New alliance race confirmed

New alliance race confirmed

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Other urls found in this thread:

Haha fuck please be real this is so fucking cancerous.

>You guys are always burning all of our caravans.
>We'll join you anyway.
Nah. Never going to happen.

Furry goblins.



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Never fucking doubt Blizzard's ability to not give a fuck about consistency and make a shit decision.

doubt it when they are working on worgen remodels

Like Blood Elves in Horde right?

Cute but then I remembered they have fortune cookie pussies which is gross.

What does that even mean?

Retail is genuinely dead, like forget about on life support or whatever development will literally stop like it did with HotS. Classic might not even be good but the attention it's gotten so far will pull most of the remaining retail players over.

They get models customizations and azerite neck animations
And there no way race of good creatures would join genocidal monsters, so alliance is the only choice
Jaina will more likely make alliance with them in 8 3

Classic is included in the monthly subscription so Blizzard will still be raking in those sheckels regardless

Yeah, but they won't bother developing retail anymore, it'd be too expensive with so few players, so it will die.

Nice try, OP. Vulpera are going to be Horde.
Alliance gets Mechagnomes as playable allied race instead.

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Watch more porn

>And there no way race of good creatures would join genocidal monsters
highmountain tauren?

Both are alliance races, because alliance players need more pandering

all i get from the mechagnome design is the desire to pull of the arms and legs of the female gnomes and fuck them

Then they can play MoP

I don't mind that, you can have all the shorties as much as you like.

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Tauren in general have always been good guys, they balance out the raw evil Sylvanas puts out. Honestly their inclusion in the Horde was always retarded, it was always because they were less humanoid, and Alliance was 4 humanoid races while Horde were the 4 monstrous races.

Or it was because taurens were orc units since Warcraft 3 ?

Monsters who kill each other and entire tribe willingly allied with legion

>this triggers the vanillafags

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>fox riding giant fox mount alongside pet fox

But zandalari paladins were in vanilla

JESUS Christ

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Horde race, you retard. Play the game.

What he said.

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I still can't get over Kul Tiran
>dude what if humans
>but fat

Shit ugly Fem Kul'tirans trigger anyone with a shred of good taste

Zandal trolls however are chads and having them in classic would be a blessing

Go be delusional somewhere else

I still can't get over allied races in general
>dude what if retail race
>but different skin color
>and locked behind a grindwall

Alliance is running out of potential allied race candidates after the cyborg gnomes. High Elves are too low effort, unless they'll dedicate themselves making race stick out from Blood Elves. There's reason why Blizzard wanted them look more different with Void Elves.

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you forgot

>b-but lets give every fat female a smooth young beauty face
>j-just like real life

I swear to fucking god I thought the fat panda chicks with the dyed hair strand were obvious catering to fat chicks
then this shit came along
fuck roleplayers and fuck mods

And very tall

>Could've had Taunka
>Get Tauren with fucking antlers

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dumb catabab

Why did it take them so long? I long since lost interest with BFA but this could have kept me interested.
We all know how easy it is to add these kinds of things to the game, private servers do this shit with ease.

Why isn't Jaina fat?

allied races are such a fucking scam, especially after legion encouraged you to get every class and spec to 120 and geared it enough to do the mage tower
>lmao just grind rep so you can start over or earn the privilege of paying for an overpriced race change
the fact this made it to live with no complaints convinces me blizzard is just a corpse possessed by activision

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>paladins get awesome tauren and trolls
>shamans get lame dwarves and fat humans

if allied races were in vanilla it would be praised to hell and back

>More furry shit
Please no

because not every kul tiran is a human/drust mutt

I mean they both do make sense. Zandalari Troll Paladins exist, and Kul'Tirans culturally fit Shamans. I mean technically any race can be any class, it's just a culture thing.

lmao modern wow is a joke

>Retail is genuinely dead, like forget about on life support or whatever development will literally stop like it did with HotS. Classic might not even be good but the attention it's gotten so far will pull most of the remaining retail players over.
They're spending a fuck ton on their Saurfang CGI cutscenes. They are either gunning hard to pivot the franchise into a Netflix series, or they're banking on the next expansion. WoW expansion cycle lately has been shit-good-shit-good-shit (relatively speaking).

It's almost like vanilla was released 15 years ago and standards have changed since

fel taint prevents you from channeling the light (regular orc priests)
undeath causes channeling light magic to be painful (undead paladins)
draenei are susceptible to fel corruption (draenei warlocks)

>>They're spending a fuck ton on their Saurfang CGI cutscenes.
So? Every AAA gaming company spends an absolute fortune in marketing, which sales-wise can replace making an actually good game.

What happened lads? When I come in wow threads nowadays everyone is shitting on the game. Wasn't the last expansion good?

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WoW will never be ready for snake tits

>undeath causes channeling light magic to be painful
so what about priests?

>draenei are susceptible to fel corruption
you mean like the race that was literally enslaved via fel corruption and is still running warlocks?
also sargeras is imprisoned
so who fucking cares if we get some red draenei chicks?

The last expansion ended and one even worse than WoD came out.
Plus the 2018 Blizzcon fiasco happened.

>look mom look i have legendaries like literally everyone
>look i can be a fur person, i can be an invalid, i can be fat!
>mom look look these are my 450 mounts
>haha im having fun

>so what about priests?
canonically shadow. vice versa reason as lightforged priests. can't be helped when a class has two specs with opposite themes.
>you mean like the race that was literally enslaved via fel corruption and is still running warlocks?
those are eredar retard

wait 3 months for classic or 12 months for the next expansion

Can I have a singleplayer warcraft rpg with mods support instead?
If Bethesad can do it with their janky wrpg's and get gorrilions of bucks, so why can't Blizzard?

>draenei arent eredar
whos the fucking retard here

>so what about priests?
Game mechanics. UD priests are members of the Forgotten shadow and would all canonically be shadow specced and they would use shadow magic to heal their allies kinda like troll priests weilding loa voodoo shit

If blizz weren't lazy copy paste cunts this might be reflected in game but at least they bothered to rename Bloodlust for alliance

you are.
they started calling themselves something else literally because they wanted nothing to do with them.

>what you call yourself changes what you are

if the point is about your racial susceptability to fel then why the fuck do you draw a distinction based on what they call themselves you dumb fuck?

>b-but it was about why they cant be warlocks
then argue about their society being dead serious about fel being a no-no

your argument about their susceptability is just bullshit

Honestly never. When i quit I said I could come back instantly if Sethrak become playable and I am still waiting.

