Warriors have the most votes


>warriors have the most votes

what the fuck? most of them wont reach 60 r-right??

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Warlock that high
Well, shit. Guess I can't roll it anymore because I have to be a contrarian.

these vote things are kinda worthless tho - it's one thing to create a warlock and another to actually get it to 60, they're really shit lower levels so it'll probably stop a lot of them before 40

It's because asmongold is playing warrior

oh well then I have nothing to worry about then if that's the sole reason.

>tfw gonna roll female night elf hunter
>gonna shadowmeld at dun garok and wait for hordelets to do the elite
>come out of stealth and start harassing them when they're busy dealing with the elite mobs
>/laugh and /sit on their faces when my antics cause them to be killed
>smugly laugh when little elf girl is causing so much trouble that they have to cry for help from their level 60 friends
>sit there in stealth, trying hard not to be overheard giggling, while their retarded level 60 orc and cow friends run around in circles trying desperately to find me
>do it all again when they think i left

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Warrior has always been the most popular class in vanilla zoom zoom

>walk into your deadzone
>your dead

nothin personel, tranny

Warriors have been hyped so much in anticipation that they just might be the most popular class. The hype around hard leveling is overblown, and people seem to know that. Also you have the fact that Warriors are the best DPS numbers wise combined with Tanking, and yeah, its not hard to see. Warriors have a lot of spots in raids though, so its not that big of a deal. Druids now? Or Hunters? Nah.

Weird poll though. Warlocks aren't in such a high demand. And priests, mages and rogues aren't hitting their demand despite being popular.

Im not a class i play and control an avatar in fictional world

a lot will, but they will be """DPS""" warriors
you ARE going to tank, are you user?

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have fun getting cucked by casters in your deadzone, faggot.

>the most useful and best class in Vanilla is highly voted


most of them won't reach level 15

>*shoots you will standing next to two elite dwarf mobs*
Yeah why don't you come over here into my deadzone and show me that "big" dick of yours?

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>you are going to tank?

Of course, fuck those roastie furies sittin in a queue with 5 thousand others waitin for their piece of gear

>what is scattershot
>what is intimidation
>what is bestial wrath
>what is feign death
>what are traps
>what are FAPs
back to retail zoomies


Nothin personel, roastie

>implying DPS warriors aren't fully capable of tanking
They're the kings of vanilla for a reason.

locks are never bad, mages rape 5 mans though

>loling when the elite alliance mobs make quick work of you and i finally get to know the truth after examining your dead body
>5 inches

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I'd rather heal a OT Shaman than a DPS warrior.

>vanishing against hunters
you've never played vanilla

Did vanillla allow hunters to make most animals their pet like in current wow?

>cloak of shadows

whats so hard to understand? retard

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good argument, let us know how that works out

Just play alliance lock on a pvp server. They are one of the least played classes normally.

doesnt provide immunity to tracking or flare retard

that the hunter's pet will automatically break your vanish 8 times out of 10, and the other times you'll get cucked by a flare

really? I just started playing for the first time and I've had the easiest time with warlocks, I tried a warrior and got stomped for not grouping 24/7

>cloak of shadows
Fucking newfags I swear to god.

cloak of shadows was introduced in BC, retard

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Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
Fury is the best tank spec
Deep resto is bad for shaman

>Warrior gets bored of playing Warrior
>Reroll to Rogue

Dont forget to also use fan of knives, shs, shadowdance and shiv, retarded mop babby

you're either a tranny or a roastie, but either way once me and my pocket healer show up you'll be on your knees servicing my BGC

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>I was meerely pretending

Wrong. Back in the day it was Hunter and Rogue for most popular, Warrior only took off on pservers when everyone realized they're the only hybrid class that's actually good in multiple roles

Warrior was always one of the most fun classes

A response to the user from last thread about the viability of farming elite centaurs outside mara as druchad 31-41. The Maraudine Scouts are what you will be farming. Their HP value is low for an elite humanoid and their shoot attack will barely be hitting you. (5-30yrd range) Starfire + Moonfire + Entangle, move 1 yrd outside of range, wait for ticks/5 sec rule. Then repeat. The damage they do is not a problem.

You kill the 6 that you can get to easily then they start respawning very soon after. 1.4k exp a kill starting

Tanks play fury, sorry.

not if i just stand next to 3 alliance elite mobs. i wouldn't even have to shoot you at that point. just spam /laugh while you're overrun by manlets

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I can't decide between a druid and mage, bros

>dps warriors literally begging me for group

why are they so afraid to tank?

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>Yeah all people who play female characters are trannies
>Why would I roll Horde? That's the dindu nuffin faction
>Gonna be rolling male human warrior/paladin or dwarf hunter lads, can't wait to dab on niggers and trannies :D

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All WoW players are trannies. Look at "peak" WoW makes, like Asnongold and Sodapoppin compared to bulls like LTG/DSP.

>Roll druid on pserver
>Tank all 5mans on the way to 60
>Turn down every "dps" warrior wanting an invite
>No plate wearers in my group
>Take all the plate for myself to sell on the AH

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When you're a bad DPS, responsibility feels "shared", you think you can rely on the other DPSs to make up for your mistakes
When you're a tank, you're all alone, and if you fuck up the entire group wipes, and everybody knows it was your fault

dpsing an instance carries 0 responsibility unless you're a mage that gets asked to sheep something

the struggle, guess it's hunter for me instead

Vast majority of DPS players are insecure, shy, cowardly betas with even less testosterone than healers. But then again, I shouldn't complain, since so few people are willing to tank that makes tanks the literal labor aristocracy of MMOs.

hey sockhead conjure me up some water will ya!

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>priestfag trying to cope his heal class has become an ERP meme

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only because they have a pet the spells are weak as fuck

>tank rollsneed on the spellpower caster cape because "it has good stamina"

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how do you farm gold on a paladin or shaman?

>Run the same dungeon over and over
>When the fucking weapon drop a fucking hunter roll need and won

I fucking hate all of them now

Reminder that any warrior which refuses to tank is extremely shit player trying to find free carry since warrior can tank in any spec. Never accept dps warrior to any groups. Kick and shame them mercilessly.

They will, it was true even for elysium/Nost, warrior was the most played class.
This doesn't mean that it's a good thing, 99% of them are still going to play dps.
Based and redpilled

Fuck all warriors that play dps spec, I will make sure that they won't get invited.

when the fuck is this coming out for the general public not beta open or closed but fully released i just quit secondlife so this seems a perfect way to fill the gap

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august 27

I wanna do everything: wpvp, bgs and raiding, should I main hunter or rogue? I'll likely be Alliance cause shoes

dammit what do i do to fill the gap till then?

heal warrior which kills shit and split gains

Who else glorious /blonde hair blue eyes human male/ master race

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>B-but I
>I w-want to test...
NO YOU DON'T. You are dumb nigger if you want to play beta right now because it will ruin your entire enjoyment of vanilla. Doing same quests again is not entertaining at all, you will drop the game much faster thán you think.
Playing beta is a trap.

>Deep resto is bad for shaman

Redpill me senpai

>fuck all warriors that play dps spec

I plan on playing prot mainly and then dps for questing/pvp - is tanking more fun than it is in retail? or is it tedious? be honest

Not him but I'm just playing to autistically plan out my gear progession and zone paths. Because I have autism.

Play something else, play on private server, get fit, find a gf.
The world is yours, user.

He has autism, pay him no heed

They just confirmed the parry rate was wrong on private servers. Private servers had a 5.6% chance of you getting parried by a boss 3 levels above you, classic has 14. Those fury dual wield tanks will get murdered by parry haste attacks.

My post clearly implied I play a warrior as I said I personally benefit from tank shortage you literal birdbrain.

work on your reading comprehension i specifically said i didnt want the beta i wanted the full release

>bosses have 14% parry chance
Furykeks completely BTFO into the earth. Sorry but put the shield back on honey.

you realize shamans are dominating this poll, right? there's almost 500 more rolling on horde than warriors

what are all these warriors going to do? with raid bosses having 14% parry over 5%, 6,5% dodge vs 5% it means MT will do so much less threat. and warriors can't remove aggro. private servers are easy mode for warriors

i cleared SM armory on my shaman over and over again. 15-20g/run for like 10-15min per run. easiest 2 days of farming for my epic mount

At the beginning it's fun since you have to watch aggro on every mob, use your gun to pull packs and stuff like that.
In raids all you do is spam one button. Exactly one.

