Is this any good?

is this any good?

Attached: catherine.jpg (460x215, 59K)

it was ok i guess. didnt care for the story but the gameplay part wasnt too bad.

No it's incel cucked based cringe transphobic redpilled onions censored weebshit seething cope

It was good before they put homoshit in it

Yes. Better than the censored remake.

Fun puzzle game and decent plot
Well that image is the version without homoshit

The definite Catherine version

Have sex.


What did they censor in the PC relase?

Great game, great side stuff. The remaster was unnecesary and adds nothing relevent.

It will give you the tetris effect after a few hours. It's almost maddening depending on the amount of autism you have.

This game lied to me about alcohol "facts" and genuinely misled me for a long time

The tetris effect?

It's when you start playing the game in your head and it won't go away. Usually happens with puzzle games like Tetris and Puyo Puyo.

The original release was fantastic. The rerelease is the typical Atlus OC waifubait tacked onto the main story, which really fucks with the whole balance of the narrative. I'd seriously go for the PS3/360 version instead.

I get this for tabletop and card games, not so much puzzle

The original is enjoyable if you're going in blind. I hope Full Body adds something worthwhile and isn't just a cash grab.

Attached: IMG_20190212_004354.jpg (1221x1600, 200K)

It was great.


shitty puzzle game

Yes, she’s voiced by real life’s best girl, laura bailey.

tranny propoganda. avoid.