This is the finest action game ever made to date. The peak of its genre. A proud king that stands tall above the rest.

>3 Playable Characters
>20 missions without any backtracking
>No gimmicky puzzles, just a no-nonsense high-octane adrenaline rush from start to finish
>Catchy OST that keeps the blood pumping
>Diverse set of enemies to fight
>Free-flow and layered combat system that allows for a multitude of playstyles
>Gorgeous photo-realistic graphics powered by the RE Engine, running at 60 FPS
>Overall the best bosses in the series
>Respectful of the past games and contains numerous callbacks
>Bloody Palace is the best it has ever been
>Multiplayer that doesn't detract from the core experience
>Unlockable concept art and bonuses
>Gripping and emotional storyline that brings back fan favorite Vergil

Even though the game feels complete as is, DLC would be a welcome addition and will hopefully be announced this E3.

Attached: Bros.png (1200x630, 485K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the game feels complete as is
I'm not seeing any alt costumes so no it doesn't. No, shitty alt colors don't count.

DMC4SE and DMC3SE are better than this game overall.

V was a dumpster fire of a character, so it's not perfect by any means

Geryon, Artemis, Niddhog, and Chicken are boring boss fights though.

Dmc is fucking trash DmC is better overall faggots

>This post

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Maybe I'll give you Niddhog and Chickie but Geryon and Artemis are cool.

This game is the definition of a fart in the wind

Post goth bf pls.

How do I get into crazy combos? Do I just replay BP over and over until it clicks for me?

It's good, but it could be better. Let's wait and see if they gonna make any DLC or SE in the future. Not on the upcoming E3 tho, nothing DMC-related is gonna be announced this and you know that.

with Dante: fight enemies that move away from you a lot, like urizen. You'll start to internalize switching to trickster to close distance, then switching back to swordmaster to do aerial rave. Eventually it'll get ingrained and you'll be on your way to style switching a lot more smoothly

I can’t bring myself to play it after finishing it once.

I blame the lack of co op bloody palace. I’ve always wanted a really good co op action experience. My wait continues.

Alright thanks, what about Nero? I come close to button mashing when playing as him, I don't really know what to do once I'm in the air.

t. died when the chicken goes apeshit

>bloody palace is the best it has ever been


I though Artemis was pretty fun, especially with Gerbera
Chicken is probably the most disappointing bossfight in the game though

What I try to do with Nero in the air is try to stay in the air as long as possible.

Just try to look cool.

>I’ve always wanted a really good co op action experience

Attached: Chad Ninja.jpg (1149x696, 156K)

>3 Playable Characters
That would be cool if you actually got to pick every time. Instead most levels are locked.

Yeah but what kind of moves do you pull off in mid-air?

I said really good.

Sigma 2 isn’t very good and razor’s edge sucks.

Attached: 1557230520442.gif (472x332, 2.81M) ones.

Keep being in denial DMCuck

I was really really hoping for co-op BP and virgil would have been nice, so it's like a 9.5 instead of a 10 for me. Still pretty GOAT.

Me too, man.

I would love to have launched the enemy and have my friend finish them.

Why do games always succeed at ALMOST giving me what I want?

Its arguably the best DMC as is.

After it gets a Special Edition it won't even be close anymore.

Bayonetta still is better faggots!!! Can't wait to see the Kamyia BTFO every DMC retard and their photorealistic trash game with Bayo3.

Attached: big_big_SexyBayonettahentai008_642x900.jpg (642x900, 72K)

Dragon's dogma hurt me like that.

I like to play as cool male characters.

Probably a self insert thing. I can’t really have fun playing as a woman using magic and shit.

He's right you contrarian tard

as of now I think 3 is still king. however if 5 gets a special edition with extra costumes, vergil,divergence, and balance tweaks (harsher gravity, inertia etc.) it will easily be the best.

Nero is a little odd in this game. a lot of his cool shit comes from breakaway and GP-01, which can't really be used in BP. a lot of his advanced combos come from manipulating height for crossover shuffle and stuff which isn't super viable for bloody palace freestyling, especially for beginners. that being said, you gotta abuse devil trigger, both its enhanced attacks and the initial activation. dont use charged shots, but regular or color up instead and don't forget buster knuckle! mods are recommended if you're playing on pc. this vid should give you some ideas

Oh god me too.

That game would be the perfect virtual adventure if it was proper co op.

God bless you user, this is just what I needed. Many thanks.

the writing and story was shit tier

At this point I'd consider it part of the top echelon of action games with Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma and Wonderful 101. I can't say it's objectively better than either of them though, I think that comes down to preference.

3SE has a weapon selection almost as good as 5, the best story in these kinds of action games (until W101), Vergil who is about as good as Nero in 5, some excessive techniques, and a different BP format. I can see the argument, add also the argument for 1. 4SE is an incomplete game you can play with 5 characters, and its versions of Dante, Nero, and Vergil are inferior to other versions that exist. The main reason to play 4SE is Trish and Lady, and Lady is very simplistic, so mostly Trish. I do think 4SE Trish is an absolute blast though.

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He isn't and there's a 9/10 change i am talking to the same faggots as usual or a samefag who talk about games they never played. OP is a joke but the biggest joke are the posts taking it seriously.

No one remembers this game even exists two months later aside from the people who keep posting in these threads. It came and went and left nothing worthy of note behind. I've even heard normalfags say it put them to sleep.

Kamiya doesn't do sequels. The quality will depend on who is directing 3. If it's Saito you might be right.

>nnooooo how could you dislike my shit gaymes

>dlc would be a welcome addition
Literally kill yourself.
This is the future we live in.

QTEfags no need to apply.

>too retarded to be self aware


Bayonetta felt better on a casual playthrough. There's a lot of points on repeat playthroughs, which you're meant to be doing, which just drag it down. QTEs are the easy target, but so is backtracking to the same alfheims you've already done but lose ranking for not checking out again, and the driving section, and the multiple running away from lava sections, and the shooting section directly before a boss fight that goes for a whole stages length. Every level seems to have something that just breaks the flow for something worse than the base gameplay.
The movement was really nice though, being able to buffer combos with panther within feels really great and I'll never get sick of it, but as long as kamiya, who's obsessed with putting random breaks in anything interesting for something of lower quality, helms the project, it'll only be a casual playthrough from me.

>if you hate my favourite games then you must love this mediocre game
Based retard

Bayonetta had shit cutscenes.

good game

Attached: cringe.png (1680x1050, 2.87M)

A few months ago
>Who hype for Vergil DLC! :O
>I hope we get Lady and Trish DLC! What cuties :3
>I can't wait for online Bloody Palace! :D

>DLC? In MY game? Get the fuck out
>Fucking zoomers! This is why video games are dead.
>We live in a society

In an alternate future where the same game is re-released for full price with all the missing content
>Itsuno is God
>Seething [X] BTFO LMAO
>Based Capcom listening to the fans!

How is anyone supposed to take you people seriously. You set in stone the game is perfect a year before it released.

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does anyone else miss the screen shake effect from nero's ex-acts and max-acts? made them feel a lot more impactful imo

megaman 7 is better

Kinda wish the enemy spawns were different on DMD as well
also the Vergil fights in 3 are better than in 5

Attached: 1558639940169.jpg (951x720, 42K)

again, don't talk about games you literally never played junior. Your meme text does not even make any sense.

t's not good

>waaaah you never played them waaah everyone that played them liked them
Amusing retard

Dante moveset is the most fun in any action game to date.

We both know it's true, but keep being an absolute faggot about it.

We both know you're a contrarian retard that does nothing but whine "waaah stop iiit you never playeed iiit", yet you're still here

>trying this hard to win an argument on the internet.

Regardless of how wrong you are, you’re stubborn to the point where you’ll deliberately sound like a retard to win an argument.

Grow up.

let's all calm down guys

>A proud king that stands tall above the rest.
I dunno, there are several others that I would put in the ring with it. It is a damn fine game though.

>the Vergil fights in 3 are better than in 5
They're better thematically. They're perfectly paced and in terms of testing the player they're very efficient. 5 Vergil is the better fight mechanically because of the depth of his patterns and the layers that go into where his openings lie, and that's before you take into account that he has 3 phases and the fact that parries exist. DMD Vergil 3 is the only one that is around as good, whereas the quality of 5 Vergil is apparent in both fights on every difficulty except Human.

A reminder to ignore the retards trying to pit fanbases against each other

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Multiple playthroughs made me realize DMC5 is the best DMC.

The low amount of padding makes it great for repeats.
The character switching starts making perfect sense as a way to add variety
V is the coolest gameplay addition to the franchise since the series inception.
The story serves as the perfect way to wrap up Itsuno's DMC trilogy.

DMC5's biggest problem is that the first playthrough feels more like a tutorial run, more than any DMC ever before; but after that you start to appreciate the design choices DMC5 makes. DMC3 is the opposite of DMC5, a better game on the first playthrough but starts showing more and more flaws on repeats.

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lol now i know for a fact it's true. Enjoy your online mode, i got shit to do, no time to watch you being a poser for the 50th time unfortunately.

>DMC5's biggest problem is
the lack of playable Vergil.

You don't get to say that in a "this is the best X of Y ever made" thread.

I want to play it right now but I have a headache.

I’m watching baseball. I don’t even like baseball.

I'm having trouble finding a correct nude mod for Bayonetta, as fellow crazymen i hoped you could help me out.
I'd like a mod that makes her naked when she does wicked weave attacks but leaves her outfit on the rest of the time because it's good fashion.
I've only found fulltime nude mods and i'm really at a dead end here.

Attached: OTP.jpg (638x919, 156K)

Why are you doing this to yourself, user?

Attached: 1556676052831.gif (580x326, 2.49M)

The only poser here is you pointlessly trying to defend shit games, while the only thing you can do is whine.
You know what, I think I've already seen you argue with someone in a NiOh thread a few days ago, the exact same phrases and everything.
Now, state why you think there's a reason play sigma2 or RE over black, 2, or sigma1. Go on, amuse me.

