It was supposed to be our expansion bros...
FFXIV: Shadowbringers
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FFlogs shouldnt determine what job you do and dont play. :)
It is Machinist time, get fucked Balance, Discord, AND Twitter niggers.
Actually GNB is in the shed, its damage is crap compared to PLD/WAR/DRK who are all very close
Don't listen to dumb faggots saying DRK is shit now. Same losers whining SCH is fucked.
One of these days Yoshida is going to disable logging completely and parsefags will cease to exist
It doesn't if you have friends to play with. PF trannies will refuse to take you unless their favorite youtuber has given their seal of approval on your job though
futa is straight
okay you're a dumbfuck who is incapable of even remembering what this argument is even about. Go back and read your own post (i can't believe I even have to say this) that started this comment chain and then read my response. Then you'll see why you're a dumbfuck who is refusing to acknowledge he was wrong.
Bro I just use logs for self-improvement haha
It should if you want to mix-max. That's how this works. You're free to JUST BE YOURSELF and play whatever you want in fun time down time, but no one gets to be a walking liability that drags the group down just because they just want to be selfish. A meta is going to form in Shadowbringers as well it always does, and you're going to have to deal with it.
Shed status:
Tanks: WAR
Healers: ALL
Melee: NIN
Ranged: BRD
Caster RDM
>Don't listen to dumb faggots saying DRK is shit now. Same losers whining SCH is fucked.
Well, you didn't convince me.
today i will remind them
>PF trannies will refuse to take you unless their favorite youtuber has given their seal of approval on your job though
yeah no this is the complete opposite. It is statics who stick religiously to the meta, not pf groups. pf groups don't give a fuck
Everyone must play the same
When will parseniggers learn how the FFLogs percentile rankings actually work, too?
it doesn't, ping does.
stop this shit meme
>stop doomposting, SCH is completely fine
>Healers have to heal
>Dps have to dps- except they can heal and have party wide mitigation
>Tanks have to tank.... except they can dps and have heals and party wide mitigation
>he's going to use Confiteor straight after Requiescat
So these are the big brains of migrating Warriors.
so can viera/hrothgar wear the artefact hats at least?
Thats fine, get cucked by these losers instead of playing what you enjoy, I really dont give a shit what you do
>no more TP rotation
and this is good thing
When will SE stop slapping random metal bits onto leather armor and pretend that looks good? Almost looks as bad as the 2D jewelry on Dancer AF
Now that trusts exists is there ever a reason to go back to playing with others?
I play AST and use ACT because I want to know who gets my buffs.
>Can't even bane now
Hrothgar and Viera can wear 500 different pieces of headgear.
what kind of retarded logic made you think I'm saying you use it instantly?
Remember when the world first Ucob clear was done with a DRK despite it being regarded as shit? "Statics" won't go for the top tier jobs, speedrunners will. Very big difference.
To feel superior by posting my orange expert roulette parses to FFLogs.
What's the actual GCD in GL4?
No. No hats, no helmets.
Only circlets/ribbons/masks/summoner horns and stuff like that that doesn't cover the top of the head. If it touches the ears, it's a no-show.
>Machinist time
know any nice guns? I'm collecting some and I'm quite fond of pic related, Suzaku's Revolver, Zurvans Fire and the AF guns, any other recommendations?
imagine being this retarded
>Trick attack
>Fell Cleave
Neither of those three are shed classes
Boy that sure is a whole lot of HEALING in your HEALER rotation.
>Glasses and so forth would not display either at first, but after seeing how many people called for us to do something, anything, to address this after the announcement, the character team took it upon themselves to use their spare moments to make it possible—without telling me. More than five hundred and forty such items were carefully modified by our designers so that all would display correctly with our new face models.
You probably can't make the AI tank do big pulls
The trusts do dogshit DPS.
more MCH gameplay here
circlets, masks and ribbons
hats and helmets do not work
I've just got back from having a chat with Yoshi and the complaints about SCH so he decided to let SCH have a dps combo. I hope you enjoy the new SCH and not stuck to pressing 1 DPS skill now for single target. Please look forward to it!
In the end it changes little besides dungeons probably being slower with Shadowflare and Bane getting dumpstered
Time to just tab target Bio spam forever I guess
>SMN spam nothing but ruin 3 in DWT
>SMN spam nothing but ruin 3 between DWT/Baha and Aetherflow
And no one complains. And SMN IS DPS
Why SCH complains?
Tanks are given dps and heals to make things move faster
its also to carry shit healers who cant heal well and shit dps who cant dps during dps checks
If tanks didnt have this in their kit a lot less people would play tank desu
>Trust dungeon run: 30 mins
>Player dungeon run: 15 mins
You're clearly, by your own words not mine, under the impression they both got "little quality of life changes that don't translate into damage". If you think that's the case for your job then good for you, but it's not the case at all for BLM. The quality of life changes BLM got all translate directly into damage and all work to get it running harder than before, so that directly contradicts your statement. In other words, you're just wrong. You can proceed accuse me of changing the subject despite me replying directly to your own words but that won't really change much. Sure as fuck won't change what you already said.
Because SCH is big brain job for 140+IQ players only.
Get the Garo pistol too, its going to be especially nice now that gauss barrel doesn't make it look retarded. I also like the railgun looking Ramuh rifle.
see Theres nothing to heal, everyone else can do healers job just fine
I only want to play jobs that have actually good storylines, which ones are the best?
I've done SCH which is just fucking frogs and SMN which was alright but loses relevance after ARR and I'm still fucking mad there's not actual summons besides bahamut. I want to summon shiva to do a huge aoe ice attack and then stick around dealing damage for a bit or something not have a parrot sized egi.
I've heard good things about DRK, do any other class stories have either very good writing or at least a cute waifu to bother caring about?
Yeah sure just let me keep mashing Physick when everyone is already at full HP
Unless boss damage output drastically increases or MP costs are huge with the new system healers are still going to have downtime in which they might as well mash out their damage spells
Flamethrower is still going to make it look retarded though.
DRK in Stormblood only got fun at 70 even if I bother with shit fuck Dark Arts. WAR is still king.
Garo derringer is a favorite.
