
Attached: rosterfags are gay.jpg (680x477, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:




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ITT: Things I don't like

Hey hey hey u are gay heh heh


Far Albert for smash when?

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>he posts pepe and wojak

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Banjobros aren't rosterfags. We've wanted him in for ages. He's the only character left that actually deserves to be in Smash.

Banjokes are literally 100% rosterfags, for the last decade they haven't had a single reason to care about their character other than "OH SHIT I HOPE HE GETS INTO SMASH"
Something Doomguy, Steve, Reimu and Erdrick don't share.

Banjofags are just as cancerous as any other characterfag in that picture and you know it
you faggots aren't any better than stevefags. you two are a plague to smash threads

Nice try discordfag.

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And the shitflinging begins. And you retards wonder why everyone hates you.

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I was talking about DQ in general, so how many times people said Erdrick between 2015-2018 is irrelevant.

Wouldn't it be awesome if literally none of them got in?


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If the west doesn't care about Dragon Quest and yet Banjo is less discussed than DQ...

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I'm excited for the next reveal. I really don't care about who's in, I just want to see the reactions. No matter what someone is going to get shitted on massively.

Why are Banjofags so fucking ridiculous? All they ever do is cry about others wanting characters different from theirs and yelling 'discord' and 'tranny.' They act so paranoid like people are only holding different opinions from them to troll them and not because anybody actually likes other things. It's pathetic really.

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So he's in?

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That's only because Dragon Quest has a lot more games. To make it fair, you should divide the Dragon Quest results by 11 and the Banjo-Kazooie results by 2.

Banjo and Sorafags are the saltiest motherfuckers

Oh man I almost forgot about the Sorafags. Those fucks are almost if not just as bad.

I was looking for a doomguy wojak, but i couldn't find one, so it settled for ryu. Besides, didn't he get deconformed a while back by his own devs?

Hey, Hey, Hey!
I think rosterfriends are okay!

It's important to remember, everyone, that Yea Forums is for discussing all video games! If you're not interested in Smash Bros., then look out for a thread that does interest you - or even make a new one that others can enjoy together! And Smash Bros. fans; while it's okay to be excited about a game, you shouldn't force the discussion to just be about games that you're interested in. Even if a thread is about a character in Smash, it doesn't have to be a thread about Smash.

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The Virgin Shitflinging Gorilla
The Chad Fat Bro

Hey hey hey Undertale character is on the game.


Fact: Erdrickfags haven't given a single solid reason their character is in that isn't fake "leaks", faggot "leakers" and a purposefully vague datamine

Its the most popular protagonist of Square Enix's second flagship

>doomguy still isn't based off the low health face

Neither does Geno

>thinking that's a reason
into the trash you go

What would his moveset be like?


Fat Albert, you're like a broken clock

What would be a reason?

I think he's in simply because of much backlash he's gotten. Don't you know Yea Forums is always wrong and fears the truth?

Molesting women

We Geno supporters are grandfathered in though.

ashley should be careful. I hear albert can get a little weird.

This. He's like the next Incineroar. I always hear people say they want a character that isn't circlejerked on Yea Forums, but that's pretty much Erdrick if he hadn't been leaked.

The results for "Loto" are probably more consistent.

The difference is that we're boomers and Erdrickfags are zoomers. We deserve more respect for these reasons.

Erdrick is like 10 years older than Geno though

>thinking a literal who from a franchise no one gives a shit about in the west is the headline character reveal at E3
Saying it's the truth won't make it true

Attached: retardalert.gif (493x342, 480K)

>Genofags are boomers
>Genofags deserve respect

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What do fat albert has to do with smash and rosterfags?

I don't get it

Tick tock.

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>Genofags deserve respect

Nah. Shimbori, the director for DOA6, said he'd never spoken to Sakurai and that he'd want to see Kasumi in Smash. But it would be the higher ups at Koei Tecmo that do the talks with Nintendo, like Hayashi or Shibusawa.

You have soiled my opinion on this character. If dark souls does get in I pray it isn't this faggot.

Now that's a character that people only mention because it was on a leak

[character you like]fags are the worst
[character I like]fags are pretty okay guys and never shitpost

Don't worry. It obviously won't be. Imagine thinking some random dlc boss would be the character choice. You would have to be braindead to think that.

>Grinch deconfirmed Banjo
>Google deconfirmed Banjo
I feel bad for these guys.

Attached: owo.png (1176x560, 20K)

If Fat Albert got into Smash it would be so fucking hilarious I wouldn't even be mad and I honestly kind of want it now just to see the shitstorm.

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No they haven’t those 18 votes from decades ago don’t mean that
Hurr durr he got some votes at hight of his popularity that means people wanted him for all this time
Ur so dumb holy shit

Now try searching for each individual Dragon Quest game against each individual Banjo Kazzoie game.

The Creator of Dark Souls has Dragon Quest III as one of his favorite RPGs

Didnt that imran Khan guy say he spke with one of those guys and noted that it sounded like he was under NDA about smash? Idk Ryu Hayabusa makes total sense in smash to me.

I don't care anymore. I stopped playing smash after like a week and a half.
This board will be unusable for days because of whoever the fuck is revealed at e3.
Its so tiresome.
I bet not even a 1/5th of the people who make/participate in smash/roster threads have played it in the last 2 months.