>Why do games always succeed at ALMOST giving me what I want?
This is the story of my 4 years with Warframe.

The fucking load times due to Nico's van is one huge downside.

Attached: when you DT but destroy your breaker instead.png (248x233, 79K)

Game would ve incredible if v didnt exist. His levels are dmc2 tier unfun.

It can be done, the problem is the way Bayonetta's in-game mesh is designed her hair will fall over her nipples even when naked and there's no way around that. The masking for her hair-clothes extends up to that point on the mesh but not further, meaning if you take the hair off the nipples during weaves it will also be off of them for all her outfits, because that part of the mesh is unaltered by the hair mask. So we're talking bottom-half nudity only.

I honestly can't remember where I got this mod, apart from it being on some collection thread on LoversLab, but I can dig around a bit.

Attached: Bayonude.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

> load times could in general be better. I wish you could disable cutscenes entirely so they didn't have to load every time

Attached: 1557561190238.jpg (1080x1080, 273K)

Yes I really want this option. I hate loading missions when trying to repeat for S ranks.

>DMC5's biggest problem is that the first playthrough feels more like a tutorial run, more than any DMC ever before; but after that you start to appreciate the design choices DMC5 makes
Wonderful 101 has this problem but even worse. It's the problem with having so many options available that you can't dump on people from Square 1.

I think an underrated aspect of Ninja Gaiden in comparison is that the depth is very clear from the onset and by halfway through you can generally pick up on the few nuances like UT charging tech.

Attached: vergilisdisgusted.jpg (570x426, 87K)

>Nero gets his demon arm ripped off
>Constantly reminded he doesn't have demonic power for most of the game
>Can still use air hike

The fuck am I missing here?

Attached: IMG_20190530_064136.jpg (672x676, 73K)

Learn to use Calibur and spam it in the air as bootleg trickster. Since you're always going towards an enemy, just do it at the right height and within it's range and you can jump cancel at the end of it so that you can Calibur again after using your double jump/ air comboing a bit

? When is he reminded he doesn't have demonic power? Both Dante and V tell him he's not strong enough to defeat Urizen, and Nico just build him shit for her own amusement and so that Nero isn't walking around with a stomp. Also V considered giving him Sparda because he would be able to wield it.

Dante is improved overall in DMC4 because of style switching. I could care less about the weapons. I also could care less about the story or the game being "incomplete". The mechanics of 4 are better than 3's and even 5's mechanics in some areas. 4 is the game when they started building enemies and the game around jump cancelling, as well as having much more complex enemy designs.

Dmc4 is absolutely awful and now 5 is out there is no reason to play it ever again

Attached: 20190530_091306.jpg (1440x1316, 400K)

How is it awful?

>DMC4 is hated because backtracking, having to play as Nero, whatever other crap.
>DmC has you play as Dante the whole campaign, has no backtracking, coherent plot.
>DMC fans hate it too
Defend this.

Combat comes first in an action games. DmC has mediocre combat so it can never be great


First time he speaks to Urizen he's told demon power doesn't course in his veins and I think some other boss says something too

Devil Snatch > Jump Cancel

Use this to stay in the air for as long as you want. Nero has the best air game in the series. Add in Gerbera and you can pretty much fly all over.

Style Switching was a great concept, but 4 Dante is much less interesting to okay than 3, 5, or even 1 Dante. He has shit for damage output without abusing Distortion. His combo routes are extremely limited despite style switching, using the same few loops most of the time unless you bust out a rare Dark Slayer or Lucifer concept. He feels less open ended than 3 Dante despite having Style Switch, which is a problem. 5 Dante has way more available to him at once, and has way more variation in combos while doing good damage. 4's Moser interesting Dante mechanics were bugs they left in, and 5 focused way more on the use of JC as a staple combo tool since the combos in 5 have much more variety.

They just followed the DMC trope of bosses judging the character soley on their looks, plus Urizen is Vergil going full autismo power mode so of course he thinks of Nero as merely a human. Malphas was the only one that knew he carried Sparda's blood.

Playing as DmC Dante isn't fun, and a coherent plot doesn't matter if it's uninspired edgy garbage. Level design was okay in the reboot though.

Please do, i don't mind the nipples or the hair i'm just bothered by this weird swimsuit she gets in wicked weave.
I've looked on loverslab, it's only a nude at all time model. I'll look more thoroughly, any key words ?

Attached: 1419943034029.jpg (690x388, 50K)

Attached: dmc5cons.jpg (2424x1678, 765K)

I found it, it's from Maliwei777 so apologies for the bugpeople websites. One of these two (actually they might be the same)

http bbs.3dmgame com/thread-5561512-1-1.html
http dl.3dmgame com/patch/103455.html

Ignore his Chinese instructions and do this:
>Unpack the /data12/pl folder into Bayonetta/data (So you have Bayonetta/data/pl with the file pl0000.dat). That's it, no need to use cpktools unless you're a modder yourself.

>Favorite franchise is fucking Prince of Persia

Everything he says can be discarded.

Yeah but him and Nero still dominating all the art in the dmc5 tag, based.

i agree with everything except bosses desu

I was hoping really hard i wouldn't have to download this, here comes the chinese dick. If it gives me a .exe it means it's legit right?

Attached: 1417422628180.jpg (475x401, 107K)

What is with all this V slander?

His playstyle is amazing, once you learn how the companion AI works then it becomes fun as fuck to multi-task on the battlefield.

Attached: 3535232342.png (476x345, 159K)

Of course, Bayonetta and Kratos would straight up wreck Dante's life. He moves mountains, she casually headbutts buildings.

Attached: 6561521-4584317985-37115.jpg (512x640, 69K)

It's not an exe. It should be a folder with a .dat file in it. One of them may be a .cpk (you don't want that one) but I doubt it.

.dat files are the structure used by PG's engine to store data. They're typically bundled up inside .cpks (which are Criware Packs, they use Criware as compression middleware). The engine will use any available files before decrypting cpk files so if you put your files into the specified folder, the game engine will access them directly instead of decrypting cpks.

I've got 4 DAT files in my Bayo folder, though. pl0000 contains (among other things) the Bayonetta mesh and textures, which is what you're modifying. I have no idea what the other ones do but I think they modify specific outfits or something.

nah hes shit

Nigga all the buttons are chinese!
I think i found it

V is a classic case of "you can do cool shit but you don't really need to bother". The game is not structured in a way to incentivize doing much but mashing your attack keys and dropping Nightmare at every opportunity, even at the highest level, because the game will shower you with SSS ranks for doing it and you'll barely take damage.


Use Google Translate to translate the page lol.

>literally just mash buttons
There is nothing complex, or unique about his gameplay, it's shit. And all they managed to do with him besides ranged attacks is give him gimped Nero finishers that aren't as satisfying to do as the real thing, and as a character he's the only one in the game whose gameplay never changes from the first mission, he is static throughout the game. You play him in the first mission, you've played him fully upgraded for the most part lol. He should have had more, it's not enough.

>Bloody Palace is the best it has ever been
No. Agree with everything else.

>Style Switching was a great concept, but 4 Dante is much less interesting to okay than 3, 5, or even 1 Dante.
To you maybe. But this obviously isn't the case. The reason the vast majority of combo videos are of DMC4 is because this Dante has the most combat variety, at a time. With dmc3 weapon/style switcing mods, yeah Dante is more complete than DMC4 Dante.
>He has shit for damage output without abusing Distortion.
True. But even in DMC5 Nero puts out more damage than Dante
>His combo routes are extremely limited despite style switching, using the same few loops most of the time unless you bust out a rare Dark Slayer or Lucifer concept.
Both Dark Slayer and Lucifer have easily jump cancelable moves to work into combos as well as decent ground strings. I've seen people use them in combos much more than Cavaliere,Kalina Ann or Faust Hat, for example.
>He feels less open ended than 3 Dante despite having Style Switch, which is a problem
No, if this was the case DMC3 would be the game everyone goes to showcase stylish combat, but that's DMC4. In terms of the weapons, DMC4 is when they really amped up weapons with unique mechanics. DMC3 weapons were good but they don't offer as much variance as something like red queen, blue rose, lucifer, pandora, or the dmc5 weapons. A weapon like red queen or lucifer wouldn't have appeared ind DMC3, probably just because it wouldn't be feasible to do well on ps2 hardware.

> 5 Dante has way more available to him at once, and has way more variation in combos while doing good damage.
His damage is better but I don't think his combo variety is that much better. Cavaliere and Kalina ann are slow and don't lend themselves well to combos much besides a few moves. Neither does faust hat. SDT is cool but it's not very combo friendly either. Something like Yamato form 4 was fast, simple and all its moves could be fit into combos. Dante's overall combat variety is improved because gun combat is much improved in 5, as well as trickster and royalguard usefulness.
>4's Most interesting Dante mechanics were bugs they left in
Some of them, yeah.
>and 5 focused way more on the use of JC as a staple combo tool since the combos in 5 have much more variety.
I disagree.

yeah i was expecting him to get some crazy shit when itsuno says that he ''changes completely'' halfway through the game of whatever. oh well.

>the game feels complete as is
It's less complete than DMC3:SE and V's gameplay brings the game down a few points.

Because i'm simply better than you. You tried to be me and you flopped. Stole my lines, stole my whip. You don't even have a real devil trigger lil niglet. You weak nigga, you weak.

Attached: D62J4MmWsAEG0cz.jpg (720x1280, 69K)

Not him, but the problem is that DMC4 took it too far, with the exception of Rebellion all of Dante's weapons were gimmick bullshit with no useful function other than as combo tools that played off Rebellion. Seriously, what the fuck was anyone ever going to do with Lucifer if it was the only weapon in their loadout?

The reason people hold 3 above 4 is because all of Dante's weapons and styles had to be fully fleshed out since you rolled with one setup at a time. 4 combined everything but it didn't make Dante more diverse, it just obfuscated parts of his moveset. He had a bunch of partial movesets that you used all the switching mechanics to frantically cobble together into one actual moveset, rather than a bunch of different movesets to choose from.

