>Writes MGS1-3
>Gets zero credit
>People keep asking why the series went to shit after 3 as if Kojima lost his skill for writing
Is there a bigger injustice in videogames than that of Tomokazu Fukushima?
>Writes MGS1-3
>Gets zero credit
>People keep asking why the series went to shit after 3 as if Kojima lost his skill for writing
Is there a bigger injustice in videogames than that of Tomokazu Fukushima?
Other urls found in this thread:
whatever happened to him?
Still no proof
Hi Tomokazu, how is the weather in japan today?
Didn't he blow up in 2011?
Post proof
>Is there a bigger injustice in videogames than that of Tomokazu Fukushima?
Didn't he quit out of free will? How is it injustice?
I do agree with you that Hackjima is an insufferable hack and the video games counterpart to Quenchin Fartatino
you fucking retards its common knowledge for fans of the series who were actually around during MGS1-3 releases that it was written by Fukushima with Kojima being more of a general scenario "ideas" guy
I would like to know what happened to him. He did everything to package kojima's insanity
Look at the credits for MGS1-3?
He has like 5 jobs for each game, ranging from research, to scenario, codecs, etc
It's pretty nice. Coffee sure helps me get through these lonely nights.
>it's common knowledge
Not proof lmao
>No proof imao
Christ just kill yourself zoomer, why are you posting when you haven't even played the series
here, its in the fucking credits youtube.com
The proof is literally in the end credits for MGS1-3.
He's credited as the story/scenario writer, codec writer, story researcher and more roles.
He's basically THE brain behind MGS 1-3 when it comes to story and writing.
It's also why codecs were utter unfunny boring shit in MGS4 with 0 interesting trivia and why they disappeared completely afterwards.
It's basically like Doom with Romero.
The other dudes made the game, Romero aka Ideas Guy took all the credit and made players his bitch.
Don't get me wrong, Episode 1 has some great level design but it's the only good thing Romero ever made, just look at Daikatana, BLACKEDroom and Sigil if you want more proof that Romero is a hack.
>no proof
did you retards play the fucking games?
Anyone got the MGS5-included version of pic related?
It had "p a r a s i t e s" as part of the mockery in vein of the MGS4 section.
I saw it posted months after MGS5 came out but I can't find it anywhere now.
Reminder that Fukushima is the real creator of MGS.
The credits alone isn't enough, we know fucking nothing else about the guy. Not to mention the Kojima games pre Metal Gear still have something of a reputation in their storytelling.
CIA had him killed. The man knew too much. MGS2's ending was enough to prove that.
>Hideo vs Kojima
>Kojima wins, gets Kojima Productions and makes shitty flicks
>meanwhile Hideo (Tomokazu) is entirely forgotten
>Tomozaku: let's make the next game about the cold war and how it has affected us all
>Kojima: DUDEEEE what ifff we just make it like James Bond 007? We can even get a fake James Bond theme song. DUDEEE
>the credits to MGS1-3 showing him as the writer isn't enough proof
are you actually fucking autistic?
I assume your 16 or so and have just discovered who Kojima is, he had other writers on his previous games too, sick of faggots new to the series telling me, a 25 year plus Kojima drone what I know and don't know
>The credits alone isn't enough
just when you think Yea Forums cant get dumber
What reputation?
Snatcher is an extremely shameless ripoff of Blade Runner and Body Snatchers while Policenauts is LITERALLY a word for word, scene for scene ripoff of Lethal Weapon.
Also note how every single Kojima game is pro-America and massive westaboo while every single Fukushima game is anti-America.
serious question btw
are you genuinely autistic?
Dunno how extensive his contributions to the series were beyond codecs or the terms on which he left Konami, but last I heard, he was working a minor position at SCE Japan Studios.
I know he worked on Freedom Wars for vita and a few other titles
Do you even know the fucking point of credits?
Are you genuinely this fucking retarded or are you just baiting for replies.
Please tell me it's the latter.
>everyone posting shit
>nobody reads actual fucking research posted here
I knew Yea Forums is retarded but goddamn.
Check the links I posted, they actually go in detail.
hideo and kojima will pay for their crimes
you now realise the reason they both put their names in the credits 500 times each game, they tried to erase based fukushima's name.
>we know nothing else about the guy
who is "we" because the rest of the anons in this thread seem to know, its you who has no fucking clue what you are talking about
I am 100% certain you have never played or finished an MGS game and just watched analysis videos on youtube
>I know he worked on Freedom Wars
Well, that game sucked and swallowed. So much for him being the unsung hero of MGS meme.
