>Malkavians announced
>nosfags conspicuously silent
smell ya later sewer boys
Malkavians announced
Other urls found in this thread:
You're literally posting on shrecknet, have some fucking respect
>Malks whole gimmick was dementia which apparently was retconned out of canon because calling someone demented these days is bigoted against people with dementia
>i'm just gonna RP as a straight-up straight-laced conservative malk in VtMB2 and see where it leads me
>the malk render looks more toreador than the torador render
so its already worse than the first game. just how bad is it gonna be in the end
Uhh dude they have dementation in the game even if it is not in the p&p anymore.
What happened to there will be new clans that weren't in 1?
how badly did they fuck up malks
too bad the tabletop rpg is pozzed, hopefully the video games won't be too badly SJW infested
they'll be added as FREE DLC right now they are working on the core game
Dementation isn't nearly as cool as it was in the first game.
>>Malks whole gimmick was dementia which apparently was retconned out of canon because calling someone demented these days is bigoted against people with dementia
What the fuck
Don't hold your breath. I believe we've already had some signs that it will be.
Also they no longer have obfuscate
Nope. Mitsoda already said that we will be monsters in the second game the same way we were in the first and he is the narrative lead so unless the studio goes over his head the game will be as solid in the writing department as the first one.
>hedonism and depravity
>dark themes
>unexpected twists
this trailer was so fucking good compared to the others and I don't even know why, I think it must be the voice actor
How do you know that? We clearly don't know what the augment slots would do with each ability.
See at the end >the..and.....slots
So what you see are not the final version of the abilities. Retard.
Toreador has a better trailer but a worse render.
Majority of people with dementia are older people. Did they really bitch? Or are people bitching for them?
Lasombrafags on suicide watch
a bloo bloo
The Toreador render was fine. What didn't you like about it?
It says that the augment slots only upgrade individual abilities, so the base ability will be the same but with some additional effect. I'm guessing that one of the upgrades for haunt will have something similar to vision of death where the target dies after the haunt effect wears off, for example. The augments won't be completely new abilities, as the name "augment" would imply.
It is an extremely flat and skinny skeletor dyke. Toreadors have to be alluring, attractive and the render does nothing for me. This is how Toreadors should look
have sex
Is there a malk render?
We can't be sure until we see the final version. Some times augments in games completely change the nature of some abilities.
If you like you can search the lore or even the previous games for any female toreador as unattractive as the render we are given here.
The female Toreador render is fucking hot
Right? Those barely covered tiny tits... Tight tummy..
What tits?
said nobody that is not a closeted homosexual
>not even posting the video
Thanks OP for being a fag once again: youtube.com
Remember guys, this is a malk thread, just smile and pretend that the Toreador Render has tits
>implying that small tits aren't superior in every way to oversized saggy udders
heres your game bro
homosexuals aren't allowed here
>implying that they are
Go away homo.
t. rapist
10th of June actually.
Consenualist is a predator style, it's not the only predator style
I find the Malk render to be the cutest to be honest.
It literally looks more Toreador than the Toreador render.
Dementation was removed because it played like discount Dominate. This isn't even the first time it happened, back in the 90's malks had Dominate instead of Dementation
>be a dumb faggot say some uninformed shit
woah, look at this irl malk
Post it!
Ah the pork lady again. How much lard one needs to eat to find this attractive?
its fucking awful
It is not removed and it is different from dominate.
Dominate has a ''stun'' and a ''control'' ability while Dementation has a ''fear'' and a ''rage/madness'' ability.
>"I'm going to drink your blood, puny mortal, you're nothing but cattle to my kind"
>"no, I don't consent"
And that's how the vampire menace died from starvation.
>rules telling off autists that they're not irl vampires and they shouldn't force themselves on people
Don't really see how this is bad with all the spergs involved in this
She can drink blood directly from my erect dick any time she wants.
Here you go
Her face looks cute to me.
The Toreador one looks snobby and pretentious which in my opinion is very fitting. Small tits shitposting aside I think it looks good.
Malkavian one looks cute but something feels off/unnerving about it at the same time which I think captures the idea behind the clan quite well.
Tremere one would look a million times better without the shitty background. Lighting is meh.
Brujah one remidns me of Dr. Robotnik and I hate that. Also, the background makes it worse.
Vetrue one looks a bit too generic.
No. Toreador looks high fashion
this is not even rare on board games, you can't force other players on a roleplay they are not comfortable with, they are there to have a good time after all.
>snobby and pretentious
That's how Ventrue are supposed to be. Toreadors should be alluring and inviting.
>Small tits shitposting
I am not shitposting. The render is disgustingly flat and skinny.
We were talking about PnP
I haven't see it, god bless you user by showing me this piece of art.
High fashion is just close and you can dress any ugly flatchested dyke in those close but the Toreador has to be also attractive. This is not and attractive female.
You might be gay, mate.
And i'm talking about the game.
clothes* an*
They are artists first, sex beasts second.
I'm sorry short hair and small boobs offend you everytime you see it
That thing is not even a sex beast third or fourth.
Just because she doesn't have boobs? She's pretty sexy, in an androgynus way.
>They are artists first, sex beasts second.
Not according to the lore.
*The Toreador are a clan of vampires known for being some of the most beautiful, sensual, seductive, emotional and glamorous of the Kindred. They are responsible for the legends of vampires who seduce and entice their prey with beauty, love and sensuality. *
Malk disciplines actually look like they are the most fun to play this time round, they have really reworked auspex in to something that sounds exciting to use. Combine it with the thinblood mentalism and you have a bigbrain psionic class.
According to the lore, the clan started with an artist and it's about converting artists.
