to play. Buying the games gives me a reason to actually play them.

What DO switch games taste like?

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Another newfag outs himself

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Mario and rabbids is pretty good if you’re into strategy games. I have like 300 hours in monster hunter generations ultimate and I fucking love it. Splatoon 2 will be recommended a lot and for good reason, if you have online.

I know, but I already have it on 3DS and WiiU so it's not at the top of my list right now.

It has a bitter agent so pretty damn bad

Ok dude, I guess someone has to buy them. Not me though

Nice try newfag.

>Mario and rabbids is pretty good if you’re into strategy games

Not really.

As for Splatoon 2, that's also a pass. I liked Splatoon... until I started playing ranked mode. Then it was just ragequit after ragequit after ragequit. I'm not doing that again.

How many of the games you pirate do you play for longer than five minutes?

>is called a newfag
>calls him a newfag back
I swear you kids know one insult and thats it

Puyo Puyo Champions (Or Tetris if you value Singleplayer more)
If you're enjoying Stardew considering saving some money for Rune Factory 4 Special

I wish you hadn't remind me of the switch cartridge thing.

salty milk

All of them. I only download games that interest me

All of them except Nickelodeon Kart Racers, that game was dreadful. Certainly glad I didn't buy it.

Dozens of hours in the Final Fantasy games, Gungeon, and Dark Souls. I play my hacked boi more than my legit Switch at this point.

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>Rune Factory 4 Special

When does it come out?

that is a dreadful looking library

Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls

Guilty Gear's only $15, and it has the Korean OST.

Yeah because of the freeshop I can download games I would never buy. Never had buyer's remorse since.

Bayo 1&2 for good action
Hyrule Warriors for Zelda fanservice and grindan
Tetris 99 because it's fuckin tetris
Pokken if you want a pretty good fighting game with mons

>Hyrule Warriors for Zelda fanservice and grindan

I've already got the 3DS and WiiU versions. So like Shovel Knight it's low priority. I'd rather get new games, or at least games that are significantly better than the WiiU version (like Mario Kart).

that No-Bite stuff that you put on kids' fingernails to keep them from biting
my mom would put it on my brothers' and my tongues when we cussed

why does nintendo do goofy shit like that?
like rounding off the edges of discs so you can't use them to slice butter

the gamecube was the last adult console they ever made

>Shovel Knight
Very good choice. You can unlock more content with the Shovel Knight Amiibos if you have them, and honestly? It’s pretty fun to mess around with, but i don’t know if everyone’s gonna wanna pay 14 dollars a piece for each campaign, so if you’re not sure, stay away.

If you haven’t played Bayonetta and are willing to invest some time in it, I’d recommend buying the first one. If you like it, you get a discount on the sequel.

Despite the memes, I actually would recommend BotW. It’s definitely different from other Zelda games, but it’s a fun experience nonetheless.

I’m one of those weirdos who prefers playing roguelikes in the vein of the Binding of Isaac with controller controls, so I’d recommend Enter the Gungeon since it’s a good game to take on the go. It’s a bit of a time sink though, as getting the best ending for one character takes a bit of time. You won’t have to reset the game or anything, but it takes a while before you’re told what exactly you have to do.

The Phoenix Wright trilogy is there. It’s basically a puzzle game/light novel, so if those aren’t your forte, I’d advise against it. However, if you’re REALLY unsure, I suggest watching the first case. It’s not the same as playing it for yourself, but if it looks interesting to you, go for it.

Do you like fighting games? What about semi-obscure anime fighting games? If so, try BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle. It’s a crossover between BlazBlue, Under Night In Birth, Persona 4 Ultimax Arena, and RWBY of all things. More fighting games are crossing over, too, so look out for that. Arcana Heart, for example, recently got revealed, with more on the way.
Skullgirls will also be there soon. It plays sort of like Mahvel if you’re interested.

Cuphead will be on Switch soon. If you haven’t played it yet, you definitely should.

All I can think of

>Despite the memes, I actually would recommend BotW. It’s definitely different from other Zelda games, but it’s a fun experience nonetheless.

Already have it on WiiU.

BotW and Mario Odyssey. Xenoblade if you like JRPGs and Anime. Doom is good if you can't get it cheaper on another platform. Hollow Knight is a great metroidvania, Dead Cells is fun and on sale if you like roguelites. Into the Breach is a great strategy/puzzle game.

Alright, cool. There’s no major differences between the two versions, so don’t buy it again

I wasn't. Maybe if the DLC was cross-buy but I'm not buying the same DLC twice.

*wasn't going to


Any games you might be on the fence with that you didn’t put in the OP? I might know about them

Not OP, but we're in the same boat. What's your opinion on Arms? Or that one boxing game?

The switches being sold in stores can no longer be hacked.

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Whatever you do don't get botw, it's an awful waste of money

>mfw I have a hackable switch
>had to send it in for repairs
>get it back and serial number is the same and they only repaired the screen
d-did I fuck it up? Did the secret repair agents at Nintendo make it unhackable?

Fucking awful.
I recommend you try it

hehe same :)
too bad we couldn't upvote it :(

Kind of hard to say. You would just need to hack it yourself and find out. I doubt it though.

I was literally just thinking of selling my copy of Arms.

ARMS is pretty fun to dick around with. Online isn’t quite a ghost town yet, and the controls are pretty intuitive once you get the hang of them.

I’m not super sure if youd want to pick it up, though. I’m not getting rid of my copy, but if it doesn’t immediately grab you, don’t bother with it.