It wasn't as a writer btw
Writer has nothing to do with gameplay, also (You).
Was Fukushima there in all of them? Are you going to write off all his prior successes by attributing them to some other writers we can't know anything about?
You're telling me.
This is actual good evidence, see. I'll admit to not having played them but they generally do have a good reputation, though you make a good point.
I'm willing to accept them as valid, but it's not enough evidence for us to go and say, "Yeah Kojima is actually a talentless hack and it was Fukushima all along" by itself like Yea Forums so desperately wants to be true.
I played MG 1-2 and MGS 1-3, stay mad.
Man Kojima was really a hack huh
I guess Konami was right
You say that as if any of the MGS game have had particularly good writing.
The writing in MGS have always straddled that "so bad it's good" quality. It's wonderfully silly and stupid.
The series went to shit after 3 because the gameplay wasn't as fun.
the entrie lore behind the patriots and anti-american sentiment of the first 3 titles was dropped instantly in 4 & 5, Kojimas hollywood obsession fuck the series just read this article that other user posted
Based retarded person.
Fukushima was writer, codecs, research, scenario in all 3 games.
His name is in the credits.
Yes, the credits signify his role.
Honestly the fact that Fukushima games are very anti-America while Kojima games are very pro-America FUCK YEAH is the best evidence you could give in this whole Fukushima vs Kojima argument.
It's such hard, undeniable evidence (not that the credits weren't hard, undeniable evidence already).
Got killed by the yakuza
why are you so desperate to defend Kojima he isnt some perfect mastermind you know
the dude needs restraining and thats what fukushima did
That's the popular meme, he seems to have just drifted over to other mostly irrelevant projects after getting ousted from Konami by Kojima.
>Fukushima was writer, codecs, research, scenario in all 3 games.
so he's to blame for the Raiden/Rose drama and the Patriot bullshit.
I'm too stupid to comprehend MGS2 story: the post
The idea behind Rose being annoying actually was Kojima's idea, he claimed it was based on his wife nagging when they got engaged.
How said wife didn't kill him yet is a true mystery.
This. Holy shit the redpills in MGS2 for all the 14 year old kids.
Director dictates content breh. Kojangles handed Fuk a load of shit and told him to carve as masterpiece out of it.
He was only questioning his appearance being impacted by his hallucinations by the time he didn't care about being a demon.
No one likes actual developers (artists,tool/engine/scripting programmers,audio technicians,designers,testers,etc) because they are boring people who are good at their job so no one notices them until they make a crap game.
People like celebrities, like Hideo Kojima who can't do any of the above, without them there wouldn't be a game. But, without him the game would still exist.
>I'm too stupid to comprehend MGS2 story: the post
It was more I couldn't bring myself to care at how stupid MGS2 got the moment Raiden went naked.
>How said wife didn't kill him yet is a true mystery.
or the other way around. I can not stand being around someone who nags at me about every single minor thing.
Great that there's no proof this dude did anything for metal gear and it’s just Yea Forums‘s autistic hatred of Kojima on display again
They signify his roles - they don't specify how much he did in each of them, or what he contributed individually. I'm not saying it's wrong, but I am saying it's not enough evidence to prove it single-handedly. Now, when combined with the other evidence posted, it looks a lot more convincing, and I'm inclined to believe it's true now, but I stand by the idea that credit appearances alone aren't enough to prove that this man's writing is what really made the early games great.
I'm not, I'm just not being a bandwagoning dumbass going off of one piece of evidence.
MGS2 and Deus Ex will forever be special in my heart for how genuinely redpilled they are and way beyond their time.
The story of those two games is thousand times more relevant in the current year than it ever was 2 decades ago.
Cult of Celebrity is genuinely the most cancerous thing that infests mankind
Nah, if he was THE writer you make him out to be. We would be seeing Freedom War general threads. Guess he's not the man you thought him out to be. Just another Chump.
Freedom War sucked in all categories. It was just another shitty Not MonHun game.
He wasn't even a writer for that game, take this (You) and get cancer and die.
I love the metal gear series thats why I made the thread
I hate zoomer faggots like you who seem to think kojima wrote, developed and launched the series by himself
The proof is in the pudding. The games is where it becomes obvious that his influence is sorely missing.
