>are the rumours correct? is it really in development hell?
Are the rumours correct? is it really in development hell?
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There is no success without sacrifice. If you succeed without sacrifice it is because someone has suffered before you. If you sacrifice without success it is because someone will succeed after.
- Adoniram Judson
who cares ? theres no release date so they work as long as they want
I just think they have too much money from the Witcher III making it hard to just settle and make the game because they have enough money to try to make it perfect (they wont).
>>are the discord trannies correct?
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
Why does this get posted every single time?
cdpr refuses to show straight male v
Because Yea Forums is filled with gays and trannys so figure that they should know it and praise it in return
user is an attention seeking tranny faggot that is obsessed with faggotry he tries to make all cyberpunk2077 threads about faggotry
i wish there was a way to filter him/it but there isn't
I don't get this HYPE culture. who the fuck cares, just wait for games to release. stop '''following''' games. stop watching E3 and game awards cancer. just wait for a game to fucking release PROPERLY that isn't some Early Access bullshit and just enjoy or not enjoy the game and then play another. wtf is wrong with zoomers. just PLAY GAMES.
you were fine until you posted that green text. why do I so many anons type like lunatics
I hope this is the extent of the gay shit in the game, basically just the female route but model swapped to male V, I hope there's no unique voice or writing for gay characters, CDPR putting any resources into that whatsoever would be retarded
It's not development hell, in the early stages of development it went to development purgatory as Witcher 3 needed all hands on deck.
It was essentially shelved for a time.
After that it got out of development purgatory and was changed in many ways, some people left CDPR and made Ruiner.
A game in development hell does not look like CP2077 looked last year.
they didn't bother updating the demo for straight male v they prioritized female v and fag v that should tell you something they still haven't shown straight male v btw
doesn't tell me anything, there are lots of reasons they did that.
its just a strawmann
There is no proof to that statement. The demo is a demo.
Imagine caring about GTA77.
straight male v content is lowest development priority for woke cdpr
Yea Forums trusts game journos now. It's why you see cdpr shills and Nintendofags brag about goty awards so much.
you have no evidence for that.
it could literally just be something as simple as CDPR trying to get journo faggots to like the game more, or even just sheer laziness.
>no proof
fuck you bitch
Dedicated autist obsessed with it. Like that guy who spams his horsefu.
>proves me right
uhh thanks?
The game never outright states this is a thing with the game only, just the demo. Plus it would be retarded to make a game where you force the player to be a faggot and I highly doubt that CDPR is retarded enough to think players would be okay with that. That said you're wasting your time arguing with him, hes made up his mind and wont be convinced otherwise.
yeah i dunno why i'm bothering desu
Imagine posting this in every thread. What a loser you are
His argument was it was for the demo, and the guy in that article only ever refers to the demo and not the full game.
>posting a actual link and not a pastebin
Go back.
why the fuck did they prioritize it you can't fucking deny they STILL HAVEN'T SHOWN STRAIGHT MALE V THEY STILL HAVEN'T
Image replying and arguing with him in every thread
meant to
And? What does it matter if its prioritised or not so long as it's there? It's likely what said and it's the exact same demo they showed off but with a Male V instead. Just because it's not shown in a demo does not mean it's not in the base game.
First one of these edits to get a genuine kek out of me.
Does this mean it's not going to be in the final game?
No, it doesn't. They've already said you'll be able to fuck whatever with whatever, that it's up to the player.
You're setting your self up for disappointment if you really want the male character to mandatory gay/bi.
what i'm saying is they won't show straight male v content that's fucking stupid straight males are their audience but they still refuse to fucking show it cause they're woke shit if they show straight male v at e3 i'll stop exposing their shit
I'm more worried about who the straight male romances are rather then them showing them off desu.
retard i want them to show straight male v it's fucking stupid they showed gay shit before straight male if they showed straight male v in the first place i would never fucking post
lmao rage more tranny
It's up in the air. Instead of a generated character like Geralt who has a history with women, we have our own character with a variety of options.
Who says there are even romance options anyway. Maybe it's just hook-ups and one nighters.
at least geralt was straight male tho they're not fucking showing straight male v it's fucking stupid
And outside of Yea Forums the general reaction to the game has been positive so it didn't particularly matter that they didn't pander to straight males. I don't need to see something to know 100% that it's there or not. I'll wait till the game actually comes out and see then rather then spend my time up to release sperging out on a anonymous image board to release, which we don't even know when this shit is out.
>mfw kojima, who spends all day listening to shitty music, watching old action movies, and posting on Twitter actually got DS done before cdpr could even get an actual gameplay trailer done (none of that scripted bullshit)
>mfw cdpr keep fucking shit up
>mfw cdpr are so dead set on being unique and special snowflakes they want to take away the cyberpunk themes of a game called cyberpunk because "we don't want to make another cyberpunk game"
>Who says there are even romance options anyway.
I think they've already said that there is.
I'm guessing corp mommy is one.
oh wow, gross, homosexuals, what if my wife's son wants to play it, I can't risk him turning g*y
because it shows that cdpr would rather waste time pandering to faggots and discord trannies than actually make their game
lol you're arguing cdpr don't need to pander straight males but you're defending them pander to gay shit that's the woke fucking bullshit i'm talking about
I feel like she's more of a low level boss/contact depending on your choices. There were no real options or dialog that shows V likes her at all. Might be because female V is a bitch but I think V universally hates her for nearly getting them killed.
so many options for your character lmao
I'm not defending anything, but if they were pandering to homos they would have shown that in the demo they actually showed to the public, with Male V fucked by a dude and female fucking a chick instead of a dude. My point was that nobody gave a shit that the demo was of a female V who fucked a dude and not a Male V fucking a chick. Nobody cared.
It's a bot that scans the catalog for key words relating to Cyberpunk and then auto-posts that in said thread.
>been in development for half a fucking decade already
>just confirmed that it won't be released this year
It's dead Jim.
Yep. This is going to be interesting.
I just want to know about the fashion.
that's not how you green text EA shill
>nobody cared
cdpr fucking cared they thought it was so fucking important to show you can be a fag they still haven't shown straight male v ffs the journos wrote a fucking interview about how fucking gay you can be ffs
>you can choose what kind of character you want to be
>the one fuckable woman we showed in demo? you can't fuck her you have to hate her
>you can choose what character you want to be
>except if you're a man then you have to be a homosexual or at the very least bisexual. how dare you want to be a straight male
>I think V universally hates her for nearly getting them killed.
There's ass kissing option but i'm sure she understands V being a little pissy about the whole deal. Besides, it's the first mission in 100h game so a lot can happen.
>blatant misuse of greentext in OP
>61 replies
>not a single person points it out
Fuck Yea Forums.
