Death Stranding is a PS4 exclusive

>Published worldwide by SIE, funded as well
>Official website states it's only on PS4
>It used Decima Engine (wholly owned by Sony)

>B-but muh journalist is saying it's coming to PC

He's only speculating from a 2015 interview that was eventually removed

>B-but the boxart doesn't say Only on PlayStation

The boxart is subject to change and doesn't mean anything


Why do people want Sony exclusives on PC so bad?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>At PlayStation Experience, Kojima had announced that he had partnered with Guerrilla Games, using the engine for development, and had been given the source code with no contractual obligation.[12][13]
The engine excuse is irrelevant

PC here. Don't really care. Gonna watch the movie with all cutscenes on Youtube later.

Because PC has no modern games worth a damn that are truly its own, they have to leech off the actually relevant gaming platforms to get any.

PC really is irrelevant to gaming and should have died, but you can thank Bandai Namco and Fromsoft for delaying gaming's salvation from a group that has always been an annoying tumour on gaming's backside.

I'm of the idea that if Sony didn't market it as an exclusive from the get-go then it clearly isn't one

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>Wanting a Sony movie game on PC
Why? 60FPS would ruin the games cinematic feel. Something only the PS4 can achieve.

ooohhh fuck i hope this is ironic

Just get a ps4.


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you really thought this post was some good shit while you were typing it up didn't you?

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Truth hurts, doesn't it?

>Death Stranding is a PS4 exclusive
That just means I won't play it until 2025, it's not like I don't have 50+ games on my backlog already at this point.

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>he doesn't know about "console exclusive" technicalities
>he doesn't know about timed exclusivity

Attached: game-only-on-playstation-also-available-on-pc.jpg (735x177, 30K)

>I can't afford a decent gaming rig, listen to me whine about how my shitty 30 FPS box of Chinese scrap metal is superior in every way!

oh fuck he wasnt joking holy shit haha

What was the last good PC exclusive?

We dont need exclusives, we have decades of games

>It used Decima Engine (wholly owned by Sony)

Oy vey goyo

>Kojima had announced that he had partnered with Guerrilla Games, using the engine for development, and had been given the source code with no contractual obligation.[12][13]

You're fucked lmao

Exclusives are bullshit. I have a PS4, Switch, and PC so I can basically play everything, but I still think exclusives are the most anticonsumer shit ever. You should be able to sell your console on its own merit, not because you paid a publisher to only make the game for your console.

>Published worldwide by SIE, funded as well

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>All that power
>No games

>>At PlayStation Experience, Kojima had announced that he had partnered with Guerrilla Games, using the engine for development, and had been given the source code with no contractual obligation.[12][13]
Did you even read the sources linked? Neither of them even mentioned anything about a "contractual obligation".

So you're leeching off the actually relevant platforms to get any games

old crappy games
that amount of cope

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holy shit you guys seriously think like this its amazing even sony hates you guys

This, the "only on Playstation" term only means "not on xbox"

Big cope


I don't understand you people? How can you willingly game at 30 fps smear-o-vision? I just can't. Witcher 3 on PS4 looks like someone dropped it into a barrel of vaseline then pushed it through a gipsy's uterus.


>this level of seething cope

Never try to argue with Sonyboys, they are blind.

You seem mad

Huge cope post

Anno 1800

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ah yes my gamer i am mad bro

>making threads desperately trying to cling on to the idea your ‘game’ will only be available on one machine and not one of the other machines
The fact it matters enough to you that you’d make this thread is fucking sad.
Get a job so you can afford to buy more than one gaming platform, if it’s that important to you.
Why dedicate your life to being betrothed to a fucking video-game company. Console-war posters are, and always have been, the worst thing on Yea Forums

>Why do people want Sony exclusives on PC so bad?
Because it is a Kojima game. You can keep the rest of the exclusive "games" btw.

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>Why do people want Sony exclusives on PC so bad?
imagine unironically wanting to play this

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>>It used Decima Engine (wholly owned by Sony)
Do you want me to list the number of AAA games that use Microsoft's engine technology?

Bigger cope

>Because PC has no modern games worth a damn that are truly its own
i have to agree on that and we lost diablo for phones

Attached: 81643490afdfa3d5de69c218bfddabd056a0fe8ar1-768-1024v2_hq.jpg (768x1024, 104K)

wait this is the game all the fuss is about, some edgy trailers and gameplay that looks worse than metal gear survive?

it is inevitable that PC will eventually emulate every single mainstream console ever made and that it still has it's own exclusives on top of that
how daft do you have to be to unironically say "lmao computers have nothing". in case you've missed the memo, computers literally control the world, there's nothing that computers can't do that consoles can.

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>another boring spreadsheet similar
Okay but where's the game?

> Tripfag
> Is a retard
Like fucking clockwork. Kill yourself nigger.
PC has so many genres and exclusives that will never ever come to console it's not even funny.
Here's your (you) now go die.

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Nice way to cope, I guess lol

>Its okay when nintendo get the port

All PCshmucks are nolife incels who waste their time in front of a computer.
real Chads play FIFA with their friends on PS4

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Literally only Sony people do this. If Microsoft had signed Kojima with a contract that said he could release the game on PS4 at a later date, literally nobody would be pretending the game was actually exclusive.

Sony always pretend non-exclusives are exclusive. They did it with Crash. They did it with Nioh. They did it with any number of other games. It's their MO. Their idiot fans eat it up. Fucking Sony kiddies thought goddamn Tomb Raider was Sony exclusive back in the day. And FFVII. And Metal Gear Solid.

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this game looks like overbudgeted shit, you can keep it on ps4

Thanks for reminding me that consoles were made for brainlets.

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>Why do people want Sony exclusives on PC so bad?
Just to shitpost. I don't give a shit about this hackfraud but I want to post goldenfaces.

Literally no-one:
You: "guyz nintendo"

Right, that's why all of your most hyped games are console ports and literal spreadsheet simulators like Football Manager OH NO NO NO

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Every example you can cite, Crash, Nioh, fuck even Detroit since Sony actually published it, none of them have used Sony's own engine proprietary and motion capture tech.

hey guys so i noticed none of you have posted any of these yet can you hurry up i want to annoy my fellow gamer boys

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>hyped games
you mean triple-A trash

>durrr only exclusive games make a gaming platform good

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There's literally nothing special about Decima Engine. I know casual gamers don't understand game engines at all, but seriously. The PS4 is a crappy AMD notebook in a black shell. When Sony signed the contract for Death Stranding, it was a PC/PS4 title. Nothing has changed.

Because PC has no games.

>i-its n-not like i want t-to play it now!!1
ha ha imagine being this person

yeah tell em my gamer

> Imagine being this ignorant
> Imagine
Off yourself nigger. You and all of the Sony trolls should fucking kill themselves.
We need to nuke this fucking board and create /jv/ where Sony Playstation will be banned by default because it's Western shit.

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>majority of games can be played on PC
>no games

it's true though.

it literally has everything consoles have lmao were you born retarded?

>none of them have used Sony's own engine proprietary and motion capture tech.
Microsoft own Havok which is basically every AAA game for physics. Does that magically make AA games exclusive to Xbox?

Based. Death to westacucks.

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fuck death stranding, where are the demon souls and bloodborne pc releases goddamn it

I can play it already from the looks of it, it's called MGSV

>Buy game
>put the disc into a console

>Buy game
>Spend hours on forums to fix all errors
>Find the DLL and isntall it
>The game crashes
>Spend more hours on forums looking for the solution
>after fixing it the game finally starts
For gaming I'd rather have a console and play on my 4k 65" TV than spend hours trying to even make the game playable.

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Why on earth do you think a game using Sony's technology would invalidate an existing contract where Sony agreed to allow Kojima to release his game on PC?

the only thing proving this photo wasn't actually taken yesterday at some hipster bar is the cigarette

>shit that never happens
lol huge cope

>>Buy game
>>put the disc into a console
This hasn't been true ever since last gen you negroid.

