Is this board satire? There is almost no nuanced discussion. If something has the slightest issue you must amplify it and scream about how shit it is and how the company is finished and should go bankrupt etc. If you think a new game is bad you can't just say you didn't enjoy it you must scream about how gaming is dead and everything sucks now. Every single thread is like this. Are you like this in real life or is it put on? I'm starting to question wether it was always like this and I was equally guilty of it or if it's a new phenomenon. Either way I get almost nothing but annoyance out of modern Yea Forums (and most other boards)
Is this board satire? There is almost no nuanced discussion...
>Is this board satire?
Here's a quick rundown of the history of Yea Forums:
>Boring board, very vanilla, slow posting, some console wars here and there
>From Yea Forums came a chunk of migrants that worshipped a guy named "Maddox", at the time, said guy was seen as edgy and cool and the personification of counterculture on the internet, said Yea Forumstards modeled themselves and their beheaviour after him
>Yea Forums becomes infected with these people, and their mentality
>Tripfag era, every thread is shat up by tripfags, especially obnoxious ones shut down the entire board for days, makes it impossible to discuss shit
>Dubs era, everyone is obsessed with dubs all day all the time
Other shit happens, bunch of meme phases, but i'm too lazy to list all of them, doesn't matter anyway.
>GG happens, /pol/ succesfully infects Yea Forums, spreads like a cancer and never goes away from that point onward
>Strong split between nintendo fans and sony fans, most of the board becoming pro-nintendo, as they fall in line more with what /pol/ wants
>Current era
Can you fuck off with the political bullshit you obsessed retard. I'm talking about games.
t. Tranny
>spamming politics is bad when they do it but okay when I do it, after all my cause is just and I'm on the right side of history
>political bullshit
>I'm talking about games
The two things are completely interlinked, that's the point.
The board taste in games and how they approach and judge games is completely melded with the political stance of the board itself, at the moment.
Such has been the case every since GG happened.
I don't care either way, i'm just telling you the genuine truth.
The degree of hyperbole is annoying, but amplifying everything is better than everyone being a beta cuck and agreeing to disagree with eachother. That'd be boring. Everything is just dramatized for more (You)s.
There are a few genuine smarmy assholes out there though, who love to sit here all day shitting on your favorite games while writing up autistic walls of text to every reply they get
have sex
If everyone just calls everything shit all the time, then there's no discussion left.
It didn't used to be this way, there was a degree of balance between shitposting and video game discussion.
Ever since /vg/ split off most of the actual vidya discussion just left.
Oh yeah i forgot that one.
But i don't think it's gonna last more than a couple more months.
Why does my mom invite black men at night while I play my switch?
People call things shit for (You)s. Other people will come in to argue that it's not shit and that the guy calling it shit is retarded. Thus begins a discussion
yeah what the fuck how do I make an account and where are the upvote buttons?
Idk but its slightly less corporate than reddit if you dont count the shills
Its like a ghost of the old internet
Not nearly as close to how it was but still less sjw than everywhere else
I wish obama didnt execute order 66 in 2014
>where are the upvote button
You upvote things by calling them "based and redpilled" and downvote them by calling them "cringe and bluepilled".
People looked at Yea Forums and came to the conclusion that Yea Forums was a toilet because things weren't done the way they wanted. Rather than go away, they proceeded to use Yea Forums as a toilet.
I don't like how everything is polarized between extreme left and extreme right nowadays
What you consider Yea Forums culture isn't native of Yea Forums, it came from Yea Forums.
So it only makes sense for new people to shit all over it and re-shape it.
Happened before, so it will obviously happen again and again.
Last time I discussed videogames, I got banned. So fuck it. I'll just shitpost 24/7.
>discussing games on Yea Forums
>thinking /pol/posting isn't fun and redpilled
You'll never pass
Only shills are allowed to talk about videogames you stupid goy, your posts get in their way when they advertise. Be more considerate.
That's not a discussion, that's cringy apes throwing shit at each other and ruining the board for anyone that doesn't partake in cringy autism
I consider Oregon Trail threads and such as Yea Forums culture
Endless political discussion is only fun for people with no friends that spend all day on this site user.
You have to either filter every fucking tempkate thread and buzzword imaginable or search really hard., but you can find good threads. Especially good threads come from games that Yea Forums plays together, but even then expect people to call you a shill and tell you to go to /vg/.
>people with no friends
I thought you guys were my friends
How are none of these filtered yet?
This is unironically true. I've actually been banned for calling someone a tranny while we had an argument about a game.
OP is a faggot
Despite the Yea Forums isn't about videogames meme or whatever it is and how long it's been around I've come here almost every single day for years and legitimately discussed and argued about videogames the entire time, and this is the only place I can find good discussion unlike other places like reddit where everyone is just looking for their precious internet points
It isn't even discussion. What needs to be said have been said millions of times already and theres nothing to discuss anymore. I'm talking about shitposting about tranny devs and niggers in video games. Seething from faggots like op is a good sign that entertainment value of such shitposting is not going to run out anytime soon.
> Nuke Yea Forums
> Create /jv/
Problem solved.
No western shit, trannies, Sonnygers, etc...
>Nintendo falls in line more with what pol wants
That’s honestly something I find hard to believe, but it’s probably true. Also fuck console wars. Competition is good for the economy and game quality goes up as a result. Praise a game on a console you don’t own.
>Death Stranding looks very comfy
>Persona 5 looks like the savior of turn based combat
Am I the only one that is noticing how repetitive Yea Forums is now, it feels like every thread is just a repost of a repost of a repost, everything feels so samey
based mods
sup newfag
bring back /vint/ because that discussion was amazing. And we got to see who the shitposters really were:
South Americans
literally every single time. if we banned them from Yea Forums it would be a fucking amazing place for discussion.
Dubs were the most fun and exciting thing on this board when nothing video game related was happening. I loved Japan Time (Brawl) and I loved the exaggerated rageposts. Things like that letter to Nintendo regarding F-Zero GX storymode and similar.
But that's no different from maddrox posting, and that got old in less than a year.
If they actually go into the reasons why it is or is not shit, it's an argument. The fact they call eachother names is irrelevant
have sex
>bring back /vint/
Holy shit this,it would improve the board 10 fold.
>nuanced discussion
yeah, good luck with that anywhere on earth, let alone the shithole that is the fucking web
The best satire writers in this country have very high standards for humor.