Humans aren't made for living alone, user

Humans aren't made for living alone, user.

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Other urls found in this thread: 6:6&version=NIV

If this statement is true, then god is either not real or not benevolent.

But we aren't made for living with other races

Kojima dabbing on Thoreau

It seems you were fooled by fools, god's a fabrication but you should totally believe in it, that's what preachers should be saying not some other crap.

That doesnt make sense

Fine by me. I like a challenge.

I am

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Your conclusion is right, but I find it odd that of all life's issues that's what made you realize it.

>implying kojima has anything on Thoreau. He is like an anime character in comparison.

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God literally made eve for Adam though? Sometimes I think atheists think god is just some good guy genie or something

He ain't wrong. Humans start to go crazy when they deny themselves human interaction.

Or maybe you've rejected God and the reason for your loneliness is your own sin?

Don't care

Yes user, we were told that at school.

>Humans breathe air
Kojimbo such genius.




Define "Humans".

>gets free will

fucking humans I swear


Yes on both counts. God isn't real, but then again neither is Slenderman, and that didn't stop little girls from killing other children in His name.

anti-Kojima drones are literally on suicide watch because they can't handle how good the game looks.

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Tell that to Thomas Hobbes.

>God can do anything
>except give you free will without suffering

Yes, especially gameplay.

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Tell that to my romantic life.

That's why we are covered with bacteria :3c


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Is poor life decisions a sin?

>god isn't real
I remember finally realizing this. It was in a cosmology class.

The literal definition of sin is "mistake", so yes


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i got serious democrat vibes from this trailer honestly. open borders, hillary should be president, etc

if you are hitting on every girl you see, you are definitely a creep
it's pretty obvious that all you're after is sex. just have a normal conversation like normal people do

was raised in an orphanage
now live on orphan pension in a cheap shack in a village in bumfuck nowhere
I was alone for 30 years and this is how I die.

This shit never happened.

>old testament

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Old Testament outside the pentateuch was something else.

You're right, we have communities for trade, commerce and other junk.

That doesn't mean everyone needs a gf/bf you co-dependent faggot.

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>waaah I shouldn’t have to work for anything

Ezekiel is so fucking good.

You're supposed to figure out that God isn't real around the same time you figure out Santa isn't real.

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Fake and homosexual story

>God will punish you if you do not believe in him
>But also he will give no indication he is real, nor give you any reason to believe in him
>Also there are like 10 billion different religions, so good luck trying to figure it which one is correct

Fuck off god, you abandoned us

Gimme sauce or I’ll kill you

What the fuck am I reading.

What the fuck is with games and media recently trying to force the
>humans need other humans
The ending of Mob psycho was literally just that and it was the gayest shit ever

Sick of it

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Ouch, imagine having your life so overrun with politics you see anything as political.

It's crazy to think the people we were making fun of not long ago for disowning their parents for getting the wrong color iPhone are old enough to post here now.
It shows in a lot of posts.

imagine being such a brainlet that you take your media at face value

imagine being such a brainlet that you think any of these extremely blunt and obvious leftist platitudes the trailer uses are not intentional, it's fucking kojima, criticizing topical sociopolitical issues is literally his fucking bread and butter

Man in solitude will turn into a beast.

If God is omniscient, then free will cannot exist, and he cannot be benevolent. He already knows everything that will happen, including that I will go to eternal hell for disbelieving.

Kojima's been watching too much evangelion

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To live alone one must be a beast or a god, says Aristotle. Leaving out the third case: one must be both — a philosopher.

Says who, god? The current state of society allows humans to live alone and many of us do, therefore we are clearly "made" to live alone. It's nothing new either, throughout the ages many humans would have lived alone.

I'll agree that the President looks a lot like Hillary Clinton but the open borders thing is just reaching. The world (or America at least) looks to have been fucked over by some paranormal cataclysm and people have turned away from one another, much to the detriment of society. I think if the world was facing rain that makes you age and shadows that pull you into hell or purgatory, the concept of borders wouldn't mean much. It's the same shit with alien attacks. If some aliens were to attack Earth and not instantly obliterate us, you can bet the concept of nations would quickly deteriorate and we'd see ourselves as a unified race.

If God doesn't want to be found, why should we try?

Are anons disagreeing with this just meming.
Even if you are are lonely and miserable, you still substitute social interaction with coming to this godforsaken website.

That Shinji looks nothing like Shinji.

What if He's real and benevolent, but not all powerful? If He was all powerful, how did He not just reverse the original sin? How did Satan even stand a chance in his rebellion in Heaven? Maybe He has limits?
Can any Jesusfags fill me in?

You are such a faggot it’s crazy

I don't think you understand english

Kojima may be a westaboo but he is still japanese.

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wow so deep
another kojimbo masterpiece

Any retard that actually listens to PUAs and thinks you can get a gf by using "routines" deserves it.

Why do christfags get so upset over people learning their shit's a scam?

God simply is very hands free when it comes to humanity. They need to be free to make their own mistakes and learn from them and all that. He left his own son to die on behalf of humanity's sins, after all.

Because it's true.

Being a loser isn't normal and should never be encouraged no matter how hard you want it to be the opposite.

You are not normal for being a loner. Find some friends or a wife or just fucking kill yourself.


Yes it is true.

Well anything you want to believe about God's character is true because unless someone has him show up and explain everything all we have is speculation.

We only worship the God in our heads even when we believe to be a part of a group who all claim to worship the same one.

but the wording of the trailer sounds exactly like leftie news diversity and inclusion doom-n-gloomers. it comes off like Sam is an everyman supporter of hillary's america whose world was ruined by some invisible shadowy force (the nazis and bigots and trolls). one of the very first lines of the trailer is not-hillary saying "reconnect, you can Make America Whole", like all humanity has to do to stop being lonely is to become ~unified~, followed by sam saying nah america is dead, "we don't need a country anymore", all extremely typical leftist remarks i've heard many times, and the trailer keeps on going with this sort of idealist vagueries about how we can survive if we just ~unify~ (aka lower the borders between each other)

it's being directly funded and monitored by commiefornia Sony, and Kojima isn't exactly a centrist

Once again you're the problem, not the game. Stop obsessing over politics, and maybe your heartrate will calm down.

what a terrible argument.
>if he knows already what you're going to say, then you can't choose what to say!
brainlet logic. He knows what you're going to choose.
>he cannot be benevolent!
According to what? YOUR shallow, absent-minded, blind definition of benevolence? Because an omniscient, benevolent being makes decisions that YOU personally disagree with, that makes HIM not benevolent? Strike 2, dumbass.
>he already knows that will happen, including that I *make decision to go to hell*
great, so who are you blaming here? Make your own decision, asswipe. Can you honestly stick your hand in a pot of boiling water and blame God for the burns?

And you expect him to do what exactly? You yourself basically know that you'll go to Hell, and yet you refuse to change.

god was fucking hardcore in the old testament, it's amazing how he and the son are fucking two goodie shoes pussies in the new, no wonder the muslims are fucking us

But God isn't a Human by definition, I'm agnostic but you're statement is retarded.

>Normality is good

It's not, It's being a slave to the cog in the machine at the time for the end result of giving a life to a nation which cares little for your deeds actions and worth

Fuck this duty to country for social good boy points nonsense

I can't imagine a more cucked existence

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>Because an omniscient, benevolent being makes decisions that YOU personally disagree with, that makes HIM not benevolent? Strike 2, dumbass.
Well, that user is a retard, but the whole argument of "omnipresent can't be benevolent" boils down to "why didn't he make everything in such a way that everyone is happy id he's so smart?"

das rite, have sex incels

Your * (FUCK)

And you still use everything DA SYSTEM provides - including this paint drinking vietnamese forum. You're some kinda ultrabraintlet?

Adachi constantly suffered trying to be alone, it killed him on the inside and drove him to toss bitches into a TV despite it only giving him a passing break from the tedium.

How can he change if it is decided he will go to hell? Omniscience and predestination suppose that every decision made and will be made is immutable

I'm so glad to never have been raised by religious nutjobs, living in a secular country and the only aspect of any religious heritage being holidays.
I cringe in despair thinking about all those burgers living in anguish about make-belief tales. I truly pity you with the bottom of my heart for being stuck in this mental prison you most likely were groomed in.

it's not about normality, it's about companionship

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The other poster is right, you're too far gone, man.