>tfw Paladin

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK The fury dream is friggin dead bros, roguechads...won..

what the fuck, that's really good. are you disenchanting stuff or what?

pserver third worlders will defend their mickey moused sandboxes regardless

>mfw the pserver gods have been easymoding all this time

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it'll never die, but rogues & hunters are more valuable at all stages of the game than predicted? if it was like private servers you'd just run 10 warriors 2 rogues 2 hunters.

Male Dwarf Rogue or Male Orc Shaman depending on what faction my friends play

>tfw same
>tfw there's gonna be so many warriors that need healing

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I've heard if you take skinning at the start and vendor every bit of leather by the time you get 40 you can afford the mount? is that bullshit? it can't be that easy surely?

no, just sold all the loot to vendors and cloth on AH.

You know why? Because now they know they can't just sit and stack reckoning, and asides of that pallys are just healsluts.

i had around 80g when i hit level40 when i did that and i bought every single skill up to that point, so i easily could've afforded the mount if i hadnt bought useless skills i think

I have no idea what weapon skill does and why tanks stacked stamina instead of avoidance since the dawn of days: the post

Can't wait for real vanilla to also BTFO all the virgin feral tanks who genuinely believe they can justifiably take a spot in a raid.


better fire up that looking for group channel chat.

everyone wants to be literal god that's why everyone wanna play warrior

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chances are blizzard will feel compelled to ruin vanilla with class balance patches instead of keeping classes very unique but many specs being hit or miss on usefulness.

warriors can be tough to level in vanilla but become elder god tier with proper gear regardless of what they want to do.

Sorry honey but this only effects furykeks, Feral will have to use 2 mcp charges perhaps but fury is DOA. All druids will be specced for tank/heals in raids.

Warriors are simultaneously stupidly broken if they have support and EXTREMELY easy to play, so obviously they attract a lot of players.


>will get murdered by parry haste attacks.
False. The parries increase by 2.5~ which results in a little extra damage on the tank, no big deal and not a problem.

Parry is not a big deal, the damage is small.

Threat will be a little bit lower which means warriors will have to play around it, which any good warrior will do.

What happened is that the skill ceiling for dps warriors just went up.

So they will make vanilla with wrath talents?

all (one) druid will be specced for healing in a raid

your meme private server spec isnt going to work past molten core. play warrior or join one of those "laid back" (trash) guilds if you want to be a special snowflake bear tank.

have a shower

if warrior really is the most popular class, as many people say, i'm thinking of playing something else.

why does warrior appeal to so many players?

Warriors have the highest dps in the game by far. They are versatile as they deal dmg in fury and tank in fury spec, has the highest skill cap out of all classes in PvE.

Do rogues struggle for gear and raids or will I be okay

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You know shadowmeld has absolute trash stealth rating, right? If a level 60 walks within 30 feet of you, you're made.

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What alt should I level when I get corpse camped or burned out of leveling my warrior?
I'm thinking druid herbalist/alchemist to farm free action potions and relaxed leveling all around but mages are also cool, I could make money off selling portals and food/water

Because the few warriors that do persevere and make it to 60 and get raid/pvp geared end up being monsters and inspiring others to try and be like them. Most fail, of course.

They are the best DPS class in the game and the best tank.

half of them are rolling warrior because of asmonbald. most will give up before level 40,and the others will try to play as dps, very few will be valuable (protection).

hunter or mage, easy lvling experience, god-tier farming. will fuel your warrior no problem

Most people will drop before even hitting 35. so dont worry about it.

where do you get this 5.6? its 8.3% parry chance with level 60 attacking level 63 (no weap skill+) on most private servers

I'm gonna play ret paladin and no one will stop me.

Duty above all else.

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All of those warriors are going to quit, warriors cant do content alone, even when they have a healer you cant pull a lot of mobs, they are pretty much absolute garbo until they are 60 AND geared. None of them will even reach level 30 or theyll do it so slowly that they are going to quit the game once they realize everyone else is at 60

Rogues unfortunately will find themselves competing pretty directly with dps warriors for a bunch of agi/crit/atk pwr gear. You will have good DPS potential though, so as long as you aren't a complete window-licker you should be able to find raid spots.

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Blessed & Based

LF1M dps emp run NO WARRGINS Ironfoe reserved for rogue

Classic tranny post

Gonna roll Dorf hunter and have a blast

Ah yes I'll listen to the guy that doesn't play druid, sorry sweetie but skarmchad says they are just fine

pump it up

DPS Warrior's best friend is a Shaman tank

You live a really shallow existence if this is your idea if fun, go outside, read a book, do some excercise,. Dialate that hairy axe wound, you get the picture

based and shoepilled

if they do go that route maybe it will be burning crusade/vanilla combo? making feral druids and prot paladins viable tanks ect.

though i feel the original suffering would be better for a more authentic experience.

if im a prot warr will i be able to get away with reserving shit with every dungeon?

>g-g-go outside and dilate stop owning me in WoW aaargghhhh reeeeee

yes although you'd be a complete moron to do it since you could do it just as well as a fury warrior with a shield in your bag

Gonna play Gnome Warlock, Dorf Hunter, and Human Paladin. Not sure what I'll main tho.

One of the lead designers mained a warrior, so they were overpowered for the longest time. He also hated PvP, and thought it was fine to 'balance' them for PvE having high DPS in order to hold aggro as well as high damage mitigation.

maybe you should play on a pve server if getting dominated by elf women doesn't sound appealing to you

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and that skill ceiling went up by a lot. imagine being a horde fury warrior. a well-geared rogue on horde side will be way more valuable than a fury warrior. it will also depend on the MT skill and weapon right?
if MT is unlucky and can't get upgrades from pre-raid BiS, the fury warrior will be cucked no matter how skilled he is, while a hunter and rogue can potentially do way more dmg than threat allows. it doesn't kill fury dps, but it sure puts a lot more limitation on them dps wise

anyone else finding it much more difficult to choose a class than on retail?

Probably half of all "animals"

Warriors are still miles ahead of rogues.

>if MT is unlucky
MT always gets every upgrade first. Dps never gets gear over a tank. Horde threat is fine, just learn to play. Horde dps is higher for tanks as well which results in higher threat and you can reduce threat on horde as well.

it's prefectly fine though since warriors have nothing but damage, they are pure melee damage class so they can have tons of damage and armor.

No wonder, in retail all the classes feel the same.

classes were more unique back in vanilla and half of the specs were unviable so your class choice mattered far more as you could be locked into a roll.

No. There are like 3 valid options for classes, 4 if you play alliance.

>what is bestial wrath
>at Dun Garok
>he is so shit he needs to greykill
Just join the 40% already

>every single hybrid getting dabbed on in the polls

They finally accepted putting on the dress

these are the reasons why people think pvp servers are fun

nor they are not, dicks with no honor are what these servers are about and show shitty pvp really is in this game

i just like it for comfy pve this is why i play on carebear servers, not gonna put up with above type people - nope

>They are the best DPS class in the game
Mage tops Warr literally every tier until BiS T3 gear where they draw depending on the boss and support they can get from the raid

pvp problems, pvp solutions. just say in world chat that there is a shitter greykilling people and all the vurtne wannabe wpvp faggits will come teach how to play the game.

That particular scenario the tranny was talking about didn't even involve graykilling and people will still white knight on their level 60's. Like I said, no honor or genuine combat, just "I have a higher number than you, so you die."

How is paladin in solo world pvp? Will I be able to 1v1?

This. Never ever accept warrior dps into your party

You will be good at not dying. They got rid of /sit reck bombing so solo PvP will be pretty shit. You do terrible damage and a lot of classes you simply won't be able to catch.


Paladin is overall terrible at everything.

>Mage tops Warr literally every tier
Why do you think so?
only reason mages are in the meters is due to aoe trash group damage
in terms of single target mages are a joke compared to rogue and warrior, i.e. mages don't do damage when you really need it
without the +15% dmg from having somebody spam the axe debuff, casters in general would be nowhere near the top, even with aoe damage

Why not be a night elf warrior with arcanite reaper and be the angwe of the barrens?

Wrong, holy paladins are the best healer in pvp and the best tank healer after gearing up, rets wreck warriors, rogues and hunters but is subpar vs anything else and both prot and ret are useless deadweight in raids

Newsflash is most of you fuckers posting won't reach 60 in Classic.

