How do you stop getting angry at games? I already broke my mouse and hurt my knuckles by punching a wall

How do you stop getting angry at games? I already broke my mouse and hurt my knuckles by punching a wall.

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By buying your own shit so you care if it gets broken.

I buy my own shit, it doesn't help.

I’ll never understand how they thought the lion and bear sketch was okay...

Drink šòýlèñt

Git gud

Take a break when you start getting frustrated

Seek help. You obviously have rage control issues

Unironically have sex/masturbate

Can't get good without playing, can't play without raging

Stop caring so much.
I got into League of Legends as my first MOBA just last week. I barely have more wins than losses. People rage so much over a he. What bad thing happens when you lose? Do you lose an arm? A week's wages?
Only you have control over your own emotions, stop being negative, it causes you pain, and you learn nothing from it. 24 hours in a day and you choose to be mad. Rewire your brain.

Also could be that you're spoiled. If mice were rare, destroying it in a fit of rage would have greater consequences.

learn some self control you fucking animal, therapy might help with that

>Can't post Neeko while phoneposting

Fuck this

>tfw punch walls for fun all the time ever since I watched One Punch Man years ago
>still no broken hand (or walls)
Get on my level

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>What bad thing happens when you lose?
I lose nothing, but it angers me to know that those assholes behind the other character must be smug as fuck and laughing to themself when they constantly own me. Fucking jumping around, mocking me, doing tricks and humiliating everyone. It makes me so mad, I want to break shit.

i came to accept that my best gaming years are like a decade behind me, so i don't have any misconceptions about my skill level. i just don't play games i know i will struggle with

if you do this often you knuckles have probably hardened. Keep doing it, and slowly upping up your game. You might reach a point in which you can literally punch a hole in a wall easily

The lion fucked me up for life...

Then don't think that idiot. Stop the train of thought and re-direct. Basic cognitive therapy.

See what all these anons said? Get professional help retard. Anger management is a real reason for therapy

>Then don't think that idiot. Stop the train of thought and re-direct
You can't just stop it, it only takes a single second to go from the station to full speed train

By no longer playing the games which stopped bringing you happiness, user.
Can you earnestly tell me that your anger comes from playing something you play to be happy? The answer I foresee is 'no'.

You let other people wind you up as if they are in control. Stop. It's your choice how to feel, not theirs. You must be young to not realize this yet. I grew up with a lot of females, so I had enough time to see how they let others control what they think and feel. It's all voluntary.
There are things occuring right now that make everyone upset. For example, Mexican cartels torturing people in ways you probably never imagined right now. I can choose to be upset about it, or not. I don't want things like that to happen, but if I can't stop it, then I won't allow it to affect me.
There are people that get off to you being upset. Would you like to continue indulging them? Then continue to let them control how you feel. At this point, you may as well be a slave.

>But it's hard to control myself
Actually get good at owning yourself.

No, but stopping playing leaves an itch and an annoying feeling in my spine, I need to go back and crush those fucking assholes.

And one more time: that's why you need professional help. You need somebody to help you learn to think rationally and redirect your thoughts by fighting those baboon cognitions of yours. Somebody to teach you cognitive exercises and such. There's a reason why therapy still exists

>It's your choice how to feel, not theirs
It's not my choice either, feelings come and go.

You can't get less angry. But you can become stronger. Keep punching the wall until you punch through it

I was playing project x zone at the very end of a mission I'd been playing for one hour, a boss character decides to rush my lowest health character and crits him dead. I got so mad I had to close the 3ds eat a licorice before coming back and trying again... I'm the bad guy

Emotions are 9/10 times a choice. You are making the choice to get mad at some dumb shit, it's just a video game, nerd.

Perspective and cognition are what create your feelings. If you get angry, there's a reason behind it. If you're sad, there's a cognition behind it. The brain is not so simple to simply say emotions work as crazy bursts randomness. That only may happen under specific stimulation like drugs.
Do you play games high? Then don't be an idiot and stop.
Sober? Then understand that it is your own ideas what's causing your anger and so, you CAN control your emotions. Provided you're rational and smart enough to do so

It's not my choice. If I keep the cool on by force, the shit boils over and I break more stuff than just a mouse.

OP's replies are justifying his childish rage. Acting childish is comforting to you because then you don't have to be mature. I ended a lease last week and have been on the road since. I can't comfortably lie in bed and forget the world, everyday is a challenge. It has helped me understand the things people will do to themselves to avoid responsibility.
OP will defend his childish rage to avoid the tougher choice of controlling his emotions. Eventually, hopefully, OP will mature.

