What does Yea Forums think of de-sexualizing female characters?

What does Yea Forums think of de-sexualizing female characters?

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>Says the Thot with "succubus" in their name

it is misogyny ironically. Yet i'm the bad guy apparently.

Feminism is an unrelenting war against femininity waged by ugly women against prettier ones.

She's right tbqh.
I'm tired of all the "strong female characters" needing to look like dykes

Shes right tho, hot feminine characters are better

Being an e-whore does little to lend credibility to your argument but yes, the thot makes a good point.

No, that actually lends to her point

She's right.

Oh ho madam, I do believe that you're the sexiest one.

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A lot of feminist and liberal ideals are contradictory to each other given enough thought.

Gender signifiers like long eye lashes or a bow in the hair need to die.

Wasn't the whole point of feminism supposed to be that the patriarchy created the the aspect of femininity to subjugate and sexualize womyn? Did Feminism literally just go full circle?

Can we get a reading comprehension test for people to be able to post here moot? Thanks.

>amerifats arguing insane communist theories back and forth again

It's a trick question. I don't mind if the female characters are sexualized or not, but what I mind is when people meddle with an author's story. If you don't like it, then you're probably not the target audience. I'm all for questioning the nature and habits in a consumer media on the side, but pointing fingers and saying "you're bad because you like girls with huge boobs/butches with manshoulders" is taking it too far, especially if it goes into censorship territory.

No hot women
t. unfuckible Fat Femenist cat lady
Sums it all up.

Swimsuit Succubus needs to come to the right side of politics.
We appreciate femininity.


She is absolutely right, but we need a more reputable source speaking against it.

No retard, that is not how it works. Feminism is a noble cause, the problem is, the people "fighting" for it are going after pointless victories in niche entertainment fields, instead of changing the view of the governments which allow women to have acid thrown in their faces.


>Feminism is a noble cause
How so

no, the point was power and expansion of the feminine imperative (which is unfettered hypergamy).

Men prefer feminine women and this makes feminists seethe

Depends on who you talk to

Good, let the push back happen, she is 100% right. Absolutely no one likes dykes, you hate them, they hate them, I hate them.

They are disgusting and shouldn't be seen

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when will people realise they cant win

these people dont want video games

Why are feminists so inconsistent?

Ever see the festering threads on Yea Forums where /pol/ cries about female protagonists? Feminism is dedicated to not blindly hating females. Then again, it's /pol/ and those retards just need a bullet in the head.

>given enough thought.
They're contradictory from the ground up. What's empowering to one person is oppressive to another.

You can't win with these people. The best move is to not engage.

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Feminism truly amounts to politicised lesbianism

leftist ideology is schizophrenic full stop.
>claim to want to fight "climate change" by reducing carbon foot prints
>promote and defend mass immigratin which will increase that harming the planet
>claim to defend women from conservatives
>want to censor all depictions of women
>claim to not be racist
>hate whites, jew, asians even blacks that don't fall in line.

We can't really make games that would emphasize traditional positive female straits in the game. While it is easy to make a game where you go orc smash.

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It's what happens when a movement actually reaches its tangible goal, I suppose. shit just splinters

>Ever see the festering threads on Yea Forums where /pol/ cries about female protagonists?
I think you're missing some nuance there.
Yea Forums likes 2B for example.
But nope we must all just hate *women because nuance is hard!

*fictional virtual depictions of

This whole post is retarded, but were you even trying on the last one?

De-sexualizing is something the zealots at my old church would be all for, so I’m against it because fuck them. The nu-left is a joke.

Females used to be badass before they turned into crybabies who can't go a second without mentioning how their vagina makes them superior. Show, don't tell, and certainly don't whine about it. Look at you Tomb Raider 2013.

Sex-positive vs sex-negative feminism has been a thing for a long time now, and American culture seems to swing between the two over time. In the end I think sex-positive feminism will win out with younger generations but people seriously underestimate the death grip of evangelican christian groups on American politics

Women are drawn to games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley though.


Feminazis eternally bitter than men have the choice what kind of women they prefer (and it's not them lol)

Agreed. The biggest bigots are the ones calling everyone else bigots for not having the right opinion. Very ironic.


>the ones who are REALLY intolerant are the ones who are intolerant of my intolerance!
This is no longer a joke. This is how people actually feel. Literal doublethink.

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>this is the leftists idea of what a badass woman is
>a person who is constantly bringing up her gender to showcase how superior they are

And the "Right" is better? They are the ones that are fine with the bare minimum EPA standards being lifted around coal plants. "Chinese pollution? That would never happen in America! Oh, they are lifting all the things that prevent that from happening? Well it's Republicans doing it, so it's ok!"

>Feminism is a noble cause

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>implying you know what feminity is

Anime fucked up since the 90s.

The 80s girls were natural, charming and femenine. In the 90s all became sexual monsters with fake tits.

We are going back into how things where back then.

What kills me is most to the "strong women" they make don't even look like they have a few months of training yet.

Stop twisting his words.

Sound pretty based, desu.

They are the least tolerant people with least diverse viewpoints

Just scum who are trying to ruin the West

I'll admit there's a low of faggots who will hate on women in games solely because they're anti SJW which is retarded, but there's a lot of stupid shit that comes from both sides. I wouldn't mind having more women in video games but if they are specifically made to be hyper angsty hateful bitches or look ugly just for the sake of inclusiveness I simply won't buy the game.

You can dislike it for other reasons too, you know?

Have sex

>And the "Right" is better?
In every possible instance, yes, you tranny faggot. The right are subhuman but the left is literally not even human beings.

There really needs to be a reading comprehension test before posting here, like that other user mentioned.

>don't make female characters sexy
>don't take away their femininity

You literally can't. Now.fuck off

Because the word "feminism" has been used to refer to wildly different schools of thought since like, I dunno, the fucking 70s? You'd have to ask someone who actually knows anything to learn more

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Nice try, succubus.

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The shaved headed bull dykes that sound like a screeching tire 24/7 would say otherwise.

don't desexualize women, just sexualize men
then no one can say you're sexist and everyone can look at some sexy people

You don't really have a clue what anyone is claiming femininity to be

>de-sexualizing female characters
That's like defanging a wolf. Women's sexuality is their biggest weapon. Only those that have none want the playing field leveled so of course it's the feminists who are pushing for this.

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because one central liberal ideal is inclusiveness. by letting everyone in your ideals become vague and general. this is why the terfs are kind of a big deal right now. a huge victory in calefornia happened earlier this year. a proposition passed mandating that a company headquartered in california must have at least one woman on their board of directors by 2020. one also passed allowing anyone to legally change their gender. the issue has become that things set up to help women are being circumvented by things set up to help transpeople. and now nobody knows what to do.

>promote and defend mass immigratin which will increase that harming the planet
A fake story. Per person, nobody is worse about their impact on the planet than white Amerilards. Brown people in third world countries barely register.

ya boil?

Bend over faggot.

Don't have women in your games at all, but that's also sexist.

That one is a major stand out to me. Muslims culture is explicitly patriarchal, anti-woman and anti-gay.
This how Egypt was in the fucking 50-60s and you expect me to believe Muslims improved it in anyway?

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>instead of changing the view of the governments which allow women to have acid thrown in their faces.
In what country is that "allowed?"

Well I and many others recommend nuclear power but lefties say no.
Is that the strawman you were looking for?

do you know what subhuman is u dumb nigger
learn english nigger

What about being a centrist or what used to be called normal people? Where politics was seen as poison used by evil people.

>claim to defend women from conservatives
>want to censor all depictions of women
Stop being disingenuous, they don't want to censor all forms of women, just hyper sexualized depictions of women. There are arguments to why that's also bad but don't spew bulshit that's clearly not true.

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I've been saying this for years. Also stop making female character just have a fucking B cup. Use a fucking C or D cup for once there's actually girls with big tits out there on this planet scary I know.

>not knowing who Swimsuit Succubus is
She's still a thot though. Just one of those "lewd" thots.

thats the point you brainlet. When you bring it brown people to first workd white countries they adopt consumerist living expanding the carbon foot print.

Femenine qualities were never a thing in american media. Every woman in american games was designed to be a turboslut cock holster since porn wasnt an accesible thing back then. Now the things are turning into how they are supposed to be.

