Gears 5 is officially coming to Steam, Microsoft announces Xbox Game Pass for PC
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gears 5 and age of empires are being sold on steam, yes. However, game pass is windows 10 exclusive
Cool, maybe they'll be more PC titles than fucking Horizon 4 (which is good at least)
>game pass is windows 10 exclusive
Bit of a shame, but hey at least we're getting the games I suppose.
Are they actual PC ports or just streaming?
actual ports, they coming to steam n everything like MCC
So old games too?
epic blow the fuck out
Possibly more ports to come, we have to wait and see for now. They only confirmed Gears 5, and AoE Dif edition 1-3 for now.
id buy gears 1
Can they just Kill Xbox One now that theres zero reason to own one? Like seriously I feel sorry to whoever bought an Xbox expectating exclusives.
I just fucking want horizon 4 to be loved over so I can play over steam link with my seat in the living room.
Wasn't gears 4 like 150 gigs uncompressed?
What's the price for game pass? We only have EA access and Humble Monthly on PC and they are mostly shit.
They "fixed" it to be just under 100GB months ago if i remember right. But yes, that once was a thing.
But game pass is literally available for PC right now. I'm using it to play Forza.
Stop acting like you ever plan to buy Xbox.
>Gears 5
There was a Gears 4?
Tell me when a good Gears of War game comes to PC
Pretty sure most people already install Win10 and i doubt many of them will back to Windows 7.
>develop the series
>5th main game isn't on your store
I guess they're gonna add more games to it and not just first party / windows store shit?
There isn't a reason, especially for gaming faggots, to own win10 anymore was the idea.
Cant wait to pay
99$ for psnow
99$ for origin pass
90$ for humble bundle
And now this shit
I did when it first came out for Sunset Overdrive. Everything else went on PC though and I'm not paying so much money to play one game and soon enough I'll even be able to play that on PC
Who pays $90 for humble bundle or origin? Just pirate all that shit.
If they bring 360 era games to PC I'm happy
>90$ A YEAR is a lot for him
spotted the poor fag
>He actually pays for PSNow and Origin
They also made GoW: Judgement right after 3. What even was that anyway?
I don't understand. It's just a deal for some games. How does it negatively affect things?
>Gears 5
All I want is Gears of war 2 and 3. It's always half-right with MS.
>windows 10 is dead
It's the opposite user.
>Gears after 3
No thanks
O can't be the only one not so interested in gamepass though right?
>I have Gears 1-3 and Judgement
Are they any good? Also is 4 any good, cause I saw a copy of it at a pawn shop.
Lot of people buy consoles to play on consoles and not because of exclusive.
Fifa and cod kiddies dont count
>More games as a service bullshit
>Windows 10 is getting more games and a subscription service = Windows 10 is dead
What a brilliant deduction
But many games will still Windows 10 only, going to Steam, or say not Win10 store exclusive never means supporting Windows 7.
Fucking based, ignore the false flaggers, this is great news even for Xbox players like me.
Sadly they outnumbered us. That and niggers who are retarded.
This. Likely the reason they're coming is because valve is no longer saying no to w10 only games because w7 users are dying on steam.
Are all the other gears games on PC?
>game pass for pc
okay good ms.
good. Very good, I'm proud of you.
blue dragon too.
Does gamepass include xbox games like ninja gaiden or just current gen shit?
Only 1, 1's remake and 4.
Please god
you can't be this retarded
they recently updated their xbox shit on the last insider's build of Windows 10
they are supporting Steam just to adapt to the current market, while improving their stupid client that is already running behind no matter what you do
xbox hardware is dead
>perfect dark remake with KB + M
Doesn't it require aspects of the Xbox 360 emulator or something like that?
Windows 10 has already won user
I'm 90% sure this is going to be released for both PC and Switch within the year
Theoretically, but it's not like they don't have an emulator in the works, or already have one for displaying tech/had one for displaying tech. rare replay is a possibility but I don't think it's likely. More likely is the games pass will go up in price or you can get it for one system at the same price as is, since you can already make use of games pass on PC for a bunch of games.
More like GAYpass. Only absolute retards pay for any sort of gaming subscription for single player games.
