Which of Nintendo's first party tittles are you looking forward?

Which of Nintendo's first party tittles are you looking forward?

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Pokémon and that's it
Least I can buy some old games I guess

>they removed Bayonetta 3 from 2019 releases
Fucking lol

Mario Maker 2, I don't care about the rest.

Wait, Astral Chain is first party?

astral chain, luigi's mansion 3 and link's awakening

Previously Mario Maker 2 but the recent lack of online with friends reveal really bummed me out: I'll probably buy it when it fixes that. Until then, i'll wait. I'll maybe be gifted Fire Emblem by the end of 2019 by relatives since they've already gifted me the 3DS games ever since I showed mild interest in them while we were shopping.
Waiting for more info on LM3 & Pokémon before I make any decision.

>bloating your image with literally forgotten Labo
stop that.

Don't tell me that, tell Nintendo.

still excited for mario maker despite getting cucked out of proper multiplayer. i want to enjoy pokemon but gamefreak has destroyed any faith i have in them, hopefully the direct next week will make my decision for me.

Everything but Labo and Fire Emblem

Animal Crossing. Please. Give me 1080p comfy. 720p comfy ON THE GOOO

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All of them you fucking nigger

It was never slated for 2019.

This, but I also want a new Pokemon and Mario Maker is honestly looking GOTY material minus the online shit recently

Yes it was you fucking retard.
Don't ever reply to me again.

Cadence of Hyrule is most of what I'm waiting for right now. But honestly, SMM2 looks godlike. And animal crossing has me desperately wanting to at least see what the art style is. I've been clinging to AC "leaks" since before it was announced.

Who indiepilled here

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Just Pokemon honestly.

Sword and Shield for fapping reasons.

FE, Pokémon, Astral Chain, maybe AC.

Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, and Astral Chain aren't first-party.

Only Astral chain isn't, dummy

>Don't ever reply to me again.
Jesus Christ. user broke you already.

>Who indiepilled here
Raises hand! Mind you, I have yet to play Crypt.
Looking forward to Three Houses and Astral Chain. But I know I'll see few more interesting games. Baldo is coming out on Switch too, right?

Just Animal Crossing and Mario Maker right now.
Unless the visuals and artstyle get a complete overhaul it looks laughably terrible
>Astral Chain
Haven't really looked into it
Has been dogshit since XY. Expecting casualization, framerate issues, unfinished and unpolished Region
>Luigi's Mansion
Looks from what we're seeing that we're getting more generic ghosts doing wacky things
I can play Link's Awakening right now

Astral Chain is first party, Platinum Games said Nintendo owns IP. So not port for you, faggots.

Links awakening and animal crossing

none of them
fuck you nintendo
you showed tons of times that you dont give a flying fuck about your community punishing people on youtube and projects

literally everyone boycotts your shit

Fucking retards who can't read. I will help you.
>First-Party Titles

Bayonetta is a First Party title

How is it possible to make that few games? How did they do it during the Gamecube era? They've been releasing nothing but ports for a long time, and they still haven't made anything big. What are their developers doing?

Nintendo is publishing and assisting development so yeah. Technically Marvel would be too except they're just publishing and Team Ninja is making it by themselves.

of course they are you colossal nigger

first party doesn't mean developped by nintendo

I think you people forget what "First Party" means. You said the same thing about Octopath because it was published by Nintendo in the west. And now it comes out on PC also in the west.

That's exactly what it means and it's been like that since the inception of the terms.

If the manufacturer is funding it its a first party title

>You said the same thing about Octopath
Except no one did, more often than not you'd get something like
>why would we want shovelware like octopath!


Mario Maker has a very high chance of being GOTY for me, I loved the original to bits and this one seems like a straight-up upgrade in every way.
I'd be excited for Animal Crossing too, but I'm still not sure whether or not I'll get it. New Leaf was my first AC, and while I really liked it something about having to regularly invest time is dissuading me, I'm much busier nowadays and I'm not sure if I can handle such a time investment again.

that it.

That's not how it works.
If it's a third party game being funded by a bigger company then it's still third party.

>it was published by Nintendo in the west
no it wasn't

VR is the only remotely interesting Labo software and even that is not worth the price.

>Mario Maker 2
Will be getting, looks pretty solid

>Fire Emblem
Looks pretty shit from what we've seen and the series is continuing down its path of descent, although I still may pick it up eventually

>Astral Chain
Might pick up after seeing more information about it

Will probably get one of them, although like Fire Emblem the series has been on a downward descent for a while. Although this can't possibly be worse than Sun/Moon.

