Hasta la vista, baby!

Hasta la vista, baby!

Attached: Arnold.png (1440x1080, 488K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I too got randomly recommended this video a few days ago OP

hey me too


Attached: prÖÖÖh.png (1536x1444, 22K)

The Youtube algorithm is fucking weird these days

YT algorithm is fucking bad.
Nice vid though

So why do the monsters talk and have personalities? Is it a dub thing? I’ve only watched the “og” series(not the creepy/weird one)

You too?

Another video that pops up is a about guy getting killed by being stabbed in the mouth with an heroic music playing.

They talk and the jap. version but they have a regular personality, not like the dub.

I literally just watched it

what did youtube mean by this?

Attached: 1557242780907.png (620x609, 156K)


Attached: 170ghm.jpg (698x515, 86K)

Attached: 1559212310951.png (483x638, 186K)

what the fuck

is this some more fucking google spyware shit, were its cataloging Yea Forums users so they can recommend shit for the demographic?

Attached: images (3) (4).jpg (426x721, 68K)

You also got it recommended?

Off course.

google is getting scary
I switched search engine a long ago but I'm still waiting for a viable youtube alternative

No, my friend sent me this video a few days ago and he doesn't visit 4channel, he's a normie. This plot goes much deeper than Yea Forums, this might be a global conspiracy.


Which one you use? I started using Dissenter and it works great so far

sorry big fella


>talking with a friend
>he randomly pulls out this video
>mfw I had liked it a day before and was gonna show him that day as well

Attached: 1547255523951.jpg (570x479, 21K)

So what card did he turn into?

startpage which is pretty much google but through proxies
there's also anonymous view that is handy whenever a site is blocked by my ISP


Do you guys also get recommended tonnes of shitty jojo vids, "gamer news" stories and catgirl asmr?

Attached: 1557898456767.png (302x251, 113K)

Anybody see this yet, I keep getting it recommended to me

Attached: Screenshot_20190530-225902_YouTube.jpg (1080x2220, 907K)


>American anime dubs

It’s just the guy who did all those YIIK videos. He’s spamming uploads of bad dubs now.

Attached: 230AEC5D-DB2D-41F4-B74E-6D34488F9EF3.jpg (640x458, 181K)

pot of greed
it lets you draw two more cards

A ghost rare Honest

Attached: shopping.jpg (309x449, 32K)

>Catgirl ASMR
I don't get recommended that, is it good?

Did anybody else got recommended a video of some guy singing a song and the blowing his brains?

No but I get a lot of recommendations for Scott the Woz and a live stream about a Furret walking

Previously youtube kept showing this video for a long time.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

>saw it when it was around 5k views
>its now over 1 million views

Attached: 2a1.png (1324x992, 464K)

I thought I was getting that dude’s videos recommended to me because I watched that one YIIK ending clip.

Shiva's video


I keep getting the Shiva one, haven`t seen the Bloodborne recommendation so far.

I wonder if even normalfags see those weird clips

here's your recommended bro

Attached: 1538006600184.jpg (1325x746, 228K)

Attached: IMG_20190530_140411.jpg (501x325, 48K)

Show those Recommended feeds.

Attached: Clipboard02.jpg (1302x796, 908K)



Fuck you, Keanu


Attached: 398288_6490166.jpg (1280x720, 276K)

Attached: maxresdefault-1.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

Wtf why is kite with alexis???

I've never seen a YIIK video but I am a huge fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! shit dubs,


still the algorythm went bananas and spammed everyone the same video

>Keep getting OPM clips recommended
>Over and over and over and over again since it came out
>Don't even watch anime or anime-centric content

Attached: 2312.jpg (500x368, 62K)

Attached: maxresdefault-2.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

I don't fucking know. There's been another exact video with different title years ago. But I guess zoomers finally found out about Yugioh GX now thanks to Youtube algorithm


Attached: 1488906402869.jpg (720x960, 70K)

Can youtube stop recommending me this shit now?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 87K)


Fucking keanu


Attached: 1538922363609.png (680x378, 389K)

I got this shit too.

dont bully

Attached: 20190530_223735.jpg (720x912, 360K)

Glad I'm not alone, I don't even watch anime or DB shit

To control the memes of production

fucking embarassing


Holy shit! What is going on!


The Evangelion video has also shown to me.

google is arsenal gear

that whole ASMR cult is dystopian as fuck.

I'm getting bombarded by these Furret live streams, anyone else?

Attached: IMG_20190530_091129_735.jpg (720x214, 27K)

YouTube is probably trying to see if they can influence meme culture with algorithms
I imagine this was recommended to anyone that's seen stuff that's relatively meme heavy recently

>those ASMRs
user, we need to talk

>twitch highlights

Attached: 1541382833357.jpg (807x659, 42K)



I saw the Shiva one, but only through Oddheaders out of bounds discovery video

I grew up watching GX though.