He is not credited for the enormous amount of work he's done
Kojima knows how to write shit
look at Policenauts or Snatcher, for example
They probably didn't.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You only started talking about this guy after MGSV came out.
>Fukushima makes 3 good metal gear games.
>Kojima makes 3 bad ones.
There's plenty of evidence bro, it's called the end product. If a song writer leaves a band and the band's output turns to fucking garbage, we can safely assume that the missing songwriter was pivotal in producing the good material.
>one piece of evidence
>the literal credits of the actual videogames
user please just tell me if you are autistic or not I cannot fathom somebody this stupid without having some sort of mental block or condition. I'm not even trying to be mean.
You do know that Konami got rid of Fukushima like 10 years before Kojima, right?
Then why does ghost babel suck? Checkmate.
yeah, because 90% of Yea Forums had not even played an MGS game until V came out
If he could've cucked Kojima out of MGS, he could've easily done the same for Freedom Wars. This is embarrassing for you.
Ghost Babel is good though.
It was made for 10$ a bottle of saki and Fuk managed to make a game better than kojimbo with 70m
Because you're a retard who can't read.
4 was definitely a statement
snake representation on the nose, old and bitter
ridiculous over the top gun system / customization for a game you can beat with just the starting gun or stealth
uncool metal gear that makes cow noises
ridiculous raiden redesign
meryl cucks you
all the main villans are supermodels
big dumb rex and ray fight
climax is literally just liquid and solid punching each other
entire thing is just meta mocking the fans
>skill for writing
MGS1 is a game where the villain's motivation relies on not having common core-tier knowledge about DNA.
MGS2 is a clusterfuck of a game that, due to it's atrocious pacing and storytelling, ends up dropping within 30 minutes up to FIVE plot twists.
And MGS3 was just a standard story that people praise because the ending made you cry, the rest of the game's plot doesn't stand out in any way.
MGS has always had a mediocre story, it just had an autistic and obnoxious focus on it.
Lethal Weapon ripoff, word for word, scene for scene and Blade Runner/Body Snatchers ripoff.
Wow, so original.
I guess they were right after all
>ridiculous raiden redesign
which was better received over MGS2's Raiden
They have killed every single franchise they had.
All that's left are the code monkeys that were part of MGS, and MGS always had atrocious gameplay, so they don't really have anything left.
Team Silent was disbanded too, so all they have are the devs that makes PES games.
How are you this fucking stupid that I have to keep repeating myself? It's valid evidence, but it's not enough to say, "Well, it was actually this man that made all the classic games good and not someone else". Fuck sakes, we have no idea what went on behind the scenes or how much Kojima contributed to those games being good, so this narrative that says "It was actually just Fukushima being an amazing writer" the whole time is stupid. It's the difference between "Yeah, this might lead somewhere", and, "God damn he was a hack all along". I suppose maybe the average Yea Forumsirgin is unable to grasp the difference between the two points.
>teenagers in 2008 praise a character that has gone full emo
Gee, what a surprise.
Umm yes , what happened to Valve after half life 2
nothing will ever beat that,but close enough
that is better developed than in his original game
>Kojimbo apologist swarm the thread
And I'm out.
And yet you praised MGR, even though it threw that development into the trash.
Go check that shit faggot, the theory that Fukushima is the mastermind behinf metal gear is prety solid.
>wtf people arnt agreeing with me this isnt supposed to happen
>And yet you praised MGR
where did I praise MGR?
>even though it threw that development into the trash.
MGR developed what 4 had to restart in tersm of Raiden.
5 is better than GB though.
I'm the best reader.
>didn't write MG1/2 which were relevant
>they were single handedly written by kojima
that's gonna be a yikes from me, spotlight stealer.
Does he actually still alive ? does he still working on a video game Industry ? And also why is he okay with getting zero credit and also okay with let other man to literally take everything and okay to let that happen
The codecs in Revengeance are good.
Reminder that Kojima was the one who pushed to give Castlevania and Silent Hill to superior Western developers.
>MG1/2 which were relevant
absolute kojicuck reaching & cope
surely inspired, nobody is denying Kojima's gigantic Hollywood boner, but I don't think it's completelly a ripoff
could you please argoment your point futher?
Most likely killed himself, he was getting good pay but his writing was very anti-american and kojima didn't like that.
>ridiculous raiden redesign
I mean, we should thank 4 for rising
Castlevania and Silent Hill were dead since the mid 2000s.
