Why are we more attracted to the Japanese artstyle to the Western one?
Is that because our childhood experience with Japanese games and cartoons has bended our beauty standards over the years?
Why are we more attracted to the Japanese artstyle to the Western one?
Is that because our childhood experience with Japanese games and cartoons has bended our beauty standards over the years?
no its because modern western art is shit
Probably. Anime despite being an import is pretty much a staple of western pop culture now and a good deal more familiar to us than classic western material.
>statures and drawings of White people
>drawings of little White girls
Technically saying, they are both Western.
Nobody considers anime shit art.
Even shit like Berserk gets btfo by retarded magic card shit, and that's commercial art.
Only one that's worth dating is taytay. the rest are slampig
because reality is boring
cherry picking
the art on the left is shit and people need to get over that fact
The 'anime' look was directly inspired by Disney, so the east/west argument is worthless. But one of the styles is focused on a photorealistic look, and one is focused on expression. Photorealistic is always 'someone else' while it's easier to empathize with a simplified design.
Alright now I wait for the "anime is white" guy cause this board is hopelessly predictable
Im bout to redpill you chief:
The woman used as an example of an Asian in these images IS NOT the standard asian woman but a highly westernised ideal woman. Notice the almost white skin and big eyes
Literally who fucking cares.
mostly because we have no choice.
Nothing valuable is currently coming from the West
We're not you stupid fucking weeb.
>But one of the styles is focused on a photorealistic look, and one is focused on expression.
But the typical Japanese design isn't expressive at all.
saving this to learn how to draw
this guy has some talent
Just make sure you pay more attention to actual masters like Vilppu, Michael Hampton, and Loomis. Little internet infographics can be helpful but they're not a good foundation.
Hyperrealism has its place. I would say its place is nowhere near entertainment.
>Why are we more attracted to the Japanese artstyle to the Western one?
I'm attracted to anything stylized; Asian artists just tend to do it better sometimes. Realism is boring as fuck to me but I still rock with it from time to time.
Anime characters aren't white.
Osamu Tezuka based his characters on Disney/American animation, and still had his own recognizable style. It's been more than half a century since then, and anime characters design has changed many times. You are just trying to take credit for other people's work.
Because modern western art is degenerate nonsense. Japan didn't experience the same breakdown of tradition that the West did.
How is it not expressive?
>Why are we
Speak for yourself fag
>Japan didn't experience the same breakdown of tradition that the West did.
HAHA OH FUCKING WOW. How about you read a fucking book and research Post-WW2 Japan? Specifically in the 80s. Fucking idiot. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about. Japan had a fucking huge cultural shift and the country is still changing.
What cultural shift are you claiming to have happened in the 80s, and how is it comparable to the collapse in the West?
What you consider modern art is like 100 years old
By throwing up generic ultra minimal facial expressions, the individuality of a character is thrown out the window. So in the end it's not really expressive because there is no self-expression present.
You don't know shit about Japanese culture, they even put these problems into anime
Thanks for the info, I'll look into them
I didn't progress until I got through a Hampton book. They're all on that /ic/ thread, it's amazing.
>By throwing up generic ultra minimal facial expressions
Yet you can't explain what these problems are.
>tan lines
>What cultural shift are you claiming to have happened in the 80s
>the collapse in the West
There is no collapse.
>my appreciation of art comes from muh pretty picture
Do you also dance when people jingle keys?
In vidya at least current day westerners can't stylize for shit outside of indie/lower budget titles where theyre forced to. It's all either boring realism or soi-fueled pixar clones.
See Brain Powerd
So you can't explain what cultural shift happened. How retarded of you.
>There is no collapse.
Western art certainly has collapsed during the 20th century.
Cultural shift =/= breakdown of tradition. They might not be practicing bushido and wearing Kimonos all day every day, but they know bushido exists and wear kimonos during festivals. Contrast that with the West where your average person has very little conception of their people's history. If you asked your average normalfag what the 30 Years War was they would probably think it was some kind of Hollywood movie or video game.
What about it?
It's Tominos master piece on the breakdown of culture and how we need to go back
This is particularly a view point made for Japan
Why do you think it's a bad thing to take an interest in one's own culture?
This desU, but unironically
I hope Japan starts kicking out all of the morons who move there.
How did culture break down in the 80s?
I do like anime which is a part of it, but also a lot of Western games go for a photorealistic style, which to me is boring.
Breakdown of the family unit
Rise of Otaku culture
Rise of career women
Western looks much better though. Anime is cringe as fuck.
Fuck off weebtard.
Otaku have been a boon to Japanese creativity, and many women have accomplished great things in manga and anime. You aren't helping your case here.
Art is cringe.
Why do you save pics of ugly grannies to your PC?
Japan is great because they have a great culture. There is literally no where else on earth like Japan and that's a good thing.
I would never move to Japan as I am not Japanese nor can I speak their language, but it is certainly a remarkable place that I would enjoy visiting at least.
Contrast this with somewhere like Paris where it's an actual shithole because they imported millions of disgusting brown people, who desecrate and defy the French people and their culture, and they happily allow it to happen out of fear of being called "racist".
Cringe and weebtard are NPC speak and don't mean anything.
>Otaku have been a boon to Japanese creativity
Literally the same thing happened in the West in the 1960s. The only difference is that Japan didn't go full retard.
>le career women are bad
fuck this mindset. Imagine having to be whatever society tells you have to just because you were born a certain thing. People should be free to pursue their own shit
That's correct. You just have no idea what otaku are. Almost no person in the West does. They are just meme here.
NPC also doesn't mean anything.
>So you can't explain what cultural shift happened. How retarded of you.
Get off of Yea Forums and read.
>Contrast that with the West where your average person has very little conception of their people's history.
You're a fucking idiot. All that shit is still taught in schools. The only people in the west fucked from their people's history are blacks and Native Americans.
>yeah dude people should like be able to do whatever they want man, fuck having morals and laws and shit
>literally posts a group of dark haired anime girls with black eyes drawn in japan.
Amerimutts really do think everything is about them huh?
>I unironically think moe is art
>Is that because our childhood experience with Japanese games and cartoons has bended our beauty standards over the years?
this is one of the reasons honestly. also western aaa/mainstream trash is still too photorealism leaning for nothing. who wants those ugly disney movies like dambo, aladdin etc for instance. nobody wants this much realism.
Of course it does. You are just projecting.
>Get off of Yea Forums and read.
You can't explain what cultural shift happened.
Japanese women have far more self-respect than feminists.
>Otaku have been a boon to Japanese creativity
Maybe the early ones, but not the ones who grew up on anime made by people who grew up on anime.
Nice strawman, dickhead.
How is being a career woman comparable to breaking the law or having bad morals?
>No kids until you're 40 and can't have kids
>let women vote
>let women in the workforce
>society collapses
>it's a "Yea Forums - video games pretends to know about history and culture while complaining from their third-world huts" episode
Moe is a feeling you have towards a character and predates otaku. What are you trying to say?
