What do you play to cope with your depression Yea Forums?
What do you play to cope with your depression Yea Forums?
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I play normal sleep schedule, eating healthy, lifting/running, cycling, not spending 80% of the day in front of the monitor.
Try that game sometime
any game with booze. wow, that easy to make a game you're too depressed to enjoy top tier fun again.
my penis
also my gf's tits
i listen to this song
Pretty soon you have to deal
With the truth behind the way you feel
And I'd rather never know
I would do anything, anything
Not to bring who I am to meet me
This useless suffering
Ugly part of me is screwing me
As it feeds me
But it is what it is
You don't know how to live with what it is
But it is what it is
It may seem impossible
But I will embrace who I really am
If it's a son of a bitch or a terrified kid
Then that's what it is
Pretty soon you'll have to face
You're a virus called the human race
And I'll never, never know
I have done everything, everything
Not to feel what it is I'm feeling
This basement devil is kicking the ass
Of my angel on the ceiling
But it is what it is
You don't know how to live with what it is
But it is what it is
It may seem impossible
But I will embrace who I really am
If it's a son of a bitch or a terrified kid
Then that's what it is
Don't push me, don't kill me
What it is 'cause it is what it is
Don't play games, don't mess with
What it is 'cause it is what it is
Don't ask me, don't tell me
What it is 'cause it is what it is
Don't push me, don't kill me
What it is 'cause it is what it is
Don't run from where you come from
'Cause it is what it is
And I, I
But it is what it is
You don't know how to live with what it is
But it is what it is
It may seem impossible
But I will embrace who I really am
If it's a son of a bitch or a terrified kid
Then that's what it is
what if the depression comes from loneliness, anxiety and hopelessness?
Yea Forums is the last place I would ask about depression user.
Can't play shit when depressed. Sleep it off.
I play WoW or GW2
Playing MMORPGs where I'm just one of many in another setting is really, really comforting. I can play another character and pretend to be someone else.
take my advice never EVER play secondlife
anxiety and hopelessness are symptoms of depression, not causes of it. Eating better and exercising more cannot do you any harm so it's worth trying at least
I've wanted to for a VERY long time. I have an artistic streak but I've never got into 3D modeling. I love being able to customise my avatar in games. If I figured out how to do that in SL I feel like my life will be over.
It's probably going to happen with VRC.
because he will never come back out of it not till it crashes and burns
Honestly normalfags like you deserve to be shot
>dude just eat food that tastes like shit and make yourself tired and in pain
>implying veggies taste like shit
>falling for cartoon gag memes
They taste bitter and awful
>it's an "american thinks all vegetables are poison ivy" episode
Only time food ever helps me is if I want fo feel "full" which means getting fat, or if my blood sugar was a little low. Sunflower lecithin choline actually helps but later in the day the depression comes back.
well just saw that poe is free on psn so i'll be checking that out. other than that, minecraft when i'm really down. it's like a sanctuary.
i appreciate this post but it's not always enough, user. then again i had a horrific past, so it's probably relative to the person.
>i had a horrific past
>What do you play to cope with your depression Yea Forums?
Dynasty Warriors
I'm playing through the megaman games right now. also just got Gato Roboto. Pretty sure I'll be a mess again by next week once im done all these games
mostly cliche broken home shit, career drug addict progenitor. hyper abusive. autistic on top of this and received no aid as a child, which surprisingly turned out to be beneficial in the long run. homeless for a long time because of said addict, was an addict myself for some time. came close to death a number of times. overall it was pretty shitty and i get to spend the rest of my life with panic attacks and flashbacks from it. at this point however, i'm decently adjusted for only having entered society in my 20s, 31 on friday. moved a couple states away and got my shit together.
Video games are not going to help with your depression you escapist fucktards.
Address the problem at hand. Why are you depressed in the first place? Fix the root of the problem.
As one of the other anons said, eating well and exercising work as natural antidepressants. I know it may sound like a meme but it's something you really need to experience to understand. For that you'll need discipline, and it's not something you'll experience immediately. It may take months of a good diet + exercise to start feeling better, but that beats being a depressed piece of shit on Yea Forums all of the time right?
Spending so much time on this website might be the thing making you depressed. Just something to consider.
Read some fucking books or something, learn how to play guitar, do what you always wanted to do. Sad motherfuckers.
well i played a lot of tf2 - always the same map and class and never really enjoying it, but it kept my mind distracted from the unfathomable despair and emptiness i would feel doing literally anything else
then i went to therapy and who woulda thunk, it actually worked
been playing video games for fun again for about two/three years now
Seeing a therapist and microdosing shrooms.
Well yesterday i wrote a suicide note. Writing and venting all my shit made me feel better then Vidya. Also FUCK THE GATCHA SHIT FROM XENOBLADE 2.
I use it as fuel to keep myself going rather than a wall that constantly stops me. Depression's a surprisingly good motivational tool if you use it in a productive way. Rather than the anxiety making me worried as hell unable to do anything, I use that anxiety to create a tunnel-vision of sorts to make sure I complete that exact thing that I need to do. What people see in the nihilistic viewpoint of not wanting to interact with other people due to how shitty the world is, I instead make sure use it as a drive to befriend shitty people and mentally change them from the inside-out into normal productive human beings. People treat depression like a disease (which I guess it is), but nobody realizes how powerful a motivator it can be too.
>also my gf's tits
>not ass
That's pretty amazing. i haven't went through even 1% the stuff you did and I've felt like i could never get my life together.
