>I play ESO and am an ESO Plus member
I play ESO and am an ESO Plus member
Is that the breakfast guy?
>I play and enjoy modern MMOs and gladly buy shit from their Cash Shop
Is this Tim Sweeny?
What's wrong with ESO?
>tfw dont want to weave so stopped playing
Very true. However, still better than what World of Warcraft Walter and FFXIV Tranny Andy look like.
I assume OP will post something along the lines of "it's not like WoW enough".
>I visit Yea Forums and post on Yea Forums
Not much, but the game is hyper-monetised
It's worse than most Korean MMOs, really sours the experience sometimes when they blast you with news like "Now you can spend 200+ actual bucks to get all the skyshards! You're welcome, players!"
I still play it but I'm baffled they haven't received more backlash for how badly monetised the whole thing is.
Also, their expansions/chapters are full priced games and contain less content than most free updates in other games.
Its worth it for the infinite material space alone.
I only buy cash shop shit with the crowns they give you for the sub, haven't spent a dime of my own money past the sub.
>posting on Yea Forums
Combat in this game is shit, and i hate it. Even target mmo combat feels better.
They got roasted badly when it first came out because of the Imperial thing. Everyone then just sort of stopped paying attention because they assumed it wouldn't last more than 2 years.
not your blog faggot
nobody cares
Is this game actually any good?
It's not.
What's even funnier is that /tesog/ has a dedicated shitposter who not only fills the general with GW2 posts but also posts on Yea Forums as seen here to get even more attention.
Imagine being that autistic.
Nah ESO/FFXIV are the retirement home MMO's. FFXIV is more LGBTQ and ESO is more old/greying hair.
>I still play it but I'm baffled they haven't received more backlash for how badly monetised the whole thing is.
It's because their cash shop is aimed towards 1) people who have already huge amount of hours in the game and 2) whales who can't stop buying mounts. There's no reason for casual players to spend any money on it.
>FFXIV is more LGBTQ
ESO won an award for it's LGBTQ inclusiveness.
Awards don't mean anything. It's actually interacting and seeing the faggots. FFXIV has way more degenerates than ESO and they make sure you know it.
Same for you fuck off back to /pol/
Enemy scaling. It's pointless grinding for anything, if some random enemy can kill you at any time.
Yeah, but everytime you log in, you are spammed with a giant advertisement for the store. I really hope the government brings up ESO in their lootbox controversy. The predatory nature of gaming publishers is obvious now.
Scaling is not an issue but your other point is valid.
>inb4 "all progression is meaningless because of scaling as I ignore any other versions of progression"
Who plays eso? Literal retards and children? There's no mods and the gameplay and such is actually worse than Skyrim so whats the fucking point
>XIV has more degeneracy
Morrowind is about a gay dude getting divine aids from another guys "spear".
I bought the game but that was before I knew about the cash shop and the limited time 200 dollar housing bullshit, I regret supporting them
>Why yes, I am hyped for WoW Classic, how could you tell?
XIV just has the trannies cover the entire mmo pop instead, and you know it.
>why yes, I don't like cash shops
>I play XIV or WoW
sensible chuckle.
Let's be real, this is the kind of person playing WoW classic. The same people that backed pre-made battlegrounds, ruining the economy, and supporting e-celebs on their servers.
ESO is filled with degeneracy while XIV is filled with degenerates.
>What's wrong with ESO?
One of the worst combat systems in the MMO market right now
My name is Travis
and I AM the Moonstar
the game isnt actually that bad for a buy to play mmo, better than gw2 imho, its just the combat is so incredibly shit that id still rather play the shitfest that is gw2 compared to eso. i tried both and the only real convinience is that you dont have to pay every month which is great for people who only play on the weekend and dont feel like wasting money. the cash shops ob both games contain nothing thats important so you can safely ignore them.
>the gameplay and such is actually worse than Skyrim
Say what? ESO's gameplay is far superior to Skyrim. Yet that is not saying much in comparison to real MMOs.