The thing is, for Konami, even at their peak, videogames were not even 10% of their revenue.
That's why they don't really give a fuck about them.
People in the west still think that Konami is just a game publisher, when they are getting out of game development simply because they have more profitable divisions, like their gym division.
not me btw
You retards dismissing Fukushima is like Saying Akira Yamoka created the Silent Hill franchise
kill yourselves
I didn't actually enjoy rising that much
>random loser is behind MGS being good
cool fanfic bro. just suck it up faggot, hackjima was never that good, it just took you time to realize
>Writes MGS1-3
Congratulations on ripping off 80s action movies, I guess.
It's obvious kojima did some shit to fire his ass, Kojima the westaboo loved hollywood and everything western, Tomokazu Fukushima kept trying to make the story critical of america and western politics, which would eventually lead to jews. Kojima knows you can't talk bad about the juden if you want the key to hollywood. Fast forward and guess who he is shaking hands with.
Kojima is literally the man who sold the world.
what high IQ games do you play user?
bet you don't even fucking respond
>MGS is literally just a retelling of the first game
don't forget this talentless fuckup also wrote the twin snakes, or are you just going to ignore that absolute clusterfuck?
I think I remember seeing something about Konami holding sports competitions.
But Kojima unironically was the one who pushed to give the series to superior Western developers.
>Before E3 2009, Kojima stated interest in working with a Western developer.[37] This later turned out to be a collaboration between him and Spanish developer MercurySteam to work on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.
And if you consider this, the following looks suspicious as well:
>According to a Silent Hill Homecoming artist, Team Silent was ultimately disbanded by Konami itself, because Konami wanted Western developers to make the games.[4]
Considering that Kojima held an important position at Konami back then, it's not unlikely that he, the biggest westaboo at Konami, pushed for something like this.
i play chess, redditor.
Nier, and Minecraft for creativity. Stop being a bitch.
always knew he was a hackfraud. His westbooism is fucking creepy, even as a western myself I find it absolutely creepy the way western media pampers him.
He works at sony japan studios.
odd fedoraflex
literally the 2 most reddit games in existence
Team Silent was disbanded way back in 2005.
Back then Kojima was just another developer more.
He didn't have any say over other projects until 2011, when they made him vice president.
>bet you don't even fucking respond
>wow cant believe you responded
shouldnt you be coping in one of the dozen death stranding moviegame threads?
>>Gets zero credit
>is literally credited as a writer in the game credits
You faggots just didn't give a fuck until you got so buttblasted about MGSV that you desperately searched for someone other than Kojima that you could give all the credit for the earlier games to. And now you pretend that you always hated Kojima and actually have any idea who this guy is or what he contributed to the games.
has anyone tweeted kojima asking where fukushima is or why he parted ways? It's very obvious the series took a nose dive post his departure, and ghost babel was his own creation and was pretty good.
dude what
nier is gr8
this started after MGS4 retard
>he thinks everyone on Yea Forums is the same person
>reddit spacing
>calling reddit on anything else
>his writing was very anti-american and kojima didn't like that
And now Kojima makes anti-american game. Fucking hack.
he didn't have any power till way after team silent got disbanded my dude.
The same people saying that Fukushima is a genius are the ones who spammed "DUDE NUCLEAR, STANDING XDD" threads back in 2014.
>he STILL thinks reddit spacing is real
it was a meme to oust newfags like you
I've been here since before MGS4 came out. This guy was barely ever mentioned until late 2015.
>suddenly stops redditspacing after realizing how he was outing himself
>he STILL thinks anyone buys into the "redditspacing isnt real" meme
perfect and eternal way of outing reddit garbage.
That always happen if someone worked together with some hacks.
LOL im not even that guy retard
You are a fucking idiot mate, links have been posted analyzing MGS before and after fukushima and it's pretty fucking clear that something changed, coupled with the fact that he is on the fucking credits means a lot, autistic fuck.
Sony and his hollywood connections like Del toro and Refn are why he has such an abundance of celebrities and directors visiting his studio, he now has his own casting couch, its only downhill from there power and corruption always follows he'll be fucking a clean diet of C-list celebs to A-list pretty soon. Show me another video game director that is like this, literally none because they didn't shake hands with the devil.
im not him dumb ass
if this will trigger you
I'll do it just for you
Fukushima is the greatest hero in all of video games.
