Microsoft will distribute more Xbox titles through Steam and finally support Win32 games
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M$ noticed Gaben has been throwing Valve's support into Loonix lately so they had to give a sweet deal to make him stop.
Meanwhile Sweeney, despite claiming M$ is evil and UWP was going to kill PC, doesn't even support Linux and decries using it because it's like moving to canada and who wants to be a leaf?
It's just Gabe and Microsoft rekindling their friendship.
nice, MS store is shit.
>We will continue to add to the more than 20 Xbox Game Studios titles on Steam, starting with Gears 5 and all Age of Empires I, II & III: Definitive Editions. We know millions of PC gamers trust Steam as a great source to buy PC games and we’ve heard the feedback that PC gamers would like choice. We also know that there are other stores on PC, and we are working to enable more choice in which store you can find our Xbox Game Studios titles in the future.
>Microsoft are the good guys
>Epic are the bad guys
What fucking alternate universe did I step into?
Please mean blue Dragon on pc
The rigth one.
>bad guy joins the going guy's party
Embrace gabens warmth
>Saves Steam like it's no big deal
I use it on both my laptops, one dual booted with qangblows malware.
In terms of gaming, I only use Linux for steam streaming from my actual desktop, but compared to windows on the same laptop, there's so much less bloatware and telemetry overhead that streams to Linux play at 5x the quality
Wasn't AoE DX12 anyway? It's fucking nothing.
>win32 games
why is everyone pretending to know what this means?
Will it still require an Xbox account?
I'm not tech illiterate.
Most people do know what it means. Native games, as in not .NET, UWP, etc...
Almost certainly, but if you have a Microsoft account you have an Xbox account
If I don't know what it means than most people do not know what that means.
Fuck that then.
FABLE 2, FABLE 2. Is there a better time to be a PC gamer, bros?
Cuckrosoft figured out that no one wants their shit so they're whoring themselves out while appropriately named Xcucks clap like semi-trained chimps.
>i dont know wat it means
>so no one knows wat it means
I wish
Perfect dark 2020
I'd be pretty satisfied with the 360 Banjo remasters tbqh
>Steam gets Gears 5 instead of Epic
>Yes corporate daddy make me pay for an underpowered PC and charge me to use my own internet stomp on my balls too!
This is exactly what everyone arguing in favor of exclusivity is, a corporate slave.
oh nonononono epic is finished
Xcucks are used to being bitches so that's what they'll still do.
>ever playing kids games
Yikes pedo
Yes that's it goyim, enjoy your "free" 10 year old indie game, and don't forget to sign this legally binding form that makes it so you can't sue us the next time we give away your credit card info!
>Implying I'm an Xcuck
Can you even read? Is this /r/XboxOne's poor attempt at damage control?
Do you know how to read my child? Sony charges that bullshit the same as MS. Keep being a retard and paying out the ass for something that benefits you in no way.
I think he's clearly implying you're a Snoyboy, retard
>reddit reference
>reddit spacing
nice projection
you can use your old live or hotmail accounts if you're really that against it you dumb grandpa. Microsoft accounts don't fucking cost you anything. It's not like it's forcing you to download another launcher like a Ubisoft game.
>Gears on Steam
>Death Stranding on Steam
PChads win again. Consoleniggers get cucked.
>Bu bu bu but Snoy!!!!!
Ah, it is R*ddit. Kindly return there.
ya, reddit. when do you go back?
I thought zoomers were supposed to be tech literate?
>company gives you more options and more choice!
why is Yea Forums so full of bootlickers
at least half the people in this world are below average intelligence. it's an anonymous website where nobody can be persecuted for having consistently shitty takes.
I've never seen a console brand broken down so fast into a prostitute for other platforms
arent you the guy who posted his tiny mutilated dick? kek
>The main villain (MS) gets overshadowed by The Ancient Evil awakening (EGS)
>The main villain teams up with the hero (Steam) to fight The Ancient Evil
What are some games with this trope?
RIP Sony
Age of the Xbros is here
Nobody mentioned Sony alone retard. Dear god you corporate cocksuckers are pathetic. Do you have to be reminded how to breathe through your nose every time you encounter another human?
lmao what's even the point of owning an xbox 1
Xbox is dying if anything. Everyone will get a PS5. No reason for Xbox anymore.