I share a house with 3 other people and can't think of the last time I saw any of them.

>How can he change if it is decided he will go to hell?
>this water is boiling hot, I'll get burned if I put my hand into it
>shoves the hand anyway

I pay into the system for my goods and services

All goods and services that I traded

Trading with someone isn't the same as being a subservient slave to someone

Being a slave to da system is what my grandparents were on their commie farm where they got their cow taken away because D A S Y S T E M needed it

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>Implying suffering is bad
>Implying God not wanting to do away with suffering means he's bad

>Trading with someone isn't the same as being a subservient slave to someone
>he said, wagecucking his life away
Good slave.

Presenting you with hardships, giving you the opportunity to overcome them and grow, is more benevolent than just coddling you and giving you everything you want. That's the purpose of angels like Mastema.

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I'm so ronery ;-; please hug me

>christcuck delusions

You seem a decent fellow user, do you at least like companionship in its various forms? Personally I'm very fond of hanging out with friends.

But for some, hardships look positively insurmountable. And everyone is conditioned to believe they will get their arbitrary free time after overcomning said hardships.

>God is not benevolent
No shit, really?


What's politics?

Remember God gave man food before he gave them women so even God thought pussy wasn't an immediate priority.




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Implying god is even real to begin with.

>tfw I give someone a gift
>tfw I just stole all their free will
Heh nothing personal kid


It's fun to imagine the dream of going out and having fun, but aside from individual one to one interactions talking about some fun subject, actual group activities bore me and make me feel as if I wasted time

I enjoy expressing my thoughts to others
I enjoy my solitude as well

It's hard to find people who can share your ideas and points of views though
I only have one real friend in 22 years that can at least go along with my thought process and invoke his own opinon of it

More likely than not it's blank stares or "that's pretty weird user"

boils my blood

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Imagine unironically believing in a dead kike on a stick. Imagine being so afraid of the unknown that you unironically pray to the dead kike every night.

Religion is a tool used to manipulate the weak, and it's not required in order to have faith.

>God knows that if he creates you, you're going to hell
>does it anyway

Thanks god

holy shit that got me. never saw that edit. based ryan gooseling

agnostic master race

>dude everything just randomly banged into existence came from nothing and then the nothing randomly formed into humans xD

>dude a Jew created everything


When did i say that you dumb nigger? Implying you have to be a fucking semite religion worshipper to believe in god.

Calm done why do you care what a nobody thinks nobody?

Go gargle more Jew semen.

Sounds like you're living the life you're comfortable with living. I find it interesting that your typical experience with responses to your point of view are blank stares or incredulity. You must have some pretty intriguing and unconventional thoughts.

>unironically believing in a magical sky daddy just because some jew told you to
Big fucking yikes. Why should I believe in Christianity over any other religion on the planet? It isn't the only, or first, religion so what, to you, make sit more believable than anything else?

Unless you have two missing arms, or look like you belong in The Goonies, your social disorder is on you.

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user, Jews are the chosen people. You're not some filthy antisemite are you? Pray to Jesus.

God is neither human nor is confined by universal logic. This is why omnipotence paradoxes are ultimately just sophistry and/or futile when applied to the concept of truly omnipotent beings.

Why do christfags hate evolution so much?

>get laugh at
>people mocking me
>get insulted
>somehow it's on me

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I guess the reward is supposed to be entrance to heaven where they'll have their free time? Admittedly, that doesn't sell very well though since people want something tangible and immediate.

Ans yet here you are. Might as well make the most of if, user.

pretty much in your boat, though i used to hang out on game nights with a gang of friends the last year or two. That's going to hell in a handbasket real quick though the last month, so now i'm even more of a loner than usual.

it's alright though, still have my qt dog for friendship

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see Note the 2nd sentence, read it very carefully.

Maybe if would have made more sense to you if you din't think the Earth is 6000 years old.

I think Kojima is trying to make a game about the hikikomori and the isolating effect the internet has on people
>you covered the world in cables but that didn't stop war and violence

The big bang from nothing makes no sense,but this flying spaghetti monster that came from nothing does?

He acts pretty damn human in the bible

My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

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I unno
The thing is I don't think I approach any hard topics either
Like take this think piece for example
>How can any news be real

Seems like a basic point of conversation and a fun topic to break apart but more likely than not if I approach this subject to some rando I know vaguely in Uni I'm not going to get much back in terms of interesting thoughts

It's tiresome

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Different user, but I don't have a problem with evolution. I just don't like the whole "suddenly, stuff existed and the universe expanded". It almost takes even more faith to believe everything just suddenly appeared rather than some entity created it.


>but why won't you go out user! you must be lonely!
This one time I love that the english language actually has the word solitude and loneliness separate

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>God? Pssh, get the fuck out idiot I'm far more enlightened than to believe in some silly sky fairy. Heh.
>Imperceivable dimensions, aliens, and beings made of pure enegy in an alternate universe? Hell yeah dude, star trek fucken rocks! xD

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It's pretty easy to observe how natural selection led to humanity today. What I'm curious about is how the first living organism got started

>Says this
>Fights and loses to someone
What a jobber.

He looks pretty human too. It's almost as if it's all bullshit. Stop believing bullshit, goyim.

There's no logical reason for you to believe in the semitic god in Christianity/Catholocism if you, yourself, aren't a follower of one of those religions. Or are you just using "god" generically when everyone else was specifically talking about Christianity? Either way, it's retarded.

God is not a fabrication

You have a 1 in 400 trillion chance of being born, if something as complex as a human being can be born with such small chances then the universe itself being an accident is not that inconcievable

Of course he does, he's omnipotent

>Ans yet here you are. Might as well make the most of if, user.
I'm going to shitpost until the end of time, I never asked to be alive, and I'm not going to try.

Do you imply that Chads are Chads just bcs they are believers?

Your reasoning is retarded but it's nice to see all the christcucks seething.

He's omniscient in a sense that he can see all the scenarios, but because of free you can choose whatever you want. It's like knowing all the ends to a VN and telling your friend to play it, you know what can happen, but it's his choice

So then where did your god come from, then? It had to have some from somewhere
>"suddenly, stuff existed and the universe expanded - bad"
>"suddenly, thing existed and created the universe - good!"

not if you're not a retard

Whatcha doing Rabi.

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this nigger literally lived as a NEET out in a cabin doing nothing and occasionally receiving baked goods from his mom.

Fuck Thoreau and fuck transcendentalism.

Imagine being someone who never had a real friend or a real tangible connection with another human being for 30 years

I finally managed to get a family guys

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why are you shaming me for analyzing a kojima trailer just because the conclusions i draw from it aren't politically popular?

do you have a real argument as to why i am wrong?

Imagine being a Jew.

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Why do you do this to yourself? This isn't 2006 fedora have been made fun of already


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Maybe god is benevolent and saved the world from you and your piece of shit attitude, ever thought about that?

Ofc you haven't you narcissistic mong.

I agree, all the reptilians posting in this thread GET OUT

the boondocks saints guy looks like a fucking mongoloid, why use him as the main character?

hitting cuck levels that we never thought was possible or the guy is a pedo grooming her

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Everyone gets those reactions, dont think about it too much

Bang on. Dont let these fucks tell you otherwise

God's character is consistent through both testaments and Jesus' character and behavior is consistent with the writings of the old testament which he referenced many times

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Is he doing this to get his friend's pussy or is he playing the long game and aiming for the kid?

Not actually religious. Just thought that was always weird about hardcore atheists - they could never explain how everything started. I'm really interested if there is some explanation though.