That's no different from people growing up watching movies or listening to music or reading books or playing video games.
Does not compute, retard?
>Japanese women have far more self-respect than feminists.
So why do you think Japanese women will have sex with you if feminists won't? It brings me joy knowing that you will never procreate.
Some people's entire lives don't revolve around having fucking kids
Because japanese girls are way cuter then western ones.
>All that shit is still taught in schools.
No it's not. The only thing I remember learning in Social Studies is how bad white people are. They did slavery, the holocaust™, killed the native americans... similar to what you pointed out. However, insinuating that African-Americans had any "history" aside from being slaved and then freed is ludicrous at best.
I'm not, Japanese art is only good for porn. Too bad Western artist have fucked ideas for what makes a good design due to the she work enviorment.
>So why do you think Japanese women will have sex with you if feminists won't?
I made no claims of any kind about Japanese women or feminists having or not having sex with me.
>It brings me joy knowing that you will never procreate.
I made no claims about my ability or plans to procreate.
>Of course it does. You are just projecting.
Look up what projection is.
>Why are we more attracted to the Japanese artstyle to the Western one?
Speak for yourself, weaboo. Keept your fucking thrash, I'm not more attracted to retarded anime shit than western art.
How exactly has society collapsed as the result of women being more included in society in the ways you described?
Because women should follow their natural prerogative and be mothers and wives instead of worker units.
the difference is that film, music, and literature are much older, broader, and deeper mediums than cartoons with far more works to draw from.
a furry powertripping because she got some pity bucks on early patreon, that whole ead is embarassing.
No, it's just a meme word that means nothing, just like "cringe".
>The only thing I remember learning in Social Studies is how bad white people are.
Maybe you should have paid attention in class, faggot.
>However, insinuating that African-Americans had any "history" aside from being slaved and then freed is ludicrous at best.
Oh, you're one of those retards.
>fucking thrash
thanks for my new phone wp user
Literally look around you, the feminist movement and womens' "liberation" helped drastically accelerate the downfall of western culture exponentially. They vote for everything antithetical to a healthy nation. More immigration, more government oversight, more welfare, abortion.
>film, music, and literature are much older, broader, and deeper mediums
You know very well that this is not true.
I know what it is, and I also know that every time someone is caught projecting they immediately retort that I just don't know what projection is. Every single time. It's automatic. Almost like it's... programmed behavior.
Anime isn't the same thing as cartoons and it encompasses about the same range of storytelling as other mediums. There's also numerous anime that are adapted from books. People also aren't prohibited from taking ideas from other mediums.
But according to Yea Forums you shouldn't marry women anyway
People still like the art on the left, it's just the ones on the right are the ones that get commissioned/are more easily digitally produced
Feminists support the sexual revolution, mass immigration and LGBT rights
film is not that much older than animation
double the workforce, half the wages, no one at home to take care of the kids, lower birthrates because muh career
Here comes the zoomer defense force here to lecture us about how anime is as deep as literature
I was just shitposting, I remember stuff I learned in class as far back as 2nd grade. We never learned anything more on a topic than surface-level stuff before we moved onto the next, week in and week out. The only exception was American History, which was only more in-depth because it was an entire class based around one subject instead of multiple-ones.
>calling anyone retarded when he thinks blacks have any meaningful "history"
>anime characters are White
When will this meme die?
They can be any race depending on how you draw them, like dark hair and small features tend to be more Asian, light hair and prominent nose/jaws more White, dark skin and afro is easily recognizable as Black.
>know what it is, and I also know that every time someone is caught projecting they immediately retort that I just don't know what projection is. Every single time. It's automatic. Almost like it's... programmed behavior.
Explain to me how me saying that NPC is a buzzwords is projecting. What you consider """programmed behavior"""" might actually be that you don't know what the fucking word means.
"Natural prerogative" absolute broscience. If you want essentially a NEET that can't support herself as your wife then good luck, you better be making bank to keep up the whole household. Also not comparable to breaking the law or having bad morals
I'm not a zoomer and never said or implied I am, and it is just a fact that anime isn't the same as cartoons and that it encompasses a wide range of stories and also adapts novels. Where are you even going with this?
Shut the fuck up im not into weeb trash
Comparing and contrasting mediums is fruitless as several mediums often bleed into one another. Music, literature, and technically art can all be condensed into a movie.
But can you really use your phone with that wp in public?
NPCs are a real thing.
>What you consider """programmed behavior"""" might actually be that you don't know what the fucking word means.
Except I do.
Japanese things can't be weeb.
And yet somehow right wing politics are winning pretty much everywhere? Brexit and right wing parties btfoing everything in the UK and Trump winning in the US. Also you act as though men aren't also voting for those things
We're called Yea Forumsirgins for a reason user
Back to plebbit kid. Comparing a woman taking care of her children to a NEET shows how actually dumb you are.
>When will this meme die?
Never because white people feel the need to be the center of attention in everything and anything that doesn't revolve around them must be destroyed or assimilated. They did both to Japan and are still demanding more. They're wild animals and letting them leave Europe was a mistake.
>NPCs are a real thing.
Does that include all the people that use these?
>NPCs are a real thing
It's a fucking buzzword. What's especially funny is that people use it to criticize other people for """programmed behavior""" when calling someone an NPC
on a whim sounds a whole lot like programmed behavior to me
>Except I do.
Then explain how my initial response was "protecting".
OP's comparison is meaningless
this falls apart once you see what koreans look like before surgery
>cartoons don't look like real life
holy smokes bro
>thinking democractic voting trends will rectify decades if not centuries of civilizational decay
I wish I were as naiive as you user.
It's a real thing and only NPCs claim that it isn't.
>Then explain how my initial response was "protecting".
I said that two words didn't mean anything, and they indeed didn't. I said that they are NPC speak, which they indeed are. You then immediately claimed that NPC doesn't mean anything either, even though it does. So you were projecting your own use of meaningless words onto me.
this is the koreans before surgery
Countries need kids
Career women are feminist
>dude we should let everyone have equal power lol
Koreans are entirely irrelevant to the topic.
You're an npc
No, I'm not.
you've just surrounded yourself with shit
>It's a real thing and only NPCs claim that it isn't.
"Programmed behavior" might exist, but the concept of an "NPC" really just boils down to "this person is a sheep, I don't like them". The fact that it's such a common response is also just "programmed behavior", so I guess everyone is an NPC?
I guess you do know what "projecting" means, but it doesn't really apply here.
>Brexit and right wing parties btfoing everything in the UK and Trump winning in the US.
>Brexit failed
>Brit PM cried on TV and stepped down because of it
>Mueller all but straight up said that Trump broke the law and the only reason Trump isn't cuffed is because you can't charge a sitting president
>GOP turning on Trump and fighting amongst themselves
>GOP putting genuine pedophiles up for election
lol "winning"
>dude, you dont understand, its supposed to be a deep and insightful look at modern capitalism
NPCs are a real thing and only NPCs claim they aren't.
