Killing your foe is almost never the solution

>killing your foe is almost never the solution

Dropped. This game is going a big empty mess.

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Did you seriously expect a game about a world overrun by eldritch/insane horrors to have a solution as easy as "shoot them"?


i expected gameplay outside of running from everything you encounter while traveling from point A to point B in a giant open world

I mean, they said the same thing in MSGV but I that still didnt stop me from wiping out checkpoints just for the hell of it

How is this different from every other stealth game?

tranq gun, base exploration

It could be the enemy will come back and wreck your shit in the inverted world when you die.


This is literally a fucking Lost.

>you can’t die
>you just get sent to a spooky world to find your way back
>durr da enemiz will kill u in spooky world

If you kill your enemies, they win

WoW and other MMOs have sent you to the spooky realm for years.

A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for our time.

>mads shows up as the guy in control of the spooky world in the trailer
Does this confirm the theory that mads is the sorrow?

I think you enjoy all the killing!


Man you are mad as fuck lol

Wow you dont die, so innovative you have to go back to the real world when you die
Holy shit this is annoying just restart the fucking checkpoint, how hard is it to just do the fucking challenge, This wasnt fun in Wario World and its not fun here.

Mads doesn't control the Other Side as a whole, he's just able to Connect with it

>just want to make progress
>have to fight your way through essentially a repetitive minigame to return to the real game
If ever you needed proof that Kojima is a self-absorbed hack who only yesmen around him, here it is. A terrible fucking idea that should have been cut the second it was mentioned.

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>genius kojumbo disables manual loading, you have to restart the game completely

What this means is that killing your enemies also sends them to the underworld, making the second world that much more difficult.

Pretty interesting game mechanic I guess.

>restarting just leaves you in Hell
oh the madlad


and what happens when you die in the upside down realm?

Thing is when you come back to the real world there's a massive crater where you died, so the challenge isn't there anymore

>Xcuck seething

It's been a bad 24 hours for you.

Haha retard

>game plays in america
>punishes you for playing the american way
As if anyone needed another example to see what a hack kojima really is.

Prey 2006 has a minigame where you shoot manta rays or something to get back into the real world.

I'm not falling for this shit again. I remember getting hyped for Sekiro's Dragonrot and it turned out to be fucking nothing.

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Can I be a cool skelly boy

you go upside down again so they cancel out and you are back in the real world.

No, it just means your corpse run will involve fighting monsters to get your loot back. This will be demon souls on crack.

>literally cannot die
>all “challenge” just makes it so returning to the actual game takes longer
>retards will praise this as a revolutionary vision by the genius Kojima that deconstructs how we view video games

Like "the sorrow" boss battle just throughout the whole game?

Can someone break down for me what this game is supposed to play like? So far it seems like single player fortnite with an emphasis on stealth

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Yeah and even though it wasn't a long sequence it was still disliked by a lot of people. Now imagine that sequence but far longer, and you have to do it every time you die. It's just so fucking stupid. It looks like a sequence that should be integrated into the main game - not something you fucking experience every time you 'die'. For real this man is a fucking retard that no one can hold accountable.

Only if you look as good as Mads.

>Kojima begging you not to kill enemies in his walking simulator

>this is what zoomers actually believe
Think mgsv but more high-fantasy.
You'll be able to deal with enemies in multiple ways or avoid them entirely.
Surely you'll have a different kit to deal with the spooky ghosts too.

Corpses attract BT, so any time you kill something you run the risk of triggering timefall and otherwordly beings killing you. This is why the enemies in the trailer used stun sticks instead of trying to kill you.

Post yfw Phil was right all along

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>not zoomer

>instead of running back from the checkpoint you have to get through a different gameplay section
is this supposed to be a bad thing? It's not easier than a checkpoint system or manual saves. You can still start over when you die if you want to.

git gud

What exactly will kill me? Falling from a 25mph bike? A ladder? Static ghosts?
Also if I die in hell, do I go to paradise or do heavy metal music start playing ?

>is this supposed to be a bad thing?

It wasn't very fun in Prey and most of the time I wished for just the old quick load system. That gameplay section also usually lasted maybe twenty seconds at most.

Falling or being eaten by oil monsters. Human enemies dont try to kill you because you trigger a voidout upon death.


Soul Reaver already did that shit back in 1999, Kojima.

Just you watch though, people who never played games made more than 2 years ago will think this """"new"""" feature is revolutionary.

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how i know you are american

Dont die then you faggot

>map covers the whole world
It means I'll chase ghost in my virtual countryside, then connect it with other players so they can access the goat/cow monsters I found?
Did Kojihack play too much pokemon go?

>B-B-b-b-but dude h-h-hear me out
>You can lay down L A D D E R S
>i mean how cool is that right?

Can you just beat them up and do non-lethal moves instead?

the combat is a 3 button square mashing combo, looks janky af

Non lethal moves on ghosts? Like what? Throwing them blessed water?

fair question desu

will it have a 3rd chapter though?

>you kill them with stardust babies

OP needs to go back to Call of Duty 15

I think the inverted world is the alternate/otherworld ww1 area

Wtf was he on about with ropes and sticks then ? The ladder looks laughably simple as does the abseiling rope. Honestly the games atmosphere and style I love but the gameplay reveal was very disappointing imo.