Me too, i don't know where this furret meme came from, perhaps /vp/?

yeah me too

Attached: 1545041078241.jpg (103x125, 2K)

Well, yeah; Google has literally already been in control of our culture for who knows how long.

Definitely the Shiva one which I found weird since I haven't watched anything FF related since watching the cutscenes for the final dlc



>epic clip with a short wacky title


Finally watched this yesterday.

bros i tihnk i caught the gay

Attached: 1550869193713.jpg (462x791, 83K)

god damn user

o-ok here I go Reddit!

Attached: 1532347042342.png (1238x468, 655K)

Why is there a cat video in there? I don't even like cats

Attached: Rec.png (1353x797, 1.09M)


sorry for phoneposting

Attached: SmartSelect_20190530-062230_Samsung Internet.jpg (1020x1441, 1.2M)

i fucking hate youtube

Attached: cancer.png (597x112, 71K)

Do you seriously watch feh videos?



Attached: 1556482832990.jpg (720x720, 72K)

>Chazz to love advices from Sonic
Shit, I need to watch that now

>shitpost heavily on Yea Forums for a few hours
>suddenly youtube recomment the anime OST
Captcha "privacy term" in action.

I dont even like toystory

Attached: Screenshot_20190530-231020_YouTube.jpg (1080x2220, 682K)


>Ken Ashcorp

Attached: 234.jpg (970x545, 50K)


Yeah but the title and description of the new video has obvious 2019 zoomer appeal, so it hit all the right YouTube algorithm notes. The version you recommended is portraying it with the joke that it's "EPIC ARNOLD IMPRESSION SO BAD XD", little dated these days, even if it's only a couple years back. Oh shit 2015 was almost 5 years ago.

No but I watch Fire Emblem videos so of course heroes would show up

>refresh youtube
>get that Zelda Speedrun video in recommended
ok google stop it.

>Started watching some guy named cooking with babish
>mfw my feed is full of cooking videos and street food

Attached: 1559065449178.png (389x227, 62K)

I've seen that fucking Yu gi oh one before. I've never been into ygo, why does youtube love it so much?
Fair enough.

It's slightly uncomfortable knowing Google knows every board I post on.


There is video by Seth about that Sora is a multiverse buster or something that can rewrite realities, he smirks when he implies that he can casually solo dragon ball super or god of war.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (196x110, 13K)

based incelephant

Attached: 1557320806275.webm (854x480, 2.9M)


Cooking with Babish is great

babish is kind of reddit tbqh

His videos are good shit and I need to find the time to replicate some of the stuff someday


Attached: recommended.png (712x956, 685K)

fucking Skynet



Attached: 1536888125802.jpg (500x364, 27K)


I don't get reccomend shit since I turned off my search and watch history

It's worse when they spy pixiv. having the recommendation cluttered of toddler shows just because I fapped to some loli porn is creepy.

I hate the fact that spanish and portuguese are so similar and people confuse the two all the time

im this user
i had a good half of your videos in my recommendations over the past week. be careful user.

>watch one, ONE video about why Ben 10 kept changing directions as a cartoon and its fall from grace like 6 months ago
>Now this motherfucker who is obsessed with a kid's show never leaves my recommended with his gushing over the show and how Ben could totally beat anyone in DC comics and other autistic shit

Attached: Screenshot_20190530-082601~2.png (1440x1208, 1.29M)

This is why you dont post on /pol/ unless you are shitting on them. That entire board is a fucking honeypot

What was the original video?

they make captcha slow if you use the word "nigger" or right wing politics words too much.

I can't wait for June 5

Like this video and other characters that Seth talks about.

I just post my opinion on /pol/ then proceed to post something opposite of that a day later to bait people, and if the Google dystopians ever called me out I'd point out that my posts on Yea Forums are all satire which of course they are

It tried

Attached: meh.png (1345x731, 1.08M)

i think this is the worst one in this thread.

Same but I never watch them.

this guy completely misses all the points in every character

More or less accurate, but why the fuck does it recommend me videos I've already fully watched?

Attached: 74212.jpg (924x848, 208K)

>the dante video
>the FFXV video
>the chazz and sonic video
I have all of those in my own recommendations

>whenever YouTube points out it knows what you jack off to despite you never searching for the thing on YouTube, or on Google, just occasionally going sadpanda and other sites for it
Creeps me the fuck out

Attached: Screenshot_20190530-083321~2.png (1428x1245, 980K)

Quick rundown in his reason why he believes this?

