Sentinel, Adept, or Vanguard?
Sentinel, Adept, or Vanguard?
>first game
first game best game
Always pick soldier and use squad for fancy force magic
>no krogan romance
Which one gets me slam in ME 2 again? Listening to the air leave people's lungs makes me happy.
boring as shit
Sentinel. Best Insanity focus classes, if you have bonus specializations it's even more busted if you take Warp.
the one that focuses on space magic
loved running a full team of those and spamming abilities, shame they nerfed it in ME2
Bonus power from Miranda. Any class can take it. It works well as a Vanguard because of its low cooldown. Squadmate 1 defense strip, Shepard Slam, squadmate 2 warp detonate slam target, Shepard charge in and kill everyone while they're stumbling or prone.
Vanguard every time
Why the fuck would you limit yourself to only one or two weapons? Gay as fuck
Because pistols do everything best
lmao snipers and shotguns are hella gay in mass effect
I play sentinel because it's Adept but can use smartphone to unlock shit.
Why the fuck would you limit yourself out of abilities? Gay as fuck.
I played infiltrator for my first playthrough and hated it. sniper rifles are terrible in this game.
I'm in an infiltrator run atm, level 20 and it's fine. At start aiming was really garbage though. I'm only on normal so that might also explain it
Soldier and vanguard are both pretty lame choices in ME1, just go with Adept.
Vanguard, charge + shotgun was fun
Solider is the strongest class and is canon if that means anything to you
Use gay kaiden and cute liara for there biotics abilitys
it's canon that shepard has biotic abilities
who cares if it's canon. it's the most boring class
Engineer is better for canon, only class in trilogy to have a class specific interrupt. Also how can other classes hack whatever they want anyway
what do you mean by "class specific interrupt"?
you're boring as fuck, m8
In one of the 3's DLCs there's an interrupt only an Engineer can do where you hack something or some shit.
In ME3's omega dlc there's a choice between saving some people or hacking to go to the enemy or something, I don't remember exactly what it was. Engineer Shepard can just hack and also save the people
Nope the canon class for shepard is Sentinel (engineer + adept).
ME3. Literally no one cares about that one, nigger faggot
I was just giving an answer to a question. Getting this angry over a seven year old video game isn't good for you, you know.
whatever class has immunity, fuck everything else, and any difficulty below hardcore and then insanity
If you start a fresh game and skip making a character Shepard will be earthborn, war hero, solider
Mass effect's combat is so fucking shit that it's best just to run though and steamroll everyone with solider
You can switch classes in the start of mass effect 2 so I dont see why you would handicap yourself unless it's for role playing
b o r i n g
Since when did default mean canon
the combat is fucking shit because you play as a soldier. it's nothing like lifting the enemy to the air while shooting it with your shotgun. that's fun.
Are there any big consequences to making Garrus a spectre in ME1?
>making Garrus a spectre in ME1?
You can't do that
Wasn't it a choice between a c-sec officer and a spectre?
That's in 2 or 3 iirc.
Nope. He quits c-sec no matter what and he is never given option to join spectres.
You're right. Ignore everybody else. You can talk him into reapplying for C-Sec, applying to be a Spectre or neither. No matter what he gives it up and goes to Omega between 1 and 2.
He talked about being a spectre candidate. But there's no choice given for Shepard.
Absolutely based. That’s how Shepard became a War Hero.
yeah I always choose the war hero background with the infiltrator as class because they are perfect combo.
Shep is always a biotic no matter the class. The class just decides if Shepard evolved his biotic abilities or not beyond the basic stuff and a gimmick here and there.
>Vanguard = reddit
>Soldier = normie
>Infiltrator = edgelord and probably underage
>anything else = patrician
It’s canon he has the potential, not necessarily that he developed them.
Nah. It basically just changes a sentence or two.
Not in ME1 you don't.
This is correct. Improved Stasis is the way to go.
Wish Kasumi was a romance choice. She and Zaeed are actually pretty good characters
the only classes left are adept, engineer and sentinel, made for austic people.
Sentinel imo.