The reason why I'm not buying the new expansion is because there are better options out there.
i didnt even notice the degeneracy in eso because i dont read the quest text, meanwhile the degenerates literally shit their fetishes into your face every time you visit a major city in ff14
>hyper monetised
dunno about you but I'm literally swimming with all the boosters right now
I go back and forth on ESO vs GW2 and I think they both have their strengths and weaknesses. It's just a shame neither of them seem to really want to tackle group PvE content and are more content in catering to people who casually play solo. ESO with actual solo focus and GW2 with the formless group content events that you don't even need to interact to complete.
I want to like the game but they are getting reeeally jewy now, Elsweyr is half the size of the previous expansions and they're charging full price.
Your only literal two examples are a reference that morrowind fags chuckle over anyway; Vivec is a God. He has duality beyond gender. His muatra goes where it wills, you intoxicatingly innocent n'wah. And he stuck it in the lord of rape.
Then you have one optional quest in summerset where theres a tranny. At no point are you forced to interact with or defend them.
On the flip side, you will be accosted by actual degenerates, in the virtual flesh constantly, in xiv.
bought elsweyr, do i NEED eso plus now? summerset is in eso plus right
No, if you bought elseweyr collectors or standard, summerset should be included. You dont need plus starting out.
bought the digital upgrade, summerset doesnt show up in steam under the dlc tab though
bought the upgrade
You have the base game already, yeah?
yeah got the base game, morrowind and the normal digital upgrade, all on steam
I started playing it a few days ago. The limited inventory is really annoying.
weird, maybe a steamanon can help
You can upgrade your slots and your banker with gold.
stam or mag necro? aka range or melee
dungeons i gw2 are far more challenging than eso dungeons, overworld too, eso was literally made for scrubs, and the combat system in gw2 is actually pretty good and thats what you spend the most time on in those games. if eso had gw2 combat and dungeons it would probably be my favourite mmo, but right now they both suck because neither of them can deliver enough to merit wasting time on them. youre better off playing wow or ff14 even if they are arguably both at their lowest point in history right now, thats my opinion. btw eso has dolmens, public dungeons and world bosses which are both faster for leveling and offer better loot than questing so it is guilty of having the same sort of "formless group content" with zero interaction, heck eso even offers a dungeon finder
Stamina necro is supposed to be really good for dps, yeah? I kind of want to do a mag build just so I can comfortably swap between dps/healer myself
its a shame that in eso you either put every point in magic or stamina to do the respective damage
not joking here but fuck zenimax online and just buy some gold from goldsellers for like 5 dollars with paypal. you will have enough gold to upgrade both your horse bags, your own bags and your bank to max without having to buy those socredits at hilariously high prices
Oh don't get me wrong I enjoy GW2's meta maps and shit. I hate 1-80 but HoT and hopefully PoF after they buffed the rewards are pretty fun to just do. I like that the game doesn't have a dungeon finder but I also wish they didn't seem to forget dungeons entirely and just have Fractals and the infrequent Raid. I prefer ESO having a stricter trinity because I think we can all agree trying to drop the trinity was not a good experiment for GW2.
They just have different things about them that work and different things that don't. I also think the best MMO ever would be some hybrid between GW2 and ESO combining their strengths.
So I have sword and shield for my dragon knight. What do I put in my off hand?
eh. i'm really sick of the skyrim "do everything" approach and i'm kind of glad it doesn't work here. hybrids usually take a weird spot in multiplayer in general, and the way eso works you really don't need points in anything but your stat if you're not a tank. Food and passives and gear make up the other stats.
then again the whole weaving mechanic is kinda, well, obnoxious in the sense that you have to manually do an attack in between skills
also hold mouse button to recover stamina/magic is also kinda eh
I mean my alternate equipment.
Destruction Staff (Frost for blocking or Shock for debuffs) is what tanks use as their backbar weapon, or a bow but that's a little trickier and usually requires a specific endgame bow.
