"subtle" vidya clothing

Attached: 20190530_104719.jpg (1080x1619, 752K)

Other urls found in this thread:


thats one greasy nigger. learn to use a wet cloth

When did etika become so based

seriously considering getting this Giant Bomb hoodie tbqhwyf

Attached: gbhoodie.jpg (766x929, 55K)

what's with Giant Bomb on Yea Forums? i thought they were another gay vidya journo like IGN or sumn

Unironically not bad, especially for a nigger
If you don't get the reference, it's still not obnoxious and doesn't scream "IT'S A REFERENCE NIGGER, I AM A PART OF A SUBCULTURE"

Attached: 1557026455703.jpg (750x911, 44K)

Didn't he kill himself

I thought Etika was real skinny. Is this shopped?

kys dumb zoomer

>haha wow, all those video game numbers, must be some kind of reference to an RPG
It's not subtle.

damn, Etika looks like THAT!?

What's your guys obsession with black people anyways? What did they ever do to you personally?

Sent from my iPhone

Don't even know what the reference is, but shirts with prints like that fall apart the second you wash them more than once.

Yea Forums still talks about giant bomb? pretty sure their popularity peaked like 7 years ago. regardless, if they are still liked here, it's because they are mostly apolitical and mostly old Gen X gamers

Get on my level

Attached: Game-Geek-Cheat-Konami-Code-Retro-Tshirt-Tee-New-T-Shirts-Funny-Tops-Tee-New-Unisex.jpg_640x640.jpg (525x640, 21K)

Attached: 41aAW6BKZRL.jpg (500x452, 25K)

Ignorant people fear anything different.

Sent from my Can and String

Or it could be not-vidya
It's not like big numbers must mean vidya
Pixel font suggests retro vidya, but retro vidya is by itself essentially normie shit. Like pacman or whatever.

when he decided to andy kaufman mode and realized that any of the fans who get upset at his shitposting and take it seriously are pussies who he doesnt want as fans

Attached: 5764bc0d83c901252ec1358f165a8b4ce6cdd4a3a576c3ac8987fc867a554107_1.jpg (730x470, 25K)

I still can't believe people got genuinely upset at his shitposting

>videogame numbers

is that a Minesweeper reference?

>does the illuminati left eye shit

that's his right eye

>all those video game numbers
>video game numbers
what did he mean by this?

Attached: Autism.jpg (305x309, 54K)

giant bomb fucking sucks user, don't do it. Just get a normal hoodie without branding

picture portrays left

>they are mostly apolitical and mostly old Gen X gamers
you haven't listened to them in a while, huh?

Based retard.

>video game numbers
It's just the number 9 in a blocky font. If anything, people could mistake it for a Beatles reference.

That shit looks terrible what the fuck are you saying? Even for him who is in shape it looks awful, now imagine that on some 90lb lanklet or 230 lb autist with tits bigger than a girls.

>video game numbers

Attached: 169.gif (264x240, 3.16M)

where do I get a shoulder holster for my cell phone???

Attached: fq0ql638oyw11.png (800x1200, 1.02M)

Are video game numbers the same as regular numbers or do you have to convert them first?

thats the point of the thread fucktard
back to r*ddit

So is he actually insane? Or is it all just a ruse?

Attached: 1024x1024.jpg (950x1024, 162K)

Or just number art.
There's tons of art and designs that just use numbers, so it's not like the assumption would be that those numbers come from a video game, especially since there's no other words like "damage" or "experience" or "level" to give it away

the real question is, does it matter? enjoy the ride or fuck off (not really though, the bitching adds to the entertainment)

Actually insane and denies it.

Gods he's big.

Attached: 3685000_0.jpg (630x630, 63K)

Never thought I'd be seeing this on a shirt even as a joke.

Attached: 1557790702344.jpg (750x750, 56K)

He had a bunch of manic episodes and cops had to come through with riot gear to arrest him from his apartment.
Even if this was a huge publicity stunt, I don't think he's mentally all-there. Most "content creators" experience burnout, but they don't go off the wall like Etika and get arrested/sent to the nuthouse.