>can't flirt with the girl who regularly shoves a memory cube of her bf up her ass
>can't flirt with said girl who cloaks herself and schlicks herself off to your naked black bro
>can't flirt because muh Kenji muh broken heart muh thief
>can't fuck the LOKI Mech you control in Arrival
why bioware
How can one be so wrong?
>D E S T R O Y
ME1: Adept for easy mode
ME2 + 3: Soldier for easy mode.
Seriously, just did a insanity run of the series and in ME2 and 3 I basically felt like I was playing on normal/easy when I did soldier. At least ME1 was a bit of a challenge, even as an easy mode Adept.
Vanguard is fun but gets pretty repetitive. Infiltrator is usually a good time, no matter the game. Engineer is just a shittier soldier but with kinda pointless companion tier abilities. Sentinel is for people who have played through the game so many times they just want to try something new.
>Infiltrator = edgelord and probably underage
can confirm, this is what I chose when I first played, I was edgy and underaged
not picking vanguard first play through, you're basically gay
not picking the quick game and going all default in your first playthrough, you're basically a virgin austist.
Based. Though any background is pretty nice.
Earthborn for that "muh vengeance for earth" feeling. Colonist for that PURGE ALL BATARIAN SHITS feeling. Spacer so you can call your mommy and have her babysit your blue babies.
Well Mass Effect 1 is brainless bulletsponge gameplay so of course it's harder. I think ME2 is the hardest because you need to think tactical and Mass Effect 3 is the most satisfying one gameplay wise.
>that spoiler
Very based and blueberrypilled.
picking basic bitch soldier when you can get a shotgun and Jedi shit, holy fuck you really are gay
>when you enter a racetraitor thread
I expected more from the call with your mother, like discussion of some decisions you made including your relationship. In the actual call it feels like neither Shepard or his/her mom give a fuck about each other
ME1 vanguard is boring as fuck, because no charge.
ME2 and especially ME3 though, jesus.
If ME 2 then the power you get from your squadies is a shield buff for maximum juggernaut action.
I always really liked you Michael, but not enough to bang you.
>do choices matter in the ME trilogy?
no user
Sentinel if you ain't a bitch
this isn't kotor. sentinel rocks in that game, but in ass effect it's a low-tier class.
adept is OP as fuck in ME1 with assault rifles as a secondary weapon; you can hit any enemy with singularity to btfo. ME2 nerfs them considerably with biotics not working on enemies with armor/shields and global cooldown. ME2 vanguards have the cool powers but with good gameplay advantages.
Infiltrator. Fuck everything else.
Pick AI Hacking as a bonus talent if you want to be extra busted.
Difficulty doesn't affect your aiming, it's entirely dependent on your skill with it.
Starts out rough but snipers in ME1 are fantastic. There's nothing like slapping High Explosive rounds, two Scram Rail X and turning your sniper into a handheld railgun, blowing Geth into orbit. The fact that the planets offer places where you can actually snipe instead of corridor sniping like later installments is a plus too.
Where is this said?
You're both faggots.
>Sole Survivor
>Ashley in 1 and then nuke her
I want my Shepard's life to suck.
>hating on Vanguard and Infiltrator, the two most fun classes
It's like you hate fun.
you forgot about killing 10/12 of your squad mates on the suicide mission and letting the crew die
>At least ME1 was a bit of a challenge, even as an easy mode Adept.
That's because you didn't pick one of the three combat oriented classes. Having access to Immunity breaks the game.
How is Samara romance? She seems like an interesting character
Didn't she fuck Jacob? Also, species =/= race.
According to Jacob himself they never got far.
Infiltrator every time.
it isn't a full romance. it's good if you just want forbidden love that can never be.
What . It has a kinda dignified maturity to it that feels more "realistic" compared to the more waifu oriented romances though. That kind of mutual understanding that comes from both being experienced veterans. It's a shame it wasn't developed more.
You can express interest and "want more" but at best you get an almost kiss at best and she rejects you completely if you play renegade. You can get the kiss in Citadel DLC.
Why is it forbidden lmao
She's a Justicar and all her children turns into soul sucking succubusses?
Sole Surviror
Paragon except for a few interrupts
All the other choices are also acceptable as long as you don't play Soldier, aka the most boring class in existence.