>virgin babish vs the food wishes chad

is this the old video that's just showing it's dub voices with terminator music or did someone make a new video that's somehow getting way more traction?

Likely because of Xehanort wanting to purge the Kingdom Hearts cosmology with the X-Blade and Sora defeated him without an opposite godly weapon to his own.
New video.

Hey hey people

>Pappy Van Poodle
Is that from the fucking thread the other day where some user dared us to find porn of the character and someone just drew some on the spot?
Holy shit

Attached: youtube.png (1236x418, 606K)

I always wanted to fuck gwen since I was a kid

Attached: IMG_20190507_140750.jpg (768x431, 27K)

>faded kneesocks
Shit i wana rewatch that show now

Melee never lies.

First of all: my names "The Chazz."

Attached: 1536361054858.png (729x505, 350K)

shit like this is literally why i have my youtube search and watch history turned off, otherwise it always ends up being irrelevant shit i don't care about cos of one stray video
and asmongold reacts

link? got me curious

Attached: 1545656373247.png (542x771, 18K)

based and tougepilled

Based yognaut

The video's fine and GX is terrible and deserving of mockery. Especially the dub

>Character can do X because they beat this character who can do Y, but let’s also ignore the context of how both do X and Y
So it’s one of those videos? Got it.




Fuck this guy. He puts out a poll and forms his video around the popular opinion. I don't even like Jiren that much, but damn his vids are annoying

>how Ben could totally beat anyone in DC comics
He could tho if he managed to become an kryptonian
>get kyrptonian dna
>omnitrix makes it the optimal version
>ben is now superman prime 10 billion

How much of a cancer am I?

Attached: ttt.png (1046x575, 908K)

>like cooking
>often watch cooking video
>3/4 subs are cooking channel
>youtube offer me san andreas and literally who speenrunner (I don't even watch those)
why youtube.

based youtube algorithm

Attached: nice.jpg (1270x718, 245K)

i was watching steam of a randomiser dark souls recently, and now i keep gettting dark souls stuff

I got that one too this week, wtf.


Attached: 4D271719-2219-4C59-887B-034863B0E6BC.png (2048x1536, 2.99M)

>active yu-gi-oh player
>mainstream weebshit
user, I...

Attached: 1531074547361.jpg (728x546, 65K)


Attached: 1543750021476.png (1012x551, 637K)

I mean I can't hate the guy but I've been getting plastered in Nitro Rad thumbnails for A YEAR before I ever clicked anything of his, I don't get youtube sometimes

>doesn't even show more than one scene of arnold mammoth
what a load of horseshit that this is getting more traction than the original

>rank 10 ygo

rata is based

Based Arceusbro


>favorite channel hasnt been uploading videos for half a year since Sony keeps him in copyright hell
Fuck them

We posting Youtube recommendations?

Attached: firefox_2019-05-30_09-49-26.png (1303x736, 1.18M)

I'm not a footfag, i'm just subscribed to cheddar

>This is an actual character in Beyblade

Holy shit I recently keep getting that too.

Why are so many people here subscribed yugioh channels?
Like RANK10YGO and dzeef.
I'm honestly surprised

Attached: shit.png (1307x499, 716K)

Attached: Untitled.png (1375x822, 1.13M)

what a fag


DC still has The Presence, who essentially is the DC version of the One Above All.

I haven't even played YGO since early 2000s. But I watch both of them due to like them as a entertainer, and I like learning about how different TCGs work.


Attached: 1549466160422.jpg (1250x802, 872K)

He said he'll be back. Did he ever come back?

>all these YGO and Jojo fags

They're some of the few good remaining ygo channels. I miss YGO 4 REAL MEN

>That fucking furro nazis video
Amazing. It's like a fucking timemachine to 2007-9 era Hispano Youtube.

Got watch some bouncy titties Luz ASMR and/or Vivi Alto
Latin american ASMR is all about big cow titties.

Attached: LAy4obo4.png (512x512, 559K)

>not using NewPipe

Not bad, I've gotten a good chunk of those.
>Kenny Lauderdale
I subbed to him like 2 or 3 years ago when he shilled his then-tiny channel on here in a YouTube thread. Crazy that he suddenly blew up a couple months ago and had several 6-digit view count videos about obscure 80s anime. Good for him.

Attached: 1558780089941.png (506x593, 610K)

I can't be judged.

Attached: Screenshot (142).png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

No. /vp/ is fucking retarded and hate the meme.
t. /vp/

i keep getting the cat video

They're the only good ones left, other ygo tubers are just click-bainting Duel Links fags.

