Serious question: in all honesty...

Serious question: in all honesty, how is Sony still pumping out GOAT 10/10s despite being into the 6th year of its release, while xbone and switch have all but dried up? Not trying to troll or start a flame war, but a serious question.

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Xbox game up years ago
Switch is just a bunch of ports and Mario games at the moment

I really want to hug Mads.
no homo

>no homo demon

because vidya are the only thing making sony money and PS is the brand that makes them stay relevant and theyve finally embraced it.

Based Kenichiro. Kaz Hirai hated the games department, right?

Sony actually cares about the video game industry

What 10/10 did Sony make for the ps4 besides Bloodborne?

Did Xbox even get any big exclusives this generation?

Gravity Rush 2.

>Sony still pumping out GOAT
It never has and it never will.

It's always been like this. Sony's what holding this medium together. Without them, it would all be PC F2P games and mobile shit.

Attached: ps4-firstp.png (670x1191, 1.25M)


Gravity Rush 2 of course.

God of War

> and theyve finally embraced it.
And that's a good thing. Everything else Sony does sucks ass.

Pic unrelated? Sony hasn't made a good game in decades.

What, that wasn't produced by Sony.
Pretty good, but definitely not 10/10.
I was asking unironically.

LOL what you fucking stupid nigger?!
Nier was Platinum and Square Enix, snoy had no part at all.
>released for PC at launch and ported to xbone the year after
You're so fuckin dumb.
Looks like ass.

Bloodborne is my #2 game of all time, but shit, snoy sucks dick most of the time. Face it.

Console wars xdddd

>Looks like ass.

Attached: 1550327385139.jpg (1280x1110, 304K)

Don't forget

>charging $300 two years past launch for an Nvidia Shield device

>speculating a game will be 10/10 before release
>discounting games on competitors platforms knowing full-well that people on Yea Forums and critics would say there are still quality games coming out on those platforms
>I’m not trying to troll

Either you’re incredibly disingenuous, or you’re a full-blown moron.
Console war posters truly are the cancer of Yea Forums
If you want to make (another) DS thread, then just make one. Stop trying to make it about the companies please.

To put it blunty, the Xbox gaming division has been a mess since 2011. MS' first party studios left of their own accord or were run into the ground due to bleeding talent or gross mismanagement. There was also the abnormal focus on the Kinect despite how laggy it was.
For the Xbone, MS shifted their focuses so much its clear they didnt have a backup plan for when Kinect 2.0 and the console failed.

this and bloodborne are the only games by sony I've ever truly cared about this entire generation, everything else is movie garbage

Gameplay looks like same old open world shit, the only thing interesting thing about it is the art direction and story.

t. Die-Homoman

No game is a pure 10/10. Ultimately it comes down to what you as an individual believe and if the positives outweigh the negatives.

Why is Sony so ashamed of Bloodborne? It's their only good game and they barely ever put it in those sizzle reels and shit?

Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Monet; Friedrich, Vermeer are rolling on their grave

Because it released in 2015? It's been four years user.

What the fuck are you talkign about

It's pretty niche and difficult.

anyone else find it funny that all those sony sceenshots are angled the exact same?
I'm sure this image was made as a joke, right?

>why is the camera at the best position possible in this game, it makes no sense????

they also make good TV's. Much better than samshit and lg.

How did the PS4 end up so powerful?

Attached: if you say.png (1735x815, 2.15M)

the last guardian
gt sport

What's top-left?


god I hate zoomers

I'm looking forward to death stranding but I can't help but laugh at all the people who shitposted about BotW's empty open world for 2 years but are now getting hyped for death stranding.
At least stay consistent. Personally I don't mind open empty worlds, I reckon they're kino.

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I can tell you are a man of shittaste.

cool your tits, we don't even know how big the game is going to be. everyone hyped BotW before release too (minus the graphics).

God of War

Why do you keep posting an edited version of the Death Stranding box art that says "Only on Playstation"?

cos he's a snoycuck