Trips confirm.
It's basically a rental fee you pay up front. Instead of buying the games that drop down to $9.99 after a month, you spend $9.99 and get the game day 1. so long as you continue to sub. see:sea of thieves. Then when you're done you stop subbing and it goes away.
LMAO, 2 years later and seething fags still fail to come with any valid arguments to shit on game pass.
I feel like with the Dead Rising games having come to Steam a little while ago, the only 360-exclusive games left from that time period that aren't on Steam is just the other Gears games. What else is there?
Fable 2?
A lot of the early era exclusives from japan, infinite undiscovery, lost odyssey, blue dragon, there's some shmups that never made it out, and I know there's a couple platformers but I can't remember their names right now.
Import Tuner Challenge, Idolmaster, Project Gotham Racing 3-4, Forza, Ninety Nine Nights 1-2, Magna Carta 2, Ace Combat 6, Chrome Hounds, Ninja Gaiden 2 are what I can think of off the top of my head.
>windows 10 losing more exclusives (gears 5 aoe1-3 among more likely ports in the future
>gears 5
>a windows 10 exclusive
>caring about exclusives in general
are you retarded?
Are Phantom Dust and Forza coming to Steam or do we not have a full list of games yet?
>All of these win10 shills
Big fan how they never seem to go away... It's like politics confronted by facts of how wrong they are
If I had to pay for a gamepass for my steam library, I would have paid more money on the rental fees than the amount I have paid to keep them. Granted I "almost" never buy full price $60 games but the number of times I go back to old games I purchased instantly invalidates a rental fee.
You just can pick one. You know you don't have to buy everything, right?
Fuck Windows 10 and fuck Epic Store
>I’m mad because companies are giving me options
>Yea Forums is still filled with retarded 12 year old /x/fags.
Who the hell actually uses psnow?
I read like a year ago that they lost the source code for Fable 2, then a year later (last month) they added Xbox One X enhancements for both 2 and 3. Not sure whether the enhancements need the source code, but in 2's case it was given a major overhaul so it seems more likely that they acquired it.
They fixed a fuckload of FPS drops, sound corruption, higher texture resolution, better AA, better particle effects, god rays and so on and so forth. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft announce a port for 2 on Steam in a few months.
>XBOX Gamepass PC announced
>Sega is one of MS partners for this innitiative.
>Sega announced yesterday that they have a special announcement related to Catherine fullbody.
Welp... Catherine Fullbody for PC/XBoner confirmed it seems.
Game pass will be microsoft store only so it is useless but hopefully the new games will run well with proton.
Steam must have given Microsoft a really nice deal. not a bad play, there's a ton of overlap between xbox and pc players.
Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise on pc when microsoft
XChad here
What the hell is Catherine
im surprised that youre the only one who pointed this out this far in the thread lmao
I told you guys this is happening and nobody believed me
I said that microsoft is abandoning the console game and embracing the market
Xbox Game Pass for PC
Like Gears 2 and 3 remastered?
It was clear as crystal when they gave Cuphead to Nintendo Switch but with Xbox Live integration. They're moving to services only.
It's shit. Just emulate
Gears 4 campaign is the worst in the series, Horde is pretty P2W and Multiplayer is not fun in the slightest. Even Judgement's multiplayer was honestly more fun for me than Gears 4.
Based. That's the only title I actually want from all this deal.
>Gears 4 campaign is the worst in the series
It's better than Judgement and still fun enough for a playthrough.
>Horde is pretty P2W
Not really, all the crucial skill cards for all classes are common rarity and easy as hell to unlock and upgrade.
>and Multiplayer is not fun in the slightest
Wait, you don't like 3's MP??
>Even Judgement's multiplayer was honestly more fun for me than Gears 4.
Okay you're retarded, it all makes sense now.
fuck this subscription shit
I want to buy games and play them whenever I want, not play a monthly sub and feel like I have to rush things
3's multiplayer played much better than 4 and yes Judgement's multiplayer was more fun to play for me than Gears 4, go fuck yourself.
Is this going to be a seperate subscription from Game Pass on Xbox?
