Hack or misunderstood genius?

Hack or misunderstood genius?

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99% Hack
1% Misunderstood genius

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I've been seeing a lot of Kojima threads lately. did he do something?

misunderstood hack

Does he ever learn from his mistakes?

understood genius.

Hack with the occasional stroke of genius

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Understood hack

No just a bunch of shitposters zoomers that don't like the game unless is Fartnite, they also attacked DMC5 when it came out.

Perhaps we been so infiltrated for so long that we no longer distinguish Yea Forums from Resetera, or Neogaf

>taking selfies instead of working on Death Stranding
holy shit this game is gonna fucking flop so hard

agreed, what the fuck he isn't even in his cage

Death Stranding got another trailer and a release date

genius that peasants misunderstood

At least he is confident enough to take one unlike you fat pig.

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100% hack

Overrated Hack.

why do people call him a hack

Understood hack.

Because he literally never made a good game and autistic fans will try to convince you MGS 1 or fucking 3 had good gameplay or level design or something. He's obsessed (literally) with Hollywood and now even SJW culture and thinks he's a god.

Hacky hackity hack hack

he looks chad on this pic

Fuck off Assblasted Snoy, or zoomer thrash.

100% Hack

>You just know that it's one obsessed autist that keeps making the same thread over and over and over again.

Can you please put Kojima in the OP so I can filter all this cancer next time please

he's misunderstood, but he's neither hack nor genius.

Hack fraud

hack misunderstood ofr a genius