Why do I have to go through this with brainlets all the time? Lets take the absolute brainlet statement of
>If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful. If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good. If God is both willing and able to prevent evil, then why does evil exist?
and lets go through this. So lets accept that God is omnipotent, therefore able to prevent evil, and we solve the first statement, then the point of contention becomes the second statement, "If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good", if that is solved, the third statement falls into place. So lets go through this:
>God is good
>more precisely, good is God
>any choice that is according to God's will is good
>any choice that is against God's will is evil
>as God created this reality it is fair to say the above can be accepted as axioms if we accept that God exists (if we don't, then this argument doesn't even start)
>God has decided to give humanity free will
>free will by definition then has to allow for people to deviate from God's will or it would not be free will
>therefore, by definition, for humans to have free will evil must exist
>God could remove evil, but in doing so he would have to remove free will
>removing evil would therefore equate to removing free will from humans, which he does not want to do
>regardless of omnipotence God cannot both remove evil and keep free will within the laws of the reality he himself created
>God could rewrite reality to something where this would be possible
>such a situation is pointless to argue about since the very fundamental laws, causality, and logic of that reality would be completely different from the one our minds and bodies exist in, it is therefore impossible to argue about such a situation just like we cannot argue about what we felt before being born because it was outside of the conception of our minds
Is that laid out enough for you people?

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It may not apply to shizos like yourself but it does for the other 99% of the population. It doesn't mean you need to be an extrovert chad and do stuff with other people every day, but even the more introverted and antisocial people will long for at least one person to be close to in their life.

Shut the fuck up, kike.

I've seen these kind of situations before. Sloan loves the kid and the mom isn't into him. It happens but the real assholery starts when he does find a gf and she takes more of his time, the "best friend" gets jealous and starts finding feelings for him she never displayed before and either overtly it covertly sabotages the relationship

Neither can christfags. Their entire religion focuses on nothing but blind faith and when you ask them about origins, despite shitting on popular universe origin theories, they just can't answer because they don't know, even within the confines of their own religion. It's purely hypocritical.

Who are you to say what other people need? You're nothing.

Probably long game, but the kid will cuck him with a taller guy.

That's some grade A debating right there.

great post. i dont think most of Yea Forums will take the time to read it or will fully understand it if they do unfortunately

Gee you look like a trustworthy fella.

Keanu is precious. I wish him all the happiness in the world.

Humans are social creatures by nature. I'm not saying it, science is.

Who are you to tell what the message should be in games and media? You're nothing.

Science changes all the time.

Is there a particular reason as to why He doesn't want to remove free will? He was pretty pissed at Adam and Eve about it...
Also, wouldn't the serpent in the garden be a representation of evil before humans were given free will?

"are you like a rapist or something"
no girl would actually say that, especially if she actually thought he was a rapist

fake and gay

The guy is clearly autistic and thought pickup artists are getting girlfriends, not one night stands. When someone has never had contact with the opposite sex, they’re inevitably going to be weird about it. Usually it makes them a creep but the user was clearly trying to find human connection and failed due to a combination of his behavior and others’ cruelty.

The way I've understood it, Jesus was the way to take some of the load off of humanity. Before, he demanded that nobody err from the straight and narrow, and if you did that even once then you were fucked. Even more so if you showed promise, but then disappointed him. God didn't get why people absolutely had to sin all the time, so he came down to earth as a vulnerable man. Turns out that temptation is very real, and he might have realized that living a virtuous life is pretty fucking tough. So then he changed the rules, and now it's all right to not be a perfect, virtuous being, so long as you at least give it an honest try and believe in Jesus Christ.
That's just my take on it, and someone who just finds the Christian mythos very interesting.

Epic. Go cry yourself to sleep.

Except most people are shit, kind hard to socialize with shit people.

>God is good because God can do no wrong

Then why do we percieve good and bad then? If God can do no wrong then the concept of evil or bad shouldn't exist at all, because again God didn't create it.
Unless you're saying the things that we percieve as evil aren't actually evil in which case I ask why did he make us think that?
>God made free will which means going against God's will

Why? He'd God and can do anything, make it so that having free will isn't bound by going against his will.

He's fucking GOD he's not bound by human and mortal laws like action and reaction or cause and consequence, he is literally perfect and decided that instead of making everything perfect he'll put some retards on a rock and see what happens.

I'm not arguing that, mate. I'm just saying I don't get why some atheists (definitely not all) can be such cunts and act all enlightened when they don't have an answer as to why existence began either.

god is not real. people make all these nonsensical excuses for the lack proof.

Go sleep forever.

Your theory is flawed because it suggests that God is a reactive being who doesn't get things. You bring God down to human thought patterns and motivations and it just doesn't work. God GOT that humans had to sin. He created us knowing we would and Jesus Christ was already in the plan before the world was ever created. If you're really fascinated by it I suggest you study it more

Make me.

Nobody has the answer. But to deny that you're essentially worshiping a dead kike on a stick because you're afraid or whatever does actually paint you as someone much lower on the totem than I.

This post reeks of reddit.

They also go crazy with too much human interaction. Human brain can only sustain 150 healthy relationships before the relations degrade. You also diminish the term "friend" by calling every person in your social circle, a friend, and it really shows to every person you call friend

Well shit. Guess I tried making God relatable or something.

>believing Jewish tales
If anything has any semblance of Jewishness then it should be immediately disregarded.

Few months ago there was a news story (like in real newspapers and TV) about some creepy guy in my city approaching all the girls everyday on bus stops, in the subway, in shopping malls etc and hitting on them with some PUA bullshit. They didn't put a photo but victims said he was short and not pleasant to look at. It said that some girls called cops on him and he was being charged by one of them for stalking. So shit like this definitely happens, because PUA courses are really popular among sad, lonely and pathetic losers.

He just gave up

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Jesus isn't dead and you crossed the line from healthy scepticism to outright disrespect and blasphemy a long time ago. It's a heart issue, not a proof issue

>"are you like a rapist or something"
>"well now that the jig is up..."
>knocks her out, ties her down and put her into the car


It will come to other platforms bros, All apart of Kojima's grant master plan of uniting people as one.
Its all part of the theme for his game connections, so other people on other platforms can connect with each other.
Why is the game only on one platform, it would that it is "walled" off.

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Faith underpins life. Even with scientific understanding, we must trust our empirical information.

We should have listened to the Yugoslavian druids. Now we're all going to Hell.

Kys and you'll be with your magic sky Jew.

Your rendition of Jesus most likely never existed, unless you believe in magic and what not.

>mfw atheists are still BTFO

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The safest route is to be agnostic and just have faith and there is something after death. Don't worship anyone or anything except yourself.

> If some aliens were to attack Earth and not instantly obliterate us, you can bet the concept of nations would quickly deteriorate and we'd see ourselves as a unified race.

Any unification will only be temporary. Once humans get use to the new normal, they turn on each other.

It happened before and it will happen agian

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>What are scausality and determinism

Actually everything that happens on a macroscale is a 1 out of 1 chance. Everything has been scripted out in advance

I don't care how popular your political conclusions are, what I am saying is that your conclusions are fucking stupid and you're reading way to into a few lines and themes of a game that isn't even out yet. I'll be fair and present counter points even though it's a waste of time.

- America is fractured into Cities, not states, and they don't answer to the government, hence "Make America whole".

-There's obviously some plot point about how trying to unify everyone fucked up and ruined the world ("Covering the world in cable didn't bring an end to war and suffering before"). The shadows seem to represent some connection to the past or the dead. The people still alive don't seem to have any connection with one another, hence why they need to unify if humanity is going to survive in the face of shadow rapture.

There's no open borders shit in the game, if anything you're trying to bring together factions of independent cities that may or may not be at war with one another and are likely deteriorating in the ruins of America.

Imagine if Bridget had said "Make America Great Again" instead, you'd be arguing from a completely different position and claiming the cities are sanctuary cities that are fucking over the rest of America by summoning shadowy, murderous darkies.

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this guy gets it

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Love does start with the self

Kojima's been big on open/no borders since MGS3.


I was going to reply that 9/11 isn't a good example because I was talking about humanity being attacked by non-human entities but, when I reconsidered I realized you were correct.

Learning to be OK being by yourself is a great freedom

Attached: peace.jpg (1920x1080, 654K)

This guy gets it.

what if it's not possible?

you're giving me the literal in-game explanations of shit which is not what was talking about at all. of fucking course the Characters In The Game are not Literally Referring to Real Life Things. That is why my inferences are "interpretations", as in, these things which you are describing literally, can have, secondary meanings unrelated to their exact-in-game context

>Imagine if Bridget had said "Make America Great Again" instead
That is the inference I was interpreting it as from the start dingus. They are echoing an obvious parallel to his slogan that is softer and more 'inclusive' sounding. I wouldn't be arguing from a "completely different position".