It's both you retard. Not every Toreador is a sex god look at Issac or Vick in the first game
It's not even the boobs, it's the haircut, bland makeup, terrible outfit and complete lack of colors, and most importantly the stance and facial expression: these do more to appear "sexy" than anything else.
You are at a bar when she comes up to you and invites you to rub her tummy. What do you do?
>not just getting shroud mist and dominating and controlling everyone from the shadows
Ventrue are probably the most fun and close to how i like to play ability wise if their powers are combined with the stealthy aspect from the mist powers.
does anyone know what's the name of the malkavian font of the first game?
>sure your character is a monster BUT
fine comedy
I fucking hate virtue signalers.
Give her something to eat so she doesn't die of starvation.
The subject was the "retcon" of dementation so why are you even joining the conversation then?
Make her sign the application for tummy rubbing consent form (and duplicates), send it and wait for approval.
The "clan wars" is one of the cringiest and most autistic actually-vidya-related shit on Yea Forums.
Are you fucking retards the same retards who participated in console wars before jannies started removing this trash?
Rub it for a minor boon.
malkavians were the most fun clan in the first game, nosferatu was just a harder mode
You're a thinblood who chooses what clan they want, right? Why would anyone choose to be insane by joining Malks?
I understand what you mean. I too want the voluptuous, long haired, feminine Toreador vamp in dresses. Unfortunately, that was only the style for feminine beauty up until the early '00s.
Modern feminine beauty standards (outside of the realm of slutdom) have updated themselves to bland androgynous styles. It sucks and everyone knows that no one but other chicks actually find it attractive but it's what we have to live with in a post-feminism world.
But to be honest I prefer that idea of beauty than the slutdom idea of beauty, which is like Kardashian, Nicki Minaj, whatever you call what rave girls wear etc which would just be a crop top that shows underboob and a thong.
I thought that you were talking about the game.
>one is crazy
>the other one was embraced when he was older
>both are men
Go way faggot.
I don't think it is presented as a choice in game plotwise just mechanically.
have fun with your skin bags filled with twigs
Depends on how they sell it to your character. They can be like "yeah bro, you'll be able to see the future and secret knowledge will come to you" before your character realizes those "gifts" come with some major drawbacks.
Nice trips
Being shorthaired is fine.
Akshuly, it's typically skeletal lanklets who are into piglets and vice versa.
One of the few cases where opposites genuinely attract.
I want to play as a Malk!
And have a Tremmie GF!
i'm a skeleton, but hate fatties.
VV had long hair, it was just tied back into bun.
Still counts as short hair.
That face when
But the bloodlines 2 thinblood is better at sex than fledgeling.
No... long hair counts as long hair. Long hair tied back looks drastically different from someone with short hair.
>thinblood is better at sex than fledgeling
Unless we are talking about high humanity Toreadors or Malkavians.
>malks are in
didnt doubt it for one second
we are going home lads
Reminder bloodlines fledgeling only got *** sex stars from Jeanette. Most guys had **** or *****. Thinblood is not an incel.
No it doesn't. Why are you even arguing with me when everybody knows that you're wrong and i'm right.
can I finally be a gay muslim black vampire who fights the patriarchy?
They still only got *** stars from Jeanette. For reference most guys got **** and one guy got *****. Bertie got **, fledgeling is only slightly better than incel Nos.
No it doesn't.
You have shit taste. Wanting Nicki or Kardashian styled vamps. Gross
I'd call you an autist but this is a VtMB thread.
My only playthrough of Bloodlines was as a Malkavian
My playthrough of Bloodlines 2 I will also start as a Malk.
Fuck you people who cuck yourself out of starting as the best clan.
no it fucking doesn't
Rudi? Is that you?
Nah reread what I said. I said I prefer the short haired dyke look in OVER the modern slutdom idea of beauty.
>Modern feminine beauty standards (outside of the realm of slutdom) have updated themselves to bland androgynous styles. It sucks
>But to be honest I prefer that idea of beauty than the slutdom idea of beauty
'that' being what was said in the previous sentence.
implying you will even have that choice
How has tumblr not rioted already over the entirely white cast we've been introduced to so far?
Yes it does you retards.
What are you talking about. We are talking about vampires like her the two women you mentioned are ghetto slags.
badass yaaasss kween in brujah trailer
VTMB is too niche even for them.
tumblr died the second they banned porn
i'm sorry my friend, but you are the retarded one here.
testing webm I edited out of this drawfag commision
you just know
ooh cool
Isn't that UOP shit
why won't this boy put a shirt on?
And he looks quite lively for a vampire (it's a vampire, right?)
>"patch" makes your character a cuck
what's the point of this?
>the guy on the cover might be the guy from the Malk trailer
So are they just continuing to put a Malk on the cover just like the last game? This should be a tradition.
ask if I can rub it with any body part I want I choose my benis
I don't think it's meant to be a tradition. Jeanette was on there for the sex appeal (it was a different time) and nothing else. This guy might actually be plot important.
She's genuinely cute and one of the prettiest western characters in any recent game.
Better than any slut from witcher and similar overrated games.
Not b8ing or being ironic.
>making a sequel nobody wanted
>to a broken game nobody wanted
You're in a fucking VTMB thread, dude.
It sucks almost as much as the game itself.
Don't you have a gay agenda thread to REEE at gays in?
why are you in the thread then
literally everyone wanted it
you, as abnormal as you are; cannot use your own preferences as a measure of what is or is not normal/common
and a more respectful one to the drawfag who I hope I didn't piss off with these
Define everyone, because this is nothing but a niche game with a niche appeal. Always has been.
