>he actually buys weapons in RPGs
He actually buys weapons in RPGs
Hahah what a broke loser
stop being poorfag
This. I waste hours of my life getting that 1% drop on a new weapon that's only slightly better than one I can just buy.
I can't help myself, I just steal everything that isn't nailed down.
>he actually plays RPGs
>Buying weapons
>Not selling them
>buy weapon
>enter next dungeon
>said weapon's in the first fucking box there
>you can only find weapons in the wild if you have brought that weapon from a shop while the drops are upgraded version.
When was the last rpg where you could buy the best weapons and not need to make them or get them as loot?
you must be playing easy modo because in old console rpgs if you didnt upgrade in town you might as well forget it
in fact you had to grind for a while to be able to afford the gold cost of the town upgrades
Im talking to people who think dq11 is an old style hard jrpg
>Go to shop
>Buy unrefined ironstone sword for 10000 crowns
>Buy wood, a carnelian staff and a piece of mullock for about 4000 crows
>Go to the smithy
>Refine Ironstone with wood until I get a steel alloy sword
>break down the staff to refine mullock with carnelian
>Forge a damascus steel sword with my previous steel sword and the refined mullock
>Keep polishing it
>Resell it for 120000 crows
>Rinse and repeat
>Buy all the super rare materials I can't find on the field and all the best armor pieces
>Eventually one of my characters develops market based traits like impressing shop owners by buying at a higher price or persuading them to show me their special stacks
>Keep on buying low and selling high
>Literally the more I buy the richer I get
>Economy's thriving so new and better goods begin to circulate
I wish more games had in depth economy systems that worked well with subsystems like crafting, looting and salvaging.
I just bought a shield in NWN and I don't regret it
>he plays every rpg saving up money and consumables never actually using them
nah just make craftables sell for 40% of their value :)
I'm not sure that's ever the case with the "best" weapon, but I can remember games where there were opportunities to buy a weapon that was really fucking good for a long while. It's been a long time, but if I recall correctly back in Lufia 2 I was able to figure out how to consistently beat high stakes at the casino you can get to quite early and got a fucking awesome sword that carried a long time afterwards.
Actually now that I think about it plenty of RPGs have featured something like that, usually the sign is if there is an early/mid-game shop with a whole list of "normal" buys and then one that is retarded, like
>Bronze Sword: 10g
>Steel Sword: 50g
>Enchant Sword: 150g
>Enchant Ruby Sword: 220g
gee I wonder if that last one might be good?
Obviously the idea is that you can't possibly afford it until late game anyway but if you figure out some way to cheese gold early it can be fun.
>start Kenshi at rock bottom
>sneak my way to Sho Battai
>guards fighting rebel farmers on the gate
>wait until they're done to loot the bodies
>steal a katana from one of the sleeping guardsmen later
If you actually buy shit in that game ur big gay
Is that game good?
shit, I just started playing it last night. Is everything randomized? because i recruited a nigger called Hobbs who's looking for some weird mysterious monster to the south.
I can clearly see it's worth the money but I'm not sure if I should just pirate. Either way, game's fun as hell
World is the same, but what the AI may do around you is random every time. Gotta learn to play through trial and error. The monster is real and is in the game world
>weapon shop always carries weapons weaker than what you initially have
>only better weapons are obtained through some key events
I remember Bravely Second had this shitty shield that blocked elements or something but confused your character permanently in battle among other shit.
If you wear it long enough, it turns into the best shield in the game.
>grind or save up a bunch of money to finally buy that expensive item from the merchant
>10 minutes later a copy of that same item drops in the next area I go to
RPGs need to fuck off with this bullshit. Either don't have purchasable items or make it worth my time, rather than cucking me as soon as I get the means to buy it.
fuck, that sounds great, can't wait to play again, thanks bro
you never played phantasy star
Yep those were the days