Bro why are you running that load out, just use meta

>bro why are you running that load out, just use meta

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why am i get tears in my eyes looking at this picture.
i feel so sad now
not even disgusted


Attached: 4chan Documentary - The Janitors (HBO).webm (800x450, 2.65M)

Jesus christ this is depressing


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I saw this scene. He is actually playing fortnite

>Yukiko appreciation station!

>yeah I run aek and g18 on bf4, What about you?

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>literally supporting himself with his belly fat
>probably playing overwatch


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Isn't it amazing how the human body can adapt to that

That's even worse.

How the fuck do you faggots get people to be so fat?

I live in a third world shithole where 90% of our cuisine use sugar, butter, and/or oil and we eat rice every single fucking time. Despite all that, we dont have people half as fat as OP

How the fuck do you NOT lose weight in that state? your resting metabolic rate must be approaching 4k/day at that point

portion sizes.

The average males metabolic rate approaches 4k at 200kg / 430lbs this dude is far above that

People in third world shit holes probably have to work for a living where they have to walk every day to said work, and back. No time for the fat to hang on ya kno

>Yea Forums Documentary - The Janitors (HBO).webm

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I actually thought that that was Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.

I mean sure, if it's more fun for you to play something that isn't meta, play something less than optimal. Some games and some roles in those games don't ask for every player to play meta.
I like games where getting to the meta, whether through gear or experience, is a bit of a grind. Then I'll play to the best of my ability playing meta. The cream of the crop is playing meta but climbing that last skill gap to be the most effective. Max DPS, max utility, whatever. That's fun for me.

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entirely this. everyone is obsessed with more more more, so our dining out meals are fucking massive, which in turn makes people think their homemade meals need to be massive and that they need to eat full course meals three times a day or more while snacking at the same time.

all he had to do was sip some gfuel instead of coca cola desu sad

because you burn that energy off. food is cheap and plentiful in the first world, especially when you get gubment chedder

Time to clean your fatrolls

Fucking gold.

i like how casualfag gamers get the term "meta" wrong.
it doesn't mean the currently popular builds, my guy

He has a shitty dad who enables his addiction.

Post the cunny version


Attached: forfree.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

Something about him is amazing because he seems so sincere about cleaning all the cubby for us.

cunnyposters are malicious for the most part, if they truly liked it they'd simply post it where it's allowed

Meta is just a meme

processed food and overeating, also, most of our population sits at jobs, sits while driving, sits while doing anything and burns no calories

that's what it means tho

No it means using the added/updated content to your advantage.

that's what the popular builds are

>keeps his mic 6 inches away from his face so no one hears his disgusting mouthbreathing

tfw you drive a 1t Van with shot power steering for 9 hours a day.

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