ESO is the worst of both worlds though in regards to "anything can work". The classes are suppose to be balanced for each role but that's a bold faced lie and they haven't really addressed extremely stale meta skills or sets for years.
Really? I actually genuinely like weaving and canceling.
ESO itself never really buys into the "u can do anything" approach. That's a meme perpetuated and endlessly parroted by skyrimbabbies.
There's a definite meta and a definite why to why things work the way they do. The reason people get confused is because the game is rather easy, and you can literally do anything for roughly 85% of it and be fine.
im not doing high end content yet but dungeons in eso are ridiculously easy, i once mistakenly queued as a tank with my lvl40 magicka dragonknight and we still breezed trough the dungeon with zero problems everyone doing whatever, they really feel absolutely pointless
ESO's weaving is pretty love it or hate it. I enjoy the rhythm it creates as well, but I can definitely see why people would hate it.
ESO also has the issue of every role feeling exactly the same, one stamina DPS feels like another stamina DPS and that extends across the board.
underleveled characters in eso are ridiculously overpowered, that's why. you get a buff that scales you with and above the big boys until 160 when the buff is removed.
See Perfect example, because everything in ESO is so braindead easy people get comfortable playing absolutely terrible builds because it just works. Then when they DO finally run into an issue they just get mad instead of realizing what they've been doing is trash. If anyone who plays ESO wants to laugh hysterically go look at the new esologs site and pull up some parses. People have no idea how this game works because it doesn't teach you anything.
Combat and animations fucking suck.
ffs cant decide on stam or mag necro, mag needs corpses but eeeeeeeeeeeeeh also every build is either fire staves or dual weild
no 2h no nothing
if you like clicking your mousbuttons 60 times a second maybe you give diablo or starcraft a try, im really concerned about my mouse durability every time i play eso, that combat system is cancer for pve, feels like it was made for pvp in mind
Every necro build needs corpses that's their gimmick.
You can competitively run 2h/bow or bow/bow against dw/bow nowadays but magicka builds are still all fire/fire because it's just too strong.
if ff 14 didnt have this old shitty looking UI id play that even if the textures look like shit too
swtor is fun but its also kinda once you see one story you dont see new stuff
eso while fantasy the builds are all one the same, melee is dual weild bow and range is just fire staff
Everything about this game feels wrong. Running from waypoint to waypoint, tagging an enemy in a circle and gaining a quarter bar of experience is no way to play a real MMO.
I...don't agree, honestly. my stamblade still feels different enough from my stamwarden, and that's with me accepting the bow backbar meta.
is ranged stronger than melee? every dps chart i see melee is stronger by like 10k almost
I mean more in the context of
>Apply buffs
>Apply ground aoes
>Apply any dots if you have them
>Weave during all of this
The differences between sustain is the major thing and how many buttons you might have available too you, but at the end of the day its the same shit with a different coat of paint.
Melee does more than Ranged for the trade off that Ranged can have higher uptimes while Melee has to run around more.
honestly one of the main reasons i hate weaving is because it looks like trash and because light attacks look absolutely shit except for staff. its like you play a guy whos wielding a sword or axe for the first time and flailing around like a little kid. who thought those shit animations were good? enemies dont even react to getting hit, something even vanilla wow managed to do. hitting air isnt very satisfying at all in a game where 90% of time is spent on combat.
get a better mouse pleb
t. T15 necro in diablo
>Have been playing XIV for like 3 years and am yet to run into one of these supposed "in your face, I'm a fucking faggot / tranny" degenerates this board likes to talk about
Fuck, I forgot all about that. Has much changed? Last time I played was late 2015.
That's the kind of argument people use for shit like
>combat is just rolling and pressing r1 in dark souls
>you just jump for Mario
Though. It's an mmo, the concept of a rotation isn't really new
*light and heavy attack animation fucking suck
i actually liked all other animations, especially the roll dodge you make every time you jump down from a high place. not as good as gw2 animations but still better than most other mmos. but yeah, no clue which motherfucker thought making the most basic attack animations look even more shit than skyrim
it has yeah
You don't play on cactuar or balmung, or several others.