Attached: praisethemoon.png (900x1181, 897K)

>no rpg class with this aesthetic
its such a good look

Would definately wear one

Is this how the average Switch player actually looks like?

Attached: IMG_20170930_210312.jpg (736x603, 134K)

Would honestly cop

I dont get it, so he's wearing an undertale shirt, I don't get the big deal.

That's unironically worse than the soiboi
At least soiboi is not a fucking nigger

Not even the real code loser

but they are

>White boys on Yea Forums hate a black man for enjoying video games and working out

No wonder why you all hate LTG too. You are a bunch of whiny underweight or overweight cucks who watch your mom get fucked by a negro

Does he realize he is doing the modern sieg heil?

What would even be this class anyway? Gun priest?

The ultimate dilemma I see
>white virgin soiboi
>nigger Chad

Pick your cancer, I guess.

This is far from the truth now. They are all SJWs now and don’t have fun loke they used to. I miss Weed3

drink bleach tripfaggot

Fuck off, Onsokumaru

Reminder they gave their 2017 GOTY to PUBG

Get mad honkey

Lmao stay seething white boi

come on, I'd rather be LTG than those fucking soibois on the webms.


Go jerk your micropenis ruggles

holy based

Better weak virgin than a subhuman with

Gun priest is more like this
I was thinking more of a dark mage or summoner

Attached: Equilibrium.png (620x330, 131K)

>High intelligence
>Still a virgin

What's your excuse?

>video game numbers

Attached: 1558867812615.jpg (960x960, 43K)

loli gore aside, id buy it because it looks cool

>Implying anyone would want to be a bitchboi

The only cancer is actually being so blinded by racism and hypocrisy that you'd actually want to be a lesser man all because of skin color.

My honest answer is that the black population have unique insecurities that are easy to bait, They get baited just like any other groups on Yea Forums though.

What an interesting machine. I wonder what it does?

Well keep it up, that high IQ isn't doing shit for you lol!





I bought this shirt from ASOS, and a sweatshirt with a large blue Atari print.

Attached: 9192110-1-black.jpg (513x655, 43K)

Black people have no insecurities unlike you crackers obsessed with us.

>Be keemstar
>Know For being a Gnome
>Nigger Calls himself the antichrist
>His name is not alex

Attached: images (42).jpg (576x533, 13K)

No other group has average IQ in the down syndrome range

>so this is the power of söy protein powder

I wouldn't expect Yea Forumsirgins to have any sort of reading comprehension. It's clearly quoting what a normie would think when they see this shirt.

>i brand myself with corporate trademars, I am so cool

lmaoing at you tools

can someone give me a tldr of whats goign on with him?


Why the fuck would somebody see that shirt and think, "those are video game numbers"? What the fuck is a video game number


Attached: D6hDEanW4AAIGUU.jpg (828x1004, 146K)

>Better weak virgin than a subhuman with

Attached: 1558967036463.png (800x900, 173K)

It's the style of the number, it clearly looks like it's from a video game. Then again, Yea Forums doesn't play video games. It all makes sense now.

Who do the fuck talked about anyone quoting anything? The 'video game numbers' thing was clearly being pulled out of that guy's ass.

what is it with niggers and insane cultist beliefs?

A greentext is for quoting, newfag. You and the rest of these etika fanboy niggers just outted yourselves in one fell swoop.

He's definitely not skinny, just lean with good nigg*r genetics.

>Enjoying videogames
Back to beating your gf Dale

Speaking unironically for a second, black people are incredibly superstitious and religious. That all just mixes into a cocktail of nothing good.

Life really hit him hard after his school years.

Attached: vince.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Yeah, someone that doesn't play the game probably wouldn't know where it's from, making it subtle. Do YOU have any sort of reading comprehension?

genetics don't give you muscles, retard.

Do you? The point is that if it's "subtle," no one would know it's from a video game, that hobby for faggot nerds that would unironically watch a monkey scream about smash brothers character announcements.

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Etika deserves to be beaten in a public alley and then thrown into a dumpster.

There, I said it.


The autism in this thread is amazing. This guy spends so much time playing vidya instead of socializing that he can't even look at numbers anymore without thinking of vidya.

