It's fucking over, AC bros. The next Animal Crossing game is going to be a cutesy mascot fest for little girls

It's fucking over, AC bros. The next Animal Crossing game is going to be a cutesy mascot fest for little girls.

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Other urls found in this thread:

As opposed to?

stop using the word bros

It always was you fucking retard.

Also it looks like Tom Nook's kids got run over by the camper van and now this is the result.

I can't believe Timmy and Tommy are fucking dead!

>is going to be a cutesy mascot fest for little girls
Hasn't it always?

>the next
user i have bad news

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people forget how based the n64/gamecube game was

>going to be

No they dont, in fact they never shut the fuck up about it

you mean like the first one?

As opposed to the mature, masculine series it was?

Animal Crossing has always been for girls and faggots

What do you mean about animal crossing not being a cutesy mascot fest for little girls?

>cutesy mascot fest for little girls.
Wasn't this always the case to begin with

Animal Crossing has no adult fans who aren't either female, gay or furry.

>Gamecube and DS games were kino as fuck, so much comfy shit to do and the villagers were somewhat mature and were capable of some interesting discussions
>Wii game was such a lazy port with more cutesy wootsy dialogue
>3DS era

AC has been dead since 2009.

>animal crossing 'fans'
Is there a more pathetic and infantile fanbase?


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I can't believe Timmy and Tommy are fucking dead

Can't wait for the reactions that marriage will be in this new game.

Do any of you NPCs read existing posts before making the exact same one again?


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On the nintendo side? Probably not, AC is the worst and most boring IP Nintendo has

Ur mum


I can't believe the twins are fucking dead.

>The next Animal Crossing game
You should already let it go, the shitty smartphone game is the last thing they'll release that's Animal Crossing-related

Attached: CCIsabelle1.png (750x766, 256K)

Do any of you NPCs read existing posts before making the exact same one again?

They confirmed Animal Crossing Switch is coming.

Have you ever played Animal crossing?

Thats what its always been, you doofus. I check in for an hour every few hours for events and to catch bugs. The game is supplementary to other, more intensive games. its not meant to be focused on.

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Why do you enter a thread about a game you know nothing about you pathetic wastes of life

People always say Isabelle was the first instance of furrybait in AC, when in reality she isnt furrybait at all and AC had much worse furrybait starting with the first game

>isabelle isn't furrybait at all

How do I fuck Isabelle?

Not him, but here's furrybait.

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Isn't that exactly what animal crossing is? Fuck, isn't animal crossing just a glorified mobile game?

It depends on what you have in mind

The main problem isn't that she's furrybait, it's that they pushed her as "ANIMAL CROSSING'S MASCOT" despite the series doing just fine for 3-4 games without having a mascot. It's the most blatant shilling ever, and the fact that NL's gameplay and writing managed to be even worse than fucking City Folk doesn't help matters.

Stop being so disingenuous, she wasnt pushed as the mascot, she was made into a mascot due to her popularity.

NL had excellent ratings while CF failed miserably.

>posted by Isabelle


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>*starts animal crossing new leaf*

Yo-Kai Watch

To laugh at you, you pathetic waste of life. You are being elitist about a nintendo game with talking chibi animals. You are a fucking joke.

Super Smash Bros

Attached: Lottie.jpg (3226x2419, 782K)

That's bullshit and you know it.
>First NPC you meet after Rover
>NPC you have to talk the most to throughout the entire game
>Completely replaces both Rover on the title screen and Resetti (unless you pay 300k FUCKING BELLS)
>On all the boxart, promo shit, and merchandise
Isabelle was shilled from day fucking one, and this isn't even going into the total fucking character assassination that happened to K.K. Slider/Tom Nook/Blathers/etc.
Doesn't matter when NL still managed to have less features than CF.
>no unique blathers dialog
>no constellations
>no resetti, and even when you pay for resetti in NL he's still neutered as fuck


That is so sad, but so understandable
Also, nice sexy dubs

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Good taste.


When was Animal Crossing NOT for little girls?

I didn't know their mom was anti-vax

I agree. I liked the cranky villagers acting like assholes that became friendly once you got to know them.

What's wrong with Yokai Watch?

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Did they die?

Before 3DS

This. I know people bang on about GC a lot, but Wild World was also incredibly based. It's been all downhill since.

Look man we've been trying to be polite about it but you and your shitty comic come off as extremely autistic. You are like seriously distressed by minor changes in a game for babies.

Go outside. Have sex.

Attached: look at this shit.jpg (1859x364, 140K)

>Have sex
post disregarded

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Animal Crossing was very dumbed down and simplified with New Leaf because they wanted to appeal more to children and women.
I hope this helps you understand why fans of the earlier titles might be sad about this.