>starts redditspacing and samefagging after realizing he allowed himself to be ordered around
YIKES reddit
Keep seething. If you read my prior response, I wasn't even denying there's a good chance the meme is true, and he really is the mind behind MGS at its peak. What I was disputing is that his name in the credits alone isn't enough evidence for this claim everyone's making. I mean fucking hell he's credited in Twin Snakes too, do you think that's also good writing?
Not to mention most people still admire Kojima's early work, even if some contrarians in here are calling them bad.
>but he was inspired a lot by some action movies!
Yeah, and MGS3 is basically a James Bond flick. Who gives a fuck.
>he's credited in Twin Snakes too
What the fuck are you talking about? It's literally just MGS1's script since it's a remake of the same game, of course he's going to be credited.
Imagine if Konami put Tamari and Fukushima together and let them make a game.
You seem to know a lot about reddit.
Can you please tell us what makes a game reddit aside of it being popular or you not liking it?
More like Fuck you shima. What a hack.
true, but I don't think user accounted for spinoffs
>written by Hideo Kojima and Tomokazu Fukushima
All I see is that he helped. There's no proof that he exclusively wrote anything and all this is meme. A meme started specifically by buttmad fags who were blaming Kojima for V being disappointing when it was a completely unfinished game force-released by Konami.
Why are you so certain that's his only level of involvement in that game? See, the point is that we can't know. This is why it's fucking stupid to use the credits argument for everything because it's literally just a title, it tells us nothing else.
Fukushima also wrote his very own Metal Gear game that is way better than anything than Kojima has ever made.
It's not even as good as MG2.
The story is better.
That's pretty contrarian to think
Guy would be 47 years old while that old fuck 56 Kojima is still alive and well.
>strong independent woman
Aaand stop reading
>He's basically THE brain behind MGS 1-3 when it comes to story and writing.
No. Anyone that's actually played Metal Gear 2 can tell you otherwise, and anyone that's actually played Ghost Babel can tell you that while it is competently written it is derivative and not terribly interesting. The released and translated design plan for MGS2 also makes it clear the mission statement of the game was entirely Kojima's, and this probably extended to other games too. MGS4, PW, and MGSV struggle as much as they do in part because the series' story had been exhausted. In other words, their mission statements were a mistake. They also suffer in their game design, and yet we know that Fukushima had fuck-all to do with game design.
This board is full of idiots that think people are incapable of being responsible for both good things and shitty things. I do not doubt that Fukushima had a positive influence on the series during his time with it, but attributing everything to him just to avoid giving credit to Kojima is beyond stupid.
It's one of my favorite games in the series but the story is middling.
the real answer is they were probably at their best when they were together. Fukushima probably reeled in kojima from all his overboard off the rails cringe and kept him in a zone of grounded cringe and from ghost babel it's very aware that kojima's crazy balanced out how boring fukushima is when left to his own devices. I just wish they'd reunite
yeah but kojima didn't have anything to do with Revengeance
Didnt Kojimbo say he wanted to stop making mgs after 3?
He did not fully write MGS. There’s no way. Besides, even with his co-writing the series wouldn’t be as charming without Kojima’s westaboo sensibilities.
have sex
5 has the best gameplay out of all though...with the worst unfinished story
He wanted to stop after 2 but he got a bunch of Spaniards on his team and they kept fucking it up.
This. It's just a big fuck you to all the fanboys who couldn't let go.
>at their best when they were together.
Possible, but we don't know. I highly doubt Fukushima would have rescued the dumpster fire that is MGS4. I think, had he worked on it, the codec would have been more robust; that's a natural assumption based on his having scripted the radio/codec in previous games. Beyond that, who knows. People love their secret geniuses and conspiracy theories, though.
>5 has the best gameplay out of all
Meh. I like it, but I miss the pacing and design of the older games. MGSV often felt like something between a swifter Splinter Cell and a blander Snake Eater. Its highs are high, but the lows are quite low.
But its story is at least better than MGS4's or PO's.
>MGS4, PW, and MGSV struggle as much as they do in part because the series' story had been exhausted. In other words, their mission statements were a mistake
That's fucking bullshit and you know it. Kojima has already moved past MGS but he still seems to be putting out similar crap (read Death Stranding) as the later MGS games.
>fucking bullshit
No, MGS4's biggest issue is that it acts as a sequel to a game that wasn't intended to have one and half-heartedly spoonfeeds answers. PW and MGSV have similar issues with their big-picture ideas and goals. Nothing suggests Fukushima had much control over that.