>the right aren't humans but the left aren't humans
riveting post there lad

The correct answer is whatever you fucking want.

>they don't want to censor all forms of women, just hyper sexualized depictions of women. There are arguments to why that's also bad but don't spew bulshit that's clearly not true.
Yet they are pro porn lol.
Face it you are the puritans and degeneracy peddlers rolled into one.

>In the 90s all became sexual monsters with fake tits.
Are you forgetting about one of the most popular anime girls of the 90s?

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It's obvious that not everyone on Yea Forums "hates women" in the literal sense, and I don't believe you personally or most others complaining about feminism hate women as much as they've been tricked into getting angry at something besides them getting raped day-in day-out by their corporate overlords, but using a literal fetish robot to try and argue against the idea that Yea Forums doesn't like strong female protagonists?

C'mon, user, you can do better.

They champion Islamists because they are statistically disenfranchised and hated by conservatives. They believe is makes them more virtuous.

She's unironically 100% correct.

Look at that horrible redesign of Samus that looks like Marshal Mathers. People prop it up like it's an example of a strong female character done right when, unless otherwise told if you didn't know who Samus was, you'd assume it's a guy. The immediate angle is that anything that looks feminine is inherently weak and must look and/or act masculine to be strong, which is in fact very fucking sexist.

I haven't read any feminist theory but here's my take on why feminism is inherently hypocritical

yet they are extemely conservative.
Leftism is mass of contradictions and deceit.

People aren't hating on female protagonist, what people hate are those bad written character that created by feminism, the fact that they want a strong female character turning them into a mary sue is what piss people off.



Every woman started being a turboslut since ps1 days. SNES era girls (chun li, linn kurosawa, samus) were cool, charming and badass.

Now? Not so much

Egypt has been Islamitic for 14 hundred years, and used to be a fairly moderate and progressive country. You can thank your American overlords for planting a dictator in Egypt, wrecking the moderate mindset that kept it a stable and prosperous country for such a long time, resulting in a country that has become more and more religiously extreme.

Are you saying robots can't be female?

>Yet they are pro porn lol
Not in games they're not, unless the characters look extremely ugly (Last of Us 2)

Ayumi is way hotter than SSSuccubus, tbqh.


Daaaaaym time to retweet and like.

Kind of like how they want to limit teaching teenagers about birth control and safe sex but also want to get rid of abortions while also bitching about welfare.

Fucking liberals, man.

>those faces
The 90s were a mistake

porn and erotica and sexy ladies are all different things.

I've never played female characters. It unironically reduces the game's quality by dragging it down to a degenerate level. It caters to lonely virgin weebs who can't get real women. Instead the game should be focusing on the gameplay first, direction and level design. It should be focussed on the applicable content instead of focusing on "lol sex".

>sjws whine about toxic masculinity all the time
>make all their special snowflake women look like men

for once I agree with twitter screencap litterally who.

"The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."

What are those things between their eyes and mouth?

I mean, sort of. you have to understand that at some point you are being intolerant if you are unwilling to accept someones intolerance. everyone wants to be some kind of relativist, but they refuse to true relativism except when it suits them. people wont accept whites being intolerant of anything, but are fine with blacks and hispanics being intolerant to gays. pick your line find the point at which you are willing to say something is unacceptable and justify it and defend it.

God I hate California. Now they're showing up in different states pushing the same politics that ruined their state

It's surreal.

Rightwing thots.

>good character

Muh emotionless fetish robot

>I think sex-positive feminism will win out with younger generations

I'm not convinced. ResetEra is overwhelming young, and overwhelmingly sex negative. Without actually doing something about what's going on in academia and internet echo chambers, this fight will go on forever.

>the death grip of evangelican christian groups on American politics

If anything these are the ones losing influence.

>liking the tweet
go back


Right wing girls are prude. If they arent, they arent right wing.

Now fuck off

Neutrality is the only way to play Life.

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This is a board about videogames so I thought we were talking strictly about that. I can't think of porn or erotica that's censored by feminism, but I can think of a lot of games that have been in recent years.

That is down to muslims being usually brown, hated on for being brown so they just automatically rush to their defense no matter whether their ideals/morals actually align or not.

people need to just plain start ostricising these people.

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Are you saying robots can't be female?

I see you evading. That tells me you're struggling.

>when you do your research and argue in good faith

>he can't detect samefag
fucking pathetic

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Do you know the definition of bigotry?

>this is what a sad KHV in Yea Forums believes
oh no no

translator note:KHV=Kisless Hugless Virgin

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lesiban, don't even pay attention to her

Lina's supposed to be flat but is very often drawn really stacked.

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2b is literally a roboslut so I wouldnt count her as a strong female character.

Shes neither strong nor female

>In the 90s all became sexual monsters with fake tits.
This never happened.

Say that to China and India, you faggot

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She's got a point. "Fixers" always do the same shit. Body gets fridge, tits shrink, jaws get more square.

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You proved nothing, faggot

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Why, noses of course!

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Wouldn't that essentially mean completely removing female and male characters from games?
What would we be even left with then?

Pong? Tetris? Or are those dicks in disguise as well?

you say that like it defeats her argument, when it literally supports it

This girl is stronger than vast majority of garbage western female protagonists despite being relatively weak in combat and really clumsy simply by the virtue of having an uncrushable backbone and crazy dedication.

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Those countries and their people are not what they were before.

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>you have to understand that at some point you are being intolerant if you are unwilling to accept someones intolerance
Yes, if you take that term in the most literal and impractical way possible.

The thing is that words in the english language have both denotations and connotations. That is to say they have literal dictionary definitions, and then they have the thoughts the person is trying to convey with the word.

No one misunderstands the connotations of "Don't be intolerant." and pretending they do is just arguing in bad faith.

You werent alive back then. I saw first hand the trend transitions in anime. And now every anime girl is an emotionless generic psycho.

Take me back.

>6+ billion and growing nonwhites don't matter
>1 billion and dying off whites are the ones making all the issues
Retarded, full retard, I'd say read a book but there is an IQ floor requirement for basic thought

They deal with it by making every other woman have much larger breasts.

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As people start expressing rightwing views more and more they can't stop claiming they are not rightwing.
People need to resist leftist tyranny by proudly saying they are rightwing.

Do you even remotely think anyone religious should take part in the current political circus? Where both sides are preaching hatred? There's nothing positive about that.

I dunno but whoever the mad lad is who convinced women that having sex with anything that moves is feminist deserves a medal. The irony is that shit like this and other feminist things were ultimately cooked up by privileged white males if you go back and trace its origin.

They say some good things but their solutions are always inane. The solution to climate change is next gen nuclear which eats its own radioactive waste and literally has zero carbon output. But they never mention this at all. Instead they want to construct a fuckton of wind turbines which have been proven to kill a ton of birds. Killing millions of innocent birds in an effort to save the environment is probably the most hilarious example of leftist policy that I can think of.

That's hilarious. Welp, you reap what you sow.

>ResetEra is overwhelming young
Resetera is also a small, closed off safe space that doesn't represent youth in their entirety, just the extremists.

Context always matters


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>that fucking face

Horrible design. A trend long gone for good. Thank god.

Feminist literary critique can be used to complain about literally anything. There is no "correct" way to design something such that it is unimpeachably pro-feminist, and to attempt to do so is a waste of time. It's not like appealing to the church, which is what most people seem to treat it as. There is no master list of shit that's unacceptable in the eyes of a feminist.

These people have made a career out of talking about entertainment media through this lens. They're not gonna pack it in and go home just because this year's popular shit stopped doing what they bitched about in last year's popular shit.

Frilly dress armor > other types of armor

>evangelical christians are losing influence on american politics
Keep that head buried in the sand, my friend. Evangelical christian groups are death cults led by powerful con men and their influence on US politics is enormous thanks to the massive amounts of money they can use to bribe (sorry, "lobby") politicians and their captive voting block.

I was alive back then, and even if I wasn't it wouldn't matter because anyone can go back and watch old anime.

>I saw first hand the trend transitions in anime. And now every anime girl is an emotionless generic psycho.
This never happened. You are delusional.


