It all makes sense now

It all makes sense now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

that was a date wasn't it

Mads Mikkelsen never looks like he's having a good time.
Even when he's smiling, it never feels "right".
Like he's not exactly angry, but he'd rather be somewhere up in the mountains chopping wood enjoying a meal by himself.
I've never seen him genuinely happy to be hanging out with any of the people that had pics taken with him.

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who's the top and who's the bottom?

Shit, that's actually a good question.
Looks can be deceiving.

Asians generally lack the genital fortitude to penetrate an anus.

>Asians generally...

Oh shut the fuck up you insecure bamboo sprout of a man.

Danes don't smile very often.

Kojima's definitely the top. His sadistic look just tells you so.

Does Kojima even speak English?

He's only happy when he's shitposting on the internet.

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based mads

found the asian

He sure does.

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Just a bit.
It's actually kinda stupid that he hasn't hired a personal teacher at this point, he interacts with english speaking celebrities all the time.
You'd think he'd have the money and time to learn propely by now.

found the racist

never fails

he has a perpetual thousand yard stare

>i am not a gay
this shit cracks me up everytime i see it

He just looks like that when he's smiling because of his weirdo face

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What the fuck do they even talk about


based I'm going to buy 10 more copies of DS now

Both of them look stunning for being in their 50s.

>where can you buy the cheapest hookers?
>where can we get some coke?

Why do japs drink this shit? It's like Vodka in that it tastes like nothing but does jack shit to get you drunk. Do japs just have bland taste in everything? It's basically Soju but more expensive.

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That's because he can't act for shit. He's just like 80% of hollywood "actors" in that he only gets gigs because of facial structure.

One is asian the other has good genes to begin with but he also has a personal trainer that also helps him regulate his diet.
Movie stars usually look really good as long as they still pay their trainers, they're basically "cheating".
But yeah Kojima is just good ol asian genetics, you look 18 until you're 30, then you look 30 until you're 80 then you turn into a happy little smiling manlet and then you die.

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It won't last, it never does

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Sake is pretty good dude, especially hot sake
It goes well with Rice and Fish

You're sorta right, but at the same time there's plenty of celebrated, revered actors that couldn't act worth shit initially and only truly learned after working for a number of years and taking private lessons.
It's pretty common.

Hannibel the tv series was pretty good though

why you are shitposting Eliza on Yea Forums

They eating raw eggs?

who is this? looks so familiar

>Mr Kojima why do I need to take my underwear off to be scanned?

I tried watching that, I don't know if it was because the first season is shit or something but it reminder me of shitty USA or TNT series like Numbers with it's retarded "Main detective is autistic and has superpowers" bullshit.

Fuck you he can absolutely act. The scene where he gets blown up in Rogue One, 99% of actors in his position would have laid out in a dramatic pose, but no, based madds takes a pose that actually makes it look like the blast turned every bone in his arms to jelly and he's desperately to trying not to move because of how painful it is

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actors are cattle
not sure why Kojima would fraternize with his tools

It's not racism, it's a fact

>naruto and sasuke enjoying a drink as friends once again
Nice ending

More interesting, why hire Lindsay Wagner? Could he just not get Valerie Bertinelli to sign on if he was looking for z-list made for TV movie actresses?

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He's not an autist or power stuff
He's just like a fucked in the head guy who can empathize with serial killers on their motives which is what drives the series to him becoming more of a fucked mess

It's more along the lines of Dexter than it is Monk or that fucking joke one about psychics

You're retarded. Go watch Arctic.

whos that right one
i dont know any modern amerimutt shitbag at all

This. Hot sake is delicious

Because he's a predator.

Yea Forums makes him out to be a meek hack but the truth is that he's a clever manipulator that gets close and personal to specific key figures to star in his games, builds a good relationship with them, only to then discard them like used condoms when he doesn't need them anymore.
He did things to Stefanie Joosten.

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you know every time I see these pictures, I've just realized something

can kojima talk English??? As in, well enough to hold a conversation? or does he have a translator around with him at all times? when he directs them, is he talking to them in English? or is it like that scene in lost in translation where he uses an interpreator to speak on his behalf?