Samara is essentially a very dedicated monk. Principles >>> transient romantic flings.
Didn’t realise you were talking exclusively about me1
Still vanguard, warp was pretty OP though
She wants to blue ball hard so when the time is right, she'll give the go ahead to make her a blue bavarian nun.
Actually no, the Suicide Mission is a resounding success.
A story where it's constant lows grows tiring, so ME2 works as Shepard's Redemption arc after the whole shitshow on Akuze.
Thinking about romances, female Shepard seems to be pretty bad. In ME2, one of them has a deadly illness that will kill him soon, other leaves you to impregnate another woman in the sequel. Only valid straight choices seem Kaidan and Garrus
Shotgun infiltrator
>Samara is essentially a very dedicated monk. Principles >>> transient romantic flings.
She does say romances are not against the code.
female shepard sentinel the most patrician choice
i never played as the female shepard. who is the love interest? kaiden?
liara if you're smart
female route is assexual.
don't matter in ME1
liara talks like a robot ew.
that's the best part. performance changes to be less autistic in other games unfortunately.
Liara and Garrus are the only LIs that matter.
I want my character to be based. interspecies relationship is taboo
>Still no GOTY versions of ME2/3 with all the DLC included.
EA want you to buy the game THEN pay another £20 for the DLC. I have everything on console but I wanted to have a play through on PC.
Guess I'm going to pirate it then EA.
fuck this.
best class ever
There's technically Kelly Chambers. I can't remember if you can do the low-key romance with Samara as paragon Femshep.
>Guess I'm going to pirate it then EA.
based, don't give EA money
no thanks. my femshep is not a degenerate.
Sentinel, this game has a disturbing lack of sentinels, only 3
Vanguard or you're gay
he already gave them money, he can't be based
I like him ;_;
Charge>Nova>Biotic punch all day erryday
>generic bro-game face
Funny thing is that Kaidan has much better chemistry with ManShep.
MaleShep always struck me as a closet homo though, so makes perfect sense imo
Those are the only remotely interesting weapon types, pistols and ARs may as well be called Hitscan Tubes.
Back to /lgbt/ disgusting filth.
okie after playing through ME3, I think you should save Kaiden no matter what, just because Ashley REALLY sucks in ME3
>Gives you boring power
>Has a bugged power that renders her useless if she has it (and it's still not fixed)
>Toned-down the racism, no more MUH HUMAN DICK SUPERIOR
>Looks like a tranny dresses like a tranny
>Gets blackout drunk on your ship in a white trash sterotypical way.
>Acts stupid in a Kaiden-kind-of-way protecting Udina.
>^^that dont even make no sense because she has a dick
>^^meaning it's extra gay if you romance her as Manshep
I'm not gay tho, I just think MaleShep is a closet fag
Wouldn't know but if Ashley isnt Virmired then Femshep will either be a lesbian and/or xenophiliac who will not pass on her genetic material
It would explain many things, I see it.
Just get James drunk bro
If playing femshep then I would go with Liara or Garrus, but I prefer male shep just so you can have your space ayy lmao babe and alien best friend sidekick. Just feels right.
And rape a closeted homo spic?
I had to play Soldier in the first game because you're stuck carrying all those weapons on your back.
Jack has the most beautiful face desu lads
I think you should save Kaidan because it's the only logical course of events in Virmire.
>have to assign each to a team
>Ashley is a soldier so she goes with frog team
>Kaidan is a sentinel so he'll be more useful with the bomb
>time to choose what to protect
>the whole operation's purpose was to plant that bomb and prevent Saren from having a krogan army, so you better make sure that shit blows up
>thus Ashley dies (yet somehow frog team doesn't)
I just can't save Ashley because it's a completely illogical choice.
Meta knowledge that the operation works out anyway not being taken into account of course.
>who will not pass on her genetic material
I don't know what to tell you, user. Either she dies during the Reaper attack on Earth, which would render the having offspring pointless anyway, or she survives in that one ending, in which case she can just find someone off-screen.
Funny way how to spell Liara.