>I guess you do know what "projecting" means, but it doesn't really apply here.
I just explained how it does.
But /pol/ told me that women most likely vote the same as their husbands
Third-World countries really don’t need more kids
I'm just basing it on reality. The average man paying to support himself is difficult enough yet alone a woman and kids
Isn't NPC literally just the term sheeple watered-down into an easy to digest, meme-friendly format?
Japanese anime art was at its peak in the late 90s to the early 00s.
99% of what we have now from them are cheap waifubait and moeshit.
> what koreans look like before surgery
haha Look at this retard.
NPC literally means normalfag, that's it
>left is proved west lost creativity
>right is paintings for ped not art
Waifubait and moeshit do not exist.
and people will have kids. Individual career women who choose to never have kids aren't exactly going to fuck that up
>NPCs are a real thing and only NPCs claim they aren't.
>basically the same response twice
Seems like a programmed response. Almost like... an NPC in a video game.
>I just explained how it does
And it barely applies. I'm not projecting shit, I'm calling you out on being a hypocrite.
Imagine thinking that anime girls are white and not based and litlle Jap girls.
You are a pedophile and you are projecting.
There was nothing programmed about it, you are just lazily co-opting what I said and throwing it back at me. A common NPC trait.
This is something people only believe because of Toonami. This golden era people like to think about didn't actually exist.
What a massive improvement.
>there is a beautiful white person so all anime characters are white
>there is a ugly asian person so all anime characters are not asian
You're very smart person, user.
>it's not art because I don't like it
because Japanese art now is closer to traditional western art than actual western art.
Western art now is all blank canvases and statues of self-fellatio and random shapes.
>There was nothing programmed about it
>literally cannot refute anything I said so you say the same thing twice
>oh bro but I'm not an NPC bro this is totally different when I USE a precanned response
I'm going to do something an NPC in a video game could never do. Exit this conversation.
Not everyone is pedophile like you creep.
So you're saying society now is shittier than it was 100+ years ago
There wasn't, which is why I just said there wasn't.
There was nothing programmed about what I said and as I just told you you are just lazily co-opting what I said and throwing it back at me, which is something NPCs do all the time.
The record for the most expensive work by a living artist was set in a recent auction at $91 million. It was a metal casting of a toy rabbit.
Yes some are in denial desu.
>Anime despite being an import is pretty much a staple of western pop culture now
user, democratic voting trends actually engender civilizational decay
Technically saying, you shouldn't be legally allowed to post here
brexit hasn't failed it was just handled by a shitty party but things are changing
what law did Trump break btw?
Yes, wojak AND pepe posters are both npcs
>There wasn't, which is why I just said there wasn't.
What are you trying to say?
Why do these threads always turn into an Anime is white, Japan loves the BWC or FUKKIN NIGGERS conversations?
It used to be people not having internal monologue but now it's been bastardized like every sophisticated meme into a generic insult like cuck
>Probably. Anime despite being an import is pretty much a staple of western pop culture now
it's just "japanese cartoons, the ones where characters have big eyes" to most people
>and a good deal more familiar to us than classic western material.
that's because you're an ignorant amerimutt
wait i thought it was the jews that ruined western civilization
why do you guys keep switching narratives
This isn't true.
Lol even with migrants or whatever Paris still shit on nearly everyone culturally speaking.
She look half White.
A culture that tells women they should be career women stops that
The saddest part is that these women are usually smarter than your typical waitress and we should have a smarter population but then they don't have kids
>going out in public
99% of anime for the last 40 years are cheap "waifubait" and "moeshit" (stop using these words wrong) dumb zoomer
Anything to not blame themselves user
t. Underage and retarded
Modern western isn't just ugly, it is intentionally ugly. It's a post modernism thing.
She's cute and not horselike so that can't be.
it actually was the white men all along
I mean who the fuck has ever been in charge in the west
how could it not be the white man's fault
I think it's bad that you like Japan for being Japanese but then try move there and breed
Ultimately making japan less Japanese
Some people don't want to throw away valuable years bringing another unneeded mouth onto our already dying planet. Earth has plenty of people.
>Anime despite being an import is pretty much a staple of western pop culture now
No it isn't.
Maybe in muttland but that's only because you have no culture of your own.
Because westacuck culture got shat on and now they try to steal other people's art.
>Why do these threads always turn into an Anime is white, Japan loves the BWC or FUKKIN NIGGERS conversations?
Gamergate redditfugees and election tourists.
Where did I say I intend to move there and have children? I in fact have no plans of ever visiting Japan.
Because if you aren't born in Japam you aren't Japanese. You have Japanese heritage which is completely different.
Also this
Why don't they rangeban mutts?
lmao fuck actually living there
>she is cute
>she look half White.
very white post
>Maybe in muttland
Anime isn't even that popular in the americas
But it's extremely popular in France, Italy, Mexico and surprisingly the Middle East, there's anime in these areas that are considered household staples
why Japanese women disturb people's mind?
because they are more beautiful than western women?
>I in fact have no plans of ever visiting Japan.
Sure, weeaboo. Whatever you way.
They make Hiro money so he lets them run free.
you do realise how much of a risky life strategy "I'm going to rely enitrely on a relationship with a man and getting pregnant by him" is? And when women DO do this they get called whores so it's a lose lose with you guys
>why don't they rangeban mutts, third-worlders, phoneposters, frogposters, wojakposters
Because mobileposters don't block ads.
>Im going to live to my ultimate potential and get a career instead of having a kid
>What do you plan on doing?
>Working below management for 40 years in a company that ultimately views me as replaceable!
Yeah some career
>Because if you aren't born in Japam you aren't Japanese. You have Japanese heritage which is completely different.
What are you talking about?
Prove that I'm a weeaboo. Prove that I have plans to visit Japan.
Her in 25 years
This is true
kek, seething and obsessed.
this looks like ass and i'd rather have moe shit which is more visually appealing on average than this deformed shit
that's just because they were broadcasted on tv at 4 pm
most people just see them as regular cartoons and the kids who watch them don't even know what "anime" means or wouldn't know what "otaku culture" is
>surprisingly the Middle East
My mind was blown when I found out that in saudi arabia, bigwig choirs play fucking 70s mecha openings.
>people age
That's not fair. I remember the olsen twins being crackheads at one point.
Congrats on being the 10% of weebs who isn't mental then
>crack junkies vs healthy woman
OK kid
Prove that I'm a weeaboo.
These ones look waifubait.
>waifubait and moeshit
LITERALLY nothing wrong with that.
>I'd rather have moe shit
Those shows in that image were moe shit
People who complain about moe anime now have no clue how fucking obnoxious it could get in the late 90s and early 00s.