>rets wreck warriors
Everything wrecks warriors, wet tissue paper has higher survival chances in wpvp

>what is easily accessible hit gear in MC and BWL for mages, compared to warriors
>what are (rolling) ignites from AQ onwards

is dorf hunter better than nelf hunter in wpvp and raiding in every way possible?
never played, stealth aim shot is it really any good?

pvp servers are just gank servers, always have been. You either level with a friend or world chat a 60 over if you're getting DHK'ed.

If you don't like the idea of 90% of your random pvp encounters being equivalent to getting murdered in the ghetto, don't play on a pvp server. People still raid Tarren mill / Southshore on pve servers.

lel gearing up a warrior in dungeon blues is not any more difficult than mage, you can easily find 9% hit as a warrior
also ignite is one mage out of all the mages

your issue is most likely watching too many parses with overall raid damage, which are kind of nonsensical, since casters get most of their damage on trash mobs where it hardly even matters


dwarf is a bit smaller and has an easier time hiding behind obstacles
also stoneskin is a huge advantage against rogues, although it isn't necessary since hunters counter rogues anyway

What if SwoleBenji lead a Yea Forums and /vg/ guild? He's lead a 1000+ member guild in Cata before that was hugely successful.

He's not a Raid Chad so if you're into raiding and leading raids you can totally do that and he wouldn't fuck with you in the slightest.

He is a PvP Chad so if you're into that you and him could do some epic in-game trolling.

He's the most Chad'est person here so you wouldn't have to worry about cliques forming like all the other wannabe Discord groups popping up around here. (Believe me, I've checked them. The second you step into their parlor you get targeted by the blue pilled incels to the point the Discord madmin bans you from all the main rooms.)

There would be some rules to the guild though, and if you have a problem with them you wouldn't be welcomed. It is a rule set for all good vidya guilds to follow:
- No Women (Grill gaymo's ruin guilds and a sense of brotherhood. Get your e-girl pussy elsewhere.
- No little kids (Immaturity, lack of availability, brings groups down through lack of development.)
- No trannies (Hormones are out of whack.)
- No old people (Unless they're really based and redpilled of course. We don't need oldcucks trying to be our dads.)
- No homos. (Hormones out of whack.)

I've done similar things with Yea Forums in the past. There WILL be third worlders / poo-in-the-loo's / dark nigs / Mexicunts / Amerifags / Europoors as those are the MAJORITY of people that post here.

You'd be free to say / do whatever the fuck you want and not worry about a /gkick (even if you ninja loot randos, say the N word, grief and troll daily) and you'd have a bunch of based bros to play / raid with, assuming people are on board. You'd have a Discord where you'd never be kicked / muted / banned for being autistic. You'd absorb redpills and other manly things from SwoleBenji and would become based and redpilled simply by proxy.

We'd change landscapes of the internet, work towards the common goal of BTFO'ing streamcucks and twitch thots.

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who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





lol, someone got ganked a few times too many in STV by horde chads

I'll start with a mage because that's what I used to play but I really can't wait to level every class, probably on both factions because I've never played Horde.

Once you've max geared one character what else is there to do?

Fellow tankchads, what's a fair price to charge for tanking dungeons? 40g per run?

>most of them wont reach 60 r-right??

kill yourself

yea, fucking over the 40% population is great, undead shadow priest is probably gonna be 90% of horde priest population. shadow plague being dead on arrival seems useful. maybe arathi basin night elf is more useful with power pet, and leveling and sitting while invis seems useful too.

>40g per run?

Why would I bring you into my group when this guy over here just wants to reserve the first righteous orb that drops?

Asking for gold upfront just makes you sound like a swiftyclone that doesn't know what he's doing.

Charge 40g as a base

Charge 50g for premium tanking where you keep aggro

>Mage tops Warr literally every tier until BiS T3 gear where they draw depending on the boss and support they can get from the raid
What in the actual fuck are you saying?

You absolute retard. Mages come nowhere close to warriors in damage output.

I'm wondering this too, should I set a time/wipe limit beforehand too?

That only works for stratholme living

maybe not on your chink server with no glancing blows and 5% parry

>hey can you this emp run?
>sure bro as long as I can reserve the first righteous orb

>You absolute retard. Mages come nowhere close to warriors in damage output.
Ahahahha. Cope, you furykek. Accept that Fury is trash. Now especially with the news of correct hit/parry tables. Fury only starts doing decent damage in AQ Gear. Get fucked.

A good base I typically hold masterloot and starting bids for usable boes start at 10g.

Palichads always an elite minority.

how shit are warlocks on alliance side?

Reserving items (the right ones) makes you sound endlessly more professional than asking for money upfront. Making dungeon groups is a transaction, but I'm not rewarding you until after we complete some part of the dungeon. You don't deserve it just because you leveled a warrior to 60 and farmed up some blues.

its because Warrior was broken as fuck in Vanilla
the game is solved now which means every ranged dps will be a lock, every melee dps will be a warrior and every healer will be a priest

You will be shit no matter what you choose

>All those fury warriors that will stay at the bottom of the DPS chart due to Progressive itemization and different hit / dodge rate confirmed on Classic
>Most of them are gonna get kicked from guild when people realize how worthless they are

There is a reason why fury warrior were not that popular during Vanilla.

But yes, just keep rolling warrior like your private server folks say, it'll be fun.

lmao this coping, only because he's been playing on pservers with wrong parry values and no glancing blows. there's a reason world first guilds stacked mages in Naxx and not warriors

Now that people aren't complete retards warriors will be all over the place at end game.

i wanted to be orc lock but my guild decided otherwise

yo this is a message for the bumbaclots out in Stormwind keep

if you're an alliance bumbaclot then i got a green knuckle sandwich for you, pal

Attached: worldofwarcraftwall_orc[1].jpg (432x454, 42K)

>every melee dps will be a wrecking ball with threat issues that hits like foam noodles until geared and requires a not-shit tank with good tps when they are geared.
>Instead of being a melee dps that is nearly as effective as a top geared warrior while having numerous threat mitigation abilities.

I remember seeing them on nost lol. Furykucks were essentially the village idiot during leveling and raid progression. Always laughed at when they'd show up to dungeon

>Hating on Dwarf Hunter

tank warriorchad reporting in, where my healbros at?

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Here's what build I'll be using on my rogue


Reminder that if a DPS warrior invites you, just ask for leader to mark or invite someone you know and kick the faggot out. Tell him to tank his own dungeons when he tries to bitch

Nothing of value regularly drops, that's why you ask for money. "lol dont worry ill just take the boes :)" doesn't work when nothing good drops.

>"it's just nostalgia, nobody is going to pla-"

Attached: TIkGPyh.jpg (2560x1440, 635K)

>lol fucking idiot he's playing the class that does the most damage
fury warriors owned epic style by user

"you think you do, but you don't" has finally been confirmed as the epitome of arrogant devs thinking they know better than their own players

Attached: asmon.jpg (2325x2870, 870K)

Are you retarded?

that tends to happen when the dev becomes controlled by shareholders that only want to maximize profits

>wtf I watched the YouTube I even googled it! I'm supposed to be the best dps wtf is happening augharghhhhhh.
>O-ok I need gear to do that oka-

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Shit of value regularly drops, especially if you're running the right dungeons and know a thing about what's valuable.

Besides what it says to me is that if you're adamant about being paid before doing anything for my group, you're just some mercenary that I can't trust to endure anything shitty that could happen in the middle of a dungeon.

If you're not intelligent enough to run shit like and are lazy enough to put some 40g price tag on your skills I don't have a high regard for you as a player.

>this is the state of classic players
Basically 5 years behind in terms of knowledge and skill.


This happened on Nost, warriors that do make it to 60 will be stuck in dungeon blues and get btfo by everyone. Warriors are free kills for most of the server, but beware of the warriors in BWL gear they will 1 shot you but will be vulnerable after that. Any decent player can annihilate a pockethealerless warrior. It wasnt until TBC that warriors could sustain for 10 minutes.

Friendly reminder of the fact that meme specs are useless. No one is taking a Feral.
No one is taking an Enhance. No one is taking a Ret. No one is taking a S.Priests. Your job is to heal, and heal only.
Oh, and Fury Warriors? Get fucking dunked on. Blizzard confirmed your Private baby servers had busted hit tables. Put on that shield and tank, little bitch.
Furthermore, rolling suboptimal races is inexcusable. Stop holding yourself and everyone you play with back. It's not 2005 anymore. We know what's the best now, and there are zero logical reasons to roll inferior race/class combos. If you do, please roll on a RP server so no-one will have to deal with your shitty choices ok? Ok.