Ah, the homosexual clan.
I think it's perfectly clear how it works. You put experience points into the Dementation constellation, and first it unlocks Haunt, then it makes Haunt last longer, then it unlocks Berserk, then it makes Berserk last longer, then it makes both last longer.
>She's genuinely cute and one of the prettiest western characters in any recent game.
>Better than any slut from witcher and similar overrated games.
That would be the worst case scenario but there's no reason to think that yet
Isn't this game going to have tranny vampires?
The first one already had trannies. It's the most degenerate game of the last decade probably. Fitting that Yea Forums celebrates it.
Can you be Brujah without being insufferable antifa larper?
Fivehead tho
What else is there to think?
Toreachad here; I never doubted my Malkbros. We're going home.
That it empowers the abilities in some way that isn't just an increased duration or magnitude, there's no reason to assume the worst every time
Based and redpilled
You did God's work son, you'd only piss off someone from tumblr
>first run toreador for glorious hedonism
>second run malk for what the fuck factor
It's always so fun.
Just means you didn't understand any voices/foreshadowing
>Critias even usurped a kingdom in Asia Minor and led the armies personally against the Roman legions, gripped by a Frenzy that lasted three nights. It was only after he drank a 12-year old girl dry that he returned to his senses.
Holy shit
Lore says that there are plenty of insufferable white nationalist brujah, it's just that the books are written with triple digit IQ players in mind and those wouldn't like nu-nazi shit in their books.
Torkavian otp
t. Susan
which is the fun way to play, guessing whether the whispers mean anything, trying to figure out some of the more odd lines in dialogue, or if there is some meaning in insightful lines. Far better to play it blind, then knowing everything
Where's the malk bf poster
Jack's just an asshole fucking with everyone.
Is all this still applicable in the new lore though? At least for bloodlines?
I was hoping to see an example.
Bottom of the ocean, hopefully.
Whatever example I dream up is irrelevant. As is yours. I'm just saying there's no reason to assume the worst.
who the fuck is susan?
Jack is a troll of the best kind.
>who the fuck is susan?
this has to be b8
Have you seriously not done a Malkavian run of this game. We haven't been telling you to do this for years for fun you know
>who the fuck is susan
t. Vent-Nu
>*helps player*
I've only done a Toreador run. I'm doing Malk right now but haven't left Santa Monica.
is this a gangrel
then don't ask and spoil it for yourself my guy
you'll find it organically
And I'm saying that if they had anything else in mind, they would have worded it differently.
>Can you be Brujah without being insufferable antifa larper?
yeah become a biker and beat people up without giving a shit about politics, camarilla or other shit
I thought it was some namefag/avatarfag thing in these threads.
But that isn't the only conclusion you can get from how it's worded.
dare I say based and lolipilled
hey fuck off, I happen to enjoy buying the game in more parts than a lego set
Redpill me on the bloodlines 1, what makes it good and is it really worth playing now ?
>thinking that because CK2 is sold like this it means that their single player RPG will be too
>ignoring the fact that selling CK2 like they have is the only reason it's staying alive and fairly fresh
>also ignoring that you don't need many, if any at all of CK2's DLC's to make it a more complete game
pure cringe
did roman legions really recruit 12 year old girls?
>what makes it good
story, dialogue and immersion
>is it really worth playing now
feels clunky at first but you get used to it, I'd say it's more worth it now than it was before simply because of the unofficial path that fixed all the bugs, other than that I feel like the game has aged like wine except for melee combat
>thinking that because CK2 is sold like this it means that their single player RPG will be too
>what is pillars of eternity
>what is tyranny
no dont tell me, you were merelly pretending
>all the bugs
I reinstalled it the other day and aside from NPCs randomly levitating I had to restart a whole quest because a key I picked up didn't register with the game for some reason.
>what makes it good
its the best game about vampires ever made, nothing else even comes close
according to ancient texts I've seen in manga websites...
They're games with about two DLC each. That hasn't been a surprising thing for single player RPG's for a while now.
I bought the GOG version and it runs fine with no bugs. It also has the unofficial patches included in the installer.
DLC that was literally cut off from the main game to be sold seperatelly but since you want to keep up the retard act you might want to check up on Battletech as well.
These dont look like vampires at all.
remember lasombrafags?
>What makes it good?
It's just an all around solid RPG with unique mechanics that makes it stand out from other games like it
>Is it worth playing now
Yes, I played it for the first time just two months ago. Played a Malk for my first play through since it sounded fun and I was beyond right. Some parts of the game definitely feel dated but it's held up ridiculously well; especially so when you consider it's actual age. I would 100% recommend this game to anyone who enjoys RPGs.
A little tip: You can change which weapon you go to by default when switching between melee and ranged by editing your hotkeys. I would suggest giving the keybind menu a once over and changing/memorizing everything important in order to match your playstyle.
>make gays legal and introduce a bachelor tax
yeah they were doing juuuuuuust fine!
>"what did you just say about my toreador gf"
Ah, the "desperation genre". Fans desperate to play games in this genre they'll ignore all the problems in said game.
I'm a ToreadorCHAD
Yeah. I don't know why they aren't making everybody a bit paler than they are.
man the new sonic movie looks great
He was playing you from the start user.
I guess that's a good takeaway if you want to ignore all the other answers given.
Is 10.3 the most recent unofficial patch by uesp? Cause I got the 2016 version from gog
Should vampires be vascular like that? They don't have blood circulating through their veins, it's just in their stomach being stored for future use.
I wonder if this guy ever wishes he shaved the morning before his embrace
god I want him to ram my asshole.