Truthfully post 8.1 BFA is more comfy and objectively more fun than Legion. Daz'aralor bosses BTFO every single raid boss in Legion.

Plus everyone compares the late-tier of the last expansion (lots of content, OP player) to the early-tiers of the current expansion (less content, gimped player). Pretty unfair comparison.

>>if the point is about your racial susceptability to fel then why the fuck do you draw a distinction based on what they call themselves you dumb fuck?
because not everyone is a massive fucking autist like you who needs everything spelled out for him to be able to understand without flaring up a spergrage.
you either gargle the fel cock and become an eredar (the evil red version) or you're exposed to fel cock garglers for too long and pic related happens

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There's not gonna be any fucking Vulpera, guys. Alliance will get mechagnomes and horde will get Gilgoblins. It's been fucking stated 100000001 times on the board now.

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>no wildhammer

who the fuck asked for this?

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Mechagnomes were featured in the promo. Gilblins have no lore and use the old goblin models.

There's a stark difference in evidence there.

this is cool, but if im not running around naked half the time whats the point?

No one, but it's better than the small furry shitters.

Also a new model update is coming for the goblins which would fit in timely with their water counterparts, and gilgoblins are gonna be an ally against Azhara. So there's that.

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Vulpera got bigger Discord fan channel than one made for High Elves. That should already give direction where the real whale market is located when it comes to allied race opportunities.

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look at
I'm just happy I'm not a dumb furry. Jesus that must hurt.

Imagine being a Broken and still having a will to live.

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>Daz'aralor bosses BTFO every single raid boss in Legion.
The speech that Rastakhan gives before the battle is pretty good, shame that no legion boss gave something of similar quality.

how's the game for someone with no friends that play still? Like if I just wanna level and do activities is there enough content for me to enjoy or will i regret my sub the moment I hit max level?

>Gilblins have no lore
Some will be made.

>another allied race with a stronk female leader
subtlety of a van driving through a library

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Their body is broken, but not their spirit.

Or both.

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Honestly, eventhing are so mindnumbingly dumb and easy. I enjoyed legion (the last 3 months or so) but I regret playing BfA from the start. I should have done the same with this expac and just joined in at the end when everything is just available and for the taking.

if you like mindlessly steamrolling through outdated content to tick checkmarks for collections, retail was tailor made for you

the ultimate cucked form.

Daily reminder there are no female Broken, Broken are literally the cucks of the Eredar.

i'm still fucking mad they gave us void shits instead of broken because of high elf screamers

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long as the horse penis is still there

Why? Undead priest, tauren druid were a thing in vanilla.

but that's wrong, it's literally just blizzard laziness.

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>still no high elves
because they know the only reason half the horde play horde is pretty elves

>durr, durr why is Blizz catering to its fanbase.
It's has always been the case, and so far it worked very well for them.

female kobolds, ogres, etc exist

But what about female moguls.

They can't touch us in classic, feelsgoodman

is that why retail is tanking so badly they had to dig up a 15 year old grave?
fuck off ion

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>moving the goalpost
Retail isn't tanking at all. It's making a ton of cash. And why not making even more cash with classic?

Ah, Maybe I'll pass. I was envisioning something more like being around others questing and taking in the zones and whatnot while interacting with others or having to group up for difficult tasks out in the world. Sounds like there's no RPG left in wow nowadays. Maybe i'll go check out eso or something or look into some CRPGS, thanks lads, you saved me about 70 bucks.

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Levelling isn't very fun by yourself. It's too easy and it'll only take about a day of your 1 month sub.

Only the current expansion levelling will be non-trivial, but still pretty easy unless you take bits of gear off.

Retail is only fun in PVP, mythic dungeons and heroic raids. Some world PVP stuff is also fun if your shard isn't one sided.

If you want to get back into it, get involved in a guild with an active discord. Otherwise you'll hate it.

>interacting with others
best of luck to you, user. you'll need it.

Because sometimes the best way to make people shut up is to give them what they want

>Alliance every being pandered to

We could use some, seeing how the horde favoritism isn't subtle in this expansion

daily reminder that humans are the superior race

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Blizzard loves to dab on helfaggots

*delays races people actually want for 6 months, releases them in an extremely buggy state*
*doubles down on island expeditions*
*doubles down on RNG loot and titanforging*
*doubles down on artifact power shit*

I've never played WoW, but if they started adding more furry stuff I'd start playing. This game is on death's door as is. Stop adding stupid hyooman shit and start adding shit that would draw people in.

user I'm a retailfag too, but it's clear is away that WoW is hemmoraging players right now.

>kultirans pander to the body positive crowd
>mechagnomes pander to the disabled amputee crowd
Alliance is officially the SJW faction.


if tauren worgen pandas and draenei weren't enough then it won't be midget foxes

>dab on
And what does it mean to dab on someone? If someone was to dab on me what emotion should I feel? Why? What is the person trying to say?
Speak properly and maybe then I will understand you

you underestimate how many allied race changes and pigs are being sold

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Disgusting nobody cares.
They're ok but not enough to draw me in.
Same as above

Midget foxes would actually make me sub.


>goat horns
>not animal parts
not gonna play this game again, go seek help for your denial, degenerate

Just googled them. Those abominations are not furry. At all.

it's not obsession if it's justified

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Pandas are such a disgusting trap, I tried to play with the new temporary level booster for the expansion and I stand like a sore thumb everywhere, no cutscene is safe from being a fat cute panda with it's uncaring idle animation. Even Worgen stand out because while all other worgen are worgen maulers with claws I'm using a fat sword.


what in the fuck

may i see your qualifications to be able to make a statement and think your view is better than mine?

If it doesn't have all animal traits it's not furry. They have disgusting hyooman faces.

>sims 4

sex modders need to be castrated


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pandas remind me of the last time the game was good, they're based

t. Alliancuck who can only self insert as a boring human when you can choose to be cool races like dwarves and pandaren


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Whats wrong with blizzard writers?

between golden pretending anduin is her kid and nathanos there's plenty of narcissism to go around

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They have an algorithm on a computer that does that shit.

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Christ, I had forgotten about him and Nathanos.. Pure cringe.

They think GOT is the best thing ever so they just copy everything
I fucking love that they copy and add a Darkest Dungeon zone :)

An algorithm would do a better job.

GoT is going to ruin a solid decade or more of drama but that DD quest chain is hilarious

Join the death squads killing your people, smart move

>I fucking love that they copy and add a Darkest Dungeon zone :)

they don't talk to eachother and just mask one-off "epic moments" that make no sense when seen side to side
not to mention all that emotion driven drivel

Never, its going to be Naga allied race, they will just transform in to night elves for riding horses.

