Kills the Epic Store

>kills the Epic Store
Why is he so based, bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


based phil saving vidya once again

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Can I get the basic gestalt of this?

Every MS 1st party game will release on Steam day one, starting with Gears.

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Please, the Epic store killed itself

He punishes them for abandoning Gears of War

>epicstoreguy has like 1000 times this guys net worth


So there absolutely no reason to own an Xbox ever again?


With every passing day, Tim Sweeney looks like more and more of a faggot.

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Why do many posters on Yea Forums imply everyone here has a $500-1000 4K-capable gaming PC?


>kills the Epic Store
Quick Rundown, please


fake thread bait thread fake outrage

>We will continue to add to the more than 20 Xbox Game Studios titles on Steam, starting with Gears 5 and all Age of Empires I, II & III: Definitive Editions. We know millions of PC gamers trust Steam as a great source to buy PC games and we’ve heard the feedback that PC gamers would like choice.

>"In March, we announced that Halo: The Master Chief Collection will come to PC later this year, launching on Steam in addition to the Microsoft Store on Windows. We will continue to add to the more than 20 Xbox Game Studios titles on Steam, starting with Gears 5 and all Age of Empires I, II & III: Definitive Editions. We know millions of PC gamers trust Steam as a great source to buy PC games and we’ve heard the feedback that PC gamers would like choice."

I had a dream that Phil won e3 again. While he was on stage, some guy comes up to him and sucker punches him and tries to brawl him, and Phil takes off his shirt and beats the shit out of the guy and then continues the keynote shirtless and with a bloody nose. Everybody cheered.

They'll probably release on epic store too when it matures more.

fat man will sell microsoft games on microsoft os

Epic only wants exclusivity deals, they can't buy MS out for one.

So Epic is throwing a temper tantrum because they can't have Microsoft exclusives?

>We will continue to add to the more than 20 Xbox Game Studios titles on Steam
Add Forza Horizon 4 or fuck off.

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Now they only need to port Sonic Unleashed to PC

>walled garden
>from the dude buying exclusivity and taking games away from another platform
I think steam needs competition to force them to improve their service even though they have such a big market share it will be difficult to do so.

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And MS in general is worth 1000 times than Epic in general, your point Zhao?

>We will continue to add to the more than 20 Xbox Game Studios titles on Steam
100% they're adding Halo 5 and HW2 to eventually have the full franchise on Steam.

They'll add FH5 in Japan

he's a faggot

Based Phil

I wish i had cool dreams like that instead of dreaming shit from work, having a cute gf or seeing my teeth fall apart.

user, Gabe literally helped design Windows. He knows most of the old guard. Obviously, they wouldn't turn on him.

But a cool faggot, like Freddie Mercury.

gay dream. your gay

Just give me Gears 2 on pc. This is the one thign that could actually make me exited. Been wanting to replay that for a while but haven't had a xbox for a long time.

>Just learned that the next Supergiant game is Epic exclusive.

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>PC gamers trust Steam as a great source to buy PC games and we’ve heard the feedback that PC gamers would like choice.
Damn, that's a direct hit towards Tim. I wonder how he'll try to spin this in his retardation to make it seem like this is actually bad.
Only for a year. I think it'll leave early access at the same time it comes to Steam.


wow its fucking nothing

Microsoft knows that PC Gamers are the most vocal people in the gaming community. The hardcore fanbase will talk, and that new spreads and trickles down to the casuals.

The more they keep the neckbeards happy, the less bad PR seeps out from them into the dumb FIFA playing mouthbreathers that play on consoles.

You mean Hades?

Easy there.
I hate Tim. I just found it interesting how much wealthier Tim is than Phil.
>And MS in general is worth 1000 times than Epic in general
don't really know if that's true, can't as easily check that and compare.

by the time the game is out of early access it'll be on steam

yes you can. microsoft is ranked 30th as the largest american corporation in terms of revenue. Epic is just a game developer.

Not really surprising. Phil is just the head of the Xbox division, not the CEO of MS.

Nice. Who's this wonderful whore?

It's in early access now and will come to other stores in December. It's fun but there's barely any content. By the time it hits Steam, it will be the 1.0 version and should be a lot better.

search /s/ and you may find her name. I don't have the least idea.

Phil Spencer is going to kill the Epic Store and save E3 again with his juicy tits and Xbox 720

>it is interesting that the owner of the company that created fortnite has more money than the person in charge of xbox division at microsoft
Uhh, if you're being serious, you may be retarded.

She's 15

even better

Are you me? The teeth rotting and falling out is fucking terrifying, what does it mean?

Kinda funny that Gears was originally Epic’s series

Only thing Uncle Phil is killing is Xcuck hopes.