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Loto can also be seen as 'Lockout-tagout' so that doesn't count.

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Can you also put Minecraft and Fortnite for comparison, just curious how much they get compared to boobs

Latest BK release vs Latest DQ release

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But he's a rapist.

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>Minecraft is beating Fortnite again

Fat Albert was based on a friend of Cosby, not Cosby himself.

Dude autism bear is not getting is, why do you Think a irrelevant character from a dead franchise will get in?

If Isaac didn't get in, what makes you think Banjo will then? Absolute delusional

Neither is Sword Gohan

why are banjofags so OBSESSED with erdrick? they have nothing in common gameplay and series wise so whats the big fucking deal
sorafags hating erdrickfags makes perfect sense but i cant grasp banjofags

> Implying i'm a DQfag
I prefer ReiMOOOO

Sword Gohan's game at least still exists.

So is autism bear's?
Games don't just disappear user

> West good
> Japan bad

>Minecraft btfoing Fortnite this hard
On a second thought, maybe Steve deserves a DLC slot after Banjo gets in.

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Seeing all these Banjofags makes me feel bad. I can only imagine what their poor parents will have to go through having to listen to their screaming all night when the last fighter pass character is revealed and they realize that the grinch got their hopes up for nothing.

The user with an autistic hate for Erdrick is a Sorafag, he pulled the same shit when Simon was leaked

Rarefags always start shit with outhers, in and out of Smash, they just have a superiority complex even if Rare itself called Banjo second rate.

Banjofags lash out on any character that starts getting speculated with a bit of evidence. Mainly because they keep thinking said characters get in the way of the bear and bird themselves. Watch when erdrick gets announced you'll see them try and trample the next character that gets talked about and then the one after that it's like a never ending cycle.

All fiction is reaction to one's own experiences. the elements are there.

I know right? Like, I get Sora and Genofags being against Erdrick, because they believe he's competition because of SE. I also get Banjo vs Steve for the same reason. By why do Banjofags go after Erdrick of all characters?


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Because Banjocucks are often part of the other two fanbases and believe he is stealing the slot of their never ever Square character

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>unironically thinking Erdrick was "leaked" as if was gonna be in in the first place
and second
>thinking only one person does these things
Those are some pretty hard assumptions

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Based plantposter

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Wakey Wakey Erdrickfags

Attached: Smash2results.png (1033x2323, 386K)

You said the same shit with Simon no one is listening to you anymore

>sleepy Erdrick poster

Attached: donaldbeatsgoku.jpg (1080x843, 113K)

Literally nobody ever said any of the anti-erdrick arguments against Simon.

I'm not even remotely the same guy cause I avoided Yea Forums like the plague at that time

Holy shit how fucking hypocritical and stupid can you be???
Is this what Yea Forums has really become?

And what are the anti-Erdrick arguments? That he is bad because he was leaked? Because nobody talked about him in the bubble?

What are you talking about? This isn't Yea Forums. You are on 4channel. Totally different.

> Because nobody talked about him in the bubble?
Yes you retard, fans wanted stuff like Geno, Isaac, Banjo, Ashley, Bandana Dee, Waluigi, Rayman, Bomberman etc... characters that has been discussed for ages and has a bigger legacy than Dragon Quest

Nobody cares about shitty DQ, they want their favorite characters from popular series.

Its clearly the same thing you disgusting incel

He's Japanese and clearly Banjofags are such boomers that they haven't gotten over Pearl Harbor.

>no one asked about Simon before the Vergeben leak
>Simon will not be in because no one cares about him in Japan

Stop false flagging
The funny shit is that DQ is way older than BK

Well he is bad, but he wasn't "leaked" cause he isn't even in


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No no no. There's a huge difference. You see, one of them is called "Yea Forums" while the other is called "4chanNEL." That's 3 whole letters of difference. a 60% change.

Oh goody, another sword.

Japan has a shit ton of Akumajou Dracula (Castlevania) games exclusive to their region

Edit: Thanks for the gold stranger!

> Implying i'm wrong

You’re a retard.
There is literally nothing wrong with using reddit

The only thing stopping Erdrick from being in is
>If SE picks Slime as the DQ rep. In which case he will be a Mii costume
>If SE goes full retarded and adds no character to Smash DLC
And that is it. There are no other options. DQ is next in line for SE reps.

Redditourist detected

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Except Simon have asked for Simon before Virginben, it was just all dependent on Komoney not being stupid, and Simon was a shoe in once Snake returned, also I don't know of any anti-Simon arguments in the threads I visited.

>no steve yet
I guess their discord group fell apart as time went on.

Attached: steve is gay.png (288x256, 4K)

I dunno if he's in but this has been really funny to watch.

Denial: "Dragon Quest won't be in, it's not important and the rights are too difficult!"
Anger: "People would get angry he's in, they'd call him a Robin clone! We don't need anymore anime swordsman!"
Bargaining: "Actually, Slime would be the better pick, and any REAL Dragon Quest fan wants him instead of a protagonist."