5 Dante is better because, with weapons at least, most are perfectly viable on their own. It's not even uncommon for people in combo videos to only use 2 weapons in a Dante loadout to minimize switch cycle times; I defy anyone to construct a competent Dante video in 4SE using nothing but Gilgamesh and Lucifer. You can't play with just Gilgamesh and Lucifer because their half-complete movesets only work when thought of as extensions of the core Rebellion moveset. But you could do it with any two weapons in 5. Even Cavaliere (well, Cav-R) has a lot of utility for Redline and its absolutely ridiculous air game.

>3 Playable Characters
Okay? Multiple action games have multiple characters, DMC4:SE has fucking 5, DMC3:SE has 3 if you count Nelo Angelo DT
>20 missions without any backtracking
How is this a positive? DMC5's Missions start falling flat on their face around 14. DMC5 is legitimately a bore to replay.
>No gimmicky puzzles, just a no-nonsense high-octane adrenaline rush from start to finish
V's snoozefest gameplay says "Hello".
>Catchy OST that keeps the blood pumping
Sure, but many other action titles have great OSTs
>Diverse set of enemies to fight
They're still overall lacking and some are just straight up awful. All DMD does is make their HP bloat to extreme measures because every enemy eventually DTs.
>Free-flow and layered combat system that allows for a multitude of playstyles
Buzzwords and nothing more, "multitude" always goes back to jump cancel juggling and nothing more.
>Gorgeous photo-realistic graphics powered by the RE Engine, running at 60 FPS
Sure, RE Engine looks fantastic
>Overall the best bosses in the series
Not a fucking chance. DMC5 is filled with terrible one-off bosses, though nothing in there is as bad as Arkham. Vergil is also not that good because the story has no build up to him at all, and he is literally just Vergil 1 from DMC3 with a small handful of new moves.
>Respectful of the past games and contains numerous callbacks
>Bloody Palace is the best it has ever been
Nope, DMC3 still has the best one. BP being ranked is fucking stupid and the person who thinks it should be needs to be removed from the dev team.
>Multiplayer that doesn't detract from the core experience
You mean multilayer that is non-existent.
>Unlockable concept art and bonuses
Lots of other action games do this. Bayonetta lets you listen to the entire OST via Jukebox.
>Gripping and emotional storyline that brings back fan favorite Vergil
Lmao. DMC5 was an utterly rushed fan service story and nothing more.

Attached: 1523384837273.gif (500x500, 352K)

V's sucks to pla-

That in no way shape or form disproves that statement user. Anything can look good if enough time and care is put into it but a character should feel good straight off like Dante and Nero do, V is just horrible.

>my combo videos are the least entertaining of the 3 characters
Yeah, we know?

>file name
user I know that kind of feel.

Attached: 1559054339601.png (582x685, 269K)

>but you don't really need to bother
I could have accomplished the same thing frantically smacking my attack buttons and reading my book until I could drop Nightmare again.

Yes, it's possible to be stylish with V, nobody's doubting that. DMC5 autists could MacGuyver together a stylish combo video from two paperclips and a scratched up copy of Twisted Metal if they felt so inclined. The point is that you never need to. The game actually rewards you for playing V like an unga dipshit, which it doesn't do with Nero or Dante.

>"you can do cool shit but you don't really need to bother".
That's the ethos of the entire series. Dante and coolant never need to do cool shit. They do it because most of their enemies are boring to mow down normally.

>DMC5 Nero puts out more damage than Dante
Do you have anything to back this up?

"It looks cool but you don't need to do it" is a really fucking shitty argument for why a character is bad in a DMC game.

That's literally the argument people who don't like DMC use all the time.

>that filename

Happened to me so many times during my second playthrough.

Attached: when the lights are down there's no more to say.png (878x653, 887K)

The Style Rank system at least incentivizes playing stylishly. It's true you never need to go full Donguri, but using random mashing or cheese strats is a good way to C-Rank at mission end, and most people who enjoy the DMC games don't consider the game complete until they've S ranked every mission.

S Ranking a DMD Dante mission is a challenge. S Ranking a DMD V mission is a joke. That's my point.

>Blocks your path

Attached: NINJA GAIDEN BLACK.jpg (352x499, 67K)

You can't compare special edition to a vanilla version. That's not fair.

your kino filter needs work

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 2019.05.19 - (3840x2160, 807K)

I'd say it's right up there with Sekino. Not in the variety sense, mind you. DMC5 is absolutely crazy action with over the top characters. Sekiro is the complete tonal opposite, being completely self-serious; solemn, with weighty combat. These are probably the only video games I'm going to buy this year. Fucking fantastic games.

Attached: Sekiro later.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>Okay? Multiple action games have multiple characters, DMC4:SE has fucking 5, DMC3:SE has 3 if you count Nelo Angelo DT

Absolute moron. 5 is only DMC game to have had this many playable characters in the base version. The first game only had one.

Yes I can as the standard of special editions should rise, what was "special" for DMC3:SE should not be the same for DMC5. Perhaps if they didn't blow the budget on real life clothing I wouldn't have to make such comparisons.

>tfw read that in JYB's voice

Attached: 1558573645337.jpg (400x400, 32K)

>Weighty combat
Clunky maybe.

Also get RE2 if you get the chance.

Sell me on Sekiro.

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I'm sad I only recently got around to NG. For a game that originally came out a year before DMC3 (Black came out the same year as it) it blows it out of the water in terms of level design, intuitive depth, enemy design, and not having any truly bad bosses, while having a strong sense of commitment to your actions. The music and story are completely forgettable though, and most of the bosses are just decent whereas DMC generally has a handful of amazing ones among the duds.

Lunar, Dabilahro & Vigoorian Flail best weapons.

>No gimmicky puzzles, just a no-nonsense high-octane adrenaline rush from start to finish
Everything else is pretty much true except this. The Nidhogg parasites absolutely made the game grind to a halt. It was so jarring I wondered if they were like Mass Effects elevators; disguising load times.
The game is missing some important things, like coop for Blood Palace, the ability to play any character on any mission, and playable Vergil. But everything else is right.
Also Devil Hunter is WAY too easy for the highest difficulty on a first playthrough

I love and will love the DMC franchise and other character action games to death but exposing a niche genre to casuals who do not understand even it's basic concept is a bad idea. I'd honestly prefer it'd remain niche.

>donte tried to kill a brother who loved him and saved his life over a thot
>nero gets mutilated by his father, gets over it, tells his dad to grow up, saves his life

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Still better than DMC3's low points or any mission involving V.

So fuck Nero and bring back fulltime Dante?

>a strong sense of commitment to your actions
this is not a selling point. I fucking hate action games where you can't cancel your basic attacks.

It's good when it's good but the bosses are nothing special, the level design is nothing special, and the points scaling in some fights on some of the levels is fucking retardedly broken. The combat is great but when you have to preplan every attack, exceed, style points, etc to rack up enough points to get an S-rank on DmD or no hit the level somehow, you're no longer experimenting with fun, stylish, over-the-top combos. You're playing like an autistic speedrunner.

I thought I would hate it but there's still a sense of fluidity and you have enough variation in strings per weapon to attack as you need to. Some of your weapons will also cover above or behind you, and your Ninpo and guard are generally available very quickly after an attack.

Why so many niggas hate King Cerberus's rave? It's pretty good

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I don't mind all the combo dialing, I just hate that I can see a strike coming at me and not dodge or block it because I'm already striking. I'm aware that this is more realistic but it forces you to play the game much more carefully and methodically, and I prefer my action games to be a test of reflexes rather than planning. If I wanted to plan, I'd be playing an elaborate RPG.

That may just come down to personal taste, but whatever. It's the thing I hate most about the Ninja Gaiden games.

I think people just wanted a remix of 3's Cerb theme.

It really isn't it's just noise.

everyone expected either a DMC 3 Cerberus Theme Remix or a new song composed by Shootie HG.

What you mean? None of the characters besides V are casual, but Dante isn't hard either, in fact as another user pointed out he's very casual friendly and easy to pick up. Nero has too much timed shit to execute and press. You watch any video of a casual streamer playing Nero and they mostly just mash the sword button without exceeding or anything else, and most casuals have had the most trouble beating BP with him than any other character which shows most casual players do not play Nero correctly kek

Every mission past 3 is "that level". By the time I get to Dante I'm just going through the motions with the absolute slog of reused areas, doesn't help that his kit isn't very satisfying to use either.

It has to be one of the most overrated games of all time and it's quite sad that the reason is just because people waited a long ass time for it, to the point where they delude themselves into thinking it's a perfect game.
I've been playing these games since the early PS2 days and I can safely say that 1 and 3 are still overall better games than 5.
The main problems with DMC5 are the shit or should I say "lack" of any level design. And no hallways and dropping down circle arenas don't count as level design.
Second problem is the overall theme. A blood tree infested city and a white blood tree... that's it. Enjoy your 20 samey looking missions. DMC4 was already getting away from the gothic themes besides fortuna castle but it still manages to have more variety than 5 despite being half a game.
Too many enemies are recycled and the ones are just lame.
Bosses are really fucking unmemorable and not fun to fight. I can easily recall every single boss from 1, 3 and even 4, but I can't even remember most of 5 except for vergil, cavaliere and cerberus.
Music is absolute trash most of the time with devil trigger being the only acceptable track.
Story is like a bad fanfic and a direct insult to DMC3 which had a stellar one for an action game.
Bonus: V is a shit character that you're forced to play, Dante has 3 rebellions reskins and Bloody Palace sucks in 5.

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Well you do unoptimal things because it looks cool i mean you can beat DMC just by mashing triangle, do you do it? Do you do that?
Anyway there is your style meter and then there is true style above it.

I'm all about the hyper gameplay and combo wank myself, but I guess NG served as a change of pace. I'll say that you do need to lean onto AoE moves.