>he thinks anyone but a virgin would worry about such things

I actually really like his comic and would like to see more from him
It's funny and true

Well maybe you two can meet and stop being virgins together.

That’s just a shitty gacha game retard
That’s not a real game
Just a thing to scam retards out of money

Except you get everything at about the same rate as regular animal crossing if youre f2p

I started with New Leaf and feel like a shit person for even participating in the fanbase. Going to purchase a physical Gamecube copy soon and play it to hopefully make amends. I wish I had discovered this franchise earlier.

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I stand corrected

This honestly reads like a Dobson comic.

No one likes lottie

as it always has been

haha what if Isabelle were inflated like a balloon haha

It’s nothing like a regular ac game
U autismo
I bet u think the switch one is going to be a port of that
Holy shit ur so fucking dumb

ok bro

It sucks. Is that not enough?

To me, there is very little sadder than the Western adult YW fan. At least with Mario, Kirby, Yoshi, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, etc., you can get that people got into it as kids and that is why they like it as adults. YW came to the U.S. in 2015 and Europe in 2016. Being a 20-something who's into it is just sad, because it means you got into it when you should have already been old/mature enough to never pay it a second thought.

AC fan game when

I know someday there will be a pornographic animal crossing parody game

> n64

The japanese version was released on n64.

>different npcs = dumbed down

nice save

I'm a newfag so explain this to me. I only played GC AC and I'm going to get switch version. What should I expect?

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AC OG fan here.

New Leaf is still a good game and has some genuine improvements over the previous games. There's zero reason you should feel bad for enjoying it since while complaints like villager dialogue being made less abrasive and more abrasive personalities being taken out of the spotlight are legitimate concerns, the games are still wonderful experiences in general. Enjoy AC on GC when you play it, but never feel bad for enjoying New Leaf.

I cherish my 200 hours with New Leaf just as much as my time with AC on the Gamecube and DS. Though Wild World on DS is definitely where most of my memories are.

I'm so excited for the Switch version, man.

>”Animal Crossing was very dumbed down and simplified with New Leaf”
>bigger catalog than ever
>new mechanics and responsibilities in being the mayor
>more furniture and clothing customization
>better multiplayer
>ways to visit other towns without having to be invited
>all simplifications are flat out QoL improvements (like how fossils are identified)
Face it, you GameCube babies only care about your menstruating Resetti and “MUH NES GAEMS,” and don’t give a shit about the series except for nostalgia. Leaving you lot behind only makes my appreciation for the new games grow. You’ve already ruined Star Fox by refusing to let a series change, so piss off from AC and just keep playing your old games.

Who the fuck cares about Animal Crossing?
People who enjoy Animal Crossing are only people who aren't good at real games, which is why it's one of the most popular Nintendo IPs with women.

I've never played it I just masturbate to the main character sometimes

Chances are a lot of dialogue about food and the personality types kind of blending together. On the upside customization is way up

as an og animal crossing fan, the only one i didn't really like was city folk. new leaf is flat out just better as a game, compared to the rest of the franchise.

If you played GC AC you're no newfag

>I'm a newfag
>I only played GC AC
Ok false-flagging boomer

>It sucks. Is that not enough?
Not really.

I can't believe Timmy and Tommy are fucking dead.

>You’ve already ruined Star Fox by refusing to let a series change
If you want a series to change, that series isn't for you. Play something else. It's not fucking rocket surgery.

I've poured hundreds of hours into New Leaf as well, and am also eagerly anticipating the switch version. Going to purchase the original gamecube version regardless and probably check out Wild World so I can see what I was missing out on. Heard City Folk was just a garbage port of Wild World with dumbed downed dialogue and wagglan gimmicks so I'd rather avoid that one.

Good. I, for one, welcome our new cutesy overlords.

Not him, but what kind of logic is this, which Nintendo franchises never changed over the years?

Don't let autists on a Chinese basket-weaving forum dictate which games you enjoy.

NL is a great game and has plenty of positive changes since the original AC. All the AC games have their pros and cons but all are still good to great, with NL and the original being the best two. Only one I absolutely cannot go back to is Wild World since at the time it was tolerable, but the FPS is horrendous to look at now.


no not based, look how he, and everyone who said identical things, were proven wrong

I hope AC switch does away with the rolling pin world. I want cliffs back.

>thinking anything that happens in pocketcamp will influence switch
We probably won't even see half the fucking items pocket camp has in switch let alone the mascot shit.

City Folk is the only main one I haven't played and I was tempted to try it while waiting for the Switch version but I think I'd rather just let AC Switch be as fresh as possible for me.