>they want to take away the cyberpunk themes of a game called cyberpunk because "we don't want to make another cyberpunk game"
So I'm not the only one that thinks the daytime demos were more motivated by spite than trying to expand horizons?
there's no fucking rpg shit as it is if you're forced to hate her it's showing how fucked this game is
That's honestly what worries me the most about this game, it's going to have the same type of shit Witcher has where only one dialogue option matters to drive the conversation forward. I didn't like it with Geralt but it at least made some sense in that he's a already established character, but they've been really trying to stress that V is YOUR character but having the same shit as they did with Geralt. Like in Hearts of Stone when you do that robbery quest Geralt insists that everyone uses wooden swords so they don't kill the guards and the game gives you no choice in the matter, because if it did I wouldn't have given a fuck and just went in and fucking killed them. I'm expecting shit like that to happen in 2077 but unlike Geralt who's his own character V is suppose to be MY character, but I'll be forced to do shit I won't want to do because it had to be done that way for the plots sake.
Look I'm just going to drop it since it's pretty obvious neither of us are going to convince the other of anything, and wait till they show off more shit that might have a Male V fuck a chick. I don't get why you think they consider it so important to showcase that when the demo was off a female V getting fucked and the Male gay V was only brought up because some fag journalist (of course) thought it was important enough to mention over game details, people most of Yea Forums will say don't actually care about vidya. Imo if they really wanted to pander to homos they would have shown that in the demo they showed off to the public and not a straight chick fucking a dude. You can reply I'd you want but don't expect a answer back, since it'll likely be something along the lines of "Yeah but they didn't show straight V though".
cyberpunk also looks about 50x bigger than death stranding
i take it you don't like deus ex then?
its in SJW hell
I don't think so but they're doing an amazing job at killing every single ounce of hype they built up by not fucking doing anything
muh closed demo videos!!
They shouldn't have even fucking announced it until they had a release date in mind
if cyberpunk only has deus ex tier choices that's fucking sad lmao deus ex is fine for what it is cyberpunk's supposed to be real rpg lol
>the same dedicated autist is has moved on from the sun because nobody takes that bait and is now obsessing over who fucks who in the demo
any bets what he will sperg about next?
>forced to hate her
Then what's the middle option? She's after saying that you two should work together more option, q calling her out on her bullshit and not giving you all the details, 2 is agreeing and 3 is telling her to fuck off.
are you going to be doing this shit everyday for years to come? get some help faggot
It's cyberpunk, it was that to begin with.
hello plebbit
DS first appereance was in E3 2016, Cyberpunk's was in E3 2018. Not really comparable.
quality post
i wasn't even fucking talking about gay or straight then i was talking about fucking choices and options you retard
No retard Cyberpunk was announced/first shown in fucking 2012
Have sex
so this is the power... of the polish... woah
Choices, and desu based off what the demo showed I think it's fair to be concerned about them.
no and they never are, no
i don't give a fuck about the sun what the fuck are you talking about
just stop user, get some self awareness and stop obsessing over shit like this
Development hell might be putting it too harshly. But I will say this. I do begin to wonder if they're in a little bit over there head with this game. They pushed a stigma of their studio and this game last year that "We're one of the best and this game is going to be a technological pusher on par with(if not even higher than) a Rockstar game." Basically, in the way they've marketed it, gotten journos/YouTube Ecelebs to publish videos and articles shouting down their readers/viewers throats that very narrative. I think this could back fire badly.
Now you've told your fans, gamers and critic's to expect nothing but the absolute best. Ok, but where is that budget going to come from? You objectively don't have the man power or resources to make what you're wanting. You just came off your first big success. It took Rockstar many years and many successful projects to get where they are. You can't make one game and say "Hey, we're here and ready to push innovation higher than anyone!" I think since after E3/summer, and then moving on to playing games like RDR2, they know what they have isn't good enough to push that narrative. The quality of life the game had to offer actually wasn't that far ahead or innovated like those journalist/YouTube Ecelebs were claiming they saw behind closed doors. Then we all saw the alpha too and it honestly wasn't this "Open world environment and game like no other." When RDR2 dropped, digital foundry published a video dissecting the game, it's engine and tech it was pushing. In that same video, they compared it to what was going on in Cyberpunk 2077. Calling out low quality anti-aliasing and rendering effects. Especially noticeable when you get in the car and start driving. Yes, what we saw was an "alpha" but you can't expect me to believe in one year's time that it's changed drastically to the point that everything is fixed. There was also a noticeable issue with the NPC's being copy & pasted everywhere and clipping.
>unga bunga villain good
you contrarians are the worst part of literally any hobby
>pretentious walking simulator is easier to make than open world rpg fps (with expectations of impossible quality because of Witcher 3)
Stop the presses.
and better
>take away the cyberpunk themes of a game
How exactly?
They scrapped all of the work in 2016 and started from scratch. Also CDPR made a new engine for Cyberpunk while DS uses Guerilla's engine.
yeah, was more hyped for death stranding but last night's trailer was pretty disappointing.
Cyberpunk isn't going to be SJW you dumb faggots. The big companies like Rockstar and CD Projekt don't give a fuck about identity politics, they know they can make whatever game they want and it will still sell 10 billion copies because normies will all go out and buy it.
This SJW crap is way overblown. It's a flash in the pan, it's just a stupid fashion, and will disappear within 10 years. In 25 years most AAA games will have male protagonists again and won't pander to women.
Why? Because by then it will be widely known that women aren't interested in playing games where you butcher people and blow shit up. The women will play their cute colorful little phone games and the men will play violent testosterone simulators and everyone will be happy again.
well perhaps they should stop fucking doing that then
>attractive white woman is villain v automatically hates
>limo fatass black man is hero v automatically admires
didnt you get the memo? non-whites, women, and gays are all SJW now and instantly ruin every game
every game is SJW
If anything I thought the people saying it was SJW would have been happy since the games a dystopia.
fucking read this ffs they're already acting like fucking woke cucks it's not too late to turn back but they're still fucking acting that way they still haven't shown straight male v
Sauce on that
thats all me
>unironically defending woke sjw bullshit
>literally cant stop blathering about IDpol
>nevermind the fact that she's a corporate who tries to send you to your death
I really hope you can play as a trap/tranny or at least romance one in the game. preferably with a vivid sex scene.
But it's a woke SJW world that's a dystopia.
cool cant wait to wait for a quarter of a century for gaming to be fixed.
>unironically caring
oh no not women my feelings are hurt
Well it's a very narrow demo and very early in the game since you still only have your starting pistol. I'd assume you get more options as you branch out in the game and gain more upgrades.
Don't you have a youtube video to make about what to expect and how hype cyberpunk is? Why waste your time here?
the trailer for death stranding looks really good imo but cyberpunk 2077 already looks to be the better game, at least to me
Tha black dude looks based though.
user you know what I meant
>women aren't interested in playing games where you butcher people and blow shit up
i'm interested in this game though so i guess you're wrong
>still giving two shits about GTAVpunk
True, but at the same time it's not very encouraging.
cyberpunk doesn't look SJW at all but these posts are dumb as fuck
They're not going to make him gay by default. That would make absolutely no sense and they know it would cost them sales (a small amount, but still an amount). The reason they showed the gay scene is because they want the publicity from the woke faggots at Eurogamer and Polygon.
They didn't show Straight V is because they don't need to. CDPR is a Polish company, I don't know if you've noticed but Polacks and Czechs don't make SJW games. You're getting upset about nothing.
>corpo bitch who pretty much fucks you over because she's desperate for a lead
>cool old fixer who has the connections and power to get you into major jobs and get your name out as a solo
He has a reputation for helping Fixers get their name out. It's like a Temp agency that's really hard to get in.