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Because she was his original waifu 40 years ago.

>More along the lines of Dexter
That's not exactly a good thing.

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>can kojima talk English???

>can kojima talk English??? As in, well enough to hold a conversation?
Yes, but it's very basic.
>when he directs them, is he talking to them in English?
Yes but he also has translators around to help convey his meaning more precisely.

i could save her bros...

Kojima's been a westaboo for 30 years, and still can't talk english. He just uses random english words that sound cool, hence metal gear. Titue Kubo and Bleach are the same.

Whoresten isn't a key figure anywhere. She's a washed up commercial actor in Japan.

More like early dexter

Well actually the s3 of hannibel is kinda like late game dexter as well with the fucking italy shit

I dunno dude
I really liked it
They do a lot of tasteful art shots that gave me goosebumps, and I think any show that made me feel some kinda emotion is like an A

It was a good watch
I don't regret it

>Kojima's been a westaboo for 30 years, and still can't talk english
This is completely normal in japan no matter who you are.
English is seen as a novelty, a gimmick, they're very insular by nature.
This is SLIGHTLY changing with the new generation but will probably take 1 more generation change before english is approached in japan like it's approached in the rest of the world (assuming they don't die out before then).

>He didn't jerk off to Bionic Woman
>He didn't want Lindsay to give him a bionic handjob

I hope he gets over his Reedus boner after this is released. Norman is fucking ugly and hard to look at.

Japanese people are terrible at ESL
out of East Asians, Koreans are exceptional at sounding like a native English speaker

Considering Japan's living conditions, they don't really have to learn English or emigrate.
They just have to sort out their workaholic problem and eat more meat.

He'll get bored of him, eventually.
He always does.

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mads mikkelsen was pretty good in the hunt and flickering lights. Now that i google him he seems to appear in a lot of burger garbo, no wonder you guys think he cant act, wtf he even is on cape shit when did that guy got so popular

The only way Kojima could get me interested in his celeb jerkfest would be if he got based Mel in instead of that autist that directed garbage like Only God Forgives.

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He's a good guy.

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the brainlet in his natural habitat

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Ok Nicolas, why don't you go get BTFO'd by Friedkin again.

He did a bunch of stuff but arguably the first time people really started to pay attention to him was Valhalla Rising.
The movie was slow paced, with little dialogue, and short but intense spikes of brutality, wich is essentially all Mikkelsen does in most of the characters he plays, so the role of One-Eye was essentially perfect for him and allowed him to truly shine.

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he suffers from some mental illness or slight retardation
a female schoolmate had his exact same face and features (like down-syndrome people etc share features) and the same lisp and she was sort of dumb and slow

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Don't you mean me?
Wait until David hears about this one.

Relatively few people have ever even heard of Valhalla Rising, he was a James Bond villain like 4 years before that.

>Social Link MAX

Yeah, if you know what i mean

is the danish gene

>Raw eggs
Do japs really eat this? Doesnt that make you sick?

>tfw you're Finnish and think the Danes are generally too extraverted

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It's not even just a jap thing.
Fresh, raw eggs are good for you.
No, it won't make you sick as long as they're fresh.

It's good. Local sushi place has it. You need special eggs for it though or you'll get salmonella.

Danes can look cool and stoic.
A finn will always just come off as autistic/spergy.

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go watch this and tell me he can't act

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No, Why do you think Boxers drink egg whites

No it won't make you sick. But it has the texture of fucking snot so I have no idea how people eat that disgusting shit.

>You need special eggs
Just has to be fresh and from a trusted source.
"Fresh" means the same day it's been laid.

He's in Rogue One?

I literally don't remember him in the movie

You're supposed to drink it, not chew on it, you brainlet child.
You barely taste it.

I really hated that part too but its worth slogging through it. The whole "I can see what they see" goes away at one point.

It doesn't need to be same day, it just needs to not be washed. If you don't wash eggs they stay much better because when they are laid they have a protective film around them. I can't fucking stand eggs outside of borderline burnt scrambled eggs but my family had a shitton of chickens and would eat tons of eggs.