Isn't Gears an Epic game?
Originally yes, but not for years now.
They made it, Microsoft owns it
now THAT'S a tiny dick
>Screeching Xcuck
Back to your hole.
Microsoft is bringing game pass cancer to pc
Maybe now we can get some of the good Gears games on Steam.
i haven't owned consoles since ps3 and 360, corpocuck.
Only to people who want to be cucks on the W10 Store.
Microsoft is still making money if you go with a PC though, they are only winning because Microsoft will soon control the PC ecosystem.
With an easy way to have your multiplayer game hosted on Xbox servers with game stack which could soon become an industry standard everyone is still giving money to microsoft. Even Sony is giving money to Microsoft with their cloud servers now
if anything it'll only increase the popularity of their existing xbox game studios games and future titles, leaving PS5 gamers behind. PC isn't an affordable option and a headache to most people who play games, microsoft will have a better value console than PlayStation and also they will have the games people want to play (InXile kino, Obsidian kino, Halo kino, gears kino, rare kino etc.) especially if you count on mutliplayer games.
Isn't Gears Tactics PC exclusive?
Absolutely this. Phil is a complete moron for revealing this before Lockheart.
Nobody is going to buy the hardware. People will just buy a gaming PC.
How? Why do people think console gamers are going to move to PC suddenly? When have they ever?
>When have they ever?
Ever since the Play Anywhere program.
Over the past 10 years, PC gaming has grown and many console users converted to superior PC gaming.
It's over.
It's actually quite nice if you take 1-2 weeks of adjusting to that you don't use windows
If you are smart enough to format your hdd and install windows you are smart enough to use linux
What the fuck reason would there be to own a PS5 now that PC is getting all the games and next Xbox is going to be a cheap PC running windows? Is this this MS masterplan
next they just need to put their games on mac
But at the same time console gaming has been the strongest it's ever been. The industry as a whole has got fuck huge.
Based, microsoft is back
Because all of them are snoy fags and they have to cope for their shit console no matter what.
>That trademark Xcuck cope and boogeyman
Can't wait for Cuckbox to shit the bed again next gen
>We know millions of PC gamers trust Steam as a great source to buy PC games
epic btfo
remember cloud gaming is going to be a MAJOR player 10 years down the line and Sony will be relying on Microsoft to host PSNow.
5g is going to change how we view cloud gaming because there is so much spectrum with 5g and the speeds are fantastic. We'll start seeing true unlimited plans from the carriers again and it could replace home internet in a lot of areas because it requires no lines on the streets to connect between houses, just antennas. (which means comcast BTFO)
Consoles make Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo next to nothing in profits, Microsoft is still going to control most of the gaming on PC, and you'll see more people using cloud gaming services than consoles 10 years from now.
consoles will definitely be there but most people will buy value consoles like PS5 Lite and Xbox Two S or use a chromecast or smart TV to play games. In addition Xbox is going to make sure it delivers the best multiplayer games and the best single play games on the market, and they'll be able to deliver that if you account for how much talent they will be able to purchase with the amount of money they have and the respect developers have for them is only going to increase as their metacritic scores get higher.
Whenever Sony develops a game, microsoft is making money off them, same for most indie devs and double a devs and probably some triple a devs (Bethesda is probably going to be a customer of GameStack)
Microsoft will be able to afford some blunder games because they are making money from Game Pass and GameStack and Xbox Live Gold from console gamers.
Cheapest 4K Blu ray player and cheapest console in general, going at 179 euros/199 dollars at best deal. That's pretty insane bang for buck, if you just want to hop to the generation late.
Microsoft pass and piss cheap bundles could make it work for, say, someone who is unemployed for three months. Buy it, play the generation and resell it for 100 bucks.
How will Epic ever recover?
Epicfags genuinely obliterated from existence
>The falseflagger woke up to seethe
They never mattered though.