I personally use the Wootz revolver with the high allagan coat and amon hat because I'm a fucking clown. But it looks good.
Trusts are slower to clear with than real players, can only bring Trusts to Shadowbringers dungeons only because the AI is scripted specifically for them, you get 0 commends.
Retards would actually prefer this even when that combo looks like a loss of DPS than just using Broil 3 constantly.
>glasses and so forth
So basically, not full headgear but more like acessories and stuff. They completed their promise, samurai mask and gunbreaker monocle are all on Viera alright. But if the promise was really just about this, then I guess we can never ever expect full headgear.
While we're at it just turn Aetherflow into old MCH ammo system and spend it on broil
So your response is "Who cares if I'm changing the subject, I found something in your post I want to latch onto and hide behind and you can't stop me ha ha ha!!11" now that's just pathetic
please kill yourself
>Healer class is now focused on healing instead of damage
Oh shit
All the better to interrupt ERP sessions with it.
Do you get that 15% buff in uwu too? Or is it the same as on release, apart from ilvl?
dungeons will go even faster now. SCH kit got so much more raw healing output beeing passive/ogcd that you can spam Art of War for days in dungeons.
also every job got their aoe damage significantly improved.
prepare for sub 10 minutes dungeon runs at level 80 in ShB.
DRK is great, SAM 50-60 is great, RDM gets a waifu.
Yeah, and that's fine.
Now ask yourself: Do you REALLY want an actual dps rotation with combos and other bullshit when at any moment you could be interrupted by the need to heal?
there's no echo in ultimates and ilvl is permanently synced.
Funny cause whm got more dps options than sch now.
You forgot to factor in the 15 minute wait time for DPS roles.
They aren't familiar with requeezycat's poorly worded tooltip and think the 50% bonus only applies while at 80% mp
>Tank class is now focused on tanking instead of damage
I know about the helmets and hats, I was just wondering if they made an exception for the AF gear is all, guess that's a hard no
DRK, NIN except 50-60, RDM. Those three are the best imo.
The one from Aurum Vale is nice, there's a couple variants, I know I've seen it in blue and in red.
>you get 0 commends.
oh so nothing changes then ;_;
I want to fuck Oboro
No because thats what excog, lustrate and indom are for, I don't need a gcd to heal, if i did i'd precast succor/adlo ready for the boss attack.
*dragoon full thrusts one of the 6 mobs over and over*
Garo pistol is nice, but the sprint animation with it looks weird.
>NIN except 50-60, RDM
Yuki is hot. NIN story is always half-serious parody.
Who is willingly going to carry Happy so he can make his content and ignore you during raid to talk and meme in twitch chat?
>I said shit that made no sense but p-please ignore it! please don't reply to it! that's changing the subject!
>Spamming art of war
>Can't spread your dots with bane
>Could have spammed bliz2 or miasma before to do aoe
Wow much much more in depth! Loving it!
I mean, think about it. No matter how they do it, it would suck. The only hats that would look okay would be pointy mage hats Tactics-style.
There's no way to make any others look good.
>See people RPing
>Swap to MCH and spam Flamethrower/Bishop overdrive
>One of them said they're gonna report me
>Not even a warning
I'm gonna miss Bishop turret
with all the aoe damage they are giving everyone
I can see dungeons being design with trash having bloated hp pools.
requiring EVERYONE to aoe dps, if not dungeons runs will take 20 mins+
and let me tell you, even with TP gone you will still be seeing retards single targeting during huge pulls
So riddle me this, does the 50% potency apply for the entirety of Requiscat so long as you use it when above 80% MP (meaning your 4 holy spirits and then confiteor are all buffed), or does the 50% potency apply only apply until you fall below 80% MP (so only the first two holy spirits are buffed)?
Front view for reference too
NIN is great, Karasu is based and you get multiple waifus. Tsubame, Yuki and Yugiri by default
spreading dots was dull and tedious and potency of them on the adds was lower.
kek some idiot will no question. Why doesn't he have a static anyway?
>Recruit Mr Happy at the end of the expansion
>He gets invited to media tour
>Get all the info early
>Immediately kick him
About to buy a level boost for MCH. What am I in for?
If you use requestcat when over 80% mp you get 50% magic damage buff for the rest of the duration.
I dunno what fucking healers you've been playing with but if they've been more concerned about keeping Miasma rolling than keeping people alive you should've called them out to their face instead of making snide remarks on an allegean pottery enthusiast forum.
Healer DPS was a thing to do when there was no healing to be done (often, especially on SCH) that couldn't be handled by fairies/ogcd heals, and keeping DoTs and Energy Drain spam up was mildly more interesting than BROIL BROIL BROIL BROIL BROIL BROIL will be.
I don't even get why they ditched Shadowflare it was a fucking minute CD set it and forget it spell.
>There's no way to make any others look good.
Just cover the ears as if they were not there. Those are ears, not hard horns that can't bend.
He was in Elysium, I assume he got kicked.
he gets booted out every time they are going for world first
Waste of time. Don't bother until 5.0.
If you're above the threshold when you first use it then the 50% boost applies for the entire duration.
Missing out on the one good thing MCH has going for it; the job quests.
>PLD and WAR becomes meta chads again
Is ShB DRK really worst than its SB version? It can't be, right? Maybe people were overreacting, but I can't believe SE can make it more worst than that.
>You see Ivan
>If you hold peestol like this
>You will shoot more accurate
>Because of fear of shooting finger
The whole point was that you had constant damage going out, spamming art of war costs a whole gcd and is weaker than miasma 2.
MCH job quests are hot fucking trash, PLD tier
Vieras without ears are just Elezens
>literal gray parser player gets carried by 7 players
>he still gets to claim he cleared it
Oh well.
Elysium has like 10 different statics in their FC. He was never in their world first static, only in their C team static.
Only if the enemies were alive for more than 12 seconds.
>Summon Automaton Queen
>20s duration (at max)
>summoning animation counts as part of the duration, and takes 5 seconds
>First action will always be Roller dash which has a 3 second recharge
>effectively 8 seconds doing nothing before she starts punching every 1.5s
At least let me manually use roller charge so I can waste less fucking time
It's not weaker than miasma 2. Miasma 2 was effectively ~125 potency when spammed.