Been playing Happy Home Designer if I've been particularly desperate for the atmosphere though, cute game but the lack of any sort of reward/punishment -at all- really does hurt it.

I just hope the Switch version doesn't have some major feature tied to the smartphone game. I just couldn't get into pocket camp at all.

I miss when nintendo put out quality games that came from the heart and weren't just to maximize sales. I understand the mindset of mass market appeal to get the biggest bang for their buck, but think about all the companies in gaming that started out like that and are deader than shit. The reason Nintendos still around is because they built an empire on genuine love for the games they made and their sheer ingenuity. I feel like thats all going out the window as they try to design products based on what they think people want instead of setting the precedent for what people never knew they wanted and blowing them away.

when has that ever been not the case?

City Folk is worth skipping. I've always poured hundreds of hours into AC games but City Folk I barely even played. The grass degrading mechanic is genuinely awful in that game I don't know what they were thinking. It's hardly noticeable in NL, but if you run around a lot you can actively see your grass being worn away, making ugly as fuck marks around your town unless you constantly walk and alternate where you go to keep it from wearing too quick. That alone killed that game for me. Didn't have much else going for it over the other entries at the time either, but that was a huge negative and outweighed what pros it had.

>Implying Animal Crossing is anything but a cutsey game for kids

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The only worse thing in NL is the dialogue.

Everything else is better in every way.

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>AC Switch has exclusive furniture and clothes that can only be obtained through transferring them from Pocket Camp

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It wasn't already?

Man, as a kid I didn't really bother with the dialog, I barely understood english anyway but now I really find it lacking in newer games.
I honestly wouldn't mind a more simpler game that focuses more on villager interaction.

>trusting the tanuki
As soon you get distracted by the angel thing, they will hit you with their massive balls and steal your leafs.

>all I want in an Animal Crossing sequel is to have villagers with as much story depth to uncover as some of the non-villager NPCs did in previous games, with some hidden interactions between other villager's stories
>maybe better resort variety/system than a tiny ass island
>it's just going to be the same shit but more mini-games
I just want some spicy drama in my furfag slice of life simulator, is that too much to ask for?

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Yeah the original Animal Crossing games were just too dark, complex, and mature for women and children to get into, huh?

holy fuck read the thread before posting

>linking with pocket camp only makes it available to buy, costs 3 times as much as the rococo set

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Ac is dead in my eyes.

They're making so much money on this cash shop shit on the phone of course they're not gonna bother with a switch version. If they do it'll be worse than other installments. Just play new leaf.

>>bigger catalog than ever
Oh boy, new fucking 3D models. Surely this is the most complex, impressive feature ever. Big fucking whoop.
>>new mechanics and responsibilities in being the mayor
Being the mayor fucking sucks when the whole point of AC is to live in a small village. Getting rid of Tortimer as the village "elder" was a fucking horrible choice.
>>more furniture and clothing customization
Furniture is fine, but the new clothes are COMPLETELY fucking pointless when all your villagers are still forced to wear nothing but "shirt without sleeves", especially since the new player models are ugly.
>>better multiplayer
Like what, the fucking awful island minigames?
>>ways to visit other towns without having to be invited
Who fucking cares? Oh right, autismo minmaxers who have to show off their perfect hacked town with shitty patterns everywhere and every PWP completely paid off.
>>all simplifications are flat out QoL improvements (like how fossils are identified)
>You’ve already ruined Star Fox by refusing to let a series change,
No. Star Fox's problem was that they kept fucking trying to change in the worst ways. SF was good, SF64 tried to change thing sup by being a straight remake of SF, which was fine, wasn't bad. SFAd was a fucking garbage adventure game with SF slapped on. All other SF games were shit because they kept adding fucking shitty gimmicks instead of properly building on the foundations SF/SF64 set, then SFZ came out and was absolutely awful because it tried to remake SF64 again without having any of the alternate routes, and adding nothing but shitty motion control gimmicks and the fucking gyrocopter shit.
You can innovate in a series without completely tearing out the foundations of what that series is, you utter mongoloid.

This is another great comparison.

well this is an autistic thread

I tried for the first time the original just few weeks ago, I regret not having done it earlier. It's cute, calm, relaxing, there are no expectations, no pressure, you just do whatever you want. Even years after I can understand why people love it. I get back to it regularly, and will after this post.

Then I tried New Leaf. I was instantly shocked by how much shit you had to do, this wasn't relaxing at all. It started to become a chore, and I just didn't like playing it. Villagers had not much to say, wondering if it's because of the smaller screen that they kept lines short. They also lack personalities compared with the original, it's all so bland. Also having so much control over everything, and being able to customize the city ruined it to me. I want to let go, not micromanage shit.