Just give me Forza Horizon 3 on Windows 7 Steam and I'll buy your fucking game
Reddits gonna be pissed
shitbox one = 250$
gayming pc = 1000$
MS will still sell consoles you fucking retards
kek, seething consoleshitters
>1000$ meme
>MS will still sell consoles you fucking retards
yeah, because you actual retards still think it costs an arm and a leg to build an equivalent pc. enjoy paying more over time with your retarded online fees and game costs lmao
Shantae and the pirates curse.
Imagine if they force people to pay for Live on PC lol.
fuck off retard, you need to spend at least 1k for a decent pc to play all the new games
As of this moment, I'm at last "upgrading" to Windows 10. They've won, Yea Forums.
imagine if nobody on pc accepted that because it would be an entirely unwarranted precedent that only seething consoleshitter cucks have accepted
SEETHING consoleshitter lmao. hey buddy its not my problem that you're too retarded to build a PC in the first place let alone figure out how much it would cost.
nice buzzwords
Hey you never know. That would go in line with Microsoft wanting people to use their services.
I thought they tried that during the days of Halo 2 Vista, and got fucked over the hard way.
nice cope, seething consoleshitter.
that face when you literally cant understand adult legos LMAO
except it will never work because playing on PC requires knowing that consoles are a scam in the first place.
I just want State of Decay 2 on Steam, I was looking forward to that game after putting close to 300 hours in breakdown.
>lost odyssey
>phrase not found
C'mon microsoft, do a good thing for once.
Tenchu Z, Blue Dragon and Naruto Rise of a Ninja are the only games I want to play on PC right now.
i just want Forza games on Steam so i can avoid the cances MS Sotre shit
Xbox as in Xbox One or some actual decent shit like releasing a shop of emulated Xbox and 360?
Why would they put xbox games in steam? A PC store?
It's always funny when people think PCs cost a jillion bucks to build.
Is there a list of what they're porting?
Because software sales is their focus now.
Gears 2 please.
your mom
So this means Steam is also coming to the Xbox or what? I remember reading rumors about that some months ago
They won't. Look at what happened to GWFL
>Windows 7
>expecting any support for an OS that is literally EOL
>The xniggie falseflagger is back calling other people falseflaggers
Neck yourself, pindick
Tweet to Phil about it.
No. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Steam Link becomes available on next gen consoles.
Even with xbox sales dead and burried microsoft is still growing like it's no one business.
It's clear that their main focus is to maintain hegemony of windows environment now.
I hope valve don't fall back on their linux initiative though.
>Steam is the good guy
They're still more expensive than a console because console makers lose money on hardware and get it back.from software/paid service. This is especially true at the start of a generation
All PC components are sold at a profit
>snoy is the good guy
>Nintendo is the good guy
>They're still more expensive than a console because console makers lose money on hardware and get it back.from software/paid service
you just refuted the first part of your statement, retard. god, you consoleshitters deserve all the extra money it costs to maintain your habit lmao
I love when Sony fans talk on their high horse despite the fact MS is putting their fingers on Sony too.
>Microsoft still doesn't sells DRM-free builds
I hate this.
GABEN wins again wtf
No one can literally stop him. Not even chink bribe money can slow him down
>buy MS game on Steam
>still have to log in into Xbox Live
Why bother besides fully owning the game files?
Unless you are that stupid like upgrading the CPU every year. The rest of PC components except GPU will last longer than all the consoles.
CPU: It will last 10-25 yrs before upgrade
SSD: 10-30 yrs - unless you want more space, then buy it on sale
Motherboard: see CPU part
Memory Ram: see CPU part
GPU: 2-6 yrs
PC gaming is cheapest than the console in the long run.
>Why bother besides fully owning the game files?
You still have to log on Steam, or has this become so natural to you, you forgot about it?
>mfw Stadia kills xCloud and Now
Based fucking Phil
I don't even see how Google can have any room to breathe in the console market.
>login on Steam = GOOD
>login on Xbox Live = BAD
Stadia won't survive because their biggest mistake is not allowing digital downloads of games. Microsoft (and presumably Sony) will be allowing digital downloads of their games which can also be picked up and played on the go via cloud. No one will be happy with just a strictly cloud gaming service.
>login on Steam = FINE
>login on Xbox Live = FINE
>login on Steam and then Xbox Live = RETARDED
No one forces you to buy it on Steam.