>muh subtlety
Literally doesn't matter, it just has to look cool

only white people precum and attach a trivial meaning to hands

>Physical fitness somehow detracts from intelligence
>Intelligence means you cannot be physically fit

Where's those caps of the faggots having trouble opening up Onions bottles?

Attached: KANTOOOO.png (219x231, 6K)

>Fuck the jews
Based and redpilled

i don't get it

lads help me out, what is this machine and where is it from?

>modern sieg heil

Attached: 1558867529848.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

They are, 100%. they're owned by gamespot.

>physical fitness turns you into a low IQ negro
Doesn't work this way

bruh, don't fucking ask. you just have to lurk more and hope the mods don't bomb the thread

Attached: CxYmCmaWgAEk0Mk.jpg (479x362, 22K)

Play Phantom Dust

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1920x1080, 140K)

giant bomb gay but if you genuinely like the site, I’d say this hoody is p dope

They're fags but they hired Gerstmann so they get a pass.

>og xbox exclusive
maybe when the emulation is finally possible
The look is great though

I was gonna get an Ace Combat shirt once but it turns out the Independent State Allied Forces aren't the only ones who use "ISAF."

Based IRCfag
fuck those other faggots user I agree with you


Attached: A GIFT.png (1074x1515, 1.61M)

>mfw everybody posts this shit and everybody just responds with shocked reaction pics
>I already know what it does
>Never actually seen the fucking thing
If someone could please be kind enough...

Attached: 1559180445390.png (464x470, 282K)

That's regretable, but you made the smart call
I bought some razgriz patches and have never used them...

It was ported to xbone and PC two years ago


It's what weak faggots tell themselves so they won't feel bad about their frail bodies.

Attached: 1541719329859.jpg (1000x1500, 705K)

I don't think anyone's going to confuse your vidya shirt for the NATO anti-terror organization

Attached: 20190415_134644.jpg (329x300, 11K)

Alternatively, just google for "vvindowsme gif" in google image search and you should find it easily

Whats a wetback?

a beaner

Mexican, their backs are wet from crossing the borders at the river

>tfw the revolution is actually happening tonight
>Etika was right and only will happen on the internet

>those arms
>that build

Attached: aaaah.jpg (510x798, 93K)


Attached: 94E51541-2566-4EE6-9492-E56CFF1DF528.png (830x974, 91K)

Short version: it's guro. Less ya know the better.

Long version: Basically from guro porn where lolis get sliced and diced by lasers n machinery. That machine is usually one those machines that'll do said slicing and dicing. Think animal slaughter but with technosadism and lolis

Attached: thread right now.gif (300x300, 3.64M)

He knows, that he is why is adopting it as his signature pose for his followers.

>when your behind so many delusions that you'd rather be a basedboy than a black chad

ripperoni no wonder you're so lonely

>no "cracker"
come on, at least be equally racist

He grew tired of twitterfags feeling worried about him so he's just being god posting 9s while listening to future funk. Pretty based.

>they hired Gerstmann

Attached: 31AF50DC-3787-40BA-AF04-2A804BE7A7AD.jpg (416x308, 17K)

>censoring nigger
Fuck off nigger

take your own advice, your reading comprehension is shit

like i already told you, the whole fucking point of the thread is that the clothing /ISN'T/ subtle. the point is to post clothes that obnoxiously scream "I PLAY VIDEO GAMES" in bright colours.

so no, the post saying "but that isn't subtle at all" does not fucking understand at all.

>not being /litfit/

Attached: 2e9.jpg (800x343, 42K)

No white person on this planet in history has ever unironically felt offended that someone has called them "Cracker".

>but they hired Gerstmann

He started it, retard.

Never gonna make it brainlet.

Attached: Ron Fedkiw.jpg (602x358, 45K)

So you can be both a soiboi and a retard!


>video game numbers

theres nothing wrong with etika
the only reason the cops came was because some thin-skinned faggot took his shitposting seriously and swatted him.

he isnt going off the deep end, he's having fun rather than being some gay ass youtuber who plays it safe and releases daily fortnite speculation videos.

i saw a kid wearing this in a publix one time and couldnt believe that someone genuinely owned that shirt much less wore it outside of their home

I use this one. Not subtle.