70's mecha were big af in europe but their fans are nostalgic boomers, not otakus or someshit
neither is ideal
life is about having good experiences. Working 24/7 and looking after kids are both shit
They don't even exist.
Kids are only shit if you are a shit person
The meaning of life is to breed, what do you think nature is
Early 2000s moe was fucking kino
I could probably find a picture of an attractive old white woman too. dumbest argument
>The meaning of life is to breed if you have good genetics
Fixed, current civilization enables people that should've been eliminated in a natural setting
But Mexico is Americas
Moving to the 3rd world because your own women hate you means you have bad genetics
It's almost like every race has some attractive people or something
Or maybe the environment is a little sick?
have you bred yet user :3 you wouldn't want to be missing out on the meaning of life would you
>autism isn't bad genetics
They remind white women of everything they aren't because so many white women have made such poor life choices, due to lacking guidance. They remind normies of angry incels who are rejecting normies rejection of them and instead leaving for asian countries. They remind right wingers of "race traitors" who want to marry a Japanese woman. They remind left wingers of men who "fetishize" asian women and how they are totally racist. They piss of Koreans because they aren't plastic.
Basically Japanese women and the men who like them piss off everyone imaginable for any number of reasons.
We aren't in caveman times anymore. Not everyone needs to have children.
>I'm going to do my biological duty and have a kid instead of trying to make my own life
>What do you plan on doing?
>Having a son who beats off to anime girls and claims to hate things he has never seen or played. Hopefully he'll move out before he's 30 but I doubt it!
Yeah some kid
>current civilization enables people that should've been eliminated in a natural setting
so you're saying africans are superior
The great thing about being a man is that you can still have kids when you're passed 35
I'm still young so I'm working on making that nest so I can comfortably have kids
>Why are we
Ever considered that you are superimposing your own views with everyone else's?
If you have good genetics you should have kids
evolution has no excuses
it's not that you can tell before who's the fittest to survive, the fittest will always survive because survival is the only thing that proves fitness
You're partially correct. It's actually the opposite of what you think it is. Due to life being so easy, women are able to select more based on genetics. This results in more brutal and aggressive men breeding, when in a society where people need to work together to survive these men would die, cast out by the group for being violent and incapable of cooperating.
>blows up and reconstructs the world
>by channeling energy from otaku using the "Power of Moe"
Semi-related, by why doesn't moe anime nowadays use the word moe? Characters used to say moe all the time 20 years ago.
Will never understand why
That really doesn't look like a 15 year old artwork though.
Imagine you went back to the early 2000s and see stuff of the mid 80s like early gundam shows from there, they would look much more old than what you posted.
The early was the best era for both moe and not moe.
It's from 2001 you retard, and of course it does. More anime resembled Komugi than it resembled Haibane Renmei, Haibane Renmai's style is largely contained to ABe.
ok but that asian looks like a boy monkey
I have no problem telling if a show's from 15 years ago by looking at the artstyle, there's still visual cues that separate the 00s from the 10s.
maybe you could find a white woman being still young looking and around 30 but no white woman who is around 40 can be a beauty like that Japanese, no one.
You post models and think they're standard
>unironically arguing over which cherrypicked women with 50 layers of make up best look like cartoon characters
Nothing's preventing someone from posting a white counter-example.
what are you talking about? both are technically models. then you can post white models to refute my point as well.
why are you are weebs and japs so obsessed with jaws?
That image was made in response to earlier propaganda images supposedly showing that anime characters are white.
Western classical (is it known as "contemporary?" I can't remember) and modern eastern are both based.
Name a single avant-garde movement besides surrealism that isn't shit. Pro tip: you literally can't.
Do you even know who the Olsen twins are?
There is no fucking way that girl is 21
The visual gap of the 00s to the 10s is smaller than that of the 90s to the 00s, and the latter is smaller than that of the 80s to the 90s.
The speed of change tends to go slow as the evolution of things progresses.
They all amount to "lol this doesn't matter" so I can't
She is. She hides her massive tits though.
because i have yellow fever
Japanese have a better sense of aesthetic than the west. And this is cultural, and no, not just limited to art. Beauty has great social value in Asia, much more than in the west where the idea that "beauty is only skin deep" gets passed around. In Asia, they see your exterior as a reflection of your interior. Thus, attractive people are seen as more socially moral than ugly people.
This then feeds back into their art, which cultivated its skills by learning from what you posted on the left, and evolved it.
Meanwhile, the West fed of the idea of "beauty is only skin deep" and began to deconstruct its own traditional values till it lost all sense of aesthetic since "LOL ANYTHING CAN BE ART DUDE, WATCH ME DROP MY PERIOD OF A CANVAS!!"
>They all amount to "lol this doesn't matter"
Deconstruction killed art and allowed hacks and retards into the industry and now they control it. Even the techniques shat out by dadaists are lazy
>shieet negro let me just assamble a bunch of shit tape it together and call it art
>what if.... no no hear me ou guys... I just grab common household objects, give them a gimmick name and slap some nonsensical phrase on it? Instant prestige lmao
>The visual gap of the 00s to the 10s is smaller than that of the 90s to the 00s, and the latter is smaller than that of the 80s to the 90s.
Not really? There's tons of 90s anime and early 00s that look identical.
There's an identity crisis going on in the 2000s because half of the decade feels like an extension of the 90s.
Nice code?
source me up senpai
>he woman used as an example of an Asian in these images IS NOT the standard asian woman but a highly westernised ideal woman. Notice the almost white skin and big eyes
You've never been to Asia have you. I live here and you are SO SO wrong.
>b-but but that's only plastic surgery and make up!!
Oh yeah? Then explain why even middle and elementary school girls can have attractive faces... You're full of shit senpai. Also, pale skin has been a symbol of beauty in Asia for over 2000 years retard.
>very contrasted tan lines
WMAF is the pair that's guaranteed to piss everyone off.
I live in Japan, and I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing it is. Never EVER going back.
why weebs think Asian women are 100% natural beauty?
whats the one on the top left, or well list all the ones besides the obvious lain and cowboy beebop and boogiepop phantom
haha oh wow this is terrible
i certainly wouldn't want more of this to be made, ever
Asia is not a country and the plastic surgery meme is Korean.
Because I teach Elementary and Middle school in Japan, and see them throughout their developing years, and can confirm natural beauty in Asia is a thing, and the internet memes passed around by roasties and femcells is nothing but just that, memes.
Plastic surgery is still taboo and looked down upon in Japan.
Chinese and Koreans look ugly and get plastic surgery because they're mainlanders who spent centuriesgetting fucked by various indo-european and siberians all around them.
Japs also fucked the natives and ended up looking like hapas too. Jap genetic purity is a meme my dude.
China isn't on people. It's like 8 different peoples. And there is a group of them that's very attractive. The ones closes to the Han I think, which have close genetic ties to Japs I think too. I remember hearing they were closer to northern China, but idk where for sure desu, I haven't been to China yet, but I've met a couple of REALLY attractive Chinese girls travelling, and I'm sure you've across some of those Chinese camgirls on pornhub by now too.