>CPU will last 10-25 years
Never claimed you had to, you dumb fuck.
So, why do you complain?
Not that user.
The next-gen cpu is 1-5% faster than the current cpu. Not worthy to upgrade.
Enjoy playing the inferior DOWNGRADED versions of Microsoft pubIished multiplats like Gears 5 and Halo Infinite on Xbox consoles.
Not that user, those user, and another user, but claiming 25 years are absolutely batshit insane.
You can get away with a first gen core series, but even that is not 15 years old.
please fuck our games Steam and Nintendo
My $199 4770K will last me longer. The games run at 4k60+fps.
Who cares? Do you also mock PC-players playing on lower specs?
>as long as we can introduce Xbox Live integration
Embrace, extend, and extinguish.
Its a fine processor, but do you plan to use it until 2035?
>W-who cares?
If there is the new processor that is 50+% faster than the current one, I will buy it right away.
Otherwise, I probably use it until 2035. Unless it really shows its age, I will consider upgrading.
Isn't it $330? Where did you get it at 200?
L-O-L, keep seething snoyboy while i keep playing like nothing happened.
>Epic Games leaves Microsoft
>Microsoft brings Gears to Steam
based microcenter
Unconfirmed but very likely.
>halo on steam
>use proton to play it on linux
hahaha eat shit consolefriends and win10 users
I have a 4690k and my PC is still on mint condition but the only thing holding it back is that processor but all the i7 4770ks and 4790ks are expensive as fuck and I may as well buy a whole new processor for that money like a ryzen (but at the same time I don't)
>10-25 years
Using that logic, windows 95 computers would still be good today
>3 days deal, in store only, limited quantities
Lmao what a stupid post
You have a $330 cpu, not a $200 cpu
I bought picrelated last christmas for $200 and I'm not dumb enough to claim a PS4 Spiderman bundle is $200
>Microsoft are the good guys
>Epic are the bad guys
This is literally the original timeline. Epic's claim to fame was an uneeded dumbed down version of a quake sequel, which was a sequel to a superior version of Quake 1 (singple player at least). The only thing good they ever made was the original Unreal and everything else has been about appealing to late adopters aka Cancer.
>Steam at this very moment has and will always have more Epic games than EGS itself
But it doesn't even run excel.
They do in 3rd countries.
How many frames do you get for Metro Exodus in 4K ? If your setup will last you 15 years, I would assume your PC can therefore run it at 150fps or something
Rare Replay is finally happening?
I'm actually pretty ok with this,
So there is genuinely, legitimately, definitely and literally no point in buying or owning an xbone now?
It is not same because you notice that the new processor is not much faster than the current ones. Moore's law is dead.
.NET is wrapping Win32
I don't have Exodus, but Doom, GTAV, and JC3 run at 4k60fps. My gpu is 2080ti
In theory no, but i'm still buying the next gen xbox because i don't like PCs.
There's still plenty of dumb idiots like Who are too dumb to use a pc
>implying that there is choice
>Epic dares to compete with Steam
>Microsoft forms a trust with Steam reducing competition
Welcome to the 19th century.
>Who are too dumb to use a pc
I'm also very lazy, that and i don't want to get home and play on a PC after i've been working all day on one.
xbox one is one year away from being discontinued so yeah. i wouldn't buy one now either. i will be buying a next gen xbox though
Yea you are too dumb to plug a controller into a pc
tick tock Halofags
So, you want me to go buy and build that more expensive and bulky setup to do the same thing i already do?
>5g is going to change how we view cloud gaming because there is so much spectrum with 5g and the speeds are fantastic.
5g is nowhere as fast as fiber and even fiber is not enough for cloud gaming you retard
Its not more expensive when you factor in online fees and more expensive games. Typical retarded peasant
been there
tried that
nobody bought it
>I want the best there is but I'm lazy
Your loss.
>If you are smart enough to format your hdd and install windows you are smart enough to use linux
dont trick the retards like that, its mean
>What fucking alternate universe did I step into?
Gabe and Microsoft might have their differences, but when it comes to chinks trying to buy their way into dominating the PC space in the west, I think even Valve and MS can work together.
Epic forcefully taking over the market through a few years endless power plays is good for neither company.
