Get in here. I know some of you fuckers played this.
Frogger: He's Back (1997)
game was braindead easy on some levels and retardedly difficult on others
game was fun as fuck, and the multiplayer was fucking great too
>Tfw sitting on top of someone and then leaving just before a car comes to run them over
i remember getting chased by bees
ive never been stung by one IRL so im still scared of them since
>Leap on top of another frog
>The other frog uses Tongue
>You're on your way to Frogger Goes Skiing
>He didn't like Frogger goes Skiing
It was loads better than the other cave levels
One of my favorite games growing up. Was probably the best Frogger game post original too. I remember getting the sequel and being so disappointed.
Any level that had sliding was a nightmare. I genuinely wonder if it sucked as bad as I remember it, or if I was just worse at games back then.
Cloud Zone...home
>cactus levels where you have to jump over the beetles at the start
Why isnt' games this fun anymore?
Is it that the team size of game dev is too small for indie?
The only reason I would play that boringly easy first cave level was to save up extra lives for the cruel Frogger Goes Skiing one. Trying to beat that level on only 4 extra lives was impossible. Honestly, it was worse than that other infamously difficult one with the crushers.
This game had the best fucking music.
>He didn't collect all the golden frogs
>that kino music video when you beat the game
>All that swanky organ/piano music
For me, it's the jazzy Lily Pad Zone theme
Aw shit I remember this. I remember not being very good at it.
I remember playing this as a kid, not sure if I still have it, though.
The oil sludge levels were the fucking worse
Absolutely torturous part of the game, I don't know what the devs were thinking.
Maybe they just liked seeing little kids suffer?
The Airshow Antics level is my favorite. Takes me right back to my childhood. Comfy as fuck.
I never played the original frogger but sometime in the early 00's I got this GBA game out of a scholastic book, which was like a more modern frogger where you navigate all these big indiana jones style levels with classic frogger style gameplay.
In hindsight it was pretty dope for what it was.
I liked this one