The project ended wtf was kojima supposed to do be friends with her?

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>story about a guy in the post apocalypse who wants to live his life as best as he can but gets dragged into a bigger conflict
Can't wait for everyone to pretend like it's some incomprehensible puzzle of madness because there's enemies turning invisible and floating.

Wrong. Eggs for raw consumption are pasteurized, you mong.

Texture isn't taste retard. I don't give a fuck if you chew it or not, you still feel the equivalent of a sneeze going into your mouth.

Do you think he still holds a grudge towards Kojima?
Do you think he seethes deep inside every time he sees him hanging out with all these hollywood people?

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You can't pasteurize eggs, you retard. They'll cook.

Yea Forums - Eggs

yeah that movie is excellent

>American education

Who even cares about video games anymore?

Look my experience is first hand.
When i was a kid my granny would bring me to an old lady that had actual chikens.
The chikens would lay a fresh egg.
Then you'd have to poke a hole in the shell, and drink the egg as it is.
Never got sick even once.
So obviously that's how it works.

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Kojimbo doesn' t speak english. What did they talk about?

yeah no shit why do you think Yea Forums talks about trannies all the time

>turn on video
>eggs getting cooked

gj blowing yourself the fuck out

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He does, just not to an advanced level.


Mikkelsen speaks weebu. Thats how good of an actor he is.

Polar was a horrible movie.

You want kino Mads, you watch Valhalla Rising, The Salvation, The Hunt, and Hannibal.

They are literally cooking those eggs you mongoloid.

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>American education AND zoomer attention span
That's a big yikes from me, bro.

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He 100% does. He stopped speaking English publicly because he sounds like a typical engrish "1 mirrion twoops" speaker, but thankfully someone amongst his extended group of western acquaintances had the good grace to tell him, instead of still letting him speak.
If you go back 10+ years you can find plenty of videos where he doesn't have a translator with him.

Eggs don't cook at 60°, you complete imbeciles.

What was the event where he completely fucked up talking english and there was an awkward silence?

You forgot to mention the Pusher movies, my man.

>Kojima thread derails into egg argument.

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That's cute.
Meanwhile Viggo Mortensen speaks danish, english, french, spanish, italian, norwegian, swedish and a little bit of catalan.

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Yea Forums - Egg Experts

whats the point then?

you just know he tugged his 4inch erection while test developing the naked raiden scene in mgs2

RIP Kojima


>a dane speaking norwegian and swedish
That's like congratulating a britbong on speaking american and canadian.

ton of great acting in rogue one in general, it's shameful how shit the main films are compared to it

Kojima didn't make Raiden for himself, he made him for an imaginary audience of "girls" that didn't want to play his games anyway.
Kojima is actually into Snake himself.
He spent 5000000 million hours modeling his ass until nintendo de-assed him.


Imagine being this much of a pleb. Viggo is pure kino in every single thing he's in.

>Mads Mikkelsen
>never having a good time

That place is so fucking funny.
It's just /pol/, but everyone has a huge victim complex, is insecure as fuck, and angry all the time.
So basically it's just /pol/ period

Best egg dish coming through.

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not at all you dingdong.

Go watch this movie.

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That looks like shit, here's what good eggs look like.

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>arguably the first time people really started to pay attention to him was Valhalla Rising
Then surely I'd argue. At least we could say Casino Royale first put him under the spotlight, but even before that, he was quite a renowned actor in North-European countries.

>not Eastern Promises

correct, egg white starts solidifying at 63° while egg yoke starts at 68°

to increase shelf-life and reduce micro-organisms without cooking the egg

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that looks good

>ruins everything with shitty american sauce

That's a chinese sauce.
You can buy it worldwide, i've had that sauce myself, and i don't live in the US.
It has sort of a strong bell pepper taste, rather than just being spicy, it's pretty nice.
Wouldn't really use it when i'm eating eggs tho.

man, jalapenos and eggs sounds really good

Can't get those gains if you are vomiting up the nutrients.

cocksauce improves everything

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That's what he said. In reality it's more like

>"Ohhoohoh I like the way your model looks Raiden today"
>"unzips jap jeans*
>pulls out 4inch jap microdick
>tugs with a vicegrip to a nude model of Raiden

You know it happened

i tried it when it was the hottest meme of the month some years back. it was alright at first but i got sick of it before i finished the bottle. cant stand it now.
red pepper/jalapeno, salt, and vinegar is all a hot sauce needs.