Attached: de87f982-1fe7-4981-bec6-098e43d0ace9.jpg (584x1040, 58K)

t. Obese amerilard

Attached: ALIEN BEANS.png (774x702, 257K)

You got absolutely BTFO.

alright, might check it out then


Attached: 158.png (447x378, 11K)

Uh what? Are you okay?

Attached: 1c8.jpg (640x645, 61K)

>having fun getting arrested and yelling outside of his apartment like a psychopath
You gotta be 18+ to post here, champ.

>he's not gonna make it

Attached: main-qimg-973cec72236b4618526b791e3a5d1cc5.jpg (600x900, 97K)

i know right? if i were i girl i'd coalburn the fuck out of him

Etika never had issues, all of the softies in his fanbase just literally took all his shitposting and his love for dark humor why too seriously that they started taking everything out of context, the cops came to his house because his fans keep making shit about him mental and in a cult.

Yeah Etika was always crazy, but not in the context everyone keep making it out to be, his fans didn't helped because they couldn't handle it, Etika has done shit like that in the past, that's why he grew tired of his fans being why too much onto his case and just stopped giving a shit about then and just enjoy making everything how he wanted instead.

He was released soon after, he never had issues despite being in mental care for like three times already because his ex-girlfriend keep making shit up about him to get attention.

What a basedboy

literally high iq people wish that they were low iq

flexing iq score faggotry is gay but i got 140 and i smoke weed all day to make myself not a sperg retard around others.

>i got 140
Sure you do, you just write like a retarded because [insert excuse].


>all the salty groids triggered by this post
Clowns of nature

Attached: 1405432672356.gif (290x189, 1.24M)

i write like a retard because i just dropped 2 tabs

This is why white women prefer black men.

Is that achievable natty

Attached: 1550522460462.gif (320x240, 2.15M)

if you have to ask, ut usually isn't

he ate raw eggs

body builders do that and Etika is pretty ripped.

They literally are. Theres just some autistic fans that use v to talk about them and the jannies give them a pass for some reason.

you really bought that shit?

Etika fanbase really is 12 year olds.

Only techwear fashion is good vidya clothing

Attached: Tech.jfif.jpg (4000x6000, 1.99M)

You don't know what swatting is

It was a wellness check and he went berserk, which was the second time that month.

Attached: 1551655096297.jpg (723x1024, 84K)

>Tweeting is going berserk

Attached: 1557703843143.jpg (640x559, 23K)

once Jeff retires, i'm gone

Did you miss the videos of him screaming outside his apartment, shutting down the street? Or how about flipping off a crowd and shoving a cop?


It is just do starting strength go mad and work out for about 2-3 years

oh shit it's that crazy nigger

Neither of those things mean that he's crazy. kys

you're right, 9gang 4life!!!11!

What happend to him? Did he went to an asylum?

I feel like doing that sometimes when I have a horrible headache

>giant bomb without jeff
they'll just shut it down and have gamespot absorb whatever's left over

where can i buy it?

I'd probably wear it to conventions. That's the most public I can go with a shirt like that.

Hi I'm 12

me, too. that impulse is probably what led man to try trepanation before we knew any better


is this a JoJo cosplay?

I feel sorry for that boy.

Attached: cute-succubus-youth-t-shirt-white.jpg (600x600, 23K)

How many people on Yea Forums can etika take out in a fight before succumbing to numbers?

Clearly shooped
Pixels etc.


Attached: 080207_shaq_cactus.jpg (608x700, 78K)

Muscles =/= Chad

Etika is more like a failed normie who somehow got lucky and became e famous after introducing nintendo kids to a SMT game thats like 4 years old.


Etika is not that yolked. He’s a sticc boi

Holy fuck

Hmm lets see

Etika is like 6'5 200lbs and crazy.

V is full of out of shape autistic fatasses that probably have never been in a real fight in their entire lives.

Nah man hes pretty muscular on top of that hes really tall.
He towered over all those cops that ran into his apartment.


will i go to jail if i see this??