That's not really relevant though. The point is that they could totally wear headgear and just stuff their ears under it.
Yeah see that right there is the real core problem. Healing is too easy and not engaging. So instead of being a healer you're a gimp ass DPS with a "keep everyone alive" button.
Healing should be the primary goal of playing a healer. Everything you do should be for the purpose of healing, buffing, or some other kind of mitigation.
But of course everyone is going to want to speedrun meta shit, so you have to TRICK people into healing. Like I said in one of the other billion threads on this topic: White mage is a step in the right direction, but backwards.
Instead of requiring them to do 3 healing gcds for a super holy, they should have required them to cast 3 damage spells for a super medica. That way you're doing damage, but it's for the purpose of healing. Because you're a HEALER.
Shadowflare was good. The slow effect was mitigation, and served the purpose of keeping the party alive. Dealing damage was a nice side effect and encouraged people to keep it up. I don't like that it went away.
>keeps changing statics
>keeps moving servers
>keeps leveling alts
What's his game?
imagine being a healcuck in 2019 for this game
he was still carried, I think someone posted that he was a grey parsing monk?
Is SMN in the shed?
Meta only matter for cutting edge raiders who need that to clear. Everyone else just blindly follows along. Truth is, if you need meta and ain't those S-tier raiders you're basically admitting you need meta to make up for your lack of skill.
uhhhh yeah our argument wasn't about whatever thing you found in my post to nit-pick about. Our argument was about the fact that BLM wasn't the only class that had its kit expanded on while not losing anything major. god damnit why are you so fucking dumb
The DRK's Living Shadow has the same problem with a 7 sec summon animation eating the time.
Miasma 2 is 100 potency directly then another 100 total after full duration.
>all those retards screaming SHED or META before final potency values
>not knowing that everytime the playerbase cries they change things (see sch and war on 4.0)
>worrying so much about meta when barely no one here does parse runs
Everyone here started playing this game this year?
what's funny is that sacred soil's tooltip still says only one placed AoE can be active at a time when it's the only one SCH has. But on the flipside it's actually worth using since it's also got a 100 potency regen tacked onto it and 50% potential uptime, making it literally better than Asylum.
The fuck you on about? Ninja dps is only being made bigger and Trick Attack still exists. WAR is still really good and has had it's dps rotation made deeper, and is still going to be one of the two meta tanks. RDM can't be cuck shed either because not only is Verraise still in the game, it's more mana efficient now.
I'm going to say the C word.
Why do people hate Mr.Happy so much?
Without him speaking out for us, western playerbase, we might as well not exist in Yoshi's eyes.
What the hell? Why does the community treat him as some top tier guru?
>Warrior gets Feller Cleave
>2 Infruirates
>High potency Upheval
My big dick DPS can't be this huge
nope, they're just fine. anti-climactically so if anything
Most of the people who post on Yea Forums started playing in 2.0 and quit in 3.5 and just ERP and shitpost now.
Wow sorry for being able to play smart which is exactly what the fucking job is supposed to do, LEARN and knowing WHEN to heal is sooo bad right? Why even bother fucking healing when everyone can do it now
>FFXIV does not show stats for PvE
>but it does for PvP where toxicity is more likely to originate from
Just use google calcualtor. GL4 is -20%.
1.9 for 2.40
Just filter them
Since the duration scales with battery, is it actually possible to summon it for a 5-6second duration and have it do nothing?
Go away, Mr.Faggy.
People are overreacting. Darkside abilities are more interesting and less restrictive than Dark Arts, MP rework apparently will reduce constant oGCD spam and make you plan your bursts, and AoE rotation is a lot more interesting now.
DRK won't become a meta meme, but they will be mechanically better in ShB.
Do you niggers actually not understand that the timer is so long to begin with because they're accounting for the cool entrance? Also Bahamut has a long entrance but you can start triggering his attacks as soon as you call him out.
oh hey they updated the world status page neat
>Rushes fights to get his videos out as quick as possible
>As a result, his videos are an unomptimized mess, enouraging thew casual community to use the worst possible strats for dealing with fights
SCH is cucked, at least in terms of being fun to play. It's kit might still be strong with a lot if ogcd heals, but literally half their playstyle has been removed and replaced with literally nothing, it's terrible
>being this desperate and delusional to compare adding miasma 2 for lack of aoe skill to adding another dot, bane, shadow flare and energy drain
>Marco MCH's robot final move with "GIGA DORILEEEEEE BEARKERRRRRRR"
His videos really suck.
It's from an old build, some MCH skills say Batter gauge instead of battery too
I would assume the tooltip is just a leftover on the media demo build or some shit but yeah it still sucks. At least the regen on Sacred Soil and lack of other shit to spend Aetherflow on means I can spend even more time mashing Broil now.
>Lalafells are considered as beast tribes on the First
even in another world you can't escape racism
It's a pile bunker not a drill you fucking retard. Drill is a MCH tool.
That's a big bun.
Have you seen the quality of his media tour videos compared to everyone else. They are awful and halfassed. Why did he even bother.
Oncd ShB drops I'm going to make so much Thancred and Minfillia screenshot porn.
>Loli in trailer
>Now a tiny preteen
What in the world is this timeline
No your argument was about how it got little quality of life changes. Later you expanded on it and detailed what you meant by it, which was quality of life changes that didn't really translate into damage. Now you're literally begging me to ignore it and accuse me of "changing the topic" when I address what you said. How can I ever be changing the topic by directly addressing you and pointing out how what you said is wrong? Stop begging me to let your shit slide, have some self respect. Own up to your own words instead of claiming they are me changing the subject.
What's this, do you have brain damage? Are you drooling?
he made Tsukiyomi farms in PF a fucking nightmare and it took weeks for people to wise up
also from what I hear, he was an absolute dipshit at one of the fanfests and basically acted like he owned the place and pissing people off
Yeah those whiny 4.0 scholars crying about nothing. Having the worst everything was totally fine and they weren't so fucked that they had to readd miasma 2.
Fuck you faggot, i will have fun
>he made Tsukiyomi farms in PF a fucking nightmare and it took weeks for people to wise up
Wasn't playing around this time, I'm familiar with the current Tsukuyomi strat. How did he fuck things up?