>3's multiplayer played much better than 4
4 is literally a carbon copy of 3 but playing at a much better framerate and resolution, better weapon balance and getting rid of the retarded OP weapon starts everyone hated in 3. I'm sorry but this isn't nuHalo we're talking about, they actually nailed the multiplayer gameplay in Gears 4.
>yes Judgement's multiplayer was more fun to play for me than Gears 4
You're only digging the grave deeper my man.
Hey as long as they continue crossplay with xbox players im down.
fuck off and let me buy the games in full you cunts
Spotted the nuGearsfag
Well you obviously can do that as well faggot.
I don't think anyone thought that included functionality on Steam
>pc cucks praising some subscription service
Bitch i've been playing since january 2007, Gears 1 was literally my first online MP on console, fuck off.
Look at him! The snoy can't stop seething!
th main game isn't on your store
more like 0 games on their store
imagine this
Steam already has the entire Unreal Series and soon gets Gears Of War trilogy
Swiney only has fucking Fortnite and the failed UT beta on the store
Steam is a better Epic game store than the actual EGS
Why even buy Xbox consoles anymore? All their games go to PC. You'd have to be a cuck to still buy Xbox.
>Windows 10 is Windows Store
You already can do that. This is just a solution for those who just want to try the games and not to buy them.
Me for example, never had any intention to buy Shantae, so I subbed to the game pass on the Xbox to play those games. 1000gs'd Pirate's Curse in one month and finished the other game. I don't intend to play these games again because they have 0 replaybility value
>tfw 3 months of gamepass was $1
Pretty good deal if you don't own at least one of the games worth playing on that list.
People who buy consoles will keep buying them. They just no longer want to force you to buy.
No one gives a shit stay mad faggot
Because it's cheap and has tons of games ready to play. I feel more of a cuck owning a Switch
They should bring Xbox/Xbox 360 emulation to PC. Also Rare Replay, Halo 5.
They're not doing that. If it was that easy they would've done it to the Windows store
>Because it's cheap and has tons of games ready to play.
Then just buy a PS4. You get more games, more people to play with and better exclusives. Microsoft is seriously out of touch with gaming. Its really no surprise they lost so much market share to Sony.
Based Phil, it's like he found my personal wishlist for the Xbox brand and has been going line by line
It's not hard. It's a scalable emulator that works on 2 systems already and they will have to bring it to nextgen too.
I'd rather not let my friends or kids onto my pc to play games. It's also much easier for co-op games and when multiple people want to play the same game.
>Microsoft is seriously out of touch with gaming
Yeah, that's why they haven't stopped making pro-consumer choices one after another. What you're trying to say is they're out of touch on how to make 1st party exclusives.
More games my ass. You don't gave backward compat on the PS4 and no game pass either
Doesn't the new Gears have a female protag?
If so that's gonna be a big yikes for me.
You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me.
Gears of War 1 is already on PC, user.
>Microsoft charges for multiplayer on Xbox Live titles when they get a decent market share
What would you do?
Holy shit Steam still wins
>take Epin bribe money
>still release on Steam trough gamespass
China got played the fuck out
Wait, what? You still need it for DX12 you dimwit.
Who cares about campaign? Gears campaigns haven't been good since 2.
>More dudebro shooters coming to PC
>Microsoft finally ports DirectX 12 to Windows 7, but only for certain games
I care because I don't want to give my money to businesses that pander to SJWs
>Only absolute retards pay for any sort of gaming subscription for single player games.
Singleplayer games are literally made for rental you absolute brainlet.
Well maybe if it had a fucking 4k blu ray drive and backwards compatibility would. But sony are cheap fucking cunts. In the end my xbone is a great companion to my gaming PC because I can buy a game once and use it in my livingroom and office ez
>What you're trying to say is they're out of touch on how to make 1st party exclusives.
First party games are important. Microsoft is beyond abysmal with this. You also can't claim Sony is being Snoy either without also criticizing Microsoft for being Snoylite.
Or you could just use a modded Xbox 360 instead if you seriously want to play 360 and OG Xbox games. Microsoft has been making shit decision after shit decision for so long even going back to the 360 and to a lesser extent the OG Xbox. At least that One controller is good though. One of the only good things they have done this gen which is sad.