Attached: korn-panic.jpg (185x272, 6K)

Attached: Featuring Dante too.jpg (378x485, 65K)

Why do I feel like I’m looking at a repressed memory

I got called a cracker in Oakland and it scared the shit out of me.

da nile ain't just a river in egypt son

that's because you're a pussy

Attached: denuvo.jpg (1000x1276, 132K)

what is this 9 referring to

>one eye sign
So he's being MK Ultra'd. Figures.

I'm not about to fight some crackhead street nigger.

damn that pic takes me back to another place in time

True. But the people with most insecurities are white males and Asians males maybe even more. But everyone has them.

>people with most insecurities are white males

But it's niggers who have race insecurities.
Call gook a gook and he shrugs.
Call white a white and he smiles.
Call nigga a groid and you get 8 angry replies desperately accusing you of being a soiboi.

Have the other one too.

Attached: Featuring Dante.jpg (585x490, 97K)

Doesn't explain why she doesn't run when the machine starts up. It even does a test fire that makes her flinch but she stays there until it locks her in place. Until that point it doesn't seem like she's there against her will.

>video game numbers

Attached: microwave_time.png (942x2404, 382K)

what is under his arms? two phones?

why would anyone have "vidya clothing" you niggas retarded?

Attached: 55cd44758d.png (950x968, 384K)

Nothing more subtle, really.

Attached: Jacket.jpg (621x700, 40K)

Okay try that again but without sounding like a stupid faggot.

Attached: 1558978477861.jpg (3024x4032, 1.94M)

Not yet sadly


>calling a schizoid based

checking that 8

Attached: 1551910075162.jpg (600x800, 70K)

It doesn't count when basedness comes naturally?

He went to the mental ward 4 times and all 4 times they couldn't keep him there because there was nothing wrong with him. So no he's not a schizoid

Schizoids can't be kept in a ward either.
Nowadays you can't even keep psychopaths locked up and psychopathy greatly increases crime rate.

insecurity 100

paranoia 100

holy friggin crap

Attached: 44fd7057-2753-4f1d-b850-aa1f0cf033d0.jpg (960x1280, 449K)

>video game numbers

Attached: 1558097791416.png (265x348, 115K)

He got the other way around

Tummy ache

Stop lying to yourself whitoid

subtlety's for fags

Attached: Fighting in the Sheet.jpg (540x960, 119K)

I make my owm stamp for shirts.

Unfortunately i'm not on my pc right now to show one of them

They'll give a base to start from but in order to achieve any physique that could be considered great it requires dedication. There is some fucking greek god looking dude who never works out and eats nothing but junk.

>Etika is like 6'5

ETIKA is that Tall?

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-05-28-at-10.54.12-PM.png (2476x1390, 3.78M)

>Streets of Rage
My nigga!


I saw the other deleted thread, he wants do an anime girl haha.

So you want to be a cuck?
Lol loser....

They only keep you if you're bad at lying or if you can't pay (in America)

to do

It stems from their women. They have a huge fear of getting cucked or whatever. It's weird.

Is it JoJo?

Attached: serveimage.jpg (2000x2000, 1.07M)

I really want that 2kb picture

Attached: YKb2C1tMQQfUARo7r42Xj1FMnDUcxglB.jpg (600x600, 60K)

What do you guys think?

Attached: enjoystick zelda.jpg (532x452, 86K)

Are you a child?

Yes, a manchild.

>eyebrows not mixing with hair

Attached: pathetic.jpg (593x316, 46K)

Manchildren wear "subtle" vidya clothing, that shit ain't subtle.

user on /fa/

You won't.

No... Frickin.... Way...

Attached: 1551315704527.jpg (680x435, 73K)

goddamn you are low test as fuck

I thought it was pic related at first

Attached: hell maze.png (3200x1600, 132K)


>Design is nothing from BotW, has goddamn OoT Ganon on it

Just get a shirt with the logo

would love to see actual suble vidya clothing but guess not seeing every time zoomers flood with "suble" beacuse lol ge it is not actuly suble

>Yea Forums still butthurt about videogames.com

this would get tons of compliments from hipsters

don't do that


Does this count if /m/ has vidya?

Attached: t.jpg (504x378, 31K)