All of this.

>3 bosses

They're memorable, but half of them are trash.

Barely anything to unlock
forced character segments
extremely barebones online functionality
every stage looks the same

>Too many enemies are recycled and the ones are just lame
Personally I think DMC5 has the best enemy selection of any DMC, each game has a few enemies that just make you want to drop the game because they suck so hard but DMC5 doesn't really have that problem.
>Music is absolute trash most of the time with devil trigger being the only acceptable track.
While I think it's weaker than DMC1-3's soundtracks it is still overall pretty solid and at the very least a step up from DMC4

I pretty much agree with everything else though. Itsuno promised us the best action game ever, and it was not. Better than 4, but not as good/on the level of DMC3 save for everything Vergil, he was just great in DMC5.

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Nevan, Vergil and Arkham. That's it. Rest were just basic stock demon shits who for demons, weren't very inspired looking by design.

DMC1 is the peak

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No it wasn't.

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And you're just a faggot, we can't win them all

I like it a lot, no doubt one of the greatest action games ever made, but I still think I prefer 3.
>Better OST
>More weapons
>Styles feel more fleshed out
>Bosses have personality
>DMC5's story feels like a retread of 3's, whereas 3 is it's own unique thing
>Style swapping is still really akward, though much less so than 4 to be fair
>V (gameplay wise) feels like a really cool concept, but ends up unsatisfying for a number of reasons
>Nero's gameplay is still too linear, the devil breakers help, but because of wire snatch, they only get oneish action each (since most of the time the break move is just a bigger version of the normal move)

>photo realistic graphics are so lit bro xD
I hate it when retards rate games I like

I hope this is bait but I guess not because the DMC community has been an embarrassing circlejerk for years now. Bayonetta, God Hand and The Wonderful 101 all blow this game out of the fucking water.

DMC5 is the greatest in the series. 2 of the greatest playable character's in the whole franchise, after playable Vergil then DMC5 will have the top 3 playable characters in the franchise and it will be unmatched. Except maybe by 4.

>3 Playable Characters

It'd be better if there was only 1.

They are though lol. Sorry if you enjoy playing as boyband members, but I sure don't.

I agree

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Of course someone disagreeing with me would be thinking about dicks.

>Nevan, Vergil and Arkham. That's it. Rest were just basic stock demon shits who for demons, weren't very inspired looking by design.
Did we play the same game?

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Bayo, no, and God Hand only in terms of having systems unlike anything else (and godlike music), but it's about on par. W101 I fully agree is better.

>Better OST
Sure but it depends on personal taste.
>More weapons
5 has superior weapons. Balrag > Beowulf. King Cerberus > Cerberus.
>Styles feel more fleshed out
What the fuck are you talking about? Each individual style in 5 has more moves than in 3 and in that game you couldn't even switch between them.
>Bosses have personality
They have more of it in 5 because they actually have banter during battle.
>DMC5's story feels like a retread of 3's, whereas 3 is it's own unique thing
Sure but that's not necessarily a bad thing. History repeats itself.
>Style swapping is still really awkward, though much less so than 4 to be fair
For you maybe. I've never had this issue and Dante feels fluid to me.
>V (gameplay wise) feels like a really cool concept, but ends up unsatisfying for a number of reasons
Sure I'll give you this one. V needed more stuff.
>Nero's gameplay is still too linear, the devil breakers help, but because of wire snatch, they only get oneish action each (since most of the time the break move is just a bigger version of the normal move)
He has a ton of hidden potential that needs to be realized. See: Devil Knuckle.

>literally stock demon shit. Not even better than qlipoth unga retardo that V fought.

this desu. should have just been nero or Dante so they could have focused on other stuff

>not boyband members
>somehow related to photorealism?

Fuck I can't wait to get my hands on 5's Vergil in the inevitable Special Edition.

Stop shitposting

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>boyband member
>most robust cromagnon skulled nigga in the game
What boybands have you seen?

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I'm still downloading the god damn archive it keeps breaking between here and china.

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Fucking hell, why do faggots line you have to turn everything into a culture way? Why can't you just enjoy both?
He's said previously that he always wanted to do a sequel, he just never had the opportunity. I'll be fine with whatever Kamiya makes, because I know it'll be good regardless.

>thinking photorealism and artstyle have something to do masculinity
Yeah, you fit photorealism crowd just right with these 2 brain cells of yours

The backtracking isn't that bad (mostly), and most of the alfheim missions are just as fun, sometimes more fun then the core gameplay. Plus, QTE's don't really matter on multiple playthroughs, since you know they're coming.

That's a huge fucking head, i'm convinced new nero was originally a gears of war concept character.

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Bruh are you implying left gets more puss than right? Left is:
>oh bobby you're so adorable are we still on for dinner tonight, don't forget the sunday charity bash this weekend. I'm not going to be around for monday though, Tyrone and I have things to do.
Right is
>Jake your dick so big I honestly can't handle it by the gods and sparda I just climaxed 3 times, becky and stacy was right, the rumors were true, my god that's 4 times now, we should stop before all these people at this edm festival notice us OH GOD JESUS FUCK nvm don't stop it's so big

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The problem that I have with V is that his demons are unresponsive and unpredictable. He also has the smallest moveset is any of the characters. Here's how I think they should have done him:
>Allow demons to be equipped, like with Dante's weapons
>If the player presses attack, an attack should always come out, and very quickly (unless the demon is dead or something)
>DT powers up your other demons, instead of summoning nightmare

absolutely based

>wahh muh annoying backtracking puzzle
Fuck you
>Enjoy your 20 samey looking missions
Yes just like I enjoyed DMC3

6/10 game.

why the fuck are you comparing two games that try to go for photorealism to prove that photorealism is more masculine than whatever else? Are you on the spectrum?

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So much COPE

DMC5 is a shadow of it's previous installments. V is an absolute chore to play as, the missions are so repetitive it feels like playing an MMO at times. The music is boring and the plot is so poorly paced as to be non-existent for three quarters of the game. The difficulty is scaled poorly, where Devil Hunter is tantamount to easy mode and SoS is normal mode and you can only unlock hard mode after beating the game when Hard should be unlocked from the start.

Kamiya isn't directing Bayo3, so it'll be trash like Bayo2
>power level autism makes my game good
Are you always this retarded? Dante can just go SinDT, Lock anyone in place and crush them with demolition, Bayo could die if she got caught since she's still human, and Kratos has died before

Attached: SinDT_Demolition.gif (300x169, 2.81M)

just roulette bro

>good writing and gameplay makes a game fun
Of course my dear, a fully raged out Kratos would wreck Dante's shit. And Bayo would punch him to the sun. Dante defeated Mundus? and? Kratos crushed gods that were strong enough to take out titans with one hit. Poseidon literally kills a titan by diving through his chest, and was handeling several of them at once with his abilities, and Kratos bashed his shit in. Dante doesn't want it with Kratos, he doesn't want it.

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Wonderful 101 was better

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>Even though the game feels complete as is, DLC would be a welcome addition and will hopefully be announced this E3.
Thanks for the confirmation Matt.

Holy shit. Kek

>all these claim came from the same mouth
>DmC has you play as Dante the whole campaign, has no backtracking, coherent plot.
Don't forget, Dante's gameplay is now the same as Nero, DT is shit in every way, thr game ran in 30FPs, removed taunts, and had a lot of tedious platforming and grapple sections.
Exactly what fans wanted

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>good writing
Irrelevant to the topic and to the genre
>and gameplay
>Of course my dear, a fully raged out Kratos would wreck Dante's shit
What will he do? Punch him really angrily? I'm sure he can take it like nothing
>Kratos crushed gods that were strong enough to take out titans with one hit
And Dante killed things stronger than Mundus. The Greek Gods are all pethaticly weak too they all can die as if they were human

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Fuck off with your power level autism

>dmc4 hated
>literally the main dmc other than 5 people still go back to
>literally best gameplay in the series before 5
>DmC has no backtracking
No, it's just fucking saturated with in-combat cutscenes (do we really need a fucking close up cinematic of donte face everytime he kills something).
>get into a small scrapple
>kill one enemy
>move 2 feet
We get it tameme, we see what Donte looks like, stop with the closeups. I will gladly take the backtracking of both 3 and 4 over the god awful
>use the red whip to pull things, the blue to go to them
Gameplay which made up 70% of the fucking missions. I didn't even finish the Vergil dlc because of that tedious shit. There's even a mission in the game that consist of you literally just yanking shit out of the way for Vergil.
>game that literally plays like every other western cinematic QTE game

>>DmC has you play as Dante the whole campaign, has no backtracking, coherent plot.
>>DMC fans hate it too

DmC is a bad game.
Shit gameplay
Donte is a shit character
Badly written story

Thanks for the Bayonetta mod brother it's exactly what i was looking for.

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Why do we fight over which game is the best when it all just comes to personal taste?

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>kratos gods are weak
And all of them have a better resume in ass kickery than all of the demons Dante has fought, same with Bayonetta. Demons are weak in DMC compared to those in her series.
>what will he do punch him angrily
Hypothetically? yes, as Kratos does every other god he has killed. Dante is not indestructable, and after a while of prolonged fighting even his healing can be taxed and Kratos is perfectly capable of taxing that ass. Shit he still has most of his items, he could turn Dante into a statue with medusa head.

Some games are just better than others. Like for instance, DMC5 is better than all other action games.

It’s the 3rd best game in its series

Autism ?

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1 was a trashier version of RE + Onimusha, both of which were better games with better writing. 2 was absolute horse shit, 3 was brought down by trash bosses, back tracking and a tedious formula of item fetching. 4 was incomplete, that leaves 5 as the best.

Yea I've played through 3 many times but I still fucking get lost at times and just wander around like a retard.

lol how did you even get this pic

>3 Playable Characters
>20 missions without any backtracking
Please if you're gonna have 3 characters make more missions please. Or just stick to two playable characters and the extra character can be just chosen without adding anything to the story or whatever.