>Luigi's Mansion 3
Might get it, the first one was very short so it would be difficult to justify paying full price for this game if it's not packed with interesting content

>Animal Crossing
Could not give a shit, AC games are closer to part-time jobs than they are to video games

>Link's Awakening
The original was a masterpiece but I can already play that whenever I want and it still holds up for the most part without a remake. The remake requires a lot of additional content to warrant a purchase at full price.

mario maker and pokemon for sure.
Astral chain if it's actually good (but we don't know shit yet)
FE is a big MAYBE but it really needs to have an amazing, flawless game design to balance that horrendous "3Ds port" look.

He's confusing bravely for octopath.

Basically everything except pokemon and labo

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Mario Maker and Animal Crossing are instabuy
Astral Chain will depend on who it looks/reviews
The other games on the list I have 0 desire of buying

Bayonetta 3 is in development
Metroid Prime 4 is in development
Unannounced games are in development - nintendo also has a habit of not showing some of their games until they’re ready for release

Pokemon Fire Emblem Mario Maker 2. But mostly Mario Maker 2.

>Day One buy
Fire Emblem
Astral Chain
Link's Awakening
>Get it one day
Mario Maker 2
>Don't care

Astral Chain, Super Mario Maker 2 and Animal Crossing.

>How is it possible to make that few games
That's the most games any one company has put out in a year this gen user.

>>Don't care
you are why Pokemon go sleep was made!

I don't care. Pokemon is shit

Is daemon x machina still scheduled for 2019?
If the devs listened to the complaint of the test, it might be decent, and fresh considering how rare the genre is these days.

bayonetta is 2nd party game though

Modern game development requires a lot of time and money. Sony and Microsoft's first-party studios make even fewef games than Nintendo but those consoles also have support from major 3rd party developers so it pads out the release timeline.

>Fire Emblem
>Astral Chain
>Animal Crossing
>Daemon x Machina
>maybe UA3

>that fucking summer release list
I wouldn't even be mad if Fire Emblem would be delayed another time.

A Gamecube game used to take a significantly smaller team 2 years to make, Rare back in the day was a whole slew of small double digit teams, now it's 1 single triple digit team that takes 5 years to make a less ambitious game in a pre made engine.

I think that was supposed to be a shit pun

pokemon shield and sword technically arent first party titles

labo vr

It makes zero sense to think of Astral Chain as first-party but not Bayo, they share the exact same developer/publisher relationship.

most studios only release one game per year, or less. Unless it's yearly games that reuse the same engine like Ubisoft and EA shit.
Nintendo can produce nearly one game per months sometime, it's insane

Mario Maker 2, three houses, animal crossing and LM3.
Astral Chain isn’t first party

>animal crossing
>zelda because i have only played botw
>maybe luigis mansion if its good

All of them except pokemon

>cardboard shit
>enhanced port
>ps2 game
>weebshit by cuckmiya
>recycled cashgrab
>next level games
>could be nice
>recycled nostalgia with shitty art style

It was visually really nice but the control issues made it unfun, so I hope they fix that. The lack of a lock on or visual markers for the camera was ridiculous for tracking any sort of enemy mech. Iirc the shooting was a little dry as well

neither is fire emblem

delusional graphickek


>Day One buy
>Link's Awakening
just play the original

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The game is inherently fucked because it's being made by an amateur team with no vision, and it's being made in Unreal, you can right now compare it unfavourably to the visuals and performance of Bayonetta 2, this shouldn't be a thing, but because Marvelous have 0 standards it is. Game should have been announced this year, it should have been made in a proprietary engine for the Switch, and Nintendo should have had their staff playtest the game and leave notes. The only things it really needed were the option of high skill aiming that combines gyro with a predictive reticule like the one in freelancer, and more mech chassis so you can have something other than a biped.

>cardboard shit
yup, but with V R
>enhanced port
fuck yes
>ps2 game
gimmie that shit
day one buy
>recycled crashgrab
>next level games
comfy game
>could be nice

Mario Maker of course! Gonna be a must-own for Switch owners even ahead of stuff like Odyssey IMO. I never played original so quite eager to get stuck in. Dashie MM vids are some of my fav YT gameplays

Astral chain
Links awakening if they fix links face

This. Technically any game not produced by an in-house R&D team is second party, and there’s plenty that they use other developers for but you don’t know. Kind of like how Zelda Oracle of seasons/ages is by Capcom, Smash is a Sora/Namco team, F Zero GX was Sega. I think Luigi’s Mansion 3 is even by a smaller North American studio, since they did the second one.