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nah, more like dark souls but consider(AND IMAGINE) the following
>game unironically the fucking whole planet (and moon) in a 1:25000 scale
>story mode is fully focused on USA but there is roam mode with invasions and shit with the whole planet(and moon when you have the tech) as playground
if this ends up being true I can't wait to have a base camp in my home island

Came here to post this.

no, there are no cities, the open world is empty.

If we kill our enemies, they win.

Hope you'll take me with you next time you play it

>they literally speak about reconnecting the cities in the trailer
>there are no cities!
also I didn't say anything about a city in my post

So is it time to start nitpicking every detail and saying the game is automatically dismissable because of it, Kojima is a hack, etc?

Why does this happen every time? Why do you want to see everything fail?

Dishonored 2 wasn't that long ago and it penalizes slaughter.

How is this different than having to fight the way back to a boss from the last checkpoint after you die?

I miss the old Yea Forums

I just hope it will not be some 6 hour shit.

Every fucking stealth game has done this is some regard.

>Darren Aronofsky walking simulator 2019
This is going to be the most overhyped piece of shit of this generation.

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Did you even watch the trailer?

Yeah, but that took 30 seconds max and you're back into action.

Not Elder Scrolls 3, 4 and 5. Quite the opposite.

I was specifically referring to the "no gameover" shit and how dying puts you in a unique upside down realm. Soul Reaver did that 20 years ago.

I can't take this game seriously because they just used the face of that red neck guy from the walking Reddit. It's literally his head scanned into the game, kojima is such a starfucker.

so he's basically just reusing the mechanic from the sorrow boss fight and using it for the entire game? What a lazy fuck

Kojima was called a hack since MGS’ gene bullshit and was cemented as such with MGS2

Obviously. This has been known for years already. Only absolute idiots fall for the Con Man's lies anymore.

>has fucking Refn who is mostly miss than hit with his movies
But then I forgot, Kojima is the same with his shit.

>mostly miss than hit
Pleb opinion

>70 millions
Poor Kojima, if he sells 500k copies it'll be still enormous.

4.1M youtube views in 20h
it's gonna sell like crazy

>jewtube views equal future sold units
You forgot to bing bing, smoothbrain.

>edgy paranormal shit
Nah bro, it won't. Kojima is literally the only artist to stick to that style.

Do you follow Kojima on Twitter ? Poor dude looks so sad atm, posting food, metal music and about 80s movies.

I think you read into this wrong.
They mean nothing can truly die, not even you.
Why do people hate on this game when it’s just an open world Dark Souls with guns and no save/load?

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Do Americans actually look like this?

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Nobody's implying that it hasn't been done before. What's your point?

>stealth focused
Woooah, who could've seen that coming from a kojimbo game

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she's French

mrs fetal alcohol syndrome is french

>have to do more than just shoot at enemies like a mindless drone
>this somehow convinces you the game is a 'big empty mess'

Someone is trying really hard to fit in.

She's french

>in-game map is the hole world
What are you guys talking about? Where did you see this information?

that's for OP not you

>le being "death has consequence" dark souls meme
It'll flop

Mads says it right in the end of the trailer

Do Frenchs actually look like this?


smoking tons of cigarettes and drinking lots of wine whil being preggo helps. but most french look like pic.

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No. She's from a well-known a jewish family converted to protestantism, reputed for being freemasons, known as the Schlumberger. While French people look different between the north, south, east, west, and central regions, she looks nothing like any of them.

Yea Forums really is reaching hard to find things to complain about for this game. It could actually be a lot of fun nerds.

She's pretty much your average French girl, except for her fame (she's not even that famous)


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>defeat enemies by storing them in your man womb and turning them into babies

It's only because Kojima's pro-globalism opinions are now the thing Yea Forums despises.

They now have to find reasons to hate the game.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

just trust me bro

What do you mean i have to actually think in a videogame for once?

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you're just going to run from all engagements. What are you actually expecting outside of this?

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This is the company her family owns:
Pull on the strings from here and the truth will come.

Like Kojima, she's a fucking hack, she doesn't have much talent, she simply forced her way into this career because she is from a reputed and rich French family. Ironically, just like Kojima pays famous actors to be his friends, she paid famous directors to star in their movies. If I were to guess, I'd say she paid Kojima, not the other way around.

Here's what an actual French woman looks like.

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Implying you can run? Did you watch the trailer or no

Too bad she got blacked.

>What are you actually expecting outside of this?
Non-lethal weaponry, like the one you see in this game.

Now you understand why there's so little combat, violence and guns: they don't want to take the risk to kill anyone.

So this is what the S3 Plan stood for after all...

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majority of games are about killing shit. A twist on the formula sounds good to me. I imagine its gonna be in the same vein as mgs5

mgs5 was about shooting shit though, i think this game is mostly no guns

There's definitely guns but it's clear using them against the living is a bad idea.

so, run from everything - the game

She's a literal whore prostitute.
That's what her grand father called her anyway.

The game requires you to go into the goo world sometimes, though.

>She's a literal whore prostitute.
So she's French.

It was fine in prey what are you on about

Perhaps then you should get good, faggot.

judging from the boss fight they showed in the jap trailer there will definitely be enemies that you should be using your guns against

Decima looks like shit
>FOX Engine will forever rot in konami's grasp
Not fair.

>t.fortnite kid.

A what?

Remember that pretentious tv show that aired 10 years ago and tried to ride on mysteries until it became apparent that authors had no fucking idea how to finish it

what a stupid virgin

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the enemies in siren 1 never die and all protags are weak as shit, and you can only have a few shit weapons. that game is definitely easier than them.