Pile Bunker doesn't work like Ahk Morn though, if you could cancel the entry animation into one of its skills then Queen can have a lot more uptime doing damage. That's the only gripe I have with Shad MCH.
Is it worth moving to a new server entirely? I haven't played for almost 18 months and just want a fresh start.
The videos are bloated messes as well and carry on for way longer than necessary. I'm not a big proponent of e-celeb/youtuber shit but even MTQ and fucking Larryzaur get things done in a more concise fashion (in terms of the media tour stuff). Mr.Hacky's videos are excessively long like he expects you to care about his opinions.
It's deserved.
They do worse than suck. The strats in his videos are often so bad they make PF worse instead of better, and he never updates them with better strats because HE DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING RAID. He only raided with his static and once they booted him he just didn't raid at all rather than be exposed to plebeians who couldn't carry his gray ass.
What was the old strat?
I think we're done here. You were wrong, deal with it.
>Tanks: Haha look how big my dps is going to be! Look how many fell cleaves and flashylights I can do!!! I use dps stance which removes a lot of my mitigation but who fuckin cares? BIG NUMBERS XDDD
>Healers: I do damage over tme to help cause i know this fight very well and somehow am able to put up with tanks not doing their jobs frequently not using mitigation stance nor their cooldowns properly but thats ok i can still help fight
>Yea Forums: how dare you help us in the fight? You should just be healing! How dare you!
>shb dps: we can heal now lol
>shb tank: we got so much more dps lol
>ast, sch, whm faces when
Is the hair a mod
yeah, but unlike bahamut you can't cancel the summoning animations for MCH and DRK.
I'm still gonna play SCH when I heal since I don't enjoy AST or WHM but I do wish they'd at least give Shadowflare back
Go watch his video. It's literally the worst strat possible.
Time moves differently because it's another dimension. The Scions have been there for years from their point of view
I don't know when the sale will end so I was going to buy it now and wait for the patch to hit.
Tank should tank, healer should heal, dps should dps.
Shut the fuck off retard
Like this. This is Viera mind you. If they can stuff the ears inside the moogle headpiece why can't they do it with others?
entirely up to you if you want to pay that $18 or start a new character
>newfags will never experience his garuda ex memestrat
>everyone forgot him manipulating the duty instance wheel at fanfest
is not
Lalafell are beautiful
And it doesn't matter because they'll still have the intended uptime. If they shorten the animation they'll also just lower the duration. The timer is that long so they coule give it a cool animation
Ah well it's a convoluted mess currently but it has cool animations. It looks much better in 5.0. If you're strapped for time it wouldn't be a bad idea.
>Play WHM
>Already been used to only pressing like 2 maybe 3 buttons
>Now I get to experience SCH
Why do you insist on spamming this
>Implying tanks and DPS easing some of the burden from healers while adding another thin layer of complexity is a bad thing
you can still dps
complaining because you lose your epic dots and ogcd is an invalid argument
I will never not be mad about Garuda Ex's strat. Mr. Happy was a faggot then and even more of a faggot now.
SCH cucks you have DPS spec. It is called SMN.
You know how SMN rotation looks like?
After you blow stacks of aetherflow you need to wait for Bahamut. How?
>Ruin 3
>Ruin 3
>Ruin 3
>Rouse pops
>Ruin 3
>Ruin 3
>Ruin 3
>Shadowflare pops
>Ruin 3
>Ruin 3
>Ruin 3
After you finished Baha sequence you enter DWT and
>Ruin 3
>Ruin 3
>Ruin 3
And sometimes Ruin 4 procs.
You have no escape.
Now that dps and tanks have those tools theres even LESS for a healer to do in a fight LMFAO
>caring about meta in a Final Fantasy theme park game
Can Yoshi gas the trannies already?
Because they're not actually stuffing the ears in there. The head is being completely replaced. They could probably just delete the ears from existence when using any helmet, but probably don't want to.
SE thinking they could have done branched jobs from the start was a failed attempt.
bitch, lalajews invented the term beast tribe, they deserve it being used against them
>Shut the fuck off retard
I tell people about his shit at the first fanfest every chance I get. I hate that fat nigger and his overblown ego.
Yes but spamming it doesn't stack the dot, just refreshes the cooldown. Considering that you are almost always spamming it art of war is almost always a buff.
Healers are ALREADY overtuned for healing though.
>can't think of any counter arguments
>w-well you are wrong!
How can I ever dispute this well thought and sensible argument. Truly you have bested me.
Y-you can't prove that......
Well yes I could go on about how I had to level a tank to do Garuda EX because thanks to Mr Happy's videos no tank on Exodus could be a reliable offtank, or how they all take an hour to explain something that could be summed up in three paragraphs. Or whatever drama is going on behind the scenes that I really don't care about. It's all the same really. The point is he's an awful content creator that creates awful content.
She grows when she eats light.
What did he do, exactly?
I never heard about the fanfest thing. What happened?
Lightning hot take:
If you wanna distinguish SCH and SMN, remove Bane/Broil from SCH. Give them a DoT as their filler. But instead of ranking up to II and II it gets a trait that lets it be stacked 3-4 times and encourages upkeep to refresh it.
I wish to sodomise the fedora
I don't WANT art of war you fucking retard.
Its mostly people just pretending to be retarded. Nobody here actually believes the whole "Healers should only heal" meme.
There is literally nothing gay about letting a futa pound your ass while she calls you a faggot.
>Remove Bane/Broil
Well we're half way there already
Fuck, I loved Y'shtola before it was trending
SCH doesn't have bane anymore, it's now SMN only
GUYS I just saw the new Machinist changes and nearly broke my dilator off inside myself.
This can't be happening. This is MY class! I stuck with it when no one else would. You can't come back now. It's MINE!
I'm not going to forget that. I could never make it through EX progression at 4.0~4.1 because everyone kept attempting his double tankbuster bullshit strategy
Got drunk and ran around with his posse being a loud obnoxious nigger like he was the god of the game. Then at the EX primal roulette his team rolled Mog. When the guy turned around, Happy turned the wheel to Garuda and he got caught. His team then wiped to fucking King Mog.