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is mail between characters supposed to be instant in classic? i dont remember how it was in vanilla

>Basically 5 years behind in terms of knowledge and skill.
>he thinks pservers are representative of how classic will be
Yikes. Enjoy being laughed at by everyone

kek that image makes me cringe

they are dogshit without gear and every class is good when geared. you can pump balance druid in full caster raid gear and toss billion major manapots and world buffs at him and whadya know suddenly bala is best dps!!!!

Looking for a MALE ONLY no girls no trannies no homos no furries no bronies no little kids no dad gamers no old men GUILD to play on the highest pop US PvP server when Classic hits with world PvP in mind (steam sniping twitch thots.) Hit me up!

14% parry chance = tanks holding less threat = entire raid suffering from a fury warrior constantly ripping threat from tank and turning the boss at the raid.
>But but I do most deeps
Not worth taking over a rogue who does 5% less while having perfect threat control.

The fury meme has and always will be for raids already on farm

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I can't wait for him to fail at playing the game despite getting free gold from zoomers.

please say there's a way to make that a guild name somehow

cope harder, third worlder, your make believe skill is based on complete guesswork and botched stats

I've never played WoW in my life

Is Priest a hard class to play? If not that I'm thinking Paladin or Hunter.

>they're only good once they get out of blues
Oh no, what will ever do without better dps in molten core?! Whelp better bring in the rogues instead.

The amount of hate that will generate warrior vs rogue in gear competition will be glorious. Don't forget that Vanilla guilds are way bigger and there will be way more drama.


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fuck yourself benji

nothing is hard to play in classic

>only warriors have to worry about threat
It costs energy to feint. The only class that doesn't have to deal with holding back is hunters because of FD.

You are the one arguing that tanks having 2.5x parries will somehow make mages not only competitive with warriors, but actually be on par with them, claiming that warriors will only be good in AQ.

I mean how clueless can one possibly be? Casters become better in AQ because of the gear available from BWL and AQ, warriors are good throughout and have no competitor in terms of damage in any raid, especially not from fucking mages.

14% parry chance = 2.5 times more parries roughly, instead of 3 parries per boss you now have 7.5 parries. It doesnt affect threat very much, the tanks take slightly increased damage which is not a problem and easily healable. Rogues do way more than 5% less damage than warriors.

Furies are by far the best damage dealers, and all tanks play fury from the first pull in MC until the last pull in Naxx.

what is vanish though

should be np

>meanwhile armor on private servers is higher and hit cap was higher

>the absolute state of nu-classic players in 2019
What a rude awakening you will have. Utterly clueless.

>maybe lying will make them believe me

>warriors are good throughout and have no competitor in terms of damage in any raid, especially not from fucking mages.
Warriors do shit damage all the way trough MC and BWL. Your chinkprivate server fucked you. Welcome to REAL Vanilla. You are the Tank class. So STFU and tank. Bitch.

Priest are pretty easy to play, Paladin are also easy. Keep in mind that both are the best at healing.

Hunters are easy on PVE, but for PvP they require lot of skill.

what class should i roll if i want to be an absolute nuisance in wpvp?
probably rogue, but what are some non-rogue options?

>Low Shaman count
More raid spots for me :^)

>Furywarrniggers finally getting what's coming to them

Shutit pserver autist, everything you know is INCORRECT

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Fuck off Punkrat. You know nothing. Worthless little twat. Go seethe some more on your shit channel.

well, the rogue equally geared can do more dmg when considering threat ceilings. especially in phase 1. how many fury warriors will have lionheart + ironfoe + devilsaurset + hoj + those retarded +weapon skill gloves, total cost how many thousand gold and rare drops?
a fully decked out MT running fury tank? maybe it'll be different then. phase 1 will be full of fury never-tank types doing absolute shit.

Vanish is an ability with a 5 minute cooldown. You need to hold back no matter what, you'll have to wait until the tank has enough threat to vanish without worrying about getting high on threat again. Also fights with multiple targets or aggro resets make it worthless.

Just stop posting any time. You lack knowledge.

>warriors do shit damage through MC and BWL
This is untrue. Warriors are the best damage dealers throughout vanilla no class comes even close. This is absolute fact, your feelings really do not matter.

Fun fact: Tanks play fury and often times compete with, and sometimes outright beat, caster and hunter dps.

I estimate 50% of warriors will roll rogue and 50% of warlocks will roll mage

No one wants to play a warlock at 60 and no one wants to level a warrior to 60 and get cucked out of gear and forced to offtank

>can't wait for a turbo hardcore player of WoW with a pocket 40 man raid to fail during the time when WoW had the easiest boss fights

Only reason for someone to fail at this is when they get bored and move on.

Slow as shit but great 2hander.

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Druids are total assholes in wpvp, far worse than rogues (hunters too)

>everything you know is incorrect
The state of nu-classic players. The bug reports are public, but obviously having absolutely no clue what you are talking about you wouldn't know that.

>look mom I posted it again xd

>no one plays shaman
>raids want minimum 8 shamans

Yeah, it ain't easy being the master race.

>Play Hunter
>Hear about the Parry chances

Feels good man.

>there will be way more drama.

I still remember the insane drama that came from just one person out of forty getting butthurt.

desperately repeating this over and over isn't going to magically make your freemium server's data correct, friendo

>"slow as shit"

confirmed never played vanilla

>the best damage dealer by far will reroll a useless class

>warlocks who are better than mages will reroll mages

Warriors has prio on gear, and one out of 20 warriors will sometimes have to offtank a boss or two and some trash. Wow what a big deal.


Nigga Rogues have Feint.

check any classic world first video and compare how many mages vs how many warriors are a) in the raid and b) top the damage meter lmao. just stop lying and start accepting the fact that warriors are trash for dps

> your feelings really do not matter.
Haha, what. You are the one clinging to your private server stats. You are the one who can't COPE with the fact that you are factually wrong in every way. Learn to live with it. Stfu and tank.

>implying your spec matters when you're healing
>implying healing isn't just slapping on +400 healing gear and downranking your heals so they're effectively free
>implying you need talents to do this

Even fucking warriors don't need to spec prot to tank except for main tanking a raid boss

Now if you want to cheese the fuck out of end game content, there is way more things you can do then min-max talents, engineering breaks end game if you can co-ordinate 40 people to use their bombs and gadgets at the right time.

meh if you vanish 15 secs into the fight, you will never catch up on threat again, unless your tank is undergeared / doesn't use all his abilities on cooldown

feint is garbage, it's literally a static threat reduction, it's -600 threat at max (pre-AQ) rank, that's nothing

>people misinterpreting the class polls again
Shaman and Paladin are gonna be over represented as fuck because you basically need to cut every other class pop in half to get an accurate ratio.

>Implying Warriors will get spaces.

Most things are correct. You would know this if you had even an ounce of knowledge which you sadly don't.

>check a video from 2005 and compare to 2019
Why on earth would I do that? You're utterly retarded, sorry to say.

>The bug reports are public
and they prove you are lying lmao hahahahahaha how embarrassing

>FURYKEKS citing incorrect private servers as Gospel
>Citing servers that LAUNCHED with upgraded loot

>Inb4 classic will start with upgraded loot!
Read the fucking bluepost past the title furykeks

>retards think that melee dps has to worry about parries

It is. This is what I did when I first played because I was a brainlet who didn't know about the AH, and my friend said "level as skinning and mining."

>all these buttblasted furycucks

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they look so awkward in pvp, what are you meant to do, put your totems down, and they.. go do something else. nice mana wasted now go run over to him and put totems down again. is this how it is? in bg's i mean

>implying the dominating dps class will be spaces
Yes, any guild who intend to achieve anything will stack warriors because they are by far the best class in the game.

They prove the opposite. Again you are clueless.

>what class should i roll if i want to be an absolute nuisance in wpvp?
Rogue. Rogue. Rogue.

Rogue is the ONLY class that can absolutely, mercilessly annoy the fuck out of people in wpvp. Even if people call in back up, you can stay stealthed and open when you decide it's a good time to open.

This is why everyone hates rogues. Because when a rogue decides you're on his shitlist in a contested zone, you are basically miserable for the next hour unless you hearth out.

Sssshhhh baby. It's ok. You have three months to adjust to the new order of things. Just roll a Rogue, user. That's what Fury Warriors were told in 2005 and that's what they will be told come August.