>No Valve games for 7 years
>Bethesda games, especially Skyrim, are now blatantly designed for controllers
Who still upgrades their PC? The only companies that were making true PC games either clammed up or died.
My rig still has a 760 in it, but there's just no stress to upgrade. There's nothing to play it can't handle besides Ps4 ports

>Buy game
already wrong

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Until Dawn and RIGS both run on Decima. Supermassive had to switch to Unreal Engine 4 for the Dark Series.

Watch Sony backtrack on their policy as soon as another AAA game comes out on their platform with nudity in it.
Just fucking watch.

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to be fair it was this way a lot in the 90s, not so much anymore

>Buy game
>put the disc into a console
pretty sure this hasnt been the case for about 5 years, also ps4 download servers XDDD

where's my bloodborne then faggot?

>Buy game
yeah you better stay on console if using a PC is too hard

female hair too.

> Sony always pretend non-exclusives are exclusive. They did it with Crash. They did it with Nioh.


Nobody said crash would be exclusive because we all knew Activation holds the license to Crash now. And they have released Crash outside of Sony consoles before.
Nobody said Nioh would be exclusive because Koei isn't a Sony owned company. Koei don't do exclusive console shit, didn't in the past and not in the future.

> Fucking Sony kiddies thought goddamn Tomb Raider was Sony exclusive back in the day.

That wasn't what the Tomb Raider outrage was about. It was the fact that it was released first on Xbone and wasn't until a year later that Sony got it. Timed exclusive bullshit was horrible.

> And FFVII.

By now, nobody cares about something back in the ps1 finally being on other consoles. It's like what? 22 years?

> And Metal Gear Solid.

And you still don't have MGS4. Say salty.


And? People who don't work for EA anymore can't use Frostbite. People who don't work for Bethesda anymore can't use id Tech. That has absolutely nothing to do with whether Kojima is allowed to release his game on PC after he forced Sony to agree to allow him to release his game on PC. Why is this hard for people to understand?

>Buy game
what did he mean by this

this is true t. PC player here.


indeed, a ton of games use Havok physics which has been owned by microsoft since 2015. actually a Sony Walkman also appears in MGSV on the xbox 360 and xbox one. basically Microsoft and Sony are both huge companies and have no reason not to cooperate for some things and compete over others

DMC5 though.

Fun Fact
Console wars is a meme Big Corps started to force kids and retards to give them free advertising.

>whether Kojima is allowed to release his game on PC after he forced Sony to agree to allow him to release his game on PC
>Why is this hard for people to understand?

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You're not gonna trick me this time.
I'll wait for the PC version so I can pirate it.

People keep thinking Decima is open source, which its not. Sony has proprietary engines and source codes too.

>"only on" nowhere to be found
>scroll down
>cover is missing "only on ps4"

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>Nobody said crash would be exclusive because we all knew Activation holds the license to Crash now. And they have released Crash outside of Sony consoles before.
Sony literally put "Only on Playstation" on the box.

Sony forced Square not to mention that NieR: Automata was on PC.
>That wasn't what the Tomb Raider outrage was about. It was the fact that it was released first on Xbone and wasn't until a year later that Sony got it. Timed exclusive bullshit was horrible.
Hey remember back in 1997 when Sony paid Eidos to keep all Tomb Raider games timed console exclusives until 2000? And then they did it again with Angel of Darkness?

It's hilarious how ignorant and out of touch Sony's fanbase is. Sony have intentionally cultivated a fanbase that thinks Sony's shit doesn't stink. That automatically assumes any game on Sony is a full exclusive, and any game on competing platforms is probably timed.

and now you're surprised there's no PC games

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You don't even know what Open Source means.

The final death blow will come once the box is finalized.

Even if I had a PS4 I wouldn't be playing it since I'm still swamped with games. I know this must be an alien concept for people who only have one console and you've got to build your life around playing a single game a month but I've got more games to play than time to play them.

It's over

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but I constantly play new games


Regardless Ill be waiting a while to get it just in case, there were a fair few games I use to recommend people get a PS4 to play and pretty much all of them came to PC, the only one that didnt was Bloodborne, I really hope I didnt convince someone to get a PS4 at some point.

We know for a fact that Sony agreed to allow Kojima to release Death Stranding on PC. It was in their original agreement when Kojima signed with them. And this simple fact is why Sony is being so evasive about DS's exclusivity, and why Kojima has avoided answering questions when asked about it. Sony's MO is to force developers not to talk about PC versions of games. They are very crafty about presenting games as being PS4 exclusive without outright saying they're PS4 exclusive. Their fanatical fanbase does the rest for them.

>buy game at full price
>download day 1 patch for 2 hours
>play in 25fps with drops
>if game has issues you are fucked
>pay for online

>buy game at fraction of the price
>if game has issues there is always a solution
>actually have options
>superior performance
>free online
>free back up saves
>can refund if you dont like the game
>can shitpost simultaneously on a combodian coffee bean grower forum

>you can't pirate games on a PS4 or Switch
ok retard


Total War Three kingdoms, litteraly release a few days ago. Or Anno 1800, a few weeks ago.

>inb4 "muh Anno doesn't count, and Total war doesn't count either because grand strategy is shit anyway"
Total Wars have more gameplay than half of Sony cinematic exclusive.

Supposedly the main reason Microsoft created the Xbox was because they were scared of how much entertainment technology Sony was making and the possibility they would start making their own software for all of it and force Microsoft out of the market. It's weird. Phil Spencer seems to view Sony and Nintendo as not being competitors while some guy from Sony said recently in a board meeting or something that Sony is facing fierce competition from Nintendo now. The cutscenes in Persona 5 were animated by Sony IIRC which probably explains why the characters and setting from the game can appear in smash bros but Persona 5 itself isn't coming to the switch

Not really, because Sony have a history of putting "Only on Playstation" on shit like Nioh and Crash Bandicoot. Unlike Microsoft who take care to use clear exclusivity labeling, Sony intentionally skirt the truth.

if i'm going to shell out the big bucks for high-end pc parts, i need to see worthwhile exclusives that take advantage of all that power. imagine building a $3000 gaming rig and only using it for indie pixelshit and shitposting on Yea Forums.

this looks like shit.

>His PC can emulate ps3
how god tier is it

This kill the PClard

Spreadsheet simulators aren't games, dumb ESL

Why would you build a computer for 3 grand?

you deserve to be taken advantage of if you spend $3000 on a pc honestly, just upgrade it as you go along

>console port
>console port
>console port
etc, etc, etc, etc
Us PC gaymers, am'rite?

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>i-i can get amazing rig and play every game in 4k 60fps but n-no way ill buy c-console because games t-there looks bad and sup 60fps!!1
cringe, stop being poor and lying is bad

>*whistles for magic motorcycle*
>autowalks on road to quest marker
>*Pinwheel vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a BT™, gotta be"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*follows pinwheel*
>guys in BT™ costumes appear
>"President of jack shit" ALALALALA but on cello *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic walk and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm.... Hazmats™ pretending to be BTs™......better tell the post office head about this"
>"Come on, fetus"
>*autowalks on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as BTs™, here's proof *shows ladder*"
>10 packages received

why do consolefags want to keep bloodborne on a console that can barley handle it. playing a third person action game at 30 fps with fps drops just feels wrong


PCs are for work, only a retard believes people buy computers just to play videogames.

>Death Stranding

All those games run better on the PC lmao


feel free to give us a link to the suicide livestream

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>implying that pc mustards have lives and jobs and aren't just living off neet bucks

>Spreadsheet simulators aren't games
>Generic open world trash like Days Gone is

>Did you even read the sources linked? Neither of them even mentioned anything about a "contractual obligation".
It's because the idiot who made that wikipedia article didn't just directly quote what Kojima said. You have to look up the actual interview.
>""He feels that Decima is a “fantastic engine,” very appropriate for open world games. Something that really impressed him, is that Guerrilla Games actually gave him the source code of their engine as soon as they met, without having him sign any contracts or NDAs. This made him feel very special."