He became a laughing stock on Sarg and was kicked out of Legacy within a week. Within a month he had been chased off Sarg. Everyone on Sarg at the time knew what a shitter he was.
Err, meant to say Ruin/Broil.
>fucking mhiggers
Is it really read YA shtola or are the voice actors just dumb?
Healers have more instant heals than ever
They're going to be dpsing more than ever
>get a fun looking gunblade right as mch gets some new toys after playing it for 4 years
Hope you new guys enjoy it now but I'm jumping ship. I can't just ignore gunbreaker.
I think I'll manage to level up 2 more after paladin before ShB launches, which jobs would you recommend leveling next?
Never. XIV's costume design is conservative by their standards and they know MMO addicts love baubles. Simple clothing is for high level crafting only.
My dick
Its Ye(ye) shitola
Machinist and Blue Mage.
>Is it really read YA shtola
It is. Or, it is in the Nip
Machinist and Ninja.
It is. Go read the naming convention thread on the OF. They list how to pronounce each Miqo'te tribe letter.
BRD/MCH just so you can have every role covered
>which jobs would you recommend leveling next?
Where does the A come from?
It's ya'shtola.
All the seeker tribes are letters, right? Well, the letters are actually Japanese letters. So the Y tribe is actually the Ya tribe. Likewise the M tribe is actually the Mi tribe.
Where is the Y tribe from? Do we know anything about it? Is Yshtole a virgin?
Unironically spam POD until you get them all to 30 so you can start using shit like Frontline roulette and eventually MSQ/Alliance Raid. Trying to level just one class at a time in this game after your first is foolish and wastes time.
Japanese don't have a sound for Y on it's own.
>tfw going to run drk while everyone is paladin because i like being the contrarian
>. So the Y tribe is actually the Ya tribe.
Then why not localize it as the Ya tribe instead?
Wasn't he the one that started the Skip Soar meme too or was that someone else?
You know how in English we pronounce the letter Y as 'why'? In Eorzea it's 'yeh'. Every letter's pronunciation is on the OF lore forum.
Just take them all to 70 before SHB bro after that you'll literally never ever have to touch POTD/HOH ever again
Okay???? It's not weaker than miasma 2 though
what will the next tombstones be?
Because then you lose the one for every letter thing.
Ask that hack Koji
I'm going to be gunbreaker because yoshi p said it's the experienced tank.
>wiped to king mog
Literally how. Why would they want Garuda over the push over King Mog?
Tomestones of Anonymity
You can't prove they were an all-Lalafell organization!
I brotha
Because it's a conceit for Japanese not being equipped to pronounce single Roman letters. The convention is [X]'[Name], not a sound as the clan.
Whenever you want to go pick it up.
>implying normies realize how strong PLD will be and wont be going DRK because its the poster boy of the expansion
If you're a true contrarian you'd be going WAR
Because Garuda is piss easy and Mog actually requires some small amount of party coordination
What the fuck was Yoshi thinking? Is he actually Todd Howard with contradicting himself on stream?
But then you create the inconsistency of Y being read YA for no logical justification other than "well localization fucked up".
cute, where'd you get this from? been trying to find people who are actually posting screenshots from media tour but its mostly just vids
So let me get this straight, the SCH who are whining would prefer to do something like this.
>DPS skill 1 (110p) > DPS skill 2 (170p) > DPS skill 3 (560p) > DPS skill 1 (110p)> DPS skill 4(300)p > DPS skill 5 (430p)
Totalling for 1680 potency from all 6 GCD.
instead of doing
>Broil 3 (280p) x 6
Totalling for 1680 from 6 GCD.
Pressing more buttons does not mean more skills.
>use combo one to gain bullet
>use combo two to spend bullet
They need more spenders or at least made some of the defensive CDs spenders.
>didn't care for Viera at first
>boot up benchmark and make one for the heck of it
>notice they have extremely huge eyebrows
Fuuuuuuuuuuck I might switch
Embrace the edge brother. Go beyond it, even.
Almost every content except for literally the most extreme ones doesn't require min-maxing and perfect execution. You can do and normal content with random, and extreme with a group of friends with some coordination.
Why does it go 1 between 3 and 4?
the fuckin target down the bloc from me has the balls to try and charge 4$ for one of those
like I won't just pay 1 dollar more for digiorno
It goes in the hall of fame along with Tsukuyomi meteors, running around the entire platform for Suzaku, making two videos both twice as long as the fight for Shinryu, and DPS in/out for O9S.
I've noticed that NA PF straight up ignores his strats for savage now. People do use his seiryu markers but they're pretty good.
>being this delusional
Then they just time their runs
SCH tears are delicious. This is incredible. What a gift Yoship has given us
At the time King Mog was probably the hardest EX primals because you need to coordinate and slow down dps
Are you fucking stupid? They removed all of our aoe, we have to hard cast every dot on every enemy now, in aoe situations we have one button we press... shart of war.
Well the spender combo is pretty cool in the way it's like 2 combos interlaced together.
WHM = AST > > > > > > > > SCH
DNC > > > > > > > > > MCH = BRD
BLM = SMN > > > > > > > > RDM
>only realizing it now
Combo 1: 123
Combo 2: 145
This is + for your favorite parse. CPM
Something to do with night probably.
Yoshi will destroy all clocks
my nigga
How did RDM get fucked? It's basically unchanged.
Tfw no one managed to record this happening
I hate it
It was fucked before and wasn't given anything to make it worth using outside of prog.
Enjoy Dancer while you can because the first adjustment patch they are getting nerfed for sure.
Holy fuck that's one edgy liondaddy.
But user, what if all my friends are awful and won't stop dying? I'll be useful then!
>steam doesn't get heavensward for free because fuck you
it's not fair
I don't want to wait a month
eat a fat hrothgar's smegma whm tranny
Note: SCH is shit to play but still meta
>RDM in prog
>Raise cd of 300s
It is cool, and putting it together with oGCDs in a burst window might be a little tricky at first but feel good when you get it, it just seems like they could have done a little bit more with cartridges.
>playing on steam ver
You deserved it.