Then tried Pocket Camp. Concept sounded great, camping is fitting for a smartphone game. Started off with a long ass tutorial section that was fucking annoying, then literally 16 NOTIFICATIONS popped onto the screen. Then everything is about timers, having to wait for shit, and it's stressing as fuck. THEY PUT TIMERS ON FRUIT TREES FOR FUCKS SAKE. You can't even walk around either, it's just a bunch of split zones with long loadings in-between, not that there's any reason to, villagers, or "campers" just stand there, doing nothing. It's got nothing of the essence of even New Leaf. Too bad, the concept was decent, but it's just a chore to "do", and I won't even say "play", there's no "playing".

I can see how this series went into the wrong direction. I expected it to become a laid back Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley with social elements, instead it became a stressful grindfest. I've been told City Fold is equally terrible, though haven't tried Wild World, maybe there's a slight improvement.

At least I can emulate the original on my phone.

RIP sweet prince.

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Animal Crossing was originally for autists and that's how it should be

>wondering if it's because of the smaller screen that they kept lines short.
No, the DS to 3DS had a bigger screen and yet Wild World to New Leaf had less text on screen at once. It's part of their many design choices to make it more kid friendly/dumbed down
We're all hoping they've learned a lot with AC Switch. Keep fingers crossed, we'll find out in 12 days.

>being this nitpicky about goddamn Animal Crossing
this is real autism, folks

Am I the only one who thinks yellow flowers need to be buffed? If you look at this chart, you'll see that red flowers can be used to create three different hybrids, white flowers can create two, and yellows can only make one. I think if they made it so black flowers are made by yellow/yellow instead of red/red, it would help balance the breeding values of the different flower colors.

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>Animal Crossing was very dumbed down and simplified with New Leaf because they wanted to appeal more to children and women.

This has been Nintendo's MO since the Wii released, why is this a surprise to anyone? There's a reason just about every new mainline Nintendo game has been the worst in their respective series.

>why is this a surprise to anyone
It's not. Just because people point it out and don't like it doesn't mean they're surprised by it.

I agree with everything except the fossils. At this point the player should just be able to identify fossils themselves.

Having Blathers do it was fun when he actually had unique dialog for bugs/fossils.

This seems extremely likely to me. It sucks since I couldn't get into Pocket Camp at all yet it has a lot of nice-looking new items I'd like to have in the Switch game, but I'm not playing through gachashit hell for that stuff.

Animal Crossing is a neat concept, but like every other Nintendo game it is as deep as a puddle so their audience who is mostly 5 year olds don't drown. Any good games that have a similar idea? Sims Bustin' Out was sort of similar to it, though it is much more linear with less focus on collecting.

you mean just like every other animal crossing game

>still trying to push this meme

I started with Wild World, I just want much better dialogue for this game. That's it. Everything else is fine to me.

How could you possibly dumb down the GameCube version? I remember I rented that game and was confused as to where the game was. I always throught all the gameplay was on the GBA connection because I honestly couldn't figure out the point of the game besides being a waste time. It was literally nothing the video game.

Animal Crossing was always for women and furries.


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New Leaf was the first one and I enjoyed a lot of it. I played the original animal crossing for about a month, and while the villagers repeat a lot of the dialogue they have more personality and aren't just happy.
In NL, everyone is too nice.

Rock'enRoll is dead and POP IS IN!

the same game with more shit but no NES games

>My comfy kids game is not complex enough in dialogue

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how the fuck does white white give you blue that makes no sense

what else could give you blue?

literally every fucking kid i've ever known or spoken to, both when i myself was a kid and after, fucking hates being treated like a retard

Yea, but the average kid also doesn’t care about dialogue in a video game. Surprise surprise.

White/White gives you purple
you need two red roses bred from other hybrids to make blue


Isabelle is cute!

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>tags a ton of people
>states a retarded opinion
Yeah i think this is bait

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I own one.

You have literally never talked to a child in your life.

>you mad animalboi?

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Yes. The average child gripes about simple dialogue in a video game. I never knew that.

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Yeah, they do. I have literally never met a SINGLE child who enjoys things being dumbed down for their sake. Kids know when they're being talked down to and they fucking hate it.

I just want a lot more new character episodes, I loved those in Wild World.

GC was good, but WW scrapped all actual holidays and replaced them with shit like "la-di-da day" and you think it's not cutesy? Literally the only thing it has over New Leaf is the dialogue (which is still worse than GC's), and I'd rather have more features than slightly less shitty writing

People who still claim the original is best is delusional. You can only do so much for an hour tops and then shut it off and wait for the next day. I think the first game definitely has arguably the best music and maybe the best town setup but come on, evaluate the actual content. It's without a doubt been improved upon on each game.

I liked it when I was a kid.

