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It's been on PC for fucking forever.

>Windows app store

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It already was. Unless they're making every game cross-play now.


windows store won

Yes but theres is like 3 fucking games on it you fuck.

This is the real one


expect valve to put up a netflix like subscription and epic games store doing it too



>game pass
>ea pass
>ubi pass

this industry is becoming a garbage fire

not just on PC
Steam, Epic Store, Windows Store, GOG store

Halo, Gears, State of Decay, Age of Empires, Crackdown.

what do you mean by classics?
like 360 era or OG xbox era?

Keep your cancer to yourself, Phil.

MS are releasing games such as Gears 5 on Steam.
MS are enabling Win32 games on the MS Store because they recognize that gamers want the level of control Win32 offers.
MS are on fucking fire.

>a bunch of stuff I already bought on sale
Okay I guess

It was just for Play Anywhere games

pc gaming is fucking cancer

I hope its dead for good when ps5 comes out.

>high quality PC games

>more than 100 games
>day one Xbox Game Studios games
>gears 5, age of empires series coming to Steam after MCC
>win32 support

ps5 is coming next year so no

if they brought BC to PC I'd buy it desu.

GFWL 2.0

Backwards compatability would've been better. I want Fable 2

But the store is still absolute trash.

there is only 3 games worth while on game pass. get hyped all you want. Unless you like farm simulator 17 there isnt much.

The only game worth having a game pass for is MHW

yay!! GAMERS HAVE RISEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!


90% of the problems with the store stem from the delivery system, which they're in the process of replacing.

>At Humble Monthly, we reach over 400,000 subscribers currently.

Golden Age of PC gaming

>MS giving away all their exclusivity is a good thing

Imagine being this delusional

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they're just preparing to abandon shitbox and make pc their platform

Tried the trial for game pass a few months ago. Outside of 2 or 3 big name games most of what's available is shovelware garbage. If I'd have payed real money I'd have been pissed.

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It's like Microsoft doesn't want anyone buying an Xbox

whats the point of owning an XBOX now?
when you own a PC with windows 10 (i guess literally everyone?) you are set
>In related news, Microsoft announced that following Halo: The Mast Chief Collection, it will continue to add its more than 20 Xbox Game Studios titles to Steam, including Gears 5 and Age of Empires I, II, and III: Definitive Editions. Finally, the company also announced that it will be enabling full support for Win32 games to the Microsoft Store on Windows.

Normies who cant be bothered to setup a PC would just buy a console. And Microsoft is pushing for more people to access their services.

So how are the Definitive Editions anyway?

>Gee, it's like microsoft, like sony, have been primarily making money off software more than hardware since the 6th generation, so gamepass is the next step in selling software that doesn't require xbox live (cause pc players ain't gonna pay for that shit) or a direct competition to steam, so they're trying to evolve.
Why the fuck wouldn't you want to expand your consumer base?


If you have a PC and you´re not a brainless normie, then yeah there´s no reason to buy one.
Obviously guys like you arent the majority.

Is Xbox even gonna make another console?

They're making the Xbox an entirely irrelevant thing to own

If I can't play games like Bloodwake, Fusion Frenzy or Kingdom Under Fire then it really doesn't matter to me. And I doubt any of those games will ever be available on it.

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No shit retard. What the fuck is codename Scarlet/Anaconda?

Yea, exactly, Microsoft wants out of the hardware game, it's dying, they wanna make money, software makes money, why do you think this is a bad move?

>What the fuck is codename Scarlet/Anaconda?
I don't know, I haven't owned an Xbox since the 360 and don't keep up with their news. Is this like Project Natal where it turned out to be the Kinect?


Because they want a corporation to continue fucking them in the ass out of that being a thing for decades.

Hire Pajeet managers, get Pajeet results.

>GOG store
They don't have that. I'm surprised Humble can offer the Trove, being DRM-free and all.

Can i play ninja gaiden with this?

If viva pinata: trouble in paradise becomes playable on PC I will go ahead and get the "xbox game pass for pc"

At least you can still buy games individually unlike TV and movies that are exclusive to paid services.

No they´re consoles. One is set to be a premium strong ass console. The other is apparently a cheaper alternative of the next gen console.
Apparently there might also be a next gen Xbox that is streaming only. But we´ll see.

>why do you think this is a bad move?
I never stated it was, I'm just confused at why even bother releasing another Xbox if this is their path

... you're not still paying for movies and TV are you?

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you have to build to pc, and recent components prices are really bad.. console is just buy and you are set for 5 years.