>surprised about degeneracy in a cyberPUNK game
so i point out shit they've shown and point out what they haven't shown it's a big fucking problem but defending this shit by speculating on something with no basis is fine? lmao
>defending SJW shit
>defending them showing gay shit
>insisting they shouldn't show straight male
holy shit lmao
You're not a woman. Stop pretending and start dilating.
It automatically gets (You)s because Yea Forums is retarded
There will be more information during E3 this year.
I think that the word "SJW" is slowly becoming one of those that just lose their meaning because shitlords keep plastering it on everything
Great, you're an outlier, give yourself a pat on the back, what, do you want a popsicle or something? Be honest, what do you think the proportion of men:women playing games like this is?
lol le tranny meme funny xD
only if you're a journo or cdpr approved dicksucker lmao
Every game that enters development hell does not necessarily come out as an inferior product. For instance, The Witcher 3 was in development hell too.
some company pays for spreading false rumors like this, ask yourself a question, which company would benefit from such thing and you will find an answer.
keep telling yourself that, tranny
you can't be serious
in my experience it's about 70:30
But user, you were the tranny all along
Why do people think this? It's obvious they just switched the male/female body and had you already at some point past getting a romance route started. C
It would have been way more bizarre to have two different demos just for something an unimportant (for a demo) as different romance options. Demos are for demonstrating the basic mechanics of the game.
Are you an influencer like this sophisticated gentleman? If you're not, well, no info for you!
I didn't insist they shouldn't show straight male, have you got a problem with reading? I gave the reason why they didn't. If you knew anything about marketing, you'd know that the straight male audience is a safe demographic, but it costs them nothing to market to faggots and women in order to rake in that little bit extra.
Most dudes don't give a fuck that they didn't show Straight V because boring ass romance subplots aren't what we're playing the game for. I don't know about you, but I'm going to be spending far more time shooting people and driving cars, like every other straight male playing the game.
and you're doing it for free
>gay shit is so important
>straight males are unimportant
that's fucking stupid
Also that dude is disgusting. I at least take care of my skin/hair (lack of)
you just did insist it again ffs straight males shouldn't be pandered to cause they actually buy the fucking games? that's fucking retarded.
Are you the same retard that's in every thread crying about straight male V? I hate this meme but actually have sex.
Stop replying to the motherfucker. He's going to do this for days because of autism.
>There will be more information during E3 this year.
>for influencers and game jurnos
Fuck those slimeballs. They are all retarded and the only reason i care for Cyberpunk 2077 is the gameplay reveal. Influncers and game jurnos are trash that steals one another's work and do zero research on the games they are covering.
>i hate this sjw meme
>but here's this sjw meme
fucking retard
straight males shouldn't be pandered to because it's funny watching you meltdown over it like women
no one said straight males are unimportant and you can still be a straight male, it just seems that way to you since you're insecure and retarded
>influencers fags and journos are important to cdpr
>actual fucking straight male customers aren't
fucking dead lmao
the post i was replying to said it was unimportant read the fucking post
>arguing straight males shouldn't be pandered to
>after insisting you weren't saying that
fucking retard lol
That's because Death Stranding is an interactive movie. CP2077 is an actual game.
Try closer to 90:10. And even that's being generous. Google statistics indicate that around 4% of Steam users are women, which can reasonably be assumed to represent the proportion of women who are serious gamers and not just mobile gamers.
Then you have to take into account that the women who ARE on Steam, such as my wife, don't play violent games at all, preferring organization or strategy games like Tropico and Anno.
The statistics that claim the gender balance is 50:50 always dishonestly conflate mobile gaming with console/pc gaming because they're pushing an agenda.
It is probably the same autist that was making the ''cus of the weather'' threads.
Trust me user, it's no walk in the park. But it's also an over saturated field with minority hires up the ass who only makes opinion lists and clickbait articles.
>this much shitflinging over hot takes nad retardation over yet unreleased game
Why are you such a Yea Forumsiggers, anons?
>everyone who replies to you is the same person
you're tragic but keep crying
what about trannies and such who mark themselves as females?
The whole game is pandering to straight males you fucking moron. Did you miss 99% of the fucking game where you fight, explore, and drive cars? That awesome shit is what straight males are interested in, not lame ass romantic subplots where you fantasize about fucking polygonal people. I always skip the romance sections of games when they do exist, and I'd be willing to bet that most other straight guys do as well.
dunno what to tell you man, you're here saying "women dont play them" but i know from personal experience that women do play them, quite a few of them at that
Yea, sounds like him. He'll be screaming when people actually enjoy the game.
>drive cars
>then get fucked in the ass
that's what they showed is that pandering to straight males to you
What about them? I'd be willing to bet money they make up a significant percentage of people who claim they're female on gaming platforms. I seem to run into trannies playing Dota2 twice as much as any actual women. And it's pretty fucking noticable when a real woman is around because she's got a selfie as her profile pic and a love heart next to her name. Getting attention for being female is like pure crack to natural born women.
i didn't make any fucking weather posts you retards
>Trust me user, it's no walk in the park.
I don't care. After watching the gameplay myself and comparing what i saw with what was relayed by the game journalists/influencers i know that i will have to spend the next two months spamming SHOW US THE E3 GAMEPLAY on every possible social platform out there since this is the only way to get the full picture.
>I'd be willing to bet money they make up a significant percentage of people who claim they're female on gaming platforms
that's what i'm saying, hard to trust "female" game accounts when most of them are just men pretending to be women
You can't risk turning him into a goy? He's already a goyim
They had SUNLIGHT in the trailer!
Your anecdotes don't mean anything. And if we're being honest, your experience is probably skewed because you associate with other girls who share your interest.
If I did that, I'd think the gender balance was 50:50 because my wife is literally the only other person I know who plays games, my friends are all mega normies who love sport and don't even own a desktop PC.
Girls do play games. But they don't tend to enjoy the same games that men enjoy. Sorry but that's an inescapable fact.
And yet even after all that... the footage that we saw of CP2077 had superior gameplay than RDR2.
I do hate the meme but maybe you would stop being this angry over such a meaningless thing if you had sex? You're making Yea Forums a worse place. Think about how hard that is to do.
>making Yea Forums a worse place
i post about cdpr cyberpunk in cyberpunk threads lol what the fuck are you doing but posting about me lmao
You can't be stupid enough to think that the gay subplot is mandatory. Even you're not that autistic.
So so so are you telling me, as a straight male, you actually play romantic subplots in games? Next question: How much onions do you consume on a daily basis?
I think that's exactly his problem. He cut of his dick and no can't do it.
Well to be fair the gameplay of RDR2 is deeply flawed and the wanted system is so bad I can't believe people didn't knock the game harder.
Rdr2 might have set a record for the highest production value 7/10 game of all time.
It has nothing to do with comparing gameplay user. My comparison was only that of Red Dead Redemption 2 because a CD projekt Red continues to bring it up when they talk about cyberpunk 2077. Especially when talking to investors. My whole point being is I think the rumors of financial issues may be true which might lead to development hell issues.
you're the one fucking defending the gay shit lmao
stop projecting tranny lol go dilate
Sorry, I can't do anything about that. Unless someone is ballsy enough to record it and then release it, then articles on it is the best I can do.