Don't forget to add all the console games we emulate :^)

>it's not 100% confirmed but it's still pretty much 90% confirmed

Remember boyos, it says Only on Playstation, that means it's never coming to PC.

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So many poorfags in here


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Yea Forums's absolute meltdown over this game has been insane.
People have been peddling conspiracy theories for a WHOLE YEAR that Kojima didn't write mgs1-3 just to try and neuter this game before it happens.
The absolute cope explosion in response to Sony winning E3 without showing up is so gratifying it's almost pitiable, god bless this man

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Hmm, that's a nice table of games, which at least 90% were ported from consoles.

I know your a brainlet faggot but this point isn't about what's "special" about Decima. It's the fact it's a game engine entirely owned by Sony. In every example everyone uses to prove why "only on playstation" is a myth they always cite games made using 3rd party engines. Every game using a Sony 1st party engine has never been released on another platform. That's the point faggot.
>Nothing has changed.
Things did change you mutt. In 2015 Kojima didn't have an engine. He went around for 2 months in 2016 looking for an engine. Once it was selected to be a Sony owned engine isn't it magically strange how all the official mentions of a PC release stopped?
microsoft acquired havok in 2015. They didn't outright build the engine from scratch like Sony with Decima.
Contracts change you top tier moron. Kojima didn't have an engine in 2015, the deal was just for him to make a game that would release on PC and PS4. If Kojima then asks Sony to let him use their engine then obviously they're going enter into a new agreement whereby it's a PS exclusive. Sony probably didn't mind Kojima creating his own engine or even using a 3rd party one, but when he decided to use Decima then obviously strings are going to be attached. You're not even operating in the realms of reality, just list me 1, just 1 single game ever released that used a Sony owned engine at the time and was released on another platform other than PS. It's never happened. Why would it happen now? Is TLoU and Uncharted also coming to PC? Dumb faggot.

Nioh 2 won't be coming to PC fatty

You're kidding yourself if you think 99% of peesemen aren't playing on toasters.

but death stranding doesn't even have that logo in the first place

i'm sure that guy is willing to get sued into oblivion by revealing stuff under nda

why are you so scared that your exclusives might get to pc?

Yea, just like Nioh wasn't coming to PC.
Thanks for beta testing ;^).

>unsubstantiated rumor from someone who made a lucky guess on the release date

>I didn't look at the image

>ctrl + mwheelup
>All the years past 2010 are shit or straight up padded with console ports
>2018 unironically lists Far Cry 5 and For Honor
One yikes

>the final cries of the console baaby

>he doesnt realise 99% of console games were created on pc and ported to console

To bad was looking forward to plaything it at 60 fps.
Just hope they dont gut the game to much on the base model.
Not buying a pro just for one game.
I bought a Ps4 for 200$ used for like 10+ games and used pros dont go for lower than 350 where i live.

At lest the engine the game is using is made specifically for ps4 so i am guessing it will run as well as GOW did on the base ps4 model.
Worst case ill borrow my friends PRo.

Attached: 637b5811cb172d20cdf6b867bf846589.jpg (256x219, 19K)

>(system) has no games
>*lists games*
>those don't count
every time

Kojimbles himself said that it's coming to PC my dude

>Contracts change you top tier moron. Kojima didn't have an engine in 2015, the deal was just for him to make a game that would release on PC and PS4. If Kojima then asks Sony to let him use their engine then obviously they're going enter into a new agreement whereby it's a PS exclusive.
If he entered into that agreement, why has he outright refused to say the game is a PS exclusive? Why has Sony refused to unambiguously call it a PS exclusive? Open your beady little eyes.

Then I guess Nintendo is winning


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Nioh 2 is funded by Sony. Koei Tecmo said "Ask Sony :^)" when asked about Nioh 2 on PC. Fuck off fatty.

t. zoomer

but playstation shills also lists movies in their list of games

>piracy on console is anywhere close to pc

Attached: 626.gif (264x264, 802K)

When was the last time we had ~10 simultaneous threads begging for the shit in your image on Ps4? That's right, never
When was the last time we had that number of threads begging for a Ps4 game on PC?
That's right, right now

>switch busted wide open, piracy until EOL
>ps4 every game until april2018 (aka bloodborne)
works on my machine

>Koei Tecmo said "Ask Sony :^)" when asked about Nioh 2 on PC.
Uhh, no, that was about Nioh on Xbone.

Yes, PC salves are working hard so us, ConsoleChads, can have refined form of entertainment.
Thanks ;)

Buying used games is even more popular on consoles and it's even more detrimental than some random Brazilians torrenting PC games.

But no-ones begging for death stranding to come to PC because everyone already knows that it's coming.

>why has he outright refused to say the game is a PS exclusive?
Because no one has ever asked him that question in an interview. You think he's just going to randomly tweet it out as a reply to the incels online? Lmao.

>Why has Sony refused to unambiguously call it a PS exclusive?
LMAO. Open your eyes you dumb fuck. It's been on multiple trailers, promotional material and presentations. The fact you just said them proves you know fuck all about this topic.

Because PC is and always will be the best way to play games

I wish I cared. But after MGSV, I don´t.

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>Cinematic experience exclusive to Playstation
Imagine my shock.

>buying consoles to watch movies

Attached: 1494090915178.png (391x390, 224K)

Pclards thoroughly btfo

super mario galaxy 2 is the most pirated video game of all time

>You're not even operating in the realms of reality, just list me 1, just 1 single game ever released that used a Sony owned engine at the time and was released on another platform other than PS. It's never happened.
You sad pathetic fanboy.
>Why would it happen now?
Because Kojima likes PC and he would never agree to full console exclusivity. Sony wanted his game. He wanted a PC version. He talked about this mindset during the development of MGS V, where he was pushing for MGS V to come to PC because he considered PC to be his roots.
>Once it was selected to be a Sony owned engine isn't it magically strange how all the official mentions of a PC release stopped?
You do realise that Sony pulled the original FAQ about the game being on PS4/PC, right? Sony have a consistent track record of trying to bury the PC versions of games. They do it over and over again because Sony likes to pretend that games are Sony exclusive even if they're not. You have to fucking dense not to notice that. You also have to be dense to notice Sony intentionally are using vague and misleading wording.

Some of the trailers have bizarre phrases like, "In development for the Playstation 4 System" and stuff like that, which is all designed to imply it's a PS4 exclusive without saying it is. Sony always pull this shit.

Exclusive games are the only reason to get a console.

I actually have consoles just none from this current gen as of yet, and I have no qualms buying them, I just don't have a PS4 yet because I haven't got enough reasons to buy one. I usually buy a console when I have about a half-dozen games I want to play on it. That used to be a non-issue back in the day, PS1 and PS2 had enough games I wanted to play within the first two years, PS3 too a little while longer I didn't get a PS3 until very late in it's life, Still waiting on enough PS4 exclusives to make it worthwhile though. Everything is either a multiplat so I'm going to play that on PC or isn't really that great, or doesn't appeal to me but that's going to vary from person to person. I've never been a fan of modern naughty dog's stuff, just don't really like their style of game for example.

If I were to count them now my list would look like Bloodborne, Spider-man, and maybe God of War, that series was never my cup of tea I was always more of a DMC/Bayo guy but I mean I guess I could throw it on top, and I'm hoping Death Stranding can be appended to that list. I'm getting close though, a few more reasons and I might buy one. The agonizing part is it takes so damn long for consoles to really be worthwhile now. I never got around to buying s Wii U and now that it's emulatable I don't think I'll ever own one, first Nintendo home console I never ended up buying. Console really have lost a lot of their appeal now that nearly everything is a multiplat and PC is invariably the best version.