You do realize that if you buy Stormblood you get HW for free anyway? And you still have to buy SB, so 'free HW' is really just a nothing burger.
>Lying on the Internet
>they bought the steam version
>playing the steam version
If I buy just shad I get all expac but only on shad release day
>needs to weave every fairy skill
what ever helps you sleep, buddy
Why is it shit to play because you press 21111111111 instead of 231111111231111?
Maybe I'm misremembering because I had a good raid group back in ARR. I felt like King Mog was ezpz. I did have a few issues with LEX when it first came out though.
>tfw steam was practically giving it away back in ARR
>got it without knowing I'd be locked into it forever
No one believed me when I said SAM was out of the cuckshed forever.
>people unironically think that SCH is in the shed when its just going to be boring to play but the numbers got even more retarded
God I want to facefuck this dumb cunt into oblivion.
The real question is this
What skill do i put on Not-Heavy Thurst slot now, DRGbros?
I still have Phlebotomize slot empty
It was never fucked.
Is the 2k mp cost taking into account the half spell cost trait or no?
>steam ver
Bad idea
Am I the only one who's jerked off to this image?
Hahahaha... OH NO NO NO imagine playing ffxiv on -steam- oh user. well, let me ease your pain as thanks for the laugh.
I just want to wrap my hands around her petite waist and bury my face into her full, perky c@ t@s.
>sam better than nin
that's unironically the complain they have
>>Is the 2k mp cost taking into account the half spell cost trait or no?
>Stratagem isnt removed
Go back to your shed WHMtranny
Stay mad. I main NIN and my favorite healer to play is AST, I'm on the fence about AST changes but boy do I love watching SCH get skullfucked.
it's like WAR at the start of stormblood. You remember that? "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY JOB ISN'T THE BEST AT ITS ROLE BY A COUNTRY MILE ANYMORE!!!!!! MY LIFE IS OVER :("
That's what you sound like. That's what sch_lounge is saying, almost verbatim, right now.
I wonder how strong Seraph will actually end up being.
You need to control the moogles' HP in order to do damage to King Mog himself since he heals them with his HP, however each and every moogle have their own quirk that needs to be controlled. Having him heal too many times will enrage him so you need to bring down the other moogle's HP really low and kill them all the same time.
Now you can just burn King Mog and tank the enrage.
>Fairy will literally still be solo healing every fight with us just tossing the odd lustrate/excog/indom
It's going to be so boring.
Impulse Drive.
>he thinks the tank with the shortest ignore mechanic CD is ever going to be in the shed
the absolute state of Yea Forums
I don't get it, no one even looks at the keyboard whilst playing what does it matter, you're still pressing the same amount just less keys.
It's okay bro I have it on steam too but at least I get to track my hours and display my autism on my profile page
You know what pisses me off is that this was probably possible in HW too, but I just didn't know better. I solo'd the fight on SCH and it was stupid hard because I had to do it the intended way, but back then I didn't realize that I just had to tank a 30k hit. I reckon in 270 gear with a beefy Adlo that would have been possible, but I don't remember i270 HP values that well
>tfw ever DNC will want to dance partner with MNK or NIN
>df will be full of SAM
The main problem with healing is off GCD heals. In ARR, both WHM and SCH only had one oGCD heal each, and doing dps and healing was still very fun and engaging.
Introducing Indomitability and Assize in Heavensward was the mistake that threw everything off. SCH needed a different tool to assist their lack of aoe heals (maybe more uses of Emergency Tactics) and WHM needed a different tool to address their MP issues. Everything was downhill from there.
Steam ver is superior, you have finer control over your sub payments. Sales are not an argument because you fucks are just going to be buying the new expansion as soon as it comes out and steam has them anyway.
Don't forget to give me TA for my double Midare + Senei cuck. Throw an LB out after that maybe I'll let you and your little clone watch what a real man can do.
I'm not a monk
see here So you're telling me you'd rather press more skills for example the same amount of potency than just using the singular skill multiple times.
this looks very different outside of the opener you monkey
>tp is now gone
>mp now works like tp used to
for what purpose
Impulse Drive. I can finally bind chaos combo properly on gamepad
>uses job icon for monk
>just has SAM written for samurai
What? The tooltips doc says they still have it
I'd rather my jobs depth wasn't reduced from a lake to a puddle, no.
What was the purpose of TP? To wait for it to regenerate when you die?
Its almost as if someone cares if their gameplay doesn't put them to sleep, not just total efficiency.
Lock melee out of doing AoE.
So you want this one instead?
Why are so many people here acting as if the potency numbers mean shit? There's still another month of fucking development til early access and probably another month before savage launches. The numbers are guaranteed to fucking change
Then play a DPS, why the fuck are you playing a healer if you're concerning about a DPS rotation.
You're a dumb cunt, fuck off.
Two words:
??? some jobs don't even use MP at all, prime example is Ninja.
Oh boi that will get some time to get used to. At least i don't have to reach out my fingers anymore
what are you going to do to me and my clone huh
>Raiding outside of prog
>that one guy who fell into a coma after the first wave of fake leaks and woke up just now
Potency isn't really how meta is decided except on selfish DPS like BLM and SAM. Most other jobs are already cemented due to their utility, mitigation, etc. Its why we already know it'll be PLD/WAR.
>healer is whining about healing
Fixed it for them
>Healers have to heal
>Dps have to dps- except they can heal and have party wide mitigation
>Tanks have to tank.... except they can dps and have heals and party wide mitigation
>df will be full of SAM that don't use dots or AoE
Lately df is filled with a bunch of inbreed retards
its spelled Drought. A draught is something you drink.
>This event
>3 tomes per fucking MSQ
>50 per mount
>MSQ is 45 and 35 minutes long
Are you fucking kidding me?
Is it true the Japanese ShB skills have different potencies than the NA ones
Bunnies are the true patrician's choice.
How about you go tell Yoshi to not design fights around having to heal only 10% of the time and 90% downtime to DPS?
LMAO I was going to post something like this. And most SCHs would be unironically happy with this too
reminder that most of the "rdm sucks" memers are parroting a speedrun meta that practically nobody in these shitty threads is actually good enough to be part of. stop getting all your opinions from the balance when you struggle to get blue parses.