>j-just avoid those servers
Yeah nah, there was a large enough pop for it to be a containment zone.
I understand MMOs have rotations but classes can still have different core fundamentals. ESO doesn't have that, that's always been my biggest complaint with it. There's no DoT classes or Burst classes or anything, everything is just sustained damage because it works the best in PvE and anything else comes up short.
It's oversimplifying the issue but I don't feel like I'm really playing different classes with different playstyles when I hop around in ESO.
my mouse was 90 dollars and my mice get doubleclick problems all the time which makes certain games unplayable where you have to hold the mouse button - and i tried all the brands, logitech, razer, coolermaster etc, eso isnt worth buying a new 100 dollar mouse
If you haven't noticed them in 3 years of playing then there is a 100% chance that *you* are one of the mentally ill/weebs/pedos/trannies.
nope, I play on faerie and the worst thing I've seen is a FC of like 3 lalafells that sit in limsa talking in say chat
youre sort of right but at the same time classic wow and gw2 still manage to make classes feel very different while eso all classes really feel the same. i didnt bother to think about why that is but it seems most people i talked to also agreed on it. possibly because none of the eso class skills feel unique enough with the exception of a very few ones (lava whip comes to mind)
user I've been playing for like 4 weeks and made the mistake of thinking going to mateus to learn about the games more through RP would be a good idea, It wasn't. Even the people that initially seem normal aren't and love to either be perpetually depressed or thrive on drama.
>just play on a dead server, and you too can be free from ff's population of tranny weebs
no seriously
go look at their general
go browse the reddits
go look at discords
year after year it's been JUST like that
can you fuck female khajiit in elsweyr? npc khajiit, not degenerate erper. please answer.
Should I play ESO or TSW for story content with mmo "social "interactivity" I have the mmo itch but I want decent lore on top of it and wow definitely doesn't have that
why fuck an npc when theres so many willing?
I, too, enjoy the occasional round of elite sanctuary onslaught. How could you tell?
whatever dude, I clear savage on my server and have a pretty comfy FC of dudes I do maps and hunts with, even with world visit i haven't seen anything
dunno about the other but if eso does anything right, it's lore and story. you can pretty much solo the game anyway so if you like es it's a decent bet. problem is all the dlc writing is leagues better, but the base game is way cheaper if you just want to try it.
classes in eso feel actually more of an annoyance than a boon really, like you have all those cross class skills which are used by all builds (like elemental blockade) and at some point you feel like your magicka dragonknight plays pretty much the same as amag sorcerer, but the sorcerer has a pet and is generally a bit stronger. which is when you regret having taken the weaker class for the same kind of role, since none of the classes really provide anything unique over the other and still use mostly the same sort of spells. honestly there should be a shrine in eso that lets you change class for gold because thats how homogenized the classes are
>works on my dead server
>if I ignore it it doesn't exist
good job
That's pretty much my point. Weapons determine playstyle so heavily in ESO the classes feel like afterthoughts and when your class isn't good at something (like having shitty sustain or being bad at tanking/healing) then you just think "why bother". They don't bring enough interesting to the table.
i would rather fuck a npc than a real real woman much less a fake fake woman
honest question. has this set of rules worked for you in any multiplayer game ever
seethe about trannies more while playing on the big faggot erp servers, wont affect my enjoyment of the game
TSW all the way, eso is nothing but a pure skinner box since the scaling update but I digress. TSW is fantastic for a single playthrough.
Nothing matters.
Nothing makes a difference.
Its the ultimate "just do whatever brah" garbage.
Thanks user. Will do research on TSW but if it doesn't seem that great may check out ESO.
you dont interact with other people in eso, its a single player mmo just like modern retail wow. try ff14 if you wanna ctually interact with other poeple, but be warned those people are the lgbt enabler sort or straight up trannies
>reeee why won't you get butthurt about shit that doesn't have to affect you like meeee
You sound like a bitch, user.
Honestly I've probably talked to the most people in GW2 over any other MMO that's still kicking these days.