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PC is only good for indie games and most of the ones worth a damn end up getting ported to console anyway

PCponies love movietrash though

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>actually believing this
and this is why you'll forever be stuck on consoles

>Because no one has ever asked him that question in an interview.
Someone asked him onstage literally a month ago. He avoided the question.

>please sir, may I have a port? I'll wait a year, if you'd like
Port speculation is portbegging just more obnoxious. See: Persona 5

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

pc exclusives do not exists
do you think "pc" is a company like sony or nintendo?

how old are you?
you need to be 18 to post user

>LMAO. Open your eyes you dumb fuck. It's been on multiple trailers, promotional material and presentations. The fact you just said them proves you know fuck all about this topic.
No it hasn't. Sony has done their usual nonsense and carefully worded the trailers and PR to IMPLY it's a PS4 exclusive. You seem like a hopelessly out of touch Sony fan, dude.

Mordhau bitch

Attached: 1559141390142.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

Oh, then explain the DLC that was on the microsoft store

A majority of Yakuza is reading text boxes.

No I'm talking bout a KT tweet saying "Ask Sony :^)" when asked about Nioh 2 pc

4 years ago, in an interview that's been retracted
It's not coming to PC.

There's no speculation though because it's practically confirmed.
I'm saying this as somebody who owns a Ps4.

Only on Playstation means its not on Xbox or Switch dumbass


Sorry OP, it's already confirmed that it will be on EGS.

>Persona 5
Emulated at 60 fps

Attached: 42620.png (729x578, 243K)

Fuck right off.

Aren't you tired of providing content for the Yea Forums meltdown collage

>the last of us is 1 hour and half long
oh no no no no
imaging paying full price for this

Mordhau, Three Kingdoms Total War, and Pathologic 2 all released this month.

Did they say PS4 or PS4 and PS5 ?
Trying to find out if i'm going to get sodomized here.

Attached: Dream_Man.jpg (342x418, 31K)

>4 years ago, in an interview that's been retracted
By your logic, NieR: Automata never released on PC because Sony forced Square to retract the trailer with a Steam logo in it. This is Sony we're talking about. We both know how dumb and petty they are.

it does get a little exhausting collecting all the cocky sonyfag screenshots
can't wait for GTAV part 2

>Free to use
Lmaoooooo. Nice try faggot.
>he would never agree to full console exclusivity.
Like MGS4? Remind me when that's coming to PC since you faggots said the same thing back then.
>You do realise that Sony pulled the original FAQ about the game being on PS4/PC, right?
No you retard, the FAQ was pulled after Kojima settled on a Sony engine. The FAQ was up for months before that.

>Some of the trailers have bizarre phrases like, "In development for the Playstation 4 System"
Yeah "Only on Playstation" is a really "bizarre" phrase....

lol Thread full of seeting pctard 13 year olds.

>>Published worldwide by SIE, funded as well
>>Official website states it's only on PS4

Attached: Detroit-Become-Human-PS4-Game-Great-Condition-Box.jpg (300x400, 25K)

That's where Sony games go. Don't blame me, blame Sony.

Sony is already testing the PC waters with David Cage's games. They're not stupid enough to think that people buying playstations is hurt by having the exclusives also be on PC. Its just free money for them.

>No you retard, the FAQ was pulled after Kojima settled on a Sony engine.
Prove it.
>Yeah "Only on Playstation" is a really "bizarre" phrase....
It's bizarre because Sony repeatedly use the phrase on games that release on PC. Again, MS are honest about exclusivity. Sony are shifty and dishonest.

I'm more confident we're sitting on RDR part 2, or Bloodborne part 2 rather.
Though Yea Forums didn't explode quite so hard when those games turned out to be good

Not sure what more than can say than "Only on Playstation". It's the same thing they put on ALL their exclusive games. If you say it's a "nonsense" statement that only "implies" exclusivity then I assume you think Bloodborne is also coming to PC.....loool.

oh nononononono what went wrong bros

>Like MGS4? Remind me when that's coming to PC since you faggots said the same thing back then.
I know you're probably a small kid, but listen closely. Kojima is the reason MGS V is on PC. As you know, he started out making games on PC. And he said that he doesn't want his games to be tied to consoles. This explains why Death Stranding has a PC version. He was never going to agree to full console exclusivity in a situation where he held all the cards and could make publishers do what he wanted.

notice anything missing?

Attached: nov8th.jpg (1239x656, 90K)

>Sony is already testing the PC waters with David Cage's games.
Sony had nothing to do with Detroit being ported. That was all Netease's buyout.


>playing, a game which the base game design is to have the entire game based on multiplayer interaction, on an emulator

yeah, final boxart

MP for DeS has been dead ever since DS1 released.

An ESRB rating and good box art.

>Not sure what more than can say than "Only on Playstation".
They can come out and explicitly say the game is exclusive to Playstation. They have refused to do this. Kojima has refused to say the PC version isn't coming. Sony has refused to say it isn't coming to PC.

Dude, if it wasn't coming to PC, why is Kojima avoiding the question? Why is Sony doing the usual Sony thing? How old are you? We've seen this dumb dance so many times before. Sony is super predictable.

anything else?

>epic timed exclusive
>fucking chinks playing it unfair by bribing studios and forcing me to use inferior plateform
>sony timed exclusive
>based sony destroying the competition and improving its plateform by adding new cool games that you can't now play on other superior plateforms

Attached: 1537898988066.jpg (510x476, 50K)


>have to leech off the actually relevant gaming platforms
Says snoygoy that needs Steam to access 90% of his controller's features lmao.

Attached: 1535549503282.png (327x316, 165K)

>kojima says something like its a partnership with sony and therefore made for playstation
>um he didn't answer!
Bitch could have at least told us what he said, suspicious as if she wants clicks and a PC release.

Look guys it's not worth arguing with Sony fans. They were the same people who were 101% convinced Nioh could never release on PC because "Sony published it" and shit like that. They were convinced that Crash Bandicoot had been paid for by Sony and it would never release on other platforms. They're the worst strain of blind fanboy.

Yes they do, Detroit is still a Sony IP. It can't end up on another platform without Sony allowing it.

>labels don't mean shit Sony has full control on where they put their games
Truly a mystery.

Mine can too perfectly fine and it just has a 1060 and 1600X

Your dignity
If you hate Sony so much why do you want their games so badly?
You're an adult, just buy the damn console

FAQ was up when then game was announced in 2016 and Kojima explicitly stated he hadn't selected an engine and was still deciding between a few.
FAQ disappears months later just as Kojima is creating the TGA 2016 trailer using Decima due to him finally selecting it. You are aware that the E3 reveal is made using a different engine, right? Lol.
>It's bizarre because Sony repeatedly use the phrase on games that release on PC. Again, MS are honest about exclusivity. Sony are shifty and dishonest.
The use the exact same phrase for all their exclusive so if using it implies that the games aren't exclusive then that means you think the likes of TLoU and Uncharted are coming to PC as well. They aren't. The phrase isn't what's important, it's the context surrounding the game development you fucking moron. Death Stranding is a Sony owned IP, Sony owned trademark, funded by Sony, made using a Sony owned engine, using Sony owned motion capture tech and licenced music. Yeah it's TOTALLY coming to PC, Kojima has really 4D chessed Sony here....

>It can't end up on another platform without Sony allowing it.
Not if the developer had a contract that gave them that freedom after a certain date.

No, Sony just didn't renew the trademark. Which is why David took the Chink money.

I already own the console, I'm an idort. unlike you pathetic children who would rather kill themselves than share your toys with others.