>shaman above paladin
>9 out of 10 streamers are horde
>these poll results
Alliance will be DEAD ON ARRIVAL

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>Why on earth would I do that?
because pserver stats have been off by more than 50%-100% in most cases you fucking retard

Did you read the reply chain? Feint costs energy, it's still holding back your dps so you don't get aggro.

>"minimum 8 shamans"

literally has never happened in any horde raiding guild I've ever raided with

we had 4-6

yeah, kind of explains, why I was always top damage as hunter in mc and on private servers blue equipped rogues and warriors suddenly all pulled 500 dps without ever drawin aggro

The alpha warrior tank won't let beta warriors in raid over the million rogues and million mage dps. Sorry honey! Maybe you can play in ubrs

If you actually read anything they're saying -
MT will get less threat because of the parry and retarded furyniggers will over aggro because of it

>Inb4 classic will start with upgraded loot!
>Read the fucking bluepost past the title furykeks
i'm not a fury-apologist but itemization for all items will literally be 1.12 stats from launch

>streamers represent the entire classic community guise!11!!1

seething hordebabby

Redditors play Alliance
4channers play Horde

As it has been since time immemorial

>8 shamans
what for, you only need totems for your melee groups

Why would I roll a shit class? No thanks.

>because pserver stats have been off by more than 50%-100%
Do you have any evidence to back this claim?

As I said, the bug reports are public and you can see the evidence for yourself. Things like armor value, proc rates and so on are quite easily found in vanilla footage and subsequently applied to the server.

Warlocks despite the memes, are actually a pain in the dick to play well in pvp. While mages are faceroll. Plus soul shard farming will annoy the normies and zoomers.

>Stack Warriors
>In vanilla

Nigga you only stack classes in Vanilla if you have things on farm.

Because one unlucky tier set drop and you're back by a week.

>shaman above paladin

It's probably because Shamans are much more fun class to level and play at 60 compared to being a literal BoK bot /following the raid.

>They prove the opposite. Again you are clueless.
they literally prove pserver values were off and were way too low in 99% of the cases, which disadvantages literally only melee classes

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No but all polls proving people are going horde is?

Also all streamers except asmon (a bald pve babby) helps

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Warrpedos (furry warriors) will be kept out of group content because they siphon all the fucking loot. Fuck off.

>other classes won't have to deal with threat because I said so

>the buttload more parry bosses will have might mean warrtanks will run around with shields again

fine with me desu

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Mages are bottom of the barrel and rogues will be below warriors.

All mages and warlocks do in pvp is defend anyways, both are easy and quite boring to play.

Not sure about 8, but the chain heal is where it's at in terms of Shaman in raids. The chain heal doesn't have a "only in my party" bias, it will heal your target and then jump to 2 others who are of the lowest health within a certain range of the target.

You stack classes from the get go if you intend to be a top pve guild.

Why are you talking about things you know nothing about? Just be quiet instead.

>in 99% of the cases
Again, do you have any proof of your ridiculous claims? All the bug reports speak against you.

This is 1.12, greater blessings mean you heal instead of constantly buffing.

>Shamans, Paladins and Druids ranking so low because they know what to expect when Classic drops
>priests have bigger balls of steel comparatively
>hunters ranking as lowest DPS because of all the work they have to do with managing their pets and ammo
Can't say I'm surprised the poll is heavily favoring Warriors.

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I can’t wait to start up my UD rogue and bleed-kite these retards. Boomers forgot about it, and Zoomers don’t know about it.

>Yes, any guild who intend to achieve anything will stack warriors because they are by far the best class in the game.
Fuck off Assmongoloid. You and your fat fuck friend are gonna raid as Fury and Ret, yes. But only because you are streamerfags dictators and your Minions wont dare disobey you. The rest of the world Will Tell you to TANK AND HEAL AND STFU.

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have sex

My life goal is to get Ironfoe on a priest.

Then why is reddit extremely horde favored?
Twitch is too
mmo-champ is
wowhead is
Yea Forums is
Retail is

Literally no one is interested in alliance

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>furyfag going into full damage control mode responding to everything desperately trying to defend his spec using bad info.
Feelsbad, he's fighting a battle he cannot win. Just put the shield on man

Alliance is trannies and boomers and squeakers
Horde is pimply faced teens and autistic NEETS

Both have their drawbacks

You know Warlocks don't come online till like Naxx due to the sheer lack of hit chance.

On private servers, a larger portion of warriors consistently make it to 60 than the other classes, and they're usually the 2nd or 3rd most played class on top of that. Casuals stay away from it for some reason.

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The only people who will play alliance are boomers and private server poopsockers

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>Do you have any evidence to back this claim?
literally several posts in this thread and confirmed by devs in interviews and blueposts. not gonna google for you, friendo. do the work yourself

Correct, you would run about 7 shamans because you will be having 6 melee groups and you want two shamans in the tank group.

I will play prot warrior.
A fury faggot will never ever get an invite to my groups. have fun tanking dungeons in shit gear and having to deal wirh the inane loot drama with rogues while you try to get your melee pre raid gear.




>the faction who is getting the majority of players and the twitter crowd is just a bunch of neets
Horde has normalfag appeal these days

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>Mages are bottom of the barrel
>literally best AoE out of all classes and top3 every raid tier

False. Warlocks become good in 1.7 due to bloodvine being available. However, the reason they were much weaker earlier is due to the 8 debuff limit, with 16 limit being in from the get go they become much stronger from the get go.

How come literally no private server raid stacked warriors until they hit BiS for many of them then?

Also are you going to explain why 2 Hunters is a private server meme due to miss chance for Tranq?

>>other classes won't have to deal with threat because I said so
Other classes have Threat reduction tools you fucking retard. Holy shit you furykeks are delusional. Fucking hell. Warrior Threat reduction is dying. And possibly wiping the raid. So sorry, but Fury isn't worth it. Either Tank or roll a Rogue.

I sorta feel like a dick going into classic because of that.

My policy since I first started playing back in vanilla was that I never invited other warriors into the group if I was tanking so I could need on the dps items.

Now I'm going to have to deal with all these swarms of warriors getting buttfustered when they try to reserve Ironfoe in the tell when I already have a Mage, Priest, and Hunter and I just need a lock for the perfect group.

honestly FUCK garotte

I hate fury warriors and I'm gonna tank while I gear out. no hunters, rogues or warriors allowed. and then I'm gonna play fury in raid. also gonna talk down fury warriors all day everywhere

>zero evidence
As expected, we're done here.

>best aoe
Maybe 5% of any given raid is AoE.

>top 3 every raid tier
False. Warriors, rogues, hunters and warlocks beat mages comfortably.

what do you mean about priests, they know what is coming also

>twitter is all autists
Take your meds

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>I do this but with the Hillsbrad mayor
King’s honor friend

dude, you retard, zg isn't in phase 1. items being 1.12 doesn't mean the actual item is available from day 1.

All the good guilds have been stacking warriors for years, again, you would know these very basic facts if you had some knowledge or experience. Sadly you have neither.

The rage this post created it hilarious. Horde really are subhuman.

Can you read? I said patch 1.7 which obviously would not be phase 1. 16 debuff slots however are in from the start which makes warlocks much stronger compared to only having 8 debuff slots.

>zergling tranny having a little melty smelty

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>All the good guilds have been stacking warriors for years, again,
Show me NON PRIVATE SERVER progression footage of this. I'll be waiting

>maybe if i keep lying people will start to believe me
C O P E engaged

>All the good guilds who have raids on farm are using setups that let them farm good.

No shit. Again, you make no real argument for bleeding edge and assume everyone is going to roll commieguilds and wait for 6 months to get their gear for their warrior.

The bulk of wow's playerbase is horde favored. On the extreme ends you had rp/casualfags go alliance because they don't like ugly races, and you had the hardcorefags go alliance because paladins are vastly better than shamen in raids.


>b-b-b-but my private server k-knowledge will translate 100% and mobs will have z-zero armor just like on m-mangos base that I've played t-two hundred times

>Hunters beat mages

Hunter here, no we don't because after BWL our main weapons become ass and our crit damage is tiny,

>actually being on the same faction as all these disgusting streamers

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So I guess alliance is the safe choice if you want to avoid being on the overpopulated faction full of zoomers and twitch retards.

At least paladins plus mages give you the tools to blow up zergs.

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>b-b-b-but my private server k-knowledge will translate 100%
It won't be 100% but it'll be more accurate than knowledge from actual vanilla wow.