Can someone PLEASE post Neeko.

i've been playing PXZ2 recently, just finished the Pyron intro mission, any tips?

>OP will defend his childish rage to avoid the tougher choice of controlling his emotions.
It's not a fucking choice goddamit, I don't play and think HMM this asshole is making me mad, I think I will rage now. No, it's a curtain that randomly just falls down and makes me blind.

>living a hellish life on a road
Yeah, no.

Are you being purposefully dense?

>getting mad over losing the video game

You're stupid ass is lucky you didn't hit a beam putting holes in the wall.

i don't have room to talk though, considering personal issues boiled over into me throwing myself in front of a car yesterday

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You can't fight it user. It will get better as you get older but there still will be time where you go full roidrage and thats when you need to try to not hurt yourself or something valuable.

If you continue on this path, you'll only harm yourself and the only winning move would be not to play. Find a different game which does bring you happiness.

You're on Yea Forums and actually still playing vidya, so save yourself while you can

I haven't played any of 2 yet. My only advice which you probably already know is to always go for the extra move, don't use supports or solos until an enemies block is up and use your skills all the time instead of just sitting on 100+ xp

stop playing video games, problem fixed

I know my shit better than you, your bullshit doesn't apply
>You must just think positively
It doesn't fucking WORK

>Tfw you don't get angry at games but you do get angry at yourself for being shit when something goes awry
Might be less healthy than being mad at the game desu

Sounds like you should be in a padded room until you can control your impulses.

LOL stay mad faggot

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Actually you do think that, subconsciously. Do you take care of an infant? You can see their brain forming their personality and thought patterns. Subconscious thinking is just a more efficient way of thinking, and your brain always pursues efficiency.
You think the correct way to act after being provoked is to be upset. To you, whether you know consciously or subconsciously, it is correct to be upset. This happened during your infancy/youth. Luckily you can always change your brain chemistry.
But that's not what this thread is about. It's about you defending your childish rage that allows you remain comfortable in your immaturity. You don't want to get better. Despite the hundreds of posters and lurkers in this thread giving you all this attention, you continue to want to be coddled.

Can someone PLEASE please post Neeko.

>I know my shit better than you
Clearly not. How old even are you? Not only all your replies sound text-book angsty teen, but this just screams teenage retardom "YOU DON'T KNOW ME AND MY HARD UNIQUE LIFE!!"

>your bullshit doesn't apply
What bullshit and how doesn't it? I bet you're just, oh surprise surprise, getting angry as the irrational baboon you are and so call my literal psychological facts bullshit. Literally go read a book or any scientific-based psych article on emotions and anger management idiot. You'll see literally the same things I am talking to you about.
>think positively
Didn't even say that once. If you payed attention and actually read, you'll see the actual thought process supposed to replace your neanderthal thoughts are RATIONAL thoughts. But it seems you reeeeeaaaaally lack in that department, huh buddy? Don't worry. The teenager brain is much less developed than the adult brain, and that is why it is so irrational and stupid. As you grow, it might be easier to develop actual critical thinking able to override your oonga-boonga thoughts

Therapy would still help, though

>How old even are you?
>What bullshit and how doesn't it?
All that "you are in control" mumbojumbo.

Woah, you're fucked then. Old enough to be an adult, but not mature enough to actually be one.

Seriously snowflake, be brave enough to read on what I'm telling you, so you can wake up from that fable of yours where you think there is this uncontrollable anger demon inside you.
You're not as special as you think you are for being a brat. Luckily for you, that can change. If you do something about it. You won't just magically stop being a big baby

Stop playing games that make you angry, I'm serious.

I ain't a snowflake, or special. I'm just saying some people just see red without any thought or control.

One thing I've noticed with modern societies is how they make you think you are not in control. How self-control is stupid or bullshit. That's a useful way to control a population, make them think they are weaker than they really are so they submit without a fight.
Again, OP is probably young. Self-control means having to take responsibility for your actions, and immature people aren't ready for that. It's almost always young people that lash out in anger to retain childish non-responsibility.
To all the lurkers, stop thinking you're stupid or weak. Life is full of predators and humans are inherently selfish as a means of survival. Making you submit lowers your threat. You don't have to be a predator, but don't be prey. Stop thinking controlling yourself is impossible.

I still don't see any Neeko in this thread, can you make this thread interesting already?

Chaotic evil unfortunately

Also you're 1 year older than me. You're not Sasuke. You're what you choose to be. If you think you have uncontrollable anger, then you will.
What was the point of this thread again? You wanted help right? Do you really?