>it's the context surrounding the game development you fucking moron.
The context is that Sony are blatantly pretending a PS4/PC game is a PS4 exclusive because that's the dumb shit Sony pulls year after year and you retard Sony fans eat it up.

A rating.

>Why do people want Sony exclusives on PC so bad?
I don't want to buy a shitty console just for one game.

Attached: 1513365667012.jpg (555x800, 41K)

I remember when sony didn't have to say anything and snoys still pretending MHW was a ps4 exclusive, same with RDR2.

it's an advertisement picture for a game from Sony
if it was an exclusive they would have added the "only on playstation"


Thanks for providing a source in which he clear says it's being made for Sony and PS.
>They can come out and explicitly say the game is exclusive to Playstation
They've said this multiple times you fucking moron. If you're still not satisfied then you just keep moving the goalposts no matter what they said. You still be here 20 years from now saying it's coming to PC.
>Kojima has refused to say the PC version isn't coming. Sony has refused to say it isn't coming to PC.
Sony has never done this because they don't have braindead interviewers asking them these questions. They're not going to reply each and every retarded comment online. They've said it's a PS exclusive and they're not going to keep repeating themselves a million times to make freaks like you shut up.
>Dude, if it wasn't coming to PC, why is Kojima avoiding the question?
He never avoided the question you spastic. The reach here is unreal.
>We've seen this dumb dance so many times before. Sony is super predictable.
Yep just like

That's basically what I said, they'd have to allow it to be on other platform as part of the contract.
You can go to the epic store page and see the ongoing Sony trademark and copyright right now.
>death stranding not listed
oh no no no no no no

Then why are you sitting here blowing your lid about Sony's games?
You're like $60 away from enjoying Death Stranding on November 8th.
What does peddling pathetic conspiracy theories about a secret PC announcement on page thirty of Guns & Ammo that's been deleted possibly gain you

I was talking about Death Stranding, you retard.

if you miss that label so much then go preorder the game on amazon or gamestop
it's there

what part of
>Sony owned IP, Sony owned trademark, funded by Sony, made using a Sony owned engine, using Sony owned motion capture tech and licenced music
do you not get? I know your brain is rotted from years of disuse and moba/indieshit but please try to read carefully and THINK about why maybe this game is never coming to anything but PS4. I'm sure you can figure out the common thread here if you look hard enough. You can do it, I believe in you!

>What does peddling pathetic conspiracy theories about a secret PC announcement on page thirty of Guns & Ammo that's been deleted possibly gain you

>FAQ disappears months later just as Kojima is creating the TGA 2016 trailer using Decima due to him finally selecting it. You are aware that the E3 reveal is made using a different engine, right? Lol.
How is this any different to Sony forcing the original NieR: Automata trailer to be pulled because it revealed the existence of a PC version and this didn't suit Sony's marketing plans?

Sony don't want people knowing the PC version exists. They didn't want people knowing Crash was coming to other platforms They didn't want people knowing Nioh was coming to other platforms. They have a history of removing information that reveals the existence of other versions of games so they can pretend the game is only ever going to be released on Playstation.

If the game wasn't coming to PC, Kojima would state this fact. Sony would be proudly declaring the game's PS4 exclusivity instead of repeatedly dancing around it with inconsistent labeling. This entire situation stinks of Sony's usual stupid faux-exclusivity antics. How can you not recognize that?

This is nothing like Uncharted. Uncharted's developer didn't sign an agreement with Sony to release the game on PC. Sony have not constantly dodged the issue of the PC version. The developers of Uncharted have not refused to state that a PC version is no longer coming.

Wake up.

What's even coming after Ghost of Bamham and TLOU2?

So you have no rebuttal at all other than "it's coming to PC because it's coming to PC". Nice logic you braindead faggot. I'm going to laugh when you're on your death bed from aids and you're still waiting for you pc port.

the gameplay looks ass from the trailer, it could be good hower

But the trailer itself with the editing 2deep shit music and awful gameplay is so fucking bad to the point where I burst out laughing watching the scene in that webm

im kinda surprised this bait worked

Neither is a few other sony studio games like MLB the show.

uhhh sweety

>Why do people want Sony exclusives on PC so bad?

Why do sonybros insist so hard it must remain an exclusive? Why don't you want people to play video games without being locked down to a single platform? Or are you secretely shareholders worried about your stock?

That's it. It will all get filled in later.

>no MLB The Show, Dreams or Concrete Genie
It's over fellow Sonybros ;_;

And then sony faggots act like if they don't start all the console wars threads. I still don't get what kind of person would start bragging about having only one console. It'a kind of pathetic.

>those comments

Attached: 1559087463725.png (700x750, 663K)

If you're willing to dig in your heels and wait an indeterminate amount of time (possibly forever) for a port, why not say that about every game? Why did you even buy a PS4 if you hate it that much?

>3 games
>exclusive for years varying their release
>bought out b chinese company
>all 3 release simultaneously on chinese website immediately after.
Hmm. Almost like them being bought out altered legal documents.

>Thanks for providing a source in which he clear says it's being made for Sony and PS.
Saying the game is being made for PS is a massive and overt dodge. It's the same vague wording used in the trailers. Wording that screams "Kojima is being evasive". It's like saying that Elder Scrolls 6 is being made for Xbox hardware, which is technically true, but that doesn't mean it isn't coming to PC.

Attached: Only on PlayStation.png (660x550, 882K)

>Sony has lied so much with exclusivity in this gen that people literally don't trust them anymore when it comes to announcing it

It's depressing in a way

Attached: aaaindex.jpg (204x247, 9K)

metal gear survive may unironically be a more fun game than death stranding if it turns out to be a dull 3deep5me walking simulator
I can't wait for surviveposting

Dumbass, a few Indies or smaller won't be in here, it doesn't make sense. The only ones are these high budget, high graphics cinematics games. Death stranding is one of those but it's not in here.

Why did retailers take the time to photoshop this fake?

Attached: 71xPTy5ElkL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1171x1500, 120K)

I remember that one tripfag NIGGER posting about Nioh being a PoS4 exclusive lmao

when did I ever say I hate the ps4?
you're getting a little too protective over your precious black box, buddy.

console war is literally religion war

>Official website states it's only on PS4
Where? I'm not seeing that. You wouldn't be lying on the internet now.

Those are often copypaste templates to be honest. Also, the "Only on PS" label means jack shit. Sony use it on stuff like Yakuza. Games they know full well are coming to PC.

>um those don't count

>How is this any different to Sony forcing the original NieR: Automata trailer to be pulled because it revealed the existence of a PC version and this didn't suit Sony's marketing plans?
I literally explained why it's different you fucking moron and it's the entire crux of this point that you PCfags keep refusing to address. IT'S MADE USING A SONY OWNED ENGINE. That's why it's different. As I said, the PC stuff was floating around WHILE Kojima had not selected an engine. As soon as he selected an engine, a Sony owned engine, the shit was never seen again. It's not rocket science you spastic. I'm sure if Kojima had made his own engine or used a 3rd party engine then it would still be coming to PC. But he didn't so it's not.

>If the game wasn't coming to PC, Kojima would state this fact
Ah yes Kojima is going to call a special press conference to silence all the morons online. Can you remind me, when is Neil Druckmann going to do the same for TLoU or Uncharted?

>Sony would be proudly declaring the game's PS4 exclusivity
For the millionth time. THEY HAVE. But nothing will ever satisfy you spastics. Like I keep saying, the wording is utterly pointless. It's the context of the games development and that context is entirely dependent on Sony.

>Wake up.
the irony. A tranny that thinks a Sony funded game, a sony owned trademark, made using a sony owned engine is going to release for PC is telling others to "wake up".

You mean they would have taken this picture and put the logo on it?

Sure takes time.

Attached: file.png (1171x1500, 430K)

It is, value is detracted from playstation when games are ported to PC

There's a very simple rule of thumb to follow regarding PS 'exclusives'.

