Anyone else fucking love handhelds? I've grown an obsession with them recently and want everything I can get my hands on

Anyone else fucking love handhelds? I've grown an obsession with them recently and want everything I can get my hands on

Which are your favorites?

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I like PSP and 3DS because they have Castlevania and MH on them. Mega Man Zero collection is also nice to have.

me too man, recently got a gameboy micro, i love it but am lacking games to play atm. got Golden sun and played around 20h, but then the fkn game just zeroed and i lost all progress. but thats the deal with old hw i guess

GBA carts are finicky. My Nightmare in Dreamland cart loses all save data if you shake it too hard

PSP Go and Vita.

Vita and 3ds because they allow me to play everything before them

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3DS > Game Boy > Game Boy Advance > DS

Is the go comfortable? I'm looking for a PSP and not too sure which model to pick up

I like the 3ds library but I'm not a big fan of the 3ds itself. I keep a ds lite around just because I prefer playing ds games on it over the 3ds. Just don't find it comfortable

My combination of the Vita and DSi give me a huge number of games to play. Even my 3DS gets a little bit of use.

i can show you a handheld haha

PSP is perfect for emulating Mega Drive and prior consoles of similar power. Unfortunately its SNES emulation isn't quite there.

my bootleg copy of NIDL does that.

I guess it depends on the size of your hands. If you have big hands I guess it will be uncomfortable. I have normal sized hands and I didn't have problems but many people complain about it. I guess the stick placement also have a part in it. 2D games might be easier to handle compared to 3D ones. Get a Go if you find one for cheap. You can find regular PSPs for all sorts of prices but Go is climbing up in price.

>not emulating accurately and with lowest latency with retroarch cores and 144hz monitor playing with the comfy ps4 controller

>Anyone else fucking love handhelds? I've grown an obsession with them recently and want everything I can get my hands on
They’re my goto for jarpigs since I don’t have the time to sit in front of a TV for sixty hours anymore.

>Which are your favorites?
Small N3DS bar none. Would also give honorable mentions to Switch and later PSP models for having TV out and respectable libraries.

It's a good feel.

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Yes get rid of the awesome portability that allowed my to pee in my bath tub while soaking in hot water bubble while playing Contra 4 this morning while all hopped up on the ketamine.

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have sex

My favorite has to be the PSP.
But I do want to get a gameboy Micro just to carry around and play for shiggles on the go. How hard is it to find one in good condition? Can you keep them fine tuned if things start to fail on them or are they just fucked forever?
How's homebrew on the GBA, do they have flashcarts that let you keep 50+ games on them at once?

I got a GBA at a charity shop recently. it came with both street fighter 2 on gameboy and GBA. whoever donated it must have loved that game. the gameboy version is atrocious btw but I imagine it probably blew people away at the time. I want to make homebrew on it but I've been too busy to learn how to use all the relevant tools. I just want to make a shitty megaman clone lol

OG Vita for dat OLED, but the newer one is nice too because it seems a bit lighter in the hand. Bro just gave me a AGS101 GBA SP that is god tier comfy. Also have an old 3DSXL thats fine - thinking about upgrading to the new, but don't have enough time to play what I have already. Any of you guys have the GPD Win2? How comfy is it? Would love to play proper PC titles on the go (fallout 1&2, arcanum, etc etc).

The PSP.
Its my favorite console by far, being able to modded it, crack it, repair it easily was fucking fantastic. Then it became the ultimate portable emulator. Holy shit i love the psp so much, IF ONLY sony wasnt fucking RETARDED and added a second stick since the psp 2000 it would literally have been PERFECT. They just had to fucking a stupid stick like the new3ds on it, it would have cost NOTHING (also stopped supporting the console way sooner).
Im enjoying my new Vita now, pretty comfy, waiting for my sd2vita.