>girl with stick and brown hair that has the anime sameface
Soooo stroooong

Because like any other social group, there are members who have conflicting opinions on how to achieve their "goals" (which also differ from person to person based on their own upbringings and values) because they don't have a singular concrete goal any more. The initial goals of feminism were more straightforward, mainly giving women legal rights such as the right to vote. But after these goals were achieved, those who wanted to keeping pushing forward splintered off from those who felt that they were finished.
It's similar to what happened when Protestantism formed during the reformation, different people had different responses to what they viewed was wrong about the Catholic church's teachings, and differing religions were born as a result of the same problem.

Back to resetera, faggot

Literally who LMAOOOOOOOOO

I completely and utterly disagree. How do you propose to diminish an SJW echo chamber by only giving them other SJWs to talk to? Think about that. No, the exact opposite approach is needed, we need to start really engaging with their ideas instead of calling them names.

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You do know they still kill and jail homosexuals right

Most women didn't even want the right to vote since it also came with other responsibilities.
Politicians saw a potential voting block of easily manipulated people and pushed for it

Protip: Marx literally wrote a paper on how to destroy the universe.

You are not reading that wrong. The universe.
This is the sort of guy leftists follow blindly.

>we need to start really engaging with their ideas
This has been done for years, and it hasn't made any difference.

The whole thing about the Witcher is that Geralt is terrible at being neutral and constantly gets caught up in other affairs.

Yeah, but /pol/ actually is growing, and nothing positive is resulting from it.

And then they ignore you or call you a racist/sexist

any anons here after sex think about the virgin anons? how they'll never get it while ur fucking a chick in every hole?
its pretty enjoyable

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Hence why he's a perfect example for why neutrality is so important.

Big tard, most of the
>female anime icons and waifus
from the 90's were teens with slim figures
>sailor moon(kagome as well, same mangaka)
>lina inverse
>faye valentine
>major kusanagi
You are a fucking clown

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It does nothing because they literally try to censor the opposition.
No they need to be ostracised and pushed out of society.
Eventually people that promoted this insanity shoild be jailed and punished severly.

I only see positive things from it. I won't browse /pol/ but I'm glad it exists

If you have a right wing view you're a complete idiot. There is nothing wrong with being pretty.

What the 'feminists' are talking about is female beauty being associated with weakness, subservience and a load of other shitty things as it has been for eons. I won't even begin to talk about how stupid the desexualization movement is. Most women bitching about desexualization are usually not good looking or have flat out been on the receiving end of sexual violence and thus in a society that glorifies sexual attraction and physical beauty in the most toxic of ways, of course they have sour grapes.

user, everyone knows what happens in communist countries, yet we are living in a country where unregulated capitalism is destroying everything. They are taking it to extremes, but clearly things are not working properly.

based retard doesn't know what ostricise means.

nobodies really doing this though, like plenty of people dont like abortion, but people just dont want to deal with their kids having sex. nobody is mad about teenagers learning that condoms help prevent pregnancy and stis. people are justified in being scared by 60s style free love, not that thats whats going to happen but the way to convince people that thats not the curriculum is certainly not to shit on them like their concerns dont matter. this is one of the biggest problems with the left, and I specify the left because they want to be progressive, their problem is they cant be diplomatic. they crave empathy and demand it of everyone but have none themselves. it's not that the left is necessarily wrong, they just dont know how to talk to people, and their self righteousness has pushed all the fence sitters to the right.

*bends over*

>I love gay people
>So what if every muslim cheered that the gay club got shot up?
You have those willing to kill, and those supporting it.

Find one muslim not on Twitter against any of that I'll eat my shoe.

>more conservative than islam

you know if they get tired of being outraged they should give themselves lobotomies

yeah that has been my thought for years now.
most female characters nowadays really are just men with long hair.
there is nothing both look or personality wise that is similar to the average women about them

Congratulations, user. An actual thoughtful post.

Slayers was always on the extreme end of the generic 90s anime look, with only stuff like Dragon Half and Saber Marionette taking it further into almost parody with how much of a caricature they could look like. But it's silly to complain about the '90s look based on outliers. Do you say that the '00s all looked stupid because of Hidamari Sketch?

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Did you respond to the right post

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I aint your dad boy so it's gonna hurt

Muslims are not hated for being brown, they're hated because of their backward ass culture.

>feminism is a noble cause
>suggests a woman not be taken seriously because of her appearance
No your just a mad roastie.

The way you talk offends me.
But i agree, pushong for the sexualization/manification of female characters is sexist and misses the point of feminism

just so we are clear than you are saying there are things that it is ok to not tolerate?

care to elaborate? I was under the impression that right and wrong, moral and immoral didnt really exist. just cultural differences, right?

>Protip: Marx literally wrote a paper on how to destroy the universe.
That sounds interesting. Source?
German works as well.

people need to shut the fuck up

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femininity is either beeing sexy or beeing motherly.
wanting to appear tough is female self hatred.

Karl Marx's theory of the "annihilation of time and space".

/pol/ exists to counterbalance the extreme left. They will never have any substantial power either.

user, it's obvious that parents haven't been doing their jobs for quite awhile now. If we don't have systems of education in place, what will happen when zoomers are parents?

When sexual education was being introduced, it was Republicans fighting against it, as with anything involving educating the public.

So feminists are idiots who think nurturing = weakness

>having this poor of a reading comprehension
We've already tried that many times on various different levels in various different ways. They don't want to be reasoned with.

Go on then

So what? We all get called faggots 17 times a day on Yea Forums.

>No they need to be ostracised and pushed out of society.
>Eventually people that promoted this insanity shoild be jailed and punished severly.

'Kay, and we'll do that how exactly? No, I mean exactly. Seriously. what. is. your. plan?

Street violence? Electing literal, actual, for real, no fooling around fascists? Because I don't see how this is viable without massively restructuring our society in ways that will bite us in the ass.

Public schools are shit and only exist nowadays to babysit kids. Do you really think they can do a good job at sex education

user, we already have enough insanity to handle. A bunch of ignorant kids defending corrupt old guys isn't going to improve anything.

Muslim patriarchy is not even healthy patriarchy, it's just extreme.
And like the other user said, there are countless things wrong with Islam so even if you would like their patriarchial structure, there is not enough good there to make up for the bad.

Those are called noses. You might be unfamiliar with seeing them (or not) considering that modern anime doesn't draw them.

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Ya but I won't lose my job if I'm called a faggot

They have no interest in logos. Its just brown racial hatred of Whites and cowardly Whites attempting to be accepted in the new brown hegemony.

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Why does she have a Jay Leno chin

Anons get ignored constantly and get called nigger/trannies/sjw what's your fucking point?

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>I want to win the culture war, but I don't want to fight in it because I might get hurt

It is pretty amusing how media is constantly pushing that feminism and equality is more or less "women should act more like men", while at the same time calling typical male traits toxic masculinity.

>it's obvious that parents haven't been doing their jobs for quite awhile now
Lol you just pulled that out of your ass.
Oh it's "obvious"
You're a sophist fuck off

That's the idea, to teach kids the things their parents are too afraid to teach them. I have no clue why D.A.R.E was removed from schools. It taught children about the dangers of hard drugs. Decades later, it's the government selling weed.

Again I won't lose my job or get socially ostracised by being called a fag

Kagome was by the chick who did Urusei Yatsura, not Sailor Moon.

Doesn't matter, they are still brown. If they owned literal slaves(collar, cuffs, chains) white liberals would defend them because they are hated WHILE BEING not white. Ever since the civil rights movement and how monumental it still is today, the following generations have been looking for their own big fight. Their big cause to champion, to have their own moment of everlasting glory so if there is a group of not-whites that is being hated on they will defend it to the death no matter what.

Both sides are defending old corrupt people.

no, I dont think you understood my post.
I suppose the left could take a more nurturing position, hell, people in general could do better by being a bit more nurturing. obviously, call someone out when they're wrong, but you know, like you would someone you respect and care about, someone you want to see made better, not in a way that is self-aggrandizing.

The individual vote does not matter, only the mass does. Meaning, even if I take inaction, there are numerous others that will take my place. It's why voting with your wallet will never work.

>Wow I love diversity and other peoples culture!
>We should invade other peoples country and change what we dont like so they are more like my culture
What the fuck

Why do trannies think their opinions on feminity matters

Why do faggots like this hate getting called racist but then call all non-whites ugly we wuz rapstars wakandan? This is like sjws getting mad at being called faggots or liberals

I predicted this all the thots would become rightwing because they are being attacked by feminists, nigger, poojeets and islamists etc.
All we need to do is beat the coalburners to death with bags of concrete and we are set.
Rightwing is about to get some pretty reinforcements!