Also next xpac will have dragon hero class

Vulpera don't have 3D eyes and don't go along with mainrace design choices. they arent going to be a race.

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Those are normal. Classic players mostly have notion Paladins should be exclusive for Alliance players and Shamans are Horde exclusive.

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>another manlet race

Imagine being an alliancecuck and being stuck with gnomes, dwarves and vulpera

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So it's literally "new thing = bad" meme?

They're just anime goblins basically.

That or lorelets thinking all Paladins follow only one religion.

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In the span of one expansion, the Horde went from having 1/6 leaders being female to 5/10 and now maybe 6/11(both Vulpera and Gilgoblin leaders are female). Literally every allied race for both factions have a female leader.
Totally a coincidence...


imagine, IMAGINE, playing retail wow

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Lore is fucked forever with WoW where you can't have one class for one race, 2 factions, every ennemy getting btfo for loot, perpetual statue quo etc.

>not a single race in the game that can be both druid and paladin
every fucking time

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i'm planning on playing a vulpera hunter to become the fox lord. they should update the fox beast model though, it looks pretty blocky next to the llothien prowler

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Can't believe I one cared about this faggot shit.

If you're planning to do that, please name your vulpera Foxler.

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This is your daily reminder:
>The Horde, moon coons high on double moon coon jenkem invades
>refugees welcome, the faction
>orcniggers have a beautiful and vibrant culture(now pay them)
>trolls are one of the oldest races on azeroth, still lives in tents and never figured out how to use shoes
>smelly zombies in ragged clothes insists they're victims whenever they're not busy zombifying humans
>cow people are funny haha can't run though, so betamax they just do whatever warchief tells them to
>entire faction lives in mudhuts, tents, or ruins left behind by superior races
>endless "actually we're just misunderstood"-storylines sponsored by the goblin anti-defamation league
>it's just a coincidence that all the furries play horde(stfu about worgen no one plays retail idiot)
>deforests any part of kalimdor that isn't a desert already, shitting where they eat like true niggers
>not a single race worth sticking your dick in, a ugly and disgusting bunch
>Will insist that alliance is the tranny faction, despite having a overwhelming population of faggots, furfags, trannies, and other degenerates
>Shamans are just gay hippies LARP'ing, more deluded about their non-healing roles than druids
>ogres are cool but you can't play them because reasons haha cows are funneh!
>pitiful attempts to justify their savagery makes everyone wish they'd just get back on demon jizz and shut up
>and that's just vanilla, 7 expansions later and the rampant faggotry continues unfettered
Don't fall for the propaganda. Alliance is the white mans faction, come home white man.

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"i play horde to escape the trannies"

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>seething human male paladin slathering the shit he keeps saved on his pc all over the thread

>8.1 is better than Legion

You're delusional.

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>he thought legion was good
You both are delusional.

I really want to pierce that belf bussy

Nah its not happening

Vulpera hate alliance for what they did not only to them in vol'dun, but for how they stormed into the troll city and killed rastakhan, kiro stating something along the lines of "I'd never have expected the alliance to stoop so low"

Plus horde players have a vulpera (Voldunai) reputation, as well as vulpera achievements

Alliance are getting mechagnomes

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Alliance are getting shitty Gnome skins

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>want to play a cute gnome
>everyone I know playing horde
life is suffering

Vulpera are already soft confirmed unless blizzard is intentionally trying to mislead the fans

Which is possible but I doubt it in this case.

Also possible that we will get gilgoblins and vulpera, but there really isn't any evidence for gilgoblin allied race yet other than it'd be easy and it coincides with a new zone

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i kinda want to resub just to play as Zandalari
how long is the rep farm for them anyway?

>we never got Naga
>never got Ogres
>never got Mantid
>never got Mogu
>never got Vrykul
>didn't even get Broken Dreanai

as much as I want Sethrak as a playable race, it's never going to happen.

remember to resub so your subscription titanforges into a beta invite
you wouldn't want to miss the chance of having fun with your surrogate friend asmongold would you?

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What does Horde get?

Timegated by world quests, so it'll take a few weeks.

Took me about 3-4 weeks for kultirans, got really unlucky with the daily emissary.

about a month if you start from skratch and play every day and do every mission.

Do you still need to do an honor quest to play the new races?

>still playing modern wow

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real wow gamers knows vanilla is trash

they should've done it so that everyone has their stuff from the get-go, but if you get exalted with their faction you get a unique mount, their "heritage armor" + two unique weapons.

>want to be edgy undead
>everyone i know playing alliance
suffering indeed

a month just to unlock new race so i can grind same shit all over again?
thanks blizzard

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Cataclysm really was the end of the World of Warcraft.

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>They are either gunning hard to pivot the franchise into a Netflix series
won't happen, too expensive.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck furry girls

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At least they aren't just small humans

tick tock retailcuck, start saying goodbye to your 400 mounts

>Hey guys! we got some new stuff for retail!

Where are my fucking vampires yet you Blizzard yiffags? Where are the San'layn?

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There no reason for vulpera to join evil faction though

>more elves
Fuck off

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it's just how it is. Only bearable way to get them is if you were playing the game all along normally.

There are 4 allied races left
Alliance: Crippled Cyborg Gnomes and Holy Undead
Horde: Fox people and Snake people


There was no reason for goblins to join the horde until the alliance tried to kill them

Alliance already tried to kill the vulpera

Fel orcs who all hate fighting and want to serve alliance, like Soifang and thrall

Who asked for ANY of the allied races besides Zandilari and Dark iron dwarves?

Should've just been those two. one for each faction, All effort/time spent into making them uniquely animated/cool mounts/starting zones, etc and scrapped all the other pallet swap faggots.

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A shitload of people have been asking for Vulpera

>MINDQUAD the race
who the fuck asked for this


Both drink this and die.
Many have been wanted this since Wrath. Still nothing. Blizzard needs to die as well.

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Mag'har were the most common request for subraces, alongside dark iron.
high elf fags have been screaming for a decade and because velves weren't good enough they'll continue to scream for the next

>loathsome diaperfur/zootopia faggots

retarded edgelord, just be a belf death knight and shut the fuck up

>people actually think its Gilgoblins
>when they use the Cata Goblin model
>and regular goblins are getting updated in 8.2.5
Or are people just trolling Vulpera fans?

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Will they add a naga race?