Me too and because of that channel I binge watched Super YoYo on YouTube, English dub and all. Pretty comfy anime.

You fell victim to GladJonas too huh? Why does this faggot keep popping up in my feed.

I see.

I actually rewatched the first few ben 10s a few years ago because I wanted to compare the first two shows, and it's actually a pretty good demonstration of maturity and experience. With some exceptions, like season 3 of alien force. Ultimate alien was actually pretty good though.

>those fucking speedrunning videos
FUCK, you too?

Welcome to the YouTube algorithm; it's a piece of shit.

dzeef shits on Yugioh genwunners and RANK10 makes fun of Konami's bizarre design decisions so it's a nice balance.


What is your favorite youtube recommended video

Attached: recs.png (1309x674, 1.12M)

funny how nobody really paid attention to the dub until now. still im not gonna watch it. no intentional funny dub can hold a candle to ghost stories dub


Got this recommended for some fuckall reason, pretty enjoyable.

Attached: 253211.png (610x538, 192K)

Superman isn’t even the strongest justice league member

Bullying is forbidden.

Attached: Screenshot.png (1086x489, 690K)

One of these is not like the others.

I wonder if there is some guy at Youtube who can rig the system just for shits and giggles

Why are you logged into my account?

just watched that fiver video

Attached: 1555471387811.jpg (1462x1462, 181K)

Remember when youtube recommended Nora:

I keep getting that fiver video recommended to me

Are you kidding? I got that bitch in top comments in one Pewdiepie video and Bob Ross one. Clicked the channel once and the recommend list just...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30-10-05-32-1.png (720x850, 438K)


I actually like the fox videos.

Whenever i watch one videom of something i always get bombarded in my recommendation, but it changes pretty quickly

Attached: 20190530_160759.jpg (720x1042, 668K)

>That fucking Forest video
Holy fucking shit I can't escape it.

Attached: 35221.png (679x539, 415K)

kinda funny but the dudes trying a bit too hard to push this

Attached: Untitled.png (890x1209, 1.09M)

Yes i don’t know why. I never liked Pokemon


was it worth it?

I want that shit banned. I don’t support twitch in any way.

I got it as well, what the fuck.

You're all a bunch of fucking weirdos.

Attached: rec.png (1051x587, 724K)

I keep getting this one:


I mean, I guess I can see why it's in my feed? But how the shit this caught on is beyond me.

Got this recommended

I thought it was funny

Your just a mentally ill weeb.

Attached: file.png (1336x737, 1.11M)

>Goku vs Kakarotto!

Attached: recommended.png (1297x729, 1.03M)

>Adam Neely
I see you are a man of culture
you play any instruments?

Over the course of this thread it's gotten another 300k views

Attached: reccomended.png (1329x749, 1.04M)

Attached: Freezer.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

But it's only at 300,000.

They talk in the original. The dub gave them all silly voices based off of celebrities. I remember topaz tiger talks like Sean Connery.

I know you are Snake, stop showing up please.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 29K)

That was my point. The new one is attracting a bunch of zoomers and I don't like it.

I've actually only watched like one of his videos because it showed up in my recommended, probably because I keep watching 8-bit music theory videos even though it largely goes way over my head, it was the 7/11 polytone vid and it was neat, I might look at more of his stuff. I used to play the piano for a few years but I was a big shit kid who didn't want to learn proper style or anything so I basically just took lessons to be told what notes to play and then memorized everything

Attached: file.jpg (1333x689, 258K)

Yes. YES, I'm mexican. I know, Youtube.

Attached: mai.png (720x225, 113K)

He admits he fucked up with the pokemon video though.

>I wonder if even normalfags see those weird clips
They do. Just look at the comments.

Did uh... anyone else get this in their recommendations? youtube.com/watch?v=nr0bX4-NaK4


>dragon ball
Pottery, just pottery.

No, what the fuck are you watching user?


Yeah, it really held up as a pretty good cartoon.

Attached: Youtube-Feed.png (1380x822, 1.37M)

watch a few videos on the chromatic scale, keys, chord structure, rhythm and chord progression. Once you're familiar with these you can follow any music theory video. Adam is a madman though, his videos are essentially masters level jazz music theory

>literal nazi
Pick one.

My absolute nigger, unless it's because you watch Avidan's shit, in that case, fagmaster.

>the last comment before the video blew up was 2 months ago

Attached: Untitled.jpg (890x908, 98K)

Based Cheddar working footfags into a seethe

Attached: absarethebest.png (1000x1500, 294K)

Oh yeah I got this one yesterday

He admits his fuck ups so I can respect that

>Something tells me youtube wanted Cell to win.