I'll be coming around Yea Forums and seeing what people want to know during the rest of June after E3 ends.
I just get fed up reading the same post over and over again which boils down to you wanting to see a straight guy have sex.
You can't possibly believe that.
in all that fucking time cdpr still hasn't shown straight male v it's the simplest fucking thing they still won't do it but they showed gay shit that's all i'm saying i will stop fucking posting if they show straight male v at e3
I'm not defending it you cretin, I'm saying it doesn't matter. It amazes me that people as stupid as you actually exist in the world, makes me feel kind of good about myself DESU, I may be mediocre in nearly every way, but at least I'm not a drooling moron like you
Who are you quoting?
>it doesn't matter
>but i have to defend it
It will be every bit as big and filled with content as Witcher 3 was if not more. A completionist Witcher 3 playthrough takes around 150h.
>Rdr2 might have set a record for the highest production value 7/10 game of all time.
Precisely. There's many games out there was a better gameplay than Red Dead Redemption 2 but those games woth better gameplay are not more financially successful. These investors that apparently CD projekt Red has teamed up with continue asking them if they're going to be bringing in the revenue and success of a rockstar game, more specifically Red Dead Redemption 2 sense it's their newest game. They keep telling their investors that it is. In order to match the success of a rockstar game you have to match its production values, not necessarily how the gameplay works. There's nothing to indicate the CD projekt Red has or is matching rockstars production values. And in doing so, attempting to match it could lead to financial issues and development issues.
No I understand, you're retarded, the basic definitions of words can be hard for you
>as big as witcher 3
You can't be this naive surely.
SHHH No facts or logic here. Only autistic screeching into the void
Alright, keep up the autistic fight then
Everything points to it including what the devs have said.
I'm more upset that you wake up next to someone at all. I have no interest in playing as a slut.
I mean I'm honestly just stunned that you somehow think that cyberpunk will have even remotely that amount of content.
It will likely be a 30 to 40 hour game at most.
The devs are too afraid to let their real audience see the damn thing.
What are you basing this on, user? Are you aware of something rest of hte thread is not?
>It will likely be a 30 to 40 hour game at most.
The story missions alone will take more than that.
>It will likely be a 30 to 40 hour game at most.
It is already confirmed to be over 100 hours by the developers themselves.
What is 100 hours based on?
his own jaded personality
I think you're going to be surprised at how much actual content is included in the base game. >the same devs who brought witcher 3 to E3 and said the game would not be downgraded in anyway
>map size =/= content
Did you say the same thing leading up to the release of Witcher 3?
>one is affected by consoles
>the other isn't
Consoles may drag graphics back but they can't do the same with story size.
I'm only gay for crossdressing twinks and skellys
Given that Witcher 3 had over 150h on content there's no reason for me to assume an even larger game from the same devs won't have at least as much content if not more.
Gay shit isn't important. Straight shit isn't important. It's just where the demo started. It would have mattered just as little if both male and female woke up with a woman. How do you not get this simple explanation? A demo is for demoing, not for imprinting your emotional attachments onto. Retard.
based on what?
>he thinks all of them talk about the map based on the link text
>he didn't read the actual articles
>His country doesnt have a third position party
based on that ratio of cutscenes to actual gameplay in the trailers.
I wouldn't say that. The map does make Night City look bigger than it's 2020 counterpart though.
57 years of expansion with a high tech society can do wonders.
It is in similar development hell as Anthem from bioware.
who are you quoting?
I've already repeatedly told Yea Forums that people were fainting and people were seen being carried out of stretchers in their offices because of their toxic crunch.
CDPR addressed this and promised to review this but I doubt they'd do anything seeing as they're polish and the management/topdog people there don't really care much about video games.
This is one person
>Given that Witcher 3 had over 150h
>empty as fuck main world with some bandit camps and ghouls
>nothing to do outside of main quests and important side quests
>all contracts = witcher senses to objective, kill monster, done
Yeah brimming with content... So many fucking fan boys for this trash company it's hilarious.
how fucking convenient for you that it WASN'T BOTH MALE AND FEMALE WAKING UP WITH A WOMAN
>cutscenes bad!
get a grip, teenager
an open world is still an open world and if cyberpunk is just taking the subway or sewer tunnels to different closed-off city zones like every other FPS RPG that's ever existed, remember this
They said no loading screens in the trailer
We want the game and don't really care if a few developers are sacrificed for it.If you can't handle the crunch you should move to another industry.
Anthem said the same thing
>how can you think that a studio that has consistently provided huge RPGs will continue to provide huge RPGs
One is EA the other one is CDPR. I trust CDPR more even with the downgrade they still deliver on every other point.
plenty of games where you stand in an elevator and a 10 second conversation happens before you transition to a new area have said the same, and technically they were right
it is an FPS only game, after all
what better way to show off your character than to pull the camera out and show them sitting in a hover taxi or a subway car for a little while
based misanthropist retard poster
Low hanging fruit user.
Low hanging fruit.
You are insane. Seek help.
>not loading screens
who fucking cares? it's still not a real open world if you need to press the interact button on a door so you can teleport to zone 2 of the city or whatever, even if happens in the blink of an eye
>strawmanning an EA puppet as "proof" of your argument against CDPR
Not today, Jamal.
Try up to and after release.
I unironically can't wait to play a gay lesbian V
>I do begin to wonder if they're in a little bit over there head with this game.
This has literally been the case with every single CDPR game.
Wouldn't surprise anyone.
I'm not based, i've worked 16hour night into day shifts for a month as an administrator and left when management decided to not pay me for the extra hours. Crunch is crunch but if it is unpaid crunch you just leave. The people at CDPR are getting paid so if they can't handle it it is their problem.
CDPR magic
And retards will reply.
lmao get ready for woke gay bullshit
He doesn't but you keep replying when all he has to do is go "lmao you like homo shit" to get a (You). I'll admit I gave him attention but I stopped after and he never tried to reply.
Kojima can't make good open worlds. See: MGSV.
*raises paw*
Uhhhh I dont want to play as a fag
I think it's just more obvious because they visibly grew over these 10+ years. It's not like they were some put together studio someone threw money at - they began as literal nobodies who were just localizing games to Polish and try to make people buy them. FACT they are where they are right now is mindblowing.
Congratulations, you don't have to. Next question.
CDPR can't make good open worlds. See: The Witcher 3.
Already been debunked, nice try :)
Cyberpunk is high tech low life, trailer seems to show plenty of that since seemingly everyone is either a degenerate or asshole.
Why do people believe this shit? Its just wild claims refrencing shit EVERYONE knows. This is clearly bullshit
TrannyPR dicksuckers will defend this.
Debunked where and by who? All i see is more and more confirmations.
>is it really in development hell?
>crunching means it's in development hell
what's better Yea Forums comedy? endlessly arguing about what 'cyberpunk' means or lying about PS4 "games" coming to PC? At least the sun autist stopped.
I don't know when fags on Yea Forums suddenly decided game "journalists" were worth listening to but I wish they would go back.
look at this dude
How so? Faggot.