So you like shitty, bland hot sauce.

He actually used to appear and do his E3 presentations entirely in English when he was doing MGS games back in the day, I'm surprised so few remember. He's completely fluent, just has a thick-ass accent.

i dont like shitty reddit memes, correct

He's not totally wrong. Sriracha is meh in flavor and heat but that sandwich looks awful

sriracha is a thai sauce

From where does this ''white people cant into spice'' meme come from?

>"Everything I dislike is a reddit meme"
So you're autistic then, opinion discarded.

I'm thinking it's more of a contractual, or company image management thing, to force all japanese devs to speak japanese. Kojima isn't the only one to have stopped speaking english, and now forced to have an interpreter.

insecure browns have to feel superior about something, i guess. just let them have it.

i mean you were probably in diapers when it was a big meme, so its understandable

>No argument
Enjoy your autism.

projection is unhealthy, user

From the fact white people already on learned to keep meat in ice, then smoke it, salt it, dig caves, dig giant ice boxes the size of buildings to keep winter's snow all year long, preserve it in cans, and eventually invent the fridge, allowing him to enjoy tasty meat anytime and not let any of it go to waste. As such, their gastronomy mostly requires herbs, nothing much, because the taste of meat itself is enjoyable.

The rest of the world wasn't so lucky. Their warmer climate didn't help to preserve meat, and they never found out how to do it until white people literally shipped fridges to them, and then came to build power stations so they would work. Third worlders mostly ate rotten meat, and many still do, so they add spices to hide the taste. Since then, subhumans pride themselves on their spicy food, an eternal reminder of their inferiority, and complete lack of culinary culture.

Yeah it's like the guy earlier said, most companies want to avoid a 'one mirrion twoops' situation everytime a Japanese guy hits the stage. Both Taku and Kojima were fucking based speakers though, it might be better from a corporate sense but we're the ones missing out.
>tfw no "Did you rike it?" after DS releases

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>tfw no "Did you rike it?" after DS releases
Here you go:

>our food is so disgusting you have to burn your mouth with hot spices to stand eating it
haha whiteoid OWNED lmao

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it does tend to be true, I'm a Euro who's lived in SEA a few times, and am fine with spices, but most other white people I know bitch about jalapenos and stuff

Oh, cool. Shame it's only a tweet.

Get out, pleb. Refn is based.
Damn shame he doesn't do silly shit like this anymore.

kojima could be a top only if we wore a strap on. besides, i don't think mads respects him anymore. He realized he's just a hack

Spicy food is tasty but only to a point. These guys get it.

found the Jew

found the jew

Holy fucking based

I heard this jap man is obsessed with burgers.

he is obsessed with alot of things. dutch model poon not excluded

>Le Asian youth meme

Nigger are you serious? only a few handful of people in the world doesn't matter what race stay youthful from not straining their body too much getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated

The average gook is worked to death and looks like my ballsack by the time they hit mid 20s

You're either looking at people wearing enough make up to bake 2 cakes or people who I mentioned above

You can't eat all the eggs without absorbing some egg related knowledge.

Also as a small time punk in Copenhagen

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>this thread

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>ywn look this proud while making eggs with a fucking piece of bread


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It's an egg sandwich, user. Have you never heard of those?

street food has so much soul

>55 years old
>Literally as old as my father
>looks like some college student

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if I were getting streetfood I'd rather an omelet

How does he get out without breaking the eggs?

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r/asianmasculinity is to Asians what /pol/ is to whites and Latinos





How much of a shut in to u have to be to think that looks like a college student
He looks like his is late thirties early forties

literally me