
my guild:

should i quit it ? -.-

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YIKES the thread

>Awful Facebook meme
>Reddit spacing
Please fuck off.

what the fuck
what game is this so i can avoid it? wow ?

didn't read lol have sex

What the fuck even is this "Nobody: " shit, I see it everywhere

did i just travel back in time

hehehe death to America

you are truly pathetic and a loser, even in all that bullshit lol

mental illness

avoid all MMOs, they're magnets for social pariahs, not just trannies

I have never ever seen anybody use "trap" when referring to a tranny

A really dumb normie meme.

You should quit life and hang yourself you retarded faggot.

how many bait threads until people stop replying? or am i crazy and those are NPC"s bumping?

new generation "Meanwhile" meme format

>falling for it

prob stop fucking around with mentally ill hugbox "guilds"

>interacting with humans

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nha, MMOs are ok, just avoid american servers like the plague. Played for years on different MMOs (EU), never had those problems. Americans are mentally ill.

>le 1 brain cell meme

what a dogshit plebeian maymay format, fuck off back to youtube comment sections and stay there you smelly degenerate

Yeah, just don't join shitty guilds like this one and you'll be fine.

take it to /wowg/ for attention whoring and drama