So why is the AC franchise not crashing and burning in flames? Children hate products that are dumbed down for them, right?
>inb4 children are not the main audience
C’mon man. Let’s be real.

poor apollo

I can't believe it.
Timmy and Tommy are fucking dead.

Animal crossing always for girls your retarded knuckle dragger.

>new leaf was my first ac game

Because NL doesn't appeal to specifically kids, retard, it appeals to women who by shitloads of secondary merch and autistic minmaxers, both of whom are incredibly profitable groups.

In less than two weeks we will know if Animal Crossing has been saved or forever doomed. Those are the only two options. There is no in between.

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This. NL is the best AC game, but the dialogue is the weak point.
If they manage to get the dialogue back to GC standards, next AC game is gold.

I played them as they were released, if you can't see the difference in writing between GC and WW you're retarded

They didn't, though.

Tom Nook is dealing with deaths in the family in the next animal crossing. Woah bros. What if the next game has villagers that can die and you have to organize their funeral?

And do they care about dialogue being dumbed down?

Autists who get worked up over Isabelle need to be gassed. You guys are genuine faggots.
I'm not a waifufag by any means, let alone a furry, but holy shit. Calm the hell down.

Kojima fans.

Sure it was kiddo.

I miss when Blathers would talk about it and sometimes have personal connections with some of the things you'd give him, it was really nice.

New Leaf was a fucking mistake man

>Imagine getting upset at a mascot character
she cute

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No, they don't, but I fail to see what that has to do with kids. The point you were making was
Which is objectively wrong.

The biggest recorded demographic for NL, HHD, and Pocket camp are adult women, generally age 30+.


I downloaded like new leaf for the meme but only payed of

Well the annoying part was having to send a letter each fucking time, I spent so much time doing this. I never knew if I was polite enough in my request to the museum, I guess we'll never know.

I'm probably older than you are if you were apparently too young to notice the changes. CF was falling down the stairs but WW was the first few steps down

Lottie was literally made out of nowhere for that shitty Happy Homes spinoff, shes literally a shittier isabelle.

... my loan before getting bored its very much an empty game for women and children

I don’t know what child prodigies you were meeting, but kids don’t look that deep into video games. Go into a restaurant and all them are on iPads watching pinkfong and other shows that are “dumbed down.”

>AC had much worse furrybait starting with the first game
Who? Sable? Ankha as an islander?

maybe that's why Nook is depressed in the first AC switch teaser

>Face it, you GameCube babies only care about your menstruating Resetti and “MUH NES GAEMS,” and don’t give a shit about the series except for nostalgia.
Played Animal Crossing for the first time in my life earlier this year, felt like a great game.

New Leaf clearly was a different experience, and a worse one, gone was the unique mood of the original. I never thought such a casual game that a child can play could be dumbed down, well, it happened.


Nobody insisted Roald Dahl write shittier, less dialogue despite aiming his stories at kids. Give them a little fucking credit. Children are nowhere near as stupid as their media thinks.

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Anyone who thinks NES games are one of the most important features missing from the newer games never really liked Animal Crossing anyway. There's far more important shit like how the first game is still the most geographically diverse in terms of town layouts, or all those little events like the sports fair or morning aerobics.

Attached: acgcboomer.png (380x348, 71K)

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Here's what AC Switch should have/do.
>completely fucking remove grasswear, create constructable paths instead
>tortimer returns, isabelle is pushed out of the spotlight, becomes tortimer's assistant and talks to you for "suggestions" for PWPs and such
>no new villagers are added, but villager dialog is completely overhauled and made better
>villagers have things they like and don't like, so you can't just grind out villager happiness by giving them shitty bugs until their houses are full of absolutely nothing but bugs and sea bass
>villagers can now wear all the same types of clothes you can, though they can't accept certain items due to obvious issues (like frog villagers not being able to wear most hats)
>furniture now has more uses, like computers allowing you to access a fake internet where you can message friends/villagers, order furniture from tom nook's catalog, pay debts, and maybe even check out some fun flavor text stuff like fake villager forum posts or something (i.e. Warioware D.I.Y.)
>re-tail fucks off forever and tom nook gets his shop back, shops and the museum are no longer crammed into one shitty sub-map
>k.k. slider goes back to not being a sellout

God I remember reading about morning aerobics in the players guide but never experienced it because what fucking kid is going to wake up at 6 in the morning during the summer?

I can't believe Nook's sons are fucking dead.

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None of your opinions matter.
t. someone who has actually good opinions that do matter

To everyone quoted in the latter half, stay based. We can't let AC fall.