>and claiming the cities are sanctuary cities that are fucking over the rest of America by summoning shadowy, murderous darkies.
The fact I didn't even need to imply this and you saw this interpretation and mentioned it for me is funny too

The God needs to approach me first for me to friendzone him

I love Rei!


Based agreeing reply guy

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except your free will is a product of your brain's functioning, which means if he decided to screw you over then no free will for you

>not benevolent
If god exists and is truly almighty then there is no way he is a good "person". There are little fights going on around us everywhere 24/7 because all living things are literally designed to fight and devour each other, it's cruel. If that was done by intentional design then the one who made it enjoys witnessing violence, there is no other explanation.
God wants you to be the strongest killer and the era where people were most in touch with god was when she used to burn witches.

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This part felt like Silent Hill, really looking forward to the game


We had a clearly autistic black guy on our campus who would do this. Everyone in our degree program had to basically babysit him at all times.

Satan never had a chance. Paradise Lost should be canon. Let based Milton justify the ways of God to Man.

i bet you think you are smart

That's complicated statement. It depends on what you mean by God. You see, it helps no one to be reductive. I believe that we are here implies to some degree that there are forces larger then us. Now we can get into semanticalities and asume the very notion of belief itself can be rhetorically whittled to the bare nub of its meaning. I'd like to talk to you a lot more about this.

We love violence, but still consider ourselves "good people."

No I'm a dick

I mean on average, not you specifically.


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Why wasn't Satan completely destroyed then? Why was he allowed to escape and later tempt humans away from God? If He was all powerful, wouldn't it have been a good idea to stop Satan then and there? Or is Satan (and evil in general) allowed to exist because God wants humans' faith to be tested?

That's just delusion, if we were "good" then we wouldn't need all these laws keeping us in check to not just go apeshit on each other.


He lived off the land. By your logic, all pre-industrial farmers are neets.

Satan thought he stood a chance when he wanted to be the most high and gather the 3rd of his angels. Hell he still thinks he stands a chance according to the Book of Revelation.

I don't have any human interaction and I'm perfectly sane.

You're having a human interaction right now.

God is real but he has nothing to do with your or anyone else's life. Why are some people so obsessed with God being benevolent or caring about them and what they do?

>"God I fucking hate people and normies. Please shut up and stop talking to me'

also me
>"why am I so lonely"

I don't know what I want

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Or maybe they have a different opinion you delusional sollipsist

Talking to ""people"" online isn't real interaction. Can't see you, can't hear, you might as well be nonexistent right now.

You want to go back in time and be surrounded by real people, not modern bogs.

Old people who are sent to rot in retirement homes or asexual people can feel lonely too. Pretty sure it has nothing to do with any sexual/romantic angle. Humans desire connection, and it is indeed necessary for their mental health. There's something wrong with your brain if you desire to be truly alone. Even homeless people get a dog for companionship.

With atheists, we believe there is no explanation we can comprehend, at least not yet.
The big bang theory is more of an incomplete explanation that there is a lot if evidence for, and I am content with that fact I will likely never know the origin of the universe in its entirety.
Meanwhile God just making the universe makes no logical sense and has no evidence whatsoever, so even if it offers a complete explanation of the origin of the universe, I just cant believe something like that

You're coping user. You'd go fucking insane without this place.

if you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone

That was the gayest thing about the whole trailer. Humans are tribal. They will always be tribal. Multiculturalism is Cancer.

I thought that Adam was a complete being but lonely, so god more or less separated him into two beings, one male and one female? But now that I typed this out this sounds incestuous as fuck

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It's a shitty substitute for human interaction you like it or not

Lose the hate. You have too insane of an expectation of people if folks going around doing their own thing is enough for you to warrant hate and anger.

You do know that the Big Bang Theory doesn't posit ex nihilo, right?

In fact, it's a purely religious argument to posit that everything came to be ex nihilo, i.e. God created it from nothing.

You're both lamenting a strawman argument but praising the very same religious argument.

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That's why MMOs exist.

Yeah, maybe all the other sheep need each other... but me? .....heh..... I guess i’m just not human then......

never change Yea Forums

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You are talking to people right now. There's people behind the computer screen. If not seeing or hearing someone is enough for you to completely dehumanize them then you may not be as sane as you claim. At the very least that's exactly how the bystander effect ends up happening.

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>If God can do no wrong then the concept of evil or bad shouldn't exist at all, because again God didn't create it
Evil is the inversion of good. This is devil's doing.

really made me think desu

This is a bunch of mindless tripe.

>"I d-don't need other people"
>spends his day on Yea Forums
You edgy incels realize you all come here just to cope with the loneliness right? Nobody who spends a lot of time here does it for the discussion because the discussion is garbage

And who created the devil?
Who allows him to exist?

How did you infer it was about multiculturalism? Kojima is a nip. His country is extremely isolationist as a nation, and isolationist within with a huge Hikikomori problem. A large percentage of their youth utterly rejects society and decides to stay inside 24/7, with their only social interaction being online echo chambers. Reminds you of anything? You don't think that's where he's coming from?

Quite the contrary, this place has made me even saner.
>There's people behind the computer screen
You can't prove this.

Pretty much senpai. That's why Christians call everyone their brothers and sister, because from God's perspective all living things share a common ancestor and are his offspring. This is why marriage is symbolically melding two people into one flesh, because otherwise its like incest.

not mindless tripe but
>allow free will
>make existence impossible to absolutely prove
>punishment for not being a believer is an eternity of punishment

I literally was though. I find more peace in total solitude than I do being around others. I prefer it so much I go out of my way to not be around others unless I can't help it.

God did. But angels have free will too and some choose to do evil.

>With atheists, we believe there is no explanation we can comprehend, at least not yet.
>The big bang theory is more of an incomplete explanation that there is a lot if evidence for, and I am content with that fact I will likely never know the origin of the universe in its entirety.
>Meanwhile God just making the universe makes no logical sense and has no evidence whatsoever, so even if it offers a complete explanation of the origin of the universe, I just cant believe something like that

Attached: tips fadora 99.99 plus tip.wave.jpg (600x466, 33K)

Kojima is a massive westaboo who idolizes Hollywood and left his country to work in the western market
Death Stranding takes place in the US and doesn't have a single japanese character

Kojima also has a thing for latin America. The game 100% is a social commentary

Or you are satanic

>Implying living is a benevolence.

But didn't you watch Eva? You have to be around other people! Because... reasons!

why are blobs dock and cork censored??

>DS is basically MGS, Eva and Lain all mixed and in a pretty awesome package
I see you

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Do you maybe have some kind of literature about that?

>I find more peace in total solitude than I do being around others
>*uses the internet to talk to other people*

Whether you're talking to advanced AIs or not, this is not really relevant. You're pursuing discussion, however superficial, whatever you want with another interlocutor, indeed dozens of them on an imageboard. Triggers the same emotional responses in your brain, more or less. If you were alone on an island you'd probably start talking to yourself or a beach ball.

Can you imagine being truly alone, with no internet, no one to talk to, nothing? Probably why old retired people abandoned by their relatives kill themselves.

Yeah, I realize how fedora tipping it sounds, but thats my honest thought process
For what its worth, I really do wish I believed in God because heaven sounds great, and I also think christfags are generally good people

Leaving ungrateful, leeching faggots like you to face the consequences of your actions is benevolent. You don't have a gf because you don't deserve one, and giving you one for free would not benefit anybody.

Yes total isolation sucks. But I've seen the types of people who try to "unite" groups, and they're always scummy and/or, ironically, completely unable to relate to the people they lead.

>spends all his profits on his family and friends
>makes whatever he wants and is completely focused on it because it's what he enjoys (John Wick, more Bill & Ted)
>is happy being alone
>no drama or notoriety whatsoever
The world honestly does not deserve Keanu Reeves. He's too pure.