Attached: sddefault.jpg (640x480, 100K)

My recommendations are fucked man. I understand why Rune Factory, Castlevania and Final Fantasy are appearing, but the rest is just fucking random.

Attached: 1528251329741.png (1305x713, 1.16M)


Based and fosspilled

Didn't even sew the hitler speech in the corner, kek.

Attached: waga_tamashii.png (480x270, 188K)

Some real basic shit, I swear.

Attached: Screenshot (118).png (1564x771, 1.06M)

>this thread
Google let me enjoy my shit anime and games in peace, don't fucking recommend me stuff I don't even care like some random e-celeb talking about shit.

Attached: 1557919733729.jpg (850x1335, 237K)

>he watched it

F. I won't forgot you guys...

Attached: MGS3-Snake-Salutes-The-Boss-Grave.jpg (800x447, 43K)

Is every on Yea Forums a yugioh player?


>never seen this video in my recs
>refresh once to check
>it's there

Attached: 1412957692013.gif (525x685, 2.31M)

>Projared: The story you never knew

Attached: face scruncher.png (940x614, 519K)

Why can't it be both?
Saw NSP and TWRP live in Perth a few months ago, Dan really knows how to work a crowd.

what the fuck man its coming for us

>don't watch ANY videos about a game
>see a thread on Yea Forums about the game
>this is the only time I've read something about the game
>suddenly videos about the game start appearing in my recommendations
nigger what the fuck

Attached: original_result.png (512x512, 335K)

It was honestly a pretty good video. More or less a calm dissection of MM 3DS's mistakes. I have no idea why he used that terrible thumbnail it has nothing to do with the video and actively repulsed me from watching it.

Are we marked by a demon or blessed by a angel?

yup. Youtube is a joke.

spunk yes

Oh dear, it's the same being in mugen we talked about short ago.

>the queen of fighter

Oh fug the cabemen are throwing sbears :DDDD

I just noticed you guys do watch a lot of streamers and normalfag gaming channels. I had thought you guys were just baiting.

Damn. I don't fit in here anymore.

Attached: 1552354070999.jpg (638x633, 32K)

I think it's because of the yugioh op

Mugen hentai videos have been on Youtube for a long time, I remember watching a lot of these back in 2010 or so. There's actually a lot of porn on Youtube if you know where to dig.

>live literally halfway across the globe in fucking Vietnam
>was listening to it aint me for reminiscene
>this video shows up in recs
We in danger lads.

Welcome to hell.

We meet again, Mr Mousse.

not necessarily. Youtube recommendations are just retarded

Am I the only one getting ads trying to convert me to Islam?

Attached: 154B45DE-FE82-49B2-B8AF-32C2BA877820.jpg (745x591, 164K)


Attached: 1557501977983.jpg (1016x787, 166K)

you guys know when you play a videogame and that thing happens

Attached: prozd.jpg (1200x630, 296K)

Attached: welp.png (1297x718, 1.22M)

Rip riceanon 1679-2019

Posting weird cartoon shit before mods come

Attached: images (2).jpg (640x360, 27K)

I get recommended cutesy animal videos and vine compilation even though I don't watch or care about either of those things. Recommendations don't mean shit.

Fuck this chink.

>I just noticed you guys do watch a lot of streamers and normalfag gaming channels
I don't and Youtube recommend me the shit anyway, you dumbfuck. Read the fucking thread.

Meh I think his act gets old fast, but what can I do, the guy is a natural entertainer.


rate but dont hate

yes i know tb skyen is the epitome of onions but hes not overt about it in his character design videos

Attached: recommend.png (1118x649, 857K)

Remember that one of that guy pretending to be a woman with that weird speech at the start and then the suction cup in his dick or whatever?

It was up on YouTube for so long too.



>i have a plan
>watch me make a mechanical army
i shouldn't find this overenthusiam as funny as i do.

i agree


>"I don't know, fire dog."

Attached: 1323372355672.jpg (308x257, 25K)

Attached: FireShot Capture 072 - YouTube - https___www.youtube.com_.png (887x1244, 1.08M)

>go offgrid in mountain for a week
>come back yesterday
>find this video
>See this thread
The world is getting smaller.


Attached: index.png (1092x624, 838K)

>Gintama has a videogame.
Did to known that.

Did not known that.

Attached: a fucking alarm.png (720x222, 120K)

Attached: Recc.png (1139x753, 886K)

>Visual Sounds
user we may be the same guy.

Attached: 1538330967580.png (500x500, 200K)

Same here.

Based and Superbeastpilled

Hold the fuck on.
The ghostbusters game is getting remastered?

This. I just realize this thanks to this thread.