But they've already made the main character a preset whore with foul mouth and alcohol problems.
>The people at CDPR are getting paid so if they can't handle it it is their problem.
some of the complaints were just hilarious and even more so because schreier posted them as somehow horrendous in that hit piece
>OMG I have to take my vacation big chunks and when the company allows
yes? because that's standard in europe. we get 3-5 weeks of vacation, but at least two vacation periods have to be taken in large chunks during summer and winter. this is done so you can account when you have X number of employees available and to prevent people from paralyzing projects by taking days off whenever they feel like it.
It looks to be an industry-wide problem actually. It's actually been proven that working more hours does not mean more productivity. In fact, it actually hurts you in the long run, and you get worse total output, the more hours you work above 40 per week.
It's a fucking video game, user. People shouldn't have to lose sleep, have breakdowns, or take showers in the office bathroom just because you want your pixels quick, fast, and in a hurry. Your poor life choices and work schedule does not mean everyone else has to follow suit.
>random post on Yea Forums
Holy fucking shit, what a bulletproof evidence!
have sex
Aren't they showing more footage? Theres just no playable demo for the public to try.
The possibility of your character getting into gay relationships means the character is canon bisexual and therefore mentally ill. I won't be buying the game. Fuck all the 'its a choice' retards, you have no choice your character has to be bisexual, if its possible for him to pursue gay relationships he is bi and thats forced as fuck and unwanted by 99% of players.
Everything that currently surrounds Cyberpunk2077 proves that post.
No user, it's MONEY to investors who want their returns. The product itself is irrelevant to investors.
>because that's standard in europe. we get 3-5 weeks of vacation, but at least two vacation periods have to be taken in large chunks during summer and winter.
Thats so fucking retarded. Doesnt your retarded union understand thats lost productivity and a waste of time?
Theres nothing to suggest you are forced to. The article that guy is shilling is referring to the specific demo they showed off, which seems to have been the exact same shit in both with the only difference being the gender of the MC.
That shows nothing. Nice try samefag.
It's accounted for because vacations are collective aka everyone goes, or at worst people rotate in groups. It's a Euro thing, I guess.
Wow omg a random post on Yea Forums with a greentext memearrow debunks it. PHEW thanks, i was worried there for a moment that my trannypunk2077 won't live up to expectations.
They are showing footage.
There will be playable demo for "influences" as were called. Some of us will be around Yea Forums to give the deets.
Except the post I linked to has a link to a source. The one claiming CDPR is overrun by foreigners and SJWs has no source or proof. Unless you can provide something that backs up the idea that CDPR is "overrun" you can suck my dick.
How so?
Why would they suddenly be cucked by investors after repeated good games? The scenario you've made up in your mind makes no sense. They have 100% track record so far.
>we get 3-5 weeks of vacation
Yes especially the fact that first trailer was made by Platige Image and it was advertisement for the new employees who want to work on cp2077, you can see it in the text at the end of the trailer
They want to shit on the game so they'll use obvious fake shit to shitpost with to get (You)'s.
I think you mean "influencers". You can't even lie correctly.
look here lmao
Because investors are literally never satisfied and want more. This inevitably leads to cutting corners to keep those profit margins going up up up.
If you guys knew how to follow replies on Yea Forums you'd scroll down and see a post linking to cdprojekt.com
This is the last time I will spoonfeed you. You're lucky I'm giving you this much.
Fucking what? All the shit in the CP gameplay looked scripted as fuck
>inb4 hurr muh rdr2 movie game meme
Yeah sure the main story missions arent completely free form but id say the bast majority of the game is you just doing whatever in the game world.
Serious question how is the gameplay flawed? The wanted system isnt great, but its not nearly as terrible as people claim. And its definitely a step in the right direction when compared to GTA5
I don't understand how Yea Forums constantly shits on this game for every single thing about it save the fact the gameplay looks bad. You faggots care more about the graphics getting downgraded over the gameplay itself looking lackluster as shit and boring.
When i was 17years and 18years old i worked for two summers in a furniture factory as a basic worker to save money for college so don't give me your shit. Working as a game developer is a great job even with the crunch, unless you are a sissy.
>oy vey why do you need vacation for
Get fucked schlomo
I have yet to see a source for that quote
the fact that they didn't show a side quest or a location/place that is not one of the MAIN locations is disturbing. also all the clipping, ai almost non-existence etc. pp.
Cyberpunk is still YEARS away from being released in my opinion. 2021 at the earliest
look here lmao
keep spamming, retard
Why can't Cyberpunk2077 look like pic related? I'd shill it rent free 24/7 if it looked like this.
you fucking retard
Unfortunately I live in the land of concrete evidence, and so far have been shown zero evidence that investors are having any influence whatsoever on the dev team. I'd love some proof to read over if you have some though.
Leaks said Q4 2020.
there is both night time and weather in the game
>one time I worked hard, so now they should have mental breakdowns so I can play my dopamine simulator
Sorry. Jet lagged and taking notes on the CoD trailer.
>retards complain about this getting posted
>Continue to give ut (You)'a every time it is posted
You brainlets only have yourselves to blame for the absolute state of these threads because you can't resist responding to obvious bait, which just draws in more fags to shit on the game.
uh...it will also look like that? There's dynamic weather and a day/night cycle. If it's like TW3 you'll be able to sleep 12 hours everytime the sun starts to come up and just play at night.
Yea but no massive gigantic neon glowing futuristic dystopian city that blocks out the sky. In the original screen from trailer upper part of that pic was clear blue sky and some palm trees... Weather and night won't fix the shitty art direction of this game.
Don;t bother, it's some autists spamming the same shit in literally every Cyberpunk thread like the Demake faggot in RE threads.
He posts it multiple times a day.
also, to back you up. The main investors seem to be massive governmental grants because CDPR is considered poland's main entertainment creator
Yeah, but is there a cardboard cutout of NeoTokyo instead of the skybox? Serious question, it's very important.
You guys are so obviously paid shills that it's not even funny. Be more subtle next time.
So you'd shill a shitty, ugly sjw game so long as it was always night and purple everywhere?
we don't know shit since they didn't show much of it. i don't care what they say they implement, unless i see it it's not in it right now
No worries, I'm in a hotel and currently writing up a thinkpiece on how the currently-unannounced Goldeneye 2 uses mental suggestion to change the way you play the game. You should be hearing about it on Yea Forums threads soon, fellow larper!
>having a mental breakdown from sitting at a computer all day
>no mental breakdowns from standing behind a counter all day dealing with hundreds and hundreds of retards
>no mental breakdowns from stocking shelves with 1000s of pieces of product every night
>no mental breakdowns from picking up trash all day
>no mental breakdowns from cleaning up piss and shit in hospitals all day
They've already shown more gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 than in all of the Witcher 3 trailers.
>Describe a basic game mechanic
>get called a shill
yep, sure is Yea Forums alright
>which just draws in more fags to shit on the game
And why is that? Oh right, because the game is going to be shitty SJW crap that has nothing to do with real cyberpunk.
If it was a good game true to the genre then there wouldn't be so much shitting on it.
>Stating facts is being a shill
>the job only entails sitting at a computer
know how I know you're a retard?