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Why are you comparing Tim to the dude who's in charge of the xbox division?
Compare him to Bill Gates at least

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No not as easily, getting personal net worth is like instant searches.
Way more time and effort getting accurate comparisons for corporations, because hten you have to decide if you're comparing revenue, revenue of which department, assets, etc.

In the trash.

>"Interpretations of the Teeth Falling Out Dream. ... The dream can represent everything from a major life change to lack of self esteem; from the fear of getting older to money issues; from symbolizing rebirth to regretting something you've said."

>Every MS 1st party game
Solitaire and Minesweeper?

Does it morally count as pedophilia if she doesn't even look that young?

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fuck off boomer

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i don't know if she realy is 15 but she does look young. too much hormones in their diet make kids develop real faster nowadays. my 15 year old cousin have bigger titties than my 30 year old sister.

>moral pedophilia
No such thing. There are only legal and biological ones.

you can't improve on what is already the best

not posting her nose after an infection

ok boomer

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How about you post the name already?

i dont know her name

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i fucking love phil

>150k pedophile followers
Humanity reset bomb when?

reddit: the dev

Based whore-sharing user. Oh fuck, she really is 15.

That's honestly based.

Even though I dislike the console, I find myself more and more positively impressed by this dude.
Perhaps I was too quick to judge you, Xbros.

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Phil hates the console too, that's why he's getting rid of any and all exclusives for it and focusing entirely on PC. He's legitimately a fucking genius and knows whats best for the brand.

this is a trap isnt it?

>I have lived long enough to see Microsoft become more and more a third party like Sega in regards to games
This is an odd fucking timeline, man.

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Fuck off pedo

>We know millions of PC gamers trust Steam as a great source to buy PC games and we’ve heard the feedback that PC gamers would like choice.
This is why it's important to speak up against epic. It's working and teaching the stores and publishers an important lesson about exclusivity and not fucking customers

He has done that himself

>it still hasn't happened to Nintendo yet
>probably never will

It's all I want, man. I'd love to see what games they make when they aren't bound by shitty hardware and controller gimmicks.

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>retard doesnt know what a hebephile is

Could be a premonition. Perhaps not literal, but metaphorical. This gen has, after all, given MS a pretty solid beating. I had a dream weeks before the last season of Game of Thrones even started that it would end with a dragon melting the iron throne and that happened in the final episode. These kinds of dreams happen more often than people realize.

smoking whores aren't cute, pretty or appealing in any way. she should drop that disgusting habit

Am I crazy or did 15 year old girls not look like this when I was 15?

is Phil /our guy/?

I'm imagining playing Metroid Prime on PC alone without the need of emulation.

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Is this dude retarded or what

Mary Mother of God was 12.
If God didn't want us to fuck JCs, he wouldn't have knocked one up himself.

god I want to punch them so badly. filling their lungs with poison doesn't make them cool at all.
fuck this modern nihilist teenager bullshit for making smokers early at 14.

They definitely didn't, i don't know what those fucking jews are putting in the water.

Based boomer

not even a boomer. I smoked on my teens too. except I never made it a habit as I saw all of my fries succumbing to it. smoking is bad for you and hurting yourself isn't cool, if that's your problem, go see a shrink

smoking is cool, must suck being a friendless uncool nerd


oh, I have friends. I only smoke weed occasionally and always consume it with alternative methods if possible(edibles) because I don't want to hurt my lungs.

t. Big Tobacco


Lmaoooo you fucking poor 1000 bucks can't get you 4k you fucking poo try 3k

I saw a kid vaping last week.
I see teens smoking weed before school or during breaks. Fuck em, let them sink into the hole.

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I know the negative effects of marijuana, yes. I don't use it frequently and I'm very aware of it.
t. saw friends becoming useless tards because of weed

Thats a funny epic dream lol

my friend use to sell e-cigs in highschool
made a couple grand and bought a car

>hurr 1000$ computer
Posted from my 1500$ iPhone X Plus with a 300$ case and 500$ power cable.

Fuck off. If you don't have a computer fine but don't act like it's for enthusiasts.
You "should" have a custom built computer if you're posting here, it's not that expensive and its the best way to play games.
It's like going to /o/ and bitching that parts for a 2005 Honda civic are too expensive so you still ride a bike.

So gears and... other gears and.... forza and other forzas? What else in in the xbox i dont already have on pc?

Legal in my country.

God I wish, something tells me that they won't go third party, but will stop once they are driven into the ground.


i genuinely like this guy, hope the best for xbros

You're about to get more game options without having to buy a shitty plastic box and you still sound like an insufferable cunt. Why is that?

>kills the Epic Store
>kills the Xbox
I Love Phil

Thanks friend. Xbox is entering into a golden age

>piercing and tattoos bad
Keep hunting for that unicorn, dude