If he is in, or a DQ character in general is, Yea Forums will basically only be mad because they decided it would be awful already. I don't usually do the 'I want them in for salt' but I feel a lot of people kinda have it coming here.

Attached: __roto_and_zoma_dragon_quest_iii_and_etc_drawn_by_chimochimo__sample-ef9d4493ead57f794a042f95ef20241 (850x708, 210K)

Next DLC character is Tracer from Overwatch. She plays like a weird mesh of Fox/ZSS/Bayo and has a frustrating "Rewind" special that lets her reverse damage taken and recover from super far offstage. She has an ult mechanic that works like Little Mac's KO Punch and her final smash lets her choose between summoning Winston (knockback), Genji (damage) or Mercy (healing/golden effect).
I can't wait for the Banjo/Erdrick/Steve retards to rage and seethe when this character nobody wanted or expected gets in, like every single other fucking DLC newcomer so far.
Screencap this, fuckfaces.

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>There are no other options
You have no idea how wrong you are.

Attached: themouseseesall.jpg (400x400, 19K)

> Simon was a shoe in once Snake returned
> Not Bomberman

Geno is already deconfirmed.

>thinking there have been any stages
Too bad he ain't he in and thinking he is is retarded.

If KH is important, why it isn't on SE's About Us page? Why can't it catch up to DQ in sales?

Spirits don't disconfirm

>Smash Bros Ultimate info at E3 2019.jpg


here’s your next newcomer

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get fucked fatty

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Sora got deconformed, retard.
>N-no he didn't!! He's lying under nda!!!
No, there is no nda. We're getting crono or neku. That and dreamworks is involved, so back off, you jewish cheese whore.

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Here's your next Namco rep.

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I hope it's the second option, they're too greedy with Cloud

Because it's legally Mouse property dumbass, how about you go outside, your room must smell terrible neckbeard.

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Look, the facts are facts: Erdrickfags are fake fans and do not represent the true interests or beliefs of actual Dragon Quest fans. Don't lump these fake fans in with the real DQ fans.

>Erdrick will be in
>Erdrick will be released on Rat Catcher's Day

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Personally, i'm hoping for a clone character

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>real fans want Alucard, not Simon

Fake fans are everywhere, look at Kid Icarus fans

>neku or chrono

I'm certain they only let Cloud return if they could get a piece of DLC money

>Yea Forums is the same as 4channel
I want summer to end already.

I thought they wanted Cloud to be DLC

>SJWatch trash in Smash
I hate how annnoyingly plausible this sounds

I think the more likely truth is that Sakurai managed to trick Square Enix into agreeing to Cloud being in the base roster. There's no way in hell that Sakurai would allow a Square Enix DLC after the hell he's been through to get Cloud in the base roster.

who cares anyways yeah dq3 discussions are ruined on Yea Forums forever but you can still talk about dq on /vr/ and /dqg/

Hey hey hey!
Its faaaaaaaaggg Albert!

All you rosterfags are acting like your some kind of fucking prophet
> No this character definitely won't get in
> oh but this one definitely will
Shut the fuck up you colossal fucking retards you have no idea who the fuck will or won't get in

Attached: 12b.png (680x357, 427K)

No, he won't and there definitely won't be any releases on June 26 or July 22.

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*blocks your path*

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Don't burn out your bulb projecting that hard.

Most of these are American zoomers

Oh shit its that one dude from that one game

I fully expect Nintendo to do the right thing for once and take minority representation into account when picking the next character for DLC

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also based

You mean Lucas?

If both boomers and zoomers are shit then who is the actual tolerable set of people?
Is everyone shit?

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i seriously hope doom guy isn't in
leave the bethesda shit out of smash

IIRC, Fat Albert's friend Bill was Cosby's insert. The character was such a nothing in the show, it'd be easy to write him out if they were to remake it.

>Tracer before Scout/Heavy
Worst timeline
But they also added Persona shit instead of mainline SMT so I wouldn't put it past them at this point

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That would be like remaking Mr. Rodger's without Mr. Rodger. Or blues clu- oh, wait.

shonen jump talks about dq games all the time including when dai got into jump force
hes in bros

Attached: Capture.jpg (672x692, 63K)

> Hating on Tracer
Fuck off

t. tranny


We already know it's gonna be about the mobile game Square plans to release.

I'd accept Overwatch if the fighter was Roadhog

More like Fat Baohlbert for smash.

Attached: fat baohlbert true form.png (1289x1427, 656K)

> She's bad because it's a girl!
Fucking incel


if any Souls boss got in it'd probably be Soul of Cinder since it's literally the player from 1

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No other character would be a better fit for a physics-based zoner than Reimu. Don't (You) me.

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no, she's bad because she's a lesbo with no purpose other than social brownie points
and a vocel, thank you very much

> lesbo
Not canon

>Not canon
user I...

Mobile game, every piece of news isn't Smash

Minority by Japan's standards would mean white people.

Smash sure does love them then, I mean do you expect me to believe characters like Peach, Samus or Cloud are Japs based on their appearance.