I got that 'now I'm freaking dead' video recommended about an hour ago now, looks like youtube is recommending funny bad dubs.
How long until I see Ghost Stories pop up?

>PPOMO's lips

Attached: 1539575159163.png (370x323, 85K)

Attached: 1551118719950.png (440x243, 147K)

Winx club?!

are you using Chrome?

I didn't know Vinny did TV talk

I watched ONE (1) video from the last battle in Twilight since I heard everyone died and you could listen to the teen girls freaking out in the teather video. Ever since Youtube has not stopped sending me dark YA bullshit non-stop. Save me.

>le superman flat character arc
Did this nigga even watch OG Dragonball? Y'know, the series where all of Goku's character development was?

Arc-V was like a weird fucking acid fueled fever dream in the second half. Don't pay it too much mind.




lmao youtube knows you're gay


I listened to a bunch of german anime soundtracks by the same uploader. Guessing that's why that is in there.

based channel tbqh

Damn i came in here to say that. I got that and the turtle one who had a Woody Allen voice

This is why I never check in here, this section never makes sense.

Attached: chrome_2019-05-30_12-32-19.png (1329x725, 1.07M)

I made that M&L video, hi there

Me too and I'm a fucking sudaca.

>Speedrunning Toguro

I got that "now im freakin dead" video yesterday

We're all trapped within the system.

Attached: IMG_0525.png (469x326, 141K)

> I don't even like Jiren that much

Nobody does.

Attached: alladin.png (179x164, 60K)

That's some good ol' dedication.

Except the retarded Jirenposters on Yea Forums

>visualsounds1 asmr
based, and dare I say it, redpilled.


They are definitely doing it just to be contrarians.

I can see why

>That Sonic fandub



Attached: Current 4chan users.png (992x1102, 644K)

>that fox video has 22 milions views now

Attached: 1507049606319.jpg (428x416, 23K)

Did anyone else get randomly subbed to game grumps and game theory? Legit I unsubed from them years ago and all of a sudden I get like 3 videos just plastered onto my subs and Ive been confused for weeks.

Attached: Youtube recommended.png (1491x816, 1.29M)

wtf same

I get notifications from people I'm not even subscribed to. Youtube's fucking wack. Like they'll make a text post about videos they're working on or post a poll or something I'm just like "who even is this person?"

ASMR isn't just sex you fucking mongoloids. God I hate what you megaboner faggots did to the entire culture.

Attached: burnsx.jpg (1038x318, 169K)

got it just now.

>John Wick
>Cum town - halloween costumes

Attached: 1557719684396.jpg (184x184, 8K)

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I don't know

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user say a product or services name a bunch of times with your phone next to you.
Then watch as you MAGICALLY start to get ads for it on your phone without having to search for them.

Its not some big secret.

>mfw we all actually have the same recommendation page. youtube is just pretending its tailored individually.

Attached: og_frog.jpg (660x574, 31K)

me too

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If I start shouting dragon dildos next to my phone will I get a discount?

I actually just got this one yesterday. I'm sufficiently spooked.

I keep getting recommended those lockpicking videos also and I keep watching them even though I don't really have an interest in lockpicking. They're oddly soothing

Why hasn't the government done anything about it


that's my boy

Attached: xnkwlm.png (446x629, 434K)

It really is. It distributes random shit into very specific sub groups like a wave.

Attached: This is not my only youtube account.png (1044x602, 886K)

This one was actually a good one.

can't you just fap anywhere else

Link me the top left you goddamn coward

Source please.

I don't even watch shit on it anymore, I just add stuff to watch later and binge it once in a blue moon or some shit.

it says MARUSU Channel dumb fuck. You can find it from there.

Attached: screenshot.png (1027x548, 883K)

she's fully clothed, you can tell from the bottom corners

This is much worse than the porn you nigger. Delete this one, keep the other.

Imagine just getting to know someone that works for youtube, pay him 1k bucks to make your videos appear everywhere for everyone.

Is this how people like Azmongold became popular?

Me too

Attached: 1557438586893.png (1000x800, 252K)

I dont care, please give me the sauce.

>show my friend this video when it comes out because I subbed to the guy after he posted those clips of YIIK
>check again today
this is some shitty late 2000's disney sitcom "cashing in on youtube's existence" plot now my niggas

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same. I also always find it funny when he's like "oh yeah you can break this lock in 10 seconds no problem. just pull out your highly specialized piece of lock-breaking equipment..."

post yours faggot

>report to youtube about videos in my recommended feed that doesnt interest me
>they are still there
why even give you the option if they are going to ignore it?

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It's pretty terrifying, huh?

It is like an alien being studying Internet culture. Soon it will grasp all the complexities of the human mind.

theres my feed

Attached: yt feed.png (1318x497, 807K)

It already has. We're talking about it, right? We're giving it power.