>Still no munsterhunter style multiplayer/coop where you and some other guy take demon hunting requests and either cooperate about taking down a boss in a level or starting in different locations in the map to see who can take it down the fastest for better loot/exp

I have been wanting this since 3 goddamn it.

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That actually does sound pretty cool, spinoff like this when?

Based brainlet retard

No thanks

>Bayonetta felt better on a casual playthrough.
Shit you read in dmc threads.

On the contrary, qte's stop bothering you on ng+, and the panther form lets you rush through encounters. Bayo is an incredible game to replay.

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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As much as I love it, it does have a few fatal flaws that makes me not want to put it on the same level as Devil May Cry 3.
>Switching between characters during the story gives you less missions with each individual character, no option to replay all missions with the character of your choice
In Devil May Cry 3 you played as Dante all the way through, allowing you to become extremely familiar with how he fights and his options. Once Vergil is unlocked, you can play any mission with Vergil. This would be an easy fix for DMC5 so I have no idea why they haven't done it.
>V's playstyle fluctuates between spammy and braindead. His default control scheme is bad.
Shadow is fine but having to tap and hold Griffon at all times is just annoying. I do really like V's playstyle, and I'm not sure how I'd fix it but as is, he becomes tiring if you play as him for a few missions in a row.

Have you played ninja gaiden? You can cancel your moves with shurikens.

missions without any backtracking
Split between
Playable Characters
And several of the missions are just one boss fight.
This is DMC5's biggest (and one of the only) faults.
If they were going to have 3 playable characters they need to increase the number of missions OR let you play all 20 with each of the three.

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>No costumes
>Everyone was angry about 20 missions split between 2 characters in DMC4 and now they split 20 missions between 3 characters like they just didn't give a fuck about that.
>Obvious SE edition coming in a few years just to add Vergil.
Capcom is such a fucking retarded company I hate them so fucking much.

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>And all of them have a better resume in ass kickery than all of the demons Dante has fought
And all of this history is taken from myths that exist, DMC doesn't do that and so we don't know the history of those we fought, so the comparision is autistic. And non of the demons Dante fights die in a pethatic way like they were human.
>Hypothetically? yes, as Kratos does every other god he has killed. Dante is not indestructable, and after a while of prolonged fighting even his healing can be taxed
His healing doesn't get taxed he might get tired but his healing won't get taxed, and Kratos will need to touch him fist in order to punch him

Can I ask you something, why do you hate Dante? It's really strange, you always want to prove that Dante is weak for some odd reason

Bayo will continue to under perform just like all of Kamiya's games after DMC1.

Play DMC before going full autism on "power levels" retard.

I think DMC5 just might have the most based r34 community of any game. Everytime I go there, there is something that makes me laugh.

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local Yea Forumsirgin is surprised by Boomer thanks to the use of Sparda's monster energy drink: sword flavor

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DMCV is great. But it’s not a 10 because of V. His move set inconsistency and general unresponsiveness are easily the worst parts of the game. It’s always boring and unengaging playing him and even 4 missions is too much. There’s a way for a summoner style to be good in DMC, but V is not how you do it.

>Obvious SE edition coming in a few years just to add Vergil
E3 bruh

>Kamiya isn't directing Bayo3, so it'll be trash like Bayo2
That’s not fair, it depends who’s directing. Hashimoto (who directed 2, which was shit) left the company, and Taura (who “directed” Automata under Taro) is working on Astral Chain.

Kenji Saito isn’t announced to be doing shit, and he directed two of Plat’s best ever titles (MGR and Transformers Devastation). I’m secretly hoping he’s directing Babylon’s Fall instead, but there’s no reason he couldn’t be handling Bayo 3. Like Hashimoto, he had a supervisory role in the first one (Gameplay systems designer I think, where Hashimoto was art director) so he knows the property well enough, and he’s an old enough head at P* (coming from their Clover days) that Kamiya would trust him with a flagship.

I can't FUCKING WAIT to buy the game AGAIN.

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anyone else wish that Nero would ride you and bounce on it like a beach ball?

but you get Vergil, Gilver boss, and Nero/Dante boss as Vergil for the final two levels

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Controls/mapping is really bad and can't change it the way I want to.


What's the problem?

If they're releasing Vergil anytime soon sure enough they wouldn't release an SE so close to the vanilla game release date.

>and all of this history is taken from myths that exist
How does this change any of what they accomplished? these are gods, and the demons in DMC sorry to say do not operate on the level of the gods in GoW
>his healing doesn't get taxed
Except it has been before, on top of that Dante gets knocked out and ko'd frequently, Someone as hard hitting as Bayo or Kratos can easily KO him
>why do you want to prove dante is weak
They all are compared to Kratos and Bayo
>play DMC before going full autism on "power levels" retard.
I have, but you must not have played through any of the GoW's if you think any of the demons Dante has fought rivals even the weakest of gods in the pantheon let alone Zeus himself. Kratos literally needed special power and godly weaponry just to be able to harm them. Dante most likely would be a fly buzzing around in their faces.

that ranking doesn't lie

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That is not a ninja gaiden

can't change lock-on to R3 for one

All the more reason why being unable to cancel them with dodges/blocks is stupid. You basically have to shuriken through any defensive maneuver you use.

The OST is shit lol

I'm all for what you're describing generally but in this specific case, I just want you to know that you would be rendering the game literally unplayable. DMC5 is not a game that can be played with toggle-lock-on. It's just not. Lock on recontextualizes inputs.

W101 has co op.

>Gilver boss
They wouldn't even need to make a new model, get Vergil and wrap him in bandages. Capcom make this happen

well i mean he's not wrong, he just wrote out what we're all thinking

> exists

>How do I get into crazy combos? Do I just replay BP over and over until it clicks for me?
No you need to practice reps in the void like a fighting game, then try it in freestyle. Nothing too fancy, but try involving star raves, multiple launchers, gun recapture (knock enemies away with coyoteA fireworks, jump cancel and quickly switch and shoot E&I for example) for dynamic air combo.

Crazy combos is exactly like learning how to play guitar, strumming with a certain rythym is easy, transitions between chords needs muscle memory. Once you git gud you can transition and strum faster.

2 solved all of that.
But the combat is worse so fuck.

Can we get vergil as a third playable character in the next game

Two actually good pieces of advice that don't amount to "just practice"

>pick a home position and return to it. If you use Rebellion, E&I and Swordmaster most of the time, learn to stay there. When you need another weapon or style, train your muscle memory to switch to it, use it, and switch back when you are done with it. It will be easier to improvise if you have a consistent framework for what sequences of buttons you're going to press.

>get in the habit of using idle moves. Things like JCing aerial raves after two strikes or rainstorms gives you a chance to ready your hands to do the next thing while maintaining offensive momentum. It gets pretty mentally exhausting switching around all the time, so if you've got a good idle juggle from your home position, being able to sort of fall into a quick E&I blast and JC helm breaker spam, you can breathe for a moment while you get ready to do the next thing. You do this complicated sequence of inputs, Rave JC Rave JC Rave JC Rave JC, now you're ready for the next complicated sequence of inputs

These both helped me.

It's shit

Why not a full Vergil game?

I bet you're the type of fag that thinks Souls game would be better without coop too.

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>How does this change any of what they accomplished? these are gods, and the demons in DMC sorry to say do not operate on the level of the gods in GoW
And what comparision do you have to prove that? That they killed things that are big? Mundus rules an entire realm of Demons alone, and Sparda went there and defeated them all alone, Dante is stronger than Sparda so it's safe to say that he is pretty strong
>Except it has been before, on top of that Dante gets knocked out and ko'd frequently, Someone as hard hitting as Bayo or Kratos can easily KO him
Where? And hom getting KO Literally only happens when he didn't have DT, and in 5 that's it, and he only gets beat when unexpected attack comes out of nowhere or that he just doesn't care and likes to see what his opponent can do like with Nero in 4
>They all are compared to Kratos and Bayo
No, It's always just Dante with you, why do you hate him? Is the fact people consider him strong bothers you that much? And what does a character being strong have to do with his game being good?
And that's a diffrent user telling you to play DMC, not me

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The game is great but V sucks ass big time I don’t know what the fuck capcom was thinking.

>not this

>that finisher

you're right
but still
not shit, great ost

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Just trying to be realistic

Short combos
Different parries

It's more methodical then stylish. It's for the logicians not the artists of dmc.

oh yeah they're tooootally gonna announce something at E3. just like the game was toootally gonna have turbo and on-the-fly breaker swapping. just like the game was toootally gonna have co-op bloody palace. lmfao

That's for special edition, Vergil dlc will come before that and announced at E3.

Lol Nero's buster animation where he slams their head into the floor is great. Reminds me of wild stomp

Many attacks can be cancelled into block in NGB. You must commit to the active frames but holding block prevents some attacks from hitting you during recovery. Once you figure this out, it becomes instinctive to hold block after most strings or single attacks. You can also cancel guard breaks into rolls or re-block as well. You can chain rolls into smoke bombs or vice versa, the entire 'on landing' state lets you cancel jump recovery into whatever you want, shuriken cancels can make many grounded strings safer and an air shuriken "cancels" the ability to wall cling so you can go for an OL move easier.
Ryu is no Dante but it honestly sounds like you haven't bothered trying to play NGB for more than a few chapters. The entire reason why no DMC enemy can touch Dante is because he rarely has to commit to much.

It's already 30% off on Steam. Doesn't look like Capcom is very happy with the sales.

>Already on sale

Glad I didn't fall for the mountains of shill threads

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>We may never get full remixes of the remixes in the History of DMC recap

why live bros

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games go on sale woahh

dmc is shit woah

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>The entire reason why no DMC enemy can touch Dante is because he rarely has to commit to much.
That's my point. The game is a test of you and your reflexes and situational awareness. If you get hit in a DMC game it's because you didn't react fast enough to an attack. There is no situation in a DMC game where you are going to be dead now because you pressed a button earlier, only situations where you are going to be dead now if you don't press a button soon.