They even added facial animations to the new naga enemies in the new raid, surely they won't let that go to waste.

all the animal meme races will become playable once wow vanilla flops and they desperately try to regain audience

Who asked for
>Void Elf
>Kul Tiran
That's right NOBODY

Worgen are superior race

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No. Never. Because Naga still have no legs.

Snake people are the best you're getting
Having no legs is too hard to work around

the reason there aren't anymore new animal races is because they arent profitable

That won't cut it. I want a proper race. WoW still lacks a vampire race. They put FURRIES in and not fucking vampires?

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I just want a small american accented race that isn't jewish or gnomish

Plus I think there's the opportunity for fun racials

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A few people actually.
>Void Elf
Everyone wanted High Elves but Ion has a hateboner for them so we got this replacement instead.
>Kul Tiran
SIMPLE 'AS posters

>Please blizzard add two more elves!

oh no no no no no

like putting a nigger in a suit.

why do so many FUCKING san'layn """"""""""""""'fans""""""""""""""""' think they are blood elves

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>decreases the shadow damage received by 1%

What a racial.

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you fags are almost as bad as furries

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allied races are pretty rubbish but at least they aren't this bad. at least with void elves they palette swapped more than just the eyes.

void elves, their racial has actual flavor too unlike shit like Maghar where you russian roulette a secondary stat.

nu-WoW is a mistake

Where were you when you realized that Dragonmen are the next Allied Race after Mechagnomes for Alliance?
>Worgen rig (matching Vulpera goblin rig, gotta use that new rig the worked hard on)
>Wrathion foreshadowed through the expansion
>Wrathion in the Alliance embassy in Blizzcon Alpha

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Fat humans are better than the regular ones, who would want to play a skinny manlet who doesn't look like he can take on an Orc?

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No females? No chance of being added.

>still no Vrykul for the alliance
Instead we get fat shitty kul-humans
>still no Ogres for the horde
Instead we get tauren, BUT WITH MOOSE HORNS! amazing...
>still no Murloc for the alliance
Instead we get Draenei with glow sticks attached to them
>still no Gnolls for the horde
Instead we get even edgier elves

Blizzard is retarded and lazy. Almost every race added has been some new shit that either came from nowhere or nobody asked for. We’ve had gnolls for fucking AGES, and they couldn’t fill the role the vulpera have right now? The answer is, blizzard was lazy and wanted to re-use the goblin model instead of do something original for once in a long ass while

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The WoW forums genuinely scare me.
People who think that "Blizzdrone" is just a meme have absolutely no idea.

They added female models for Worgen in Cata

Horde should just be orcs, trolls (jungle and forest), goblins and ogres
Tauren and night elves should be their own neutral faction

>those fucking racials

>ARs are mostly not fan requests
Did you ever stop to think that maybe old school fans aren't profitable enough to care about? There's a reason they didn't do Vrykul or Ogres

>the salty SA boomers here think its furries
>the reality is kemono bypasses chinese content rules

Emperor Xi saves gaming, movies, africa and soon world trade. Based.

Attached: 32c0efdf2e5cb4180e55f1d83f365cf7e54daa18.gif (500x371, 1.41M)

This would be better than Sethrak.

>old school fans aren’t profitable
Boy just look at the massive fuckin amount of classic wow threads around nowadays, and all the fan murloc content, and how wrath was considered one of the best expansions for a long ass while

forgot these existed in bwd

Facial tattoos and 90s hairstyles. Easy peasy.

>"Gib more elves!!"
>"Gib more furries!!"

Attached: Centaur.png (231x300, 104K)

If Ogres and Vrykul were profitable, they would have added them in.


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Because they came from dead Blood Elves canonicaly in the story. What do you mean?
Have fun with your SJW FaTirans then faggots. The absolute state of (You) and Blizzard.

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Legion was ass masqueraded by shit normies liked.
It had a couple good things in a sea of shit

Same exact thing happened with wrath.

imagine the erp

Define profitable
They added Pandaren and nobody fucking plays them

better than your faggot elves

Look at it from a business standpoint. Money is money.

Please yes

Attached: lili.jpg (600x857, 60K)

fatties are less sjw than your tranny elves lmao

This but unironically

>your character will NEVER be as huge as Belial stonehoof

Forget vulpera, we need bigger tauren to compete

Attached: MrpBig guy.jpg (1213x696, 328K)

In the degenerate meme pile.

How many people are actually playing as the fatties?

wow rp is so cringe

>instead of wanting the devs fixing the game's endless list of problems, modern wowfags just want more things to play as

You "people" are beyond saving.

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Why do people constantly post the female Kul Tiran model? Nobody plays them, everyone plays based male Kul Tiran

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>that many worgen

Is this the whole playerbase or one server? i'm shocked to see Draenei that low given all the horsecock erp

>void elves already outnumber dwarves

Attached: 1540014488133.jpg (400x298, 50K)


whole US playerbase, 120 only because counting all those alts doing nothing is retarded

furfags, man

>people still won't play dwarves on classic

>Alliance is the white mans faction, come home white man.
ah yes
the straight, white man faction that is known for furries, erping in gold shire, horse dicks, night elf degeneracy, among others

take your meds

Elf fags, everyone.

Wow a blue goblin so creative.

> i'm shocked to see Draenei that low given all the horsecock erp

Futa is gay and most of the population isn't gay.

Post Horde version you faggot, just get it over with

>inb4 pie is 70%+ blood elves

Attached: undead pride server wide.jpg (524x398, 51K)

>muh moon guard
Cope, filthy nigger.

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>Sethrak on alliance
>Sethrak ever
you poor fool.

Fear Ward

this is why I prefer runescape :^)
absolutely 0 furfaggotry

Kul Tirans are based

Attached: 13218301283912.png (641x919, 689K)

like all dumpy fat chicks don't rp a slender 9' elf

Dwarves don't have great racials, and are popular in the way my uncle Mike is. People say he's a riot at parties and he could hide a greyhound in his beard, but nobody wants to be his friend for the long term.

Attached: belf33percent.png (433x453, 24K)



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i wanna meet uncle mike

All Alliance players have Moonguard ERP alts.
They're addicted to getting dicked by futa draenei.

Attached: average alliance player.jpg (655x624, 171K)

>less people play Zandalari than Kul Tiran

>inb4 pie is 70%+ blood elves


>how dare more than one person disagree with my retarded opinion

t. tranny lover
Reminder alliance is not only filled with degenerates, but it is also a dead faction.

More and more people roll horde everyday, not a single good guild is left on alliance side

you stupid fuck.

It's just that you're samefagging that's all.


Yeah, I noticed right after I uploaded. Was checking some other stats and thought it would remember the level settings.