[projection intensifies]
Are Nubians the only genetically pure race left? maybe we really did come from monkeys
This is like the anthropic principle of Yea Forums.
If we weren't more attracted to eastern aesthetics we would be discussing this topic here.
Based brainlet
Your projection doesn't make someone else a brainlet.
>still ESL
It's not projection though. Japs are mutts.
Japs ARE the natives you moron. Unless you mean the Ainu. In which case, that only ever happened in the North, like Hokkaido. And a bit in the south in Ryukyuu islands. The majority of Japs is made up of the Yamato people or Wa-jin, which crossed over into the Islands thousands of years ago from Mainland Asia.
at least they arent fat unlike you fatfuck landwhale, amerifat
Yeah that's exactly the projection I'm talking about. The West is always projecting its problems on Japan because whites are overgrown children.
To be fair that's because contemporary art is being used as alternative forms of investing and the price tag reflects that more so than perceived artistic value. People like Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst aren't necessarily the most brilliant and insightful artists ever, they just know how to sell themselves well.
You posted moeshit and they will always look somewhat shit when looking back afterward, and to be honest, a 95-05, 05-15 separation makes more sense to define the decadal style of anime art.
And another note, there were two major lines of of artstyle in that decade, one is moe and the other is not moe, like Saber Marionette and Serial Experiments Lain.
Does this look any obsolete or weird in the same sense of your image looking very old?
i'm sure you work there faggot, i bet all the weebs think japanese women look like in their anime/hentai
Moeshit does not exist.
I have never seen anyone say that they think Japanese women look like anime characters, I've only ever heard this used as a strawman attack.
>two major lines
>Serial Experiments Lain
>major line
What the fuck? It's ABe's artstyle, the only anime and vidya that resembles Lain is stuff that ABe's been involved with. That's like trying to say Satoshi Urushihara's artstyle is representative of the 90s.
It doesn't look obsolete, art styles can't look "obsolete".
1) That's high school not elementary school retard
2) There's a few attractive people in that picture, both male and female. Or have you never seen a girl without make up before you absolute moron?
lol i saw you on Yea Forums
/int/ cuck
Pedo alert
Even if you did see me on Yea Forums, so what?
Why did you post this picture? There are a lot of attractive people here. I mean actually most of them are pretty normal to good looking.
>doesn't know the meaning of the word pedo
As if I needed more proof you were an absolute moron.
Pedophilia means a sexual attraction to prepubescents, not high schoolers.
I can count at least 4 girls who would classify as "cute" especially if you consider none of them have any makeup on. And the dude on the left sitting down looks like an absolute chad.
Double this up with the fact that they're all a bunch of awkward high school kids... It looks better than your average class photo from an American high school.
I think you might be legitimately retarded.
QUICKLY Yea Forums
THIS IS NOW AN ANIME CLASSROOM. Assign each of them a role.
>ugly women, rape, furries
>cute girls doing cute things
I don't see a problem.
>No officer, it's actually natural for me to be attracted to these women
It is, and there is no law against finding people attractive.
Attraction is not, and has never been illegal, you moron. Are you gonna start thought policing people? And beyond that, most normies will agree that attraction to 14-16 yo is perfectly normal so long as you don't act on it.
I've had these conversations irl dozens of times. No dude will ever look down on you for finding a developed 16 yo girl attractive.
that's korea aka land of plastic.
Japan and China have many natural beauties.
If reddit is a barometer of normie thought, anything less than 18 is monstrously criminal.
These are Korean spies
>most normies
>You see fellas I have these pictures of 14 year old girls because it's natural
>two major lines
>Serial Experiments Lain
>major line
>what the fuck?
Not only a few but a lot of artists in that era were distinctively different from moe even when they were drawing girls and Abe is one of them, like Range, Murata, Kei Tome, Hiroaki Samura, Hiroki Endo, not like all of them got an anime adaptation so they weren't as popular in the West as in Japan but they did exist.
>art from hundreds of years ago was so much better
>no it's not because there was proportionally just as much shit getting made back then but all of the bad art got thrown out and only the good art survived
>the past is magic
There's a decent amount of cute girls and handsome guys in that pic
I like the clear divide between reality and fiction. anything attempting super-realism for character models brings either utter disinterest or uncanny valley for me. i.e. death stranding
But none of what you listed shares the same style as Lain.
Also moe isn't even an artstyle, but moe can be applied to anything you've listed. Many people unironically consider Lain moe and they're not wrong.
i got the same "moeshit doenst exist" replies on these kinds of threads despite being manga/anime leaning. just felt like Yea Forums is pretty small and the same guys are everywhere especially in the euro time.
Lain in a bearsuit is the most moe thing ever though.
Reddit is not a barometer for normie thought. It's a hivemind of American NPCs.
Normal people don't sit around circlejerking and upvoting their echo chambers for online cred day and day out.
That's not what I said you idiot. Are you gonna continue to move goalposts. Go outside for once, and have a conversation with normal guys at a bar, make friends. If the subject of attractive females comes up, or AoC, most guys will agree that yes. There are attractive 16 and 14 yos. No one will EVER deny that. No one will ever deny that attraction exists. Just don't ever cross the line and do something illegal. But it's biologically natural to find girls who are FERTILE attractive as a man.
>grandiose declarations about "art" as a whole as if either side actually captures the whole of an era of visual art
cringe post, OP is gay
pretty sure if you were to ask Japs who the most moe characters of the 90s were, you'll get Rei (Evangelion), Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura), Lain (Serial Experiments Lain) or Ruri (Nadesico) as an answer
more like 45, keep on seething you fucking trany
>Normal people don't sit around circlejerking and upvoting their echo chambers for online cred day and day out.
That's Twitter
>Normal people don't sit around circlejerking and upvoting their echo chambers for online cred day and day out.
What is every single normalfag social media
You failed to fail
You need to spend less time on the internet and more time irl with real people. Loser NPCs wasting all their time on Twitter is not 90% of people.
This is some boomer shit. The internet is where the real people are. There is no longer any difference between the internet and real life.
Speak for yourself user
the 'beauty is only skin deep' thing only came about because of ugly people in positions of power, like kings and queens who were hideous from inbreeding. they used their position of power to spread it around and get it ingrained in society.
How does this happen to people
>but none of what you listed shares the same style as Lain.
I didn't say they do, the line I mean is they
aren't moe at least and their artstyle aged so well and became timeless that their senior artists in the 70s and the 80 hadn't reached the same level as theirs.
>Also moe isn't even an artstyle
Agreed but I can't think of any other way to call "generic cute girls in generic artstye" in one word.
>how is slang developed?!?
Let me guess, you never caught onto "bad" actually meaning good or cool, did you?
Did you take people literally when they said "this is heavy."