If its a first-party game, its exclusive to PS. Otherwise, its a timed exclusive.

Attached: 1533256995758.png (735x710, 364K)

Screecap this. PC niggers are touting the lack of OoP on the box right now as proof. As soon as final art include OoP, they will 180 to that not being proof of anything.

I work with game engines. The game engine means nothing, you dumb console fanboy.

Death Stranding is gonna come out and you're not gonna be there because you read some ESL shit about it coming to PC
That definitely sounds like you resent its existence, why did you buy one

Yeah, all those retailers are secretly working for sony!

You do understand that the game's engine works on PC and there's absolutely no issue, right? Like, you don't believe that Decima Engine is somehow exclusive to Playstation from an architectural viewpoint. It's a fairly standard game engine that is by nature PC-friendly.

Idk bros. But one thing that's 100% certain we'll be playing it on emulator by 2030.

Attached: 32452.png (1443x958, 579K)

>they will 180 to that not being proof of anything
Will it isn't with the track record of games that have OoP

>just buy the damn console

Attached: bdd.jpg (720x697, 38K)

I've been playing through Demon's Souls on mine recently
> i7 9700k
> RTX 2080
> 32gb RAM

Not a good argument buddy. Did you see a game like dreams being show full stage aat year on E3? no right? How bout the last of us 2? It was right? How ghost of tsushima? Also in E3... Did the video have those which highlighted their best released and up and coming games?

Lmao. Using proprietary code/software owned by a certain developer means "nothing". Thanks for exposing you don't even work in software let alone "game engines". Go make a game using Sony's decima code and let me know what happens you faggot.

False. Nintendo on the other hand...

Attached: 81iOHZkdDmL._SY450_.jpg (356x450, 49K)

Tell me this, user. Why haven't they already said it's an exclusive now? You would imagine that this is THE GAME to shill, right?
They have hundreds of millions of dollar riding on this and Kojima helped a big part in shaping Playstation into what it is today.
With all that said, why wouldn't they let people know it was exclusive, yet at the same time heavily emphasis Days Gone, a game made by the developers of Bubsy 3D to be an exclusive?

DeS was one of the first games to be properly emulated, and it's one of the least demanding. You don't need that highend of a PC to play it.

Maybe because people are tired of 30 fps?

Attached: 1548921900298.png (250x250, 143K)

Sony owned because they wish it to be 100% sony game.

You have yet to cite a single reason why an engine choice would affect Kojima's ability to release his game on PC like Sony agreed he could, especially when he chose a PC-suitable engine with a Vulkan renderer in development.

Then why oh why does the game not have the one label that would show us all up in any of their recent marketing stuff? The only on PS logo? Even the videoDoesn't have it

So you admit I'm right?

The only reason I want this to become exclusive is so you consolewarring samefagging wojakposting nolife brainded bitches stop making shitty threads about it like you did with all the other exclusives that went to another platform and pretend you never liked it anyway.

What Sony want means jack shit. Kojima forced them to agree to a PC version. Period. End of story. There is nothing to indicate this situation changed. Sony are doing their usual thing where they intentionally purge information about the PC version, and use misleading marketing to imply the game is PS4 exclusive without 100% saying it. That's how Sony operates. Their fanboys see it as totally normal.

>That wasn't what the Tomb Raider outrage was about. It was the fact that it was released first on Xbone and wasn't until a year later that Sony got it. Timed exclusive bullshit was horrible.

And Sony has done it so many times since then, with no outrage.

Thanks fanboyism

>they'll announce it's an exclusive, they'll do it soon..! I swear! just you wait! it will happen!
exclusivity status is revealed at the unveiling of a game. if it doesn't happen there, it doesn't ahppen at all

Seething pc dick suckers

>um those don't count isn't a good argument.

>Buy game
>put the disc into a console

>Buy game
>Spend hours on forums to fix all errors
>Find the DLL and isntall it
>The game crashes
>Spend more hours on forums looking for the solution
>after fixing it the game finally starts
For gaming I'd rather have a console and play on my 4k 65" TV than spend hours trying to even make the game playable.

It's not about whether it works on PC or not you dumb faggots. I swear you PCmutts keep intentional avoiding the point since it BTFO. Sony owns the engine, it's not a free to use engine, it's not an engine they licence out like Unreal etc.. it's THERE own engine. Why would they give Kojima the engine, give Kojima a massive budget to get hollywood stars and fuck around with his mates, give him full access of their SIE arts motion capture tech, give him full access to their music library all for him to release it on another platform as well?
>bcuz it's kojima!!!
Yes because that's how multibillion dollar business operate...

>Go make a game using Sony's decima code and let me know what happens you faggot.
It's almost like Sony had signed a contract with Kojima already you dumb shit. You are unbelievably dense.
>Lmao. Using proprietary code/software owned by a certain developer means "nothing".
Seriously, what is WRONG with you?

Anyone that thinks it's going to be multiplat is out of their mind. Sony is banking on this selling systems for them.

Attached: Death Stranding Jewel Case.png (944x801, 202K)

awww is the wittle baby upset and all he can do is reply with some petty name calling?
d'awwww, he's cute when he's mad

LMAO. Yeah, I imagine Kojima put a gun to their head.

see There will be no 180, because people are already posting that's not proof, because it isn't.


If it really was exclusive, you'd think Sony would have said it at some point, like they said it for Days Gone, The Last of Us 2, Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Spiderman, and then hammered it at EVERY SINGLE EVENT for YEARS, and repeated about EVERY SINGLE HOUR if you follow their social media accounts.

While it would be unprecedented for Sony to release a PC game, here's something equally unprecedented: forgetting to mention a title is an exclusive for three fucking consecutive years.

Attached: 459417059772858388.png (128x114, 29K)

Enjoy you ports long after I finish

They have quite a few times.

Alright give a reason why those games weren't in Sony's great lineup of games?

>All the david cage games
>Nier Automata

>implying we're crybabies that can only appreciate a game in the week following its release

I pity you.

They're trying to replicate the success of PSOne
>Kojima game

>Sony owns the engine, it's not a free to use engine, it's not an engine they licence out like Unreal etc.. it's THERE own engine. Why would they give Kojima the engine, give Kojima a massive budget to get hollywood stars and fuck around with his mates, give him full access of their SIE arts motion capture tech, give him full access to their music library all for him to release it on another platform as well?

Sony agreed that Kojima could have a PC version of his game. They're busy trying to hide this fact to protect the game's image as a PS4 exclusive, but that's the truth of the matter. Sony agreed to a PC version, with an exclusivity period, and that's what they are going to get.

Then PC niggers should stop trying to force the lack of label means anything right now.

>get into car
>drive into town
>walk into store
>receive game
>drive back home
>put disc into console
>wait for installation
>wait for day one update

>make a couple of clicks
>wait for installation

The only honest version, and I'm an idort.

>Kojima forced them to agree
Kojima forced them to let him use their engine
Kojima forced them to give him an insane budget to hire his actor and director makes
Kojima forced them to fund the set-up of his studio
Kojima forced them to let him use their motion capture tech
Kojima forced them to let him use their music
Kojima forced them to do all this then forced them to let him release it on PC.

Fuck me. Did Kojima have them and all their mothers a gun point?

>it would be unprecedented for Sony to release a PC game

Attached: file.png (277x688, 146K)

Travis Strikes Again :)

It's Rugarell
a nigger with a tiny dick

You mean years right?

>They're trying to replicate the success of PSOne
>>Kojima game
You do realise 2 of those 3 games were on PC, right?

How Sony still has any credibility left is absolutely beyond me

No clue. Your guess will be as good as mine.

To your left

>stop trying to force the lack of label means anything
But it does mean something. Not having a label means it's not exclusive. And having a label doesn't mean it is exclusive.

Literally nothing of what you said is remotely true

NO! th-they're going to announce it's an exclusive soon!
they just haven't already said it yet because............