>Life is full of predators and humans are inherently selfish as a means of survival. Making you submit lowers your threat. You don't have to be a predator, but don't be prey.
I don't fucking care about predators or prey or any of that. I live in the middle of nowhere with 500 people intown, mostly old folks.

I wish playing games would make me feel anything

>What was the point of this thread again? You wanted help right? Do you really?
I want to stop raging at games so I can keep on playing, learning, and then winning. Real life problems don't concern me.

>Chaotic Neutral with a splash of Lawful Neutral.

Deep breaths, compartmentalise and disassociate, lift weights or go for a run/cycle

You're on the internet, connected to billions around the world, your excuse is bull.
You do want help right? Or trying to justify your anger?
Your anger is not right or wrong, it just is. Do you want to get rid of it? This whole thread can't do it for you, we can only help you do it for yourself.
But you'll probably make another excuse to avoid help. You like the attention after all.

Sasuke atleast knew how to turn rage into power

The problem is a mental/emotional one. If you don't want to fix that, the answer is to either never lose at video games, or stop playing completely.

>You're on the internet, connected to billions around the world
More like few hundred anons on this board.
>You do want help right? Or trying to justify your anger?
I ain't justifying I'm just telling you how it is.

Yeah, my best friend is one of those. Guess what he decided to do to deal with his issue? That's right, not sit down and pity himself for it. He got help, and he's much better now.
I'm not selling you a self help "wish it, want it, get it" book user. I'm fucking telling you to get help, and that if you don't believe me, then read a bit on the matter and see the actual numbers in real studies, and see for yourself it is not bullshit.

It's not say "gusfraba" and think happy thoughts. It's learning to recognize thought patterns, and learn how to turn them over. It's not about "you're control mumbo jumbo", it's about learning how you work so you can turn it over.

Chaotic good mixed with chaotic evil

Post Neeko, I'm a phoneposter and can't. Please feed me.

Just turn the game off.

>It's learning to recognize thought patterns
How do you recognize them, if they are not there?

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Chaotic Good that steadily descends into Lawful Neutral

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I don't rage at single player games, or rarely at anything else. It's just other people and players that ruin everything.

State your frustrations, if they're fixable problems with the game in question, perhaps try to convince others through argument and evidence, then don't play the thing and/or play something else.

Other than nullpomino, I don't think any game's been perfect to me. I'd buy fonv, and poe if it's ever released offline, local files, w/ modding tools; i have d2, everything else is just a distraction and most often a not too good or even decent one.

I do like inf. moddable and customizable tetris tho


They control you because you allow them. Stop hiding behind excuses. It's ok to be wrong, we learn by doing the wrong thing. Grow from your mistakes, that's maturity.
Other people in games might not care about how you feel, while others intentionally try to upset you. Either way, you choose to respond in rage. This is either conscious or subconscious. This is learned behavior during your youth. You can unlearn. You can choose to think my reply is bullshit. But what will you do otherwise?

I don't play multi or with other people.

When I said the above, I didn't mean to me, rather the devs the community, if you'd like to have a bigger or better effect, if any at all, as opposed to randos on the internet, who might be reading for a laugh, out of boredom and/or procrastination, or, more probably the case, don't even fucking care.

Also, you can't take competitive games and make them non-competitive, it's a black and win, win or lose deal.

Playing against a good AI would cut out any smugness, or emotions altogether on the other side, but I doubt you'd be any happier losing to them either.

>Grow from your mistakes, that's maturity.
It's hard to grow from mistakes, when you aren't even allowed to make them. Some asshole camping at the spawn or lucking out finding me ain't my mistake. Or in the worst case my hardware fails me or they cheat, that ain't my fault but it makes me livid.

>stop getting angry at games
Well, I grew up.

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I'm very happy for you, user, great job.

Your mistake is choosing to break your devices over someone camping. Life isn't fair, will that be your excuse to chimp out?

>Life isn't fair, will that be your excuse to chimp out?

You're gonna be one violent person then. Life doesn't let up the shit it puts on you.

I'm not a lunatic, I never rage with other people around, except when playing games.

>I never rage with other people around, except when playing games.

Until someone gets you to pissed to the point your raging baby personality takes over.

Then I go behind a corner and hulk out.

>get mad at video games
>my husky comes to see what all the yelling is about and puts her head on my knee
>instantly calm down

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Break something valuable enough to make the memory of having to replace it a deterrent.

t. man with a new monitor

Start a streaming career, people love monkeys like you

I don't want my face on the web