Dare was a failure that got more kids on drugs

I recall them arguing that erasing "sexism" and "racism" is worth the hypocritical action.

You litterally will get ostracized.

I personally am terrified at the idea of children being allowed develop their own views about trannies and gays

Nope we clearly need to brainwash them to accept LGBT

>erase sexism and racism by being sexist to men and racist to whites.

Lmao sorry

Yes, which is another plus for being a centrist. Just vote out the scumbags, and have them replaced by a different set of scumbags.

/pol/ just empowers one side, while trying to demonize the other. One side in absolute power is an extremely bad thing, and shows how much of a tool /pol/ is.

Globalism is imperialism and sjws are the foot soldiers

And where the hot woman are is where the Chads are. Where the Chads are the normalfags are.

>getting ostracized on an anonymous imageboard

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Yea because violence totally worked during the Civil Rights era right?

i started watching this again after not have seen it in a few years,i forgot how much i loved it

i'd give my left nut to fuck lina once

That's just the angle.

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What "views" exactly do they need to adopt

if it makes weebs mad I can stand a bit of desexualisation

Something something you can't be racist to whites. Radda radda male power fantasy radda radda.

Every kid that I was in D.A.R.E with avoided drugs. The number of junkies probably stayed the same, but it's not like their living conditions improved any.

>Feminism is a noble cause
Do white guys actually believe this shit?

>He doesn't think it happens

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this user is correct, resetera can't even break 18 million unique views compared to Yea Forums/4channels 120 million.

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Enjoy being a minority in your own country

Damn that's fucking good. I'll have to remember that one

>weakness is strength
>dependency is independency
>schizophrenia is rationality
now that's a decadence
fuck civilization
fuck internet

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I mean its not like they're subtle about it

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If you're pathetic, maybe. You cannot be ostracized without a name.

Yeahhh. Vote in the centrist scumbags, problem solved

It was a complete failure

as harsh as it may sound bad parents will exist as long as they are allowed to. and really I'm not saying you shouldn't teach kids about sex or sexuality, but sex is complex, and dangerous as it is rewarding. people are afraid, and calling people names does not make them less afraid or better informed. treating people poorly pushes them away, and if you believe your position to be true than behaving in way that pushes people from that position is just stupid.

This is literal cultural imperialism. Diversity is about tolerance for fucks sake, you don't go to another person's house to make it a copy of your own house.

>Do white guys actually believe this shit?

No, only numales and sjw believe that shit.

Their OWN views. Not the views being shoved down their throats

Haven't watched it in 5 years so I'm due for a rewatch too.

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>If you're pathetic, maybe.
And 99% of the faggots on this site are what user?

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Is this the Slayers thread?

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>bear bergman
lmao is this shit even real?

It's probably a leaf. I remember reading a lot of them go to Japan and try to turn it into Canada 2.0.

No, the idea of centrism is to vote for whichever side makes the most sense, not to be politically tied to one side of the power struggle like a mindless drone. Yet people view centrism as something evil, when all it is is making the best decision you can from two or more opposing sides.

>People aren't hating on female protagonist,
not everyone of course, most people don't give a shit and just don't want a character's race/gender/sexuality to replace good writing, but there are still ">female protagonist" posts from people who just blindly hate female protags altogether

you'd be surprised at the lengths people on here will go to be able to identify you if you manage to trigger everyone's collective autism somehow

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Let's put it another way. If people were trying to fight the discrimination and stigma against people that play videogames, would you not support their efforts?

How is this right wing you chud

I doubt Japan would give a shit about those faggots though. It's like REEEEEing at Comiket because there's lewd doujins being sold.

Being pathetic doesn't mean you have a valid point, in just points out how stupid it is.

Frankly I wish they would just shut the fuck up because everyone's being dishonest. Most sexualization exist because people exercise zero control over their impulses and fetishes and are little more than animals. Women have never been deep to men. Beauty is nothing more than our bias towards better genetics. Women will always be weaker and less capable of complex thought or reasoning. No one cares about any of it. Just look at this website. 80-90% of the images just corruptions of the female form and going out of your way to let it influence your life.

>my ideas and views make the most sense
Care to explain these ideas and views to the rest of the class user

Guess what, dipshit, everyone thinks their side makes the most sense and they're making the best decision they can by supporting it. The reason people think you're insufferable is because you think you're the only freethinker in a world of sheep.


t. seething masculine tranny

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It can be.
It will be.

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Yeah what possible conclusions should kids teach themselves about LGBT people?

Ive been fighting since I was a babby

pic related

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Because faggots on both sides think being Right-Wing just means hating black people even though the Republicans are the ones that gave black people their rights.

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Working class voters switched to voting for Trump in 2016

Centrism in action, by your definition.

>We've already tried that many times on various different levels in various different ways. They don't want to be reasoned with.

Some of them definitely don't, because they have a vested interest, either financial or the integrity of their self identity. The latter, that's on us, we had plenty of chances to keep things from getting worse, but too many of us stonewalled even reasonable points because we were convinced that any inch given would soon turn into a mile. We never stopped to consider how much stuff they wanted that we never really gave a shit about in the first place. Like who actually cares that you can enter the character creation menu at almost any time in Saints Row games? But you know what? Trans people eat that feature up, for obvious reasons. Meanwhile they're perfectly happy to let us dress our bosses in lingerie and hit people with dildo bats, and call the game progressive.

If that doesn't work for you, maybe you're the one with a problem. Maybe you're the one that doesn't want to be reasoned with.

"racist" is just a buzzword. It just means "bad white person", because it only thing it applies to whites. So I'm not afraid of being called "racist" (aka morally inconsistent) anymore, now that the truth has been revealed to me.

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presumably good ones, gays and transfolk are just normal people trying to get by.

No, because I don't give a fuck.
Only white people and their brainwashed pet coons think ANYONE faces any real discrimination in the modern first world.
But we all know that white people just want to defend their pet faggots the most, since most of them are rich white guys.

If you're presented with two choices, you research and draw conclusions as to which serves your best interests, instead of being that 80 year old grandma that votes democrat because that's what she's been all her life, without researching the candidate they are voting for. It's just funny how people argue against the left or right, claiming each other the opposite extreme, when in reality they are behaving exactly how they claim.

>ya but they were more like Democrats back then
They live in a world of black and white morality

>Republicans during the Civil War
>The emancipation proclamation
>Granting full rights to black people
You're as politically ignorant as them

Why the fuck is she on a thread that was specifically made to hate on her? SJWs and trannies seem to intentionally want to make themselves upset. Are they masochists?

I never said that, did I? Care to make an argument without projecting your insecurities?

i'm against it for agenda-pushing reasons but i personally find a chick with a cool getup more appealing than an almost naked chick
skin all looks the same after a while, clothes/armour are how you make your characters stand out

I think he's saying faggots that don't actually vote for the best and most logical choice and instead vote simply because of the us vs them mindset are usually retarded. It's lile doing a math test and writing the number two for every answer because you like the number two instead of solving the problem

Your common sense is being wasted on the same people that support one side.

>its all our fault
Fuck off these people have a cult mentality.

No, you're just not reasonable.

Tbh it's cool either way. It's quite noticeable when authors are doing things in duress, though, which sucks the fun out of pretty much everything. Masculine women are cool when they happen organically, but if you coerce authors into it they just make whatever they wanted to make and then make her ugly later.

The truth spoken by a liar is still the truth
I think she’s got a point though. It’s a weird trend in certain left-leaning schools of thought to try to change society and people’s thinking while also trying to preserve the old structures that create the old issues you have.
In this instance, it’s the very concept of masculinity and femininity. Beyond the purely biological, if you take all the personality traits and virtues that fall within each’s purview, you realize all the objectively positive traits aren’t really limited to male or female. Strength and compassion are generally considered to be positive traits regardless of who possesses them.
Most of the other traits, then, are mainly just about enforcing a power dynamic between the two.
In other words, making a good character or good character design is irrespective of whether the character leans more masculine or feminine visually

You're under the illusion that people who consistently vote left or right don't listen to the other side's arguments. We do and we disagree

You have described nothing useful

hes just expressing an understanding of cultural relativism and is perceiving some heavy ethnocentrism on your part bud.


user Democrats during the Civil War were Confederates

Southern Strategy


I'd give her my Ragna Blade if you know what I'm saying.