Does anybody have a link to the UoP version BEFORE the library quest got added. I liked all the plus patch changes up until then and want to play that version of the game
>Not as wild or free spirited as a Gangrel
>Not as emotional or willful as a Toreador
>Not as proud or charismatic as a Ventrue
>Not as wrathful or intelligent as a Tremere
>Not as pure-hearted or wise as a Malkavian
>Not as street-smart or humble as a Nosferatu
Literally worthless clan
I mean the main problem is that ancient Brujah are all about being wise warriors and shit
The newer generations embrace the modern day variant which is the commie college activist stereotype/Rebel biker dudes which brings down the whole image of the clan
I think the points on 2nd/4th ones that strengthen the disc skill also increase personal skills like persuasion, hacking, seduction etc.? At least that's what i'm hoping
So, lets point out possiblities for dlc clans
>100% expansion pack
>Most likely
True Brujah
Followers of Set
Old clan Tzimisce
>Very unlikely
Tzimisce Vicissitude is too much of a bitch to make it usable for player
are brujah better fighters than gangrel
Please keep the RPG and table top elements Please keep the RPG and table top elements
Please keep the RPG and table top elements
Please keep the RPG and table top elements
Please dont be another FPS nu-gaming trash game Please dont be another FPS nu-gaming trash game Please dont be another FPS nu-gaming trash game Please dont be another FPS nu-gaming trash game
I'd say caitiff is the least likely considering the whole point of being a thinblood is to join a clan later so why would you choose to remain clanless (unless they make panders a thing)?
>Most likely
>True Brujah
>Old clan Tzimisce
I'm getting the impression that this new edition heavily emphasizes the commie Brujah. Even if the old style Brujah were interesting, is that kind of philosophy going to exist moving forward?
I stopped giving a whisp of a shit about Masquerade the instant I learned the tabletop actually has a "trigger button" for people who may get uncomfortable by themes brought up by roleplaying as ancient undead parasites.
This game is going to be diversity dogshit. I'd put money on it.
>tfw Toreador with Malk bf
I am always around, sweetie.
>Please dont be another FPS nu-gaming trash
>pre orders one year before release
>no gameplay footage
>cgi trailer straight out of 2007
>are brujah better fighters than gangrel
yes and no
if both are at full blood then gangrel wins
if both are at zero blood then the brujah wins
gangrel are basically were-bats that can fuck shit up royally so long as they have the blood to maintain their strength
brujah are masters of close combat using cold weapons and thus rely on blood much less
This game is too much like John Wick, so you know it's gonna be shit.
>Or they might pull off a caitiff route where you can mix and match clan disciplines
literally no one
Toreador males
When you are Embraced, it freezes your appearance in time. Only Clan curses, magic, and flesh craft can change you.
>100% going to happen
>unlikely, but not impossible
>Never ever tier
Everything else
even hair?
Aren't non-thinblood caitifs broken as fuck because they literally can randomly asspull a random discipline?
The trailer is the most worrying part, it's basically a generic nu-fps game.
This looks more like a halloween costume with the facial hair being only something they just now decided to get cut like this to fit with the biker look.
The eye color is vampire like but other than that this dude looks like a human.Just look at the skin and the nails.
Yes. Every night you wake up, you heal any changes of your appearances unless affected by curses or other outside forces.
even hair
do you think beckett's half-rotten ass would still have that basement dweller mane if he had lost so much as a single hair every year of his unlife?
Maybe you get to design your character while their human?
We haven't had a Clanbook for Brujah for the new edition so it's hard to tell at this point
In the previous versions at least there was this discontent between the Brujah Elders and neonates for that same reason. That Brujah philosophy still exists albeit in smaller numbers
>smaller numbers
Feels bad man
Even if you lose an arm or other... bits?
Reminder the only reason why Kindred don't engage in sex more often is because WW wanted to differentiate Kindred more from traditional vampires. Since many Vampires of old were sex maniacs.
Probably so they actually blend in with humans.
idk the vascularity seems weird to me
that'd be a good way to get around it; but that also means you're locked out of every changing your hairstyle/makeup if female
i'd imagine that they'd either retcon the whole appearance reset thing entirely or have a pre-designed character/set of characters for each clan/gender combo
Yes though you will use more Vitae than necessarily to wake up.
It's a magic, user. All bodily fluids in a Vamp becomes blood though the whites of their eyes are unaffected.
are ww authors limps dick
>• Healing: A character may spend one blood point to reflexively heal one health level of bashing or lethal damage. Wounds seal. Bruises fade. Bones knit. Limbs regrow. Indeed, if the vampire spends enough blood to heal a wound in the turn it’s inflicted, the body never fully suffers the wound; the blood wells up and draws the broken body back together effortlessly. Note that vampires may only heal through blood, unlike humans.
yes, so long as magic isn't involved you're good
even if all that's left of you is a mangled pile of flesh, if you're somehow still unliving, then you can recover
Growing back whole limbs can take a week or so, but it's totally doable.
In some versions, even ghouls can do that, although they risk permanent failure
They should focus on making spore 2: Vampire edition and call it Tzimisce DLC
Say that to my face and not on internet and see what happens.
I guess so. I'd think it'd be better if they only get vascular when using the blood to boost their strength or other physical attributes.
>they still have dementation even though nu-White Wolf decided this was problematic
actually based, suddenly I have hope for the game
drawfag here, you have done caine's work my son
lol no
VTMB2 was in production a bit before V5 started its.
I dont think having to stick with the same hair is a big problem since you never see your character outside of cutscenes and maybe when doing things like turning valves or something.
What if someone got embraced by two or more kindred of the same generation? Would it just end in a caitiff?