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I've never understood this dumbed down for kids argument when the original releases of their franchises were already made for children, and those games managed to hook them for decades. Why do they need to be dumbed down when they already seemed to be just fine for kids back then?

thanks based basedvillager.png poster

Nearly every fps to come out in the past 10 years.
Ask kids what they play and it was always CoD, Halo, Fortnite, etc.

because ressetti made a little girl cry

A lot of people I knew growing up got a lot of their earlier practice reading from games like Pokemon or Animal Crossing. It wouldn't surprise me if the same type of kids who took enough interest in those games to actually read the text on screen because of how entertaining it was, suddenly get turned off by a game because it's expected to just skip the text because it's non-unique filler.

I wonder why Nook looks depressed in the AC switch teaser. Why do you all think he's depressed?

you thought you were a big boy for playing animal crossing

I can't believe Timmy and Tommy are fucking dead!

Kids are dumb little faggots nowadays, they just don't like to read.

Children are not stupid, but they are compliant with dumbed-down content. Stop acting like you care that much.

Because now we have soibois that are so mentally impaired, they can't deal with things a kid can.

If I wanted dumbed down content I'd come here more often.

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you mean the game where you do literally nothing is going to continue to be the same? wow

Is the wii game any gud?

It would be cooler if one of the twins converted to anglicanism and sectarian violence became very common in the town

>just about every new mainline Nintendo game has been the worst in their respective series

>the original releases of their franchises were already made for children
Uh. Not really.

Looking at the dialog alone, from the tone of some of them which is very mature and not very "kid-compliant", to the jokes about why you're up late or haven't come in a long time which directly refer to your day job and your cleaning tasks, it surely was aimed at adults.

Kids can take this as a joke, but a lot of dialog definitely aims adults.

It has a nice museum and donation rewards but grass wear is rediculous and the city is pointless

Just realised AC is a girls game user?

holy fuck Timmy and Tommy are fucking dead

Have sex

Well shit, looks like everyone beat me to talking about how NL was the start of everything becoming overly kiddified, how the fanbase went to shit in late 2014, and how Isabelle has been shilled since her inception. At least I know I'm not the only one who's aware of this stuff.

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Best forgery better be in the new one.

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So Yea Forums now hates new leaf, but I know people will claim that it is a masterpiece once the switch version is out.

play the gamecube one in dolphin then you dumb fuck.


Spot on. Grass wear and how all neighbors talk about is food are the worst sins.

Where the fuck have you been. Ac has always been cutesy shit

You're a dumbass mark if you think blathers should go back to not shutting the fuck up.

New leaf has those too but the snowflake fanbase took that as an attack on them.


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I dunno about Yea Forums but I had a lot of fun with New Leaf.
As time progresses though, I kinda start appreciating the simplicity of the older games.

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please contain your autism

>Not knowing when animal crossing was first released

I have 3 girls in my GC town and they all say the same shit, you lied to me Yea Forums

I'm only waiting for a new animal crossing for the switch because my new leaf cartridge totally bricked.


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>what fucking kid is going to wake up at 6 in the morning during the summer?

I like animal crossing and you’re an idiot

This sounds like a Game Freak excuse

Animal crossing has always been about talking with and befriending the villagers.

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Lets face it ACGCN bros...we'll never be appealed to ever again. The series left us in the dust so they could constantly appeal to the female demographic for eternity instead of being a game everyone can enjoy.

>Kill your kids
>Claim their business as next of kin
>Flip the asset to the idiot sloth next door
>Wait for him to default on your loans
>Buy them out for a fraction of what you sold it as.

Jesus christ Tom Nook.

Bros... We're not going home this E3 are we...

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>hour long direct
we will bro

I wish Jewtendo would bring back NES games but of course they'd rather just sell it to you. we're not...sorry dude. Females ruin another series with their vapid interests again...

Splatoon 2 has given me hope that it'll at least be okay.

>New leaf dumbdown
>as if the series was any difficult to begin with or had any deep mechanics
Holy shit you're autistic user

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It was dumbed down in personality you fucking autist

They didn't dumb down difficulty, they dumbed down it's SOUL

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ok retard

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You obviously never played the series, retard, just fuck off with this shitty "argument" when you don't know basic facts

It never had soul you drones. Even stardew valley has more shit going for it than the entire series as a whole and that's saying alot.

>Villager Dialogue/Villager Personalities
GCN > WW > NL > CF

>NPCs/NPC Interactions
WW > GCN > CF > NL

>Village Layout
GCN > WW > NL > CF

GCN > WW > NL > CF

GCN > WW = CF > NL

>Furniture/House Decorations
NL > CF > GCN > WW

>Player Customization
NL > WW = CF > GCN

WW > GCN > CF > NL

I hope you're right. With the way things are going I think there are only two possible outcomes: Redemption or complete destruction.