Viva Pinata 2 doesn't need more re releases, we need a new VP game. There's so much stuff to change to make it a better game, mainly the speed with which you can go from one garden to another, or the speed between scenarios and menus al together. The game is extremely slow and that makes it a chore to play.
How many games in your steam library do you still play regularly?
>I don't want to give my money to businesses that pander to SJWs
Oh boy, you must have a shitload of money saved so far.
I have. Luckily for me most of those games are shit anyway.
>Or you could just use a modded Xbox 360 instead if you seriously want to play 360 and OG Xbox games
Why would you want that when they play so much better on xbone? The bone is cheap as fuck by now anyway.
What do you mean by "more" re-releases? It's never had one. Fuck you.
I have no issue with the speed of the game, it moves at a totally acceptable pace for the kind of game it is, imo, and the menus never bothered me much and Rare is too incompetent/talentlesz to ever make a new game in any of their existing franchises
>Yeah, that's why they haven't stopped making pro-consumer choices one after another.
yeah, like paid online, paid dlc, microtransactions, and rewarding the few loyal fans who actually bought an xbone by giving all their games away to steam. microsoft is so pro-consumer!
Implying Windows 10 won't be a system requirement.
>plays games
>isn't on w10
why though?
shut your filthy nigger mouth.your not even 18
zoomers like you are the reason why gaming is increasingly centered around online multiplayer cancer with p2w lootboxes.
Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Techincally Rare Replay
They only made paid online, it's not their fault the other companies made such poor attempts at copying the system.
>the few loyal fans who actually bought an xbone by giving all their games away to steam
Bro, i didn't know they literally took my games away from me wtf???
You don't even own or will ever own an xbox, why are you so upset?
And what old game is even worth playing on Xbox One besides Halo? Which was butchered in MCC btw and is also going to be coming and playing way better on PC. Gears, Halo, Fable and NGB/2 are literally the only games I would care to play on an Xbox One and I highly doubt its worth buying their shit for just a handful of games at most. Half of which are better for their online component anyways and are on PC or soon will be.
Lmao no.
Well, realistically you'd want an X1X for the enhancements, especially for games like NGII where they up the resolution and fix the stairway slowdown.
Hopefully it gets ported in the midst of all this. I'd kill yo be able to play Ninja Gaiden on PC.
>And what old game is even worth playing on Xbox One besides Halo?
RDR1 to begin with.
A person that buys consoles will never switch to PC, stop pushing the narrative that they will.
I confirm. These retards actually think games on PC aren't "real games" either. And they'll go out of the way to say "I don't like to play games on PC".
>tfw I know some faggot who bought a PS4 pro with PSVR but refuse to buy a PC because "it's too expensive" despite paying for a fucking meme toy
You have to keep in mind that consoles are basically just prebuilt PCs now. The architecture is basically the same as PCs so there's no reason not to offer a curated experience for people who want it and a more flexible one for those who don't.
They don't hurt themselves at all by expanding the footprint of their titles.
I'm finally going home, I missed the multiplayer so much.
>paying for crap on PC
You only have yourself to blame for not being a pirate on that platform.
As much as I know logically it isn't true, I feel this way a bit playing on consoles now. If I'm playing a multiplat on a console, I can't get rid of the niggling feeling that I'm playing a lesser facsimile of the actual game on PC.
I don't get the same feeling for exclusives, but I do get stuck thinking how much better it could look/run on PC. It's kinda stupid.
I got Gears 5 for free a few months ago, haven't played it yet. The last Gears game I played was GoW 2
Go home John Titor
did you think at all before typing that?
A sub based plan would work better with single player games since you can play them and forget about them without actually paying 50 usd per game and having it sit in your library for years after collecting digital dust.
Yeah instead you keep getting shitty games that'll collect digital dust and you need to pay extra for the good ones anyway.
you're one in a million
>literally BILLIONS of ppl are using it right nau
fucking retard or linux shitposter, can't decide
Windows 7 poster.
>Paid $1.00 to get 100+ games for 3 months
Only NEETs give a shit about this