>Banjobros aren't rosterfags.
Explain all the mentally ill DKtrannies screaming for more Rare shit despite getting Kuck Drool


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alright lads im sketching some shitposting oc and i need one more type of rosterfag
already have erdrick, steve, banjo, sora, geno, and reimu


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Can smash just get it's own board

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Doomguy for sure

>Everything should get it's own board
How about no

Fat Albert dabbing on them

While WHIRRRing them up into his big black ass

Attached: get fucked grinchfags.png (741x355, 33K)

There must be some elements of cosby in fat albert.

Hey hey hey
I’m the master of the keyblade.

bumping for

>Shonen Jump, a Manga publisher
>Talking about video fame news
>Nor talking about a new manga for DQ
I hate rosterfags

Attached: 1558071862018.jpg (640x480, 78K)

I fucking hate Erdrick and Erdrickfags. Not even Year 2013 Ridleyfags was ever THIS cancerous.

>it's about to get ogre

yes. everyone is shit. you, me, that guy in the corner. ESPECIALLY that guy in the corner

this is all true except Waluigi

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It's cause he's in and you can't stand that people like a generic anime swordsmen

>It's cause he's in

It’s because Steve and Erdrick are getting in

Oh you'll definitely be laughing at his reveal trailer

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Make him molesting Reimu

> Not Ashley

>fake fan thinks it's going to win
You're already deconfirmed.

Attached: kenshirofinger.jpg (480x360, 28K)

Lolicons wanted her in 4, newfag

Give me one good reason he won’t be a fighter
>inb4 deconfirmed!!!
The NDA nigga

Attached: 3A07267F-F5FD-42EC-83A1-E58A7E47769D.jpg (1280x1280, 358K)

Keep coping

As a mii costume

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Reimu already has plenty of faceless fatguy porn for you to self-insert into.

cause kingdom hearts is fucking garbage lmao

I can't, Yea Forums is just full of retards like this one

>the people that dislike these characters actually care enough about them to do that
I'm willing to bet a majority of the people that do want a character to be in, is because they have actually PLAYED the game their from. I'm also going to guess the opposite is true, every time people don't want a character in is because they haven't played their respective game. This may not be true for all cases, but I do think that the fact that there is a confirmed limit to how many characters we are getting has led to increased hostility amongst each fan base. With those who would normally not caring about a character now actively against them due to the fighter's pass only containing 5 characters.

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Kingdom Hearts 1 holds up way better than all the DQ games on NES

getting the license for him would probably be a huge pain in the ass
But aside from that Sora would've had a pretty decent shot.

I guarantee you all that if Erdrick is DLC, the vast majority of the west will get angry and demand refunds for their fighter pass if they've bought one. Same kind of reaction that would happen if Bubsy or Sylux was confirmed as DLC. Universally despised characters that nobody wants in Smash like these three will straight-up provoke riots outside Nintendo headquarters if they were confirmed as DLC.

To me that’s honestly the only thing I think keeping him from being in the game, I do think if they did all get together and agreed he’d be in the game and I know some people argue that square is stingy with their properties but I think that has more to do with legal reasons than personal because there’s non existent FF characters even in KH3

Notice how all the refusteves are gone? They're trying to turn DQfags on BKfags when there is no reason to. The only connecting thread is the datamined character.

Refushits have sunk to a new low yet again.

Let me just state that there's a difference between actual character fags and "no no this theory fits with this one" fags.

Support a character all you want. Don't fall for blatant shitposting.

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but who hasn't played doom? should you even be allowed have an opinion on video games if you haven't bothered to play doom

A dude who predicted Fire Piranha Plant and VR Smash said Erdrick and Banjo for Smash.

Fuck Erdrickfags, I can't wait for Banjo to be announced at E3 and kill off the Erdrickfaggotry once and for all.

Fat Albercht

Banjo is believable, Erdrick isn't.
Chances are fairly high that he knows what's happening behind the scenes, but lied about Erdrick to troll Erdrickfags.

>A dude who predicted Fire Piranha Plant and VR Smash
Source: your ass

Dude would've said "no comment" if he was under an NDA, but no, he outright said no to Sora being in Smash, which counts as a disclosure of information.

Imagine being this much of a zoomer


Monika for Smash

Fuck Banjofags

Attached: monika.png (960x960, 654K)

The real keyblade master is getting in instead.

Attached: 1497600322308.jpg (470x338, 35K)

Nope, you can deny any information you want under a NDA, you just can't announce any information.

Sora isnt going to be in smash, Nintendo doesnt want to pay Disney a fuck ton of money that they are going to inevitably demand.

Good job swapping doomguy with ryu nigger

>devs says Master Chief isn't in Smash
>Sorafags says nothing about NDAs

>devs says Kasumi isn't in Smash
>Sorafags says nothing about NDAs

>devs says Dante isn't in Smash
>Sorafags says nothing about NDAs

>devs says Travis isn't in Smash
>Sorafags says nothing about NDAs

>devs says 2B isn't in Smash
>Sorafags says nothing about NDAs

>devs says Sora isn't in Smash

>Banjo is believable

Attached: georgio.jpg (500x370, 184K)


adam jensen is in

Attached: 1540427926315.png (633x698, 24K)


Because people at this point actually looked up what an NDA actually means actually they did that when Dante was "deconfirmed"