Death Stranding might be good or it might be shit, but it doesn't seem that similar to Metal Gear in terms of setting or story.
There's no saving MGS4 because it was a forced entry to a series that Kojima definitely wanted to see ended with 2. 3 only had his involvement because the original design was awful and it couldn't let his series go to trash if he could try to do something about it.
Secret genius meme is just a meme.
Fukushima at best made some dialogue lines hit harder or help make a character connect to the audience more. It's what a second writer on a project is there to do. People saying that Fukushima was reigning in Kojima's crazy ideas can only point to that bird poop eating Raiden meme. MGS2 is balls out crazy and probably crazier than the entire rest of the series to be honest. Post-Fuku Metal Gear games have that same level of off-beat that the earlier games had and much the same for the feel and style of the plots.
The bad writing of the later metal gear games isn't some post-fuka apocalypse. Kojima just wrote a string of bad stories that play to nostalgia and try to drum up the hypest moments of the series. Genius is some eternal thing. Good writers can write shit, especially if they've been working in the same project for twenty odd years.
But because Kojima wrote MGS2, people for some reason just refuse that the writer who made MGS2 what it is also made MGSV. So they go through these elaborate conspiracy theories to try to prove that some hidden greatness was swept under the rug by glory-hound kojima.
>Death Stranding might be good or it might be shit
In case you're actually blind, let me tell you that it's going to be shit.
But the story, writing, dialogue were absolute garbage back then too.
Nothing changed.
>appeal to authority
>muh photoshop
>appeal to authority
You guys are forgetting how Revengeance was a proper unironic masterpiece and wasn't by either Fukushima or Kojima
Revengeance is a fun game but as a story is completely stupid. Raiden was good in MGS2 and complete shit afterwards.
It was the biggest piece of shit in the series.
Goes to show how retarded the MG fanbase is.
Thematically and narratively it's an actual masterpiece. Gameplay-wise it's good.
Revengeance's whole story is entirely ham stupid.
>Thematically and narratively it's an actual masterpiece
>"Thematically and narratively it's an actual masterpiece." - some random faggot on a mongolian basket-weaving forum.
Haha and an upvote for you too kind stranger!
>"free will"
>"it's stupid and bad" - dumdum
Did anyone here playing Freedom War?
>Raiden was good in MGS2 and complete shit afterwards.
and yet most of the fanbase thinks the opposite
i actually have the mgs for gbc and it literally is amazing.
his absence in mgsv was the true phantom pain.
here's a little tip
stop antagonizing konami and devaluing their properties and their company brand image and they will make good sequels to franchises like metal gear, castlevania and silent hill
I think you guys are mixing anti-American with anti-military industrial complex. Fukushima was on with MGS2, and MGS2 is insanely pro-American. MGS1 and 3 also have shades of pro-American sentiment, but the series has always been cynical to the military.
How about instead of that, we execute all of the Konami executives and dissolve the company, and then just give their franchises to better companies who won't turn them into pachinko machines
>MGS2 is insanely pro-American
What the fuck am I reading
have sex
>Konami completely mishandles its properties during the last generation and ensure that any fans to their series are slain to the last.
>completely burns down their gaming division and removes the last bit of actual talent left in your palm
>moves over to Pachinko and proceeds to use their gaming licenses as cosplaying prostitutes for middle-aged salarymen to gamble on
>"Hey gamers, do you want to buy this collection of roms for the nes castlevanias?"
good riddance to them.
Solidus : That's right. George Washington took office as the first
president of the United States of America 200 years ago today.
And it happened right here. We were going to declare another
independence -- the dawn of a new nation -- here. The end of the
Patriots' secret rule, liberation of this country -- this was
where it was supposed to begin, this is where freedom could have
been born.
Raiden : All you want is power -- at any cost.
Solidus : Jack, it's not power I want. What I want is to take back from the
Patriots are things like -- freedom, civil rights, opportunities.
The founding principles of this country. Everything that's about
to be wiped out by their digital censorship.
Jack, listen to me. We're all born with an expiration date. No
one lasts forever. Life is nothing but a grace period -- for
turning our genetic material into the next generation.
Snake : Anyone you know?
Raiden : No, never heard the name before. I'll pick my own name...and my
own life. I'll find something worth passing on.
[He throws the dog tag as far as he can.]