Attached: belf36percent.png (431x448, 24K)

>alliance are lfr babies
of course

>more pandas than highmountain and MAG'HAR

Attached: 1531106054169.jpg (682x600, 96K)

Attached: for the alliance.jpg (511x653, 97K)

>THAT many tauren

>Orcs/trolls/ud/tauren all roughly equal
>decent numbers
>their COMBINED might overpower the belf cancer

Didn't expect that.The old Horde shall reign supereme. Classic can't come soon enough

Attached: Bobandy.jpg (213x237, 11K)

Level 120 Zandalari outnumber Kul Tirans three to one.

you're wrong and without argument though

>that many undead and niggers
this is why horde is a bad faction

people want to be druids my dude

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Would you take me as your healer?

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>second most played tauren class is paladin

Zandalari paladins should've been in the game much sooner.

That's a decent mog, yes

Well, their druid models are the best.

I feel like there's a huge gap between lorefags and people that actually play the game, because literally everyone hates Sunwalkers

Fucking when? I've been waiting since 2004.

Attached: 65465.jpg (474x367, 37K)

>wtf why is there more players of the free, no effort whats so ever neutral race that was the main part of an expansion, a race that was released 7 years ago, than the race timelocked and gated behind grinding that released not even a year ago

You can't be this dumb user

If Mok'nathal are the last Horde race like some people are theorizing (because Rexxar has a new player-ready model that uses Kul Tiran animations)


True, but remember it's no doubt people sick of Belves, bored belves, and asspained minmax pvp fags race changing after mana torrent got nerfed

Sunwalkers as a concpet aren't terribly popular

Attached: yourplace.jpg (451x547, 48K)

i feel those paladins just exist because people don't want to be elves
when classic gets progression updates and the world is set back into the right course again

user, they won't bother even if they know they can

Fuck off Cashcollecta

I think there needs to be some kind of law e.g. Moore's Law, Godwin's Law, etc... But it would describe the trend of MMORPG developers catering to furries.

I would propose UwU's Law: "As a once successful MMORPG approaches the end of its lifespan, the probability it begins catering to furry ERP approaches 100%"

>when classic gets progression updates

Attached: 1558319309375.png (398x376, 193K)

Glad I stopped playing WoW and returned to Eorzea bros. Fuck WoW, I have more fun playing with these trannies

>True, but remember it's no doubt people sick of Belves
>i feel those paladins just exist because people don't want to be elves

Right on the money. It's still really fucking dumb, though.

>people don't want to be elves
>being this delusional
what's that river in egypt called?

Vulpera are literally fully rigged and work almost flawlessly with all armor.
On top of emotes and other shit.
And being a horde only faction rep.

There's literally no chance vulpera won't be an allied race within the next 2ish years

there's a weird disconnect between people on forums and people ingame
>thousands upon thousands of people play humans and elves
>yet people scream about how shit they are on forums
Why is this?

imagine being so mentally ill you think the entire fucking world has the same tastes as you
take your meds

You'd be surprised
It's all fine and dandy until you start seeing other elves everywhere.
I think the biggest elf discrepancy was around wrath, after that, people started getting sick of them and rerolled/race changed, started seeing a lot more orcs and trolls, particularly female who were almost as rare as dwarf females back in the day

>I was envisioning something more like being around others questing and taking in the zones and whatnot
this hasn't existed in modern wow for years. the world is a dead wasteland.

try classic. it will have that feel.

normie races attract normies, who play games for "fun" (i.e. are bad and won't do research or put in effort to better themselves)

Most players are just normies trying to enjoy the game, and don't participate in it any deeper than that.

>imagine being so mentally ill you think the entire fucking world has the same tastes as you
i'm not the retard making blanket statements. you're trying to make it seem like elves aren't the most popular race in the game, which they obviously are.
kys sweaty

>Kul Tiran/Zandalari
>Implying it counts when you are absolutely forced to not only complete Retail, but you need months to just get the reputation to play them

I don't know who is the retard who thought it was a good idea to lock races behind a grindwall, but they lost a huge amount of people with this shit

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and yet non-elves of all classes exist. it's the same shit as humans, normies just want to be a pretty human and incels just want to make waifus
you first

It was a horrendous idea to lock races behind grinding. That being said, void elves have somehow managed to attract a large playerbase.

fuck off with this shit, it takes two weeks at best unless you're some turbo normie who can only play for 30 mins a day

Because they saw how much retards liked legion.
So they made legion 2.0.

The problem being is that legion actually sucked dick, it's just that people didn't had time to get tired and see how shitty those systems were.
NOW people are bitching, but before release bfa was extremely hyped up.

Blizzdrones are the stupidest players around, they're the ones that have killed wow and they don't even realize it.

>two weeks
fuck off with this shit, it takes a month unless you're some turbo autist who plays 7 hours a day

they locked them because if they added a new race that was easy to get, the majority of people would just sub for one month to play them before getting bored

Because void elves actually went through unscathed.

Meanwhile nightborne got absolute fucking destroyed as a playable race, they botched them so fucking hard, no one plays them what so ever.
I literally see more fem taurens than nightborne

Attached: HFoDtXq.jpg (2296x1076, 154K)

>More humanoid races
Wow, I can't wait to play as a two-armed, two-legged animal again.

if it takes you 7 hours to do every WQ in zuldazar/tiragarde you've got bigger problems than the grind

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People bitched a lot about Legion's systems, and most people liked the expansion despite of these issues, not because of them, and people bitched immensely about BfA's systems in the beta. It's just that the devs are too fucking stubborn to take criticism.

if you look at the race population numbers on realmpop, the number of belves increases at the highest rate. belves see the most growth of any race in the game. and the two elf allied races are the most popular in the game. elves will always be the most popular race in the game. it's weird seeing people try to deny that.

I wanna fuck fem Dark Iron Dwarf. Any tips?

I unironically don't mind a prestige race that is completely optional being locked behind some form of unlock

If you don't like it don't work for them, this isn't a "New race" it's just a reskin with some different racials.

>It's just that the devs are too fucking stubborn to take criticism.
no, it's that they were too far in to go back and couldn't change the expansion without doing a WoD-tier fuckup, so they shipped it as it was

People who play/care about retail have something wrong with their brains.

>no mechagnome one

Where the fuck are my fucking Murlocs?!