Limiting melee AoE really
MNKs could theoretically run out in thejr normal rotation before Stormblood, but only if a boss didn't have a phase that was nothing but dodging or waiting for a big hit. Personally I only ever ran into actual TP issues in some parts of Alexander Savage but you could use Purification on yourself for that or just get some Goads.
no but they word the descriptions differently.
That's not what im seeing. i'm seeing people in these very fucking threads complaining about numbers
You guys are just memeing, I know. But people need to better articulate it.
Different tooltip descriptions as well.
Healers have to heal -except they have a single target and aoe dps skill if they have downtime and even have party wide mitigation skills.
Your point?
I'm pretty sure most of the people complaining weren't around for Pre HW or Pre SB where literally the exact same thing happened
Where would SAM even use AoE on? The gaol phase on susano? You're just artificially inflating your damage by hitting the ones that don't have a person inside for 0 usefulness.
DPS and tanks have healing abilities for soloing. But healers also have damage abilities for soloing as well. It balances out.
just run sycrus tower. you get 2 tomes but you can speedrun it in 10 or so minutes. the only thing worthwhile from the event rewards is the goobue mount since the beast tribe way is timegated for weeks.
Any examples?
Retards maybe. But the smart people already know. NIN for example. It didn't matter what new skills they got. They kept Trick. They're in.
>Look mom i posted it again!
Does anyone have that Alma album from a new threads ago??? Please God.
I;m not home, but can you do squadron missions for the regular duty stuff for the event? I can just bot those.
How am I? You seem to only care about pressing more buttons even if they equal up to the same amount that broil could whilst reducing skill bloat. Go play a DPS if you're that upset about it.
>At that moment everybody knew he was a phone fag with autocorrect
I have priorities ok
You'll enjoy your drought content and like it.
>There's still another month of fucking development til early access
games aren't developed all the way to release day. By now everything should be mostly set in stone with only obviously issues getting corrected.
You kidding? The problem is SAMs who use Higanbana too much. Nothing triggers me like seeing 40s of Higanbana left as a phase ends
The trick is to speed run the 1 tome dungeons user
Don't worry I will, enjoy the 5 hour queue.
remember when people cared about quads? Pepperidge oldfag remembers.
>not the pegasus mount from dedadem
I thought you couldn't remove level sync?
I really like their model in armor. Didn't think I would but I do. The issue with them is there is basically 1 (ONE) face that doesn't look like shit. Also, you can't use headgear save for tiny head accessories. This last point is probably the one that bothers me the most, some sets have half or more of their identity on the headpiece.
Theres a clear difference between an obvious typo and a little bit of balancing.
Utility and mitigation and potency all translate into the exact same thing: damage
Less healing gcds: more damage
Shadewalker saved 3 gcds in tank stance (lol): more damage
Higher potency per second: more samage
Potency is always relevant. If a job has a good buff but it doesn't outweigh its low damage then that job won't be a likely pick.
How do you know that they arent doing that now with these design choises
how is it possible that Yea Forums is somehow more autistic and retarded than the fucking general? It's supposed to be the reverse
See for yourself.
I was talking about expert dungeon, me and the healer were carring that SAM and a BLM that never used Fire IV on The Burn
Tell that to the retards here who still think AST is mandatory even though WHM's personal DPS is now higher than the cards provide.
>That weird 20 second window of 5.0 SMN where you have to sit around with a baby Egi/Carbuncle.
wonder if they're just gonna fill those in with an Alexander summon in 6.0 and just permanently free us from the dumb small summons
So will they fix this scene and have Sylphie talking down a healer who wants to DPS?
>ARR dungeons
All i see in these threads is
>I'm shit at healing so I don't dps so why should people who are good at healing be able to dps if I can't?
Yes. That is indeed exactly the fucking point. Congratulations, you found it. Yes, we do in fact want to have something that is even remotely intellectually stimulating during our healing downtime, especially when we have more fucking downtime than we have actual uptime. It's not about wanting to shit out as much dps as possible, it's about trying to not fucking fall asleep between the massive 30 sec plus gaps that occur between using actual healing abilities.
There wouldn't be a problem if they made healers devote more gcds and resources to actual healing, but they haven't, so yes I am going to remain pissed that they decided to dumb down the near-braindead jobs even more rather than actually fixing the source of the complaints to begin with. This isn't even unique to SCH, it applies to all healers.
you're synced at ilvl 130 when the instance was designed for ilvl 70. you burn through it so fast that you skip mechanics.
Seeing all these healers crying like little bitches reminded me why I quit this kusoge in the first place tbqh.
>armchair raiders
There's your answer
Futa is only good when one is making you watch her fuck your wife
When was the media tour? I'm sure they worked on something between then and now.
So aside from the crit buff of his songs what else did BRD lose?
I try
We don't really know if that's true yet though.
Because the general always invades Yea Forums when something big happens. The threads are usually chill during info droughts.
Are you so retarded you don't yet know TRUST?
>Darkside abilities are more interesting
LMAO it's the exact same shit except now you weave a single damage skill instead of a skill that boosts damage on the next skill
I'm gonna resub to try to catch up to Shadowbringers. I have pretty shitty latency though. Are there any jobs where latency doesn't matter as much?
what if they gave us more focus on damage prevention or buffs? The better the hao
>He thinks he can do relevant content with trust
Healers should heal
>Healers will be seething for the next 2 years
Nice, based Yoshi
Both are a fucking problem. It lasts a goddamn minute, how hard should it be to manage that shit?
>spend over 20 minutes in dungeon queue
>go to toilet for 40 seconds
>come back
>"your participation could not be confirmed. registration is withdrawn."
oh come the fuck on
That's what SCH was in 2.0 but since then they've given it nothing but more ways to heal actual HP
I'm actually excited to see all the bitchy healers quit so that a new generation of chill healers move in.
We'll be rid of the SCH problem by 6.0.
I want Art of War and Miasma II. Yoshi give Miasma II back again.
Well are you still talking about AoE? Because Fire IV is single target.
I wish they put some movement into the ears. They look plastic.
You don't even know how 5.0 will work, how about waiting until it's playable to decide things.