>ah yes fury warriors will make up the entire dps roster
>Oh my experience? Why kronos3 of course I was merely a babe during Vanilla

I still don't get why everyone thinks raids are the only thing that matter and that you have to min-max for them.

The hardest parts of raids is gear checks, and with the knowledge players have now they can blow through those checks easily.

But there is a fuckton more to do then just raid log in vanilla, if you just want to sit and min-max your ability to dodge groundfire go play live.

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I've been thinking about this.

Ironfoe on a priest is an obvious attempt to troll. Meanwhile a druid with Ironfoe at least carries with it the possibility that the druid just lacks game knowledge, but I feel that it's more genuinely transgressive than the priest.

>why do people play differently in 2019 compared to 2004
Gee I wonder why.

Stay clueless.

I speak in regards to those who matter, which is the good players. What your shitty guild does really is of no concern to anyone.

With correct consumable and proper gear you do, why? Sustainability. Mages can't keep up pace wise and have other things to do than dps.

Is there any point to going Frost as a mage if you aren't going to AoE farm? My group and I plan on doing mostly dungeons and questing to get to 60, and Fire's looking both better and 10x more fun.

>NA servers

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Yeah of course, alliance will be smaller even with paladins because it's a super boring class to play and only private server tryhards will stack this faction and deal with playing something as boring as a paladin, pvp servers will be 40% alliance and 60% horde at least.

Who the fuck is going to stack warriors for their dps while they're still progressing? It would literally take double the time to gear properly with all the drops wasted from the bosses.

Who the fuck wants to be a dps in that and be in a commie hell where gear upgrades take even longer to get.

Frost is better in almost every sense, but play whatever retarded spec you want

>full caps
>reddit spacing
way to out yourself faggot, you have to go back
just goes to show how autistic, pathetic and inferior horde niggers are

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Consider that many mobs are immune to certain schools of magic.

>he thinks they only affect the server they play on
Everyone on EU loves horde too, the only euros who play alliance on retail are russians.

Oceanic baby
No one here has internet good enough to stream

Frost main and arcane off is best for leveling and dungeons due to higher base +hit, mana reg and lower mana cost of frost spells compared to fire. Fire only really takes off once you have all the crit and hit gear from BWL and AQ

>Rogue highest DPS above a well geared Fury Warrior


Fury warriors have the best scaling in 1.12

Rogues actually got a nerf in 1.12, what made them the best raid DPS was the fact that evis did insane damage without scaling, but 1.12 they reworked evis to scale with AP, which sounds like a buff but they made the ability have no base damage, it scales entirely on AP, which means it won't scale very well at all, and the majority of your DPS will be coming from bladeflurry white damage because of it, but in comparison warriors have better items, better scaling and better auto attack mechanics then rogues, so they will outscale rogues very quickly because evis sucks in 1.12

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> It won't be 100% but it'll be more accurate than knowledge from actual vanilla wow.

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I'm not any of those people, but what are progression guilds going to do about world buffs not being on-demand? And black lotus not having increased spawn rates? I guess not needing those in p1 means guilds can stack farm at least black lotus, but nothing to do about those huge buffs?

>less people and less zoomers
>faster bg queues
>more things to kill
alliance is gonna be so comfy in classic

>Hunters need to literally FD and drink for mana.

Nigga are you high?

What’s the best spec to level with as warrior if I want to tank?

I hope the parry chance means warriors will have to use shields to tank, that's way more aesthetic.

>. Mages can't keep up pace wise and have other things to do than dps.
So do you.
Deal with it.

>have to spend 15 hours grinding consumes for every single raid

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> they're really shit lower levels

Warlocks are barely behind hunters in leveling efficiency you nonce.

>one instance of it happening

the absolute state of undead rogues

that why you play alliance warlock then live in eternal suffering
99% of the people pick warlock to be turbo edge undead

Only bad hunters that don't know how to manipulate mana ticks, which is very easy to do, and you can't do the drinking shit in most boss fights on actual servers. That's a private server bug.

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Frost offers more dpm and is better for you before gear. Even at level 60 your pre raid bis will do more damage in frost because your big rolling ignites don't start to become a consistent thing until your gear's crit starts to exponentially increase.

Deep arcane / frost is best theoretical dps as a 60 going into raiding and leaving BWL. Deep frost is a perfect leveling spec and may still be your raid spec too.

>Most Warrior friendly fight in Naxx with tons of executes

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funny thing is you could copy paste the post but replace elf with any horde race and every reply would be BASED FUCK ALLY


They are going to be very rare on alliance honestly, everyone is gonna appreciate the summons.

Undead hard counters them.


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This is on horde.

Alliance is a completely different story.

>i don't know what rolling ignites are
lol, never played classic.

I remember being amazed by a video of a gnome fire mage pulling aggro on Patchwerk and wiping the raid because of a rolling ignite, which is generally considered an impossible task given the amount of rage available against him.

>implying you manchildren are going to play classic
The draft is coming, enjoy fighting sandcrawlers and mudhut pakis in Iran

Any trick a Hunter has for mana, a Mage also has Plus evocation and Gems.

What is it that they expect? I’m not gonna play this shitheap but you’ve got me curious.

Having a lot of warriors is fine. They're the only class other than the occasional pally who can use the gear made for them, they are the better of two tanking classes, and good DPS as well when geared. A high warrior population is a good thing. I don't think I've ever seen too many warriors on a server.

> and you can't do the drinking shit in most boss fights on actual servers. That's a private server bug.
I used to FD Drink all the time back in the Day.


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I assume Horde rogues do more damage b/c of windfury proc's? Although Naxx gear mages outdps everyone don't they?

I'll be playing a UD rogue just to be a dickass, so concerns like how many people are playing my class are irrelevant to me.

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You're clueless, stop posting anytime.

Work around them, there are several ways to do so. Basically more raid logging and BL camping, work with other guilds and so on.

Works depending on the boss fights and server ticks, because with bad latency you could actually trick the game into letting you do it when you couldn't with low ping. I played on dial up for the first half of vanilla and could do it, then we got DSL and I couldn't get the drinking to register fast enough anymore.

Classic horde:
>young people, zoomers, twitch fanboys, undead edgelords, minmax duel tryhards
Classic alliance:
>boomers, private server tryhards, gold farmers

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>I don't know how mana works
Good to know.

Stay clueless and bad.

Ignite is for one person, counts for one mage. Spread it out as an average over all mages and it is trash.

But That would mean Warriors ALSO get Windfury procs.

Most is giving them way too much credit. SOME things are correct, or close enough to only make a marginal difference. Pservers have been proven to be inaccurate in a wide range of things, and the list keeps growing. Clapping your hands over your hears and going "AAAAA I CANT HEAR YOU" is ridiculous. I'm sorry that this diminishes the achievement of your sick Kronos parse but it's reality now.

retailets don't know about NE improved stealth
just as hard to see a shadowmelded NE as it is any other race in rouge stealth
keep relying on your "private server" """knowledge""", I've actually played vanilla before, dicked you on private servers and I'll dick you here as well with my swollen NE puss

>Ignite is for one person, counts for one mage
most bossfights several mages got ignite because it caused too much aggro, boosting all mages pretty high

...dps Warriors have slower weapons m8

Private server trannies are going to be very upset when their DPS isn't as stupidly high as on poorly scripted, zero armor boss fights.

>I don't know how mana works.

Well let's see: hunters can have 2Rune Plus Pots.

Mages, have 2Rune, Pot, Gem, Evocation + Magearmor regen.

I will probably roll a nelf warrior and human paladin, but not sure which I will do first. This is making me think maybe I should go paladin first, though. Or maybe go horde and roll priest.

>just as hard to see a shadowmelded NE as it is any other race in rouge stealth
what are you smoking, back in classic i could see shadowmelded NEs just when they got into shock range of my shaman

Night elf is only good on hunter where you can use that shit racial

No excuse to not play dwarf or gnome for everything

>class trainers in a hidden basement under some dodgy tavern
alliance warlock are pure kino

..... No they don't?

Nigga what DPS weapons do you think Rogues used? Daggers?

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isnt windfury ppm?

Feels good knowing fury will stay a pserver meme. Roguechads rejoice.

>everyone knows warlocks are ultragood to be in groups with this time round
what am i going to play now

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>he isnt planning on rolling the smaller underdog faction

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wouldn't that mean very short bg queues?