>wh*te people
bit of what this guys says, but i'll add another sth as being in a hole for the last 3-4y and seeing life go by progressively faster
exercise is great in that it helps, regardless of how little or what you're doing, could be fucking 20-30' walks, evidence is there to show it has a not insignificant effect
the real hard part, part that got and gets me every day is the part that you have to commit energy, effort, real effort into being happy (if we're not talking about a chemical imbalance fixable with meds) and sometimes, or often enough, you don't have the power, motivation to get out of the vicious cycle
I stay busy, to keep me from thinking, and stay alone, because those two things, if done correctly, have helped me the most
find what works for you; staying distracted is a not a solution, but it's a bandaid that at least stays on most of the time- you need to work, you need to take care of yourself to some basic degree, concentrating on that is a mindfulness think of its own
there most often are not solutions, let alone easy ones as `just microdose`, `just smoke weed`, `just drink`, when you realize that nothing helps, just makes things worse, and the the least you can do is not make things worse for yourself, or kill yourself, that's my sole comforting thought
>real effort into being happy
my bad, not being happy per se, but in the thing that you know is meaningful (to you), be that reading a book (getting over the first few pages), studying (starting out and keeping at it), cooking in non-half-assed way
you gotta be in it effort-wise, not about winning, or being the best, but finding some solace in the thing you're doing
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. I've spent close to £400 on it since launch, but no matter how much I put in to it, I still don't feel complete.
I do have a cute campsite though so that's nice.
i wanna fap but i KNOW i'll feel like shit next day and further
Visual novels help a lot user. Gl and hang in there .
I do it only because I know I'll get wet dreams in about 10d, I hate being woken by emergent laundry.
Recently watched The Tribe (2015), has a real nice abortion scene, that I keep replaying frame for frame on the off chance I get frisky.
>but i KNOW i'll feel like shit next day and further
Nice, I’m not the only one who feels like that.
Usually the day after that I’m golden, but I hate that an entire day is “wasted” feeling like garbage.
I simply live with the pain.
yeah me too, but when i fap, i wanna fap even more the next day and i get hornier and it gets unbearable when i got nothing to do
Depression isn't real fags, stop justifying your laziness and lack of determination.
>Finally get first gf at 25
>Never had a gf before and was a virgin
>Think it's super weird to have this girl genuinely care about me
>she likes sex a lot and gives me a blowjob everyday
>she tells me that she feels good when she makes me feel good
>I play videogames a lot more now
This shit is weird, I value my alone time that much more now but I do enjoy being with her a lot. Im convinced I'm an autist and all I play is the old SMT games now.
What depression?
marry her before she dumps you
Bad feels all the time that cloud out any good feels a normal non-depressed person would get by doing good feels things.
I haven't played a game in like two weeks. I think the last one I played was Stalker or something but I couldn't manage it. I don't know what to do to manage my depression anymore besides citalopram and alcohol damn it.
lots of video games and a splash of alcohol
or the other way i forget sometimes
this post is past the point of retarded and is just boring now
>dude just eat food that tastes like shit
You know there's plenty of healthy food that doesn't taste like shit, right?
>Read some fucking books or something, learn how to play guitar, do what you always wanted to do. Sad motherfuckers.
I can't, I'm a wageslave
I've only been with her for two months, that's fucking crazy. She's kinda crazy too, she got mad at me and a cashier girl once because the cashier was "hitting on me" and I just laughed it off because no one ever hits on me.
>wow just wow I can't even with this post
I dont have depression.
and user if you have it I doubt vidya will fix it, might make it worse. take some productive to give yourself some meaning, I know when taking something big, thoughts like how you have already failed your parents and instead of working towards getting your shit together you are taking yet another hobby productive or not is just shameful. these kind of thoughts will contaminate your mind probably but, temporarily forget about them. I don't mean to say don't get your shit together, but take your mind off it. and try to fully enjoy the new hobby or skill and the reward they would give you might really help. like calligraphy or something.
I meant productive hobby
>not spending 80% of the day in front of the monitor.
But thats my job
Devil may cry 5
Nigga you gay
based. tired of these muh depression fags
Marry her you retard niggahs would kill for your position
I bottle it up and become a self-destructive fuckwad
>just, like, work out bro!
Fuck off. The world is falling apart, just let me get drunk.
i can guarantee anyone who makes threads about having depression doesn't actually have it
take your pity party somewhere else bub
>You have depression because you don't follow these weird arbitrary standards
I understand that fast food and not working out can be detrimental to your health, and cause depression by extention, but this "no porn" and "no video games" shit is clearly a right-wing attempt to promote chastity.
>tfw social anxiety prevents me from going to the gym/exercising
Damn I wish home gyms were affordable
prozac works over a period of 3 months but most people with depression dont stick to it to the point that it just makes everything worse
you don't need a home gym to workout you fat fuck do some jumping jacks and push ups you lazy cunt
I'm at 5/10 of these. What's the maximum allowed?
doing them all day everyday with nothing else going on isnt good either.
Yeah but you won't make any actual progress just by doing pushups and jumping jacks
yes you will you fat fuck
usually I go to the gym when I am angered, sad or horny.
Videogames are for happy times when I have no worries.
be my daddy and kick my ass every time i say i'm lazy
nicktoons attack of the toybots
>he can't afford 1 dumbbell
literally all you need.
based assman
no do it yourself faggot find a reason to workout or don't idgaf fag just don't pretend like you can't workout at home for free or make progress without equipment
I'm a skinny twink. I want to put on muscle. You're really telling me I can get ripped just by jumping jacks and pushups?
you should still try a gym out. my friend has that and i convinced him to go to the gym with me. hes been coming with me for 4months now and he tells me its helped his mental state greatly
make sure to eat more than usual but yeah i usually jump rope and do push ups and that's it
Have sex.
i bought a book about calisthenics but i like doing nothing too much
ok so be a fat fuck your entire life i don't care you do you man