Because you´re not a braindead normie who cant set up a PC. Normies will still buy consoles because they´re relatively easier to use.

t brainlet

Giving up on UWP in favor of Win32 is an unexpected and very welcome decision.
Looking forward to seeing what other games will be brought to peecee.

oh alright, well I thinks its to ease consumers into the idea that nonphysical games are the "next move", which I don't fucking agree with but oh well.
There were rumors that the lower end model being shipped will come without a disk drive to boot, so I feel like they're trying to get people used to the idea of a streaming box until they can eventually get the cloud shit working on even lower end model pc's.
If this next generation is not the last one, it will be the one after that, and I think those things will be glorified xbox and sony pc's

If you're willing to settle for console performance you don't need to spend much.

The power of the Xbone (Windows 10) store...

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You will be stuck in that ecosystem, and the games you bought will not work on the next gen console. Unless you don't mind wasting more money. Go ahead.

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Gamepass isnt streaming man. I'm in a pilot program for it. It's the full game download sometimes running a straight xbox game file

That´s what nomalfags think though. Obviously someone who´s decently tech savvy can build a PC.

Smooth brained infant

>I think those things will be glorified xbox and sony pc's
We're already at that point

They don't. Xbox will become the brand of a service. That's why they allowed Cuphead on NS. It's the triple E.

very true, but I mean in the physical sense, like mid to small sized towers, with that xbox/sony flair to them

I've been playing SoT for a while and i have to say stomping xbox scrubs is really fun, i'm glad that microsoft is pushing cross-play

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corporate boot lickers RISE UP!!

>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Jet Set Radio Future
>on PC

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I don't know is MS has gotten Xbox and 360 emulation on PC running yet, but they're working on it.

Are they trying to isolate Sony? They're providing us so many reasons not to buy any Sony platform now. I mean, if I have a PC why would I buy a PS5 when my purchases would carry over to Xbox so if I wanted a console with all my games in the ecosystem I'd buy an Xbox to complement my PC for university or something. It's just dumb to have two whole different ecosystems now.

>Buying a Shitbox when you have a PC

I can smell you, marketer.

Are you purposely acting retarded or can you not read basic English?

If they can emulate them on xbox (which is a less powerfull pc) I don't se why wouldn't they be able to do it on pc

Microsoft has to be gearing up for the end of Xbox

>release all these new services and games to strengthen xbox brand
>they're somehow trying to end xbox

Imagine being this dense

>Hugo retro mania
Based. How can snoyboys ever compete?

On the contrary, why buy an xbox when you can just get the games on PC, whereas Sony still, for a bit at least, has exclusives unavailable anywhere else. It's the only reason I got a PS3 a while back, but I tend to wait until it's dirt cheap then go back and play the shit I missed out on. Wont be bothering with ps4 for a long while, if at all with the rate that games are coming to PC.

Xbox ended a long time ago, despite Xfag clinging to the contrary.

Why would you buy two completely different ecosystems and buy all your games twice? From what I can gather about this service, PC, Xbox and their cloud service will be unified so purchases will carry across all 3. Unless you like spending money on multiple platforms (I don't) I would prefer to only be in one ecosystem so my purchases carry over. It would mean that say you have a PC at home but you are at university half the year, one would complement the other very well because your games carry over from one device to the other. I've been waiting for this since forever and I'm happy its here.

Fun fact: the vast majority of gamers are hooked into one ecosystem I.e. people who own more than one platform are pretty rare outside of enthusiast circles. Its why Sony themselves said they want to migrate ps4 users to ps5 quicker than ever. They realise the benefits of keeping people within your ecosystem because not many people buy into multiple if they are invested in one already. This will be a big benefit for MS in the long run.

So, 6 games and a cookie?

>I tend to wait until it's dirt cheap then go back and play the shit I missed out on
>Wont be bothering with ps4 for a long while

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>Gears 5
Who gives a shit, Gears 4 was dogshit and this game will be worse. I rather have Gears 2 and 3 remastered instead.

This, couldn't give less of a fuck about console games from the last decade, they're all fucking shit.

The Xbox store is so much fucking better.


literal 360/og xbox compatability with windows 10

Put outer worlds on it, so I don't have to use the epic shit store.

it looks, behaves and plays subpar for a modern game

put borderlands 3 on it so I don't have to use the epic shit store.

There's no fucking way they will put everything that is on the Xbox game pass on the steam game pass. They would've done it on the Windows store if they could.

does this mean I can play ninja gaiden on pc now?

It's just PC games.

I'm still mad GoW Ultimate Edition is not play anywhere. I bought it on Xbone and can't play on PC. What the fuck? Why is GoW4 play anywhere and Ultimate isn't?

Except I don't buy all my games twice. I literally only own PS3 exclusive games on my PS3, anything else i'm interested in I get on PC, games that very clearly weren't or aren't going to be available on PC. This was a few years ago mind you, and times are changing are more and more are being released, albeit later, on PC. Which is why I haven't even considered a PS4 at all. Xbox, being owned by microsoft and pushing the verge of xbox and PC, I just figured would eventually start releasing on PC too so I never cared in the first place. Lo and behold, they are.