Wait a second, how is this counting astral chain as first party but not bayo 3?
They are both

Mario Maker 2 more than anything else. Can't wait to get to it and make courses to share with my boys.

Astral Chain, maybe Daemon X Machina. The rest I either don't care about or just look bad. MUA3 looks kind of promising though.

*they are both made by the same developer

Oh wait I just remember it doesn't actually have a confirmed release date yet

I hope this E3 has a few "available... today" indies or even DLCs. Waiting for octopath's team next switch project too.

>the one game he likes is animal crossing
Nintendo niggas are different

Honestly DxM is fucked. It's sad but it simply cannot be unfucked from simple tweaks in controls. The overall structure of the game is boring

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Astral Chain for sure. Link's Awakening if I feel like spending 60 bucks for it. I'll wait for Luigi's reviews. I enjoyed 2 and haven't played 1, but they're pretty short games, and I don't really feel like replaying 2 and playing 1 any time soon. It's just OK.

Play 1 you soiboi beta male cuck.

Surely this is the year.

Also Fatal Frame 6.

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Make me, GCbaby

Bayonetta is Sega
It’s an Nintendo exclusive but still Sega
She’s featured in Sega’s SMT gacha

>Believing Tom Phillips lies

Pikmin 3 port is happening, 4 does not exist.

There's a 3ds port, and I will use my cumstream to force it up your butthole.

Pikmin is cursed now.
It will be a LABO set and you know it.

I've never really understood what kind of game Luigi's Mansion is.

it's kind of a puzzle game, you need to find the tricks to capture the ghosts. capturing more ghosts open more rooms until the last boss. you can play casually, you can aim for a 100% which isn't mendatory to finish, and you can aim for speed.

HEY spamming simulator

I think it's about hunting down ghosts with a vacuum cleaner, like ghost busters but with luigi

No we didn't, also there is a little detail: Octopath may be coming to PC, but will never come to another console.

Only Animal Crossing. They dropped the ball with friendless online for Mario Maker 2.

Why are they so scared of people making friends online?

Octopath was never first party title. Because nintendo only published it outside of japan but not in this country, SE still holded a level of control, but only for PC releases.

They don't want organized teams to steam roll vs casuals and kids. Of course they chose the worst system to avoid the problem, just like they removed the costumes to avoid 4 players to be fun in a confusing way.

Couldn't they just make a casual mode where you can play with friends and a ranked mode that's random only?

Evidently not

Astral chain and luigi's mansion 3

>REEEEEE why can't I play fuck em over mode with my friends REEEEEEE

Third party games I plan on getting

>Darksiders 1
>Darksiders 2

marry and reproduce

All of these titles except labo shit

you first

They implied a promising feature and then went fuck you. So I say fuck you back and not buy the game unless they add it in since they have no reason not to.

it's an action adventure game with rudimentary combat and a focus on environmental puzzles that kinda harken back to point and click games where you find what elements of the level can be interacted with and you manipulate them to progress

>ITT Mario Maker 2 disappointment

I told you they were going to fumble Mario Maker 2 and to lower your expectations. Every time I tried to warn you all, I got shouted down by rabid fanboys with miyamoto's dick hanging out of their mouth.

Who's laughing now?
Not me, because I wanted to be wrong.

They have a simple idea they know will be great and make money, and instead of just doing it, they instead go out of their way to fuck up several small things or something major. It's the Nintendo curse.

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>They implied a promising feature and then went fuck you.
no they didn't, coop with friends is there.

Astral Chain
Buying Sword so my cousins get Shield and we trade legendaries
MUA3 is 50% possible, depends on Inhumans and Fantastic 4 appearances
Luigi's Mansion 3
MAYBE I will get Link's Awakening AND Animal Crossing. MAYBE.

Removing costumes from Mario Maker 2 ensured that Nintendo will never ever see me buying it

Yes they did. They said online with others. Most would imply that included friends too. They were not specific enough in the direct.

yeah and you can play with friends

Metroid or fire emblem.

not online

prove it

>nintendo first party

>They were not specific enough in the direct.
you had a fucking drawing explaining how local worked. You are acting on pure bad faith there. showing your teeth to avoid facing facts.

local, not online

All of the are shit but here is my reaction if I was a faggot like you