Because Sony make a habit of using their engine on 3rd party games. Remind me, when are we going to see ND use their engine on PC games? Spastic. As has been stated numerous times, Kojima did not have an engine when those PC statements appeared. As soon as Decima was selected all the PC shit went away. You are unbelievably dense.
>Seriously, what is WRONG with you?
you're the BASED game dev, you tell me.

Medievil is not that big of a a series. Old farts like me remember it, but it's not exactly the most remembered when it comes to other PS1 games.

This is just a cheap remake to pad out the Halloween season.

I thought it was confirmed exclusive from the first time they announced, you know with that sony guy saying they're giving them a blank check. Why in hell would they do that if not for an exclusive

>Sony owns the engine, it's not a free to use engine, it's not an engine they licence out like Unreal etc.. it's THERE own engine.
Give me a sauce on that. Oh wait, you can't.

We have no fucking clue what they agreed to. Everything in this thread is extrapolation based on speculation. Simply, there's one fact: Sony didn't throw a party for this new exclusive, and has yet to mention that it is exclusive, and while uncommon for exclusives, it sure is common for non-exclusives.

I have a toaster my self but I can get crisp clear image at 60fps by just reducing the graphical settings

>it's another "AI just stops" brainlet

Nobody gives a shit cause PC is like casper the friendly ghost.

>Fuck me. Did Kojima have them and all their mothers a gun point?
Nothing so drastic. Kojima is a celebrity. His game is highly anticipated. Sony get what they want. Them and their idiot fanbase get a pretend Sony exclusive. Kojima gets what he wants, which is his game on PC.

Dude, Sony threw huge amounts of money at Eidos to keep Tomb Raider exclusive to Playstation. They threw huge amounts of money at FFVII. Obscene marketing budget. Stuff like that. But for whatever reason, those developers were able to wrangle an agreement where they could release on PC.

Then there was Psygnosis. The crazy fuckers were owned by Sony. They created the PS1 dev kids. And then they kept releasing games on other platforms which made Sony very upset with them. Even tried to sell them off. Sony eventually neutered them by gutting them and turning them into a soulless Wipeout studio.

Wow, "Kojima made them agree". Woow wow weewa.

Check out the trailer for quantic dreams games demo for pc, you can see sony still has rights to it.

>Why do people want Sony exclusives on PC so bad?
I want Kojima games, not Sony's. You can keep Knack.

kek, are there anymore of these?

Ok cool. I can still buy it because I have a job so I'm not fucking poor.

>Still falling for exclusive* shenigans

>tfw going to thoroughly enjoy the meltdown regardless of which side "wins"

Attached: 1415260078312.png (588x409, 13K)

Give you a source on what? That Sony own Decima? Lmao, filtered since I thought I was at least talking to someone who wasn't completely and utterly braindead.
>GIVE ME A SAUCE ON 1+1=2!!!!!!


Attached: chadthundercock.png (360x405, 99K)

PC niggers everyone!

This, don't was basically sucking kojimas sick because they wanted him to work for sony so bad. Kojima wanted the game on pc, they obliged.

>It never happened, so it can't happen

Wanna know how I know sonnyggers in this thread are underage?

Attached: 1356171425520.jpg (353x334, 32K)

>Sony owns the engine, it's not a free to use engine
Guerrilla Games owns the engine and they gave it to Kojima with "no contractual obligation".

you think it's just lack of label?
literally nowhere is this game labelled as a sony exclusive
why would sony mention the exclusivity of days gone, last of us 2, ghosts of tsushima, spiderman and god of war on initial reveal and constantly mention it every day on social media and in promotional material but NOT with death stranding for 3 whole years despite this game being the biggest one out of them all?

Yes, sony owns the ips, that doesn't mean the contract changed from exclusivity of those specific games

If it's that simple and that obvious, then please, prove it.

When Sony has an exclusive it makes sure the whole fucking world hears it.
When it's somewhat silent and tries to subtly imply it's an exclusive but not too much it's not an exclusive.

I don't even care about this movie crap, but I'm so sick of you people falling for the same tricks over and over. I'll eat my dick on stream if I'm wrong.

>it never happened, so it WILL happen for sure 100% confirmed

Wanna know how I know PCneckbeards in this thread are braindead?

All consoles are computers

Yeah, guerrilla went behind sony's back and wrote up the contract as well.

"The FIRST software title created by the newly formed Kojima Productions will be console exclusive to PlayStation 4."

Attached: why-kojima-productions-partnered-with-playstation_nmaq.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

I'm not the one insecure about knowing other people will get to play some game.

They have though.

seriously i have a computer for total war, civ and stealing any other game i want. i also have a ps4 which i haven't played a game on in over a year. besides the price point i have no idea why someone with the means wouldn't build their own pc

>console exclusive

Attached: 1312478274526.jpg (252x240, 10K)

So death stranding for Travis? Sounds good to me.

>console exclusive
>no ps only logo anywhere for DS
Sony fanboys are still denying lol

>>It never happened
except it already has on several occasions
sonyfags have literally nothing riding on this race

Yeah that pretty much confirms PC

post the source then

I'm not the one desperately begging for fictional never ever ports because I'm too poor to spend a few buck to live in reality.

I hope PCbros get it and enjoy it. I also hope they look into the files and find cut content because I really like that kind of stuff.

>console exclusive to playstation 4
so the writing was on the wall from the beginning huh

>32GB of RAM
I see how you are able to play it.

Being poor has nothing to do with wasting money on inferior platforms.

did you watch the video? he didn't say that

>Moviestation remains Moviestation

Can anyone spot the difference?

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The description pal.

Actually watch the video where he says you mutt. He went on a tour looking for an engine with Cerny and when he went to GG he was surprised at how nice and trusting they were with him since they gave him the source code to look over "BEFORE" he'd signed a contract. Lmao, imagine thinking multibillion dollar companies would just let people use their software without signing a contract.

PC beats PS in every aspects, the fuck you are talking about pleb?

>sonyfags BTFO

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*Also on PC

>"it's exclusive"
>suddenly sonyfags get excited for it

no this can't be happening


No shit.
He works for Sony so its only logical it would be exclusive.

One of these games has people crying in it, because it's not exclusive.

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So when is Horizon coming to PC?

>farm (You)s
>get filtered


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Why do PC fags think emulation is just a PC thing?

kek it's real

Soon, baby.

Holy fucking shit man, it's persona 5 all over again.

>before it comes out
>hurr muh platform, I'm gonna wait to play it on superior platform, youtube!
>game comes out
>discussion for about a month
>after a month
>hurr muh platform, I'm gonna wait to play it on superior platform, youtube!

I pity everyone who misses the initial launch of the game since that will be the only time where you allowed to actually discuss what the fuck is going on in this game.

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Honestly I hope it comes to pc though, and not just on pc but other platforms as well. It would be in line with kojimas theme in the game with everyone connecting with each other and uniting as one. Making the game exclusive to one platform would just mean like in the game where they are walled off. Which isn't what kojima has planned. Imagine the multiplayer aspect is not only stuck to playstation but is snaps one to all platform all over the world.

Thank God all boring tactical shooter games are not on console.


In Andy we trust

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Why you fucks so dumb. My god your so fucking dumb. Do you fucks know anything? Why does any come here anymore this shithole really has gotten worse

>I pity everyone who misses the initial launch of the game since that will be the only time where you allowed to actually discuss what the fuck is going on in this game.

What are you even talking about? Are you under the impression that discussions about old games are banned on the internet?

Interesting. Maybe they decided they might as well put it out on PC since they're getting the engine working on it for DS anyway.


>What are you even talking about?
Exactly what I mentioned in my fucking post?

look at this bad boy

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Yeah, I bet Kojima "FORCED" them to.