Yea Forumsermin has shit taste woah

>get hit

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>And what comparison do you have to prove that?
What else? that the gods have more powers than any of the demons Dante has faced. Zeus alone has more abilities than Mundus, including the abilities Mundus has himself, as Zeus can literally imprison people in their own minds. You know, Zeus doesn't need a katana to open portals to other dimensions either ;) gods like Zeus literally took out beings who predate himself. Mundus ruled over a realm of subordinates? ok? big whoop. So Mundus is basically lesser Hades. Zeus took out all his superiors.
>Where? And hom getting KO Literally only happens when he didn't have DT
"where does dante get ko'd", literally gets ko'd for a full fucking month while he was in DT in 5 LOL! not to mention saying things like "Dante walks around with swords in his chest" proves nothing but how less durable he is than Kratos. Kratos doesn't walk around with swords sticking out his chest because Kratos flesh isn't that weak to be able to be pierced by everything
>No, It's always just Dante with you
Basically "why are GoWfags targeting DMC and Dante when dmcfags talk mad shit and downplay Gow gods just to make Dante seem strong and kratos weak", who should we focus on instead? Vergil? the non-playable character who has never been a protagonist? you make no sense.

>If you get hit in a DMC game
That's because enemies rarely attack you in dmc.

If you're a big fan of cancelling your attacks, you should play bayo, because that's what dodge offset is all about.

Thanks a lot bros. I think I'll stick to Dante for now.

and yet you hang out in these threads, you sound pretty tsundere

I'm also a huge fan of Bayonetta, and in many ways I would argue Bayonetta is just NG done up with a few more DMC sensibilities. I just also think Bayonetta is slowed way the fuck down by Kamiya's insistence on jamming QTEs and minigames into every single fucking thing he makes.

>That's because enemies rarely attack you in dmc.

>he plays DH

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I like bayo, ng and sekiro because all of these games, unlike dmc, tried to emphasize enemy aggression.

Bayonetta lets you combine defense and offense with dodge offset. I don't think that qte's are that big of a problem when you're replaying the game since you already know what's coming at you.

NG lets you fight overpowered enemies by making Ryu overpowered.

Sekiro puts a big emphasis on working off the enemy offense with deflects.

All of these games make you interact with enemies a lot, while in dmc it's all about your character and fancy combos.

I got bored of the game 9 missions in on dmd.

This game's story gets worse the more I think about it

Bingo is a fucking hack

>Zeus doesn't need a katana to open portals to other dimensions either
Neither does Mundus retard
Mundus is still pretty much unkilled too unlike Zues who is weak, all what you can do is seal him away.
>where does dante get ko'd", literally gets ko'd for a full fucking month while he was in DT in 5 LOL! not to mention saying things like "Dante walks around with swords in his chest" proves nothing but how less durable he is than Kratos.
Literally just a gameplay plot, and that KO did nothing but let him sleep, it doesn't kill him it didn't hurt, and Kratos stabbed himself with a sword and died his skin isn't strong at all what you're talking about we can even see him bleed in the baldur fight
>Basically "why are GoWfags targeting DMC and Dante when dmcfags talk mad shit and downplay Gow gods just to make Dante seem strong and kratos weak", who should we focus on instead? Vergil? the non-playable character who has never been a protagonist? you make no sense
You're the one that brought up how Kratos is strong out of the blue you autist, no one gives a shit about GoW, it is you who keeps shitting on Dante, you even shit on him with Nero, you just hate Dante for some reason

>brain dead hallway level design
>spam the same button in different rhythm combos
>pay real money to get more continues

It's crap

I don't mind the creativity, I think it's a good thing, and Bayo struck a nice balance there. If action games are just fighting games translated into the 3D-adventure space, it makes sense that combat should come down to the interplay between two different elements:

1) avoiding damage from aggressive enemies and finding an opening to strike, and
2) chaining together your attacks quickly and skillfully to make that opening as wide and painful as possible before the enemy recovers.

The enemies in DMC games may not be as threatening or aggressive, but it does a much better job of capturing the latter half of the magic. Sekiro is footsies and neutral game in SF2; DMC is turning a single hitconfirm into 70% HP loss in an anime fighter. Both things are valid, striking a balance is the challenging part.

Bayonetta strikes a terrific balance, IMO, but it also makes you surf on a missile for 10 goddamn interrupted minutes before fighting Jeanne again. TFD (and to a lesser extent) Bayo 2 both act like Bayonetta without the bullshit, but both of them start to lean a little too far away from the impossibly long creative juggle half of the formula.

So far I've never played an action game that 100% nailed the balance while also being a fun and tolerable game overall.

>in dmc it's all about your character and fancy combos
That's the point, but I also totally get why people don't like it. 90% of the time in DMC games your character is hilariously overpowered compared to the enemies, so the character chooses to do unnecessary stylish stuff to keep it interesting. The Style Meter is basically something going on in Dante, Nero, etc.'s heads while they're fighting demons.

Bayonetta 1 has three playable characters too.

>The game is a test of you and your reflexes and situational awareness.
I could say the same thing about NGB or nearly any stylish action game. If you get hit in Ninja Gaiden, God Hand or Bayonetta, it's because you're using unsafe shit or have poor defense. I love DMC but it has the least offensive enemies of the entire genre and that's partly because there's hardly any risk or recovery involved with Dante's moveset. Instead if gutting Dante's fluidity, the proper solution imo would be to bring the basic enemies up to his level of offense without taking away his ability to zero-to-death anything on screen. Not that one game is better than the other but that's what happens in NGB/NG2; the enemies are deadly and efficient killing machines but YOU are still the most OP thing on the battlefield. Pulling off endless combos on enemies that have no chance of killing you or even attacking in the first place feels a bit empty after you learn the mechanics.

You might as well have said "I suck at this game, I didn't have a good time."

I love Dante

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>using continues at all
are you happy with your D ranks, user?

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Three? I don't remember anybody other than Bayo & Jeanne. 2 has Bayo/Jeanne/Rosa in all Chapters/Trials and Lumen Sage/Rodin in Tag Climax so technically it matches 4SE in a limited fashion, even if Jeanne is mostly just tweaked Bayo and Rosa is just a Glass Cannon version of the guns.

A sales pitch for an action game: enemies are extremely aggressive and deadly, but if you play with high style, you terrify them and they are reluctant to attack you. Playing shittily makes enemies see you as weak and swarm you; playing like a magnificent superhero makes them take you on one at a time, afraid to risk their lives at your hand.

>probably defeated vergil using gold orbs
"defeating you like this has no meaning"

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Little King Zero.

theres some other character called zero. i think hes just a gimmick though

>Gripping and emotional storyline

Are you just trying to make people hate this game on here or what

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>he lost to a jobber

cute brothers

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You unlock Zero by completing the Lost Chapter. He's a gimmick character that dies in a couple of hits.

>Neither does Mundus retard
That's not even a fraction of Zeus abilties, he outclasses Mundus tenfold. Even Bayo has taken out more powerful big bads than Mundus. Again GoW demons are weak than both Bayo's and GoW's gods.
>it's a gameplay plot so it didn't happen
What even the fuck? lul ok, but Dante has still been knocked out before, and only healed minutes later after the fact. Point someone like Bayo who literally headbutts demons and hit's being with thousands worth tons of force can easily KO him. And sorry to snub Urizen, but Urizen was not hitting mother fuckers with 1000s tons of force LOL. Even after eating the fruit his display of "power" was completely underwhelming compared to even the base gods of GoW
>kratos stabbed himself with a weapon with the power to kill a god means kratos is weak to being pierced
Uh sorry buddy no. He was pierced by the blade of olympus because it literally has the power to kill a god. That's like you basically calling Superman weak because he can be pierced by a kyptonite weapon.
>dindu nuffin
when every thread is filled with durr bayo flopped, durr kratos is a walking simulator. Your fags were literally just in a GoW thread shitting on it.
>dindu nuffin

Animu poster with a shit opinion,it's like clockwork.

Could be an interesting design concept. I'd also add a chance for an enemy to join your side at high style rank.
>fighting group of Angelos
>laying waste to Scudos
>Proto Angelo disgusted by their performance
>turns red and starts trading hits during a juggle with Dante
>can engage in friendly duel or have the Proto tag along to the next fight

>and only healed minutes later after the fact
No he healed the in seconds, he didn't him taking the nap didn't do anything to him, it didn't heal it just fed him to keep him alive while he is a sleep
>Uh sorry buddy no. He was pierced by the blade of olympus because it literally has the power to kill a god.
He us weak to something, what is Dante weak against? There's nothing
>when every thread is filled with durr bayo flopped, durr kratos is a walking simulator. Your fags were literally just in a GoW thread shitting on it.
Literally no one brought up GoW but you in this thread, Bayo is liked by most here too, and only self insert gags hate the game because you play as a girl, and again why do you hate Dante for no reason but muh fanbase?
I'm done here

You two retards have been arguing since last night jesus kys.


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me too, user

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spiky haired dante? or vergil??

>no he healed the in seconds, he didn't him taking the nap didn't do anything to him, it didn't heal it just fed him to keep him alive while he is a sleep
Whatever you say, dude got ko'd for a full month, period. Bayo and Krato STOMP.
>He us weak to something, what is Dante weak against? There's nothing
He is weak to a weapon with the power to kill a god? so? does that make him weak to any of Dante's pleb shit? his devil arms will tickle Kratos at best. You make no sense, using your logic you think Dante can beat Superman because Superman has a weakness? I'm sorry but no nigga. You seen Brightburn right? that scene where he exploded the cop just by flying into him? That's Dante vs Superman LOL. And Dante DOES have a weakness, it's called being beat the fuck up until barely concious and head ripped off. Heal from that.
>more whining and playing victim

please clap

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190529230958.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

Cheers, lad
I've S ranked all of DMD and I'm going through Hell and Hell now, currently on Mission 9
I think this might be one of the best games ever


Attached: what you lack is THIS.png (1661x927, 1.93M)

Good shit dude. If only I was as much of a madlad and skilled at the game to do that in any good amount of time.

that's dante, look at his beard
it's just his BP taunt

you're one motivated user


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Artemis is great. Geyron is good if you don't already hate V

The other two, yes they're bad

That's a yikes, looks like me and Sekiro bro won the action game duel.
>tfw the opening of my PSP game can outsell all DMC games

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Making it past mission 8 and most of the V missions is the biggest hurdle, good job.
>having to keep track of 3 things all at the same time that all get one shot
never again

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I had an idea for a whole framing structure around how action games work; near-future tech uses magnetic shields that absorb impact force and distribute it (like kevlar) across the whole body. So hitting shit with bullets or sharp objects doesn’t actually cause lethal wounds, but it produces a knocking-back effect.

