Will Yea Forums ever have a meet up? Maybe play some Smash together?

Will Yea Forums ever have a meet up? Maybe play some Smash together?

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How tall do you think that guy in white is?

Ok. Does any faggot want to come over? Vorarlberg, Austria

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>Will Yea Forums ever have a meet up?
>it's all mutts
>either morbidly obese or anorexic
>everyone looking down on the ground, shuffling about, mumbling to themselves
>obligatory trap/tranny shows up, 3-4 of them disappear into the bushes to fuck
>edgy ironic nazi roleplayer shows up, gets arrested by the police immediately for bringing a fake gun that is missing the red cap

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5'11" manlet.

>smash together

What did he mean by this?

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how are the chicks in Austria? Are they cute?

me on the right

Dude in the middle's forehead takes up like 10% of the picture.

>that manlet with platform boots
my fucking sides

Mein Holo-cast?

>tfw you'll never be giraffe Drake Bell
Life is suffering, lads.

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Legitimately incredible picture tbhfams

Just go find some smash club at your university or something
Chances are at least one of the weird nerds goes on Yea Forums

True, chances are a Yea Forums meetup will not remotely look as good as an /fa/ one.

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They are ok. As someone originating from Germany, the dialect is kinda cute though.

/fa/ is just a faggy /fit/

>hey how's this 50000000$ jean
>you look like shit, you fat piece of shit
>i'm gonna dress like a literal girl but ironically cuz i want to pull pussy
>here let me post 4000 million pics of androgenous models tfw i want to look like them

/fit/, /fa/, /lgbt/, they're all the same goddamn board.
It's the unholy trinity of insecure manlets obsessing over body shape for different reasons and trying to get laid but they all end up a bunch of incels.

Can you post the non-photoshopped version?

what board is this?

The guy with the colored shades is legitimately the antagonist in a budget eroge

So is this the majority of posters on Yea Forums now? Normies into "ironic" humour.


that's /fit/

He's like a goddamn minor villain in hunter x hunter.

>I’m putting a team together

I don’t use this word at all, but:
Red pulled.

it's /fa/, meetup earlier this year at Williamsburg

>I don’t use this word at all, but:
>Red pulled.

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I want to fuck Trish.

Literally incredible, as it is hard to believe these dudes exist and met up. Aren’t they supposed to be /fa/?

Hey, I did say I didn’t say it often.

How many trannies do you think there'll be at the meet up?

Guys if you want to die laughing, go to /fa/'s WAYWT threads. Comedy gold every fucking day.

>Character select screen

>Aren’t they supposed to be /fa/?

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/fit/ are homosexuals.

guy on the right top kek


Yeah I want to play videogames with the smelliest shit smelling autistic spergs on Yea Forums

i meant to write /fa/

they're also homosexuals.

>Yea Forums
Imagine the smell

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the left guy looks like such a fucking dbag

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Why is there always that one guy with the monstrous giraffe neck?

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I can never tell if the one in the glasses is a boy or a girl.

far right looks like a shitty Benedict Cumberbatch stunt double

literally me on the right

Are those real girls

I didn't even realize he was wearing them, that poor fuck is so short I feel bad

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hahah le ebin trap maymay! xDD

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Smash isn't that fun. Let's play some Kirby Air Ride instead

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Of course the weeb incels would hide their faces kek

Oh no, user is sucking nigger cock so much it's giving him a stroke!

They wear burkas so you cant really tell

holy fucking based

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Meetups are always fun

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third one, going for a stealth run.

Reminds me of this one and the /k/ one with the cum cookies I think it was /k/

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>Same filename as the one in Yea Forums

You really like these images from the /fa/ meetup, huh?

>those faces and overall facial characteristics
Let me guess, this was in Sweden?

how are these people simultaneously ugly yet fascinating to look at?


Jagermeister is literally everywhere in the world, that's hardly an indicator, Sherlock


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>Brittany Venti
This bitch looks like Sid from Ice Age and constantly surrounds herself with beta orbiters. Why is she liked so much?

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>literally everyone is a fat fuck

Make fun of them all you want but never forget r/kappa meetup

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What's the point of meet ups? Just make friends locally.

I have interest in meeting any of you. You retards probably have no self awareness and think screaming slurs in public is acceptable.

Yes, Amerimutt, I'm sure there are a lot of migrants here.

Not like in America

Tell those Europoors

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I'd fugg the guy in the denim jacket.


Pulled what?

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>the autism dad jeans and cargos
>literally everyone is obese or skinnyfat
So much sòy in one picture


>/pol/ out of all the boards has the most chads and normals

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God bless you

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not really surprising, politics is what normies talk about

punished arab was a cool guy if i remember correctly

>Even the dog is fat

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that guy with the "U mad bro?" shirt.

He's a WWE Next wrestler.

Pretty good at it too.

Wheres the sonichu guy

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Not to mention, the guy on the far left is (supposedly) Stephen McDaniels, the guy who is a meme right now on Yea Forums for his interrogation. I'm not good at matching up faces but maybe one of you guys can see it.

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that poor dog

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the only chad in this picture is the arab
how ironic for /pol/

I dunno if it's him chief, but it could be.

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Me too.

guy in fingergloves unironically looks like he's called chad

why are they obese and dress poorly?

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