Attached: honey.png (146x159, 7K)

Tell that to the girls.



Why do incels see themselves in Keanu?

He's alone because his best friend, wife, daughter and sister (I think) all died and he's traumatized, not because he's a ugly unlikeable loser like you

Do you know what omnipotence means you dumbfuck?

>interacting with others through a computer holds the same weight as having to physically be around them

And for that matter I rarely do that lmao. I lurk 9 times for every one instance of piping up to say something as I'm doing now.

After Adam committed the first sin, God cursed the world.

Death and bad shit entered the world.

God also says he regrets making humans (Genesis 6:6) 6:6&version=NIV

Basically, fuck you. God wanted life on Earth to generally be hard.

"If God exists why does bad stuff happen?" Is literally one of the most immature thoughts on Earth.

Attached: genesis.png (656x478, 15K)

Of course it isn't about Japan in this case, he's more interested in universal themes. But it's a starting point for him because people isolating themselves is a huge problem in his country, and that's despite any real immigration or fractured ethnic identity. There's similar problems in the western world; we've grown more connected than any point in history and at the same time there are persistent groups of people who isolate themselves more than ever.

This is right apostlefags would never bother and would rather biblethump

It's not the same but it's one way for you to cope with being alone. Just accept it


>muh religion
>muh God is evil
>muh AI
can you guys stop acting like fucking /x/babies? let's get this straight
just do your thing without disturbing mine.
if the point above isn't followed then ain't religion but a cult
>God is evil
God doesn't care, which is a very different thing. Live life to your fullest and then have fun with the being for eternity on the Other Side, it isn't like dogmas made by sandretards millenia ago were correct
>muh AI
you could be an AI in a meatsuit and you wouldn't know the difference between that and a "human"
>tl;dr: shut up and carpe diem
fucking meatsuits, you all become retarded when in one

Does anyone know what the death stranding is because I honestly feel like it’s some supernatural power and causes humans infected by it to cry black or red

Get off my board you fucking cuck

And I have a different opinion on whether the earth is flat or spherical but that would make me look like a dip now user

>God makes humans
>knows humans will do stupid shit
>curses them for it anyway

Well fuck him too.

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That feel when there are actual wormhole children that send you to another dimention called like a version of hell in which there is a giant oil-like black creature, this game is literally a high budget well refined version of metal gear survive.

Needing other people to be truly happy seems like such a hindrance, so if anything, schizoids would actually have an advantage.

Wait freikugel is eye lazers? I thought it was some kinda mouth based attack.

>ignoring the rest of my post

I have friends from my past who try to talk to me to get summarily ignored. I could easily reach out to them or my family and I don't because I don't care I'd rather not deal with it. I'm happier alone.

Brainlets relate themselves to fictional characters because they’re mentally ill

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The camera turns away from Demi-fiend's face so everyone assumes it's either eye, mouth or both

"don't deserve one" lmao
gfs are given to those born with superior genetics

>Attempting to ruin hot goth babes with a wojak edit.
You're on another tier of subhuman trash.

Jesus Christ dude
>Adam and Eve were to learn before eating the fruit
>Satan tricks them into eating it prematurely
>God locks them up with Satan because cant have them shit up Eden
>your sole purpose of existence is to learn from Satan what is good and bad
>once you figure things out you are rewelcomed into Eden
and stupid faggots like you blame god

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>I'm so glad to never have been raised by religious nutjobs, living in a secular country and the only aspect of any religious heritage being holidays.
>I cringe in despair thinking about all those burgers living in anguish about make-belief tales. I truly pity you with the bottom of my heart for being stuck in this mental prison you most likely were groomed in.
This is the human condition, you see these behaviors even when religion isn't involved.

You really haven’t interacted with any incels if that pic is what you think relates to incels as a whole. Most incels don’t even care and would rather LDAR than bother living

nanomachines son

God can then get out of my brain. Stupid educational indoctrination system.

As a diagnosed schizoid, I, at least, don't have an advantage -- I've read many others in the same boat.

It's hard to do much in life because you prefer being alone to the point where interaction is a hindrance. Also, schizoids don't really feel happy; it's just an elongated state of nothing with minor blips of emotion here and there.

Essentially, a robot.

God set them them up to fail so he's still to blame

At first, but humans are adaptive creatures.

Satan gave us free will.

>Giving an omnipresent being humam characteristics

Nah I could see girls ask this. When I went to parties in college girls would ask me if I spiked drinks I'd gave them

I mean, obviously I didn't spike drinks, but it always struck me as weird that girls would ask if I roofied their drink and then just take me at my word. Like bitch if you're suspicious of me don't drink the drink, do you really think a date rapist would tell you if he spiked your drink?

So Kojima is making a reference to one of the oldest fairy tales? I don't get the point of this post.

Ok but why is it the fault of animals that Adam was an asshole? Animals kill each other even more than we do because they have to

>>Adam and Eve were to learn before eating the fruit
>>Satan tricks them into eating it prematurely
>>God locks them up with Satan because cant have them shit up Eden
>>your sole purpose of existence is to learn from Satan what is good and bad
>>once you figure things out you are rewelcomed into Eden
Wait what. So did Satan fuck up? If so why were A&E punished? Why weren't they re allowed into the garden.

It's not their fault but Adam was favored over them.

>literally incarnates as a real human bean to show them the way

we werent ready for it yet

>Why weren't they re allowed into the garden.
but you are, once you learned how to handle your free will
A&E werent punished, but have to learn the hard lesson by themselves thanks to satan

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Yea Forums - Theology and Psychological Theory

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that pic, good shit user

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Your mind creates a voice to guide itself and i agree you'll be damned if you don't follow it. Religious belief, whichever form it takes, is inherent to the human psyche and denying it leads one to despair and suicide. I'm not mentioning the dogmas we devise those are social engineering tools, very powerful and useful tools to build civilizations so that we can function on systems more complex than mere survival but at the core every living person develops beliefs of religious magnitude. Gods and devils are in our minds and that's how they're able to affect us, i think god is very real.

niggas really be out here thinking free will exists kek

No satan made us aware of our free will.

>kojima made a game
>Yea Forums talk about the existence of god

hideo is literally jesus 2.0

yeah, im sure ill find a friend someday

But fictional characters are literally depictions of certain realities as well as different natures of humans. The only brainlet here is you for understanding it on a face value.

>Learned how to handle your free will
So basically; once you stop having free will and be a good little sheep, you can enter Eden.

How are you so dumb that the most obvious contraction in the world somehow escapes you?

Sounds like a shit teacher.
>Josh fucked up, so you and user are grounded

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Homo Demons are the bad guys, Homo Ludens might be the good guys

So maybe Kojima is unironically going to make a game about gamers rising up instead of, y'know, just going with the tried and true "Use celebrities to bully the neets."

when will mortals learn their place - under the foot of causality and fate?

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>So basically; once you stop having free will and be a good little sheep, you can enter Eden.
thats extactly what I didnt say

when your dad punishes you because you did some dumb shit is it because he loves you or hates you?

>That's exactly what I didn't say
Are you a child? Just spouting "nuh-uh" and that's it? Explain yourself you lemming.

I also believed in this train of thought until it realized that humans were created will and that it is by their own free will that they sinned/commited the Fall.

God fulfilled it's Creation by making humankind in It's Image; meaning that we have the same base faculties as the Divine. Creation begins to have meaning via humans, as we are the vessels and actors both for and of Divine will.

What I'm saying is that no matter how much we try to cope and blame the Snake or Satan or God for our choices, we are here (ontologically reduced) BY OUR WILL. Sure, we were deceived, but we were warned, and we didn't listen. It was a fucking choice, not to listen; one cannot perform this act and not be aware of him being able to act like this

Unfairness, because dad didn't explain the situation correctly, and expected something else from me.

>religious belief is crucial for the human psyche
You mean faith. Creating an imaginary figure in your head to devote yourself to it is inconvenient, when you could simply just believe in yourself.

god gave people a chance and they had fun for a long while, then they fucked up. it's really not that bad

I already did, you are just trying to twist my words
I have no desire to throw pearls before swine

>dont do this
>still does it
the rules were pretty clear

Looks like it's brainlet hour

I dont have time to explain how all the stories in the bible are metaphorical but I'll start with the first one at least:
The Garden of Eden is metaphor for the Neolithic Revolution and the fruit of knowledge was the knowledge of fruit.