So elite military units, based on Shock and Awe doctrine, approach combat situations by beating on enemy combatant magnet shields to literally juggle their opponents in the air, producing such a spectacle of power that even though they’re outnumbered 10:1, nobody wants to chance taking them on.

It’s a “realism” approach to knocking an enemy around with a sword like a baseball with a bat without causing incapacitating damage.

thanks I forgot about that

what will vergil's taunt be I wonder..

>more whining and playing victim
I'm not whining at all, you're autistic enough to argue power levels from different games, as if it has anything to do with the topic of that user who talked about the games and not you're autistic power levels.
No one mentions GoW in DMC threads and no one raids GoW threads but consolewarring fags, and I don't even hate GoW or Bayo, I just find you're autism irritating, I'm done arguing with you faggot

>kratos vs dante
Jesus it's like 2005 again
You fucking autists

god damm, well done.

how long did it take? for me it took well over 70hrs after my first two playthroughs

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Here's your daily mission 20 screenshot

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Come back when you will be able to jump again

>tfw you get power

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Considering what the two have managed to beat in combat it'd still be fucking awesome even now.

I lost track of the hours and gaystation doesn't keep track either, lets just say, many long hours of many, many resets.

Now that you mention it, it is rather pointless since Kratos already won that battle. We're over 10 million copies sold now ON A SINGLE PLATFORM and DMC5 already on sale on multiple platforms kek

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Who? It's really 2005 again

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I love how Yea Forums goes back and forth on whether sales and gaming journalism can be trusted based on whether or not their favorite video games are at stake.

I've died twice on BP floor 99 with V, fuck my life.

Something about the cameras position in that second Urizen fight really fucks with my depth perception, makes it really annoying with V.

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>try to spam side dodges to become invincible
>angle relative to lock-on target changes slightly due to positioning
>side dodge becomes jump
every time

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Wait, does Gaystation play DMC5 as well? Wish I knew that...

Literally just an sandblasted GoW nigger

>Talks about how Kratos won the battle
>Immediately veers off about sales
Wait, how did he win that battle? Don't leave me hanging damn it!

But jumps have i-frames

I suck at plenty of games and have a good time
I don't even know what a vergil is

The game is shit. I do not care.

This. I think they had good intentions with more leniency, but it kind of detracts from the challenge the series provides when you are basically invincible wahoo-ing through the air

if only dmc had as many purchasers as it had fags on Yea Forums fapping to video game boys

Not as many as V's side dodges.


>I don't even know what a vergil is
Fuck out of here.

Literally you said nothing on why the game is shit, the different rhythm for combos is great and allows for a lot of moves, the only real complaint is level design and even that isn't bad, it's just bland

Please kys.


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>turbo and on-the-fly breaker swapping
there was no evidence to ever support these
>coop bloody palace
this actually had evidence

For me I just pick a combo that I think looks sick and get good at switching in and out of the style, gun, and weapon necessary to do the combo. Then once I have that down I find another combo I think looks cool and get good at switching from my home setup into that combo. I do this until one combo is muscle memory then I switch to another

>Literally you said nothing on why the game is shit
That's because he never even played the game and is just looking for yous.


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Initial 20 levels are fucking joke
A floor with a single hellbat? Shit is straight from DmC bp

He won by being the more relevant series and the more relevant character. We're still talking about Kratos, his uploaded vids still gets millions of views. We're still getting lore videos and character deep dives and theories on what the context of what was discovered in 4 actually meant. Meanwhile Dante is forgotten. Because there's literally nothing to care about in his game, characterwise, plotwise or otherwise. All it's secrets and cards laid out right on the table for us and just left open enough to shit out another pointless sequel where i'm guessing Vergil is evil again for reasons. There's nothing to discuss, hence why all your threads turn into fujo shit. DMC mythos is weak, and it desperately needs both new directors and writers. Because no one cares.

>Shit is straight from DmC bp
You haven't played DmC's bloody palace

I'm talking about "what if Kratos punched Dante in the face."

Wait, are you saying I'm that user? Please say it ain't so.

Yes, "someone".


What vids the fuck are you talking about
Are you the same dumbass who talks to himself and posts shoped slav guy?

>there is still up

Damn, you autists just don't give up.

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I love DMC to death and don't care for GoW but this is kinda true, ngl


Yeah sure
It is not like you have bepis puddles in some starting floor or upside down floor

No one has talked about nu-GoW since a month after it was released
DMC5 had endless threads about it since it was released until 2 months past release date and even now its still discussed regularly

>loreshit makes DMC bad
Fuck off and play your autistic movie games if that's all you give a shit about, I would like better writing but to think GoW's story is a good example for DMC than you're moron
And look who'd talking, when GoW doesn't even have any threads at all forgotten till it's next entry while DMC still gets threads by the daily

Congrats dude. I'm getting there myself.

since it was announced*

He hates that the thread is still going. To like DMC is autism for him.

oh, he meant to say "this is still up", but is seething so hard he can't type right.

All of that is English and only one word is misplaced from not paying attention to auto correct. Don't be a bitch user

Are you talking about my shitflinging with the power level autist?

Trish has an alt :D, so does Lady

Thanks for letting everyone know how i feel Psycho Mantis. Knowing DMCfags like DMC is what keeps me up at night.

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Psycho Mantis?

GoW came out last year, and dominated Yea Forums for that entire year. Not to mention sold over 10 mil copies, of course it was talked about and explored more. Your game came out a few months ago and already the threads are dead beyond fag shit posting lol. Even the Sekirofags actually talked about their game more than you lot did. And there's a reason for that, your lore is weak, your moves are weak.

You like men

>GoW came out last year
And it was mocked, hated, and forgotten, no one even really gave a shit when it won GotY award that's how okay it is.
Lore autism doesn't mean shit for video games, and DMC's gameplay is still better than GoW after all these years, and as it seems GoW had to change everything it was

It's shit because it's worse than DmC and everyone said that one was bad. At least DmC had interesting environments.

>Yea Forums hates popular sony exclusive the rest of the world loved
Sorry sweetie, you gonna need more than that
>gow changed everything it was
It's called evolving and adapting, something DMC doesn't do well.

>game is a 10 hour long tutorial
>the main game content is just a remix'd tutorial zone

>it's an asshurt DmCfag
Kek, DmC has the same shit corridor level design DMC5 is shat on for, but with brain dead color coded platforming

>Yea Forums hates popular sony exclusive the rest of the world loved
The world loves Fortnite I guess that's a good game too, oh can't forget Fifa, And my favourite game of the year TLOU
>It's called evolving and adapting, something DMC doesn't do well.
It isn't evolving if it got completely changed, DMC doesn't need to change because it has it's own identity that doesn't follow trends, something GoW will never understand.

If adapting and evolving means removing the ability to jump or watch your surroundings, then I'd much rather play DMC.

I wish they would make story expansions for DMC5 that picked up where the ending left off and added new missions, enemy types, bosses, characters, and weapons/etc. Unfortunately I guess either Itsuno is eager to jump straight into DD2 or Capcom doesn't think proper expansions are worth the investment. I have a feeling DMC5SE is gonna be like DMC4SE, just a few extra characters playing through the same campaign.

DMC5 is just such a solid foundation, feels like such a waste to start from scratch with DMC6.

>The world loves Fortnite I guess that's a good game too
Yes it's very fun and has replay value, unlike dmc
>It isn't evolving if it got completely changed, DMC doesn't need to change because it has it's own identity that doesn't follow trends, something GoW will never understand.
That's literally evolving, it changed and became even bigger than it already was before with even greater writing and characterization. Something DMC has been trying to achieve so hard that they literally had to reintroduce a new protagonist and create a reboot to do so.

>20 missions without any backtracking

Not exactly a plus. Level design is non-existent except in like one level which has a few branching paths.

>Catchy OST that keeps the blood pumping

Weakest of the series so far.

>Overall the best bosses in the series

Subjective as fuck. Overall it falls in line with every DMC game. Boss roster ranges from aggressively dull (Blood Roots, Niddhog) to Just Okay (Cerberus, Goliath, Gilgamesh) to fucking awesome (Malphas, Urizen, Cavalier Angelo, Vergil). Vergil 3 is still the best boss in the series with Credo as a close second.

>Gripping and emotional storyline that brings back fan favorite Vergil

While not a mess, it's definitely messy and all over the place. It's definitely the worse plot written by Bingo Morihashi.

Okay, got my stupid pedantic shit out of the way. Aside from all of these subjective opinions, it's a fucking grand return of the series and Itsuno managed to remind me why I love to play video games. I hope he gets to make Dragons Dogma 2.

And since you didn't mention it. Devil May Cry doesn't really work with realistic graphics. It's looks amazing for what it is but I have to swallow a huge coping pill when half the characters barely look as they used to. It's even more grating when the character concept art are perfect representations of how the characters would look after all those years since 3

>weakest in the series by far
metalfag detected, it's the best. Even the ambient menu music is better than any in the previous games
>plot sucks
Every single plot in every single DMC has sucked

Letting his hair down, maybe. Or he takes out the book and starts reading.

Sasuga user, Dante would be proud!