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out of his Collectathon comfort even when Rareware threw millions at him
> Only had one good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the '90s
>Main evented the second lowest drawing Xbos exclusive of the '00s
>Tanked the buyrate of Rare Replay so hard his remaster was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of the N64 because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 10th best member of Diddy Kong Racing
>Only the 9th best member of Banjo Pilot
>His gibberish speak was cringeworthy
>His ugly yellow pants was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEAR AND DA BIRD""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Xbros crowd so badly he was reduced to a bonus costume in Minecraft which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being one of 12 N64 games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Is the video game equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 2005 game that Conker of all people had to take the spotlight off him
>spent the latter part of his career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was giving Playtonic enough leverage to swindle 2 Million dollars from sad millenial manchildren who can't grow up and let go of the past

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Literally and unironically zoomers. You're forgetting that period between Doom 3 and DOOM where the series kinda fell out, kinda like that period between Beast Wars and The Bay movies

>a dude
Can we get confirmation on this, please? Or a source?

Genofags have child-level intellects, they're even worse than Zoomers

This guys lying. It wasn't a dude, it was a cute girl who leaked it.

>believe anyone
>on Yea Forums
He probably just said that to cause a shitstorm

Also, can you blame Erdrickfags for being zoomers? It can be a long walk to Tantegel.

Papagenos covered it

You literally pulled that from your ass didn’t you?

Into the trash, he seems nice, but he's also too gullible.

Except he started to talk about Smash VR before Smash VR was picked up by the bot.

> Believing anyone who has Geno in their name

fucking retard

>Always the guy
>Drew ALL the dimes
>Recognized by billions
>Pioneered and revolutionized the SHMUP genre
>Never had a bad game
>Main evented the Golden Age of Arcade Games
>Keeps getting rereleases
>Doesn't need AAA status
>The finest member of the Taito Crew
>Their beep-boop marching hypnotized millions
>Their simple design burned in everyone's minds
>Calls themselves "The Based Invaders"
>Is video games
>No need for gimmicks
>Doesn't need another franchise to draw dimes
>Headlined the beginning of true video games
>Was so successful it caused the "yen shortage" urban legend in Japan
>Is the video game equivalent of a Founding Father
>Is still in Taito's spotlight to this day
>Kept producing kino such as Infinity Gene even in the face of """superior""" young talent
>The biggest impact they had on the business was putting video games as a whole on the map, popularizing arcade games, kickstarting a major video game genre, and doing all of this two years before Pac-Man did it himself

Attached: this kills the stevirgins.jpg (1349x697, 283K)


Interesting. When was his video uploaded and when was VR smash announced?

banjobros WW@

Attached: rave.gif (128x128, 175K)

His video was posted after it but the conversations in his discord happened before,

>anal vores dio
What was his endgame?

Attached: fat_albert_anal_voring_dio.png (1254x772, 332K)

You can go back to his Discord now, PapaGenos believes anything that says banjo will be playable


Unironically good.

Omniversal force fusion rampage till he gets into smash.
How did papagenos even get even close to relevant? He was just some Smashboard dude did "insiders" start telling him shit?

Here’s the screenshot, it’s gonna be fun shitting on banjokes when he doesn’t get announced at E3

Attached: 0551B908-806B-4784-9B4B-DCD9BCB4D535.jpg (726x345, 142K)

>that Mignola style
Why couldn’t the actual comics have looked like this

Notice the time stamp, his was before VR and Northgard

The fact that it claims that Erdrick is coming makes it fake.

gonna enter the discord and pretend to be an insider to fuck him up


It’s speculation you literal dumbass, go back to Smashboards or PapaGenos Discord

Why not Banjo? You know, an irrelevant piece of furry shit from a dead franchise with no future?

Banjo is actually highly requested AND beloved. Erdrick don't have any of these qualities, and is in fact widely hated.

Because predicting a literal who from a franchise no one gives a shit about in the west is just as erroneous.

>Another papacuckos theory

>Yea Forums

Attached: 1516313074966.png (2240x1108, 357K)

Here they come

Attached: [RH] Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou - NCED [1014B25C.jpg (1920x1080, 109K)

> Banjo got a boost from the Grinch leak
FUCKING lol. Imagine how many people had no idea who he was.

Banjofags are hiding behind Erdrick now?

Banjo looks weird in that picture. Did he just return from the Vietnam war?

I sure do love playing as Geno and Isaac in Smash

> Widely hated
He's only hated by retarded Smashfags like you

>hiding behind


Attached: [RH] Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou - NCED [1014B25C].mkv_snapshot_00.47.jpg (1063x598, 77K)

Why does all these banjo “leaks” come from PapaGeno’s Discord? How hard is he gonna kill himself when Steve gets in

>Regurtigating the same tired arguments that mean absolutely nothing to anyone
Literal npcs


His ass

>literally says they do not actually know the dlc
my fucking sides

>that is just their speculation though they say they do NOT know the Smash DLC right now
so which is it, fag? Do they know or do they not know?

>Erdrick went all the way over to the ultimate shithole just to rescue Banjo from the Grotesque Steves
Absolutely based.

Mach Rider and Geno got spirit'd, so he shills Bano now in hopes he get somehting right for once

I meant the anime

>Leaker that upfront says he speculating the roster
That's a first, he's definitely wrong though.