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>white people
> not jews

>I never said that, did I?
Oh my, he's not even intelligent enough to grasp the implications of his own words. Here you go again: You imply that anyone who is not a "rational centrist" like yourself has not done the research or come to the right conclusion.

That has certainly been my experience in life, and certainly on the internet. You'd be surprised by how many people blindly cast judgement with disregard or preconceptions of the opposing party. It's all rather dull.

Yes, obviously I am aware of both of those things, which is exactly why I called user on his bullshit, you illiterate dunces.

i think female characters in video games shouldn't have chests that stick out like balloons.

I don't like Gone Home so I don't play or keep up with it. I don't like Battlefield so I don't play or keep up with it. Why can't these faggots do the same with games they don't like?

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Really twisting his words there:
"While capital must on one side strive to tear down every spatial barrier to intercourse, i.e. to exchange, and conquer the whole earth for its market, it strives on the other side to annihilate this space with time, i.e. to reduce to a minimum the time spent in motion from one place to another. The more developed the capital, therefore, the more extensive the market over which it circulates, which forms the spatial orbit of its circulation, the more does it strive simultaneously for an even greater extension of the market and for greater annihilation of space by time..."

>against prettier ones
not really, its against men who prefer prettier ones
they want all the attention without working for it

So he thinks his views are the correct views and people only vote for the left or right because of tribe mentality
Ok so he's a narcissist and an idiot

>Feminism is a noble cause
Hasn't been for a long time.

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Feminism has always been a load of crock designed to benefit white women first and foremost anyways, its long overdue for all this current pushback.
Hell, even today you've got the false rape accusations mirroring those of the early 20th century, only no 14 year old black kids are being lynched for it (that we know of).

While no quantifiable proof can be given of the claim, do you really believe it doesn't apply in an unfortunately large amount of cases? That's certainly what it feels like whenever I see political discourse. I am tired

No, I simply gave an explanation for what I meant. If you do your research before voting then you are not the people I'm referring to, and not the issue. The implications fall on you and don't serve my post.


All of this post is made by me personally, I'm a schizo who contradicts myself

>Why do mentally ill people display self-destructive behavior
Gee, who knows why?

Is it opposite day? something smart said on Twitter?

Are fucking pigs flying?

Just pointed this out in another thread as well. The fundamental difference of opinion here is whether game devs have a responsibility towards their customers and society, or whether the free market should always take precedence. Should people be catered to even if they're wrong?

>Faye Valentine

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why do women hate when another woman is more attractive than them? men don't do that, we are bros about it

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She's right but Yea Forums is still going to bitch about it because they're Yea Forums.

SS Sucubus.

>If Democrats are the opposite of Republicans in the modern era, then they're de facto left wing
>Democrats we're openly in support of the KKK as late as the DNC 1928 (AKA the Klanbake)
>Uses the depression to create a welfare state for blacks, essentially re-enslaving them
>Let's David Duke run for president as a member of their party without protest (Republicans later tried to block him from running as a member of their party)

B-but Republican's are R-rayciss right wingers.

These parties always believed the same thing. They just changed their method of attack.

>You're under the illusion that people who consistently vote left or right don't listen to the other side's arguments. We do and we disagree
This is 100% certainly not the case for vast majority of rightwingers.
I'd expect leftwingers to be only somewhat better at this, but it's hard to rate because in my country, all retards are rightwingers.

In b4
>but I listen so others on my side do to

>one thing is worth the time
>bring up another thing as an equivalent
i fucking hate you people

>Feminism is a noble cause
It's a militarist quasi-religion, so yes, femshallah.

The irony of this post.

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Wanna try that again in English?

I think capitulating to [current-wave] feminists is a waste of time because their main function is to shift goalposts and their main weapon is double-speak. They will never be satisfied with any efforts put in for their benefit and any 'progress' will be seen as sexist oppression by a power outside their control.

user, either you suck at explaining, or you don't fully grasp the implications of your own position.

you say that but guys are just better at hiding it
I've met a lot of short guys with a chip on their shoulder

They sure do, and we need to make it easier, not harder for them to leave the cult.

>You're under the illusion that people who consistently vote left or right don't listen to the other side's arguments.
they hardly do Hillary Clinton for example, had a strong opinion opinions against black people back in the early 90s and refer to them all as thugs and criminals let's not forget her father was a grand wizard in the KKK. She acts like that these things never happenend and Most Democratic voters don't even know she did this because they don't actually look into the one they're voting into office. Ronald Regan is another example he was a proud NRA member apparently yet when he was Senator he put strict gun laws in his state and started the Iran Contra Scandal during his presidency yet people still fear him as one of the greatest presidents ever

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Tough girls are hot tho

If you want all this to change start by championing white peoples rights, Christian rights, mens rights and straight rights, here is the key,
no matter who you are.
Then these people can be defeated only then.

Making a male character and changing the gender doesn't make a good female character. You've just written a dude with tits. Good female characters have feminine traits like compassion and being an emotional anchor, etc. She is a 100% right.

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Or perhaps you're deriving meaning where there is none. Would you prefer I dumb down my posts so an intellectually challenged like you may understand them?


You mean like right wing ideas?
>i hate government
>ahhhh gay people want to marry? people wanna have abortions? government please make these go away waaahhhhhhhhhhhh

That's not how cult mentality works you fag

Feels weird seeing the nerdy incels and Literally Stacy thots on the same side.
That said, I totally agree with the lot of them
It does seems a tad sexists that men can wear speedos and be built like house while and no one will bat an eye but a girl looking even remotely sexy and like she values her appearance will get called out as mysarganistic in games/media.

Southern Strategy happened in the 60s. The South didn't suddenly stop being racist and start voting red for no reason

Yeah, user. Everyone would be cool introducing their girlfriend/female family members to a guy that looks like Tom Cruise. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

>Uses the depression to create a welfare state for blacks, essentially re-enslaving them
This is fucking retarded. For one, receiving money out of a basic recognition of your validity as a human without the requirement of labour is the exact opposite of slavery. For another, everyone has access to it regardless of race.

David Duke loves the sitting Republican president.

a girl can be tough without looking like a man

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Gotta love how openly judgmental they're with nips pop culture, they don't even hesitate.

>internalized [insert buzzword here]

Don't play this game with me kid, it wouldn't go well for you.

Wearing practical armour/clothing doesn't make a woman a man

He also supports that Muslim congresswoman too

You do know that we've /r9k/ here, right?

Yes, I also have over 300 confirmed kills in the Navy Seals.

I think guys deal with it differently. Guys with short guy syndrome usually overcompensate by working out a ton and getting a huge car (and wearing big shoes kek). They might try to overplay how good it is not being short, but you rarely see the kind of crabplay women do when they meet superiors. It's like guys hate being outshone, but they still want to improve when it happens, while girls hate being outshone and would rather end the girl that shines brighter.

Undoubtedly, because at the end of the day, they still feel like girls.

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SSS confirmed /ourgirl/

One thing I don't understand about these "people", is how they can live in such a constant state of passive-aggression, alert,chip-on-their-shoulder. They're always at war, always pressing the attack, always ranting/whinging/flexing. FFS, just have a shot of whisky and enjoy life! I mean, their life is already as pathetic as it gets, why the constant effort to make it even more stressful/horrible, for themselves and for those around them? Where do they find the energy and willpower? After a working day, the last thing I wanna do is arguing. About anything. I just wanna kick back, get a light buzz on, watch or play shit, eat, chat or even have secks, as long as it's all chill and relaxed and no arguments are involved.

I dont really visit /r9k/ what are their femanons like

user, both sides are insane and will be contradictive of the other. We should have introduced a multi-party government ages ago. In order to even be eligible for presidency, you have to pass the approval of one party or the other. We'll never see anything improved when good people are filtered out from the start.


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Wow, you seem intelligent.

That's just disingenuously latching onto the false accusations of anti-Semitism the right levelled at her, with the exception that he can't pretend to disapprove of anti-Semitism so he'll just damn her via association.