>all those PSG bros

Attached: stocking2.png (1038x1557, 772K)

Why did we all watch it?

I got it from someone else on Yea Forums

>wanting nu-Gainax to make S2

Because it had a clickbait title and was short.

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I keep hearing this but for some reason the videos stop appearing for me, atleast from the channels in question. I might get couple of related ones but the number is greatly lessened. Not saying that it actually works, just curious why I dont get this experience.

I just wanted to see my wife stocking again

Attached: 1469130097700.gif (480x270, 687K)

>Checked Liked Videos/playlists
>video's deleted
>can't even see what the video was
thanks jewtube

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Got it this morning.

google the unique code, you're sometimes able to figure out what it was.

I think I've seen you post here before. Word of advice, please stop with the retarded YouTube bait games and clickbait titles. You start sounding like a soulless revenue husk when you start doing that.

some day it may happen we just got to wait ;-;

Buy card packs.

I liked this video actually, I thought it was a perfect mix of documentary (or whatever you would call it) and entertaining

absolutely patrician

It's a good break from the endless Asmongold recommendations.

Ruberposting was the only good thing to come out of Yea Forums, prove me wrong

Spunk yes.

Ehh,pretty normal

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30 YouTube.png (1317x714, 1.15M)

What about Bitchute?

Not him but thanks for that tip

just for how much longer tho?

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is this normie tier?

Attached: shit.jpg (1340x733, 369K)

>came here expecting a YGO thread
>its just a bunch of redditors circlejerking over fucking jewtube recommendations list

Attached: hinafeel.jpg (447x463, 53K)

This is weird

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-30-13-00-30-1.png (1334x1696, 1.84M)

Yeah, just saw it. Fucking Pokemon music playing while a guy gets stabbed ithrouth his mouth and says "ugh I'm dead"


Attached: file.png (1201x600, 848K)

r8 b8 & h8

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God I love bad voice acting so much

Your rec list is fucked, m8. How much gore do you watch to where you get that?

"Algorithmbait" is a more fitting word than "Clickbait" in this case.


The plot thickens

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I guess it's fine.

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Attached: chrome_sJ7USKuooo.png (1247x836, 1.37M)

I got a Garfield vocal song that sounded like something out of Rule of Rose in my Recommended. It was weirdly neat.
Don't know what people are up to with Garfield all these years but it's something, alright.

is it bad that, despite never having searched for videos related to autism, that YouTube has recommended me videos about it?

who else here has been diagnosed by Dr. YouTube?

You sure like food fatty

the new garfield show fucking brought back lyman of all things

Mari love live sunshine
It's porn and on panda

>Don't know what people are up to with Garfield all these years but it's something, alright.
It evolved

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Had to reply just to agree with you and validate this opinion.

Jack, so you remember what day today is?

What the fuck is this Illuminati shit?

>jim sterling

Yeah, same. Wtf


>not having a separate account for your ASMR so you don't get drowned in ASMR suggestions.

step up senpai

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here's mine

Attached: firefox_2019-05-30_19-26-46.png (1257x845, 1.47M)

>MRE reviews

Unironically love that shit


It's like what happened in the Digimon dub, everyone got goofy voices and made constant puns and non-sequiturs all the time even during dramatic moments.

put me in the screencap


Youtube seems to be attempting to "fix" its algorithm as part of its greater censorship campaign. For example, have you noticed that when you search for specific terms, ALL you will get on the results are Blue Checkmark approved news channels? Search, UFO or 9/11.

I keep getting a video about some Goku speech "Its Me". I only ever watched trailers for FighterZ characters.

I dont even watch half the shit on here

Attached: Recomended shit.png (1322x707, 1.13M)

i've never watched nostalgia chick or 2bfp once in my life

Attached: the.png (1345x734, 1M)

>Bad dubs.
You take that back, these dubs are glorious and the only way to truly experience Yugioh GX.

I got recommended that fox hiding under a house video with like dozens of millions of views

Is this what it feels like to be a cog in the machine?

Attached: file.png (1384x529, 685K)

Based algorithm

Attached: recommended.png (1314x684, 1.05M)


why youtube

>thinking about power rangers yesterday
>not searching it, not talking about it, just thinking about it
>that night, power rangers in my recommended

Attached: nervouspepe.jpg (474x448, 22K)


I honestly wasn't expecting this many fucking (You)s

Attached: recommended.png (1247x803, 1.14M)

When a video gets big youtube just decides to secretly sponsor the dude by recommending it to everyone
It's like none of you understand this

google owns a fucking machine that reads minds, yes.