>generic cute girls in generic artstye
Meaning what, exactly? K-On, Hidamari Sketch, Yuru Yuri, Lucky Star and Yuyushiki etc. all have different character designs.
You're the same moron that posted this aren't you?
because these you listed are mangas. generally manga has diverse character designs just because it is drawn by only one person while anime is needed to be animated by many people and highly commercialized products so it needs to be "standardized" in terms of formulating designs. You can easily tell the larger diversity in manga compared to anime even now. it was the same as in 80/90s. there was always industry's standard that everyone followed.
>Lain in a bearsuit is the most moe thing ever though
She can be moe in a viewers perspective because of her mannerism and outfit but she isn't really one by the artstyle I think.
>she isn't really one by the artstyle I think.
Do you think "moe" means huge eyes and colorful hair?
stop posting manga as "not moe" in 90s, retard. there were a lot of manga that is not moe even now.
*there are
>their senior artists in the 70s and the 80 hadn't reached the same level as theirs.
>literally do not know 70s/80s manga greatness that was golden age of Japanese comics
Illustrations can use any kind of art style, but for animation the drawings have to be relatively fast to draw and color. The designs themselves aren't any less varied in anime.
I guess so
It's fun to change people's thought processes and vocabulary by dangling memes in front of them like a doggy treat
why are japs so good at cosplay compared to westerners?
Source on top right?
More cuter and dedicated desu
Both of these are good.
That's Oyari Ashito which is pretty funny because he literally illustrates eroge and ero doujinshi.
kys weebturd scum
yeah, its like Calarts in western cartoons.
anyway you confuse anime with manga, and posted manga as an example of non-moe style as if its style had flourished unlike now but its simply misuse because there are a lot of manga that are not perceived as "moe" style even if maybe western people do not know they exits.
Kita e, probably.
I like Japanese art because it doesn't veer too much in either direction, realism lacks imagination and overly cartoonish designs only appeal to autists.
It's not any specific style, it's just a general principle of animation. Moe isn't a style, it's a feeling.
NPC spotted.
We're not, it's trash
Only weebs are
>wahh everything against me is npc
dumb weeb scum
Another NPC spotted.
They're not. You're judging all Japanese cosplayers based on the top 1% of Japanese cosplayers that you see memed online. That would be like asking why American cosplayers are so much better because of that one Iron Man cosplayer with the semi-functional suit with moving parts. Google photos from Comiket if you want to see what the average Japanese cosplayers look like.
You have zero evidence that I'm a weeb. You don't even know what the word means. You're just programmed to shit yourself when you see anime.
Honest question, are you guys masochists? Like you make these posts here because you like being called pea-brained mouth-breathing retarded faggots?
did I specifically addressed you nigger?
are you retarded?
Yes, you did specifically address me. Retard.
>pretty sure if you were to ask Japs who the most moe characters of the 90s were, you'll get Rei (Evangelion), Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura), Lain (Serial Experiments Lain) or Ruri (Nadesico) as an answer
My step brother was born and raised in Japan and he didn't think Rei and Lain were just moe.
Sakura was part of what made him stay away from the majority of anime fanbase back then though.
Her respective show was made for little girls but horny lolicons liked her so much like what Precurefags do today.
I can't say much about Ruri because I dropped halfway the show but she looked a poorman's Rei to me to be honest.
why so mad weeby?
surprised some people don't share your pedo interests?
Kys with your katana you excrement
>anyone who likes magical girl anime is "horny" and a "lolicon"
You are a pedophile and you are projecting.
I dont say calarts is based on the principle so it goes like that though.
I agree moe is a feeling rather than a particular style, but within the same range of the period there has been always "standardized" or influential style that define "what is a feeling of moe" such as 80s' Sonoda Kenichi or 90s Goto keiji.
Why are you projecting so damn hard?
You might want to diddle kids, don't pretend we are like you just because we're on Yea Forums.
The girl from the middle looks really cute
Moe isn't defined as anything particular. It's completely subjective.
What the fuck is a slampig?
i hate them dang dirty pedos
If someone is complaining about anime "pedophilia" it's a near-certainty that they are pedophiles themselves. Which means there's an awful lot of pedophiles around.
So you are retarded then!
stop arguing against nothing, nerd. Im just saying there is always a particular style giving off "this is more" feeling to people even though it has been changing as time goes on. I do not argue against the argument there was "moe" in 80s/90s.
if you dont have even any kind of "style" then everything can be "moe" and at the same time everything can be "not moe". how can you feel and convince others that Kinniku-man or Kingdom is moe? claiming moe does not have any particular style even within the same range of period basically means there is no "moe".
>if you dont have even any kind of "style" then everything can be "moe" and at the same time everything can be "not moe".
That's exactly what moe is.
I remember seeing some group japanese photos of school girls and my entire world fell
>if you dont have even any kind of "style" then everything can be "moe" and at the same time everything can be "not moe".
Now you're getting it, retard.
Because moe is an emotion, you retard. It's never been used to define an artstyle or a genre or a style of anime, except for in the West because people don't know what the fuck moe is.
There's no such thing as moe anime. There's moe characters, but even then defining a moe character is subjective.
I am not sure what you mean, but there are always some standardized styles that define moe. no one say hokuto no ken is moe anime.
I can confirm. I make "kill pedophiles" once a day on twitter to enmascared how big of pedo I am
It could be moe to a female viewer.
kill yourself
Cheers m8s
The left doesn't even represent western art anymore, That kind of art has been rejected.
Moe can be used to describe manime too, in webm related the girl calls the male protagonist of a fictional 70s super robot anime "moe"
>Why are we more attracted
lol have sex
Nico Nico a cute.
I dunno but i went to Tokyo recently for Christmas break and the girls definitely mogged the girls back home in the US. I've never seen so many cute girls in my entire life
Those renaissance female sculptures are hotter than most weebshit drawings.
nah, its used for male-oriented contents. no fujyoshi says that BL manga/anime is moe or something like that.
You know all those people who look up to Goku or Kenshiro as role models? That's literally moe
Japanese things can't be weeb.
>no fujyoshi says that BL manga/anime is moe or something like that.
You keep reaching a level of retardation I didn't think was possible.
>Cardcaptor Sakura
She made the best cosplay.
The girl must be in her late 30s now though.
Skin-brighteners were a thing all the way back in ancient Japan, where they had no idea what a white person was. It's not westernized.
>Eden It's an Endless World
Was that an Akira 2.0 or something?
Left: overrated shit from the times people have no idea about how perspective and lights works. Da Vinci literally can't draw a sphere correctly and that painting is his homolover Salai for which Mona Lisa is an anagram.
Right: just generic trash from the pixiv
Try harder next time.
thats not moe. Japanese does not use it as what you mean. moe is a word to describe your "sexual" feeling toward a fictional character at least in broader contexts. But what I meant above is not that broader general meaning but the specific term used in anime community, just like "moe anime". when people use "moe anime", that term means basically particular style of designs or story, not original meaning of just simply the word "moe". I have never seen people saying Hokuto no ken or Doragon ball is moe anime.
