Armpit Hair Patch for Tomb Raider

>More realistic armpits for Lara. Wet and stubbly.




Attached: lara pit 1.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Attached: bueno.jpg (275x250, 19K)

>Armpit hair

Why is this so fucking hot

Attached: SakuraiIntensifies.png (325x277, 123K)

>magically stops in a rectangular pattern

Attached: 1537129006515.jpg (600x800, 57K)

It's unconventional

Attached: 718_1000.jpg (681x1024, 287K)


Oh my

stop making these threads, nobody gives a shit outside of the deranged hairfaggots who will search for shit like this even if you had not made a thread. stop disgusting anyone who isn't a monstrous cretin


Fuck off

Based pitchads


kill yo self bitch

You first

Reminder that people who don't like hair are basically pedos

Can we have a realistic Lara's boobs mod?

unironically disgusting

The hair being in perfectly straight rows is hilarious.

>this exists
>no mods that give her a good outfit


At first I was annoyed by this spammer. Now, I'm just impressed. Keep on trucking, my guy.

Oh, it's this thread again.

Imagine being this autistic and beta.

Honestly I'd take this over the ion maiden spammer any day.

that's kinda hot

>animals from a mostly hairless species prefer no hair
gee, almost like this is programmed into us

Are her pits even that good? Can you see her deltoids flex and shit when she raises her arms

Women aren't supposed to have armpit hair.

Attached: 1555325518344.jpg (329x329, 50K)

It's only hot if the girl herself is hot

>destroy iconic character because you can't stand fictional sexiness, it makes you MAD
>create "Lara Croft done right"
>nuLara's only legacy is bestiality and other gross fetishisms
thanks Anita