They don’t know PapaGenos literally fucking admitted it

He's popular because he covers leaks that have banjo in them and always claims to have "insiders" that only tell him shit in his echo chamber discord. Quite sad really but banjoids are so so desperate that they'll give this literal who attention.

Weeeell, A yo-ho-ho and a yupity-dum
My I.Q. is very low, I'm a pirate and I'm dumb
Well I might be hiding in a barrel in the dark
Or I'll walk you down the plank, and I'll feed you to the sharks
I could cut you down to size if I catch you by surprise
I could get you with my sword, or from a barrel throwing knives
Well you got a rubber butt, and a head full of lead
But if you draw for me a mermaid I'll be watching her instead!

You could try to write me off, but you'll be busy enough
With the cannonballs a-droppin', and the parrot's eggs a-poppin'
You can jump over the fire and the ropes could take you higher
But the only way to win is to complete what you begin!

Attached: pirate.gif (350x350, 132K)

>We’ve had literal years where Square has been strict and protective of leaks getting out

>To the point of firing entire divisions when giving out fake leak names

>People suddenly think they can talk about Erdrick so casually and so long as if he’s guaranteed to get in

>Pretending as if Square wouldn’t have a hand, despite the fact that they helped Harada fool people with Noctis in Tekken

Oh boy

Erdrick and Steve are getting announced together

why do people act like artorias is the poster boy of souls?

At least he’s not leading people on with shit he doesn’t know about

Cloud in smash 4. Thanks for letting me ruin your shitty argument

Why are Banjofags the most desperate group of rosterfags? Like go on the banjo smashboards and you’ll see what I mean


I mean I know he reported on a Leak an "insider" said or something but is his channel growing or did he do anything to get semi well known besides that?

it's his time bros. but first a toast to all of the based rosterfags

Attached: 1558813223826.png (711x741, 504K)

Because Steve is more likely and they’re trying to use anything to put themselves on top

Daily Life of High School Boys, good watch if you are past high school.

Attached: [RH] Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou - NCED.jpg (1063x598, 48K)

Sure. Here you go.

Attached: Johnny_large.png (293x462, 23K)

He was the face of the Grinch Leak

>only leaked because SE showed Youtubers weeks in advance
>only talked about by one person who nobody gave a shit about until afterwards

His support of the Grinch leak is how I even found out about him. So I'm guessing that was a catalyst

If Erdrick is leakbait, he is leakbait for another Enix character, having Erdrick cover for FF or KH wouldn't fly within SE's hierarchy.

Blessed piratepostr

Someone at Nintendo decided to some well known Youtubers Cloud a week before the Direct, info must have slipped and he was known the day before

It's one of those "funny" Anime, i.e. not funny at all. Suggest not watching it.

Sora's probably a pink wojak now that he's legit deconfirmed.

Attached: f5f.jpg (680x680, 75K)

Refusteves and Erdrincels are gonna get cucked so hard by Banjo this E3.

I hope he's not, Sora's a gay ass character from one of the gayest vidya franchise
you've got enough plucky anime boys

More like the other way around

Attached: 6643D868-73F1-437F-A143-986119E935E0.jpg (750x897, 574K)

He’s not gonna get anything right

If we are to play with this idea. It either means square has no other rep or leakbait is in fact being used. However to have a reaction like cloud would not work for a huge fan favorite character like Sora far too predictable and recently got "deconfirmed" The ONLY character I can think of that would be as surprising as cloud is chrono. So we have 3 options
>Erdrick did get leaked despite squares secrecy and he's the character
>Erdrick was leakbait and the actual rep is chrono
>No square rep at all

Wow, Geno's mother is actually four people?

>claims he "deserves" to be in Smash
>others say he "reps" the N64 era and Rare among other arbitrary checklists
>not rosterfags

holy fucking shit, i can already imagine geno with korg's voice

Attached: 1552838763256.png (650x650, 10K)

>believing someone who got confronted with a question that the interviewer shouldn't have ask

Attached: okIbelieveyou.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

PapaGenos will believe anything with banjo slapped on it

People ignore this fact a lot.

Cloud wasn’t leaked until days before his actual reveal
And KH3 was only leaked because somebody literally stole it

If it does end up being Erdrick, somebody is fucking dead

this got me good

Attached: 20190530_164834.png (321x307, 116K)

Pack it in Stevefags. Even Verg, who you guys seem to worship as some sort of godspeaker, is backing down on him.

Attached: pack it in stevefags.png (1450x511, 634K)

You got this from PapaGenos video and he left out half of his Steve statements intentionally

Ahh thank you for the info.
Thank you too. Idk I've only ever seen the dude on smashboards while looking for leaks for smash everywhere. I didn't know he even got any notoriety at all. I know he shilled his youtube on there but I thought he was a bit of a dumbass and would never get anywhere.

Go back smashboards.com/

Hey hey hey

Shadow will be at E3, niggers.


Attached: banjo smash.jpg (1120x640, 52K)

We're gonna have a chicken dinner for E3, and blockheads are on the receiving end of the humiliation that's coming for them with karmic wrath.