We saw night time. It looked shitty. We're yet to see fog/overcast/smog weathers.
Also the buildings aren't as tall as in this edit
>Cyberpunk is still YEARS away from being released in my opinion. 2021 at the earliest
It's not oming out this year, that much is obvious. But they don't have resources and money coming like R* to push it back forever. It will be here in 2020 in a disappointing state or not.
>cyberpunk game has degeneracy in it, as its to be expected from a genre often dealing with decay of society due to rapid technological progerss
>HUrrrR DUuRR isT SsssSSJJUjjjJJJJjJjWWWWwwWWW!!!!!!!!'
I want every single one of you retards to remove yourselves from genepool
>implying day and night cycle will make CP2077 look like that edited picture
No it won't, stop lying.
>real cyberpunk.
Cuckrunner isn't real cyberpunk and all cyberpunk is shitty SJW garbage, kys dumb nigger.
>haha the game won't have night time or weather
>user the game will have both night time and weather
describe what else they do in literal terms
don't say "they also type"
>defending gay shit
You guys are worse than biodrones back in the day.
The majority of normalfags and Yea Forums's experience with anything remotely cyberpunk is bladerunner.
read then kys
that's also the majority of all cyberpunk writers' experience with cyberpunk
Too bad too many of them haven't seen the new one, which had big gay vibes and sweaty skinjob sex brothels. And a yandere waifu
>a setting of dystopia where people don't matter and everyone is just a fucking horrible mess just trying to scrape by, all races and creds tossed under the big elite, human indecency at it's highest, everyone is a complete degenerate and a backstabber, the few friends you might find you need to keep them as close to you as possible
>wtf there's male on male sex and minorities her
People are fucking retarded and don't know what cyberpunk is.
Educate yourself. It's an actual job with duties, responsibilties, deadlines, etc. Just like any other job. Unfortunately picking up trash is a mindless menial task, whereas creating a video game is a decidedly more nuanced and complex endeavor. Sorry that one time you had to produce a single bead of sweat and now you think you're entitled to instant games as the cost of actual human health and well being.
You mean like Gibson who said the gameplay demo looked much better then the initial e3 trailer?
The new one had zero gay vibes.
I watched Blight on netflix
at least it had straight male protagonist cdpr is pushing gay shit with cyberpunk
How the fuck does Yea Forums manage to get even worse overtime
2016 was a mistake
You mean like George RR Martin defending the last season of Game of Thrones?
Purple is a gay colour so I'm glad it wont be that you homo.
Gibson has nothing to do with 2077 unlike GRRM does with Game of thrones. 2077 isn't based off his work.
>being so insecure about own sexuality to be scared of something as basic as color
you're a faggot in denial, go fap to traps
I consider myself a normalfag and i've seen Blade Runner, Johnny Mnemonic, Nirvana, Total Recall, and Strange Days.
GRRM hasn't been directly involved with the show since season 4 and they'd already diverged completely from the source material following that.
Weird, the 20 minute gameplay video I watched showed a giant city.
Oh wait, I forgot, CDPR can never make the game "cyberpunk enough" for retards because they keep moving the goalposts
Okay here's a weather cycle
Okay here's a day/night cycle
Okay here's a huge city with bunches of NPCs, areas, quests, and stuff to find
It seems the kys was yours all along, friend.
You're trying too hard.
when will they fucking show straight male v
>Yea Forums shilled the fuck out of him after his comment about the original trailer saying it looked like GTA
>Says the demo they showed later looked far better
>Yea Forums instantly stops bringing him up and either ignores any mention of him or decides now is the time to mention he was a Hillaryfag
What did (You) mean by this Yea Forums?
Actually city from trailer and demo showed a lot of same buildings from different angles and it all looked like small district not a huge cyberpunk city.
>K dreams about being the little girl
>The only person that loves him is his holo-gf
Okay, sure, maybe asexual vibes then.
you showed him
Tell that to medieval knights.
We must have been watchin vastly different demos, because both the metro map and the actual gameplay sections showed a very large playable area.
not an argument
And? It's still based on his universe and his books. 2077 isn't based of neuromancer or any of Gibsons works, just the tabletop cyberpunk 2020.
>K dreams about being the little girl
Redditspacingsamefaggot don't you worry, the GTA V cyberpunk DLC will be great.
SEETHING homo, enjoy your shitty xuxk movie.
>dude memes
kill yourself
>dude the robot loves a hologram and even fucks her using a fuckbot as a base for her image
yeah very asexual
Hahahaha fuck, you can't be more obvious paid shill, go home tomasz it's past your shift already.
>metro map that was for 1 second in trailer as proof
>it was just a picture, it could show literally anything, even 100 lines sprawling 10000miles
>it's not based on his work except it is
neither is yours
I'm sorry to tell you this user, but that was a lie. There is no straight Male V, no matter what you do some Chad will always fuck your MC in the ass for a 15 minute long interactive sex scene.
Is that your argument? They showed a game map but you're such an alarmist cuck that you immediately assume it's going to be smaller? I love how people genuinely excited and interestedi n a game a re shills. Must suck to be so mentally ill, jumping at shadows.
whether you choose to ignore the proof is up to you, but it's there. enjoy your last (You) from me :)
not that guy, but the names on the metro map are all districts from the tabletop book and the coastline also lines up. So we can get a general idea of the layout of the city using the maps from the Tabletop
user Cyberpunk 2020 is by Mike Pondsmith, not William Gibson.
A high-quality bluepilled post. May I cringe and snap?
Why isn't there a Cyberpunk 2077 Steam page or GOG page up yet? And is this game really not coming this year? Sucks.
Considering that CDPR has a proven history of showing something in trailer, lying that it will be in game then actual released game not having it then those are right assumptions and you are blind shill.
>May I cringe and snap?
You may
I wouldn't trust anything that jew says unless it was about Bethesda.
>And is this game really not coming this year?
Definitely not. Optimistic version say early 2020, realistic says late 2020
i need a release date soon. i cant kill myself before playing this game but i will if it takes too long
>trusting anything kokata says
>ITT: reddit meltdown
Not him but I find it highly unlikely that CDPR are retarded enough to want another shitstorm on their hands after the witcher 3 downgrade. The demo they showed already didn't look that much better graphics wise compared to witcher 3 as is.
Ah yes, I am a blind shill because TW3 had a massive game map and expecting the same level of quality from cdpr is truly mental gymnastics on my part. Forgive me for using previous data points to infer future data points.
I would say Schreier is reliable when it comes to insider info, but sucks on literally everything else, especially on his own garbage-tier hottakes
There was a leak that said it will be end of 2020. But it might be postponed even further as the development is very chaotic.
i'll expect fucking quality if they stop prioritizing gay shit and show straight male v
based retard poster who complains about non-issues until they show a character that will obviously exist because it's a fucking RPG
so reddit loves cp2077 and Yea Forums hates it?
What gay male demo are people talking about? I've only seen the one with female V
I don't trust that jew but they're going to release it in 2020 for the sake of giving a referencing the pen and paper game.
if it obviously exists why won't they fucking show it
>they won't show it because it obviously exists
fucking retarded shit
read this man
Why are you so pressed? You're acting like they won't let you be straight in the game. You're sperging out over a literal non-issue
You know that bioware showed FemShep but you weren't obligated to play as a female...are you seriously considering you will be forced to play as ONLY a female or gay male in the game? Can you honestly tell me you really hold that idea as a possibility in your brain?