The thing that always strikes me about leftwingers is they have no clue what rightwingers think.

>being an emotional anchor
>feminine traits
sounds like you're just a sexist. by her own definition

Well, yeah no shit.

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This is a low energy post

This, and its been waging for a long time

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I'm talking about the men, dude, robots have envy of chads getting all the girls and etc.

>by her own definition

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>If people were actually subdued by distractions and entertainment, they wouldn't be on edge
Yes, but this is Yea Forums, where entertainment and fun come dead last in the game development process.

The issue with feminism is that it comes in so many variants that the actual term means almost nothing at this point.
Hell, I'd wager a vast majority of Yea Forums does hold at least some views that stemmed from older waves of feminist thought, but they'd never admit to that as the entire concept of feminism has been perverted and distorted to such a degree that people have come to stigmatize the very idea.

Sexy females are ok if the men are sexy too. And the women are not only sexualized for men (literally no story or personality, just tittydoll). No one would have a problem. What is happening now is just counterculture against men designing shit women characters storywise. Ironically it would be solved with diverse dev team, especially in the higher management. You would get your sexy women and women could live their powerfantasies through a character that isnt there just to be a sexdoll.

No you are wrong.

Indeed. Arguments from both sides are low energy and thusly the constant arguing is only natural. If it took more work like constantly having to make an account and verifying a 4 digit randomly generated code per comment a lot less people would argue.

I think he just supports people to ruin them because
>le KKK leader

Didn't work with Trump though.

Based Succubus dropping the truthpills

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You are probably going to have to expand on the reasons he is supposedly wrong.

>if a woman is attractive she is a sex doll
Yeah but us rightwingers are the baddies hahahaha

If you're so convinced of your mental prowess, then clear up this contradiction for me:
You claim
>the idea of centrism is to vote for whichever side makes the most sense, not to be politically tied to one side of the power struggle like a mindless drone
But you also claim
>If you do your research before voting [whether you are a rightist, centrist, or leftist] then you are not the people I'm referring to, and not the issue
So, is doing your research and voting for whichever side makes the most sense centrist or not, and what is centrism if not that?

It's pretty cool depending on the context, considering some characters who are overtly sexual are in a setting that their behavior does not actually fit the theme or the mood. I don't mean like Zero, though I'd argue 2B.

>twitter thread
Oh nevermind, it's about whining. Literally does not matter, people will whine and spin the story in a way that is negative or positive depending on what they want to say to make a point that it's better/worse/they won/someone else lost. You're not meant to give it attention, it's not a science so it's never going to be good. You have big mouthpieces saying that sexuality is a thing to please men, some say it's what free women, some say that homossexuality should be treated as every other relationship in the story because it's just another relationship, others complain that it erases uniqueness of queerfolk and their struggles, some say if a woman doesn't have feminine traits it's a man but with female pronouns and erase femininity to shame women, other say that if a woman has some defining trait associated with femininity its saying woman can never be anything else but what society tells them to. Even stories that have themes like loss of individuality, human behavior causing suffering and war will have people shitting on it because someone says something the reader disagrees in the book or a character does something that is not good. Hell, look at Game of Thrones, in spite of how shitty the writing was, people were raving about Missandei and Danny dying because it "wasn't right or progressive" as if the story should have been policed to have the correct ending as decided by the council.

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Centrism makes sense in theory, by casting a vote to either side instead of always being pulled to one no matter. The problem is that no one is truly neutral and have their biases, meaning over a period of time you will have the inclination to one side or the other. The problem with introducing independents this question is that they never win. They're more like throwing a coin down a wishing well that has dried up long ago.

It really shows an insight into the bigoted and jealous feminist mind

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There's no reason to think his support of Trump isn't genuine.

I liked S1 a lot but the plot was pretty fucking bad while the comedic antics were the good parts. S2 then had a massive downgrade in animation quality and I dropped it about halfway through.

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If a woman is attractive and thats it shes a sexdoll real people have thoughts and feelings and those are explored through story.

It's like the /pol/tards and TERFs on the same side against trannies lol

Fucking clown world

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>If a woman is attractive and thats it shes a sexdoll
Attractive women have thoughts you dehumanising skank.

Having family who religiously support both sides, I am very confident in saying no, your average voter doesn't actually look at the arguments past a very superficial sense. Hell, when I told my educated, but liberal as fuck sister that I voted for Trump because I disliked Hillary's militaristic views in establishing a no fly zone in Syria, and I hated the TPP, I was mostly met with confusion and "ok but..."s.

>only no 14 year old black kids are being lynched for it
But user, look at this chubby little devil, he was probably hiding a gun in all those fat folds.

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Well, naturally if you do your own research, you're less likely to be biased to whichever side in the first place. That's what I mean by "whichever side makes the most sense," the implication being the research produces the sense, not blindly walking down a "righteous" path. There is no contradiction there besides your own intellect.

/pol/ rants about their supposed beliefs, but at the end of the day, people vote for the person that matchs/benefits their own personal views.

At this point, all someone has to do is openly say they enjoy videogames of all kinds, and I'd vote for them.

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Only at the very top, the people with the financial motivations. The rest are just there because they honestly believe this shit. People convert away from lefty progressivism all the time. If Laci Green can start asking uncomfortable questions about SocJus, anyone can.

I never thought I'd see the day when resetera has a presence on this imageboard. We've become too soft.

>governments which allow women to have acid thrown in their faces.
That's only in muslim country and feminists love muslims.

I think you're misunderstanding the point. A video game character is not a real person. It's a creation by a developer and if that developer creates a sexy character and doesn't explore their personality or feelings at all, those feelings just don't exist. Effectively the developer has just created a sex doll

Laci green just goes where the money is

thanks doc

it all makes sense now, and they even consider fictional women competition and a playing field that must be leveled


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When you have shit like this happening i just can't but question if Austin Power 3 is the only film they have seen black women in.
Yet the Japs can give brown/black women their own personailty and flair.
Look at the botton row. Tell me they all don't share the same
>UH HUH SISTA *finger snap*
No liberal has seen a black women in real life before. It is all been redused down to the uniform of hoop earings and afros.

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That's because /news/ mutated into a KKK sympathizer board.


you sound extremely sexist. Why couldn't a female character dress in sexy clothes, does that make her less of a woman to you? Look at Bayonetta, she's sexy as fuck, shows off tons of skin and owns it. It's not because she's weak, it's because she's confident and does whatever she wants. You claim to be a feminist, but you imply women in video games cannot be sexy at the same time.

>Well, naturally if you do your own research, you're less likely to be biased to whichever side in the first place.
Ah, here we go, the same centrist supposition I've been calling out all along. Despite your claims to the contrary, you actually do believe that doing your research probably wouldn't convince someone to consistently support one side. You think this is just "natural", a fact of life, and not your own assumption made from a position of centrist self-righteous justification.

What the fuck is that even suppossed to mean, if a female character is ugly and that's it, does that give her more depth than an atractive one? Isn't this just bias against beautiful female characters?

Identity politics, gotta love it.

stfu you worm. Stop trying to weasal out of it you have twice said an attractive woman isn't human because she is attarctive to the opposite sex.

Rather where the fash dick is

2B is a bad example.
Considering what she is, the context, world and lore there's no reason as to why she -shouldn't- be like that at all.

Even if Yoko Taro admittedly made her appealing because he likes cute girls it doesn't mean her appearance clashes with the setting she's in

Oh, so you're retarded.

Wasted effort

I heard she got some red pills from Chris Ray Gun.

I've already covered this in another post. I am aware of the biases people have and the inclination to one set of beliefs or the other. No one is truly neutral.

But acid throwing isn't allowed and is literally illegal in civilized countries.

what ethnicity is SSsuccubus?

>is okay to march naked down the streets
>is not okay to have a female character semi naked in a videogame
they are hypocrites and also jealous they can0t be that sexy

Asian, Russian, Mexican, White

Not the same poster you were replying to. If you're not gonna read my point and just try and gotcha me that's fine. Attractive women don't matter to me either way

Exactly. /pol/ can shout down the opposing side as extremists as much as they like, but they are also extremists in their own right in doing so. It's a clown world amigo. It's why I've withdrawn a long time ago.