>Keanu Reeves is a fictional character

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Why doesn't anyone talk to me then?

Well I believe free will does in some form exist but only to those who are intellectual but you might be right in saying that it doesn’t exist although it is still distinguishable for an intellectual to figure out that he/she has no free will but can see and understand what fate has in store for them

>I already did
Now what does God think about liars and deceivers?

>you are just trying to twist my words
No, but this is you trying to twist my intentions into whatever you want it to be to easily excuse yourself from a conversation you lost.

>I have no desire to throw pearls before swine
Excuses excuses, if this were true you wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. You are rapidly breaking every rule you've been advocating, quite a ways from the gates aren't you?

>Don't do this
>Why ?
>You are grounded
How hard is for people to explain things correctly ?

What awaits you after death is exactly what was before you were born, user

>read this many times, thinking at least i am not that guy
>now 23 and khhv

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Assuming other people are bad by default is a sin.

That's why engineeringfags should hurry the fuck up and make robot gfs

Because you’re an ugly freak not worth of any attention. This is why the belief of humanity coming together is bullshit when principles such as aesthetics and genes overrule our lives

I thought it comes out of his head like some sort of mind beam.

Right, but that isn't a condition you would wish for. If there's a such a mental condition where you're now free from the need of social connection, then what exactly is worth looking for? You have all the time in the world to read books, listen to music, watch movies, play vidya and then what? No one to share it with, no desire to even do such a thing. Do you still have any interest in such a thing as being part of a society? Would you rather live in a cabin in the woods? Your entire existence, reduced to the thoughts in your head. I wouldn't want a life like that.

>God, the perfect being made imperfect beings who he knew would do something he told them not to do, and then acts offended when they do it
>God knows that if he creates humans, they will go against his words, and then he will curse them instead of the myriad of other things he can do because he's God
>So God, the all knowing, perfect being, created beings that he knew would go against him, told them not to go against him and then proceeded to curse them when he did it.

Am I drinking crazy juice or does God sound like an idiot?

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Always amuse me how the "people of the book" can never imagine that even if God is real, he's probably not what they thinks it is.


Speak for yourself you dirty whore

Yes i meant faith.

Sounds hella peaceful

> to be to easily excuse yourself from a conversation you lost.
topkek, what a delusional faggot are you? how can someone lose a conversation?

I already laid out what I think is the truth, everyones path is different. there is no way to convince you to believe my truth, my purpose is not to convert others on a vidya board. I wish a you a nice journey, may Jesus guide you to the truth.

maybe because the explanation would be to brutal for an innocent being and you have to teach them slowly? who knows, only god

>Because you’re an ugly freak not worth of any attention.

Homo Ludens are the bad guys you dip. Ludens don’t care about humanity and have their own interest. Homo demens (that’s what the trailer states) could just be mixed Luden and human or just the name of the separatist group.

Not an idiot. but definitely extremely evil.
>Here's free will
>You must do exactly as I say, utilize your free will and go against what you're instructed and you will be banished from Eden and punished with eternal hellfire
>Btw here's also something that will repeatedly try and make you use your free will
>And I won't give you the intellectual or moral capacity to reject it because you have free will haha :^)


I thought the "Homo" implies that all groups are somewhat human.

Explain ME then.

kojima should not be able to seem this relevant to me, but right now this is the game I am most hype for and I'm a yuge VtMB fangay.

Who's to say the voice wasn't around before the mind?

God’s a massive idiot for doing such a thing, therefore the idea that god loves us all and wanted to create a divine species even knowing that some could go against him is retarded instead the only reasoning in why god “created” us is to watch us suffer and laugh about it almost as if it was watching a play this entire time.

You weren't made for living alone, but it's the life you have by choice or circumstances, and you're not happy with it

>how can someone lose a conversation?
>what a delusional faggot are you?
This is amazing, you're so far into denial you cannot eve conceptualize what "losing a conversation" is?

>I already laid out what I think is the truth
And I told you why that was wrong, which you then said was twisting your words before refusing to explain how or clarifying what you actually meant.

You then chose to run away while shouting bullshit over your shoulder as you did, acting like an indignant child and now trying the same old bullshit excuses that everyone and their dog attempts when they lost the ability to persuade the other person because they ran out of arguments.

You have nothing left to say, but rather than accept that you lost the argument and changing your opinions and beliefs based on the new information you couldn't refute, you decide to go full retard and throw a little tantrum, desperately denying it instead.

How laughably childish.

Apparently, he can be alone and still fill miserable. Disliking yourself and still going.

Attached: he will die alone.jpg (500x500, 43K)

That at any point He could choose to interfere with your free will but chooses not to?

Wow it's almost like that's the point of allowing free will.

But religious belief and the idea of faith are two separate things which I clearly stated. Having faith in some fictional being would be considered religious since you’re devoting and sacrificing yourself for something else, whilst having faith in oneself is just nothing but pure faith with

It’s the truth user. I’m a ugly fuck myself and my whole life being shit was partly because of physical appearance and mental issues

bitch, explaining the whole enchilada would require a whole thread on its own, this thread is not the place.
besides, god guides every soul worth it to the truth, there is nothing I have to do on my part, only you know if you belong to him or not.
nice reddit spacing btw, tells me more than I should know

>I'm really interested if there is some explanation though.

what people call the "big bang" is expansion, a scientific explanation for the development of the universe, not it's actual inception point. the actual inception point can probably never be known because it existed in a reality so foreign to our own that it is difficult to comprehend and probably beyond investigation. you can propose states of being before that universe that are logical but rely on certain given structures and laws persisting, IE imaginary time, forced occupying dimensions of specific shapes etc.

>Your mind creates a voice to guide itself
>God is very real

Either we have different semantics of what "God" means or you just contradicted the only "proof" a human could ever have of God's existance.

based and redpilled

Then let's have sex

I want him to another metal gear...not fair!

Well idk but researching on the topic of Ludens suggest that they are supernatural humans with higher morality than average humans. Homo demens might just be Ludens but dubbed as demens since normal humans probably don’t consider ludens as anything related to them.

so many things about the world fall into place when you begin to understand how wacked it is that so many people are ready to just say "god is real" like that lmao

You know what ive always wondered? The bible has some shit about not doing sorcery right? So either sorcery is real and something that humans can do (sign me up bro) or the bible is written by desert wondering humans that only had their own superstitions to work with. Unless you want to say that sometime between bible and today god was like "oh fuck, I still need to fix that magic thing I left running for a few centuries"

Juvenile weebs and their human worshiping gook overlords

It sounds more like we have to learn the hard lesson because god is an unprepared, dog shit parent that has no idea what he is doing.

>bitch, explaining the whole enchilada would require a whole thread on its own, this thread is not the place.
Oh boy, more excuses, I most certainly didn't see *that* coming. You had no trouble spouting bullshit before, but now it's suddenly "it would require a whole thread on it's own". You started this, and now when you lose it's suddenly not the place? Come now, no one is fooled by these childish excuses, if this is all you're going to do you're better off leaving the thread with your tattered dignity instead of continuing to make a complete buffoon of yourself.

>god guides every soul worth it to the truth, there is nothing I have to do on my part, only you know if you belong to him or not.
So free will is completely meaningless? Because that's exactly what you just said here "there is nothing I have to do on my part". Not only that, but apparently worthiness is determined based on your very soul now? You've painted yourself into a corner here mate, adding more paint to it isn't helping.

>Muh reddit boogeyman!!!!
More desperate attempts at trying to weasel your way out of things, allow me to at least educate you on what reddit spacing is.

> This is reddit spacing

This is reddit spacing, it's called that because on reddit you need a space after the "> text" and a free line in between for it to format properly. So, will you keep up this utterly embarrassing performance where you're repeatedly schooled like a small child, or have you had enough? Should I maybe explain the concept of paragraphs next?