>pallas at the absolute bottom
you mean i will get to be a special snowflake AND get all the gear?
fuck yeah

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>and all tanks play fury from the first pull in MC until the last pull in Naxx.
What the fuck are you talking about? There are 24 required talent points in Prot and arguably 5 in arms, for a tank spec. Meaning, you can't even get more than points into Flurry let alone Bloodthirst even if you skip arms. You're not going to be DPSing with that spec.

>still no proof
Stop posting anytime.

Ignite only applies to one mage retard.

Mind you one run takes 20minutes.

it's something like a 20% chance per hit with no limit on how often it can proc per minute

Mages and warlocks stand at range, increasing their threat cap. Rogues and hunters can drop threat entirely. Warriors get the melee threat cap and no aggro dump. Eat shit retard

Sure but you'd have to put up with boring races

if i roll priest, will shadow be unplayable in pvp unless im undead?

how crucial is the racial ability

>Ignite only applies to one mage retard.
>what is letting your ignite drop off so someone else can take the spot
lmao literally never played classic confirmed, stop embarrassing yourself even further

Enjoy healing bitch

Only problem is you have to play classic paladins

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Roll them both and switch for rested EXP. If not then pally first so you can twink out the warrior.


>required prot talents
No, you play impale not defiance.

yeah but you have to play the most dull class and wear a dress

>His idea of hardcore porn is girl on girl
How far we've come

how often do we have to repeat that pserver specs will be completely garbage and useless for classic warriors?

Should I embrace the meme and make a melee/bm hunter?

No I'm serious, who stacks that hard? This isn't BC. The different classes have both utility to bring and the drops to upgrade your raid aren't weighted to your raid comp. If you're trying to progress in BWL and all you have are warriors, then how do you expect to accomplish anything when most of your dps are badly geared because of shit drops.How do you deal with a lack of good aoe damage without having good gear to compensate?

It's an idiotic idea that only works when you have that shit on farm.

>Ignite only applies to one mage retard.
There's your proof you never played Vanilla. Mage 1 crits Fireball and causes ignite. Mage 2 crits Scorch, adds to the single ignite and claims the role as the damage source for each subsequent tick, until the next mage takes it over. Rolling ignites were extremely powerful in Naxx where the fire immunities finally went away.

>alliance wont be able to show their faces without facing our roaming warbands of 40 people

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Ignite = added to one mage you retard nigger

Hardcore refers to how much you can see, not exactly what they are doing.

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>melee/bm hunter
what was that skill in classic that didn't have a global cool down? wingclip? i remember seeing a hunter with thunderfury in arathi basin spamming that skill and literally instantly killing everyone instantly because of the TF procc and literally being able to attack infinite times in a second

Mate Hunters are MORE Mana intensive than Mages, not Less.

There is a reason that Method link posted has Mages and Rogues as the top DPS with a few peppered in super pampered Warriors.

It's because it's faction specific. 50% less paladins but all of those paladins will be on one faction.

see you mongoloid lmao

Oh boy! Worse Flurry!

>how often do I have to show I'm a retard
As many times as possible, it seems.

Any guild who wants to play hardcore PvE will be forced to stack from the first MC to the last Naxx. It's how vanilla works. You do split raids and world bosses to gear faster. You don't need good aoe, the aoe from warriors is more than enough.

Yes, and if you even it out based on the amount of mages their damage is still worse than warlocks, not to mention hunters, rogues and warriors.

Sorry but there is just no need for shamans. MAYBE you can take the hunter's spot since the raid might as well have someone in mail/leather picking up the trash class gear. But you're just a glorified guild bank at that point.

Attached: nicetryshaman.png (384x640, 14K)

>every single website and poll is horde biased
is anyone playing alliance?

Nobody even fucking played prot until shield slam was made usable in 1.11. You don't even know what spec he's fucking talking about in the first place. Reading shitposts on Yea Forums does not make you an expert on vanilla.

fury warriors have an attackspeed buff as well. and its much more frequent.

pve is a snoozfest no matter what you play so might as well heal while in pvp palladins are generally great
>dress is actualy the best looking set in the game
im fine with that

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He's an idiot that thinks raid drops will magically NOT be the biggest progression block for raids.

I mean remember the shitshow when Shaman/Paladin gear dropped for the opposite faction.

Boss fights are

So im getting the sense we will all discover vanilla was actually piss easy once you have even the slightest idea how to play, and isnt playing on a toaster with a garbage internet connection.

>You do split raids
>when leveling 1-60 takes at least 5days /played
oh boy every post you make gets more emberrassing

>Yes, and if you even it out based on the amount of mages their damage is still worse than warlocks, not to mention hunters, rogues and warriors.
weird how most bosses in Naxx had mages over all of these classes on average, blizzard must've used the wrong values compared to your shitty chinese pserver

>He doesn't know about chain heal
That's going to be 1 [Yike] from me

We have evidence posted right here in this thread that shows that's incorrect.

>he thinks he'll be wearing tier 2 in pve
>he thinks he'll be wearing it after he gets r12

That's a fact. The only way to fail in vanilla is be braindead, undergeared, or lack the people outside of a few boss fights with actual mechanics.

>Nobody even fucking played prot
oh boy, all those world first guilds must've been completely retarded then because their MTs all played prot

source: i was in a WF guild in classic

Blade furry is a 2min CD, slice and dice is constantly up unless the rogue is a retard

..y-yes? i want bloodfang with perdition and gutgore

>Any guild who wants to play hardcore PvE will be forced to stack from the first MC to the last Naxx. It's how vanilla works. You do split raids and world bosses to gear faster. You don't need good aoe, the aoe from warriors is more than enough.

This is the most retarded fucking statement I've ever seen in a classic thread.

Do you have proof of any of this? Where's your screenshots of a dead KT with all your dps being warriors? Where's your guild-first kill of C'tun with nothing but warriors and priests in the background?

Show me some proof instead of being an absolutely retard.

>implying im gonna min max pve content
>implying r12 is a dress

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You're not really meant to keep all your totems down, you just throw down the essentials or most annoying. You got your earthbind, tremor, grounding, and for rogues/ferals sentry. It's been a long time but between those 4 you should be pretty set in pvp as far as totems go. They can hit your totem but that gives you time to heal or fuck with them.

>not knowing there is food that can alert them to you being in the area
>not knowing there is food that will allow them fo find you
>not knowing most will probably have some main parked in the area.

you tried though

>dude i totally played back in vanilla I swear
Shield slam was added in 1.6 and wasn't good until 1.11. Nobody went deep prot because the tree was awful once you got all the talents at the beginning.

That’s not a bad idea. Seems pretty obvious, actually, but I only played vanilla for 1 month back in the day, so I don’t know even basic common sense shit like this.

a) wrong and b) irrelevant since classic will be based off 1.12

I love that these threads show that people are going to be screaming about the one correct way for a class to be played into the ether forever. None of you are as smart as you think you are. Not a single one of you. You're wasting time arguing about a video game that's over a decade old, and I'm wasting time reading it.

>t. alliance fag

Even when you're not min-maxing T2 is for this really weird ret holy hybrid that nobody plays. You get T2 to wear in SW and show off while you have your actual, nice looking clown suit for raiding.

No, we don't. Logs are public you can look them up.

>raiding without resistance totems
>stacking melee without windfury
uhh meow?

...Flurry is the Attack Speed on Crit for fury warriors.

>I don't know how hardcore pve in vanilla works.

Keep shining with your lack of knowledge.

We have literal proof that mages and Rogues were stacked far more than Warriors, and did more damage than most Warriors.

This is pathetic, stop pretending that you played vanilla. Fucking anyone can look up shield slam and the changes it went through, why do you think anyone is going to say "oh no we have no way to prove what happened with shield slam, user has outsmarted us!"

Shield Slam also gives your most tpr in 1.12 with revenge following close behind and heroic strike being your top.

No serious tank is going to not have 31 in prot unless his guild is supporting his shield-less fury-tank build after they have naxx on farm.

>Logs are public you can look them up

weird, i must imagine getting world first kills in BWL and AQ back then, then

Why is Yea Forums filled with so many zoomers insisting that they played vanilla?

Who else here is making a Tauren hunter named "Moochelle" and getting a gorilla named "Barack?"

No, no, no wait. Are you telling me that I wasn't supposed to be able to 2 shot mobs with 0 armor?

i'm not saying there were no changes, i'm saying even before those changes world first guild MTs specced 31 in prot

Thinking of level a holy paladin as holy instead of lolret from the get go.
Doable? What gear should i look for?




>weird, i must imagine getting world first kills in BWL and AQ back then, then

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I can show you on sunday when we raid Naxx.