The video game character didn't choose to be nearly naked is the difference

I agree with her, purtain bullshit in videogames is bizarre. You dont even see this level of prudishness in movies or any other medium. You'd think it was /pol/ ou muslims pushing it lol but its "progressives".

The video game characters aren't living beings so it's irrelevant.

Maybe because there is literally nothing good about femininity other than love for their own kids?
Women have no honor, no accountability, enjoy being raped by strong males that murdered her weak husband, not their fault just evolution but still.

That's not the point. The point is that everyone thinks they have done the research, they have the evidence, and if people would do the research too they would naturally be inclined to take their position. And that's exactly what you do too. You're just another spot on the spectrum, just one that isn't consistently represented by a mainstream political party, but nonetheless no inherently better or worse than either extreme. You believe your position is the best because it's your position.

user they have but they know the second they make a pretty black woman white liberals will jump all over them


Lol you need to get a fucking grip

fictional characters cant choose anything because they arent real
What the fuck its with murrica thinking fiction is real/represents reality/affects reality so much? Is it because of the bible?

Yeah, there are faggots out there who unironicallty think you need consent from 2D characters before you're allowed to fap to them.

America is one of the lowest I.Q nations in the west. Why are you surprised?

>Feminism is a noble cause

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>hyper sexualized depictions of women

Yeah but why? Because jealousy, otherwise they would be clamoring to censor hyper sexualzied depictions of men too but they're not.

Literally jealous of fictional women (or good looking fit/attractive women in ads) just because they can't handle them, how mentally weak does a person like that have to be? They shouldn't be listened to and their ideas taken seriously if they are so asinine and the product of jealousy and butthurt

Also you would probably call pic related "hypersexualized" its a fucking woman in a bikini, are you gonna cry and whine and ban bikinis on public beaches too?

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>You believe your position is the best because it's your position.
That's exactly the point I am making, though, and exactly why I addressed it. I've already admitted to your post but you are still reduced to echoing things already said instead of presenting something new.

Those who say there is a link betweent the two are likely the ones who cannot separate them in the first place.

a mother should be tough
the best way to defend one's progeny is with a two by four or nearest equivalent

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libfems are literally larpers with no ideological consistency

Yeah, that's why it's not a crime to depict sexy characters, it's just a little creepy. It's like some guy showing you their porn folder when you just wanted to play a video game

>in civilized countries
Yes, that is the point. Feminists operate out of civilized countries, instead of militarizing in the under-developed countries where hatred of females is allowed. If feminists went after known acid throwers and men that have been proven to make women's lives hell, I'd cheer for them. Instead they are attacking a form of entertainment.

There was a thread on Reddit where the majority argued you need to ask a person permission before fapping to them.

Only one side is censoring people

I got bad news for you, user.

>its a little creepy

It really isnt, nobody wants to look.at unattractive people, especially women.

>having power fantasies
they literally cant separate fictional characters from themselves

>That's exactly the point I am making, though, and exactly why I addressed it.
It wasn't the point you were making earlier.
>I've already admitted to your post
Where was that?
>but you are still reduced to echoing things already said instead of presenting something new.
Because it appears you're still not getting it.

why are people defending sexual subliminal messaging when people were vastly against it in the early 2000's

It's only creepy for white people because you guys are genuinely retarded and led by your equally retarded women.
For the rest of us, men being attracted to sexy women and wanting to look at sexy women is completely normal.

Its fascinating how when you dont have to worry about representing anything you make a way better job at it because you have no constrains.
Japan has no blacks so they can imagine blacks being all kinds of interesting things

Everyone here is being a dumb /pol/ack to you but you are actually right.
Bottom line is most "feminism" is not replacing a white male character in some stupid comic book movie with a white woman, or making sure there are females that aren't just eye candy in videogames, it's trying to prevent women from being stoned to death for trying to go to school, or disowned from their family for being raped, etc.

And what happens when the other side censors the other? It's all the same in the end, no matter which side is in control.

depends on what Yea Forums defines as desexualizing
>that weird fanart that wants to redesign Samus with a crewcut and to be flat as a board
not good, stop that
>the transition from MK9 to X and 11 or nuLara Croft
that's not de-sexualization, that's just Yea Forums REEE-ing over the lack of bikinis and melon tits

What's wrong with games about sex dolls though? Like, why is this a point of criticism?

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it's similar to ASMR

>This cluster of vectors and polygons didn't choose to be this way, it was conceived without consulting if it wanted to be created like that or at all

It's what you're saying, and it sounds a lot like a pro-life argument but given to a fictional character

Feminism is pure cancer fuck you

>everyone is special and needs special protection by the government
>fuck the unborn lmao

Join the right side.
Nuclear power.
Space travel.
Environmental conservation.
Secure borders
Everyone protected from violence.
There are so many reasons. It is better for you.

But one side isn't censoring the other, that's the point.
I don't know why it's so hard for white people to realize this.

I showed my gay friend Senran Kagura. He thought it was hilarious.

Shouldn't or couldn't? Because I assumed it was just for the design of YoRHa divine and pleasing design (9S, Commander, 2B) and Resistance earthly natural ones, same with Devola/Popola. Just that 2B breaks the pleasing barrier and falls into looking made for sex.

Though I'd have to complain about someone else too for Dito and Five, and Adam and Eve.

I'll let you know once they actually attempt to censor people

The post I'm referring to is here
It may be missing a few points but you as you can see, I see the irony in having a centrist viewpoint.

There's a difference between attractive people and sex dolls
Kinda weird straight dudes need to constantly be looking at stuff that turns them on but go off I guess

Its been well established that there are people who can't separate reality from fiction/fantasy and think it needs the same rules and ethics.

Its probably one of the biggest divides in the industry but something few acknowledge.

If you call 2B creepy then you are either a jealous feminist, or a weak beta male, good god get a fucking grip.

Do you react that way to seeing sexy women in movies and TV shows too? Or is it just vidya that you react to negatively? If so see the above mention about inability to separate fiction and reality.

The difference between a male designing an attractive fictional female character and a male director telling an attractive female actress what to do/wear on set is more minimal than you think.

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user, why do you even have that image on your computer, let alone repost it?

>it's trying to prevent women from being stoned to death for trying to go to school, or disowned from their family for being raped
yeah 300 years ago maybe
If its really about that then go fight for it in saudi arabia

no one has ever been against erotica but imaginary strawmen concocted by leftists.

>it's trying to prevent women from being stoned to death for trying to go to school, or disowned from their family for being raped, etc.
Fucking kek, no it isn't, otherwise that shit wouldn't still be happening in the Middle East after 30 years of 3rd wave feminism.
If anything, western feminists have made life WORSE for women in those countries.

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Females are threatened by sexdolls, that's been established by all the legislation and REEEEEEEEing going on against IRL sexdoll industry already

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History has existed for far longer than your life span.
They already try to, even within their own parties. Not sure what point you're trying to make.

There is no side like this, though.

>Feminism is a noble cause
No, it's not. It never was and it never will be, unless they start fighting for actual equality which is never gonna happen, because why the fuck would woman wanna be treated worse then they are currently?

Wrong that is the rightwing side.

zero suit samus imo is a good example.
Exudes femininity, looks strong and capable for a woman and thats key.

Her strengths come from what can be considered more likely for a woman. Sum it up, the whole DEX vs STR debate.
Strong man is STR, strong woman is DEX.

Care to actually give some examples

You don't understand because you're white, it's understandable.
I imagine it's also why you're a pillow-biter.



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Not really, attractive people are sex dolls these days. Go to any major western city.

you're out of your mind if you think the right gives a shit about environmental conservation in any sense of the word

I literally just said that's not the point I was making though.

Were you living under a rock during the primaries and the election?

It will also be illegal to be anti-white.

okay yeah you either are a jealous woman or a gay male by the way you talk, and since you keep saying "creepy" I'm leaning towards the former

fucking deal with it, male and female brains are literally wired differently for sexual arousal, for males its more visual based.

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>yeah 300 years ago maybe
There was no feminism 300 years ago

You have no idea what rightwing people think leftist.
I care deeply about the environment.

>that brown guy that won't shut up about whites
We get it, your insecure

>let's remove all regulations regarding environment in the age of massive global scientific consensus regarding the negative impact of fossil fuels
>this is how we'll protect the environment
>oh and also let's remove protections for commonly attacked groups such as schoolchildren lmao so that everyone is """protected"""


I want feminine characters if they are women characters.

