What games allow me to go on an adventure full of mystery, discovery and excitement riddled with danger, new friends and an immersive experience with a kick ass OST?
What games allow me to go on an adventure full of mystery, discovery and excitement riddled with danger...
God that anime was disappointing. Cool idea completely ruined by pedo shit.
Octopath traveler
Hollow Knight
Ni No Kuni
Honestly same, doesn’t help that the arc after the anime ends has an incredible villain and even more of what is great
You mean "improved", right?
Etrian Oddysey is the closest you will get to made in abyss experience
Grandia 1 is one of the greatest for high adventure.
also pic related a best
Why has nobody said phantasy star online
Phantasy star online
Ok grandpa
Is that supposed to be loli Ozen?
The anime and manga do have alot of questionable sections in it regarding to pedo shit and while i feel alot of it can be interpreted that way i strangely view it as child innocence. Essentially we're seeing children and kids that at their age don't understand how their bodies work or the concept of sexual desires. They just openingly say words or whatever because they can't control or understand the issue with their desires outside of embarrassment. I suppose people find this uncomfortable because it's rather real and relatable as we've all been through it. The only questionable part is when adult characters (I can remember one occasion in the anime near the start who checked out the Regs robot penis out of curiosity) do the same.
Dark Souls
PSO is such an incredible game. It's a shame what happened in PSU and PSO2.
Do I read the manga or watch the anime of that shit?
aria of sorrow
Watch the anime, then continue with the manga.
You can go back to the manga if you want as there are some differences in the story but nothing overly significant.
Manga is absolutely gorgeous but I watched the anime first, Kevin’s work on the soundtrack is truly special
All right, thanks Yea Forums
Cave Story
Chrono Trigger
Persona series
You realize the author bookmarks shota and loli porn of his own characters on pixiv, right?
is he, dare i say it, /ourpedo/?
Literally created a masterpiece and shit on it by himself
Absolutely. He came to my country for a convention recently and he got showered with praise by fans.
Etrian Odyssey
The artist himself is definitely a fucking wierdo. With that in mind i don't feel he steps over the boundary in the actual manga for obvious reasons so i enjoy it regardless. It's just disappointing he's created something as enjoyable as Made in the Abyss but ruined alot of his own integrity.
More like createdd a masterpiece and came on it by himself
Truly based
this but unironically
What integrity? He shows Riko being hanged naked BDSM-style in the first couple chapters.
The Veko backstory disgusted and pissed me off enough to where I stopped reading it
Most manga artists are extremely perverted, he's just enough to absolute madmen to be open about it.
I really like his utter lack of giving a fuck.
Based and cunnypilled
Honestly he would probably be into shitting on it simultaneously
The casual filter worked, I guess.
in the last episode of season 1 they go swimming naked and the main character gets a boner
also if it wasn't pedoshit they show wouldn't be showing a naked 9yo girl every fucking time
Seconding this. Made me feel like a kid again.
As a person is seems like a cool dude and if he didn’t have his appreciation that he shows or at least hid it better then a lot of people would like him more
If you're looking for something similar, but without friends following you, The Long Dark campaign. It isn't completed but it's already like 20 hours long and I had Lost vibes while playing it for sure.
Nah. Fuck the author.
Conaidering it's heavily inspired to etrian odyssey, I'd say etrian odyssey.
I honestly haven't seen this stuff and don't want to. End of the day i completely understand why you'd stop reading after seeing that shit but i enjoy talking about the manga with other anons and feel invested in the story thus far so i'm going to keep reading it regardless.
What did you hate about Veko's backstory? Her being bisexual or the fact she was imprisoned?
This is objectively the best answer
>party made up of cute lolis
>discovering a hostile, unexplored labyrinth
>great music
It all checks off
Nothing wrong in being a fucking disgusting degenerate, but he come out just as bad as furries. No one likes to be forced to seeing other people's awful fetishes.
Removing all the the pedoshit would be a complete improvement in every regard
they're doing the next arc as a movie right? when is that supposed to come out?
Veko is best Grandma and the flashback was great
based loli and shota keeps a /pol/tard away
I loved the show but the artist is legite a loli/shota artist. He's contributed to magazines like Comic Lo before he made it big with Abyss.
I found the pedo shit easy to ignore
It's basically just one scene IIRC
Really good anime and manga, but the author is fucking slow holy shit hurry the fuck up
You don't see anything. I mean i don't understand why people are complaining about something so harmless that is actual genuine human nature at that age when you'll give a pass to stuff like Primsa Illya or pedo school slice of life shit. People seem to be constantly hypocritical in that one thing is acceptable because it fits their taste and another isn't because the characters and artstyle don't appeal to them.
This is of course ignoring the author, who can't be defended.
season 2 when
I assume he got triggered by the rape