I really wanted Kul'tiran humans to make a fat monk fuck to constantly hit on booze and beat the shit out of everybody. Got bored after two month of BfA and never did it tho.

so people wasted a month doing chores for them, realized a reskin wasn't worth that shit, and promptly quit
fucking genius

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>people who play a videogame are more mentally ill than those who spend their time complaining on message boards accomplishing nothing

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You accomplish nothing when you play WoW, and you lose more money and time than you would posting on an image board.

Mechagnomes were added to Character Races registry along with the rest of the Allied Races (Sethrak isnt in there)

Theyre literally women. And 40+ year old boomers. Can't help em. They're retarded, and have no activity happening above the brainstem

I resubbed a month and half ago after not playing since wod and I'm already clearing mythic and I'm like 10k rep away from zandalari without even trying.
Zandalari have a shitton of quests that give a shitton of exp, it's really not hard.

Just yesterday I started the nightborne rep and went from neutral to missing 19k for exalted in a day.
It's literally just "go there and do it", then you see it's actually really quick and simple

If you guys can't take a week or so of rep farming (if you're doing it slow), then god help you when classic comes.

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They could have learned from the criticism they got of Legion's systems. At the very least they removed the random legendaries, but they had already got so much shit about how artifact weapons worked early on in the expansion, and by the end of the expansion they'd made it so that part of the game didn't even really fucking matter so it wasn't an issue.

So why did they not only repeat the same mistakes, but make it even worse?

>and yet non-elves of all classes exist
yeah obviously. that was never called into question.

Ogrs will be Alliance. We never got our elfs, why you should get ogrs?

You did get your elves, void elves.

Well they seem to be slowly learning.
8.2 fixes a lot of shit, and brings back good stuff like gear resistances.
Small step in a road filled with shit, but at least shows they know they fucked up this time.

but you do have nigger version of high elves

>Just yesterday I started the nightborne rep and went from neutral to missing 19k for exalted in a day.
nightborne rep grind was massively nerfed though, past certain points you literally had to grind WQs for 50 points a piece to unlock more of the main questline

>People think we're getting more allied races
Hate to break it to ya, but Blizzard isn't going to put MORE work into this shit expansion then they have to. 8.2 is already the bare minimum of effort.

>You accomplish nothing when you play WoW
I have fun
>and you lose more money and time than you would posting on an image board
I'm not a poorfag

8.2 is bigger than any Legion or WoD patch so first you're wrong, second Allied Races are insanely profitable for Blizz so they are the focus of development

The problem is they should've already known when they fucking started. Hell, maybe they even did but got pushback from corporate wanting it to be a certain way, but that's giving them too much credit.

Trannyborne grind got nerfed when blizz realized less people had done the grind or were interested in doing the grind after allied races released.
Really makes you wonder what the fuck the average player is doing throughout the whole expansion.

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Yes, in legion.
Not anymore in bfa, where the thread discussion is at.
Even the mag'har are extremely easy, if not basically free to unlock since getting the rep for that faction is actually tied in to the zone history and questing.

are these the super rapey goblins that got their voice lines changed from legion? I remember when you aggro'd them they'd imply they were gonna fuck you after they caught you

Vulp leader is a guy, Niisha is just the best Vulp.

>Really makes you wonder what the fuck the average player is doing throughout the whole expansion.
spamming icecrown citadel 20 times a week for invincible

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>another midget race with shitty looking armor
Why bother?

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keep telling yourself this

>blizzard adds kul'tirans because ties to the lore of the expansion and also let you make a cool pirate with outlaw rogue
>theres a "female" counterpart to every race
>people assume its all a plan to put fat chicks in the game

blizzard just cant win

>8.2 is bigger than any Legion or WoD patch so first you're wrong
And you'll still have nothing to do because Blizzard only panders to the lowest form of player.

It's gonna sound like tinfoil but I have a feeling there's some inner mild sabotage at blizz.
There's no fucking way ion isn't doing at least part of this on purpose.

While he's utterly fucking bfa up he's saving classic by guiding the team and saying he really wants to bring back hakkar blood and make cthun unkillable for a week.

>be midget
>have technology to replace your limbs with artificial ones
>make the artificial ones midget sized

Attached: mike sense.gif (233x291, 1.45M)

but i can already be a pirate with regular humans

Icecrown, ulduar, mogu dungeons, lei'shen and kael'thas for all these years. Never got any mounts :^(

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You guys can suck my dick, I'm gonna roll a vulpera and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>gnomes with normal sized arms and legs
I want that wanky lame shit tbqh

I'm guessing people who remember MINDQUAD.
So, you're welcome.

>It's gonna sound like tinfoil but I have a feeling there's some inner mild sabotage at blizz.

That's not tinfoil, that's legit what's been going on recently, and I wouldn't exactly call it mild either.

You gotta do it like pic related

Attached: R0tDs.jpg (365x465, 29K)

resistance as in defensive stats? that would be great.

man thats some shitty VA

>I remember when you aggro'd them they'd imply they were gonna fuck you after they caught you
Do the females do this? need sauce

Attached: no release.jpg (771x807, 36K)

Retail is primarily profit > fun
Classic is primarily fun > profit

Resistance as in classic resistances, yes.
Fire res, nature res, that kind of shit.

First I've heard of this, no way activision blizzard would do anything close to this.

Also a reminder that Ion was a top notch raider in classic and BC and was the one that posted the "mathematically impossible" cthun post.
This is just too out of character for him, he's either sabotaging it to put classic ahead or he just doesn't have much power over the game at all and lead game designer is just a puppet role.

The fact that they're lining up classic release and content updates right when bfa is gonna have content droughts makes me believe a group of people really wants classic to succeed and take over, sure, it's also to keep MAU over the franchise, but everything is lining up to make classic a gigantic success

>hmm I don't know how to make one of them taller than the others, I know, I just make them hover slightly above the ground
Does the """artist""" work at FromSoft by any chance

>no way activision blizzard would do anything close to this

classics entire purpose is a huge burst of income for the first few months, but anyone that thinks it will kill off retail is wishful thinking

>get vulpera but not based ape-chads
Man i forgot all about Hozen desu

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I've always wanted Drakonids myself, I really like the twirling animations they do with their glaives. Plus I think they would look amazing as a tank.

Attached: warden.jpg (1396x1111, 193K)


I think you're vastly understimating how tired people are of retail.
Everywhere I go is classic this, classic that, just an hour ago I was doing a transmog run on emerald nightmare and the group was just endlessly talking about classic.

Not to mention basically all wow streamers are moving over and you know zoomers flock to that shit.


>Vulpera are going to be Horde.
that's not fair. shortstack furries are meant for big human cock.

Attached: Maja.png (530x748, 341K)

its hype and will be hype for a while, I'm saying it won't kill off retail like a lot of people hope


Who the fuck asked for these shit?