I miss Lotro, now those were the days.
Cant walk two feet in FFxiv without walking into a loading screen or a tranny
>secret world
>teso morrowind
>he thinks eso's mediocore combat is one of the worst on the market
o im laffin
Son, I like everyone else, don't play that shit anymore. Even fucking eso has higher numbers at this point. Have fun ignoring, though.
back to farming distruption, chad
>I play MMOs
>Even fucking eso has higher numbers at this point
>try ff14 if you wanna ctually interact with weebs, pedohiles and trannies*
not him but google, honestly. go put in top mmo populations 2019.
i feel like they should have made it just like skyrim and basically classless if they already made an effort to try to make combat and progression skyrim-like to begin with, they could just have sold skilltrees instead of classes on the cash shop like you wanna play support? buy the new alteration skill tree now! unlock cool spells for only 5$, included free with the new elsweyr update! - or something like that
It's one of the best two MMO's currently, the other being FFXIV
if ff 14 had better textures, way better ui then maybe
okay im retarded they actually are already doing that, like psycic order skills and the like
Classless has its own issues as then you really just have static metas as people numbercrunch everything down to the minute details.
I think classes are fine but ZoS just fucked them up, Necro took the first steps to having a unique class mechanic with corpses but there are 5 other classes that have fuckall going for them. Also if your game is a limited action set don't have slotted "passive" abilities that need to be on both bars. You think it'd be straightforward.
Caring enough to post on this thread I see.
gw2 map chat can be pretty chill at times, there even seemed to be an asura roleplayer community on my server, i noticed them a few times when i was in the asura main city, i really liked that community, much much better than the other big mmos, but the game... im really not big on the whole map completion gameplay thing, also jumping puzzles make me wanna murder the devs even tho im good at them
half of the ff14 players are probably on the free lvl35 trial, its pretty telling that SE never talks about active subs and always only mentions created accounts
GW2 just has stuff you don't see a lot like guilds dedicated to running HP trains, mesmers who strictly negate jumping puzzles for dailies, people doing world events or map events in squads that shoot the shit as they hop around.
GW2 lack of a random group finder does seem to have spurred more social interaction over the competition, but I agree I wish the game had a bit more going for it.
the autistic jap that does the census of active characters over 35 places the game at 800k right now which is only going to increase next month with shadowniggers
man tapping m1 whilst pressing 12345 is TOO DIFFICULT.
they could have just made more roles then, or well weapons which give you skillsets for different roles, like right now all 2 handers use the same skills, they could have made it so that 2hand axe is more about doing straight up damage with debuffs while sword damage is about penetrating and dots and mace offers more crowd control and utility. now that i think of it they could have made "class-skilltrees" much like mages guild, where if you wanna play a necro you simply do a quest to unlock the necro skills and youre good to go. im not sure if you played ff14 but since classes are very homogenized there too i didnt mind it as much because your character can level them all and switch between them at any time.
Swapping between jobs in XIV feels more impactful than ESO honestly. ESO could use a lot of work in making classes feel interesting but that's just not going to happen at this rate.
yeah but how many people of those speak your language? i literally dont care about how many players japan has, the game feels dead in europe
the person who does the census is a jap you mong, he checks every region
yeah its really sad, it seems their budget is the smallest of all the big mmos, it could be so much more if they had the money
did you read what i wrote? i dont fucking care if the game has 88k total players if most of them only speak japanese. the game is dead in europe you will wait easy over a fucking hour as tank or healer for a daily dungeon if you dont play exactly between 7pm-9pm or something
>being a yuropoor
dude im from germoney and lived in the states for a few years. i cut my hand there once and the hospital made me wait like an hour just do do a few stiches and then fucking charge me 3k for it. in germany i get this shit basically done for free in 5 minutes, fuck america honestly
>Being american where you can be fired at any time because you're "not needed" anymore
How is that job security treating you? Don't forget to smile or the manager will fire you, is that why you have so many NEETs playing mmos?