Imagine getting embraced with some stupid as fuck haircut
You can still style it differently and cut it every day if you so want to. It's not impossible to change your look as a vampire, not to mention obfuscate.
You would most likely be permanently dead from extreme blood drain.
It's an either or situation. You could become one of the clans of the vampires who embraced you or caitiff. Depends.
From what I understood the embrace has 2 parts: draining someone of blood (doesn't even need to be done by feeding on them) and then giving them a small bit of blood from the soon to be sire.
Don't think 2 kindred can give their vitae to the same human.
>schrecknet is so shit it got hacked by NSA
LMAO, dumb sewer rats, get shrecked
brainlet here
does each clan only have two disciplines now or they just hiding the third for no reason?
>Don't think 2 kindred can give their vitae to the same human.
They can, but just one works.
I don't remember which book said this, but it said lowest gen is always the sire if there is a gen difference
Don't remember anything about equal gen, so probably ST decides. If there was a difference, it wasn't something notable because I'd remember it.
nothing can get worse than the original male malk's hair tbqh
>Sire is a frat bro dickhead and shaves half of you in your sleep before embracing you as a prank
2 disciplines with 2 powers each. Plus a thinblood discipline with 2 powers. 6 powers each clan (7 for tremere)
The 3rd comes from the thinblood disciplines
>2 powers each
please be joking
>6 powers each clan
Each power has two augment slots. So the actual end result combinations will be more.
You could shave it all off completely at the start of each night.
>game looks interesting
>go to website to check it out
>asks you to verify birth date for mature content
>asks for day, month, year
Yeah, no. Hard pass. Fuck this faggy European shit.
Cities skylines
Our time to shine is not yet, boss. Seems pretty clear to me that Paradox doesn't want to give us an extra layer of player character design at launch, and they want to specifically focus on players specifically choosing the nossie appearance for once their DLC is announced, same as gangrels and their beastly features.
>Sire carves a dick on your forehead before embracing you
Imagine living for 200 years and having to deal with your malk sire's stupid idea of humor every single night you want you want to come out of the cave
>he wasn't born january first 1900
You probablt wouldn't care if you were a malk tho
Gary is for______!
>be me
>mass embrace begins
>decide to write the truth about tremere diablery of saulot on victim foreheads before embrace
Depends. Imagine your thing is extreme OCD where you hate asymmetry.
>get malked
>your derangement turns out to be obsession with looks
What now?
What's bad? It comes out to more active powers than most clans had anyway. None of the powers are passives it seems.
>I want a qt demon to inhabit me!
>I want her to try and dominate my suicidal mind!
>I want her to fail and realize that she has lost too much of her former strength due to hell's torments!
>I want her to compromise and offer me power in exchange for allowing her residence in my husk of a body!
>I want her to try and lead me to evil!
>I want her to slowly be purified by my humility and simple-desires!
>I want her to be redeemed!
>I want her to separate herself from me of her own volition!
>I want to become a mage!
>I want to use my experience as a demon's host to help me gain arcane and ancient knowledge!
>I want to build a beautiful golem that resembles my former possessor!
>I want my qt demon to inhabit my golem as an earthbound!
>I want to MARRY that golem!
>I want to go on comfy adventures with my golem demon wife!
I think Gary's voice actor is the same one of the Malkavian dude in the trailer if my ear is not betraying me
your sire hit a jackpot
>the voices told him of his childer derangement and he decided to troll you
You're fucked then unless you find some Tzimisce willing to fix that
>Whole town of thinbloods with anti-camarilla shitposts on their foreheads
I honestly find it hilarious that the guy in the trailer for clan Malkavian was the most "normal" person in these trailers.
He's obviously mental I mean, but I mean when compared to the others we saw in the trailer? He's the only one that was in-check. Others broke the Masquerade in some way, yet he didn't do a damn thing in his trailer that violated it. He just talked to himself in Heath Ledger's voice, about how he doesn't see his insanity as madness, but as a gift that helps him see things beyond. The gift that serves as enlightenment and that helps him know those that are his enemies that are plotting against him. He's honestly how Malkavian should be. I was kinda worried about how will Malkavian trailer look because I expected some edgy shit mixed with a cringe that would put even Brujah's trailer to shame. However, nope. It was pretty decent. I liked him. I liked this nutter. He and Toreador chick were my favorites so far in the trailer.
Anyway, back on the case regarding trailers... I always assumed we'll get quests to hunt down those in a trailer in order to join a certain clan. However, after this trailer... I'm not so sure what to think because as I said, he didn't do anything in the trailer that broke the Masquerade in any way. At least not in the trailer.
I still kinda wish that we got something new from what we had in 1 though.
You'd pretty much have to be a sabat to get that, though.
Go away, Outstar.
>that would put even Brujah's trailer to shame
Ventrue trailer already managed to be even worse.
Sorry, user. She's only dead-limp-Malkavian dick apparently.
interested in*
Is it just me or is there a palpable distaste for Ventrue coming from the devs? Hell in the first game the anarchs were the objectively superior choice, and anything to do with Lacroix fucked you over. It's not equal in the slightest.
Serious question
do vampires have sex?
do they even get any pleasure out of it?
how do they get stiff?
Probably for the same reason this user stated : It lacked that too try hard to be edgy aspect about it.
They can but sucking blood is more pleasurable
>Is it just me or is there a palpable distaste for Ventrue coming from the devs?
You tell:
Is it pleasurable for the mortal too?
i hate that ugly twat
outside of odd fetishes, no, and definitely not if the vampire in question is nagaraja or giovanni
she cute
it actually is tho.
one of the old editions unironically has an entire official porn book so yes
Yes except for the Giovanni whitewolf.fandom.com
Is Damsel in it?
she's a vapid roastie slut and she doesn't pull off the manic pixie look well at all
Getting bloodsucked is canon better than orgasm.