Attached: banjo-kazooie.jpg (780x439, 56K)

>reveal trailer at E3
>Shadows shows up
>suddenly eaten from behind by Fire Piranha Plant, a free DLC echo fighter of Piranha Plant

Perfect BTFO compilation material

pic related comes along fire plant and spits on shadow

Attached: 1553990042217.jpg (258x196, 9K)

>"We're pleased to introduce the one character capable of eating any assist trophies in a single chomp."

Attached: sakurailaugh.png (265x291, 113K)

Yikes Banjofags are getting too confident, oh well they’ll get knocked down again

>implying every rosterfag isn't hubris incarnate

Isaac when?

Banjofags are really over confident

Erdrickfags are more overconfident.

Not really

Yes they are. By ignoring the fact that Erdrick has been deconfirmed, they're being overconfident.

Kill yourself, the first episode alone is a masterpiece.

Banjo has been deconfirmed multiple times over compared to Erdrick.

I don't think you can count shitty leaks being debunked as Banjo being deconfirmed officially.

>he thinks random shitty leaks nobody gave a fuck about is somehow equivalent to the ultimate fundamental leak
Dumb erdrickfag.

Banjo doesn’t have any chances

Prepare to be mocked next week once one of these faggots get in.

Yup once Steve and Erdrick gets in

That can never be said for sure until the last four fighters are revealed and none of them are Banjo. Until then it's possible.

You don't understand, user.
Albert is inevitable.
He doesn't intend to shut characters themselves down.
He intends to BTFO the tards who ruin Smash discussion with their endless shitflinging.

>Nintendo wanting to attract new demographics outside of their current one with the Smash DLC
>Reggie mentioning Sakurai favors characters not associated with Nintendo, that represents video games in general
>Sakurai mentioning he stopped listening to fan demand on his column
>Rare and Microsoft having zero interest in reviving Banjo
Yeah, he's dead in the water

Yet PapaGenos is still milking banjo

What's the connection between fat Albert and KH?

Attached: 1536289174170.jpg (864x864, 166K)

Dont know and barely care, all i know is that if you target everyone in your mockery it is to be expected you will hit a lucky guess.

I understand the intention and it is admirable but shitting on specific unconfirmed characters can only lead to disaster, if one of them get in the albert meme dies as every time its posted someone will come up with an anal vore of X against albert.

If you want to shit on rosterfags just mock the people like that one shitty zoomer wojak edit with "we are the rosterfags" or mock deconfimed shit like Waluigi, Geno or Shantae since there is no way to backfire like this.

Because he's a dumb nostalgiafagging youtuber. What else do you expect?

Since this is the only chance to likely ever ask this and go full Jojo shitpost: What would Fat Albert's stand be?

Albert is too much of an absolute unit to be anal vored. It'd simply be too impossible to take seriously and would be mocked for being retarded.

This is the only post in this thread that actually makes sense, taking into account Nintendo's statements about drawing in new demographics and how Sakurai apparently doesn't look at unofficial ballots/isn't using the previous ballot for DLC.

Overwatch is dying but 30+ million sales is surely an audience Nintendo would want to bring in.

Attached: 1558173922218.gif (297x268, 600K)

Okay, then what are you reasons for Erdrick being Deconfirmed?

>Hold On I'm a Comin'

It's in reference to the cut Fat Albert world from KH3. Some of the leaked scripts for the area had some pretty interesting concepts, like Dumb Donald becoming a nobody temporarily.

Raise the Roofies.

Just because I said Banjo isn't necessarily deconfirmed doesn't mean I am saying that Erdrick is. Erdrick has always been paired with Steve in leaks, which is why he's so heavily intertwined in the smash DLC shitfest. But that is also just part of shitty leaks again that will never be confirmed until the day comes. For all we know both Erdrick and Banjo could be in.

Give me one good reason why she can't get in.
No shitposts, no cow reaction images, only actual legitimate refutations.

Attached: 98 Reimu.gif (500x465, 1.2M)

Sincerely, if le spade paladin can be in, she can be in

Banjo isn’t in

why are you guys so gay

Huh. Now that I think about it not one Stevefag has appeared. The last time this happened was the missing spirits rumor.

Attached: h0bvveng42s11.jpg (500x500, 44K)

There's a red ribbon girl already in

Attached: nako.png (564x809, 261K)

And Erdrick will never be in.


What missing spirits rumor

Attached: 1557862656049.gif (500x281, 1.93M)

Still more likely then banjo will ever be

hey hey hey, these shit memes should go away

i didnt know who erdrick was until this debate. literal dragon ball z lookin motherfucker. youre an actual retard for not being a geno shill at this point

I already have to put up with Smash's braindead fandom which includes Pokéfags, Personafags, Zeldafags, Motherfags, Banjofags, FFags, FEgs and Sonic fans . We seriously don't need waifufag elitists in this fandom.

Attached: 347753464573.jpg (820x921, 159K)

Would honestly be based just to see how Rosterfags react

>Samurai Shodown
That's even more obscure than 2hu

Cope harder Morrigan

*CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* Rosterfags are Homos *CLANK* *CLANK*

Attached: 1543492936077.png (782x821, 771K)

It's almost reaching Persona in the Famitsu's most wanted games

Vergeben said that a play tester told him Steve was playable, something your god PapaGenos left out

Crazy Dave is in

Reimu is way cuter.