>moe is a word to describe your "sexual" feeling
more like 60.
>moe anime
Only idiot casuals use that term.
Why are anime threads on Yea Forums better than those on Yea Forums for most of the times?
This thread is literally bitching and complaining about anime semantics rather than talking about anime.
Reminder that this autistic retard has been spamming these discredited propaganda images every day for almost a year now.
The same exact images and the exact same pictures.
It took you 4 hours to get here, what too you so long?
You're literally doing the exact same thing
Spicmod aka kami bans any form of discussion on Yea Forums.
Only template threads and generals are allowed on Yea Forums according to him.
Where the fuck do you get such misinformed stuff
Friendly reminder that your image, alongside most images of this type was literally created by an infamous Korean 2chan troll who kept on ban evading and proxyfagging and pumping out images claiming "Anime looks white" while passing off Chinese and Korean facial structures as examples of Japanese girls.
this is the basic definition of 萌え according to japanese wikipedia, it says the definition has evolved and broadened as the time goes on though. as far as I observed Japanese usages, no one uses "moe" to describe their (basically make otakus) feeling toward manly hero like goku or kenshiro. it simply does not fit.
And yet there's numerous examples of women using moe to refer to manly shonen protagonists, though.
lmao at those muttant tits on the left
pig skins btfo
White is right
>because reality is boring
>Statues about Greek Mythology
Moshi moshi, retardkun.
Yeah he did the same thing in another thread a couple of hours ago. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the one creating those threads, or maybe he's just autistically refreshing the catalog 24/7 to do it. Or perhaps he's doing both at once? It's weaponized autism anyways.
Friendly reminder you should visit a therapist and have your brain checked if you believe anime characters are Asians.
He's altering the images so it can't be tracked in the archive because someone exposed his autistic raid too.
But modern white girls are mostly piggies and don't have those bodies either. They're either bony with wide shoulders like in Hollywood or they're skinnyfat or slobby. Not even the models are lithe like the girl on the right.
>autistic raid
That sounds like both you fags
left is normal
right is makeup, surgery, 5'3 and fat
A lot of Japanese career cosplayers are literally professional models or ex-models and they have contacts with their professional makeup artists and photographer friends. Right now cosplay isn't mainstream enough in America for those 10/10 Abercrombie & Fitch models to start cosplaying for fame and attention. That's the real reason for the disparity in quality, the top Japanese cosplayers are professionals with a professional level team to carefully craft their image while American cosplayers are amateurs who need to look up making up tutorials in youtube and hire photographers whose only credential for being a 'pro' photographer is having a $300 DSLR. Thankfully with the twitch thots becoming a thing, I'm sure America will catch up soon once women realize just how lucrative nerd culture is.
Friendly reminder that you've literally taken a Korean 2chan troll's bait images seriously. Seek mental help.
Jesus christ is WCK still creating these yellow fever threads? Is he gonna go on a murder spree soon?
>ongoing raid
>archives threads from 2016.
Seek mental help, reddit-kun. Why do you think people on a Japanese-inspired imageboard like Japanese things?
Every day you post two images in every thread. You lurk in the catalog for 34 hours and 7 days. The only one who needs mental help is you, and it'll be done with the help of a bullet.
>archives threads from 2016.
Your autistic raid goes back to 2010.
>34 hours
I said above in the original broader meaning it is used to describe sexual feeling toward a fictional character, so of course woman can use although I have to say the term is still really male-oriented. anyway, when I talk about "moe", I am basically using it in the narrower meaning as I explained .
you sound upset WCK
have you considered suicide to escape the pain?
I'm not the person who posted those images, seek mental help. I'm calling you out for unironically taking a Korean 2chan troll's bait images seriously. I've been calling people like you out for posting these images since 2008. The guy who made those images is a Korean 2chan troll who lives in Osaka who constantly spams 2chan with images claiming anime looks white, whilst intentionally using images and facial structures of Chinese and Korean girls and calling them Japanese in his bait images.
You've fallen for a literal meme.
How does WCK do it?
How does he keep making these threads just to post the exact same two images every day?
>autistic wall of text
>sperging out
>obvious samefagging
>believes anime characters are asian
>has to raid threads on multiple boards to spam discredited propaganda images
Your autism is far worse and more persistent than barneyfag's shitposting. How do you live with yourself? Genuinely asking.
You're literally schizophrenic.
Stop applying race to cartoons you gigaweebs
I suppose WCK stands for weebcel-kun, because only an incel with yellow fever and obsession with chinks would act like that. Right?
Seek mental help you mentally ill faggot, I didn't post those images. I'm just calling you out for using a Korean 2chan troll's bait image.
>WCK is calling others "schizophrenic" when he is the most paranoid person on Yea Forums after ACK
top kek
That's because he doesn't know what he's talking. Nothing like THIS happened in Japan. Also, speaking of animation, that's also something that never happened in Japan, all that skill and progress that was lost after the 1950s when it came to animation if you weren't called Disney.
Art used to be about ass, tits and buff guys. Now it's about ass, tits and buff guys. I love humanity.
Holy shit you're right.
I saw his images in several threads yesterday, and when I looked up his image from this thread, it doesn't show up in those threads because he changed the hash.
That is correct.
>The only people in the west fucked from their people's history are blacks and Native Americans.
You're a good demonstration of just how fundamentally fucked history is taught in Western schools. Brainwashed.
The autist who refreshes the catalog and spams "anime characters are asian" pictures in threads every day is telling people to get mentally help
Jesus fucking christ
>wait i thought it was the jews that ruined western civilization
They did, that's almost undeniable. 1945 was the year western civilization was dealt its death blow and no one can seriously pretend otherwise.
Apparently, you are too dumb to understand that there are multiple people on these boards with multiple perspective.
It has to be an asian or hapa. They are insecure as shit.
I seriously doubt white weebs are delusional and retarded enough to believe anime characters are asian.
What race is this?
They look like shit. Even with the photoshop and those angles.
I didn't even post those images, I've just called you out for posting bait images made by a Korean 2chan troll. Seek help. You're mentally ill and obsessed. Blow it out your ass faggot.
South euro
This is honestly the best art style and no one can convince me otherwise
you're replying to every post making fun of you for raiding multiple boards with yellow fever threads and "anime characters are asian
>mentally ill
see above
aren't weebs the only people that care about anime race?
Looks like the average faggot with yellow fever.
Your point?
nah asians and hapas are extremely insecure too
for example, they think they have "fair complexion" when they sit indoors for a decade and add white make-up to their face and body
I really like that pic
You're mentally ill and obsessed for unironically believing everybody who disagrees with you is one person. Seek mental help. I'm not even posting Japanese women, I'm calling you out for posting 10-15 year old bait images posted by an infamous Korean 2chan troll who's been caught specifically trying to pass off Mainland Asians as Japanese in his bait images.