>It never had soul you drones.

Attached: animal-crossing-new-shit.jpg (480x360, 31K)

>hurr durr

t. never played Wild World, the comfiest game ever

This is pretty accurate, I think.
NL's problem is that it appeals too directly to the player instead of making the world actually enjoyable as a whole package.

100% true except for the last part. WW had cool mini events like Flea Market, Bright Nights, etc. but the lack of actual holidays hurt it. I'd say make it equal to GCN.

Correct except WW music is way better than CF music.

So when are we going to be able to start a family with one of the villagers? I want to work hard as both a mayor and a parent.

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It also has the best systems for flowers and trees. I had more fun with the flowers in that game than I did with my neighbors.

>GCN > WW = CF > NL
City Folk doesn't deserve to be on the same level as Wild World here. Reusing the 90% of the soundtrack is just lazy as shit and the new stuff wasn't great.

Harvest Moon is that-a-way, man.

I'm a random passerby with no emotional investment in this thread but I the disparity between the amount of soul forest has and wild world is the portrait of soul v. soulless.


>t. Isabelle

I played the first one and it was fun. I think the articles calling it the Pokemon killer was what ruined it.

>Smashtrannies have invaded the Animal Crossing fandom
Can Ultimate please be the last fucking Smash game so we can purge these faggots?

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How so? Wild World had a lot more content but without sacrificing character interaction like New Leaf

>you'll never live a comfy life in an animal forest
Also wish the recent games had a more "foresty" feel.

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>Mariopedos have invaded the Animal Crossing fandom
Can SMM2 please be the last fucking Mario game so we can purge these faggots?

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unironically Kingdom Hearts

Comfy indeed. I want bigger towns in the switch version with different biomes you can go into.

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It's the damn rolling log. Bring back the acre system.


never thought i'd say it but it feels good to have a wii u.

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kind of stupid and pointless since you can play ac:pg on most other platforms and pc

>WW > GCN > CF > NL
I'm going to assume this is master bait, putting good opinions first and then adding this horseshit

They didn't make enough money for Tom.

>GCN not first when it comes to holidays
WW gimped main holidays while sprinkling in a bunch of whatever "special days" just to bloat the calendar. Said days are on the same level as NL's shit with Isabelle in front of a cutout.

>not playing DnMe+

Would be wonderful to have a few outdoor areas, like a mountain from which you can actually see your town from a different angle, also would make a sweet place for events.
So many opportunities.

I'm neither of the three. I'm a Male manchild

what is the difference and is it even fully translated? i don't know moonrunes.

In what way?? I want to get into AC. New leaf looked like girly garbage. GC any good? I have it physical

Adds more features like PWPs built by Nook. It doesn't have a proper translation yet but someone is working on it.
It's the best one all around.

It has a bit more content but nothing too major
Lean moon runes

Second reply meant for

That makes me wonder how different the dialog would be in Japanese.

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>GC any good? I have it physical
Then why the fuck haven't you played it? I hate people like you.
>durr just got X what am I in for lol

You mean it wasn't before?

How about playing it instead of asking. You're retarded

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You're Implying that Animal Crossing wasn't always like this, and I know for a fact that that's a fucking lie.

What is even the difference between "villagers" and "NPCs"?

last update to cuyler's spreadsheet was November. i hope the project isn't dead.


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You could emulate this on your phone. You should emulate this on your phone. Why aren't you emulating this on your phone?

Your neighbors and who you speak to on the main world. They're split into personality types, move in and out, etc.
>Special NPCs
Shopkeepers and those who run facilities and are always there. The "main cast" of AC. Examples include Tom Nook, Able Sisters, Blathers, Resetti, etc.

why the fuck would i do that. playing it on the gamepad would be much comfier. although, i did just get a s9+ so i definitely could play it on my phone...

>why the fuck would i do that
Because Pocket Camp is objectively shit.

It'd be cool if villagers could hate you and you could have like rivals and stuff.

Did they ever say "have sex"?

Maybe in Japan, but in the US the first two games were given more of an actual personality. Also, there was nothing like back then. Nook and K.K. were the most recognizable characters but were never shilled like this.

>making Resetti optional because kids today might cry
>cranky villagers aren't cranky
>snooty villagers aren't snooty
Nu-Animal Crossing is sterile as fuck

"Animal Crossing was always the same!"
- person who has never played animal crossing in a thread full of information about how earlier animal crossing games were different

>The Sims 1 meets Rune Factory 3
I'm okay with this

Reading this thread makes me sad.

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>tfw no horned villager alt in smash
There's mods like pic related but they fucked up the plaid texture and the hat looks completely off.