Is everyone a closeted homo to you?
both look qt
jack is the best, she's like the Morrigan of ME
>romance scenes are romantic as fuck (at least in me3)
>became a mother/mentor figure
>most amount of visual change in me3 out of all the companions
>actually wants to fuck shepard every time she sees him
Who was in the wrong?
Based and jack pilled
Bioware for not showing us their intense biotic hate-sex afterwards.
Since I don't romance either of them my headcanon is that that Jack lezdoms Mirri, like in fanfics.
Just Bioware characters
This, femshep is destined to die single, surrounded by cats
Sentinel is best class.
>Since I do romance both of them my headcanon is that that Jack lezdoms Mirri, like in fanfics.
Shotgun and melee only.
Charge and murder everything.
Miranda obviously, it's her fucking job to work with the weirdos Cerberus employs, she should've known better for a literal perfect human bean.
Also Jack has a Bogdanoff chin in that shot
>mfw using stasis bubble and charing in to it
There's no charge in ME1 and Shotgun Vanguard isn't as satisfying as Nova Vanguard in ME3
You mean the thing that traps the target but also makes them impervious to damage?
With this, you only need your teammates to look pretty, and maybe pump out a bit of damage. You're versatile enough to handle all situations yourself.
>most amount of visual change in me3
>starts wearing a jacket
>grows hair
That speaks more for the other characters than her.
In ME3 you can deal damage to STASIS enemies and it can cause Biotic Combo, add to that Stasis Bubble which can trap few enemies at once... so with this knowledge at hand, go user, experiment. It's great.
You could upgrade your Stasis to allow you to deal damage, user. I think it was a thing in ME1, either deal damage or make it a Stasis Field I think it was?
War Hero
Adept. Vanguard only gets interesting in 2.
Soldier is for bitches who need their hand held.
Happy sniping got better with ME2. Always felt garbage in the first game.
In ME1 Vanguard is a straight upgrade to the Adept
>who will not pass on her genetic material
liara canonically impregnates herself with shep's dna regardless of your gender
Hot, but also good that she had the foresight and realized that Shep might not make it, so she at least saved his hero material.
If you use a cheat to get squadmates earlier, do you get any gamebreaking bugs? I heard Legion and Tali have some good lines during missions before their recruitment; I want to give it a try
Everything felt like garbage in the first game to be fair.
It's odd how such a awful game can still be so damn enjoyable and fun. Guess it goes to show just how far an interesting setting can get you.
>impregnates herself with shep's dna
Not really. The partner's DNA serves as a randomizer of sorts but you're not getting any actual Shepard in your shiny new Asari.
[citation needed]
Also implying she won't use her huge foaming mating tube
Who cares Garrus was always the only choice. Kaidan is okay as a real life friend maybe but he's just a generic boring human with a generic boring design, Thane was shilled way too hard and seems like some pure fanservice slut character and I don't romance anyone with kids anyway and Jacob was boring as shit and irrelevant to begin with.
>tfw no Tur bf
el ayuwoki hee hee
fp literally wp possible
>actually romancing your bro
Fuck off with that tumblr tier shit.
>romancing someone you don't like and who probably has nothing in common with you
Fuck off with that normalfag shit.
this. you only lose out on singularity which is basically a worse version of lift.
nice jump lmaoo
Never said anything like that. Just that romancing Garrus is like romancing your brother.
>Just that romancing Garrus is like romancing your brother.
It's weird people say similiar thing about Tali, but if you don't romance either of them they romance each other
As I said. Fuck off with that tumblr tier shit roastie.
That Tali is like a sister to Garrus? Never heard that before. Nor that she's like a sister to Shepard either for that matter.
I didn't care for vanguard in 2. Charge just seemed like a good way to get killed.
Vanguard in 3 tho, hooboy
>Charge just seemed like a good way to get killed.
git gud. it instantly restores 100% of your shields at higher levels so you can just charge around the level blasting everything in the face with a shotgun. very high-risk reward but the most satisfying class in the game.
Unfrotunately you can't fuck Samara.
You can fuck Morinth, though. That gets you a bad end.
>Nor that she's like a sister to Shepard either for that matter.
she pretty much is if you don't romance her. you act as her guardian/protector in ME1 and ME2 and she puts you at the level of close family in her "suit linking" dialogue