Raiden : They taught me some good things too.
Snake : I know. We've inherited freedom from all those who've fought for
it. We all have the freedom to spread the word. Even me.
>they will make good sequels to silent hill
Then there's Solidus reaching up to George Washington with his dying breaths, all the empty shots of poles that should be American flags, the lingering shot of the Statue of Liberty at the end of the credits...c'mon man.
Are you real
>Suck corporate cock and maybe Konami will give you a hankerchief to get the cum out of your mouth
The fanbase is pretty stupid too.
Nigger absolutely none of that is pro-American. In fact, it is explicitly anti-American in pining for the values America should but ultimately does not now stand for.
Are you retarded?
The whole "anti-american sentiment disappeared with Fukushima" line doesn't make any sense to me since Ground Zeroes was handled by Kojima and is one of the most anti-american games I've ever seen. It just roasts the government and our history.
MGS2 is very pro-american. It pretends high minded ideas exist absolutely and the true bad guys of the game are cancerous parasites wearing the face of America while preaching a very anti-american message.
so basically fukushima was a redpilled chad while kojima is a bluepilled reverse weeabo?
mgs2 is one of my favorite games ever mostly because of the story and twist(im a huge conspiracy fag),its such a shame they got rid of this guy.
I really dopped hard from the "kojima is genius" train after seeing "directed by hideo kojima" every 30 minture of gameplay in mgs 5.
Im willing to give him a last chance with death stranding to see if he menages to pull it off and convince me he is actually a madman and it was actually ebil konami all along but man it really doesn't seems like this at all.
>The fanbase acknowledges the genius of MGS2
Nah, MGS is one of the few good fanbases
>le fukushima meme
I have never seen anyone misinterpret MGS2 this hard, let alone give this completely out of nowhere interpretation:
>In fact, it is explicitly anti-American in pining for the values America should but ultimately does not now stand for.
There is absolutely nothing in MGS2 that talks about this. Make no mistake, this is you projecting how you feel about the United States onto MGS2.
yes read
>MGS fanbase
You're just arbitrarily defining good as America and bad as not America you dunce.
That supposedly "anti-American" message is the fucking most American.
Insofar as America was once a symbol of liberty MGS2 has a very warm view of it, and even though Solidus was a mega-cunt the game presents his obsession with America's founding principles and struggle for freedom as something to be sympathetic to ("They taught me some good things too.").
this. You fags just want to hate Kojima now because NEVER EVER and it's so obvious it's just hilarious. You are all SO mad you can'y play Death Stranding without buying a playstation. Very, very sad. Have sex.
It's not a matter of never ever. Simply put Kojima is poular and everyone wants to see the hero fall
>You're just arbitrarily defining good as America and bad as not America you dunce.
>freedom, civil rights, opportunities.
Fuckin' ay. This guy is a loony.
shoo shoo console nigger adults are talking
But now it's popular in America to hate hate America, and as we all now Kojima it's a massive westaboo.
Kojima is a hack. This guy deserves the credit.
But freedom of information and the ideas of individualist pursuit of freedom and happiness are core ideas of our constitution taken from the age of enlightenment. That is American identity and what all of us are brought up to believe in. It's those same ideas that drive Solidus to rebel against the order making it all a farce and try to save America and bring it back to it's founding principles. It also presents that Patriots as an inhuman abomination that is directly in conflict with American ideals while they state they're defending them. They even use Raiden and take away his individual freedoms and happiness to kill Solidus.
The game has more to say about the importance of idealism in American during the coming digital age than anything else in the medium.
Marketing works, OP. It seems your forgot how a typical MGS game looks like - you see "A Hideo Kojima game" sentence at least 5 times before you actually can control your character. That's one of the reasons people don't understand Metal Gear is Konami's, not Kojima's game.
Sony gave him money. "Do what you want with, take your time, just make a masterpiece". And if, IF the game turns out to be mediocre, I wonder who will be guilty. Kojima always blames someone else. Who will be the bad guy this time in the eyes of Hideo Kojima and his cult... I mean fans.
More like MGS4 and onwards was a big fuck you to Tomokazu.
>Kojima always blames someone else
his fans you mean
Fucking this. If you need any proof as to Kojima's role in the dynamic ask yourself where is Fukushima now? Games aren't made by one person(usually), they're made by a collaboration of people.
>a big fuck you to Tomokazu.
good, faggot should learn his place
>the real answer is they were probably at their best when they were together.