As for Cthun and Nef you can check these logs: kronos-logs.com/kill_info/kill_id/773706 - kronos-logs.com/kill_info/kill_id/694682

The appeal is fairly basic and universal.
Everyone gets it, you're a strong hero using weapons to fight the enemy.
The gear is visible and has a clearer connection to real life, heavy armor.

I think hunter and rogues to lesser extents should have that mundane appeal like that too.
The rogues don't have the striking heavy armor though.
I think if there was some kind of ranger class that didn't involve a pet it would be very popular too.

>caring about min-maxing
>for fucking pve
Have sex you cringy virgins

No one cares about 2004. We're talking about 2019 you absolute mongoloids.

Tell us more about this user, I’m honestly trying to see if a DoT-heavy rogue build is viable in PvP

What are those and what's your reasoning?

>Fight shows at the start fury warrior and Rogue dueling for first
>Warrior drops down dramatically
>By the end of the fight the top 4 DPS are a Rogue, two mages and a Hunter


>I'm getting btfo every post so I must resort to posting unfunny reaction images
typical wrathbabby lmao

>he continues to embarrass himself by posting kronos logs, a server notoriously known for having almost every boss stat wrong

Zero proof again. Never change.

Hunters do bad DPS though, all the warriors keep telling me how I should play warrior to or I'll get ignored. Hunters do bad DPS!!!

but classic was only playable from 2004-2007, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>Yes, and if you even it out based on the amount of mages their damage is still worse than warlocks, not to mention hunters, rogues and warriors.
based retard. add up all the damage done by fire mages in naxx and average it across them, and they will be competitive with the fury warriors and those two will be above the rest but a reasonable margin. Literally the opposite of what you think is true, is true.

>World first Raid for Kel'Thuzad.
>Knows less than a private server fuccboi

Let me give you a little hint. You will gear up an entire raid of Warriors MUCH MUCH slower than an raid of whatever.

ah yes the server with glancing crits and lowered armor values where rogues could pull naxx dps in dungeon blues.

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No they fucking didn't, there's a reason why shield slam was added halfway through the game and got constant buffs. The original 31 point talent was worthless.

Saving this one to BTFO furykeks every time they get uppity.

i dont have to post proof when a simple google search for any random dev interview is all that's needed. stay in denial and continue coping, wrathbabby

Hunters do amazing AoE DPS with Multishot cleave, which is why the Hunter spiked.

The lesson to take away from this is Minmaxing is retarded when it doesn't exactly make it any easier.

Paladin was a nightmare to face in wpvp as a shadowpriest while I leveled.
It was slow, but with their bubble and heal they could so easily get back if I've managed to burst them down a bit.
Slightly faster so can't run away either.

I think they were the worst matchup, then druids, druids if they were good could just get out of there if they were losing.
The rest were generally no problem.

don't level as holy unless you want to torture yourself

Spec is not needed for lowbie instances. And I wouldn't recommend any spec other than the one fastest for leveling. There are times you can be a special snowflake in vanilla and leveling spec is not one of them.

Wars need a healer to pair together.

Night Elf basically have free points in improved stealth, retard. They can either use the cookie cutter PvP spec, or adjust it to get stealth equal to normal races plus some other talents. I used to raid with Niar on EU Turalyon back in the day. He told me all about it.


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No, you're wrong, hunters do bad dps and if you don't play warrior there's no reason to play vanilla. Shut up. Hunters are bad. Asmongold.

Redpill me on the image

hunters do good DPS if you min max properly, most people suck at it though

we already have a tank


Dwarf gnome and orc are still better in every way

People have forgotten this due to all the bugs on private servers. Warriors are the worst in day to day shit that isn't raiding without a pocket healer.

Oh it's this pretend raider again.

>tfw it took me 8 months of consecutive raiding to acquire full t2 for pvp competing with all the mages in my guild.

Won't you just get sapped?

More like
>I'm going to make a completely baseless claim because in my fantasies I'm a badass who carries the whole raid on my shoulders.

Lol get real, world first? Where's your screen shot, what guild fucker? Bet you can't even name Fury's guild leader without googling.

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Yeah I played hunter for years and 99.9% of people were god awful. I played on a tiny server, Kalecgos US, and there were two good ones, myself included.

I can't even fathom what brainlet spec you're suggesting at this point. If you have impale it means you also have Deep Wounds, so enjoy knocking off important debuffs for literally no relevant point. There's also no way 20% extra damage on prot crits is more threat than defiance or than the 10% flat damage increase from 1h spec.

Show me so I can laugh at you: classic.wowhead.com/talent-calc/warrior

Again, do you have any proof? Kronos has blizzlike values, this again you would know if you had any knowledge.

>First log literally has a mage as the highest
>Second Log has Formas with higher DPS but lower Ilvl than his first log entry

What the fuck?

>goyim absolutely seething over the superiority of God's chosen class
Yikes! Maybe i'll raise the price of my tanking services as punishment.

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>tfw hunter leaf didn't drop for E I G H T W E E K S for me when I was the only one that needed it

What about healing dungeons or a quest friend until 60, doable with ret spec? Just need to hoard spirit/int gear?

>Kronos has Blizzlike values

It doesn't though.

>blizzlike values
which blizzard have said are not blizzlike at all and sometimes off by 200%

Mate I was on your side of the argument until you outed yourself as an absolute retard with this comment

Lads, is yellow Fury warrior or blue? I heard they were top tier in vanilla.

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This isn't retail, spec does not matter in leveling dungeons.

>Just need to hoard spirit/int gear?
I don't think you need that.
Aren't paladins more mana efficient than priests?
You can heal in dungeons and during quests up to 60 as a shadow specced priest, so should work for a non heal specced paladin.

They're top tier if they're pandered to and handed everything on some boss fights. The people that act like they're not a special snowflake instance are those hoping to be pandered to.

The best part is when the Hunter sneaks up the charts at the end like the cheeky bastard he is.


>Kronos has blizzlike values
on a second thought do keep on posting. it gets funnier by the minute

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>the class that does the most damage
Throughout leveling and raid progression they do the worst damage. Only in the best gear do they become the best dps. So if you rollfury before than, your a dumbass. Enjoy finally being able to keep with mages and rogues in naxx IF you managed to get the gear

+1 for arthas having the correct hat

>muh naxx
They may compete with the warriors who have to off tank, in one raid, 2 years into the game. Wherewas in every other raid they get destroyed by even offtanking warriors.

Warriors deal much more damage than mages in vanilla, fact.

Shitnos doesn't even have blizzlike pathing


You literally don't need anything else but this

>Be tank warrior, the one true Chad race
>Walk into ironforge, shout that I'm LFM for a dungeon run
>Get a whisper from xxAsmongfriendxx
>"Dps warr I'll com"
>Lol, why would I bring competition for my gear
>Proceed to make my group with a mix of mail, leather, and clothies
>"Dps" warrior sits in IF while I cuck him getting pre-bis in dungeons.
Bunch of fags will start as a warrior, realize that warrs get shit on in pvp until they reach AQ40, and quit or swap to something else. It will be even harder to find groups as a dog warrior unless you roll with a pocket feral druid who wants to tank

Cool then, i want to heal but dont think priest is that fun and druid doesnt look that powerful.

Stop posting please.

>I am clueless.
Keep posting how clueless you are.

>log into private server
>pets can't even cross rivers
>it's 100% blizzlike we swear

>no proof again

The most Blizzlike server? Yes.

Not an argument.

>b-but they need naxx gear to be good!
coping rogue detected

>Kronos has blizzlike values

Oh my god, this thread is starting to become god tier standup.

>Stop posting

We have literal proof that Fury Warriors did not fucking compete at the high levels.


lmao right on the mark. I'm guessing you actually get all your knowledge from streamers

Welp it's official, fury warrior has become a meme...time to reroll to rogue I guess...


They were always a meme and insufferable faggots that thought they were godsends gracing you with their presence

Combat Rogues are cool dudes man.

W-where are all the dps warriors....n-no NO I DON'T WANNA PUT ON THE SHIELD AHHHHHHHHHHH

>thinking deep wounds knocks off important debuffs
Jesus christ you are more retarded than I thought.

Only combat daggers.

>Not Axes

It's like you don't want to Crit bitches.

Do you know how Cthun works?

It does.

No, which are confirmed Blizzlike.

>I'm retarded
Good to know.

ITT: A DPS warrior furiously defends his life style choice while waiting an IF for his whisper to be answered by the tank