Vampires with presence can make it strongly addicting too.
>anarchs were objectively the superior choice
A 'spiritual' leader is a tyrant just as a dictator is. Nine's cult of personality is just as flawed as lacroix's branch of the camarilla. The camarilla as a whole, while definitely lacking when compared to an ideal governing body, is the best thing for the vampires. You need to keep in mind that Vampires on the whole are pretty low on the totem pole of supernatural power houses. The hunters (though shown as pushovers and comic relief in VtM:B) are already a significant threat to vampires. Let alone the mages, demons, and werewolves. Without organization vampires are fucked. There's a reason the Keu-jin were able to run roughshod over L.A. until the Camarilla saved the day.
annoying and bugeyed is how i would describe her
>dementation in the game even if it is not in the p&p anymore.
its part of dominate which the malkavians had in 1st and 2nd gen
Ventrue was my first in 1 but I think I'll go with Malks for 2. Gonna be fun seeing what stuff is actually real and what isn't in the second playthrough.
>However, after this trailer... I'm not so sure what to think because as I said, he didn't do anything in the trailer that broke the Masquerade in any way. At least not in the trailer.
Don't you worry about that. He might be breaking the Masquerade in the trailer, but he sure as hell is outside it.
So Gary voices Malkavian and Betram Tung voices the Tremere
I understand, but I meant in terms of how the game rewards your actions. It doesn't matter what the choices would logically mean, if the game plays favorites and doesn't account for them.
no sadly but its pretty wild, unironically has an enjoyed gangrape and a dude fucking his sister's corpse
How many old VAs will be back. That's pretty cool.
Brian Mitsoda voices some characters too, so that makes for three so far, atleast.
Any predictions for the E3 showcase?
I wish, but honestly didn't hear Neil Ross in his voice. Unless my hearing sense is fucked.
They better bring back Deb.
>Paradox announcing new grand strategy game at E3
>Trademarked 'Empire of Sin'
You think we're going to get a triple offering of Vampire in 2020?
most likely the demo they showed to journalists a few months back. The mass embrace, the burning of the court and you stepping out on Pier 57
I was in the twitch chat yesterday and a ton of people asked the question if Deb would be back, but they did not answer it, sadly. For some reason.
That's too bad if true, considering Ventrue is the best clan.
That would explain why his voice gave me an unexplained boner.
his voice is really good
who the fuck cares honestly
did you not see how much of a shitshow Imperator has been?
>please suck me senseless vampire-chan!!
Ah, well in that case your choice in what to invest in couldn't matter less. The game forces you to be hostile to Lacroix, and regardless of who you side with (if anyone) to get to him you'll still get pretty samey endings.
He and Toreador girl had best voice actors desu.
Ventrue had the worst, sadly.
Are Malks the Jokers of the Vampire world?
legit closer to being Riddlers
Joker, Two-Face, Patrick Bateman, or just that old man that chased you with his shotgun when you were a kid to get off his lawn. There are all sort of crazies.
It's been a week and I'm still mad over shit treatment Ventrues got.
>worst introduction video that was completely one-sided thanks to beehive guy hating them
>worst trailer
>worst voice
>worst girl
>worst render
Thing sure have changed...
I want to go back
stop posting this trash here
>losing you humanity
go back with your gore sex sabbat fantasies back to Yea Forums degenerate
Vent-whos get btfo
Malphas and Toreawhores celebrating
all is right in the world
whats your problem, bitch. This is still VtM
Yeah the disinterest is unreal
this is fanfiction tier garbage just like v5
Gangrel is certain to be the next reveal right?
The reveals are done
its by their official writers sunshine
you don't get to pick and choose whats canon or not based on your snowflake sensibilities
Who knows, they might release more clans over time or just add them all in once their ready.
Same. His voice is very therapeutic and comfy.
I want of him to read me a bed time stories.
Well at least they make it to the game.
>inb4 like anyone actually fucking doubt it.
goddamn it would be borderline retarded not to have a late night radio talk show again. deb....deb
Maybe Ventrue girl will be better? I hope so because I wanna be a smooth criminal.
it's still garbage and so is v5
thank god that Brian is the narrative des
Gary must be so happy that only his head is fucked up this time around instead of both his head and his face.
*igner and not the people from the p&p
They didn't answer anything honestly. Even the questions they did address, like poster guy/trailer guy question ... they still went:
>I guess we can't talk about that either.
yeah its not like he included a completely irrelevant scene where you can fuck Jeanette or made a seperate solution to a quest if you're female because you can just fuck a dude lmao
I wanna be a cute criminal
Yes, Brian is based so what's your point in pointing out how based he is?
I want you guys to hit me
too bad about his psycho wife
lets get comfy
I know he's super based, thats why I think sperging out about degenerate sex scenes is a little silly when he literally wrote and voiced a character that just wants to smash vampire pussy
Is tonight a rerun?
>True Brujah
Well, the last game series that unironically let me ZA WARUDO was Dishonored, and it was pretty fucking fun there.
I wouldn't mind it if Brian hosted a Frasier style talk-show. Given how the codename was Project Frasier and all, but Deb needs to return!
Honestly, who even listens to the radio anymore? If they do something it will probably be a podcast with a chat
Hope you've slipped into something comfortable.
>I know I have.