So when do I get to play Perfect Dark on PC?
Games are not more expensive on console. Console stores have sales too, and piracy doesn't count either.
>Its not more expensive when you factor in online fees and more expensive games
Is it when you factor in the obligatory rig upgrades.
>I want the best there is
When did i say that? I just want comfy, quick and easy to use/aquire stuff.
Valve was throwing money at Linux gaming just because of Universal Windows Platform. Does this means that they will stop with their efforts?
I fucking wish
mmm gimme dat input lag daddy
i have steam link built into my samsung tv and i do use it. but saying this is better than just playing on a console or moving your pc to the tv is just dishonest. even on my network with high end 10gigibit hardwired equipment it still adds noticable lag.
>Steam link
yeah. I use my shield to play steam games.
>Is it when you factor in the obligatory rig upgrades.
Says the idiot who just said they would buy the next Xbox console
Xbox consoles are done, they are going to service route. Getting ahead of everyone else with that game pass. And it'll be easier to transition to streaming to compete with Stadia if that becomes a viable option with regards to technology. Sony and especially Nintendo are hard headed Japanese companies who will take longer to adapt, after it (if) it's successful and will continue to make new consoles for at least 10 more years.
somehow i have my doubts that is any better for lag m8
>Is it when you factor in the obligatory rig upgrades.
You only have to upgrade if you can't run something you wanna play, that only happens every 4-5 years in my experience.
It has the added advantage that upgrades are modular and all games on PC are backwards compatible.
If you buy a new console you have to buy the entire thing and there's no guarantee your old games will work on it.
>Epic are the bad guys
How so?
I'll be PISSED if this kills Xbox Play Anywhere.
>Does this means that they will stop with their efforts?
If Microsoft is willing to extend an olive branch and make some changes (directx support, etc.) like they have been doing then I wouldn't be surprised if Valve backed off on Linux for the time being honestly. Hell, these changes may have even been prompted by talks with Valve to begin with.
The whole push for Linux always felt like an escape route for Valve in case Microsoft ever decides to pull the rug out from under it's own user base. GfWL was a total shit show and I think Microsoft was always a little salty over Valve's success.
Consoles in general are done.
At least the traditional home consoles.
I don't think it will happen. MS has been pushing the idea of "one environment on every device" for some time now.
Unless you mean you want to buy MS game on Steam and have it available on Xbox. Then that would be a 'no'
Valve wouldn't allow it, anyways. Hell, Uplay-enabled games on Steam requires you to buy their DLC on Steam so you can't avoid giving GabeN his 30%.
No Xbone, no Nextbox, Xbox is dead in the water Microsoft is a software only distributor.
I understand not liking UT2 because the 1v1 was miserable, but why the original Unreal over UT99?
>How so?
Instead of competing with the competition by creating a superior product that can attract the consumer, they're dumping truck loads of money to buy up rights to game releases and attempting to corner the market. While that might be good for them for immediate results that isn't a consumer friendly practice and just pisses people off. Their store is shit, lacks basic features they say they'll add someday, and developers can disable the review system now solely because people were so pissed off. Before you start with the "but they can do the same thing on Steam". No, the user can re-enable all reviews on their end to show up. So the user can decide what their experience is going to be.
And really that sums up the difference between the two. Valve wants the market to speak for itself and decide what it wants, while Epic wants to speak for the market and decide how it is.
Hey small dicks, we're still getting consoles in the future, Microsoft already stated that just because they're releasing games on PC doesn't mean they are getting rid of consoles especially when console players will never switch.
Microsoft would kill Windows today if it wasn't for the fact it's the biggest OS on PC.
Yeh you're too dumb to use a PC. Just say it.
>Is it when you factor in the obligatory rig upgrades.
You're clearly computer illiterate. Stop responding.
Hopefully this means they're making a new Killer Instinct and won't kneecap it to try to sell consoles this time
Even better. It makes Nintendo and PlayStation more appealing by default. Enjoy your downgraded console ports.
holy shit
rare replay when?
Whatever you say, next Xbox still sell very well, PS5 will kill the PlayStation brand, and Xbox and Switch will be the consoles of choice. Why are you seething about this, Snoy tranny?