>t. Gnostic

I'm happy to find people like you who also understand this, you bring me hope. I suspect most people have a rather basic interpretation of ethics and morality and are prone to rush to the same sort of conclusions a child or a teen would find, unable to reach conclusions like these on their own.

any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

people shouted "magic! sorcery!" at anything that was more mechanically complex than banging two rocks together. i think of how many ancient people invented shit like pulleys and winches only to be murdered by their god-fearing acquaintances and have their inventions burned

>tfw becoming a wizard in less than a month
What should I do first with my powers, Yea Forums?

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And people worship this fucking retard lmao.

that's not how omniscience works. it doesn't allow for free will because every choice has already been per-determined at the point of creation. god can't make a game for you to freely go through because making you with absolute knowledge, you become an NPC who can only follow one route. god can't insert his own seeds of unknowledge into the universe to create free will because he has absolute knowledge of everything even the most basic building blocks of existence and how they operate into the future. to have true free will you would have to make god a creator alien, and not omniscient. omniscience isn't possible according to the laws of physics either, without breaking the boundary of the universe, and even in that case, it relies on a multiverse so you go back to non-omniscience, since said omniscience would be limited to the scale of our own universe only.

what khhv stands for?

only Sethians and Valentinians tho

turn all women to vapid whores that only like ugly fucks.

Have sex


Watermelon was not made for my dick either but it sure do fits nicely

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Happy? It's literally brainlet-tier reasoning that ends with "it is what it is because otherwise it wouldn't be what it is". This is something even an elementary school child would call you out on, what the fuck have you been smoking?

The fact remains that all those fundamental laws and shit is what god had made, decided to make and enforce. In fact the entire post is strongly advocating hard determinism but then also says the concept of free will is a thing, which is retarded.

You imply a false dichotomy, you can both believe in you while at the same time believe in something greater than yourself.

Summon a succubus

By that I mean hire a whore

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I already gave you the qrd, no idea what you are arguing about
stay mad my dude

>author of all things including life
>Wtf you can't kill things
Whats it like having an over-emotional toddler brain?


Fuck you, Jap.

what? why? i'm esl so i have no clue what it means

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What if god is human too? Just with unlimited powers and lifespan.

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It's real but not as interesting as the things you'd see in works of fiction.

>I already gave you the qrd,
Again, excuses and lies, you've done no such thing, and this is such an obvious attempt that I simply do not understand what you're hoping to achieve with it. The only one that could conceivably be fooled by this is you, and that'd just be pathetic.

>no idea what you are arguing about
Oh no, you know full well, and you know you actually have nothing to say for yourself so this is what you resorted to instead. This is what's medically known as "so BTFO they turned into a blubbering mess of excuses"

>Y-you m-mad b-bro???
Good lord this elementary school brat roleplay is getting out of hand...

kissless, handholdless, hugless virgin.

Out you go faggot

jesus christ dude calm down
maybe take a break or go for a walk, every word you type is pointless anyway since tl;dr

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>God makes humans
>knows humans will do stupid shit
>lets you live with the consequences of your choices
Wow what an asshole giving you total freedom. Grow up you complete thoughtless clown.

But then you wouldn’t put a lot of faith in yourself and would rather depend on the great being you have created

Life is fucking killing contest, where is latest piece of shit can prevail through struggle and shit. How this is fun?

that's why I seldomly do

>Give humans free will
>Don't explain shit
>Chastised them for using free will

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People that do both are exceptions but on average people will tend to favour one side than the other. I have never in my life seen a person believe equally amongst themselves and the fictional being within religious groups

i hope for his sake it's the latter

God hate incels

And yet you're still here, acting like a complete buffoon for my amusement, screeching desperately for anything to hold on to.

You've already completely regressed to this, how much lower will you stoop just to stay in this reply chain? Usually people just start repeating themselves endlessly shortly after this stage, it's rather predictable really, but I'm sure you actually believe you're being clever here.

A dog could do better.

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>>Don't explain shit

Excuse me?

>God is all powerful and can do literally everything
>But he bound the concept of free will to suffering

I don't get this, why would God, the maker of everything adhere to rules like these? Can't he just make free will without suffering? He literally made everything.
And why would he, again, create something that he knows he'll just curse anyway?
It's like if I put my head on a toy train track, turn on the train and get angry when it hits me.
I KNEW what was gonna happen and I did it anyway.
Is God just autistic?

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>watch us suffer and laugh about it almost as if it was watching a play this entire time.
Would you ever thought that you is a character of the comics?

oh right...thanks user, 25 here, i was forced to kiss by girl once in kindrgarden, that means i'm hhv
fuck you

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He wasn't originally, but then he got vaccinated. Tragic, really.

god is everything
you try to personalize something humans cant even grasp in its wholeness

>don't explain shit
Humans internally know right from wrong. Natural law is is obvious to children.

>Chastised them for using free will
You receive the natural end of your decisions. You either choose to unite yourself to love itself or face the absence of it, which is death. If you choose to not drink water, you will suffer from dehydration. You have total freedom.

>can't he just make free will without it being free or will

Why God needed, that tree in first place?

>anons still think omniscience of a creator and free will of the creations can exist at the same time


Then god lied.

Dunno, ask him when you get there.

Yes and no. God looks like human.

>If I don't understand the math it means the answer is nonsense.
There's no logical contradiction here, just your own incapability to follow through.
You present a question that presumes the existence of evil proves an all powerful god which is also good can't exist. Which user just explained is a fallacious conclusion considering the existence of free will conciliates both.
It's an extrapolation that follows a basic use of logic user, the same sort of reasoning you use in math an philosophy.
The fact that you mention a child would not be able to get this is only proving my point further, a child finds it hard to reason abstract concepts like these.

Nah, he went
>Here's a tree, you can do anything but you can't eat the fruit from that tree (more arbitrary rules will be added later I dunno)
>BTW I made you in such a way that this will be extremely tempting for you and you cannot really do anything about it
>Also here's a creature that will tempt you further
>And just in case you manage to not fall for temptation, here's a jank-ass copy of you that will literally trick you into doing the thing I told you not to do, and I will hold you fully accountable for doing it :^)

God is a fucking jackass. If the devil's greatest trick is making people believe he didn't exist, god's greatest trick was making people believe he has a shred of benevolence in him.

What comic? If you’re on about comics in general I could say yes

Human became mortal lol.

Telling people not to do a thing, is not an explanation.
>Don't eat the apple or else
>Don't eat the apple because X, Y, and Z will happen, due A,B and C

Nigger you didn’t even know what it stood for and you’re lurking this site

I prefer to believe the nature of our existence and consciousness is just kinda beyond our comprehension just like cats can't really comprehend what the fuck we are doing when we play vidya or drive a car. I want their to be something after this life, but God as depicted in most religions kind of seems like a jerk.

>Woman says humans aren't meant to be alone
>Despite women not needing to try in order to find someone as everyone will try to impress them and they just have to pick which one they want so they think it's easy to just not be alone
Of course women have other kinds of problems in life, but finding a partner is not one of them.

>you try to personalize something humans cant even grasp in its wholeness
We were created in gods image. He said so himself

He didn't. They literally died after eating from that tree. Not instantly but they lost their immortality and died later.

>BTW I made you in such a way that this will be extremely tempting for you and you cannot really do anything about it
Actually no. Nothing compelled them to eat from that tree. So there was no "tempting further". The snake lied to Eve and she disobeyed her father.

luckily they can through the miracles of technology!

Cats are smart.

But did you even read the Book of Genesis my good fedora brainlet friend?

>but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.
LITERALLY tells them why not to eat from it.

And why do you asume that placing faith in something different than yourself means that in turn you won't believe in yourself nearly as much? Would you love yourself less if you also loved somebody else like your parents or your siblings?

we live in gods mind, so yes humans look like god but god is still everything

So we agree God isn't benevolent then

i don't post on /r9k/
well at least now i know what it means but you didn't need to be an asshole

I'll worship cattos before I worship a dead jew desu

Keeping you alive is benevolent. Look at you.

You're just really desperate to make excuses.

This thread is actually good.


I don't want to look at me

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>if you are hitting on every girl you see, you are definitely a creep

Not if you're attractive

>God as depicted in most religions kind of seems like a jerk.
Saved humanity from slavery and darkness. Ra is cool and Maybe Thor is cool too.

