>4 years ago
4 years ago
It could be a hundred years ago and it wouldn't be any closer. Until you can grab a fleshy tits or rump, it's trash.
End of the day you're just listening to what your mind tells you is happening, and if you can trick the mind it will be no different.
direct brain connection vr fucking when?
I want to become cyberpunk vr-junkie
How do you know you aren't already in one?
because this one fucking sucks
take a shit
grab turd with bare hand
then do whatever you want and then come back here and tell us
Is it moral for robots to be "equipped" to satisfy their owners?
have sex
it's their obligation!
Shame that VR turned out to be a meme gimmick fad.
i am fucking my sex bot right now roastie, what now?
They already tried something similar in the past, it will be back. You can't stop progress.
That is what we are trying
That just means you're an NPC.
learn lucid dreaming
Reply to my post if you bought a valve index
Not in your lifetime, or your children's lifetime, or your children's children's lifetime
bend over
No, thanks.
Sex sucks, I hate it.
I wish I could take a pill to make sexuality go away. It's absolutely not worth it and the sheer number of manhours devoted yearly to chasing something so smelly, ugly, and ultimately a chore disheartens me greatly
it's really not that hard to do you guys
just channel that energy into something else. I started doing that a few years ago. Learned Blender, how to draw, picked up spanish, and how to cook. Really basic shit, to be fair, but a lot of men are either chasing pussy all day or actually being worth a damn.
indeed. now bend over.
It's not a matter of how hard it is. why do you idiots keep spamming the same crap?
Easy replies with minimum effort.
You wont be able to do that by strapping led screens to your head. Let me know when it's actual virtual reality, as in virtually reality and not ((("""virtual reality""")))
but i had
it's about as hard to do as it is important
Bear children.
I've fucked almost a hundred girls lol
we told you fucking people it was a meme.
how do you not get bored? I've had sex with about a dozen and I feel like I'm over it.
and america became a pro censorship hellhole full of moral guardians.
>all those posts from incels about how women were obsolete
good old days
I don't know, but I stopped one day and tried to marry one. Didn't work out too well.
Easy (you)s for some quick validation
What happened to those people who were gonna kill themselves if VR flopped?
Alot of people alluded to the idea that their last hope for escaping Wage-Scape was in a VR alternate live.
Do you think any of them did it
It turned out much better.
Still alive because VR isn't going away.
VR was a mistake
Your parents not using protection was a much bigger mistake.
Unless it's 2D no thanks.