Do you still play video games with your friends at home?

Do you still play video games with your friends at home?

Attached: __ikari_shinji_and_nagisa_kaworu_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_fujiharu_akamine__d50b412143f7b734 (640x600, 419K)

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queers deserve the rope

I have never played with friends, mostly because I have never had friends

no, i stopped having friends years ago and even when i did have one we have different taste so i never really enjoyed it

Attached: 1461485930441.gif (500x400, 879K)

I stopped having friends after elementary school.
Pretty much only played video games with my cousins.

i love anime boys

I sometimes play games with my roommate but usually we just watch each other play jank shit

Sure, just not that often anymore

Attached: __astolfo_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_rui_shi_rayze_ray__sample-bb608d50c10acba11fa5ea44a69822 (850x957, 194K)

i don't have any and i'm too autistic to meet up with people i know online

based Kawoshin poster

Attached: 1438585197871.png (653x671, 432K)

Why is shinji wearing glasses?

Attached: DXbkiGN.jpg (1400x1018, 312K)

I don't have friends anymore

imagine annihilating shinji’s boypussy haha how cool would that be

mimicking his daddy maybe

manly attire Astolfo is best Astolfo

I wish I did. My last and only boyfriend used to play stuff like Smash, Mario Kart, and Pokken with me.

Attached: Boys kitchen.jpg (944x765, 87K)

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Attached: SEETHING.jpg (969x1615, 917K)

What is up with this gay art depicting two males being in love, when in reality homosexuals are 100% sex-oriented and completely unable to feel love? Science has proven homosexuality is caused by childhood sexual abuse, by the way:
>Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
>Biometric modeling revealed that, in men, genetic effects explained .34–.39 of the variance [of sexual orientation], the shared environment .00, and the individual-specific environment .61–.66 of the variance. Corresponding estimates among women were .18–.19 for genetic factors, .16–.17 for shared environmental, and .64–.66 for unique environmental factors. Although wide confidence intervals suggest cautious interpretation, the results are consistent with moderate, primarily genetic, familial effects, and moderate to large effects of the nonshared environment (social and biological) on same-sex sexual behavior.

>In instrumental variable models, history of sexual abuse predicted increased prevalence of same-sex attraction by 2.0 percentage points (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4, 2.5), any same-sex partners by 1.4 percentage points (95% CI = 1.0, 1.9), and same-sex identity by 0.7 percentage points (95% CI = 0.4, 0.9)

Attached: homosexuals cannot love.gif (500x284, 3K)

lol here to set the record straight or something?
I just like the artwork

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>tfw polack boomer, so no consoles
At least I have some memories of HoMM3 with friends.
Fuck those 20 minute turns, though.

Don't reply to the /pol/tard bait. Report it and move on.

Attached: kurwakurwakurwa.png (972x1136, 218K)

Reminder that although there are cases of animals having opportunistic gay sex (basically aided masturbation for species that don't have thumbs) there are zero cases of exclusively gay animals. Only humans can contract this mental illness

this thread is depressing...

Attached: homosexuals.png (1440x2560, 1.89M)

>muh /pol/
spierdalaj ty kurwa żyd

zostaw go

Why are you so insecure, user?

Attached: Couple.jpg (595x842, 364K)

Attached: pol.png (1058x503, 289K)

When are you going to kill yourself? Will it be before the AIDS gets you?

Attached: faggots.jpg (1095x1545, 649K)

Don't reply to the subhumans, you'll shit up the thread
If no one gives them attention, they'll go away.

how do I get a cute Yea Forums bf?

you report the thread first

Did you even watch the actual episode, or EoE, or 3.0?
Shinji is at a minimum bisexual. Obviously he has a thing with Asuka but plenty of faggotry with Kaworu as well.
>inb4 he's not actually gay he just wanted attention!
Japanese gay subtext in a nutshell. There almost always has to be an "excuse" to make sure they're not "really" gay so the creators have plausible deniability. But they still have a ton of gay shit anyways, so they can have their cake and eat it too. It happens so often it's a cliche. There's only a handful of ballsy Japanese creators who come out and say "yep the character is gay", like Yoko Taro.

And while I was typing /pol/ appeared. Either you're raiding or continuously changing your IP to astroturf.

who are you calling a subhuman? Youre a friendless faggot, get a grip

gay isn't a leftist thing btw
just saying, Ernst Rohm, Yukio Mishima, Hadrian

video games

Attached: 4611b65ed585c4beeaf5ed113e1836c5.jpg (936x889, 792K)

>Did you even watch the actual episode, or EoE,
That screenshot is taken directly from EoE. Kaworu plainly states he doesn't love Shinji romantically.

There is also a scene written by Anno where Kaworu implies he is not even homosexual (pic related - from the drama CDs)

Attached: homo boy.jpg (1284x428, 308K)


LF a boyfriend
I'm from Ukraine
Don't pm me if you like wicher 3 though

>Don't pm me if you like wicher 3 though
Why 3 specifically?

>There's only a handful of ballsy Japanese creators who come out and say "yep the character is gay", like Yoko Taro.
how can one man be so based?

Again, they pretty much always shove in a bunch of excuses for plausible deniability. If there were no homosexual undertones at all, they wouldn't have all those gay moments to begin with. They push it as far as they can while still pretending it's not really gay. This isn't exclusive to Evangelion by any means, a ton of Japanese media pulls this shit.

i thought it was boring but you're not getting my dick

I have a friend that I play video games with sometimes. We're both pretty busy these days though. I wish we could play video games like that though

I prefer the gay germ theory myself.

well, okay, don't pm me if you like the witcher series in general as we won't get along, I'm looking for a cute guy who likes Japanese games
I can top too

>it's okay when it's my brand of off-topic shit

>When the question and op's pic are 100% related to video games
Why are you so dumb?

>it's totally video games though :)
You're not fooling anyone

Don't reply to b8, you mental woman.
You can't win by out-arguing the b8

i might be a bit drunk but i'm not gay yet sorry

okay, let me know when you finally come out

> I wish we could play video games like that though
I don't think anyone does
It looks like one of those anime things that don't happen IRL.

Four-handing a controller sounds like a pain

All animals which have sex for fun have gay sex. Humans are the same, they just realize they have more fun with males in everyday life along the way.

The homosexual stuff is just marketing. Gays and women have money. Anno was a very savvy marketer.

Thanks for admitting homosexuality is baseless hedonism

if it wasn't for the distance between us you'd be already smashing my mouth no homo

That has nothing to do with the post you replied to.

Homosexuality is pure logic. If you're smart, you go gay. It's that simple.

Your post has nothing to do with the post you replied to.

Gays have a statistically lower IQ though...

Stop replying to retard bait you fucking insecure retards
Vidya friends, not biting moronic bait
When will you fucking learn?

Similar to all mental illnesses

how do we exterminate faggots, Yea Forumsros?

>implying some kind of spirituality when it's clearly biologic.