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Man god is such a massive loser to be getting rejected by even the pettiest of the petty

imagine believing in ancient jew fanfics

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This didn't happen either

Boy do I have news for you

I know, doesn't really make sense
People hype up God to be the ultimate being that can do everything imaginable and unimahinable
But when explaining his actions and describing him in the bible they give him a lot of human characteristics like emotions, cruelty, compassion etc.
A being of that magnitude trascends what we now of the word and its laws, things like cause and effect don't apply to him, time and space are nothing to a God.

But them again, all the times we ask the big questions we just end up woth shitty explanations painting God like if he was limited by human reasoning.

That's exactly what I'm saying

Our concept of free will is encapsuled by things like action and reaction, time and other stuff.

Things are like this because again, God created them.
He's completely able to create an existence where free will without pain and suffering exists, yet he didn't

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>simple as fuck quote about the fact that humans are a social species
>Yea Forums can't even get its head around such a basic statement
>an entire thread full of whining about religion and women

I hate nu-Yea Forums

Oh I see, thank you.

So is this no longer coming to PC? Did Kojima change his mind or was that interview fake or what?

then why was i made

>Which user just explained is a fallacious conclusion
No, he actually failed at trying tot, and I explained why. You have not given me any arguments as to why my line of reasoning is actually incorrect, coming up with little more than a "nuh-uh you just dun git it"

>It's an extrapolation that follows a basic use of logic user, the same sort of reasoning you use in math an philosophy.
And yet, after an inconsistency is pointed out, you failed to follow through and explain how the inconsistency is not actually what it appears to be. Again, the literal end of his line of reasoning is that things are what they are because otherwise things wouldn't be what they are. This is a very basic, childish error of circular reasoning, god could have made things any way he wanted but he intentionally and willfully chose to create a system in which evil must exist to justify the concept of free will, something he too designed and gave it's inherent value, where he had the ability to do it differently.

He made evil by design, and gave us free will by design, where evil only exists as mechanism to punish people for using the free will they were given. If I give you the choice between an apple and a banana and you're free to choose either, that's free will. If I give you the choice between an apple and a banana and if you choose the banana I will stab you then you only presented me the choice in order to punish me for not doing what you wanted me to.

The logical and mathematical conclusion here is that free will only exists as a justification for god to commit his atrocities upon his own creations, and there is simply no line of reasoning that could argue this is anything but utter, vile evil.

He is benevolent, but to those willing to live by his words.

That sounds like some shit the mafia would tell me before breaking my legs for not paying protection money

fuck off bich Yea Forums was founded by pedos who were on the very fringe of society

>use intentionally abstract concepts as political tools to instill fear in people and have them respect laws/authority

>Tards still believe it thousands of years later

>t. has plenty of food, water, video games to play and lived for 18+ years on a ball suspended in perfect conditions for life
Yeah man, what a complete asshole he has been to you. Truly you are destitute.

my mom's goth phase never ended. i had to grow up with that exact sort of person


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God also gave mankind curiosity, so you're wrong, and pretty dumb actually. You also cherrypicked, as there is much more to the post you replied to which your bullshit, even if true, fails to excuse.

Reminder that if we have free will, then God is either not omniscient or not omnipotent.

And he gives human beings free will, allowing some to not live by his words and he KNOWS that they won't live by his word.
So he gave some humans free will just so he could punish them later for something that he could have prevented? In this situation, the only thing that's actually creating consequences for bad decisions with free will is God himself, who allowed humans to have free will.
What's the point of this all if the ideal end-state is where we started int he first place?

The Old Testament is the prime book, all 3 religions of the middle east comes from it.

That is not an explanation.
>If you go into the room of knowledge you will die
But he didn't explain how it will happen, or why it would happen, God is a lazy parent.
>Don't play with that shit or you will get hurt
>I don't have time for that, just do as I say or I will beat you

It's actually "You shall not murder"

>לֹא תִּרְצָח

I find it hard to believe that that's how he hit on them exactly or that he actually did it that much. Saying hi and trying to make small talk is fine, and if they don't show interrest you just move on. He probably tried to force it more than likely.

So every human is God now?

what is "free will" even supposed to mean lol

That shit has to do with my parents, my country and the chance circumstances of my birth.
What I was referring to is how much God seems to be angry at humans for shit that He himself could have prevented and all the consequences of those preventable actions are caused by him as well.
Incidentally, I'm an atheist, so if God exists and is benevolent to me, he's a top-tier cuck

god is part of us but we are not god

>or not benevolent
Where did the chickenshit mentality of God needing to be benevolent even come from? I mean, I see it all the time from people talking about how they don't believe in God because of how much of a meanie he is. Which doesn't make sense because the people around them don't poof out of existance as soon as they start having bad thoughts.

How has god defined "murder" then?

If you don't agree, you are literally lying to yourself.
>Using a computer made by other people
>Using a message board made by other people
>Eating food produced by other people
>Living in a house built by other people
>Reading light novels made by other people
>Watching movies made my other people
>Playing games made by other people
>Getting health care from other people
>Travelling on roads made by other people
>Raised and nurtured by other people

"I'm a failure because of other people"

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You're not the creator of everything, he is. Deal with it.

>Christianity presents morality as absolute
>God is Omniscient
>God defines morality as following his word
>God has a long track record of changing his mind
>God's own word is subject to change
>Morality is actually relative
>God either ignores his omniscience, doesn't have it, or doesn't plan for his own moodswings
Pls explain christfags, I always found this confusing.

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>God also gave mankind curiosity
You can control curiosity yourself user. I never smoked weed despite sometimes wondering how it feels like. This is your responsibility.

The reason why I didn't address the rest of your post is because it was wrong in its tract. It's evident that you didn't even read let alone studied the Genesis and you're trying to make a false narrative and excuse bad behavior.

God is above and beyond logic, or human understanding or limits user, the fact that we anthropomise him is more of human's limits attempting to ground something beyond our scope than him acting in ways that are actually human-like

More like god's thoughts and personas.

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Omniscience and pre-knowledge is not pre-determination you philosophy 101 retard.

Maybe I am. There's more proof that I exist than he does.

what does homo demen mean again?

Bible was written by different authors with varying views about God

>Which doesn't make sense because the people around them don't poof out of existance as soon as they start having bad thoughts.
Hell comes after death, brainlet.

The idea of a benevolent god comes from the idea that a god that isn't benevolent isn't worthy of worship. This leads to two options;
>God is benevolent, and we should worship him, and he will treat us well for it
>God is not benevolent, and worshiping him is a complete waste of time
Now, we know the first isn't true, and the second renders religion completely pointless.

Because it's objectively true. We are social animals down to our very DNA. Not all people are social to the same extent, but we all need human company.

Fuck off, there's some actually interesting discussion going on in this thread. You're just looking for the stupid shit.


as n ex-PUA these stories make me lol loudly

and i can confirm its real...these guys just do the numbers game (if you success ratio is 1%; the sooner you approach 100 women the sooner ONE will become your gf)

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Man, from an agnostic's pov, christianity seems like a pozzed version of islam, even though the latter came after the former. The bible has so many edits, versions, OT which seems good, and NT which seems pozzed. At least the book of islam was compiled while their prophet was alive.
>gays get killed
>adulterers get killed
>no drinking because it brings in degeneracy
>women need to be chaperoned by men outside
If it was actually followed properly, you'd have a decent thing.

What, if you are just the thought?

So basically god is magic. God isn't real. Just some idea that there is something beyond us, and there isn't

>God has a long track record of changing his mind
You're clearly just being facetious.

God is a God of mercy but also justice. He loves a sinner but hates the sin. Continue in sin without repentance and you will die after the judgement.

Naturally speaking yes because it would mean that I would be living for others and for their well being therefore meaning that I’m only living to sacrifice myself for others in return for theirs. The same reasoning could be said for when a spiritual person sacrifices their time and themselves for their gods in return of blessings which would mean that they solely depend on them to take care of their lives just like with my first point where I would be depending on others if I put my time and effort into them. However, i did say that both statements can be met equally although only a small margin of people fall in that category.