Attached: 151863670585.jpg (749x498, 76K)

Fat Albert is the anti Sans
>Sans is bony
>Albert is fat
>Sans promotes bad times
>na na na gonna have a good time
>Sans wears blue
>Albert wears red
>Sans can only take one hit
>Albert is a tank
>Sans is white
>Albert is black
I rest my case

Attached: kremland.jpg (680x680, 89K)


It's a fucking mobile game you faggot.

wow, another self centered racist

Frisk and Chara. But make them still look cute.

But less fuckable. And Reimu doesn't have a hawk

This would be SO based, but would he look like this, or pixel-ish?

Attached: Space Invaders.png (1000x610, 378K)

Well whoever it is, they got fire petey and VR smash correct.
So like it or not PapaGenos has now had some legit leakers in his discord now. We can't rule him out just yet.

Nakoruru was tamed by the white cock so she would be more palatable to the western audience


so if people wouldnt like that, would they go the Game and Watch route and just have another 2D fighter in smash?

I'd go with these two for an arcade tatio rep.

Attached: bubbig.gif (600x269, 10K)

I just want it to be over. So much wasted on these pointless threads

Most of them don’t even know who’s the DLC and PapaGenos is a fag

Basically due to the fact that Piranha Plant was missing from the spirit board people assumed that certain characters would be missing because of the "fact" that they were DLC.
This included Porky(Missing Porky spirit plus Mother's 30th anniversary), Sylux(Because of Prime 4), Banjo(Unused Jet Force Gemini spirits were found) and Adeleine(I'm not sure why).

That sounds like a shit lineup, good thing it was deconfirmed

Porky is missing as a joke, he is inside the capsule

The only western shit that MIGHT get in is Microsoft anything else is just not happening. So fuck off blizzdrone

But who’s gonna be the Microsoft rep

Attached: wololo.jpg (400x400, 10K)

Who cares?

Steve or Master Chief


Attached: 1528060302270.png (1000x750, 940K)

I fucking hate Porkyfags, Syluxfags and Adeleinefags. Nothing scummier and more canceorus than these "people". The fact that they were missing as spirits only meant that they weren't important enough to be spirits. Nothing more, nothing less.


What about banjo

>All this Erdrick and Banjo clashing when people don't know the actual current main threat that still stands

Maybe I'm being hopeful, but at the same time, I feel something ominous coming.

Attached: Lewd.jpg (650x720, 39K)

Steve’s reveal is coming

Ideally, the one who actually represents something significant about Microsoft.

Attached: master-chief-square-542x542-f4aa513845bc4582a501100cc5550b48.jpg (542x542, 77K)

>Ctrl+F "crash"
>0 results
Weirdly enough I would have expected more rosterfags to care about him

Something's coming alright and it might be fucking big.

I can already see Vinny and Joel laughing their absolute asses off at that happening. Steve getting in will permanently kill Yea Forums if it happens.

It’s a when not an if

Oh yeah, Lucas, the first party character whose game was recent at the time of his inclusion.

What ABOUT Banjo?

Banjo is never getting in

Attached: Captain_King_Joins_the_fight.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

> Devil's Third spirits were also found
Ivan is in then

Bring on the despair then.

Attached: fat albert sees a faggot.jpg (259x195, 6K)

Hahahahahaha no


Everyone who looks at it.

As an Erdrick supporter, I'm just trying to defend against the anti-Erdrick crowd. I don't care who gets in as long as Erdrick is one of them.


Attached: sssv intelligence.png (540x348, 21K)

>Fat Albert SEES a faggot
Except he can't see me at all because his huge fucking hand is in the way. Checkmate

I want to exist during that magical time again when anything was possible and the Grinch leak was as good as real. It was all over as soon as I saw Incineroars yellow eyes open in the dark. But I will never forget what it felt like to believe in the Grinch.

Double D would be a pretty good Smash character
imagine if he had a Masked Mumbler alt

forza car


Attached: 1549869250810.png (436x391, 275K)

Zoo Tycoon elephant

Holy shit I think I was in that game



White fat Albert is best fat Albert. Ima use this in future post.

Nice joke!

>not important enough
Fuck off with this mentality. All three have had their fair share of importance, if only for at least two games. It's possible these characters have nothing to do with the DLC, but that doesn't excuse a complete absence from the spirit list.

send me the discord link bros

If all of you think about it, it doesn't matter if Banjo Kazooie or Steve get chosen, its still gonna be a win for both Microsoft and Nintendo.

Attached: 20190528_190558.jpg (1280x720, 268K)

>namefagging on an anonymous website
Retarded summer tourist.

Attached: hey hey hey.png (665x375, 182K)

>BaNjO kAzOoIe ArE dEcOnFirMeD
Since when exactly. I'm genuinely curious. And no
>mUh sAlEs AnD sTeVe MoRe ReLeVaNt
Isn't an actual explanation.

Damn now I'm really going to a mental therapy for rehabilitation. Thank you anonchad for giving me a new perspective on life.

wow, another brainwashed lefty degenerate who doesn't know any better.