>comparing guro shit(that is not even liked to sabbat crazies) with wanting to smash vampire pussy
go away degenerate
Who cares about this nobody, I'm waiting for daddy.
jojo fags should be banned on sight
what a colossal faggot
>comparing guro to necrophilia
Yes? Not seeing the issue here tbf
>I am offended by people enjoying shit
I listen to radio
the game is gonna suck isnt it
i mean have they released a single thing that actually made you think the game looks good?
Everything so far has been average or bad
the forced memes have never been funny at all
literal DOGGO LMAO tier
>triggered mommyfag
What if it is him.
Hello Gomez
I never used the meme for the meme's sake, just to communicate to people that freezing and manipulating time in Dishonored was fun, you absolute, utter, autsitic spaz.
winnie the pooh
If any characters return from the first game it should be
Arthur Kilpatrick
Look at the picture. See the skull.
that is because you are retard and wanting to smash vampire pussy is not necrophilia since vampires are animated as in looking alive
then just say that instead of devolving into retarded larper weebspeak
I want Knox and Trip to return
can vampires fart?
Or you can stop getting your fee fee offended by someone saying something completely harmless.
if they use blush of life maybe?
>Vampire: a corpse supposed, in European folklore, to leave its grave at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth.
>Necrophilia: sexual intercourse with or attraction towards corpses.
LITERALLY necrophilia
>1st masquerade game is set in L.A.
>2nd isn't set in N.Y.
gonna riot
is there some lore reason to make the east coast off limits or are they just obsessed with nu-culture hubs?
So is deb a vampire?
If we get the famous Tremere barbers we can probably get haircuts
That's about the tabletop and it makes sense.
Literally all tabletop games have rules so you can't force your roleplay on fellow members, it's basically etiquette.
This isnt the same as raping and npc while succing their blood
It's implied either in a strategy guide or some developer comments that she's a ghoul of a Toreador
consider suicide since corpses don't move and are not animated so your meme excuses don't apply you guro degenerate scumbag
Seattle has more spooky foggy coast and woodland aesthetic
Also there's not a whole lot about in any books so they can do whatever the fuck they want with it
their office is there so they can research things better, just like how Troika was in LA
>not a Prince
What a fucking failure of a Ventrue. He should just stake himself.
100% of your arguments so far have just been you making shit up in relation to your feelings
At least try, come on lad.
i see
thanks, these are pretty reasonable explanations
>those eyes
He's a Tremere, isn't he?
Based Brian, I like the abilities, interesting premise, gameplay (in theory) seems actually good like deus ex style. Music seems great. I want to see the gameplay more, see the writing more. They've said there's no quest markers, hub based game instead of just 1 open world...
I want to see the thinbloods again
do Tremere have distinct eyes?
But Bruce Willis is also a Ventrue in this game
IS it weird that this dude looks like Bruce Willis to me?
damn now that I think about it they weren't native to LA either and were basically just travelling surfers so being in another coastal state makes sense
Would be bretty cool if E shows up, would actually give a good reason to side with them rather than the legit Clans
>fags in every single vtmb thread who still think all vampires must constantly look pale and can't use blood for a myriad of functions including appearing human/being vascular
My preferred clan is Malkavian.
That was just a thing said by one random with source: my ass, attached to it.
It's no different than Anson thing. Or Nosferatu are in because muh leaks aka source: my ass.
tbf the first game really gives this impression especially considering how the Brujah manages to somehow look pale while being black
here he is! start worshipping
They don't suffer from any condition that fucks them up depending on their humanity like Gangrel or Lasombra do, but some of the most notable Tremere had fucked up/unique eyes.
but the first game was set in Prague, Venice London and New York
As far as I know, there isn't any curse or anything like that which would cause for their eyes to look messed up.
However ... Tremere that were shown/important always had strange eyes.
Will you take his hand or the hand of cover art-kun
fucking hell that Pisha is making me laugh a lot more than it should
Judging by eyes that low gen Tremere have and others that have specific eyes like them... their pupil tends to get fucked up in the same way that bald guy has them.
There isn't any specifications of why some of them have such eyes, but the bald guy does have Tremere tier eyes. At least how most low gen Tremeres tend to have.
Never play chess with a chef, friend
Malk guy looks like a dirty hobo, so I prefer the Lasombra/Ventrue guy.
I'm motorboating Lou's tits first, hold hands with psycho on ferris wheel later and hanging out with dreadlocks guy in my third play. That guy can go and cry in the corner with YESS QUEEN Brujah chick for all I care.
Cover guy, because his voice is music to my ears and Ventrue guy looks like a backstabbing faggot.
his eyes don't even look that weird mate what are you on about
C*marila Ventrue are literal cucks.
since the story is toreadors vs ventrue, what if the cover guy isnt a Malk but an Antitbru Toreador, keep in mind those are massive edgelords
Malkavian Gary because Gary's voice is top tier, boss.
i'd think so
>cover guy seems happy to see you
>will give you his hand to hold
>has Gary tier voice
It's no brainer.
But I'm going Tremere on my first run.
wait is this the really the theme?
honestly super disappointing because I have 0 interest in Toreadors, literally the only clan I haven't bothered to finish a playthrough with in ~15 years.
god does anyone actually find them interesting at all? what a let-down
If he's the guy in the trailer, then boxart guy without the doubt.
>>wait is this the really the theme?
no. He's just speculating since Seattle is a Toreador city, and the devs have mentioned Big Tech moving in and gentrifying the city, and Ventrue ride with corps like Amazon, etc.
One that doesn't have shit trailer, shit voice in the trailer and shit render for his clan.
Hey! That's not fair. We haven't heard HIM yet. Also, we still don't know if poster guy = trailer Malk. So you can all stop sucking his dick just because trailer Malk's voice got you hard in no homo way.