That's played for laughs, I guess when I read about gilgoblins I just assumed it would be more serious. I still couldn't see them playing it off in a similar fashion for the waterjews.

Most likely going to be added how the night warrior look was added for night elves. Just a cosmetic change and not a race.

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They are just checking off boxes to give every race an allied race

The females are the problem. Blizz made the dudes beast mode which is fine. But instead of making the women beast mode like they should have, they tried to make them into some kind of sexy sea cow.

It's not gonna "kill it off"
But a lot of people will move in, and unless retail massively improves very quickly, there's a high chance it will overcome it with time.

The fact that it's free and shared sub is gonna entice both retail players and new players to wow, and blizz is not just gonna wave away so much interest, they will look to expand classic and will probably take resources from retail.

Yeah, it's not gonna kill it, retail will last for a long, long time, but it could very possibly take a backseat.

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There are 20+ possible combinations of limbs/legs/face mechanical things with multiple new hairstyles and mustaches. It's a new race


Mechagnomes have at least one separate animation, it can't just be a barber shop change.

>Beta has already exposed the cracks in the "CLASSIC CLASSIC CLASSIC" autism
>Things aren't actually as difficult as people remember
>Nice QoL improvements people though where in vanilla aren't and are gone just like the ones they claim to hate
>Tons of streams are showing there fake classic cred they gave themselves is false by outright claiming things impossible in vanilla

Yah it will be a flash in the pan for most people.

I'll come bak to WoW if they add Arakkoa as a playable race. The big birds, not the midgety ones.

>mom look look these are my 450 mounts
>450! just like your pronoms

Furry women are for human men

this is what I don't get. Nothing in vanilla was hard, it was just tedious and slow. I can't wait for all the normies and zoomers to realize this and suddenly turn on vanilla too

bliz has fucked up every female model since cata, they need more hots team and fewer faggots/women

I dunno man, female panda model is 10/10


Eredar is the entire race.
Draenei and man'ari are the light/fel worshipers.

>the raids are have been consistently good
>everything else in the game is boring and/or worthless
it's not that hard to understand, really

>>you can choose to be cool races like dwarves and pandaren

Attached: 1556593198748.jpg (568x479, 46K)

>Zandalari lose their loa that allowed them to be paladins
>Blizz straight up confirmed at one point that they wouldn't be paladins
>They become paladins because that one enemy was a paladin
Where the fuck are my Draenei warlocks and druids? Dinotrolls get nice things, but Draenei get fucked metaphorically ever since they got introduced.

>he wants to be a smelly dindu nuffin instead

Attached: 1557234683592.png (1600x900, 2.09M)

just switch friends, you nerds

you're going to be able to transmog everything as naked expect pants starting in their next big patch.

>want to be horde
>group of friends within a group say they're gonna roll horde
>they reroll to alliance last minute
>stay horde anyways because fuck them and stay with bigger group of friends, out of them only 1 is gonna play seriously and he's gonna realize the fuck up he's doing when he reaches 40 and everyone in the smaller group stopped playing
Grow a pair, go with what you want.

>Gilblins have no lore
Neither did void elves and here we are.


>not using the parrot mount

Attached: 1557418346985.jpg (240x320, 11K)

> consorting with demi humans


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>dead faction
meaning that there will be:
>less zoomers
>less streamers
>more mobs
>more loot
>you will be playing with the same people most of the time and not retarded randoms

>Draenei ever dabbling with the stuff that made them lose their homeworld and nearly caused them to go extinct

>People want sub-race options in the character creator
>Instead get shitty Allied Races locked behind grinds
Thank you, Blizzard.

>one of major advertising point of new expansion is the new races you can play
>not only are they not actually available for the first year+ of the expansion's lifetime but you have to play through an extremely tedious grind to meet the unlocks for specific quests that will then unlock the race for you
>this can take over a month due to timegating, how much overall time you play during the month is meaningless
>this is somehow ok to do with a $60 product that has a monthly sub fee
post 2006 Yea Forums is a shit hole

Sadly most of the HoTS team were fired or moved to some shitty mobile stuff when they "downscaled" HoTS and killed its esport.

Attached: Blizzard_HotS_Team.jpg (1200x675, 184K)

Harvey Weinstein works at Blizzard????

>Troll Paladin

Attached: 0BHA5rt-1.jpg (600x1147, 66K)

a reskin with worse racials, which you don't end up seeing anyway because the shitty 2004 spraypaint armor this game is STILL using will cover up your entire character
fucking hell, blizzdrones will eat anything up. can't wait for the day this company declares bankrupcy.

wildhammer dwarves
broken draenei
lightforged undead

stupid catabab

I agree entirely with the second point, it took them way too long to get zandalari and kul'tiran out, even if nightborn and highmountain were launched before the expac

But the rest seems like nu wow baby shit, i grinded for weeks for a tabard or a mount and you fucks want an unlockable race whenever? ehh

All wow streamers except for two are Alliance exclusive, it's only them, their fanbase, and horsecock worshipers in the Alliance now.

I really hope Blizzard fixes Nightborne because their current state as playable race is SAD.

what makes you think they're ever going to fix it if they haven't fixed them for the past year?

I am gonna play an undead mage in classic.
Also I spilled my girly drink and I am mad now.

It's just a hope that they will fix them, because many players complain about it.

>That one ingame book about a Forsaken man fucking a Nightborne woman and her MILF mother.

people have complained about every aspect of this expansion since its alpha. look where we are now.

u wot

The blood elves had a story reason to spurn the alliance going back to TFT

It exists
Steamy Romance Novel: Nightborne of the Living Dead

>a single angry incel paladin caused the entire race to hate the entire faction
do you want to guess how i know your IQ is lower than room temperature?

Sethrak lean more towards alliance than Vulpera do

don't forget the one about a human dude banging a Highmountain couple.

>Subsequent pages seem to have been scribbled over in nightborne profanities.

Look at that. The Undead are jews and the nightborne aren't having any of this shit.

The BE were an absolute monarchy and their monarch said "fuck those guys" because of that one asshole paladin

>a single angry incel paladin
>ignoring that he fucked over the elves then left them to die, and then when they worked out of desperation to survive he tried to have them all exterminated for treason
Yeah I'd be a bit pissed too

There were many problems with belves treatment but going horde sure wasn't one.
Alliance only used elves out of necessity and elves got fucked over every single time, there's STILL trolls in quel'thalas.