It would be like me trying to pass off a Slavic man as an Irish man.
This is the problem right here. It's not that the weebshit in the right exists. It's that the artistic traditions that birthed the stuff on the left have been made extinct by the bodies that were supposed to conserve it
>World wars lead to apocalyptic destruction of art and museums
>Universal depression everywhere
>Artists become disillusioned too
>(((Certain people))) turn criticism on its head
>(((Certain people))) kill patronage and turn auctioneering into a money laundering scam
>(((Certain people))) push for schools of art rooted in an attempt to make ugly the new beautiful
>Art schools have now turned into orgy venues for talentless children of aloof rich faggots who think taking a shit in front of their degenerate peers and complaining about racism is art
>Schools like Slade literally don't have any faculty left who understand complex artistic techniques
I can't upload images for some reason because this website is run by faggots. But if you go into archives and search for images with "Slade" in the filename you'll see a great macro describing some of this phenomenon from the pov of an instructor at one of these art schools
>Why are we more attracted to the Japanese artstyle to the Western one?
This is the most retarded thing I have ever fucking read. There is no "Japanese" or "Western" artstyle, it's an individual thing judged per artist or per project. I cannot fucking believe this thread has 470+ replies.
Stop responding to him. Hapas, Asians and Weebs are autistic and neurotic.
the outspoken weebs will fawn about grorious nippion and claim that all anime characters are asian while the closested /pol/fags that don't want to be seen as race traitors will claim all anime characters are white
you guys are just two sides of the same coin
and you're literally on repeat and the guy you're responding too won't budge either, you're both autistic
Jesus christ do you have severe autism like that dumb chink too? Literally EVERYONE knows that Asians want to be white. They even spell it out for you when they get plastic surgeries or when they say "I lost the race lottery".
The one in your picture is a nigger.
Why are you arguing with him? He's a /pol/ autist who shows up and floods every thread where people say anything vaguely positive about Japan with his paranoia of some decade old weeaboo raid on a Japanese inspired imageboard. Pretty sure he's Greek too.
Its americans because they have no racial identity and r/asianmasculinity fags whenever asian women are posted in any kind of positive light. They're desperate to stop white guys from fetishizing their women since like 40% of then date outside their race.
Imagine being this insecure lol
>responding to your own posts
>raiding threads and accusing others of doing it
>spamming yellow fever threads and accusing others of doing it
>projecting yourself unto others
>assuming the ethnicity of posters on an ANONYMOUS website
can you kill yourself already jesus christ
>The one in your picture is a nigger.
So what you're saying is that when you guys screech about how "anime characters are asian/white", it's actually hyperbole and not all of them are one race?
very fascinating
>local retard critiques artist despite lack of any related knowledge, news at 11
imagine being born as a literal insectoid and spending 24/7 of your life to convince people that asians aren't trying to be white because you are an inbred insecure little abomination
even when you dumb chinks try to make your characters look like yourselves, you still refuse to give them soulless black hair and black eyes
Whatever makes you feel better at night.
Good God you're fucking autistic.
entire thread obsessed japan.
imagine being this insecure
>soulless black hair
What does this even mean? Why does Yea Forums use """""""soulless""""""" for literally everything they don't like?
>black eyes
Literally doesn't even exist in real-world humans, what the fuck
>WCK using the /pol/ boogeyman card when he raids /pol/ too
weaponized autism
imagine telling anyone they are insecure when you spend money to look like them
>pedophile is also a retard
who would have thought?
holy cringola
just remember that i'll assault you and WCK in every thread you guys walk into, expect it soon fellas
it's still a mystery why autists like WCK and barneyfag haven't been rangebanned yet
White weeb here. Cute anime characters are chasing after idealized portrayals of Asian girls in Jpop not white instragram thots.
> Literally doesn't even exist in real-world humans, what the fuck
Asians arent human, so you're correct.
>burger flag
But I'm Canadian, how can I possibly be WCK
>This thread
When will weebs kill themselves
>Asians want to be white
Nobody wants to be a baizuo. Especially not in this day and age where "white" culture is being browned by the entire hordes.
look at the mirror scum
This is actually very accurate.
Then get rid of your western clothes and carve your plastic surgery out of your body with a knife.
>black eyes
>still has a hue
It's literally a Google search away, how can someone actually fail biology like this
Ahhh yes, natural pink hair. Most prominent in Scandinavia.
because im a weeabo what do you expect?
Everybody who disagrees with him is his boogeyman, I've been called WCK too.
Now that is an anime character who looks Asian.
Probably the first too.
You're a weeb, I don't know how you haven't watched that yet
Ah yes, visible jaw lines, proper noses, round eyes. Most prominent in Asia.
That's a korean girl in that image.
>no response to this
absolute pussies
I am not sure, it looks like anime character though. it does not have a nose as in anime.
>>all these "anime characters are White!" screechings
Do some people seriously see the girls on the right in as White people?
I just thought they were caricatures of little Asian girls though.
>sunken eyes
>big long nose
>strong jaw
>protruding chin
None of these are ideal according to Japanese artists.
Yea Forums was/is an anime fan site.
There be weeaboos here.
If you don't want weeaboos then you should have picked a differemt site to visit.
you suck at samefagging
even a worse shitposter like barneyfag is better at it
Does this mean anime characters aren't White or Asian after all?
christ, what the fuck is this thread
>all these
it's literally mostly one guy with a lot of time on his hands who monitors like 4-5 different boards at a time to spam that
this user knows the truth
>visible jaw lines, proper noses, round eyes
Sakura has a pretty soft face compared to a Caucasoid skull, yes.
When I was deployed in Afghanistan our translators knew what anime was and named off shit they watched growing up.
One Piece and Attack on Titan were among their favorites.
You're a retard.
>Pretty sure he's Greek too.
I mean, you're paranoid as fuck. We know that already. Just look at your delusional spam and illusions. But why the fuck would you assume everyone is Greek? I don't even want to know, can you seriously kill yourself? You clearly don't have anything better to do.
>But why the fuck would you assume everyone is Greek?
Round Asian moeblob > White Horsejaw
baka desu senpai
>still lurking the thread and having your discredited proapanda images folder ready
weaponized chink/weeb autism. the gook in your picture doesn't even remotely look asian tok
to be honest left was better, and I'm a weeabo.
thanks for all the white/asian propaganda bros
i'm gonna enjoy making you guys squeal in the next threads
>Career women are feminist
That is wrong. I know plenty of career women who are not feminists.
It means anime characters are what they look like, which is often white. Since you clearly have terminal autism like , feel free to post a picture and ask and we'll tell you.
Cope bitch
not my favorite, but that half-medieval half modern style is really neat
>which is often white
But not really.
>White Horsejaw
But Asians aren't white. When will you understand that?
holy shit i'm unstoppable
cope more, autismo
Well of course not. Otherwise we'd get brickfaced anime.