>Ventrue fag looks like the type that bores people with his speeches.
>Malkavian fag has a voice that can melt a butter.
Easy as such.
>Lasombra/Ventrue guy
Kill yourself Lasombra retard.
>they are subconsciously using vicissitude to alter themselves
[Tzimisce] says hi.
I'd wish the matter of antitribu variants were more fleshed out in VTMB2
for example antitribu Ventrue ale real life paladins
That's different because Tzimisce do that to themselves. Tremere have don't have the same ability unless some of them decided to learn Vicissitude and most Tremere elders that have fucked up pupils don't posses such discipline. That was my point. That there isn't anything in the lore that states that Tremere's eyes will change because of [x] reasons like they do change with Lasombra, or Gangrel due to their curse.
Out of the two? Cover art guy wins because I give no shit about Ventrue.
>real life paladins
More like crazy zealots.
>Ventrue are infamous for being among most boring and vanilla fucks according to Toreadors.
>Malkavians are infamous for being best fucks according to Toreadors.
One without a limp dick as such.
They have vicissitude just be sheer fact of stealing tzimisce blood. They just cant use it on their own.
This is why some tzim are scared shitless of their antediluvan waking up as he can literally go ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL over any Tzimisce/Tremere
>caring about filthy degenerate Toreadors opinions
Why so aggressive?
Well, Malkavians can just believe that they never die and subconsciously keep his blood in dick.
Just speculation but, it could be a side effect of some rituals. This would rule out any clan curse.
whats the difference?
I personally think it is just Auspex
Why aren't you anarchpilled yet?
All it does are incompetent attempts to keep the status quo while being full of infighting by power hungry faggots
Claims to fight in order to stop Gehenna and Antediluvans from obliterating kindred, does nothing relevant to achieve its goals
You delete that, user anonymous anson.
lolno. Top fighters are gangrel and assamites, with brujah coming it at third.
if by that you mean that you won't see what killed you, sure.
ok now this is based
Fuck you anarch scum. Always easier to tear down than build up. Without the Camarilla, Masquerade, vamps would be hunted down to extinction. Order is necessary
[Though I did think the anarch ending in vtmb1 was best ending]
I thought Ventrue and Toreador were buddy buddy
It takes high IQ to understand that Sebastian poster is unironically right.
because Hollywood is a great example of how "Anarchs" have no basis and just default back to a Camarilla style of government once they actually win an area
Being buddies has nothing to do with how you perform in bed.
Literally no one wants to go toe to toe with Assamites. Yeah, it's because they're sneaky bitches, but they've also been the official vamp judges for thousands of years now. They know how to fight.
technically, but they also share their differences. Especially if Ventrue are riding the big tech wave (which would be ironic since the camarilla bans electronic equipment) contra the Toreador who appreciate art and beauty who resent the changes done in Seattle by Ventrue
Salubri > Everyone
That depends on their archetype i guess. Paladins are more holy warriors, but they not limite themselve to PURGE. They also serve as inspiration and leadership support. For me at least.
Dead clan
>the camarilla bans electronic equipment
Wait really? This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, I understand the whole camera phone thing but that doesn't stop everyone else from taking pictures. Seems pretty unreasonable for Venture to not use smartphones/internet in current year.
more like symbiotic parasites
>not the independent endning
>he didnt give nines the finger
Just because they're pals, it doesn't mean that Toreadors enjoy sex with them much. Hard to blame them.
Ventrue tend to be all serious and business like. Unless they get profit from something, they disinterested and most of them don't care about whole sex thing.
this might not be canon in-game as its up to Brian Mitsoda, but in V5 the government cracked Shrecknet and started to bomb Kindred Havens, so the Camarilla got super paranoid about tech use, so now they dont even allow cellphone use or any form of digital stuff.
>Year of not-our-lord 2019
>Still caring about Jyhad or some shitty faction wars instead of pursing Golconda
You can love someone with all your heart, user. However, it won't matter if they're like a dead fish in the bed, and Ventrue tend to be like that.
>All this fuckery Dracula did in VTM
how can one vampire be so based?
I liked Nines so felt kind of bad about flipping him off, but otherwise Independent is best end.
>when you're so edgy you just gotta outAnarch the Anarchs
Nines knew about the bomb and didn't warn you, dumbass
This looks like a poster for a reality TV show.
Featuring vampires.
That's the plot-armor you get when you are DRACULA.
It's universal rule to make him based in whatever type of media he appears in.
Depends on your definition of broken.
They don't have a specific clan curse and buy all disciplines at 6 experience per dot while regular clans buy inclan disciplines with 5 per dot and out of clan for 7 per dot.
And that's not even figuring in that everyone hates Caitiff
Nah, fuck you leatherskin man
pure speculation as Jack likes to fuck everyone over and work on his own
I think they gladly go for it. If you part of the family.
Did he?
Dementation was removed because it was a horribly designed discipline
what was the reasoning behind this anyways?
I get the whole ooo what a twist thing but really, out of Rosa, Beckett, Nines, Jack, etc. all the people that knew WHY you shouldn't open it couldn't be assed to just say "its just a fucking bomb dude" rather than being unnecessarily cryptic about it?
Yeah, I half suspected that Jack had something to do with the fire at Griffith park just to fuck over any potential union between the Anarchs and Camarilla in favor of stirring up more chaos.
um, sweaty, nozzies do NOT look like that
they look like scabs and water-damaged leather wrapped around a crudely made anatomical doll
they also have angler fish teeth and fucked up eyes
nah that guy's retarded. the anarchs make it clear jack is fairweather as fuck and doesn't tell them what he's up to.
but then again, why would he save you?
About that...