BLM, SAM and RDM for DPS
Healers are all doable but current AST could be rough for you if you care about min maxing.
PLD and WAR are both very nice at high ping.
Doesn't it tick down from 60? Either way thats why I always count down from 60 when I have to briefly step away.
Pegasus costs 50, Goobue is only 30. Plus the Goobue mount as a mount action like how Twintania and the Santa Bear does.
This but with over 1 hour waiting for Praetorium. I don't think i even got angry, just had an empty feeling.
It’s more about taking a fun class and neutering it because it made WHM feel bad.
Where the fuck are people supposed to raid then? On a bicycle?
What's prog?
Pro-tip: Put the volume all the way up when you're ging to the toilet so you can hear the Duty Ready sounds and piss on yourself running back to your computer.
You can do the forced story dungeons which is all that matters. After that it's static.
I want bane back NOW
this is why brainwashed balancetrannies need to reach the rest of the 40% asap
>games aren't developed all the way to release day
this one is. those japs are crunching every day until it's released
I use headphones because why would I have everyone else listening to my pc sound?
>Sometimes words read differently than they're spelled.
>not wanting to sneeze on trannies
To be more specific, SAM never did AoE in big pulls and BLM never did Fire IV on bosses or dodged AoEs, and I think it was AFK on pulls
If a job is boring to you, why not change the job you play?
I hate unleash fug, abyssal is so much easier to use
Just adding onto the pile, fat fuck bragged about squashing BluFever leaks and Yoshi-P sucking his dick for it.
I can live without Bane since they need to separate SCH and SMN thematically. Since SCH is war themed they should have something sort of like Earthly Star except its a ground AoE that detonates like a landmine after a few second of enemies standing on it.
You can unsync Alliance raids but you must have a full alliance group.
IMO long dots are just trouble. Longer dots like Hagakure, old Lead Shot, and Combust are just annoying to deal with. SMN and BRD have long dots but it's not as bad because you actually interact with them through procs and buffs.
If a dot is nothing but filler damage, I feel like it should be shorter, like old Phlebotomize, Touch of Death, and old Aero 2.
Why should my job be neutered because others found their jobs unfun?
All the healers are boring now. WHM seems least affected because they were already boring.
Can someone explain this to me. I don't understand.
Is the Abyssal Drain heal per enemy or just 200pot regardless?
Excellent advice!
>make a new job
>it only has one skill
>it does a ton of damage, more than enough to keep up with every other job
>you just have to mash this one button the entire fight
The numbers are all there, it's balanced. You DPS cucks have nothing to complain about lmao
>Dude just play another class lmao
Fucking low IQ faggot, which class will you jump when they butchered all of them?
I played the 1.0 beta and have played SCH since the start of 2.0. Can I continue to bitch?
Are you pretending theres a healer rotation or some kind of healing complexity now?
>not raiding on a unicycle over a tightrope
They should unironically put a Berserker class in the game, that has one buff and one damage button.
>all these dudes who want to fuck an 80 year old woman borowing a 40 year old womans body
Healing got even more dumbed down, so many shields and regens on every job now, theres going to be so much healing downtime it's unreal.
SAM is affected by latency though. Latency doesn't affect only double weaving. It affects every single button you press. If you are casting then you can queue better because there's more time for it. As a melee it doesn't work well if your latency is high. You won't notice but you're losing fractions of seconds on every single skill.
That's exactly what I'd want because i'm here to play a fucking video game, not brainlessly mash one button between cooldowns, cumming because there's arbitrarily big numbers on the screen.
Holy fuck
I'd play it, I loved Berserker in 5.
Back when Guildworks existed for this game, it could send a notification to your phone. I'm surprised that SE hasn't implemented this feature yet for their official FFXIV app.
I wouldn't mind it being shorter, but because it's just such a "sit and forget" move, it baffles me that so many people just leave free damage on the table like that.
apparently they do
>Stanislav Vishnevskiy
>80 years of experience in a body that's been around for like 20 years
Sign me up
t. Retard who hasn't even witnessed the expansion content himself.
If they added that to the official app it would probably be a subscriber only feature, like everything else on that piece of shit that's even slightly useful.
The skill queueing in this game is so aggressive that you can easily play at 200 ping and not clip GCDs. If someone is clipping their GCD without any OGCDs in between they're probably playing it like WoW and not mashing the button before it's active.
t. retard who hasn't even read all the tooltips and literally seen it with his own eyes
I can do that too :)
I can't tell if people are ironically posting healer hate or not.
>Just got up to the point in the MSQ where you unlock diving
>Had no idea this mechanic existed
Blitzball when?
there is no way yshtola is younger than her late thirties
haha never, they were supposed to bring it out but never did
I mean a healing rotation. People here keep saying "OH NO YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY HEAL NOW AND PLAY YOUR ROLE" Healing fucking WHAT? That tankbuster I can heal in one GCD or ogcd? Then what do I do for the next 10-15 seconds until the next mechanic? Thats right. DO DAMAGE, BUT NOW ITS JUST BROIL.
She's mid 20s if I remember someone mentioning that right.
Fuck Yoshida. Fuck FFXIV. Fuck this trash. I'm quitting. Who else is going to quit with me?
it's on every major website so it's real
also it's literally only scholar players
all the tooltip potencies and stuff is subject to change.
Just play WoW
>The job that requires the highest IQ and isn't just a braindead reactive healer is complaining that they're getting dumbed down to WHM levels of boring
Wow I wonder why.
Where do I pick up my complimentary catslut?
Google says 23
now i only use 1 dot and broil instead of 2 dots and broil....
yoshi has to pay....
It's not like people here have any idea how strong heals are already when you can heal most of the stuff with ogcds.
What is worse, this SCH hate about expansion or the No Male Viera?
just got wind-up susano from HoH
most based primal is mine now
man fuck that, how old is tataru
>playing wow
>WHM levels of boring
You mean AST levels of boring.
Queueing skills won't carry you through bad latency and even at 200 you will be losing performance. Proof of that is that you will never do as much as someone who is as skilled as you but plays right next to the servers.
man why doesn't this game have a built-in customizable chat filter? it would solve all the RMT issues and cut down on harassment report tickets the GMs have to deal with.