Could Death Stranding happen with Nintendo?

Is there a possibility that, in an alternate universe, Nintendo rather than Sony could have recruited Kojima and given him the same freedom for his project? Or do you think it would not be compatible with Nintendo's philosophy? Could Nintendo decide, one day, to recruit someone with the same talent, who just had to left a famous company, and let him do his own Death Stranding?

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There is no freedom on switch hardware my man. I don't think kojimbo would ever agree to it.

they let kamiya do W101 so maybe

That cost like $10 to make.

Only possible in the universe where Nintendo only makes movie shovel ware.

Nintendo probably heard a pitch from Kojima and took a hard pass because they focus on game play software.

>Nintendo probably heard a pitch from Kojima
lmao Kojima wouldn't touch Jewtendo with a 10-feet pole.

>Could Death Stranding happen with Nintendo?
No. If it isn't Mario or Zelda, Nintendo won't care about it. They've just become more and more cowardly with time. There was a time where Nintendo experimented more with M-rated titles but now they've gone back to the same old kiddy shit. Real directors don't thrive on Nintendo.

>Nintendo probably heard a pitch from Kojima and took a hard pass

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Bayonetta 2 had complete freedom so I'd say yes.

>established IP

In terms of gameplay I could see it happening. Letting Jimbo run around Hollywood spending billions on meaningless shit. NO CHANCE.

>spending billions
Jeez how much you think these C-rate actors even cost? Half the cast is just his buddies.

Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.
Know your vidya history retard.

Nintendo was once great. Not anymore. Now they're just safe and cowardly. All their "risks" are in the form of mobile ventures. Their Switch games are all safe bets.


Kojima wanted to make a game that looked and felt like a film.
Nintendo have now consistently released low-powered consoles compared to Sony and MS.
I don’t think the switch has the power to run Kojimas vision.
There are plenty of good looking games for the switch, but I really don’t think it has the resources for him.

>we need another thread
Shills are in full force

nintendo :)

Just so you know, OP stole this Resetera


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no, because nintendo's game design philosophy is completely different than sony's

nintendo create games based on central gameplay mechanics, they don't really give a fuck about hollywood actors and expansive plots, they want a gimmick, like tw101's unite morphs, splatoon's ink and squid swimming mechanics or arms telescopic punches

Does he even know enough english to have a fluid conversation with them?

Ah yes, gameplay rich software such as Animal Crossing or Phoenix Wright, damn...

Ace Attorney is not a Nintendo IP, and yes, Animal Crossing is all about gameplay.

Meanwhile you’re praising the company that believe neither the ESRB nor Cero was strict enough and started rolling out it’s own censorship
Fuck off retard.

Refn is an autist so it's probably better not to talk to him at all. They probably just watch movies together.

Nintendo's gameplay is often party-oriented and very casual. Nintendo has yet to make a game that is as autistic and deep as Gran Turismo Sport.

It will come to Switch. Wait for E3, same for Persona 5


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This is delusional on so many levels.

>Nintendo's gameplay is often party-oriented
that's completely retarded

oh wait you're a snoyboy nevermind

Dumb nincel. You're playing kiddy games. Nintendo's primary philosophy is keeping it kiddy friendly.

And Sony's primary philosophy is keeping trannies and niggers happy with their non gameplay having """"""""games""""""""""""

This is funny when just comparing Sony's flagship racing game to Nintendo's flagship "racing" game. The other not even a real racing game but an RNG party karter.

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it's family friendly, and it's about themes and tone, not difficulty or mechanical depth

nintendo's games are overall deeper and more difficult than sony's automated cinematic experiences

lolno. see

>comparing a sim with a kart racer
are you genuinely brain damaged?

Why isn't Kiddytendo making a a sim racer?

Oh right, because their target audience is toddlers, not car enthusiasts.

because the market is already saturated and they tend to make games in genres snoy abandoned when they became more interested in lgbt propaganda than in making fun video games

doesn't change the fact that nothing in sony's catalog has the complexity of xeno x's systems, or the difficulty of retro's dkc games or fire emblem in lunatic, or the mechanical depth of botw

but hey I'm sure you feel like a big boy when you blow up an entire african country by pressing x in uncharted

They let Takahasi do whatever he wanted with XC2, the main artist and some guest artists are hentai artists too

You can go out and drive a real car, sims are shit

But one of they key elements of Death Stranding seems to be the endless money Sony has pledged to go with it.

Nintendo games have gameplay? That's news to me.

not a chance. the switch would melt trying to run death stranding. kojima could never make a game like this on a bing bing toy.
hopefully death stranding is successful so sony does more of these deals. nomura should be next, he deserves better than dealing with nu-square's bullshit.

>nintendo create games based on central gameplay mechanics
not anymore, they don't. they either make "games" with no gameplay like animal crossing, or they neglect the central gameplay elements - such as releasing a zelda game without dungeons, or a mario party game with only four boards.

Then why doesn't he makes it for PC exclusively? The PS4 is also just a toy, especially since the game needs to run on regular PS4


How many 16+ titles are Nintendo funding? Even Xenoblade has been neutered to some shonen shit when compared to Saga and Gears.

Nintendo's been keeping the Bayonetta franchise afloat.

>because the market is already saturated
the market for generic open-world adventure games is far more saturated than the market for realistic sim racers, but that didn't stop nintendo from shitting out botw.

No joke, this is why Kojima went with Sony
>Nintendo and Microsoft
>we are excited at the possibility of working with you, what game ideas do you have in mind
>here’s a check

Not on that level. Pretty sure Death Stranding's budget is more than the entire Wii U library combined.

I don't really see Nintendo as a company that would give anyone a 100 million, unlimited time and their crown jewel engine. But they do give studios like Platinum the chance to make stuff like Bayo and Astral Chain, and to a lot of people that's worth more than a massive blockbuster.

Sadly, it would not be compatible with Nintendo's hardware.