It's the same situation with Nintendo and the Metroid series. At one point there was a brilliant group of people who put out great games (up until Super), and now there's just literally one guy.
Pretty much.
There's a very big difference between the founding principles of America and everything America has done and stood for since then. It's absolutely ridiculous to call adherence to the founding principles "pro-American" in a modern context because by doing so you must necessarily conclude that America is and has been anti-American for much of its history. If you want to make a claim like that you need to clearly state your definitions because it flat out does not make sense without that context.
If it looks like blue paint and smells like red paint, it's still blue paint. Historical American ideals aren't the American identity and founding principles idealism is antithetical to the America that is today and that has been for longer than you'd like to admit.
A critique of how America drifts farther and farther away from the ideals that it was founded with is by no stretch of the imagination "insanely pro-American".
>the message that Kojima kept nailing into everyone's head in Death Stranding was "coming together" or something of the sorts
>Hot Coldman
>Die Hardman
Kojima acts like his games are high art, when they are fucking schlock.
>Make no mistake, this is you projecting how you feel about the United States onto MGS2.
Shut up about America. America hasn't been America since the Jews took it over decades ago. America belongs to Israel now.
>writes Ghost Babel
>doesn't write Policenauts
>retards still pretend he's the great ghost writer of MGS
Amazing how far people go just to act like they're the REAL fans
Whoa are people really pretending MGS4 and beyond weren't anti-American?
ffs the CIA were the baddies in Peacewalker
Art imitates reality.
The discussion of the last 25 some posts is about MGS2.
>Historical American ideals aren't the American identity
But they are. They're in our constitution and those ideas have enabled the society that exists today and still exists. There's nothing antithetical about these ideas and what american identity is now. People still believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Adherence to these ideals are universally what americans as a whole want to see, and our criticism of our leadership and foreign policy is always predicated on these ideals that we believe the nation should follow. America is an ideal as much as it is a nation and MGS 2 is the Patriots trying to kill the idea after having killed the nation. The fact that Snake and Raiden go against impossible odds to destroy this oppressive system for idealistic reason of freedom political and individual is spiritually an american way of thinking.
If you're looking for anti-america in MGS you could just look at GZ instead. That's definitely anti-american
Fuck kojumbele
>Get zero credit
Except, you know, the actual writing role in the
ending credits.
It's common knowledge about Kukushima's work on the first 3 Metal Gears. He obviously carried Kojima's writing but you stupid faggots should stop projecting your insecurities and tribal mentalities to this shit. Fukushima leaving is not a sign of drama in and of itself, it's just him leaving.
It's common knowledge about Kukushima's work on the first 3 Metal Gears.
>There's a very big difference between the founding principles of America and everything America has done and stood for since then.
Sure, which is why I phrased the first sentence the way I did and put emphasis where I did. Still, I don't think that translates to "anti-American" either, unless you want to color all domestic criticisms of America's military adventurism or civil rights abuses (often using the same Enlightenment principles invoked in the country's founding) as anti-American too.
People make too much out of the U.S. in Metal Gear anyway. Its villains are larger than life and have analogues everywhere. Japan's own imperialist history had a huge footprint in the country's pervasive anti-war/anti-rearmament attitudes (even playing a role in children's education) in the decades after WWII, and I imagine that it's a shadow that looms as large over Metal Gear as it still does on Japan's internal debates.
t.seething hideo
fukku offu fukushima
You look retarded, criticizing MGS, while felating yoko taro’s ego wank.
It was popular back when MGS 1-4 were being made as well.
>This board is full of idiots that think people are incapable of being responsible for both good things and shitty things.
Holy Based.
got yakuza’d
you can't samefag in the same minute retard
Did you even play the first game, you dumbass?
MGS is a remake of MG2 with retcons up the ass.
>MGS is a remake of MG2
It borrows some ideas, but they're still pretty different overall. MG2 focuses a lot more on sneaking than MGS1 does, among other differences.
Mgs3 is a reamake of mgs4 which is a retelling of mg1 from the perspective of snake's ASS, which was thought lost after the events of mgs1 and happened simultaneously as the events of ghost Babel, which is 72.1001% cannon, up till where ac!d begins hurf durf this all matters to me because I'm a virgin hurf hirf
Works for Sony. He was in the credits for Freedom Wars for the Vita. Though it could have been another Jap with the same name.