Witcher 3 was a mess. This will be no different.
they haven't fucking shown it they showed female v and gay shit they're not showing straight male v it reflects on the fucking full game they better have more straight male content that should be fucking priority but they prioritize fucking gay shit nobody wants
Whats wrong with TW3?
bioware fucking prioritized females and gay shit in their later games look at inquisition that's a fucked up example if you're trying it it proves my point
>why do people follow games
> just play the games
>goes to an internet forum about video games
Specifically in that eurogamer article niggers keep linking:
>you could now play as male V as well
>in this demo at least you will always wake up to another man
>in this demo at least
How much do you want to be they just kept the same character model from the female V E3 gameplay video and put the male V in bed next to it.
I don't disagree with you, I think faggotry is a mental illness, but I really don't see the need to sperg out over what still seems to be a very in-development game that will have all the typical RPG character creation options.
They didn't really "show" the gay male stuff either, they just didn't bother to change the companion you see when you wake up. It's hard to say they're prioritizing anything when they haven't shown a whole lot of stuff in general. I would calm down
Don't bother, that guy has been seething for days now
From the eurogamer interview
>The demo isn't the first quest in the game but it is near the start of the game which all takes place in the same part of the city, Watson. We want to lead you round the city and Watson is a multicultural district and the first quests start happening there before we lead you anywhere else. The city is open, so you could go wherever you want, but we want to give you this narrative line to follow so when you do branch out you know what some of the names and concepts are. It's a balance - for new players to enjoy it as well as fans of Cyberpunk 2020.
>a developer with a stellar track record is the same as le mass-produced leftist media """film"""
An interesting strawman, but still a strawman nonetheless
>the multicultural district
Thank you for finally outing yourself, shill.
>they prioritized female v demo
>they didn't even fucking bother changing man to a woman for male v demo
those are the fucking facts don't tell me that they didn't prioritize that shit over straight male they literally did
Tell me how being excited for a game from a developer whose games I enjoy makes me a shill. I'll wait.
only good post in entire thread fuck the bootlickers
Correct, those are facts. Those have no bearing on what YOU will be able to play the game as, nor should they impact your enjoyment of it. If someone else being able to play as a female V while you play as a male V triggers you, then the SJWs won you big faggot.
you didn't see the demo? the game was playable from beginning to end just 6months ago. its called polish. and adding stuff.
Cdrpojektred E3 demos have nothing to do with final game.
Go watch Witcher 2 E3 demo for example.
if there even is straight male v content it will be less than female and faggot shit you fucking retard that's what they're prioritizing stupid ass cuck
It'll come out. But it can't be any worse than their shitty last game.
>making an RPG
>have to show a gameplay demo
>show the female version of your main character for good boy points
>retards on Yea Forums seethe as they are unable to cope for months
What's it like being mad about things that don't exist?
You know, there´s not gonna be a Subway in the outside. I dont think the Redneck of the trailer have acces to that.
He doesn't fuck her though. He fucks a random prostitute.
Nah they are changing shit up big time, they said so themselves
>inb4 source
Google some recent Cyberpunk 2077 news.
>t... they're not woke
>they're only prioritizing females and faggots for the journos
>t... they don't want to do woke shit they're forced to
fuck you dumb cunt
Get ready for:
>shit performance
>visual downgrades
>splitting the game into DLCs and give some as free as to make yourself look good
>muh DRM
>bad ''choices''
>little to no mod support
>lies like how big and vast exploration is
>marketing yourself as the ''good guy dev''
>big expectations
>get hype
moar SUN
Just like with The Witcher 3 E3 reveal huh? :^)
Don't forget
>treat your fans as second class citizens
>show exclusive videos to brainlet streamers and tard journalists
>"we're nothing without our fans"
>wow how is that a game with gameplay takes longer to make than ladder climbing walking simulator wtf
>8 days ago
>That said, In December 2016, CD Projekt Red was given sizeable funding from the Polish government to research new game techniques that have been dubbed ‘seamless multiplayer’, ‘animation excellence’, ‘cinematic feel’, and ‘city creation’. The grant comes with a deadline, by which time the projects must be completed. Assuming they’re for Cyberpunk (they totally are), there has to be a Cyberpunk 2077 release date in June 2019. That the date is sometime next year was even supported from Turkish publisher, Bilkom.
>there has to be a Cyberpunk 2077 release date in June 2019
>June 2019
Sorry, my brainlet meter went off and I couldn't continue reading.
Hit me up when the game comes out so you can tell me how wrong you were, bitchboi. Head on back to discord now, it's almost time for the group dilation.
They won't release it on time and they will have to pay back all the grant money and game will be even further stripped of features.
>Serious question how is the gameplay flawed?
The wanted system was absolutely irredeemable garbage that undermined the story and tone of the game. Arthur Morgan was a career criminal and the story begins with with them on the run. Only thing is that engaging in criminality as depicted by the story on your own is deeply punished with instant spawning terminator T-1000 cops who recognize you through any disguise, at distance, even if you've never committed a crime in their jurisdiction before. Not to mention the bystander witnesses which come out of the woodwork in the strangely high traffic areas of what should be a desolate wild west game.
I can't tell you how many times robbing a train or a carriage in the middle of nowhere cost me more money than I made because instant spawning terminator cops in the middle of nowhere.
Beyond that the game does a terrible job with the historical accuracy of prices and even morons like me are flush with cash relatively early on which again, ruins the tone of a game about hard luck outcasts and criminals.
Beyond that the hunting mechanics are overly complicated and inconsistent to the point I had to make am excel spreadsheet on ehich ammo and weapon obtains perfect pelts like it was EVE online or something.
It wasn't a bad game or anything but some aspects of its story were deeply undermined by the mechanics of the game which has me knock the game down a few notches.
fuck you bitch i said if they show straight male content v it'll be fine you fucking retard they still haven't and cunts like you are against them showing it you stupid fuck
>shit performance
TW3 ran buttery smoothy so I doubt it.
>visual downgrades
It doesn't really look that amazing visually to begin with so doubtful.
>splitting the game into DLCs and give some as free as to make yourself look good
Yes, and? Nobody is stopping other companies from doing that.
>muh DRM
Yes, no DRM is very important. Denuvo makes the game run worse, increases loading times and other nasty side effects.
>bad ''choices''
Not sure what this means.
>little to no mod support
We'll see once the game has launched
>lies like how big and vast exploration is
Doubt it, Witcher 3 already had impressive scale.
>marketing yourself as the ''good guy dev''
Again, nothing wrong this.
>big expectations
Yes, and?
Not sure what this means.
>get hype
Not sure what this means.
I can already imagine them compensating all that with marketing like the upcoming trailers being fucking overblown and kiddies eating all that shit up.
>having a slum for all the mutts and shitskins
What's the issue?
Why would there be DRM on a CDPR game?
fucking shill they're not your friend dumbass they suck influencer and journo cock
>shitting on one of the last pro-consumer devs
I hope both the industry and this board burns in fucking fire so that we can start again.