Some languages have it, others don't. Example:

No exclusive in portuguese site

Exclusive in english.

I wonder if other languages have Death Stranding as exclusive

Well Kojima and Hurst kept going on that the engine sharing was a collaboration and they're both benefiting from it, so maybe that means making it fully support PC. Although who gives a shit about HZD.

I never seen a PS4 exclusive make PC gamers so butthurt.

I don't wanna find clones of Norman Feetus

Damn that town looks nice

>Exactly what I mentioned in my fucking post?
Your post was a jumbled mess of retardation.
Btw, it wasn't long after that the game worked on RPCS3 and was fully playable on PC.

That's a wealthy nose

Ok let's analyze this:
>I pity everyone who misses the initial launch of the game
>since that will be the only time where you allowed to actually discuss
wait, is it not allowed after the initial launch?


>Published worldwide by SIE, funded as well
I don't think it'll be ported any time soon but don't act like this means anything.

I never seen a PC port make PS4 gamers so butthurt.

I have a PC and PS4Pro.
Only one who benefits from exclusivity is Sony so I dont get why people defend it.
Either way, if the game is good I'll replay over and over like I do with Bloodborne. But given the choice I would rather have better graphics and framerate.

Sweet. So they're porting GOW3 to Decima and releasing it on PC aswell!!!!

>Btw, it wasn't long after that the game worked on RPCS3 and was fully playable on PC.
Did that EVER stop portbegging threads? Persona 5 threads in the last year or so were about how the game would come to switch or how sega will announce it at E3 for PC thanks to yakuza.

There's a first for everything, like the first time Sony forgot to announce this game was exclusive and kept doing it for 4 damn years.

>Did that EVER stop portbegging threads?
Yes. At least until switch port begging started.

>The year is 1992

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>Did that EVER stop portbegging threads
You say that like there were any to begin with.
You idiots just call anything portbegging.

You wont.

From some speculation, the more you kill, the more hard the "other world" became for every player, and it will start affecting even the normal world with more "black goo creature" around and the mission will be adjusted accordingly to them.

I bought a used PS4 today (from a hot girl) just to play this game

> Only on Playstation^R

It's not even a "first" in that department. SIE already published and funded Helldivers and that ended up on Steam later.

All Kojima Games are on PC why should it be different this time around. He was at Valve with Gaben multiple times during development.
I can easily imagine after time period it will drop on PC if Kojimbo decides to do it.

>All Kojima Games are on PC
Not MGS3 and 4

You fucking moron, I can watch videos on whatever device I want, DS is coming to fucking switch as far as I'm concerned.

Don't forget about Detroit. They even own that ip.

It's like all of you forgot why kojimbo ported TPP to pc in the first place. He is a tech fag, he likes the idea of his moviegames looking the best they can. You think he will let his "magnum opus" rot away on a console that is a year away from being replaces?

>All Kojima Games are on PC
Except MGS3, MGS4 and MGS PW.

>published and funded by SIE
user... all of David Cage's games were too and now they're on PC

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You've already shown how much you're seething. Just stop already.

That stuff is all nice, but it's never made game better for me. If I don't like a game much higher framerate and graphics won't help.

one of the most lowest iq posts I've seen in a while. The fact that consoles are dying is guaranteed. PC on the other hand will always be here.
The point is that Sony is worthless without Kojima. Kojima decides wether he wants games on different platforms or not, and if he gets restricted after exclusivity time he might aswell find a new publisher just like Konami fiasco.

>using pc for exclusives
>console pheasants still this stupid and poor in current year

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user... they were put on PC because the chinese company backed out of the contract sony had quantic dream in.

Where is MGS4 on PC?

>MGS3 and MGS PW

That was not his decision haha

same with Journey. Literally was a game contracted by Sony to be made for Playstation 3, ended up on PC this year

I know they're emulated and technically on PC. The point was that Kojima didn't put them himself which contradicts your post.

all Kojimbo games are on PC

name one reason it should be different this time ? Because of Sony California? I fucking bet

They do not own the IP

this does look bad but it was never meant to look good isolated. It leads to the next shot that shows you can fight back, too.

Helldivers was the mobile branch if i'm not mistaken

>your post
wasn't me

You should get a PC user. I can tell you're really hung up on the price for something you really want. Just nut up and save some money, then you can stop pretending ;)

>Why do people want Sony exclusives on PC so bad?
Because i want to rip Mad's model for SFM.

There still not on PC

can playstation drones cope any harder???


/pol/ and Yea Forums have the best comedy material. Thanks.

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Just states SIE

SIE are basically couple of teams anyway. They're not actual one-team developers under one flag.

Can't kill me if ive always refused to visit that trash

I don't get it ?

>There still not on PC
Emulation literally means they are even if not "officially"

So what if it ends on PC like David Cage's? That only means more money for Sony.
Do you really want Sony to earn more money? Do you really want another gen dominated by Sony?

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You are still not running a PC version the game. At the end of the you are playing console game still.

At least I'm not streaming it

True Haha

dare I say based

why should i care if it's on more than one platform? isn't that a positive?

Majority of games can be played on PS4, Xbox One and Switch
>no games

Console tards don't realise that PC overlords have both PC and any console they want, their rigs probably cost more than your entire shitty games collection.

Buying DS and a used PS4 is like what? 150 ? 160 ? Cmon now. Get a grip under babies.

why are people calling this a movie game? its literally just MGSV2, with more emphasis on innawoodd and less on combat.

Yes, only corporate cocksuckers care if they "lose" an exclusive

Snoysoyreds BTFO

Buy DS used too. Don't support Sony at all not even through game royalties

Actually kys

I don't even need to tell you to kys, pathetic commie trannie.

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>Movie game
I own a ps4 but I'm just going to watch the cutscenes on YouTube and save my money

This is pretty obvious bait guys

he based

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I watched a detroit playthrough start to finish, literally no difference from playing the game


If ur not a digusting pedo slob ur a tranny
The actual state
Adds up
Ur probably a closet tranny ur probably wearing a dress right now


fuck their royalities the only reason that I even care is because Kojima's autism is involved and developed by his team.
Sony is a 3rd wheel here.

>Yakuza 9 Is almost 13 hours long
>Last of Us is only 1 and a half hours long
Imagine paying full price for something litterally the length of a normal movie

*6 fucking kill me

23-19! 23-19!

fuck you, this looks fun to me

Nothing personal sonybonies. Just dumping the biggest come back of the last several years.
Reminder this will BTFO out of Baby Stranding the Sony Movie.

Reminder this will get more love. Better reactions. And will not only make Halo good again but will be the biggest game of e3...

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I remember TLOU having 5 hours of nothing but walking while the characters talk
the entire game is 7 hours

Lmao @ the 18 fatties triggered by this

Actually fuck it Halo 4 and halo 5 both have more soul and fun than any Sony game. And the games with soul are all backed by such SJW Poz shit its kinda sour to speak of it.

>Sony bronies will never play offensive racist sexist Halo 5 customs with friends and not get perma banned by the Sony gods they so bow to.

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If it's not on Steam it'll die with a whimper.

Lol. This delusional fan fiction scenerio bullshit you guys concoct is the only game you fags have to play.

It will come to other platforms bros, All apart of Kojima's grant master plan of uniting people as one.
Its all part of the theme for his game connections, so other people on other platforms can connect with each other.
Why is the game only on one platform, it would mean that it is "walled" off.

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Will Infinite be the completion of 343I's redemption Arc by going Infinite > 5 > 4?

Who gives a fuck? I have a PC and PS4

My computer is getting old, but I’ve mostly been emulating GameCube and Dreamcast games as of late or playing classic PC games

same here, I just want to watch snoys seethe tbqh

Sounds like something a globalist would say

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the amount of pctard cope in the thread is in no way surprising


Fuck real world politics, I just want gamers to unite as one.

it's already over user, there's no need to struggle