And the purpose of females are to be attractive to males, just like every male is intended to be attractive to females.

It's a constant that females get mad as fuck over sexualized girls and then turn around and drool constantly over any sexualized men in the very same piece of media though.

>Shut down maid cafes
Good luck with that. It's pretty obvious who is running those.

Did you just assume my gender?
But yes, white people are triggered as fuck by the state of the natural world, of course men like seeing sexy women, only white faggots, trannies, and shitty white women are upset by this.

They probably see the hypocrisy of banning plastics in the west while it's mostly Asia and Africa that dumps them into the ocean

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>The point is that everyone thinks they have done the research, they have the evidence, and if people would do the research too they would naturally be inclined to take their position.
Then clarify this against:
>The problem is that no one is truly neutral and have their biases, meaning over a period of time you will have the inclination to one side or the other

Calm down man, go have a siesta or something and try not to think about white people for a while

> >464052825
no one (leftist) has been aganst erotica.
Look up what the Dworkin and McKinnon ordinance was.

Finding someone pleasing and/or looking like it was made for sex it's and entirely subjective spectrum I feel

>Why would a slave want to fight the people slashing them with whips? They would only be whipped harder
That is how you sound.

>I'd expect leftwingers to be only somewhat better at this
Are you fucking ignorant or just naive? Get out of your liberal bubble.

Sorry, I'm not a fan of pillow-biting white guys you can understand my frustration.

That's not even relevant to the observation that everyone thinks their position is the best.

No I'm well aware that it happens in movies and television too. Blue is the Warmest Color had a lesbian sex scene that the actresses said made them feel like they were in a porn when they were shooting it. But this is the vidya board so presumably we'll talk about vidya. I haven't played Nier Automata but I've heard it's great and 2B is a great character. But I've also heard that the underwear outfits you can make 2B wear are distracting from the story the game is trying to tell

Bigoted conservative

it may be hard to believe but the ottoman empire existed before you


Faggots, consider the following-

>Male and Female brains are wired differently and males are more often aroused by visual stimuli

>Separation of Fiction/Fantasy and Reality is an impossibility for some subset of the population, who demand fiction conform to reality

These are the two key issues that come to a head when it comes to the vidya industry desu. This is the source of all the back and forth arguing and complaining.

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>environmental conservation
>everyone protected from violence

That butterfly tramp stamp is just begging for a hot load.

>Kinda weird straight dudes need to constantly be looking at stuff that turns them on but go off I guess

Not constantly, but to paraphrase what Dennis Leary said in Demolition Man, 'we should have the freedom to because some day we might feel the need to'. And as long as we're not hurting anyone there shouldn't be anything to complain about. Which is exactly where certain prudes have gone off the rails because they've had to concoct BS arguments about the social harms (conditions men to think of women as sex objects, etv), or how it's "creepy" and makes them feel unsafe.

counter arguement

can you say that there isn't a difference between feminine breasts and male ones?

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Nah, I'm actually pretty (economically) liberal, I just don't like faggots, especially white faggots, they're a cancer on the world.

...a company? Don't tell me it's government funded or something.

Checks out


Nigger, no matter how much you hate le evil libs, it's obvious that they have less terrible understanding of rightwing ideas than the other way around.

>Separation of Fiction/Fantasy and Reality is an impossibility for some subset of the population, who demand fiction conform to reality
I'm pretty sure this is a massive strawman with a veiled ad hominem for good measure.

Sorry, I'm not white, so I don't have any institutional power, as such I can't be racist.

Yes, but it was starting to come to that conclusion. Hence why I said it was missing a few points as I started thinking about it more. Centrism is no better than any other side, as it has it's own biases as well.

>But I've also heard that the underwear outfits you can make 2B wear are distracting from the story the game is trying to tell

Thats just what happens when you hit the self-destruct button in extreme situations or when you want to.

As to whether or not its distracting that depends on the person playing and how insecure they are. Its no different to watching Ghost in the Shell SAC and looking at how the Major dressed there and if thats distracting to you then its your problem

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OP isn't wrong but she isn't correct for the reasons she wants.

Strong sexy females trump strong NOT sexy characters every fucking time.

No, he's 100% correct with that.
A LOT of people genuinely are retarded and can't separate reality from fiction, hence why so many people will always point to some form of fiction when it comes to expressing their political beliefs (see: weebs quoting edgy animu and women quoting Harry Potter).

You don't have to convince me any further that you are a liberal with crazy nonsense

Homophobia+gibsmedat is statistically the lowest possible average IQ.
Literally can't get dumber.

It's neither because you don't know what either of those two words means and it makes you look stupid trying to use them in the completely wrong context.

(that's a strawman btw)

>cries about female protagonists?

cut that shit out. female protagonists have existed since the dawn of vidya. It wasn't until after no one gave a fuck about Samus and feminists of the era were concerned that video games were too boy focused in the 90s.

>no u

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>Nuclear power
>Environmental conservation
user, Republicans are the ones that rushed to handicap the EPA and lift regulations on the top polluters (coal plants). You are going to have to try harder with your bullshit.


"Homophobia" is such a hilarious white meme-word.
But yes, most of the world hates you faggots, please keep pissing off the only countries willing to put up wth you so we can finally rid the world of your cancer without resistance.

bad example. Lina is ALWAYS depicted as a chestlet outside of splash panels like you posted. Fuck Amelia is canonical bigger than Lina by a fair margin despite being much younger.

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>I agree with her, purtain bullshit in videogames is bizarre. You dont even see this level of prudishness in movies or any other medium. You'd think it was /pol/ ou muslims pushing it lol but its "progressives".
This is because the ones pushing for it noticed that more and more people were getting fed up with traditional conservative values, so they had to resort to a different excuse to justify it.

I'm sure it starts with Y

Does it, I mean she was modeled to have a extreme high polygon count on her ass and has several nods to it in-game, whereas you have Commander, 2A, O units and Sisters don't. It's not even a case of Four/One design vs Two/Five designs. Though you do you.

>ugly people are jealous of less ugly people

how insightful. Ms Marvel is still better than WNBA Lifetime Ticket Holder Captain Marvel.

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>Only one side is censoring people

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>A LOT of people genuinely are retarded and can't separate reality from fiction
See, there's the ad hominem made explicit. Regardless, I think you might be genuinely autistic if you can't tell the difference between fiction holding real significance to people and applicability to real life, and literally just not being able to distinguish fact from fiction. But more likely you're intentionally conflating the two to paint your opponents as irrationally motivated.
I think I covered everything above.

christ Naga's tits look so bad. Modern ecchi has spoiled me.

>using a girl that got all but raped by a minion and put into utter irrelevance afterwards by becoming a mother like every other DBZ female who becomes a mommy

The Yakuza run most of the entertainment in Japan. Any politician that tried shutting the entertainment industry down would either mysteriously disappear, or see a sudden surge for stepping down by their political party.

The people for whom fiction hold "real significance" are exactly the people we're referring too m8.
Maybe you're just too much of a moronic white kid to understand this.

Liberals are the real misogynists.

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Yeah, and it's the right side. The left just wants to open a discussion and convince people to take their side, basically the entire point of free speech. The right would rather just impose top-down restrictions.

As an artist, a straight man, and a person who believes that sex and sexuality are a natural, healthy part of the human experience, I am categorically opposed to it.

God, I wish our organized crime was like the Yakuza.
Keep to themselves, tell the government to fuck off, and generally only impact the lives of degenerates.
If only the Crips were content owning all the strip clubs and night clubs and entertainment in Oakland instead of selling as many drugs as possible and murdering everything with a pulse, this country would be in a much better place.

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>The people for whom fiction hold "real significance" are exactly the people we're referring too m8.
Yes, I know, which means you're conflating two things and misrepresenting them, as I said.

>an okinawan, an arab, a french polynesian, and a fucking octopus

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Are you retarded, user? Race gets brought up because there are obvious race problems in the videogame industry.

>it's the right side

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Why what? Why it's doing well? I'm guessing the gag of the place and the cute girls keep it open.


argument decarded

Really it's a war against beauty, because they don't like masculine beauty either. The world they envision is one where everyone is a homogeneous, homely blob.