I think the redneck is in Pacifica, which has been cutoff from the rest of the city because of it's gang/ how shitty it is. Basic things like gas, electricity and water. Otherwise Night City is really trying to forget about it.
Cyberpunk yo.
>you can choose to be gay if you want
WTF cdpr, I thought you were based and redpilled.
The game ran like absolute shit on console and was hammered with Nvidia goyworks on PC. What the hell are you talking about? It was confirmed there won't be official mod support for 2077 already. Go and rewatch their development videos like scale and gameplay features, it was over the top. Fuck DLCs like that.
Is my male character really going to be gay?
>pro consumer
>if you're not an influencer or journo they don't give a shit about you
fuck off shill retard
Imagine not being cutesexual in 2019.
Seeth harder tard
read this
There exists no such thing as a company being: >pro-consumer.
can't even refute it you stupid bitch lmao closed door exclusive demo for press and influencers there's your pro consumer company dumbass
>refuting ad hominem
Eat shit and seeth harder
>pro-consumer devs
Based corporate worshiping cuckold
that's exactly what they're doing you stupid fuck lmao
t. influencer
>still no argument
Might as well have sex and cope on top of your seething fag
That heroin you're on is called marketing. Maybe you should dial down with that.
>still won't address fag cdpr treating their fans like shit
>still won't address cdpr sucking influencer and journo dick
>they took the bait
Thanks for the (You)'s and see ya, sucker!
>not in development hell
Pick one.
>these are the fags defending cdpr prioritizing gay shit over straight male v
>The game ran like absolute shit on console
Who gives a shit? Who even plays multiplat games on consoles? Literal 2012 tablet hardware.
>Nvidia goyworks on PC
And they could be disabled.
>It was confirmed there won't be official mod support for 2077 already.
No, they just said that there are currently no plans and they're just focusing on releasing the game for now. They also had "no plans" to release the closed doors E3 gameplay demo last year but promptly changed their minds.
The new gta looks great, but I do find the obsession of sun bleached visuals to be bit too strong, they were just fine in gta5 I think they went a step too far with this.
Man, no amount of me modding it could make that game look even remotely like the E3/VGX trailers.
Yes, truly I am a cuck because I don't give a shit what characters they use for the gameplay demos because I have the mental capacity to understand it won't affect my straight male playthrough. Sorry to hear about your stupidity problem, though :(
Gameworks is an entire suite of ''features'' besides Hairworks. And no amount of downgrade made up for the performance loss. There won't be mod support at launch, and later on who the fuck knows.
they won't even fucking show straight male v dumbass it'll probably have half the content of fag shit if any retard
>if it has an open world and driving it's Grand Theft Auto
This just in, Crash Nitro Kart is now a confirmed GTA clone.
You talk like they've got the male v chained up in a dungeon, just how retarded are you exactly?
>there are still people who think final game looks better
>they won't even fucking show straight male v
Most people aren't gay enough to think this is important.
I'm already super hyper for that DLC!
>not wanting gay shit means you're gay
>wanting gay shit means you're straight
you unironic faggots always try this nonsense argument lmao
>you can choose
>you will always wake up to another man
WOW what choice!
If you were really smart you wouldn't take the bait, Jamal.
Every time
Source you claim
since when?
It's because of the weather
If you don't want your character to fuck other men, don't. Being this outraged and upset that they "won't show us straight V" despite the fact that they haven't shown us gay V either says more about you than anyone else.
too lazy to archive, this is old as fuck news
>predetermined scene for a demo that will be player-dependent on release
WOW, its fucking nothing!
7 years and the game barely looks any different than GTA V.
>in this demo at least
based brainlets forgetting entire words at random
>prioritize showing fag shit
>refuse to show straight male
>sexually repressed Yea Forums so angry that they have to experience their male character fucking another male character for once in their life
Welcome to 2019, get used to it.
Not to the public, only journos.
>prioritizing showing fag shit
>not reflecting on full game content
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
The closed-doors demo character is gay? Wow, boycotting this cucked game with forced homosexuality.
Of course I knew you would shift the goalposts, but it's still pathetic.
>still complaing about degeneracy in a fucking cyberpunk game
Show me where this is a proven fact that they are "prioritizing fag shit". Hard mode: use actual quotes and sources, and not just "look at the gameplay demo!!!!!"
They don't even have to, they showed female V in the demo they showed on that live stream to generate hype and the exact same demo with nothing changed save V's gender. If they were trying to appeal to gays and ignore straight males they would have shown that, not a chick getting dicked by a guy.
>no classes
>no factions
>no choices
>can't name character
>character is voiced
>character has auto lines
>can't go without mods
>can't have too many mods
>claim: always
>reality: depends on selected gender and if player chooses to do so
Again: WOW, its fucking nothing! And you are a fucking lying brainlet.
Did you just assume V's gender?
>prioritizing showing fag shit
>shown behind closed doors
Yeah, great way to appeal to fags there by not showing them shit and having it be mentioned in one article by a games journalist, the type of faggots who care more about identity politics and representation then actual gameplay.
Dragon Age Inquisition was bigger than anything they had made in the previous decade. Bioware went into cardiac arrest hours after the game's release.
Excuse me sweetie, but I've watched bladerunner so I know what REAL cyberpunk is.
fucking cdpr care more about identity politics and representation than gameplay now
>cyberpunk game
>they're prioritising a gay V
>That's why they showed off only female V gameplay to everyone and not gay Male V
So you're just looking for excuses to complain about then, like when you tried to switch over to bitching about choices where you might have a legitimate argument back to this retarded shit?
>>no classes
>no factions
>no choices
I guess you didn't watch the 48-minute gameplay demo huh. Well, it was nice laughing at you.
you fucking ignored again they didn't show straight male v at all you fucking retard
>claim: always
>>reality: depends on selected gender and if player chooses to do so
Article doesn't say this though, only the gay male V is in the demo. Look who is asspulling claims without sources. Keep shitposting in rage though.
No, game journalists do, that's why they felt it was important enough to put in their article about the game instead of talking about the actual game. You're getting this worked up and mad over something a journo said. Why the fuck are you even reading their articles to begin with?
20 days of paid vacation is the legal minimum for full time jobs in my country, 30 if you work a 6 day week
You can't see your penis either, but you believe it's there. Why do you see an RPG and not realize you will be able to play your character however you choose?
cause cdpr are sucking journo dick and catering to them over fans moron
>but I've watched bladerunner
That's one step in the right direction I guess, but you should really also familiarize yourself with the boardgame that this game is supposedly based on and also associated literature and notes from authors.
I can't stand what this board has become. Could you for once in your life discuss something without it being a half-baked attempt to get a rise out of people by pretending to be retarded, you fucking redditors? Fuck you.
Game doesn't look great desu but I love how much this shit makes Yea Forums foam at the mouth over nothing and unironically trust the words of game journalists.
>catering to game journos
>who will receive free copies and will give the game whatever score their boss Schlomo Shekelberg tells them to give it
>not the millions of people who will drop cash instantly upon pre-orders going up
Crazy how idiots are allowed to post here.