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Animal crossing should be a game that came preinstalled on all nintendo consoles at launch.

new leaf sold over 12 million copies
you are saying nintendo should throw away potential 500+ million dollar for fun
if anything light weight titles that should be included for the switch is 1-2 switch

I hope they fix this game by adding microtransactions for cute exclusive items and remove some villagers text, lol we are not in 1998 anymore

Just play Pocket Camp, you'll be set.

>casually check Rune Factory
>realize it's a Harvest Moon spin off

All of my fucking what, how come I never knew this?

probably because you were born after 2000 and only come to this website since last week

Also original Harvest Moon is now Story of Seasons.

It's not an hour long.

Dude what are you talking about, I still remember waiting in line at Gamestop on the release day of Harvest Moon.

The Gamecube was my last Nintendo console though, after that I grew up.

>People are getting mad at a game that doesn’t exist because of a mobile game

Damn, I guess Mario Odyssey sucks because or Mario Run...

>people have the ability to connect the dots and look towards the future, and I don't


The translation of new leaf (and basically all the games but the GameCube one) are fairly accurate to the Japanese, the GameCube game was vastly changed and so well liked they retranslated it into Japanese. Basically the Japanese version of all the games are like the writing from English new leaf.

WTF there is people that get offended by that shit? how they live they everyday life then?

Animal crossing used to be more masculine and based, sigh

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or just spewing out bullshit like usual
wasn't this board predicting the switch to be a flop before its release?

Amiibo: Good or Bad?

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>You’ve already ruined Star Fox by refusing to let a series change
It's not my fault that Star Fox doesn't know how to change without all its changes being a complete clusterfuck of garbage. Ironically, it took a game that doesn't even wear the skin of Star Fox to show that you can have a great Star Fox game without it being a rehash of 64, even if the controls on KIU are a bit messy.

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>They only brought out the Ton Nook costume for a fraction of a second


these commercials are bizarre...

absolute trash

2:48 those sexual innuendos, gamecube was based
2:58 more nook

They were massively overstocked.

Funny enough, KIU started development as a Star Fox game.

Playing Animal Crossing is a great way to meet cute young teenage girls who like to exchange selfies and texts

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I'm all three. Fight me.

I know. That's my point. As far as design goes, it's rather quite different than conventional Star Fox titles, but because its changes are coherent, and make sense, and the shots ACTUALLY go where the reticle is at and there's not dual-screen bullshit, it's actually a good game. In fact, it's my favorite Star Fox game of all time.

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>inb4 this shitpost derails the whole thread

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They didn't even make the one people wanted

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WHAT?? theres no shy qt hedgehog amiibo? now im pissed

Star Fox just makes me angry. Star Successor happened, Uprising happened. Shit, Robobot's final boss happened.

Why can't this be nice AC thread?

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AC's only good point is the furry bait

Isnt that what it always was?

>needing a WiiU to play a literal N64 game

Is that gif running on dolphin?

It's not a bad thread user
People are learning well how the series has changed with each successive game
Very informative thread

I don't give a shit
I only want a new game to ignore it completely and rake in the porn

I wonder what they're going to do with her next game after what happened in HHD.

I wasn't talking to you

>tfw no wolf bride

Probably nothing, kind of like how New Leaf barely did anything with all the stuff that happened in City Folk.

>little girls
Heheh nice

I'm kind of grasping for straws here, but she did kind of predict in HHD what Nook would be like in the 2019 trailer.

>Had Isabelle

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Daily reminder that Nintendo of America hates Animal Crossing and so does Bill Trinen because its too much work for their lazy asses to translate and localize reams and reams of text. The first AC was okay with this because they were just starting out and Bill was more passionate and young, but as the series went on they became lazier and lazier about it. I mean for fuck's sake it took an entire year to localize New Leaf and the end result was shitty food puns and pop culture references repeated ad naseum. It's sad because fucking Pokemon has more text to localize and they managed to release X and Y worldwide at the same time a few months AFTER New Leaf. Literally no excuse. Don't be surprised if Japan gets it in 2019 and America has to wait until 2020.

>play waifu game
>not for waifus

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see you all at e3
let's hope for a good game

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Can we just all agree that the villager dialogue system was flawed to begin with?
Its basically procedurally generated depending on the animal and personality-type. You're going to hit a wall in the dialogue really fast, and its not like it was ever really that cleverly written or interesting.

I love Animal Crossing but the villager system has always annoyed me. I know they are completely a different type of game but I always much prefer the fixed NPCs from games like Harvest Moon/Stardew who at least have their own unique personality/story line

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Its a family friendly game. Its main audience are primarrily kids and not sweaty 30 year old fat fucks you literal retard.


I've forgotten most of it since I haven't played in years.

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