The over 2M views implies as such.

Buffcorrell is always appreciated.

Attached: reccs.png (1087x493, 547K)

People who don't get how this happened are brainlets.

Yep, it's right fucking there.

Attached: recommended.png (1311x499, 737K)

This has twice the views now from last time I checked

ASMR is fucking terrible.

I use whispering girl sometimes to sleep, I can't sleep with the sound of random tapping or scratching

Anyone else here personally try to fuck with this shit? I sometimes leave shit I don’t even like playing on purpose and shitpost two different sides of politics just to see what they throw at me. It’s fascinating

>hearing impairment ads
>I actually am impaired but never ever Google about it, I just receive calls because of my medical records
Could it be that Google has access to my medical records and sends ads accordingly to that? Or perhaps it's the hospital themselves the one who sold my personal info to google

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You’re probably just noticing shit more since it’s on your mind. There’s a term for it somewhere.

>be professional sport shooter
>"this will heal your tinnitus"
(I actually don't have it, but it's interesting for google to assume that)

How faithful is this dub?

I keep getting ads for erectile disfunction. I literally fap every single day, multiple times a day usually. If anything I want my penis to slow down so I can get things done

Holy ass and titties.


Tinnitus is pretty common from what I see. Most people just don't give a shit about it because they're too used to it.

Ok but the weird thing about this being recommended for everyone is, Ive been really into YuGiOh recently because of the new Switch game. Ive been googling shit and watching anime clips, essay videos and OPs. So I thought it was totally normal to be recommended this, but then I looked in the comments and other sites and its fucking everywhere. I cant help but think Im central to all this.

Google know better user. You penis is kill.

The person who posted it is the same person who posted YIIK gameplay that was reposted on Yea Forums a bunch of times.
That's why it's in all your recommendations.

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Cool, maybe now I’ll finally get done making my video game

All I watch on YouTube are documentaries about science and shit. No gamer shit here cuz I'm not a fag. Games are meant to be played, you fucking game cucks

Honestly off-topic threads like these are some of the most interesting threads on Yea Forums

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why are content creators so shit Yea Forumsros
im checking your rec pages and most of these "thought" videos are terrible



>ASMR isn't just sex you fucking mongoloids
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's what all these whores try to convince you.

Yea Forums is the best place to discuss things that aren’t video games

Best ones. Chavo thread we had a couple weeks ago was golden tier.

you are right, it's a giant brain pacifier to keep adults in a larval state for hours and hours until they forget how to function.

>Nitro Rad

Attached: pippi.png (215x207, 72K)

I have not been recommended this video. All my script and ad blockers must be paying off.

Off topic shit is always more interesting because you get to talk to people that aren’t turbo autists about that particular thing. You get better discussion for Pokémon on here than /vp/, you get better discussion for games anywhere else but Yea Forums, you get better discussion for music anywhere else except Yea Forums. Different mindsets bring up different shit

Sure, rate me.

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Exactly what I was going to post.
It's from the channel Ruggington, I've been getting a bunch of recommendations from that channel and they're mostly ridiculous anime scenes.


I feel like way more people lurk Yea Forums than actually post. I myself mostly come here for news and first reactions. Threads like these bring the lurkers to post, and since the post quality here is usually shit the lurkers are the ones with interesting things to say

I have almost nothing in common with anybody else ITT.

Attached: recos.png (1337x738, 1.08M)

Same. Yea Forums is amusing in very small doses, but I recognize that it’s a complete shithole and would never stay here for more than a day at most.

When the mods kept moving threads to /pol/ during the Neogaf meltdown I learned that /pol/ is way better at discussing video games than Yea Forums, unironically some of the best vidya discussion I'd seen in a while.

I like scare theatre
nightmind has become complete shit

My theory is that shitposters don't recognize anything to meme about, so it flies under their radar.

I’ve unironically had some of the best /pol/ discussion on Yea Forums. Most of them are able to see the bullshit on both sides and recognize that both sides are just finger pointing at extremes to make their case look better. I guess it’s because they are too engrossed in anime to get a heavy bias towards western politics, especially since japan also seems largely immune to that bullshit

>hIs zamasu video already on my feed
Fuck off

>yfw you watch shitposting on youtube

Attached: ac.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Chronic masturbation can cause ED so I guess Google's playing the long game with you

>"both sides are bad"
>good discussion
I hope this is oversimplification because this is the same shit that is said everywhere.

I miss old /pol/. Remember when electing Trump was a joke because it would be hilarious, so everyone piled on to make it happen? Now every blunder he does is secretly a 7D chess move because the god emperor can’t possibly be wrong

Obviously it’s over simplification.

wtf same here