You mean humans only contacting elves when they needed help through millenia, promising to help with trolls in exchange for magdicks only to do a botched job.
You mean an angry incel LEADER OF THE ALLIANCE IN NORTHERN KINGDOMS that shittalked and mistreated THE FUTURE KING OF QUEL'THALAS and his people suffering, causing them to go to other routes because garithos was gonna kill them.

Meanwhile the RANGER GENERAL OF QUEL'THALAS is leading a city of forsaken, which is at least like 40% BLOOD ELVES BROUGHT BACK, in the horde.
hmm wonder which one I'd join

The rep grinds are fucking insulting with the abysmal amount they give

Yeah... Not sorry.

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Yo let's do everything everyone hated about legion and ramp it to 11 in this one while simultaneously throwing away everything they liked.

>look up why he hates elves
>because orcs killed his family in elf lands while the elves were trying to protect the capital

>implying that's a bad thing
Find user, more cookie for me

Sure worked out well for you didn't it

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>don't trust to work with a normal elf whose just trying to do his job
>he betrays you for it

>trust an evil undead elf
>she kills you for it


>Alliance only used elves out of necessity and elves got fucked over every single time, there's STILL trolls in quel'thalas.
Holy fuck you are so wrong KYS wowbaby.


>well, maybe we SHOULD join humans after all
>10 minutes later elven genocide in Dalaran

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Tell me where I'm wrong.
Humans and elves only allied to fight back trolls, this is where humans learned magic.
Humans never gave much of a shit about it after that and half assed it futher cooperation, so eventually elves cut the ties and recluded themselves on quel'thalas where they're STILL fighting the amani, alliance only cared when amani was off their doorstep, didn't gave much of a shit if the amani were on quel'thalas doorstep instead

Darkspear trolls and new horde are not the same as amani trolls and old horde.

Darkspear has very clearly been against basically all other troll tribes because of how crazy they are, including zandalari until now.

And Lordaeron humans aren't the same as stormwind humans.
"Old Horde" my ass. It's still the exact same horde from wc2, except they fucked off from EK because Thrall is a mary sue who can see the futur.

>because Thrall is a mary sue who can see the futur.
thrall was literally contacted by medivh who told him what to do
Humans didn't listen, like always, and got fucked in return
should've fucking listened

Did you not play wc3?

>adding races I was asking for 8 years ago after everyone has stopped playing
Don't care

Vrykul for Horde.

Humans saved the ass of the Elves against the trolls so yes, they gave a little bit of a shit.
Later on they coexisted in peace during thousand years. Then they saved the ass of the Elves AGAIN during wc2. Arthas even fought the amani later on.
Meanwhile the Elves never helped the humans. And Garithos became racist cauz they elves didn't help his family when they could.

>Lordaeron humans aren't the same as stormwind humans
Lordaeron humans were by far the majority, lordaeron was the prime human kingdom.
Stormwind humans and lordaeron humans are the same, they're still under the same banner, just live in different places.

In contrast, darkspear has been cut off amani for thousands of years, a completely different culture and civilization, and orcs got rid of their fel corruption and went back to their shamanistic ways, denouncing anyone that remained in their old ways, which resulted in the blackrock and others in blackrock mountain.

Thrall had a vision of the futur. The humans had Medivh acting like an alcoholic spouting non sense. If he confronted antonidas, told him who he was, what was going to happen, try to be a little bit more convincing maybe this could have affected them.

So what? It's still different humans. Just like you have KT humans, and Stormwing Humans in WoW.
Btw the Trolls in Wc3 yell "vengence for Zuljin".
OMG Troll tribe are SO different.

If allied races were in Legion then Legion would have been one of the greatest expansions WoW has ever received.
Allied races are really hampered by being in BfA, after you complete the month long grind for Zandalari's or Kul Tirans, complete the quest chain and create your character you reach a point where you are sitting there at level 20 and are forced to ask yourself.

>...Now what?
The rest of the expansion is so bad that after you grab that carrot dangling on the stick infront of you there isn't anything left to entice you to keep playing.

Allied race are shit.
>lets kill the lore even more by adding shitty elves again

>Thrall had a vision of the future
medivh visits and warns thrall just like he warns humans
Thrall listened

>If he confronted antonidas
He talked to Terenas, basically high king of the entire humanity.
He told them the orcs weren't the problem and they didn't even bother to try and listen, they would much rather keep arguing with themselves.

They didn't listen.

>even worse than WoD
Nice hyperbole

Did you even watch the video in your link?
Did you even played the fucking game?
It's literally a dream that Thrall is having.
Why do WoWbabs like you open their mouth full of shit? Your shitty game already ruin the lore. Please fuck off.

Imagine being a Nightborne woman in the Horde.

You can ask the Blood Elves for that :
>"ahahah that's the Orc who brutally slaughtered my family and raped my sister, but it's fine cauz himans are so racist, FOR DA HOOOOORDE"

Wtf,i tought i said Taurens, what the hell i got tricked by my own brain.

built for BGC

They want the green cock.

There's at least some incentive to level them from 20

>fat human is now a race
>disabled gnomes are now a race

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>one month
Haha, no friend. Its 3

not the same guy but medivh was the one who gave him the dream dipshit. you can literally see at the window when thrall wakes up.
As the other guy said, medivh warned both the orcs and the humans. the orcs listen while the humans did not.

This. It will be glorious

>not the same guy but medivh was the one who gave him the dream dipshit
Where did i say the contrary you dumbfuck. Learn to follow a conversation.

imagine alliance had actually gotten the original draneis (broken). imagine the lack of porn.

Garithos was always wrong, its why he died pitifully like a bitch in an ambush.

The Freethinker armor set and the background text for their turn in quest.

>125 images
You better not let me down Yea Forums

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pandaren was almost the tbc ally race

>Where did i say the contrary
>Thrall is a mary sue who can see the future
You making it sound like thrall was randomly having prophetic dreams for no reason when he only a single one that was directly caused by medivh

Then why didn't Medivh give to Arthas, etc. the CGI dream? Would be a little bit more convincing that telling "dude, leave everything believe me", in the middle of a zombie outbreak.
Obviously Thrall had something special. And it's confirmed later on in cata.

You literally didnt even know who terenas was
You either have no clue what youre talking about or you never played wc3 and youre back tracking hard

>You literally didnt even know who terenas was
Why do you assume that you fucktard.
>medivh visits and warns thrall just like he warns humans
Now tell me where is it told that the humans had the same dream JUST like Thrall.

By mixing up terenas with fucking antonidas on your post above

Im done talking with a wrath baby trying to fit in with a game he never played.