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Cerberus and Goliath are not just "okay". Also Dante and Vergil look perfectly fine. It's only Nero who looks a little off. And maybe Trish but she's gotten old now.

>It's definitely the worse plot written by Bingo Morihashi.
Idea and plot was fine the execution was just messy and it needed more than 20 missions for it to paced well. There's some stuff in the novel and manga that should have been put into the game too.

>it doesn't work with realistic graphics
It's work fine. DMC5 Dante is 100% the best representation of Dante. The concept art was retarded. Dante was way too unga and roided completely unlike any of his portrayals, his concept lacked his charming easy going features, he looked way too gears of war. Infact the concept art looked like they were originally trying to go for a edgier generic western shooter aesthetic but backed out.

Nero literally looked older than friggin vergil in his concept. Babyfaced DMC4 Nero going from his babyface to Magni from God of War, at age fucking 22? yeah I don't buy it.

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>takes out the book and starts reading.
>He only gets the taunt after fighting Nero in a boss battle and getting his book back.

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>Overall the best bosses in the series
>Bloody Palace is the best it has ever been
not at launch
>Gripping and emotional storyline that brings back fan favorite Vergil

But is a good game




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bruh, user. bruh

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For me it’s cause 5 has the strongest line up of bosses. One of my biggest problems with 3 is that with the expection of Vergil and maybe Beowulf all the bosses are downhill after Agni and Rudra. The only boss that annoys me in 5 is Nidhogg and that is more the cameras fault than the actual boss. Cavaliere is my favorite non-Vergil boss in the series after A&R.

>Yes it's very fun and has replay value, unlike dmc
Well, I didn't enjoy it and dropped it immediately of how bored I was with it
>That's literally evolving, it changed and became even bigger than it already was before with even greater writing and characterization
Is that all they improved upon? The writing? Seems like a downgrade since it also had a generic father son story, while the gameplay is even more watered down than it was before
>Something DMC has been trying to achieve so hard that they literally had to reintroduce a new protagonist and create a reboot to do so.
Something no one but (you) likes, Nero will never be the face of DMC no matter how many covers he's on. And the reboot was something again no one asked for or wanted, or even cares about. That's why it failed even though it had everything new and trendy for normies to get into

go back

Imagine being such a bootlicking fanboy that you legitimately call DMC5 "flawless" despite it lacking a fan favorite character who has been playable in two previous releases

Even DMC2 had 3 playable characters on launch, that's not an accomplishment

>subhuman producer will be at e3
live performance of subhuman confirmed

>using a name on an anonymous bangladeshi basket weaving forum
get out

vergil hasnt been playable in a single vanilla version of devil may cry


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Vergil has never been playable in the base version of DMC. Also, DMC2 only had two playable characters.

>Even the ambient menu music is better than any in the previous games
Imagine having taste this poor. This is your brain on wubwub bullshit.

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you mean wubwub basedness

Like I said, bootlickers. He wasn't playable in vanilla 3 because 2 was a shitshow and they weren't going to risk spending that much money on dev time after it. He wasn't playable in vanilla 4 because that game was half finished and Vergil was literally dead.
There's no reason for him not to be playable in 5, the entire game is jerking him off constantly. The final boss is just the final boss of 3 again but with an extra few moves.

>DMC2 only had two playable characters
Haha, oh wow. He doesn't know.

I won't go as far as OP, but 5 is the best DMC, and also not a flawless game. It's a 9/10 game, and that's after the BP update.

You can unlock Trish in 2. She plays like 1 Dante, using Ifrit's moves when Sparda is doing Round Trip or stuck in the ground. It was the basis for her more expanded and personalized 4SE moveset, and DMD as Trish is the closest thing to good 2 gets.

>DMC2 only had two playable characters

Have you tried actually playing DMC2 before you talk about it?

Attached: Female Trish.jpg (500x500, 36K)

he's not playable because they opted for a new character instead
i swear if they'd put vergil instead of V you'd just be here saying they didn't do anything new and just pandered to fans

>Well, I didn't enjoy it and dropped it immediately of how bored I was with it
That's cool for you, 10 mil felt otherwise. Yours can barely beat DmC
>Is that all they improved upon? The writing? Seems like a downgrade since it also had a generic father son story, while the gameplay is even more watered down than it was before
A dmcfag talking about a generic story, rich. Kid, every dmc story has been generic, the difference is the writers of dmc don't know how to tell a story lmao evidence by how much of a fractured incoherent mess 5 was.
>Something no one but (you) likes, Nero will never be the face of DMC no matter how many covers he's on. And the reboot was something again no one asked for or wanted, or even cares about. That's why it failed even though it had everything new and trendy for normies to get into
What does any of this have to do with me or god of war, retard? I only used Nero as example to show how weak Dante was when his feats can't even btfo a secondary protag in his series lmao. The point was YOUR franchise tried to revamp itself numerous times by changing the very protagonist, Kratos never had to do that. And kek, last I check your "protag" couldn't even manage to straight up btfo two noob characters (43% for a character who has been in 5 games compared to 2 others being in 2 and 1 respectively) who currently both have more fanart than him, and your gay fanbase lusting more after them. Tick tock. DmC outsold almost every single game in your series and achieved critical acclaim, where was the fail? You're coming at God of War but your series can't even beat a reboot. All that talk about 5 btfoing DmC in 2 weeks, and it didn't even, lul.

and she makes DMC2 kinda enjoyable

whats with these dudes and fruit

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Honestly i don't get why people say this. Personally i had way more fun with Lucia, as much as it can be had in that game.

I did use Trish to cheat my way through Bloody Palce though. Fuck that noise.

You have to be dumb and blind to actually think OP is anything but a capcom shill.

which is fine because it sounds like they're announcing something at e3 if you read his last sentence

because she had the exact same gameplay as DMC1 dante

What's stupid and pandering is the fact that the game is this weird star wars prequel bullshit where one character who was important in one story is suddenly the most important character in the universe.
Vergil was never the "alpha and omega" of DMC, he was a stepping stone for Dante's character progression. The fact is, Dante beat Vergil in 3 and then beat him again in 1. Dante is stronger. But because everyone jerks off to Vergil, he and Dante are now locked in an eternal battle as of 5 where neither can ever win (even though Dante already won, there's nothing to fucking "settle" between the two) because fanservice.

But if 5 is going to be this complete fanservice circlejerk, at least do it properly. Don't give me a plot revolving entirely around Vergil, and Vergil's clone, and Vergil's son, and have me fight Vergil 3 again, but then just not give me a playable Vergil. That's fucking nonsense. At least make him playable in Bloody Palace. 4 had nothing to do with Vergil besides the implication that Nero was his son, it makes sense he wasn't playable. But EVERYONE wanted Vergil playable. Literally everyone wanted and expected him to be at least some kind of secret bonus character. But he's just absent for no good reason at all besides Capcom not giving Itsuno and his team enough time.

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>already -34% discount

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>Vergil was never the "alpha and omega" of DMC
Holy shit you're fucking stupid dude.

isa flop

V is fine as one time thing and if vergil will get his own dlc the that wouldn't be a problem. They'll still be doing the SE but we'll be getting vergil dlc beforehand.

DmC2 inc? already know Matt and Itsuno are down.

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>got his ass beat by Dante in 3
>ran off to fight Mundus and got his ass beat again and mindbroken
>fought Dante against in 1
>got his ass beat and exploded
>then retconned to have had a son who is now stronger than him without cheating and eating magic fruit

Tell me what exactly about Vergil is so "alpha and omega." His whole fucking thing is getting his ass kicked to prop up other characters. Yet 5 treats him like this godly entity and eternal rival to the guy who, y'know, killed him already.

Pretty sure it was confirmed there's not going to be any more DLC. Probably a special edition, but again,
>i-it'll be fine when I buy the game again for another 60 dollars
It's like KH3 threads all over again.

Do you even know what alpha and omega is

Yeah, beginning and end. Which Vergil is neither of. Dante was doing shit before Vergil raised the tower and he continued to do shit after killing him. Vergil is one part of the story, not the beginning and the end. Not until DMC5 tried to force him to be as much.

It's also a title used to refer to literal fucking God, in case the circlejerking wasn't clear enough.

Holy shit, user was right, you are an idiot.

>A dmcfag talking about a generic story, rich. Kid, every dmc story has been generic, the difference is the writers of dmc don't know how to tell a story lmao evidence by how much of a fractured incoherent mess 5 was.
DMC doesn't have a good story and no one is pretending it's good, you in the other hand are saying that GoW has a great story even though it's just another bland trendy story, and I'm not a DMCfag, I also like Bayo, and God Hand
>What does any of this have to do with me or god of war, retard? I only used Nero as example to show how weak Dante was when his feats can't even btfo a secondary protag in his series lmao.
Why are you autist so possessed with power level as if it means the characters gameplay is instantly better
We get it you have your normie sales and trendy soulless shit, doesn't matter since most actionfags will always look at GoW as the burger of the genre

>Game where almost every model looks terrible, resulting in the ugliest versions of most of the cast in a game
>Donte looks better than in his own game
The best part is that he was likely chosen for the DLC costume because his DT is literally just a red aura instead of a form they'd have to model.

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>DMC doesn't have a good story and no one is pretending it's good, you in the other hand are saying that GoW has a great story even though it's just another bland trendy story, and I'm not a DMCfag, I also like Bayo, and God Hand
Because it's written well, has good dialogue, pacing, actual character development as opposed to characters just developing offscreen and characterization. All things that dmc lacks with characters literally changing their motivations on a whim.
>Why are you autist so possessed with power level as if it means the characters gameplay is instantly better
We get it you have your normie sales and trendy soulless shit
We don't have to talk power level if you like, Gow still wins either way. The 10 or so hardcore dmc weebs can call GoW the burger of the genre to their hearts content. GoW is the Britney Spears of hackers and Dmc isn't even Christina Aguilera, it's Hilary Duff. And was btfo'd by a new IP (sekiro)